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Agricultural expansion has resulted in both land use and land cover change (LULCC) across the tropics. However, the spatial and temporal patterns of such change and their resulting impacts are poorly understood, particularly for the presatellite era. Here, we quantify the LULCC history across the 33.9 million ha watershed of Tanzania's Eastern Arc Mountains, using geo‐referenced and digitized historical land cover maps (dated 1908, 1923, 1949 and 2000). Our time series from this biodiversity hotspot shows that forest and savanna area both declined, by 74% (2.8 million ha) and 10% (2.9 million ha), respectively, between 1908 and 2000. This vegetation was replaced by a fivefold increase in cropland, from 1.2 million ha to 6.7 million ha. This LULCC implies a committed release of 0.9 Pg C (95% CI: 0.4–1.5) across the watershed for the same period, equivalent to 0.3 Mg C ha?1 yr?1. This is at least threefold higher than previous estimates from global models for the same study area. We then used the LULCC data from before and after protected area creation, as well as from areas where no protection was established, to analyse the effectiveness of legal protection on land cover change despite the underlying spatial variation in protected areas. We found that, between 1949 and 2000, forest expanded within legally protected areas, resulting in carbon uptake of 4.8 (3.8–5.7) Mg C ha?1, compared to a committed loss of 11.9 (7.2–16.6) Mg C ha?1 within areas lacking such protection. Furthermore, for nine protected areas where LULCC data are available prior to and following establishment, we show that protection reduces deforestation rates by 150% relative to unprotected portions of the watershed. Our results highlight that considerable LULCC occurred prior to the satellite era, thus other data sources are required to better understand long‐term land cover trends in the tropics.  相似文献   

Forests often rebound from deforestation following industrialization and urbanization, but for many regions our understanding of where and when forest transitions happened, and how they affected carbon budgets remains poor. One such region is Eastern Europe, where political and socio‐economic conditions changed drastically over the last three centuries, but forest trends have not yet been analyzed in detail. We present a new assessment of historical forest change in the European part of the former Soviet Union and the legacies of these changes on contemporary carbon stocks. To reconstruct forest area, we homogenized statistics at the provincial level for ad 1700–2010 to identify forest transition years and forest trends. We contrast our reconstruction with the KK11 and HYDE 3.1 land change scenarios, and use all three datasets to drive the LPJ dynamic global vegetation model to calculate carbon stock dynamics. Our results revealed that forest transitions in Eastern Europe occurred predominantly in the early 20th century, substantially later than in Western Europe. We also found marked geographic variation in forest transitions, with some areas characterized by relatively stable or continuously declining forest area. Our data suggest extensive deforestation in European Russia already prior to ad 1700, and even greater deforestation in the 18th and 19th centuries than in the KK11 and HYDE scenarios. Based on our reconstruction, cumulative carbon emissions from deforestation were greater before 1700 (60 Pg C) than thereafter (29 Pg C). Summed over our entire study area, forest transitions led to a modest uptake in carbon over recent decades, with our dataset showing the smallest effect (<5.5 Pg C) and a more heterogeneous pattern of source and sink regions. This suggests substantial sequestration potential in regrowing forests of the region, a trend that may be amplified through ongoing land abandonment, climate change, and CO2 fertilization.  相似文献   

