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Passiflora edulis Sims is the most economically important species of the genus Passiflora. A new species was described recently, Passiflora cacaoensis Bernacci & Souza, which displayed morphologic characteristics very similar to P. edulis. Due to the need for delimitation of the two species, karyomorphological and banding analyses were carried out. Both species have 2n = 18, with the same karyotype formula 16 m + 2sm. There was variation between the species regarding the location of satellites and the width of chromosome pairs 2, 4 and 8. C banding revealed the presence of constitutive heterochromatin in the centromeric and telomeric regions of all chromosomes in both species. However, only in P. cacaoensis did chromosomes 3 and 9 have a large quantity of heterochromatin. Fluorochrome banding revealed CMA+ bands only in the satellites, but no DAPI+ bands. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) showed that in P. cacaoensis the rDNA 5S probe is located in a single site in the subterminal position of the long arm of chromosome 5. However, for the rDNA 45S probe, two sites were detected in terminal positions of the long arms of chromosome 7, with a bigger and stronger signal, and of chromosome 9. According to the asymmetry index and the quantity of heterochromatin, P. cacaoensis is a more basal species than P. edulis. The cytogenetic data indicate that P. cacaoensis is closely related to P. edulis, but is a different species.  相似文献   

The androgynophore column, a distinctive floral feature in passion flowers, is strongly crooked or bent in many Passiflora species pollinated by bats. This is a floral feature that facilitates the adaptation to bat pollination. Crooking or bending of plant organs are generally caused by environmental stimulus (e.g. mechanical barriers) and might involve the differential distribution of auxin. Our aim was to study the role of the perianth organs and the effect of auxin in bending of the androgynophore of the bat‐pollinated species Passiflora mucronata. Morpho‐anatomical characterisation of the androgynophore, including measurements of curvature angles and cell sizes both at the dorsal (convex) and ventral (concave) sides of the androgynophore, was performed on control flowers, flowers from which perianth organs were partially removed and flowers treated either with auxin (2,4‐dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; 2,4‐D) or with an inhibitor of auxin polar transport (naphthylphthalamic acid; NPA). Asymmetric growth of the androgynophore column, leading to bending, occurs at a late stage of flower development. Removing the physical constraint exerted by perianth organs or treatment with NPA significantly reduced androgynophore bending. Additionally, the androgynophores of plants treated with 2,4‐D were more curved when compared to controls. There was a larger cellular expansion at the dorsal side of the androgynophores of plants treated with 2,4‐D and in both sides of the androgynophores of plants treated with NPA. This study suggests that the physical constraint exerted by perianth and auxin redistribution promotes androgynophore bending in P. mucronata and might be related to the evolution of chiropterophily in the genus Passiflora.  相似文献   

 The chromosomes of 31 species of Passiflora, distributed throughout the subgenera Astrophea, Calopathanthus, Distephana, Dysosmia, Passiflora, Plectostemma and Tacsonia were analysed. Three different karyotypes were observed: 2n = 12, 24, 36; 2n = 18, 72 and 2n = 20. The karyotype of these species was almost always constituted of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes with variable karyotype symmetry. In the group with x = 6, represented by the subgenus Plectostemma, six diploid species with 2n = 12, one tetraploid with 2n = 24 (P. suberosa) and an intraspecific polyploid with 2n = 12, 36 (P. misera) were analysed. P. pentagona (subgenus Astrophea) may also be included in this karyological group since it presents 2n = 24 and may be of polyploid origin, with x = 6. The interphase nuclei in this group were areticulate, except those of P. morifolia and P. pentagona with semi-reticulate characteristics. Two small terminal heterochromatic blocks, positive for chromomycin A3, were identified in the largest chromosome pair of P. capsularis and P. rubra, species very closely related, while P. tricuspis displayed four chromosomes with proximal blocks. In the group with x = 9, represented mainly by subgenus Passiflora, 20 species with 2n = 18 and one with 2n = 72 were studied. They presented chromosomes larger than those species with x = 6 and interphase nuclei of semi-reticulate type, except for P. mixta with areticulate nuclei. Four terminal CMA+ blocks were observed in P. edulis, six blocks in P. caerulea and P. racemosa, while five blocks were observed in the single P. amethystina plant analysed. P. foetida (subgenus Dysosmia), the only species with 2n = 20, exhibited six chromosomes with CMA+ blocks and interphase nuclei of the areticulate type. The meiotic analysis of representatives of the three groups (P. foetida, P. suberosa, P. cincinnata and P. racemosa) always presented regular pairing and regular chromosome segregation, except in P. jilekii where a tetravalent was observed. The analysis of the chromosome variation within the genus and the family suggests that the base number of Passiflora may be x1 = 6 or x1 = 12, whereas x2 = 9 is only an important secondary base number. Received April 11, 2000 Accepted October 5, 2000  相似文献   

