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Steffen Hahn José A. Alves Kiril Bedev Joana S. Costa Tamara Emmenegger Martin Schulze Peter Tamm Pavel Zehtindjiev Kiran L. Dhanjal-Adams 《Ibis》2020,162(2):345-355
Across their ranges, different populations of migratory species often use separate routes to migrate between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Recent changes in climate and land-use have led to breeding range expansions in many species but it is unclear whether these populations also establish new migratory routes, non-breeding sites and migration phenology. Thus, we compared the migration patterns of European Bee-eaters Merops apiaster from two established western (n = 5) and eastern (n = 6) breeding populations in Europe, with those from a newly founded northern population (n = 19). We aimed to relate the breeding populations to the two known non-breeding clusters in Africa, and to test for similarities of migration routes and timing between the old and new populations. Western Bee-eaters used the western flyway to destinations in West Africa; the eastern birds uniformly headed south to southern African non-breeding sites, confirming a complete separation in time and space between these long-established populations. The recently founded northern population, however, also used a western corridor, but crossed the Mediterranean further east than the western population and overwintered mainly in a new non-breeding area in southern Congo/northern Angola. The migration routes and the new non-breeding range overlapped only slightly with the western, but not with the eastern, population. In contrast, migration phenology appeared to differ between the western and both the northern and the eastern populations, with tracked birds from the western population migrating 2–4 weeks earlier. The northern population thus shares some spatial traits with western Bee-eaters, but similar phenology only with eastern population. This divergence highlights the adjustments in the timing of migration to local environmental conditions in newly founded populations, and a parallel establishment of new breeding and non-breeding sites. 相似文献
Emily B. Cohen Clark R. Rushing Frank R. Moore Michael T. Hallworth Jeffrey A. Hostetler Mariamar Gutierrez Ramirez Peter P. Marra 《Ecography》2019,42(4):658-669
The strength of migratory connectivity is a measure of the cohesion of populations among phases of the annual cycle, including breeding, migration, and wintering. Many Nearctic‐Neotropical species have strong migratory connectivity between breeding and wintering phases of the annual cycle. It is less clear if this strength persists during migration when multiple endogenous and exogenous factors may decrease the cohesion of populations among routes or through time along the same routes. We sampled three bird species, American redstart Setophaga ruticilla, ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla, and wood thrush Hylocichla mustelina, during spring migration through the Gulf of Mexico region to test if breeding populations differentiate spatially among migration routes or temporally along the same migration routes and the extent to which within‐population timing is a function of sex, age, and carry‐over from winter habitat, as measured by stable carbon isotope values in claws (δ13C). To make quantitative comparisons of migratory connectivity possible, we developed and used new methodology to estimate the strength of migratory connectivity (MC) from probabilistic origin assignments identified using stable hydrogen isotopes in feathers (δ2H). We found support for spatial differentiation among routes by American redstarts and ovenbirds and temporal differentiation along routes by American redstarts. After controlling for breeding origin, the timing of American redstart migration differed among ages and sexes and ovenbird migration timing was influenced by carry‐over from winter habitat. The strength of migratory connectivity did not differ among the three species, with each showing weak breeding‐to‐spring migration MC relative to prior assessments of breeding‐wintering connectivity. Our work begins to fill an essential gap in methodology and understanding of the extent to which populations remain together during migration, information critical for a full annual cycle perspective on the population dynamics and conservation of migratory animals. 相似文献
Luis Gimenez 《Ecography》2019,42(4):643-657
Dispersal and migration can be important drivers of species distributions. Because the paths followed by individuals of many species are curvilinear, spatial statistical models based on rectilinear coordinates systems would fail to predict population connectivity or the ecological consequences of migration or species invasions. I propose that we view migration/dispersal as if organisms were moving along curvilinear geometrical objects called smooth manifolds. In that view, the curvilinear pathways become the ‘shortest realised paths’ arising from the necessity to minimise mortality risks and energy costs. One can then define curvilinear coordinate systems on such manifolds. I describe a procedure to incorporate manifolds and define appropriate coordinate systems, with focus on trajectories (1D manifolds), as parts of mechanistic ecological models. I show how a statistical method, known as ‘manifold learning’, enables one to define the manifold and the appropriate coordinate systems needed to calculate population connectivity or study the effects of migrations (e.g. in aquatic invertebrates, fish, insects and birds). This approach may help in the design of networks of protected areas, in studying the consequences of invasion, range expansions, or transfer of parasites/diseases. Overall, a geometrical view to animal movement gives a novel perspective to the understanding of the ecological role of dispersal and migration. 相似文献
