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Health‐related data uses and data sharing have been in the spotlight for a while. Since the beginning of the big data era, massive data mining and its inherent possibilities have only increased the debate about what the limits are. Data governance is a relevant aspect addressed in ethics guidelines. In this context, the European project BRIDGE Health (BRidging Information and Data Generation for Evidence‐based Health policy and research) strove to achieve a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable EU health‐information system. One of the aims of the project was to evaluate the requirements to construct a data‐linkage infrastructure for the secure management of health information. In a blueprint provided for this infrastructure, the topics ethics and the intimately related governance occupied a whole section, where the recent ethics guidelines by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and the World Medical Association (WMA) were referenced. We explore what has changed in the latest versions of the ethics documents adopted by CIOMS and WMA regarding the management of health data and human tissues, the appropriateness of their application in new forms of research and infrastructures as the proposed in the BRIDGE Health project, and whether society should be so concerned about this topic, in the digital era of social exchange.  相似文献   

Large‐bodied predators are well represented among the world's threatened and endangered species. A significant body of literature shows that in terrestrial and marine ecosystems large predators can play important roles in ecosystem structure and functioning. By contrast, the ecological roles and importance of large predators within freshwater ecosystems are poorly understood, constraining the design and implementation of optimal conservation strategies for freshwater ecosystems. Conservationists and environmentalists frequently promulgate ecological roles that crocodylians are assumed to fulfil, but often with limited evidence supporting those claims. Here, we review the available information on the ecological importance of crocodylians, a widely distributed group of predominantly freshwater‐dwelling, large‐bodied predators. We synthesise information regarding the role of crocodylians under five criteria within the context of modern ecological concepts: as indicators of ecological health, as ecosystem engineers, apex predators, keystone species, and as contributors to nutrient and energy translocation across ecosystems. Some crocodylians play a role as indicators of ecosystem health, but this is largely untested across the order Crocodylia. By contrast, the role of crocodylian activities in ecosystem engineering is largely anecdotal, and information supporting their assumed role as apex predators is currently limited to only a few species. Whether crocodylians contribute significantly to nutrient and energy translocation through cross‐ecosystem movements is unknown. We conclude that most claims regarding the importance of crocodylians as apex predators, keystone species, ecosystem engineers, and as contributors to nutrient and energy translocation across ecosystems are mostly unsubstantiated speculation, drawn from anecdotal observations made during research carried out primarily for other purposes. There is a paucity of biological research targeted directly at: understanding population dynamics; trophic interactions within their ecological communities; and quantifying the short‐ and long‐term ecological impacts of crocodylian population declines, extirpations, and recoveries. Conservation practices ideally need evidence‐based planning, decision making and justification. Addressing the knowledge gaps identified here will be important for achieving effective conservation of crocodylians.  相似文献   

The social niche specialization hypothesis predicts that group‐living animals should specialize in particular social roles to avoid social conflict, resulting in alternative life‐history strategies for different roles. Social niche specialization, coupled with role‐specific life‐history trade‐offs, should thus generate between‐individual differences in behaviour that persist through time, or distinct personalities, as individuals specialize in particular nonoverlapping social roles. We tested for support for the social niche specialization hypothesis in cooperative personality traits in wild female meerkats (Suricata suricatta) that compete for access to dominant social roles. As cooperation is costly and dominance is acquired by heavier females, we predicted that females that ultimately acquired dominant roles would show noncooperative personality types early in life and before and after role acquisition. Although we found large individual differences in repeatable cooperative behaviours, there was no indication that individuals that ultimately acquired dominance differed from unsuccessful individuals in their cooperative behaviour. Early‐life behaviour did not predict social role acquisition later in life, nor was cooperative behaviour before and after role acquisition correlated in the same individuals. We suggest that female meerkats do not show social niche specialization resulting in cooperative personalities, but that they exhibit an adaptive response in personality at role acquisition.  相似文献   

This paper contends that a research ethics approach to the regulation of health data research is unhelpful in the era of population‐level research and big data because it results in a primary focus on consent (meta‐, broad, dynamic and/or specific consent). Two recent guidelines – the 2016 WMA Declaration of Taipei on ethical considerations regarding health databases and biobanks and the revised CIOMS International ethical guidelines for health‐related research involving humans – both focus on the growing reliance on health data for research. But as research ethics documents, they remain (to varying degrees) focused on consent and individual control of data use. Many current and future uses of health data make individual consent impractical, if not impossible. Many of the risks of secondary data use apply to communities and stakeholders rather than individual data subjects. Shifting from a research ethics perspective to a public health lens brings a different set of issues into view: how are the benefits and burdens of data use distributed, how can data research empower communities, who has legitimate decision‐making capacity? I propose that a public health ethics framework – based on public benefit, proportionality, equity, trust and accountability – provides more appropriate tools for assessing the ethical uses of health data. The main advantage of a public health approach for data research is that it is more likely to foster debate about power, justice and equity and to highlight the complexity of deciding when data use is in the public interest.  相似文献   