The family Oocystaceae (Chlorophyta) is a group of morphologically and ultrastructurally distinct green algae that constitute a well‐supported clade in the class Trebouxiophyceae. Despite the family's clear delimitation, which is based on specific cell wall features, only a few members of the Oocystaceae have been examined using data other than morphological. In previous studies of Trebouxiophyceae, after the establishment of molecular phylogeny, the taxonomic status of the family was called into question. The genus Oocystis proved to be paraphyletic and some species were excluded from Oocystaceae, while a few other species were newly redefined as members of this family. We investigated 54 strains assigned to the Oocystaceae using morphological, ultrastructural and molecular data (SSU rRNA and rbcL genes) to clarify the monophyly of and diversity within Oocystaceae. Oonephris obesa and Nephrocytium agardhianum clustered within the Chlorophyceae and thus are no longer members of the Oocystaceae. On the other hand, we transferred the coenobial Willea vilhelmii to the Oocystaceae. Our findings combined with those of previous studies resulted in the most robust definition of the family to date. The division of the family into three subfamilies and five morphological clades was suggested. Taxonomical adjustments in the genera Neglectella, Oocystidium, Oocystis, and Ooplanctella were established based on congruent molecular and morphological data. We expect further taxonomical changes in the genera Crucigeniella, Eremosphaera, Franceia, Lagerheimia, Oocystis, and Willea in the future.  相似文献   

A remarkable morphological similarity in natural populations of different groups of Sisyrinchium spp. (Iridaceae) makes classification of some species difficult. The present paper focused on two morphological categories of S. sellowianum (MC‐I and MC‐II) with distinct morphological traits. Morphological, cytogenetic, reproductive biology and genetic studies were performed, aiming to elucidate and better characterize such variation. The basic chromosome number established for the species was x = 9 and diploid and tetraploid populations were observed for MC‐I, whereas MC‐II showed only diploid populations. Different pollen morphologies were recognized in each morphological category. Based on pollination experiments, MC‐I is out‐crossing, whereas MC‐II is selfing. The populations were highly differentiated (FST = 0.46, θB = 0.62). In MC‐I, observed variation was greater within populations (69%) than among populations (31%), whereas in MC‐II, 61% of the variation was among populations and 39% within populations. This study evidenced that the two morphological categories correspond to distinct and reproductively isolated species and that floral traits reflect their breeding system, with allogamous plants in MC‐I and autogamous in MC‐II. Furthermore, MC‐II is unveiled as S. platycaule, a neglected taxon of Sisyrinchium in Brazil. The tools applied in this study were substantially able to check the identity of the two morphological categories as two different species and present the variation encountered in the taxa.  相似文献   

The freshwater red algal genus Batrachospermum has been shown to be paraphyletic since the first molecular studies of the Batrachospermales. Previous research, along with this study, provides strong support for the clade Batrachospermum section Helminthoidea. This study has found that heterocortication, the presence of both cylindrical and bulbous cells on the main axis, is an underlying synapomorphy of this clade. Based on support from DNA sequences of the rbcL gene, the COI barcode region and the rDNA ITS 1 and 2, along with morphological studies, the new genus Sheathia is proposed. Seven heterocorticate species were recognized from the molecular clades. Sheathia boryana and S. exigua sp. nov. appear to be restricted to Europe, whereas S. confusa occurs in Europe and New Zealand. Sheathia involuta is widespread in the USA and reported for the first time from Europe. Sheathia americana sp. nov., has been collected in the USA and Canada, and S. heterocortica and S. grandis sp. nov. have been collected only in the USA. Sheathia confusa and S. grandis can be distinguished based on morphological characters, whereas DNA sequence data are required to conclusively distinguish the other species. Sheathia fluitans and S. carpoinvolucra also are placed within this genus based on the presence of heterocortication. These data also hint at greater diversity among non‐heterocorticate Sheathia than is recognized by the single species name S. arcuata.  相似文献   

