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The Rule of Double Effect (RDE) holds that it may be permissible to harm an individual while acting for the sake of a proportionate good, given that the harm is not an intended means to the good but merely a foreseen side‐effect. Although frequently used in medical ethical reasoning, the rule has been repeatedly questioned in the past few decades. However, Daniel Sulmasy, a proponent who has done a lot of work lately defending the RDE, has recently presented a reformulated and more detailed version of the rule. Thanks to its greater precision, this reinvented RDE avoids several problems thought to plague the traditional RDE. Although an improvement compared with the traditional version, we argue that Sulmasy's reinvented RDE will not stand closer scrutiny. Not only has the range of proper applicability narrowed significantly, but, more importantly, Sulmasy fails to establish that there is a morally relevant distinction between intended and foreseen effects. In particular, he fails to establish that there is any distinction that can account for the alleged moral difference between sedation therapy and euthanasia.  相似文献   

New ecological niches that may arise due to climate change can trigger diversification, but their colonisation often requires adaptations in a suite of life‐history traits. We test this hypothesis in species‐rich Mycalesina butterflies that have undergone parallel radiations in Africa, Asia, and Madagascar. First, our ancestral state reconstruction of habitat preference, using c. 85% of extant species, revealed that early forest‐linked lineages began to invade seasonal savannahs during the late Miocene‐Pliocene. Second, rearing replicate pairs of forest and savannah species from the African and Malagasy radiation in a common garden experiment, and utilising published data from the Asian radiation, demonstrated that savannah species consistently develop faster, have smaller bodies, higher fecundity with an earlier investment in reproduction, and reduced longevity, compared to forest species across all three radiations. We argue that time‐constraints for reproduction favoured the evolution of a faster pace‐of‐life in savannah species that facilitated their persistence in seasonal habitats.  相似文献   

Dynamic material flow analysis enables the forecasting of secondary raw material potential for waste volumes in future periods, by assessing past, present, and future stocks and flows of materials in the anthroposphere. Analyses of waste streams of buildings stocks are uncertain with respect to data and model structure. Wood construction in Viennese buildings serve as a case study to compare different modeling approaches for determining end‐of‐life (EoL) wood and corresponding contaminant flows (lead, chlorine, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). A delayed input and a leaching stock modeling approach are used to determine wood stocks and flows from 1950 until 2100. Cross‐checking with independent estimates and sensitivity analyses are used to evaluate the results’ plausibility. In the situation of the given data in the present case study, the delay approach is a better choice for historical observations of EoL wood and for analyses at a substance level. It has some major drawbacks for future predictions at the goods level, though, as the durability of a large number of historical buildings with considerably higher wood content is not reflected in the model. The wood content parameter differs strongly for the building periods and has therefore the highest influence on the results. Based on this knowledge, general recommendations can be derived for analyses on waste flows of buildings at a goods and substance level.  相似文献   

Cultural competence, a clinical skill to recognise patients' cultural and religious beliefs, is an integral element in patient‐centred medical practice. In the area of death and dying, physicians' understanding of patients' and families' values is essential for the delivery of culturally appropriate care. Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition marked by the decline of cognitive functions. When the condition progresses and deteriorates, patients with advanced dementia often have eating and swallowing problems and are at high risk of developing malnutrition. Enteral tube feeding is a conventional means of providing artificial nutrition and hydration to meet nutritional needs, but its benefits to the frail population are limitedly shown in the clinical evidence. Forgoing tube feeding is ethically challenging when patients are mentally incompetent and in the absence of an advance directive. Unlike some developed countries, like the United States of America, death and dying is a sensitive issue or even a taboo in some cultures in developing countries that forgoing enteral tube feeding is clinically and ethically challenging, such as China and Malaysia. This article in three parts 1) discusses the clinical and ethical issues related to forgoing tube feeding among patients with advanced dementia, 2) describes how Hong Kong Chinese, North American, and Malaysian Islamic cultures respond differently in the decision‐making patterns of forgoing tube feeding for patients with advanced dementia, and 3) reiterates the clinical implications of cultural competence in end‐of‐life care.  相似文献   