Objectives To describe the multicentre clinical databases that exist in the United Kingdom, to report on their quality, to explore which organisational and managerial features are associated with high quality, and to make recommendations for improvements.Design Cross sectional survey, with interviews with database custodians and search of electronic bibliographic database (PubMed).Studies reviewed 105 clinical databases across the United Kingdom.Results Clinical databases existed in all areas of health care, but their distribution was uneven—cancer and surgery were better covered than mental health and obstetrics. They varied greatly in age, size, growth rate, and geographical areas covered. Their scope (and thus their potential uses) and the quality of the data collected also varied. The latter was not associated with any organisational characteristics. Despite impressive achievements, many faced substantial financial uncertainty. Considerable scope existed for improvements: greater use of nationally approved codes; more support from relevant professional organisations; greater involvement by nurses, allied health professionals, managers, and laypeople in database management teams; and more attention to data security and ensuring patient confidentiality. With some notable exceptions, the audit and research potential of most databases had not been realised: half the databases had each produced only four or fewer peer reviewed research articles.Conclusions At least one clinical database support unit is needed in the United Kingdom to provide assistance in organisation and management, information technology, epidemiology, and statistics. Without such an initiative, the variable picture of databases reported here is likely to persist and their potential not be realised.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are some of the most endangered environments in the world, being affected at multiple scales by the surrounding landscape and human activities therein. Effective research, conservation and management of these ecosystems requires integrating environmental and landscape data with hierarchic river networks by means of summarisation and synthesis of information for large and comprehensive areas at different scales (e.g. basin, sub‐basin, upstream drainage area). The dendritic nature of river networks, the need to tackle multiple scales and the ever‐growing sources of digital information (e.g. temperature or land use data grids) have increasingly led to hardly manageable processing time and stringent hardware requirements when integrating and working with this information. Here we present the River Network Toolkit (RivTool), a software that uses only tabular data to derive and calculate new information at multiple scales for riverine landscapes. It uses data from linear hierarchical river networks and the environmental/landscape data from their respective drainage areas. The software allows the acquisition of: 1) information that characterises river networks based on its topographic nature; 2) data obtained via mathematical calculations that account for the hierarchical and network nature of these systems; and 3) output information using different spatial data sources (e.g. climatic, land use, topologic) that result from up and downstream summarisations. This user‐friendly software considers two units of analysis (segment and sub‐basin) and is time effective even with large datasets. RivTool facilitates and reduces the time required for extracting information for freshwater ecosystems, and may thus contribute to increase scientific productivity, efficiency and accurateness when generating new or improving existing knowledge on large‐scale patterns and processes in river networks.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Australia, and other parts of the world, especially for women. Over the last few decades, more and more information has become available to the public about breast cancer. Throughout Yamatji country various formats for the dissemination of this information have been implemented, with varying degrees of success. Data collected as part of a doctoral research project on Yamatji breast cancer experiences shows that for information to be considered trustworthy and valid, it needs to be passed along social pathways that allow information ‘consumers’ to evaluate the information ‘provider’. Through this social circulation of health information, Yamatji actively engage and shape health information provision, as well as distribution. Likewise, by rejecting certain health information as untrustworthy, Yamatji assert agency in their self‐health management.  相似文献   