Carbon emissions from land‐use changes in tropical dry forest systems are poorly understood, although they are likely globally significant. The South American Chaco has recently emerged as a hot spot of agricultural expansion and intensification, as cattle ranching and soybean cultivation expand into forests, and as soybean cultivation replaces grazing lands. Still, our knowledge of the rates and spatial patterns of these land‐use changes and how they affected carbon emissions remains partial. We used the Landsat satellite image archive to reconstruct land‐use change over the past 30 years and applied a carbon bookkeeping model to quantify how these changes affected carbon budgets. Between 1985 and 2013, more than 142 000 km2 of the Chaco's forests, equaling 20% of all forest, was replaced by croplands (38.9%) or grazing lands (61.1%). Of those grazing lands that existed in 1985, about 40% were subsequently converted to cropland. These land‐use changes resulted in substantial carbon emissions, totaling 824 Tg C between 1985 and 2013, and 46.2 Tg C for 2013 alone. The majority of these emissions came from forest‐to‐grazing‐land conversions (68%), but post‐deforestation land‐use change triggered an additional 52.6 Tg C. Although tropical dry forests are less carbon‐dense than moist tropical forests, carbon emissions from land‐use change in the Chaco were similar in magnitude to those from other major tropical deforestation frontiers. Our study thus highlights the urgent need for an improved monitoring of the often overlooked tropical dry forests and savannas, and more broadly speaking the value of the Landsat image archive for quantifying carbon fluxes from land change.  相似文献   

This study assesses the presence of a forest transition – that is, a shift from net deforestation to net reforestation – in Vietnam during the 1990s, and describes its key attributes relevant for global environmental change issues. Using Fuzzy Kappa and other indicators, we compared forest cover estimates and spatial patterns from global and national land cover maps from the early and late 1990s, and compiled other available statistics for years before and after that period. This showed that a forest transition indeed occurred in Vietnam: the forest cover dropped to 25–31% of the country area in 1991–1993, and then increased to 32–37% in 1999–2001. The reforestation occurred at a higher rate than deforestation in the previous decades, and was due in similar proportions, to natural forest regeneration and to planted forests. The carbon stock in forests followed a similar transition, decreasing to 903 (770–1307) Tg C in 1991–1993, and then increasing to 1374 (1058–1744) Tg C in 2005. However, forest density declined during the same period, with an increasing proportion of young and degraded forests. The effects on habitats measured with landscape pattern indices were contrasted: in several regions, the reforestation decreased forest fragmentation, while in others, clearing of old‐growth forests continued and/or forest fragmentation increased. This shows that a transition in forest area is not sufficient to rehabilitate the different ecosystem functions and services of forests. Other forest transitions exist in Tropical Asia and in Latin America. Knowledge about the causes, pattern and environmental impacts of the forest transition in Vietnam is therefore relevant to understand possible emerging regional trends that would have implications for global environmental change.  相似文献   

Forest biomass plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Therefore, understanding the factors that control forest biomass stocks and dynamics is a key challenge in the context of global change. We analyzed data from 60 forest plots in the subtropical Andes (22–27.5° S and 300–2300 m asl) to describe patterns and identify drivers of aboveground biomass (AGB) stocks and dynamics. We found that AGB stocks remained roughly constant with elevation due to compensating changes in basal area (which increased with elevation) and plot‐mean wood specific gravity (which decreased with elevation). AGB gain and loss rates both decreased with elevation and were explained mainly by temperature and rainfall (positive effects on both AGB gains and losses). AGB gain was also correlated with forest‐use history and weakly correlated with forest structure. Mean annual temperature and rainfall showed minor effects on AGB stocks and AGB change (gains minus losses) over recent decades. Although AGB change was only weakly correlated with climate variables, increases in AGB gains and losses with increasing rainfall—together with observed increases in rainfall in the subtropical Andes—suggest that these forests may become increasingly dynamic in the future. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material  相似文献   