Diatoms are one of the most abundant and arguably the most species‐rich group of protists. Diatom species delimitation has often been based exclusively on the recognition of morphological discontinuities without investigation of other lines of evidence. Even though DNA sequences and reproductive experiments have revealed several examples of (pseudo)cryptic diversity, our understanding of diatom species boundaries and diversity remains limited. The cosmopolitan pennate raphid diatom genus Pinnularia represents one of the most taxon‐rich diatom genera. In this study, we focused on the delimitation of species in one of the major clades of the genus, the Pinnularia subgibba group, based on 105 strains from a worldwide origin. We compared genetic distances between the sequences of seven molecular markers and selected the most variable pair, the mitochondrial cox1 and nuclear encoded LSU rDNA, to formulate a primary hypothesis on the species limits using three single‐locus automated species delimitation methods. We compared the DNA‐based primary hypotheses with morphology and with other available lines of evidence. The results indicate that our data set comprised 15 species of the P. subgibba group. The vast majority of these taxa have an uncertain taxonomic identity, suggesting that several may be unknown to science and/or members of (pseudo)cryptic species complexes within the P. subgibba group.  相似文献   

In species differentiation, characters may not diverge synchronously, and there are also processes that shuffle character states in lineages descendant from a common ancestor. Species are thus expected to show some degree of incongruence among characters; therefore, taxonomic delimitation can benefit from integrative approaches and objective strategies that account for character conflict. We illustrate the potential of exploiting conflict for species delimitation in a study case of ground beetles of the subgenus Carabus (Mesocarabus), where traditional taxonomy does not accurately delimit species. The molecular phylogenies of four mitochondrial and three nuclear genes, cladistic analysis of the aedeagus, ecological niche divergence and morphometry of pronotal shape in more than 500 specimens of Mesocarabus show that these characters are not fully congruent. For these data, a three‐step operational strategy is proposed for species delimitation by (i) delineating candidate species based on the integration of incongruence among conclusive lines of evidence, (ii) corroborating candidate species with inconclusive lines of evidence and (iii) refining a final species proposal based on an integrated characterization of candidate species based on the evolutionary analysis of incongruence. This procedure provided a general understanding of the reticulate process of hybridization and introgression acting on Mesocarabus and generated the hypothesis of seven Mesocarabus species, including two putative hybrid lineages. Our work emphasizes the importance of incorporating critical analyses of character and phylogenetic conflict to infer both the evolutionary history and species boundaries through an integrative taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of French ninespined sticklebacks (Pungitius spp.) has long been controversial. To clarify the taxonomy in this group, we use mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (RNF213) sequence markers, as well as morphological data. In France, both genetic markers discriminate three evolutionary lineages. Morphological analysis on fresh and type specimens supports the different lineages and the existence of three species in France. Pungitius pungitius, occurring in the North of France and Rhone basin, is characterized by specimens longer than 35 mm SL, by a flat head with a straight or slightly concave snout, typically 9–10 dorsal spines, 10–11 dorsal soft rays, 9–10 anal soft rays, 0–12 scutes on the caudal peduncle with a keel reaching the last anal‐fin ray, longer pelvic fin, post‐dorsal and caudal peduncle lengths, and a slim caudal peduncle (caudal peduncle depth/length 11.8%–21.9%). Pungitius laevis, occurring in France, in the English Channel basins and Loire drainage, differs from the other species by a head rounded with concave snout in specimens longer than 35 mm SL, accentuating the impression of fleshy lips, 0–4 scutes on the caudal peduncle and a higher caudal peduncle depth/length ratio (15.7%–34.5%). Finally, Pungitius vulgaris, endemic to the Vienne River and rivers of south‐western France as far north as the Garonne estuary, is differentiated by a rounded head with a straight or slightly convex snout, the absence of scutes on the caudal peduncle and by having 11 pectoral‐fin rays. Our data confirm the existence of a hybridization zone in the North of France between P. pungitius and P. laevis. As a result, Pungitius lotharingus is invalid, as it was described based on hybrid specimens. A lectotype for P. laevis was designated because the syntypes included hybrids. This revision provides new perspectives for evolutionary biology studies and will have consequences for Pungitius conservation in France.  相似文献   