  • 1 Environmental heterogeneity is important in determining the distribution and abundance of organisms at various spatial scales. The ability to understand and predict distribution patterns is important for solving many management problems in conservation biology and wildlife epidemiology.
  • 2 The badger Meles meles is a highly adaptable, medium‐sized carnivore, distributed throughout temperate Eurasia, which shows a wide diversity of social and spatial organization. Within Britain, badgers are not only legally protected, but they also serve as a wildlife host for bovine tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis. An evaluation of the role of badgers in the dynamics of this infection depends on understanding the responses of badgers to the environment at different spatial scales.
  • 3 The use of digital data to provide information on habitats for distribution models is becoming common. Digital data are increasingly accessible and are generally cheaper than field surveys. There has been little research, however, to compare the accuracy of models based on field‐derived and remotely derived data.
  • 4 In this paper, we make quantified comparisons between large‐scale presence/absence models for badgers in Britain, based on field‐surveyed habitat data and remotely derived digital data, comprising elevation, geology and soil.
  • 5 We developed four models: 1980s badger survey data using field‐based and digital data, and 1990s badger survey data using field‐based and digital data. We divided each of the four datasets into two subsets and used one subset for training (developing) the model and the other for testing it.
  • 6 All four training models had classification accuracies in excess of 69%. The models generated from digital data were slightly more accurate than those generated from field‐derived habitat data.
  • 7 The high classificatory ability of the digital‐based models suggests that the use of digital data may overcome many of the problems associated with field data in wildlife‐habitat modelling, such as cost and restricted geographical coverage, without any significant impact on model performance for some species. The more widespread use of digital data in wildlife‐habitat models should enhance their accuracy, repeatability and applicability and make them better‐suited as tools to aid policy‐ and decision‐making processes.

We consider the implications for the ethical evaluation of research programs of two fundamental changes in the revised research ethical guideline of the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. The first is the extension of scope that follows from exchanging “biomedical” for “health‐related” research, and the second is the new evaluative basis of “social value,” which implies new ethical requirements of research. We use the example of antibiotic resistance interventions to explore the need to consider the instances of what we term the pragmatic risks of such interventions to evaluate the social value of certain kinds of health‐related research. These (pragmatic) risks severely threaten the social value of interventions in every area where human and social responses significantly impact on their effectiveness. Thus, the social value of health‐related research needed to demonstrate its effectiveness depends on the extent and successful management of such risks. Research designed to take into account the management of pragmatic risks also gives rise to similar types of risks, and the potential for social value in light of those risks needs to be considered in ethical reviews based on the new guidelines. We argue that, to handle this new expanded task, the international system of research ethical review addressed by the guidelines needs institutional development.  相似文献   

Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves a conspecific attraction strategy. Individuals copy the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics, that is, bias their own settlement decisions towards sites (tracts of spatially limited habitat with similar structure) already occupied by others. In order to be adaptive, social information use has to be discriminative. Especially the decisions of good quality individuals, i.e. measuring high at observable fitness correlates, should be copied more frequently than those of poor quality individuals. It is unknown, however, whether songbirds discriminatively use conspecific presence by evaluating the quality of information providers in habitat selection. We experimentally tested whether wood warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix selectively copied settlement decisions of conspecifics in relation to the quality of observed individuals. We also tested whether the use of social cues was influenced by the population density at a particular site in the preceding year. We found that wood warblers selectively used intraspecific social information, but in a pattern opposite to that expected based on existing hypotheses. Wood warblers copied breeding‐site choices of poor quality conspecifics and despite temporary attraction to sites where the presence of good quality individuals was simulated, they did not ultimately settle near these individuals. Population density in the preceding year did not influence settlement patterns. We argue that when making settlement decisions, wood warblers assessed the expected level of local intraspecific competition and selectively copied breeding‐site choices of conspecifics or refused to settle, depending on competitive abilities of observed individuals. This adds a novel aspect to the patterns and processes of social information use proposed thus far, and provides support for the predicted negative effect of intraspecific competition on benefit of information. Moreover, it seems that habitat selection in wood warblers is a complex decision‐making process, in which initial decisions are adjusted after acquiring more accurate information. Synthesis Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves copying the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics (so‐called conspecific attraction). To be adaptive, this strategy has to be discriminative, but almost no empirical studies have tested this assertion. Our study shows that birds may selectively use social information by copying settlement decisions of poor quality conspecifics, but avoid settling near good quality individuals, likely because of their high competitive abilities. This decision‐making pattern supports the predicted, yet not experimentally tested, tradeoff between information value and cost of competition in social information use. Our study highlights also that the use of social cues in settlement decisions may be both positively and negatively biased.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently realigned its research enterprise around the concept of sustainability. Scientists from across multiple disciplines have a role to play in contributing the information, methods, and tools needed to more fully understand the long-term impacts of decisions on the social and economic sustainability of communities. Success will depend on a shift in thinking to integrate, organize, and prioritize research within a systems context. We used the Driving forces–Pressures–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework as a basis for integrating social, cultural, and economic aspects of environmental and human health into a single framework. To make the framework broadly applicable to sustainability research planning, we provide a hierarchical system of DPSIR keywords and guidelines for use as a communication tool. The applicability of the integrated framework was first tested on a public health issue (asthma disparities) for purposes of discussion. We then applied the framework at a science planning meeting to identify opportunities for sustainable and healthy communities research. We conclude that an integrated systems framework has many potential roles in science planning, including identifying key issues, visualizing interactions within the system, identifying research gaps, organizing information, developing computational models, and identifying indicators.  相似文献   