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) requires developing countries to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forests in a manner that is robust, transparent, and as accurate as possible. Although shifting cultivation is a dominant practice in several developing countries, there is still very limited information available on how to monitor this land‐use practice for REDD+ as little is known about the areas of shifting cultivation or the net carbon balance. In this study, we propose and test a methodology to monitor the effect of the shifting cultivation on above‐ground carbon stocks. We combine multiyear remote sensing information, taken from a 12‐year period, with an in‐depth community forest carbon stock inventory in Palo Seco Forest Reserve, western Panama. Using remote sensing, we were able to separate four forest classes expressing different forest‐use intensity and time‐since‐intervention, which demonstrate expected trends in above‐ground carbon stocks. The addition of different interventions observed over time is shown to be a good predictor, with remote sensing variables explaining 64.2% of the variation in forest carbon stocks in cultivated landscapes. Multitemporal and multispectral medium‐resolution satellite imagery is shown to be adequate for tracking land‐use dynamics of the agriculture‐fallow cycle. The results also indicate that, over time, shifting cultivation has a transitory effect on forest carbon stocks in the study area. This is due to the rapid recovery of forest carbon stocks, which results in limited net emissions. Finally, community participation yielded important additional benefits to measuring carbon stocks, including transparency and the valorization of local knowledge for biodiversity monitoring. Our study provides important inputs regarding shifting cultivation, which should be taken into consideration when national forest monitoring systems are created, given the context of REDD+ safeguards.  相似文献   

We use Landsat TM time series data for the years of 1991/1992, 1995/1996 and 1999/2000 to characterize land-cover change in northeast China. With the information on land-cover change and the density of vegetation and soil carbon, we assess the potential effect of land-cover change on vegetation and soil carbon in this region. Our results show a large decrease of 2.76(104km2 in forest area and a rapid increase of 2.32(104km2 in urban area. Land-cover changes in northeast China have resulted in a potential maximum loss of 273.2 Tg C for the period of 1991-2000, with a net loss of 95.7 Tg C in vegetation and 177.5Tg C in soil. . The conversion of forests into other land-cover types could have potentially resulted in a loss of 254.6 Tg C for the study period, accounting for 68.8% of the total potential carbon loss in the northeast China. To quantify the net effect of land-cover change on carbon storage will require accounting for vegetation regrowth and soil processes. Our results also imply that forest protectionand reforestation are of critical importance to carbon sequestration in China.  相似文献   

Knowledge of soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics following deforestation or reforestation is essential for evaluating carbon (C) budgets and cycle at regional or global scales. Worldwide land‐use changes involving conversion of vegetation with different photosynthetic pathways (e.g. C3 and C4) offer a unique opportunity to quantify SOM decomposition rate and its response to climatic conditions using stable isotope techniques. We synthesized the results from 131 sites (including 87 deforestation observations and 44 reforestation observations) which were compiled from 36 published papers in the literatures as well as our observations in China's Qinling Mountains. Based on the 13C natural abundance analysis, we evaluated the dynamics of new and old C in top soil (0–20 cm) following land‐use change and analyzed the relationships between soil organic C (SOC) decomposition rates and climatic factors. We found that SOC decomposition rates increased significantly with mean annual temperature and precipitation in the reforestation sites, and they were not related to any climatic factor in deforestation sites. The mean annual temperature explained 56% of variation in SOC decomposition rates by exponential model (y = 0.0014e0.1395x) in the reforestation sites. The proportion of new soil C increased following deforestation and reforestation, whereas the old soil C showed an opposite trend. The proportion of new soil C exceeded the proportion of old soil C after 45.4 years' reforestation and 43.4 years' deforestation, respectively. The rates of new soil C accumulation increased significantly with mean annual precipitation and temperature in the reforestation sites, yet only significantly increased with mean annual precipitation in the deforestation sites. Overall, our study provides evidence that SOC decomposition rates vary with temperature and precipitation, and thereby implies that global warming may accelerate SOM decomposition.  相似文献   

We use Landsat TM time series data for the years of 1991/1992, 1995/1996 and1999/2000 to characterize land-cover change in northeast China. With the information onland-cover change and the density of vegetation and soil carbon, we assess the potential effect of land-cover change on vegetation and soil carbon in this region. Our results show a large decrease of 2.76×10~4km~2 in forest area and a rapid increase of 2.32×10~4km~2 in urban area. Land-cover changes in northeast China have resulted in a potential maximum loss of 273.2 Tg C for the period of 1991-2000, with a net loss of 95.7 Tg C in vegetation and 177.5Tg C in soil. The conversionof forests into other land-cover types could have potentially resulted in a loss of 254.6 Tg C for thestudy period, accounting for 68.8% of the total potential carbon loss in the northeast China. To quantify the net effect of land-cover change on carbon storage will require accounting for vegeta-tion regrowth and soil processes. Our results also imply that forest protection and reforestation are of critical importance to carbon sequestration in China.  相似文献   