Genome sizes of three species in the subtribe Carabina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: tribe Carabini) were estimated from nuclei of spermatozoa using a flow cytometry. The estimated haploid genome sizes were about 330 megabases (Mb) for Damaster blaptoides, about 280 Mb for Carabus uenoi and about 260 Mb for Carabus yamato.  相似文献   

The effect of glaciation on the levels and patterns of genetic variation has been well studied in the Northern Hemisphere. However, although glaciation has undoubtedly shaped the genetic structure of plants in the Southern Hemisphere, fewer studies have characterized the effect, and almost none of them using microsatellites. Particularly, complex patterns of genetic structure might be expected in areas such as the Andes, where both latitudinal and altitudinal glacial advance and retreat have molded modern plant communities. We therefore studied the population genetics of three closely related, hybridizing species of Nothofagus (Nobliqua, N. alpina, and N. glauca, all of subgenus Lophozonia; Nothofagaceae) from Chile. To estimate population genetic parameters and infer the influence of the last ice age on the spatial and genetic distribution of these species, we examined and analyzed genetic variability at seven polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci in 640 individuals from 40 populations covering most of the ranges of these species in Chile. Populations showed no significant inbreeding and exhibited relatively high levels of genetic diversity (HE = 0.502–0.662) and slight, but significant, genetic structure (RST = 8.7–16.0%). However, in N. obliqua, the small amount of genetic structure was spatially organized into three well‐defined latitudinal groups. Our data may also suggest some introgression of N. alpina genes into N. obliqua in the northern populations. These results allowed us to reconstruct the influence of the last ice age on the genetic structure of these species, suggesting several centers of genetic diversity for N. obliqua and N. alpina, in agreement with the multiple refugia hypothesis.  相似文献   

Hypnea has an intricate nomenclatural history due to a wide pantropical distribution and considerable morphological variation. Recent molecular studies have provided further clarification on the systematics of the genus; however, species of uncertain affinities remain due to flawed taxonomic identification. Detailed analyses coupled with literature review indicated a strong relationship among H. aspera, H. cervicornis, H. flexicaulis, and H. tenuis, suggesting a need for further taxonomic studies. Here, we analyzed sequences from two molecular markers (COI‐5P and rbcL) and performed several DNA‐based delimitation methods (mBGD, ABGD, SPN, PTP and GMYC). These molecular approaches were contrasted with morphological and phylogenetic evidence from type specimens and/or topotype collections of related species under a conservative approach. Our results demonstrate that H. aspera and H. flexicaulis represent heterotypic synonyms of H. cervicornis and indicate the existence of a misidentified Hypnea species, widely distributed on the Brazilian coast, described here as a new species: H. brasiliensis. Finally, inconsistencies observed among our results based on six different species delimitation methods evidence the need for adequate sampling and marker choice for different methods.  相似文献   

The delimitation of species boundaries, particularly those obscured by reticulation, is a critical step in contemporary biodiversity assessment. It is especially relevant for conservation and management of indigenous fishes in western North America, represented herein by two species with dissimilar life histories codistributed in the highly modified Colorado River (i.e., flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis; bluehead sucker, C. (Pantosteus) discobolus). To quantify phylogenomic patterns and examine proposed taxonomic revisions, we first employed double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD), yielding 39,755 unlinked SNPs across 139 samples. These were subsequently evaluated with multiple analytical approaches and by contrasting life history data. Three phylogenetic methods and a Bayesian assignment test highlighted similar phylogenomic patterns in each, but with considerable difference in presumed times of divergence. Three lineages were detected in bluehead sucker, supporting elevation of C. (P.) virescens to species status and recognizing C. (P.) discobolus yarrowi (Zuni bluehead sucker) as a discrete entity. Admixture in the latter necessitated a reevaluation of its contemporary and historic distributions, underscoring how biodiversity identification can be confounded by complex evolutionary histories. In addition, we defined three separate flannelmouth sucker lineages as ESUs (evolutionarily significant units), given limited phenotypic and genetic differentiation, contemporary isolation, and lack of concordance (per the genealogical concordance component of the phylogenetic species concept). Introgression was diagnosed in both species, with the Little Colorado and Virgin rivers in particular. Our diagnostic methods, and the agreement of our SNPs with previous morphological, enzymatic, and mitochondrial work, allowed us to partition complex evolutionary histories into requisite components, such as isolation versus secondary contact.  相似文献   