The effect of the reliability of available social information was assessed by examining whether the age of social information changes its effects on a foraging decision in a group‐living fish Gambusia affinis. Individuals switched their patch preference when faced with social information that conflicted with personal information in general; the age of the social information, however, did not significantly influence preference for feeding patch. The mass of decision makers was positively correlated with their use of available social information, with heavier individuals exhibiting a greater difference in patch preference than lighter individuals, suggesting that large and small G. affinis trade‐off the benefits of information acquisition and the costs of competition from conspecifics differently.  相似文献   

Mammals living in more complex social groups typically have large brains for their body size and many researchers have proposed that the primary driver of the increase in brain size through primate and hominin evolution was the selection pressures associated with sociality. Many mammals, and especially primates, use flexible signals that show a high degree of voluntary control and these signals may play an important role in forming and maintaining social relationships between group members. However, the specific role that cognitive skills play in this complex communication, and how in turn this relates to sociality, is still unclear. The hypothesis for the communicative roots of complex sociality and cognition posits that cognitive demands behind the communication needed to form and maintain bonded social relationships in complex social settings drives the link between brain size and sociality. We review the evidence in support of this hypothesis and why key features of cognitively complex communication such as intentionality and referentiality should be more effective in forming and maintaining bonded relationships as compared with less cognitively complex communication. Exploring the link between cognition, communication and sociality provides insights into how increasing flexibility in communication can facilitate the emergence of social systems characterised by bonded social relationships, such as those found in non‐human primates and humans. To move the field forward and carry out both within‐ and among‐species comparisons, we advocate the use of social network analysis, which provides a novel way to describe and compare social structure. Using this approach can lead to a new, systematic way of examining social and communicative complexity across species, something that is lacking in current comparative studies of social structure.  相似文献   

Plants are a hyperdiverse clade that plays a key role in maintaining ecological and evolutionary processes as well as human livelihoods. Biases, gaps and uncertainties in plant occurrence information remain a central problem in ecology and conservation, but these limitations remain largely unassessed globally. In this synthesis, we propose a conceptual framework for analysing gaps in information coverage, information uncertainties and biases in these metrics along taxonomic, geographical and temporal dimensions, and apply it to all c. 370 000 species of land plants. To this end, we integrated 120 million point‐occurrence records with independent databases on plant taxonomy, distributions and conservation status. We find that different data limitations are prevalent in each dimension. Different metrics of information coverage and uncertainty are largely uncorrelated, and reducing taxonomic, spatial or temporal uncertainty by filtering out records would usually come at great costs to coverage. In light of these multidimensional data limitations, we discuss prospects for global plant ecological and biogeographical research, monitoring and conservation and outline critical next steps towards more effective information usage and mobilisation. Our study provides an empirical baseline for evaluating and improving global floristic knowledge, along with a conceptual framework that can be applied to study other hyperdiverse clades.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study evaluated the impact of a community‐based oral health promotion programme on the use of oral health services, oral health knowledge, attitudes, and practices of older Greek and Italian adults attending community clubs and living in Melbourne, Australia. Methods: The oral health promotion intervention consisted of three components: a series of oral health seminars, held at the clubs in the participants’ native languages, the provision of oral health care products, and the production of oral health information sheets. The intervention programme was known as the Oral Health Information Seminars/Sheets (ORHIS). The content of each session was determined following suggestions and findings from the data collected. A pre‐test–post‐test non‐equivalent control group quasi‐experimental design was chosen to evaluate the intervention. A total of 520 independent‐living older adults, members of Greek or Italian social clubs participated in this evaluation. Results: Participants who took part in the intervention responded with higher levels of achievement than those in the control groups. After controlling for baseline variables, experimental groups were significantly more likely than the control groups at post‐test to have improved oral health attitudes, oral health knowledge, and self‐assessed physical health status, as well as, self‐reported oral hygiene practices and use of oral health services. Discussion: The ORHIS approach was successful within the setting of social clubs, and highly acceptable to these communities. As such, it represents a helpful approach for the design of (oral) health interventions in older adults. Further research is required to test the long‐tem impact including the economic evaluation of the ORHIS approach.  相似文献   