The amount of carbon released to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation is determined, in part, by the amount of carbon held in the biomass of the forests converted to other uses. Uncertainty in forest biomass is responsible for much of the uncertainty in current estimates of the flux of carbon from land‐use change. In the present contribution several estimates of forest biomass are compared for the Brazilian Amazon, based on spatial interpolations of direct measurements, relationships to climatic variables, and remote sensing data. Three questions were posed: First, do the methods yield similar estimates? Second, do they yield similar spatial patterns of distribution of biomass? And, third, what factors need most attention if we are to predict more accurately the distribution of forest biomass over large areas? The answer to the first two questions is that estimates of biomass for Brazil's Amazonian forests (including dead and belowground biomass) vary by more than a factor of two, from a low of 39 PgC to a high of 93 PgC. Furthermore, the estimates disagree as to the regions of high and low biomass. The lack of agreement among estimates confirms the need for reliable determination of aboveground biomass over large areas. Potential methods include direct measurement of biomass through forest inventories with improved allometric regression equations, dynamic modelling of forest recovery following observed stand‐replacing disturbances, and estimation of aboveground biomass from airborne or satellite‐based instruments sensitive to the vertical structure plant canopies.  相似文献   

Scenario‐based biodiversity modelling is a powerful approach to evaluate how possible future socio‐economic developments may affect biodiversity. Here, we evaluated the changes in terrestrial biodiversity intactness, expressed by the mean species abundance (MSA) metric, resulting from three of the shared socio‐economic pathways (SSPs) combined with different levels of climate change (according to representative concentration pathways [RCPs]): a future oriented towards sustainability (SSP1xRCP2.6), a future determined by a politically divided world (SSP3xRCP6.0) and a future with continued global dependency on fossil fuels (SSP5xRCP8.5). To this end, we first updated the GLOBIO model, which now runs at a spatial resolution of 10 arc‐seconds (~300 m), contains new modules for downscaling land use and for quantifying impacts of hunting in the tropics, and updated modules to quantify impacts of climate change, land use, habitat fragmentation and nitrogen pollution. We then used the updated model to project terrestrial biodiversity intactness from 2015 to 2050 as a function of land use and climate changes corresponding with the selected scenarios. We estimated a global area‐weighted mean MSA of 0.56 for 2015. Biodiversity intactness declined in all three scenarios, yet the decline was smaller in the sustainability scenario (?0.02) than the regional rivalry and fossil‐fuelled development scenarios (?0.06 and ?0.05 respectively). We further found considerable variation in projected biodiversity change among different world regions, with large future losses particularly for sub‐Saharan Africa. In some scenario‐region combinations, we projected future biodiversity recovery due to reduced demands for agricultural land, yet this recovery was counteracted by increased impacts of other pressures (notably climate change and road disturbance). Effective measures to halt or reverse the decline of terrestrial biodiversity should not only reduce land demand (e.g. by increasing agricultural productivity and dietary changes) but also focus on reducing or mitigating the impacts of other pressures.  相似文献   