S. Fox I. Foisy R. De La Parra Venegas B. E. Galván Pastoriza R. T. Graham E. R. Hoffmayer J. Holmberg S. J. Pierce 《Journal of fish biology》2013,83(3):574-587
There were 479 reported whale shark Rhincodon typus encounters between 1999 and 2011 at the island of Utila, which forms part of the Meso‐American Barrier Reef System (MBRS) in the western Caribbean Sea. The majority of R. typus were found to feed on small bait fish associated with various tuna species. Ninety‐five individual R. typus, ranging from 2 to 11 m total length (LT), were identified through their unique spot patterns. A significant male bias (65%) was present. There was no significant difference between the mean ± s.d . LT of female (6·66 ± 1·65 m) and male (6·25 ± 1·60 m) R. typus. Most R. typus were transient to Utila, with 78% sighted only within a single calendar year, although some individuals were sighted in up to 5 years. Mean residency time was modelled to be 11·76 days using maximum likelihood methods. 相似文献
As range shifts coincident with climate change have become increasingly well documented, efforts to describe the causes of range boundaries have increased. Three mechanisms—genetic impoverishment, migration load, or a physical barrier to dispersal—are well described theoretically, but the data needed to distinguish among them have rarely been collected. We describe the distribution, abundance, genetic variation, and environment of Tetraclita rubescens, an intertidal barnacle that expanded its northern range limit by several hundreds of kilometres from San Francisco, CA, USA, since the 1970s. We compare geographic variation in abundance with abiotic and biotic patterns, including sea surface temperatures and the distributions of 387 co‐occurring species, and describe genetic variation in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, mitochondrial noncoding region, and nine microsatellite loci from 27 locations between Bahia Magdalena (California Baja Sur, Mexico) and Cape Mendocino (CA, USA). We find very high gene flow, high genetic diversity, and a gradient in physical environmental variation coincident with the range limit. We infer that the primary cause of the northern range boundary in T. rubescens is migration load arising from flow of maladapted alleles into peripheral locations and that environmental change, which could have reduced selection against genotypes immigrating into the newly colonized portion of the range, is the most likely cause of the observed range expansion. Because environmental change could similarly affect all taxa in a region whose distributional limits are established by migration load, these mechanisms may be common causes of range boundaries and largely synchronous multi‐species range expansions. 相似文献
In this quantitative study of locational and social dispersal at the individual level, we show that bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) continued to use their natal home ranges well into adulthood. Despite substantial home range overlap, mother–offspring associations decreased after weaning, particularly for sons. These data provide strong evidence for bisexual locational philopatry and mother–son avoidance in bottlenose dolphins. While bisexual locational philopatry offers the benefits of familiar social networks and foraging habitats, the costs of philopatry may be mitigated by reduced mother–offspring association, in which the risk of mother–daughter resource competition and mother–son mating is reduced. Our study highlights the advantages of high fission–fusion dynamics and longitudinal studies, and emphasizes the need for clarity when describing dispersal in this and other species. 相似文献
《Evolutionary Applications》2017,10(5):444-461
Current debates about the efficacy of no‐take marine reserves (MR) in protecting large pelagic fish such as tuna and sharks have usually not considered the evolutionary dimension of this issue, which emerges because the propensity to swim away from a given place, like any other biological trait, will probably vary in a heritable fashion among individuals. Here, based on spatially explicit simulations, we investigated whether selection to remain in MRs to avoid higher fishing mortality can lead to the evolution of more philopatric fish. Our simulations, which covered a range of life histories among tuna species (skipjack tuna vs. Atlantic bluefin tuna) and shark species (great white sharks vs. spiny dogfish), suggested that MRs were most effective at maintaining viable population sizes when movement distances were lowest. Decreased movement rate evolved following the establishment of marine reserves, and this evolution occurred more rapidly with higher fishing pressure. Evolutionary reductions in movement rate led to increases in within‐reserve population sizes over the course of the 50 years following MR establishment, although this varied among life histories, with skipjack responding fastest and great white sharks slowest. Our results suggest the evolution of decreased movement can augment the efficacy of marine reserves, especially for species, such as skipjack tuna, with relatively short generation times. Even when movement rates did not evolve substantially over 50 years (e.g., given long generation times or little heritable variation), marine reserves were an effective tool for the conservation of fish populations when mean movement rates were low or MRs were large. 相似文献