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 prompted the Government to evaluate how public understanding about the use of animals in scientific research can be improved and how animal experimentation is regulated within the UK. This resulted in the publication of anonymous project licence abstracts. Here, the abstracts published between December 2004 and October 2005 have been evaluated, by using a scoring system which takes into account their content and format, in order to assess whether they provide information that will facilitate the increased implementation of reduction, refinement and replacement strategies. The potential impact of freely-available Home Office project licence abstracts on public attitudes to animal testing and on the quality of animal-based research, is also discussed. Although some abstracts scored well, in general, the abstracts were found to be severely lacking in detail about the welfare of experimental animals. Thus, the abstracts tend to present a distorted picture of animal-based research. Many abstracts lack the details which would reveal how the licensing criteria had been met. It is concluded that, in their current form, the project abstracts are not sufficiently informative. A number of recommendations are made, which address this problem.  相似文献   

The integrative field of developmental psychopathology is having a huge impact on our understanding of human health and behavior. In this paper, I use the example of children's early stress exposure to illustrate how developmental psychopathologists now tend to deemphasize diagnostic categories and, instead, emphasize the social and biological contexts, events and circumstances that have created opportunities for maladaptive responses and health problems in youth. This example shows that developmental psychopathology is increasing understanding of how children develop the abilities that allow them to cope effectively with challenges and what leads to failures in development of these abilities. Integrating research about the neurobiology of learning may prove to be a powerful future direction to understand how the environment regulates behavior. Learning processes become increasingly intricate and fine‐tuned as relevant neuroanatomical systems develop, and as the range, complexity and amount of environmental information increases for the developing child. A focus on these processes allows psychopathologists to formulate questions about which neural mechanisms children use to process information, how these mechanisms are themselves shaped by social context, why adverse social environments confer risk for children, and, perhaps, what sorts of neutrally informed interventions might remediate the deficits in self‐regulation that underlie common psychopathologies.  相似文献   

Although literature on the reproduction of captive tigers is plentiful, there is little information on other social behaviors, particularly within large social groupings. Here we report on the long‐term monitoring of social behaviors in six female tigers (Panthera tigris). Over a period of 6 years, behavioral data were collected on spraying, vocalizations, non‐contact aggression, and contact aggression during outdoor observations, as well as nearest neighbors in the morning, as a proxy measure of affiliation. Regression analyses showed that non‐contact aggression and vocalizing were increasing, whereas spraying and social proximity were decreasing over the 6 years of the study. Paired t‐tests showed no seasonal differences in aggression, but animals had higher social proximity scores during the mornings of the colder winter months. Correlations showed that spraying was positively related to contact aggression whereas social proximity was negatively correlated with non‐contact aggression. In addition to documenting levels of contact and non‐contact aggression over time, this study showed these behaviors correlated with behaviors that were more easily scored (spraying and social proximity). Behavioral monitoring has played a key role in the management and husbandry of this large social grouping of female tigers. In addition to providing keepers with the opportunity to observe their animals in regularly scheduled sessions, behavioral monitoring has provided baseline information on social relationships in this grouping over time. If future research validates the relationship between aggression and spraying/social proximity, this can be a valuable tool for long‐term monitoring of groups of tigers. Zoo Biol 27:89–99, 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Schembri A  Fiske J 《Gerodontology》2005,22(3):143-150
Objectives: To establish oral health care practices, including the use of dental services, in the residential homes of Malta and Gozo by assessing the knowledge of home managers and assistance of care staff regarding residents’ oral health and hygiene; and evaluating the residents’ demand for dental treatment and residential home managers response to this demand. Subjects: A total population sample of licensed residential homes (38) in Malta and Gozo was used comprising all home managers in government (seven), church (20), and privately run (11) residential homes. Method: A 19‐question questionnaire was designed, piloted and sent to the home managers requesting them to report on the dental care provision for their elderly residents. The questionnaire was distributed by post, along with a reply‐paid envelope and an explanatory letter. A response deadline of 1 month was included. Results: An 87% response rate was achieved. Whilst the majority of home managers (64%) were aware of domiciliary dental services, there was no code of care practice for oral health. Routine dental check‐ups were not organised for residents of most homes. Although home staffs were generally given information about residents’ oral health and hygiene, the majority did not assist residents with oral hygiene. Home managers identified the following barriers to the use of dental services by residents: cost, communication problems with dental staff, journey to place of treatment, waiting time at the dental clinic, access to premises/clinic, lack of information on oral health and dental service availability, no one to accompany the person to the clinic, and health problems such as mobility, poor eyesight, hearing impairment and mental health status. Conclusion: Although most home managers appreciate the importance of oral health care for their residents, the residents still face many barriers to maintaining adequate oral health care and accessing dental services.  相似文献   

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