虞文娟  任田  周伟奇  李伟峰 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8474-8481
森林生境丧失与景观破碎化是引起生物多样性下降,生态系统功能降低的重要原因。量化森林景观破碎化的时空特征及其与城市扩张格局的关系是开展区域生态修复与功能提升的重要基础。本文以快速城市化的典型区域——粤港澳大湾区为研究对象,基于遥感解译的1980年、1990年、2000年、2010年和2018年土地覆盖/利用专题图,通过多尺度的景观格局分析和统计分析,定量解析森林景观破碎化的时空演变特征及其与城市扩张格局间的关系。研究结果显示:1)1980—2018年,大湾区林地覆盖面积缩减1,274 km2,林地转变为建设用地的面积占林地丧失总面积的比例从1980—1990年的11%增长至2010—2018年的42%,表明城市扩张已成为林地丧失的主导因素;2)森林景观破碎化程度加剧,表现为林地斑块密度提高,平均斑块面积减小,但破碎类型与程度具有地域差异;3)城市扩张幅度与空间格局显著影响林地破碎化,其中,城市扩张幅度对林地破碎化的影响更为重要。基于森林景观破碎化与城市扩张的现状,落实城市增长边界划定、关键斑块-廊道识别与生态网络构建等措施,有助于保护与连通重要生态空间,保障和提升生...  相似文献   

Aboveground Forest Biomass and the Global Carbon Balance   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
The long‐term net flux of carbon between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere has been dominated by two factors: changes in the area of forests and per hectare changes in forest biomass resulting from management and regrowth. While these factors are reasonably well documented in countries of the northern mid‐latitudes as a result of systematic forest inventories, they are uncertain in the tropics. Recent estimates of carbon emissions from tropical deforestation have focused on the uncertainty in rates of deforestation. By using the same data for biomass, however, these studies have underestimated the total uncertainty of tropical emissions and may have biased the estimates. In particular, regional and country‐specific estimates of forest biomass reported by three successive assessments of tropical forest resources by the FAO indicate systematic changes in biomass that have not been taken into account in recent estimates of tropical carbon emissions. The ‘changes’ more likely represent improved information than real on‐the‐ground changes in carbon storage. In either case, however, the data have a significant effect on current estimates of carbon emissions from the tropics and, hence, on understanding the global carbon balance.  相似文献   

Human land-use activities differ from natural disturbance processes and may elicit novel biotic responses and disrupt existing biotic-environmental relationships. The widespread prevalence of land use requires that human activity be addressed as a fundamental ecological process and that lessons from investigations of land-use history be applied to landscape conservation and management. Changes in the intensity of land use and extent of forest cover in New England over the past 3 centuries provide the opportunity to evaluate the nature of forest response and reorganization to such broad-scale disturbance. Using a range of archival data and modern studies, we assessed historical changes in forest vegetation and land use from the Colonial period (early 17th century) to the present across a 5000 km2 area in central Massachusetts in order to evaluate the effects of this novel disturbance regime on the structure, composition, and pattern of vegetation and its relationship to regional climatic gradients. At the time of European settlement, the distribution of tree taxa and forest assemblages showed pronounced regional variation and corresponded strongly to climate gradients, especially variation in growing degree days. The dominance of hemlock and northern hardwoods (maple, beech, and birch) in the cooler Central Uplands and oak and hickory at lower elevations in the Connecticut Valley and Eastern Lowlands is consistent with the regional distribution of these taxa and suggests a strong climatic control over broad-scale vegetation patterns. We infer from historical and paleoecological data that intensive natural or aboriginal disturbance was minimal in the Uplands, whereas infrequent surface fires in the Lowlands may have helped to maintain the abundance of central hardwoods and to restrict the abundance of hemlock, beech, and sugar maple in these areas. The modern vegetation is compositionally distinct from Colonial vegetation, exhibits less regional variation in the distribution of tree taxa or forest assemblages defined by tree taxa, and shows little relationship to broad climatic gradients. The homogenization of the vegetation, disruption of vegetation-environment relationships, and formation of new assemblages appear to be the result of (a) a massive, novel disturbance regime; (b) ongoing low-intensity human and natural disturbance throughout the reforestation period to the present; (c) permanent changes in some aspects of the biotic and abiotic environment; and (d) a relatively short period for forest recovery (100–150 years). These factors have maintained the regional abundance of shade intolerant and moderately tolerant taxa (for example, birch, red maple, oak, and pine) and restricted the spread and increase of shade-tolerant, long-lived taxa such as hemlock and beech. These results raise the possibility that historical land use has similarly altered vegetation-environment relationships across broader geographic regions and should be considered in all contemporary studies of global change. Received 5 May 1997; accepted 5 August 1997.  相似文献   