Site fidelity has been widely discussed, but rarely been related explicitly to a species’ social context. This is surprising,
as fine-scale site fidelity constitutes an important structural component in animal societies by setting limits to an individual’s
social interaction space. The study of fine-scale site fidelity is complicated by the fact that it is inextricably linked
to patterns of habitat use. We here document fine-scale site fidelity in the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) striving to disentangle these two aspects of spatial behaviour. Regardless of sex and age, all individuals used small, cohesive
home ranges, which were stable in size across the reproductive and non-reproductive season. Home ranges showed a large individual
component and did not primarily reflect age- or sex-specific habitat requirements. Site specificity could be illustrated up
to a resolution of several metres. Long-term site fidelity was indicated by home range persistence over 3 years and the degree
of site fidelity was unaffected by habitat, but showed seasonal differences: it was lower between reproductive and non-reproductive
periods than between reproductive seasons. We further examined static and social interaction within mother–offspring pairs,
which constitute a central social unit in most mammalian societies. Regardless of the occupied habitat type, adult females
with offspring had smaller home range sizes than non-breeding females, demonstrating the importance of spatial predictability
for mother–offspring pairs that recurrently have to reunite after females’ foraging sojourns. While social interaction with
the mother dropped to naught in both sexes after weaning, analysis of static interaction suggested female-biased home range
inheritance. Dispersal decisions were apparently not based on habitat quality, but determined by the offspring’s sex. We discuss
the implication of observed fine-scale site fidelity patterns on habitat use, dispersal decisions and social structure in
colonial breeding pinnipeds. 相似文献
BEN J. EVANS JUAN CARLOS MORALES JATNA SUPRIATNA DON J. MELNICK 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1999,66(4):539-560
One of the sharpest biogeographical transitions in the world occurs between the Indonesian islands of Borneo and Sulawesi; this transition is demarcated by Wallace's line. Macaque monkeys represent an interesting anomaly to faunal distributions in this region as they occur on both sides of Wallace's line, with Macacafascicularis, M. nemestrina and other species to the west and seven Sulawesi species to the east. We have investigated macaque evolution and dispersal in the Sunda region and Sulawesi using phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences. Female philopatry of macaques, which causes sharp geographic clustering of maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA haplotypes, makes mitochondrial phytogenies particularly useful for investigating ancient patterns of dispersal. Results of this study suggest the following: (1) M. fascicularis is not a sister taxon to any species of Sulawesi macaque; (2) haplotypes of some M. nemestrina have a sister relationship to northern and central Sulawesi macaques, while haplotypes of other M. nemestrina have a sister relationship to soudiern Sulawesi macaques; (3) Sulawesi was probably colonized by macaques twice, once to the base of the northern peninsula now occupied by M. hecki and once to the southwestern peninsula now occupied by M, mama; and (4) within north/central and southern Sulawesi, patterns of dispersal are largely consistent with contemporary and past geography of the island, with the exception of a geographically discontinuous relationship between M. nigra and a portion of M. tonkeana from a region in northwest central Sulawesi. 相似文献
K.J. Gaston 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2009,276(1661):1391-1393
Understanding the forms that the geographic range limits of species take, their causes and their consequences are key issues in ecology and evolutionary biology. They are also topics on which understanding is advancing rapidly. This themed issue of Proc. R. Soc. B focuses on the wide variety of current research perspectives on the nature and determinants of the limits to geographic ranges. The contributions address important themes, including the roles and influences of dispersal limitation, species interactions and physiological limitation, the broad patterns in the structure of geographic ranges, and the fundamental question of why at some point species no longer evolve the ability to overcome the factors constraining their distributions and thus fail to continue to spread. In this introduction, these contributions are placed in the wider context of these broad themes. 相似文献