Plants, as sessile organisms, have acquired through evolution sophisticated regulatory signal pathways to overcome external variable factors during each stage of the life cycle. Among these regulatory signals, two pathways in particular, reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species, have become of significant interest in several aspects of plant biology, underpinning these molecules as critical regulators during development, cellular differentiation, and plant‐pathogen interaction. Recently, redox posttranslational modifications (PTM), such as S‐nitrosylation on cysteine residues and tyrosine nitration, have shed light on multiple protein targets, as they are associated with signal networks/downstream metabolic pathways, capable of transducing the imbalance of redox hemostasis and consequently redirecting the biochemical status under stress conditions. However, most of the redox PTM have been studied only in the intracellular compartment, providing limited information concerning redox PTM in the extracellular matrix of plant cells. Nevertheless, recent studies have indicated the plausibility of redox PTM in extracellular proteins, including cell wall associated proteins. Accordingly, in this review, we endeavor to examine evidence of redox PTM supported by mass spectrometry data in the intracellular and extracellular space in plant cells. As a further example, we focus the last section of this review on illustrating, using molecular dynamics simulation, the effect of S‐nitrosylation on the structural conformation of well‐known cell wall‐associated proteins including pectin methylesterase and xyloglucan endo‐transglycosylases.  相似文献   

Oral health‐related quality of life in patients receiving home‐care nursing: associations with aspects of dental status and xerostomia Objective: To explore the differences in oral status, dental attendance and dry mouth problems between patients with long‐term disease with high and low scores on Oral Health Impact Profile 14 (OHIP 14) and how patients cope with oral problems such as xerostomia and a reduced ability to brush their teeth. Background: There has been a lack of studies of oral health and oral health‐related quality of life in the frail elderly within the community services. Materials and methods: A cross‐sectional questionnaire study was conducted with 137 patients receiving home‐care nursing. Structured interviews were conducted by student nurses using OHIP‐14, items from the Xerostomia Inventory and questions concerning dental visit habits, brushing of teeth and data from medical records. Results: Eighty‐three per cent of patients had natural teeth and 60% had only natural teeth. ‘Natural teeth only’ indicated a low score on OHIP‐14. Problems with brushing and items concerning xerostomia indicated a high score on OHIP‐14. Contrasts in the assessments concerning brushing of teeth and xerostomia indicated low priority from the patients themselves and the nursing staff. Conclusion: Community health services should focus upon oral health. Both patients and nurses should assess the need for regular brushing of teeth carried out by home‐care nurses. Assessment and treatment of dry mouth problems should have higher priority.  相似文献   

Introduction – Aconitum szechenyianum Gay. is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb with the detumescent and styptic effects and antitumor activity. There have been only a few researches on its chemical components, but no detailed report has appeared on its fatty acids. Objective – To develop a simple and effective method for the extraction of fatty acids from A. zechenyianum Gay. and then to investigate the fatty acid components. Methodology – Microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE) was optimized with response surface methodology, and the fatty acid compositions of extract were determined by GC–MS with previous derivatisation to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). The results were compared with that obtained by classical Soxhlet extraction (SE). Results – Compared with SE, MAE showed significantly higher fatty acid yields, shorter extraction time, and lower energy and solvent consumption. The major fatty acids in A. szechenyianum Gay. are linoleic acid, palmitic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid and stearic acid, and the unsaturated fatty acids occupy 66.4% of the total fatty acids. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The identification of field mice Apodemus flavicollis, Apodemus sylvaticus, and Apodemus alpicola represents a challenge for field scientists due to their highly overlapping morphological traits and habitats. Here, we propose a new fast real‐time PCR method to discriminate the three species by species‐specific TaqMan assays. Primers and probes were designed based on the alignment of 54 cyt‐b partial sequences from 25 different European countries retrieved from GenBank. TaqMan assays were then tested on 133 samples from three different areas of Italy. Real‐time PCR analysis showed 92 samples classified as A. flavicollis, 13 as A. sylvaticus, and 28 as A. alpicola. We did not observe any double amplification and DNA sequencing confirmed species assignment obtained by the TaqMan assays. The method is implementable on different matrices (ear tissues, tail, and blood). It can be used on dead specimens or on alive animals with minimally invasive sampling, and given the high sensitivity, the assay may be also suitable for degraded or low‐DNA samples. The method proved to work well to discriminate between the species analyzed. Furthermore, it gives clear results (amplified or not) and it does not require any postamplification handling of PCR product, reducing the time needed for the analyses and the risk of carryover contamination. It therefore represents a valuable tool for field ecologists, conservationists, and epidemiologists.  相似文献   

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