When agricultural land is no longer used for cultivation and allowed to revert to natural vegetation or replanted to perennial vegetation, soil organic carbon can accumulate. This accumulation process essentially reverses some of the effects responsible for soil organic carbon losses from when the land was converted from perennial vegetation. We discuss the essential elements of what is known about soil organic matter dynamics that may result in enhanced soil carbon sequestration with changes in land‐use and soil management. We review literature that reports changes in soil organic carbon after changes in land‐use that favour carbon accumulation. This data summary provides a guide to approximate rates of SOC sequestration that are possible with management, and indicates the relative importance of some factors that influence the rates of organic carbon sequestration in soil. There is a large variation in the length of time for and the rate at which carbon may accumulate in soil, related to the productivity of the recovering vegetation, physical and biological conditions in the soil, and the past history of soil organic carbon inputs and physical disturbance. Maximum rates of C accumulation during the early aggrading stage of perennial vegetation growth, while substantial, are usually much less than 100 g C m?2 y?1. Average rates of accumulation are similar for forest or grassland establishment: 33.8 g C m?2 y?1 and 33.2 g C m?2 y?1, respectively. These observed rates of soil organic C accumulation, when combined with the small amount of land area involved, are insufficient to account for a significant fraction of the missing C in the global carbon cycle as accumulating in the soils of formerly agricultural land.  相似文献   

Closing yield gaps within existing croplands, and thereby avoiding further habitat conversions, is a prominently and controversially discussed strategy to meet the rising demand for agricultural products, while minimizing biodiversity impacts. The agricultural intensification associated with such a strategy poses additional threats to biodiversity within agricultural landscapes. The uneven spatial distribution of both yield gaps and biodiversity provides opportunities for reconciling agricultural intensification and biodiversity conservation through spatially optimized intensification. Here, we integrate distribution and habitat information for almost 20,000 vertebrate species with land‐cover and land‐use datasets. We estimate that projected agricultural intensification between 2000 and 2040 would reduce the global biodiversity value of agricultural lands by 11%, relative to 2000. Contrasting these projections with spatial land‐use optimization scenarios reveals that 88% of projected biodiversity loss could be avoided through globally coordinated land‐use planning, implying huge efficiency gains through international cooperation. However, global‐scale optimization also implies a highly uneven distribution of costs and benefits, resulting in distinct “winners and losers” in terms of national economic development, food security, food sovereignty or conservation. Given conflicting national interests and lacking effective governance mechanisms to guarantee equitable compensation of losers, multinational land‐use optimization seems politically unlikely. In turn, 61% of projected biodiversity loss could be avoided through nationally focused optimization, and 33% through optimization within just 10 countries. Targeted efforts to improve the capacity for integrated land‐use planning for sustainable intensification especially in these countries, including the strengthening of institutions that can arbitrate subnational land‐use conflicts, may offer an effective, yet politically feasible, avenue to better reconcile future trade‐offs between agriculture and conservation. The efficiency gains of optimization remained robust when assuming that yields could only be increased to 80% of their potential. Our results highlight the need to better integrate real‐world governance, political and economic challenges into sustainable development and global change mitigation research.  相似文献   