Integrating individual behaviour and landscape genetics: the population structure of timber rattlesnake hibernacula 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
Individuals of many species show high levels of fidelity to natal populations, often due to reliance on patchily distributed habitat features. In many of these species, the negative impacts of inbreeding are mitigated through specialized behaviours such as seasonal mating dispersal. Quantifying population structure for species with these characteristics can potentially elucidate social and environmental factors that interact to affect mating behaviour and population connectivity. In the northern part of their range, timber rattlesnakes are communal hibernators with high natal philopatry. Individuals generally recruit to the same hibernaculum as their mother and remain faithful to that hibernaculum throughout their lives. We examined the genetic structure of Crotalus horridus hibernacula in the northeastern USA using microsatellite loci. Sampled hibernacula exhibited only modest levels of differentiation, indicating a significant level of gene flow among them. We found no significant correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance, but did find significant positive correlation between genetic differentiation and a cost-based distance metric adjusted to include the amount of potential basking habitat between hibernacula. Therefore, thermoregulation sites may increase gene flow by increasing the potential for contact among individuals from different populations. Parentage analyses confirmed high levels of philopatry of both sexes to their maternal hibernaculum; however, approximately one-third of paternity assignments involved individuals between hibernacula, confirming that gene flow among hibernacula occurs largely through seasonal male mating dispersal. Our results underscore the importance of integrating individual-level behaviours and landscape features with studies of fine-scale population genetics in species with high fidelity to patchily distributed habitats. 相似文献
Sexual differences in herding behaviour ofAfrican buffalo (Syncerus caffer) werestudied by analysing at the herd levelmitochondrial D-loop hypervariable region I andfourteen autosomal microsatellites. Three herdsfrom Arusha National Park in Tanzania wereanalysed with mtDNA and five herds from KrugerNational Park in South Africa with mtDNA andmicrosatellites. Significant mtDNAdifferentiation was observed among herds inArusha NP (FST = 0.12, based on haplotypefrequencies). Assignment tests withmicrosatellite data from Kruger NP showed thatmost frequent migration between herds is bymales two years. This was confirmed bytests for herd differentiation and analyseswith Lynch and Ritland's relatedness estimator.Within a herd, males younger than two years andfemales showed a higher relationship through acommon father rather than a common mother,indicating that female herd members mate withonly a few dominant males. This in turnsuggests a female:male sex ratio larger than5:1. The migration rate per generation betweenherds was estimated to be 5–2% for femalesand close to 100% for males. Finally, theimplications for the management of buffalopopulations are being discussed. 相似文献
Hany Alonso Ricardo A. Correia Ana Teresa Marques Jorge M. Palmeirim Francisco Moreira João Paulo Silva 《Ibis》2020,162(2):279-292
Migratory decisions, such as the selection of stopover sites, are critical for the success of post-breeding migratory movements and subsequent survival. Recent advances in bio-logging have revealed the stopover strategies of many long-distance migrants, but far less attention has been given to short-distance migrants. We investigated the stopover ecology of an endangered grassland bird, the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax, a short-distance migrant in Iberia. Using high-resolution spatial GPS/GSM data, 27 male Little Bustards breeding in southern Portugal were tracked between 2009 and 2011. We studied post-breeding movements using Dynamic Brownian Bridge models to identify the main stopover sites, and generalized linear mixed models to examine habitat selection in stopovers. During their post-breeding movements, males were essentially nocturnal migrants, making frequent stopovers while maintaining a relatively fast pace to reach more productive agricultural post-breeding areas. Stopovers occurred in most post-breeding movements (83%) regardless of the total distance covered (average 64.3 km), and most stopovers (84%) lasted less than 24 h. Birds used mostly agricultural non-irrigated and irrigated croplands as stopover sites and avoided other land uses and rugged terrain. There was a negative relationship between stopovers and the proximity to roads, but not to power lines. The high frequency of stopovers during post-breeding movements, despite the short distances travelled, together with the nocturnal migratory behaviour of bustards, may impose additional risks to a bird mainly threatened by collision with power lines in non-breeding areas. We also conclude that even for short-distance migrants, habitat connectivity between breeding and post-breeding areas is likely to be a key conservation concern. 相似文献