This work evaluates the influence of storage and scarification in the germination of Passiflora caerulea L., in order to acquire the necessary knowledge to cultivate this economically important species. Seeds stored one month under different conditions (no storage, fermentation, desiccation) were submitted to various pre‐treatments (aril removal, mechanical and chemical scarification or combinations of these). Emergence was recorded periodically for 11 months in a greenhouse. Germination time, germination percentage and germination speed were calculated. Histochemical tests were applied to seeds maintained under the three storage conditions, for observing possible changes in the integument and storage tissue. Viability was maintained at least for the storage period tested, as germination occurred after that time. Because the seeds stored under desiccation germinated, the species is orthodox. Chemical scarification prevented germination in most cases. Although germination levels were low, they were higher in stored seeds (fermented and desiccated) than in fresh ones. Fermented seeds (which exhibited no storage tissue and less lignin in the integument) devoid of the aril germinated earlier, faster and in greater quantity. The type of dormancy of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

Ninety‐two strains of Microcoleus vaginatus (=nomenclatural‐type species of the genus Microcoleus Desmazières ex Gomont) and Phormidium autumnale Trevisan ex Gomont from a wide diversity of regions and biotopes were examined using a combination of morphological and molecular methods. Phylogenies based on the 16S rDNA and 16S‐23S ITS (partial) demonstrated that the 92 strains, together with a number of strains in GenBank, were members of a highly supported monophyletic clade of strains (Bayesian posterior probability = 1.0) distant from the species‐cluster containing the generitype of Phormidium. Similarity of the 16S rRNA gene exceeded 95.5% among all members of the Microcoleus clade, but was less than 95% between any Microcoleus strains and species outside of the clade (e.g., Phormidium sensu stricto). These findings, which are in agreement with earlier studies on these taxa, necessitate the revision of Microcoleus to include P. autumnale. Furthermore, the cluster of Phormidium species in the P. autumnale group (known as Group VII) must be moved into Microcoleus as well, and these nomenclatural transfers are included in this study. The main diacritical characters defining Microcoleus are related to the cytomorphology of trichomes, including: narrowed trichome ends, calyptra, cells shorter than wide up to more or less isodiametric, and facultative presence of sheaths. The majority of species are 4–10 μm in diameter. The possession of multiple trichomes in a common sheath is present facultatively in many but not all species.  相似文献   

Hybridization among species of A conitum effects their morphology and ecology. In this study the hybridization between the diploid 2n(2x) = 16 ( A . lasiocarpum and A . variegatum) and tetraploid 2n(4x) = 32 ( A . firmum) species was documented in the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians) in a small, local population in a semi‐natural site. The hybrid species were: homoploid A . × pawlowskii ( A . lasiocarpum × A . variegatum), and triploid A . × berdaui ( A . firmum × A . variegatum, 2n(3x) = 24). Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) alleles formed two distinct haplotypes, one typical for the tetraploid and another for diploid lines, shared between the tetraploid, triploid and diploid groups, indicating introgressive hybridization. The presumed gene flow was from the tetraploid to diploid species via the triploid bridge. The only two specimens of A . × pawlowskii that harbored tetraploid ( A . firmum) type cpDNA possessed bracteoles of A . firmum‐type. The remaining introgressed (cpDNA and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR)) specimens ( A . variegatum) were morphologically pure, implying cryptic introgression. ISSR loci shared between the tetraploid A . firmum and diploid A . variegatum support the hypothesis of an ancient allopolyploid origin of A . firmum and the diploid species of A . variegatum‐type as one of its parent.  相似文献   

  • Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa is the most economically important species in the genus Passiflora. However, the origin of this yellow form of passion fruit remains unclear, being suggested as a hybrid (P. edulis f. edulis × P. ligularis) or wild mutant.
  • Here, the origin and genomic relationships of P. edulis f. flavicarpa with some related species in the genus Passiflora (subgenera Decaloba and Passiflora) were investigated using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Genomic DNA of 18 species was used as probe, which was hybridized onto chromosomes of P. edulis f. flavicarpa.
  • Of all genomic DNA probes tested, none allowed us to identify a specific chromosome set in P. edulis f. flavicarpa. Conversely, probes from the subgenus Passiflora, P. edulis f. edulis, P. alata, P. cincinnata, P. coccinea, P. nitida and P. vitifolia, produced intense and uniform hybridizations on all chromosomes of P. edulis f. flavicarpa. Moreover, probes from P. ligularis, P. foetida and P. sublanceolata produced more intense hybridizations in the terminal region of four chromosomes, corresponding to the DNAr 45S locus, and also dispersed, less intense, hybridization across all chromosomes. Probes from the subgenus Decaloba, P. biflora, P. capsularis, P. cervii, P. coriacea, P. micropetala, P. morifolia, P. rubra and P. suberosa, produced hybridizations restricted to the DNAr 45S sites.
  • The hybrid origin of P. edulis f. flavicarpa could not be supported based on the GISH results, and it is suggested that this species is conspecific with P. edulis f. edulis, because the probe with DNA of this form hybridized strongly throughout the target genome. The other putative parent species, P. ligularis, showed only a distant relationship with the target genome. The results also suggest that species of the subgenus Passiflora share many repetitive sequences and that the relationship between subgenera Decaloba and Passiflora is very distant.

Thespesia consists of 16 species of trees and shrubs from Southeast Asia–Oceania, Africa and America, the most well known being T. populnea, a small tree of tropical coastal areas around the world. Phylogenetic relationships in the genus and among its allies in tribe Gossypieae were inferred using three plastid and two nuclear regions to ascertain its generic delimitation and explore its biogeographical history. Maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian analyses confirmed that Thespesia is not monophyletic and, based on these results, Azanza is reinstated to accommodate the two species previously placed in Thespesia section Lampas. Dating analyses and ancestral range estimation indicated that Thespesia s.s. most likely originated in Southeast Asia–Oceania c. 30 Mya, but extant species did not begin to differentiate until the late Miocene. Two dispersal events, one into Africa c. 11 Mya and another into America (Antilles) c. 9 Mya, gave rise to the African and the Greater Antillean endemics, respectively. The two most widespread hydrochorous species, T. populnea and T. populneoides, originated in Southeast Asia–Oceania from where they spread to other parts of the world. Our analysis also indicated a much earlier origin than previously reported for the eumalvoid clade and its tribes Gossypieae, Malveae and Hibisceae suggesting that vicariance might have had an important role early in the history of these groups.  相似文献   

Oligoryzomys, as currently understood is formed by 25 living species, is the most diverse genus of the tribe Oryzomyini of the New World subfamily Sigmodontinae of cricetid rodents. Nonetheless, the species richness of Oligoryzomys seems to be an underestimate, given some species complex has been proposed in previous studies, at the time that large geographic areas remain to be sampled, and several taxonomic forms have not been assessed with contemporary approaches. In this study, we present a new assessment of the species diversity of Oligoryzomys based on multiple unilocus species delimitation methods (ABGD, BPP, PTP, GMYC and b GMYC), using 665 cytb gene sequences as evidence (532 gathered from Genbank and 133 obtained in this study). We sampled representatives of almost all currently known species of Oligoryzomys, at the time that extending the geographic coverage to the Central Andes, a large area that was largely unrepresented in previous studies. Phylogenetic relationships, based on a non‐redundant alignment, were inferred via maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference; an ultrametric tree, used in species delimitation analyses, was obtained using multiple secondary calibration points. Results of species delimitation methods are discussed at the light of previous knowledge (e.g., taxonomic history and geographic provenance of samples in relation to type localities) and the morphological assessments of some specimens. Results of the distinct delimitation methods are mostly congruent, being BPP and PTP the most sensible to estimate species delimitation, allowing us to suggest that Oligoryzomys is composed of 30 lineages of species level. Of these, 22 correspond to forms currently considered species; some of these include in their synonymy some forms currently considered valid species (e.g., yatesi would be a synonym of longicaudatus). The remaining eight lineages are candidate species that need to be further evaluated. This study, by advancing taxonomic hypothesis that should be further tested in future studies, constitutes a stepping‐stone for upcoming taxonomic and biogeographic studies centred on Oligoryzomys.  相似文献   

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