基于移动窗口法的肃州绿洲化与景观破碎化时空变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巩杰  孙朋  谢余初  钱大文  贾珍珍 《生态学报》2015,35(19):6470-6480
以甘肃省酒泉市肃州绿洲为例,以1990、1999和2010年3期Landsat TM/ETM同月相数据为数据源,基于Arc GIS与Fragstats软件,采用移动窗口法、转移矩阵和景观指数等开展绿洲化与景观破碎化的时空变化研究。结果表明:(1)肃州绿洲化过程主要表现为绿洲面积变化和内部土地利用类型之间的转化。绿洲面积变化以耕地、草地和城市建设用地等的增加为主;绿洲土地利用类型转换主要表现为耕地内部变化、草地与未利用地,城市建设用地与未利用地之间的转换等。(2)景观破碎化程度整体上呈减缓趋势,其剧变区多集中于绿洲边缘的银达镇、三墩镇、黄泥堡乡和下河清乡等,景观破碎化在空间上表现为由绿洲内部向边缘区转移。(3)以草地为主的绿洲荒漠过渡带是绿洲扩张和景观破碎化的多发区,更是维持绿洲稳定和可持续发展的关键子区。研究可为绿洲景观管理和可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

海南霸王岭热带山地雨林森林循环与树种多样性动态   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林的调查 ,研究了热带山地雨林树种多样性特征随森林循环的动态变化规律。结果表明 :( 1 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段斑块在森林景观中所占的面积比例分别是 :林隙阶段 ( G)占 38.5 0 % ,建立阶段 ( B)占 2 8.5 0 % ,成熟阶段 ( M)占 2 7.0 0 % ,衰退阶段 ( D)占 6 .0 0 %。 ( 2 )热带山地雨林中乔木树种的密度随森林循环的变化趋势是由 G→B→M呈现出逐渐增加的趋势 ,以成熟阶段达到最大 ,而到衰退阶段又趋于下降。灌木树种则表现出 G阶段斑块的密度最大 ,B阶段的最小 ,从 B到 M有所增加 ,到 D又稍有下降。 ( 3)热带山地雨林中不同高度级和不同径级的树木的密度在森林循环的不同阶段表现出不同的增减趋势 ,其随森林循环过程呈现出的动态变化可能与不同阶段斑块内的空间、环境及物种生物学特性有关。 ( 4 )热带山地雨林中树木的平均胸径、平均高、平均胸高断面积、平均单株材积随森林循环过程呈现出不断增加的趋势 ,其中平均胸径和平均高随森林循环的变化较为平缓 ,而平均胸高断面积和平均单株材积之变化较为陡急。 ( 5 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段的物种多样性指数不同 ,其中 G和 B阶段的物种丰富度和多样性指数值较接近 ,M阶段的物种丰富度达到最大 ,D阶段则最小。  相似文献   

Improved technologies are needed to advance our knowledge of the biophysical and human factors influencing tropical dry forests, one of the world's most threatened ecosystems. We evaluated the use of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data to address two major needs in remote sensing of tropical dry forests, i.e., classification of forest types and delineation of forest successional status. We evaluated LiDAR‐derived measures of three‐dimensional canopy structure and subcanopy topography using classification‐tree techniques to separate different dry forest types and successional stages in the Guánica Biosphere Reserve in Puerto Rico. We compared the LiDAR‐based results with classifications made from commonly used remote sensing data, including Landsat satellite imagery and radar‐based topographic data. The accuracy of the LiDAR‐based forest type classification (including native‐ and exotic‐dominated forest classes) was substantially higher than those from previously available data (kappa = 0.90 and 0.63, respectively). The best result was obtained when combining LiDAR‐derived metrics of canopy structure and topography, and adding Landsat spectral data did not improve the classification. For the second objective, we observed that LiDAR‐derived variables of vegetation structure were better predictors of forest successional status (i.e., mid‐secondary, late‐secondary, and primary forests) than was spectral information from Landsat. Importantly, the key LiDAR predictors identified within each classification‐tree model agreed with previous ecological knowledge of these forests. Our study highlights the value of LiDAR remote sensing for assessing tropical dry forests, reinforcing the potential for this novel technology to advance research and management of tropical forests in general.  相似文献   

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