The population decline of the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni has been the subject of studies across its Western Palaearctic breeding range, but little is known about its use of pre‐migratory areas or African wintering quarters. We used geolocators to describe the temporal and spatial patterns of Portuguese Lesser Kestrel migration and wintering behaviour. Data on the complete migration were obtained from four individuals and another three provided further information. Prior to southward migration, Lesser Kestrels showed two different behaviours: northward‐orientated movements to Spain and movements in the proximity of the breeding area. Autumn migration took place mostly in late September; spring departures occurred mainly in the first half of February. Wintering grounds included Senegal, Mauritania and Mali, with individuals overlapping considerably in Senegal. Movements registered within the wintering grounds suggest itinerant behaviour in relation to local flushes of prey. During spring migration, birds crossed the Sahara Desert through Mauritania, Western Sahara and Morocco before passing over the Mediterranean to reach Portugal. Autumn migration lasted 4.8 ± 1.1 days, and spring migration lasted 4.1 ± 0.3 days. The mean daily flight range varied between approximately 300 and 850 km for an entire journey of around 2500 km. Effective protection of roosting sites in both pre‐migratory and wintering areas and maintaining grasshopper populations in Sahelian wintering quarters appear crucial in preserving this threatened migratory raptor across its African–Eurasian flyway. There was no evidence of any deleterious effects of fitting birds with loggers. 相似文献
Staffan Bensch Dennis Hasselquist Bo Nielsen Bengt Hansson 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1998,52(3):877-883
To compare the fitness of philopatric and immigrant individuals we examined the lifetime reproductive success of 116 male and 137 female great reed warblers. The study was carried out in a semi-isolated population in Sweden and covered breeding adults hatched between 1985 and 1993. Lifetime fitness, measured as life time number of fledglings and offspring recruits, was lower for immigrant than for philopatric males. We found no such relationships for females. The difference in reproductive success could not be explained by immigrant males having lower phenotypic quality because they had similar life span, spring arrival date, and territory quality as philopatric males. The lower lifetime fitness among immigrant than philopatric males appeared to result from reduced mating success. This suggests that females are reluctant to mate with immigrant males despite their apparently similar phenotypic quality. Though it is not known whether females gain in fitness by avoiding matings with immigrant males, it is notable that immigrant males have smaller song repertoires than philopatric males. Large repertoires, previously shown to sexually arouse great reed warbler females, correlate with the occurrence of extrapair paternity and postfledging survival of offspring in our population. 相似文献
1. Prospecting non-breeding individuals have been shown to collect information on breeding sites a year ahead of breeding, but whether experienced breeders prospect future breeding sites is less well-known. Using data on post-breeding movements and between-year site shifts from a long-term population study of the migratory northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe L.), we investigated (1) whether breeding territory selection of experienced breeders was a two-step process, made partly in the post-breeding period and partly at the time of territory establishment in the subsequent year; (2) predictions of which factors and cues correlate to site shifts at these two selection periods; and (3) consequences of territory shifts. 2. Many wheatears stayed close to their breeding site during the post-breeding period, but about 20% shifted to new potential breeding sites. Males that shifted to a new post-breeding location were also more likely to shift territory between years. 3. Factors linked to site shifts differed in the two investigated episodes of site selection. Post-breeding site shifts were linked to an environmental predictor of individual fitness, which is also related to foraging conditions (i.e. wheatears moved from tall to short field layers). Post-breeding site shifts, however, were not more frequent among young and failed breeders which may benefit most from prospecting for alternative breeding sites. Instead, in line with predictions of improving breeding conditions between-year site shifts were more frequent among young (only males) and failed breeders, whereas the link to territory field layer height disappeared. 4. Young males occupied more attractive sites and were more likely to breed successfully in year t + 1, but this improvement could also be expected from random choice. 5. Our results suggest that even though site shifts are determined partly during the post-breeding period, post-breeding movements of experienced breeders may be costly, especially when the breeding site is also a good foraging and moulting site in the post-breeding season. Under such circumstances an individual's choice of breeding site may often be determined at arrival in the subsequent year. 相似文献
Group dynamics of humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Algoa Bay region, South Africa 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Leszek Karczmarski † 《Journal of Zoology》1999,249(3):283-293