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The winter pine processionary moth has become an important pine pest in the last century, as a consequence of the spread of pine cultivation in the Mediterranean region. The pattern of genetic differentiation of this group, that includes two sibling species (Thaumetopoea pityocampa and Th. wilkinsoni), has been studied in nine populations using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and single strand conformation polymorphism-sequence analysis (SSCP) of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (COI) and cytochrome oxydase 2 (COII). Results indicate the existence of strong genetic differentiation between the two species that became separated before the Quaternary ice ages. Moreover data indicate that Th. pityocampa has a strong geographical structure, particularly evident at the nuclear level, where all pairwise phiST resulted to be highly significant and individuals from the same population resulted to be strongly clustered when an individual tree was reconstructed. The estimates of the absolute number of migrants between populations (Nm), obtained from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers, suggest that gene flow is low and that a gender-related dispersal could occur in this species. The males appear to disperse more than females, contributing to the genetic diversity of populations on a relatively wide range, reducing the risks of inbreeding and the genetic loss associated with bottlenecks occurring in isolated populations.  相似文献   

Diapause development is a complex process involving several eco‐physiological phases. Understanding these phases, especially diapause termination, is vital for interpreting the life history of many insect species and for developing suitable predictive models of population dynamics. The pine processionary moth is a major defoliator of pine and a vertebrate health hazard in the Mediterranean region. This species can display either univoltine or semivoltine development, with a pupal diapause extending from a few months to several years, respectively. Although the ecological and applied importance of diapause is acknowledged, its physiological regulation in either case remains obscure. In the present study, we characterize pre‐termination, termination and post‐termination phases of pupae developing as univoltine or remaining in prolonged diapause. Changes in metabolic activity are monitored continuously using thermocouples, comprising a novel method based on direct calorimetry, and periodically by use of O2 respirometry. The two methods clearly detect diapause termination in both types of pupae before any visible morphological or behavioural changes can be observed. Univoltine individuals are characterized by an increase in metabolic activity from pre‐termination through to termination and post‐termination, ultimately resulting in emergence. Remarkably, a synchronous termination is observed in individuals that enter prolonged diapause instead of emerging; however, in these pupae, the increased metabolic activity is only transient. The present study represents a starting point toward understanding the eco‐physiology of diapause development processes in the pupae of the pine processionary moth.  相似文献   

1. Seasonal variation in leaf quality and climate conditions often imposes constraints on the temporal occurrence of tree‐feeding insect larvae, but the seasonal effects of predation have received limited attention. In temperate climate zones, both the abundance and activity of predators can be expected to vary over time. 2. The study reported herein examined the impact of temporal variation in predator activity levels on the life history of an herbivorous insect feeding on a constant food source: previous‐year needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). In field experiments, the survival and growth rates of colonies of Thaumetopoea pinivora Treitschke larvae that had been manipulated to hatch at three different dates were compared. Eggs of T. pinivora usually hatch by mid‐April in southern Sweden, which is earlier than most other herbivorous insects that overwinter as eggs in this region. 3. Predator exclusion experiments indicated that larvae which hatched later than April experienced a higher level of predator activity, mainly by ants. The final larval size and the timing of pupation were not affected by hatching date. First instar larvae were more extensively preyed on than second instars. 4. The life history of herbivore species can be affected by seasonal variation in predation pressures. This study suggests that early hatching in a lepidopteran species can allow a temporal escape from predation during the vulnerable early life stages.  相似文献   

  • 1 There is growing appreciation of climatic effects on insect population dynamics at the margins of distribution limits. Climatic effects might be less important and/or involve different drivers and processes near the centre of distributions.
  • 2 We evaluated the effects of interannual variation in temperatures, radiation and precipitation on populations of pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa in Central–South Portugal, a low altitude area with a relatively mild Mediterranean climate near the centre of the north–south range of the species.
  • 3 We tested for effects of climate on mortality of young larvae, growth rates, final larval mass and fecundity.
  • 4 Results indicated high mortality of early instars associated with low minimum and maximum daily temperatures and low precipitation. Low minimum temperatures were further associated with high parasitism by the larval parasitoid Phryxe caudata (Rondani) (Diptera, Tachinidae). Furthermore, larval growth rates were higher with high solar radiation during December and January, which was itself negatively related to precipitation and air temperature. Slow larval growth rates led to lower final mass at pupation in the spring, and smaller egg masses and smaller initial colony sizes during the next autumn.
  • 5 Thus climatic factors, and temperature in particular, apparently contributed to population dynamics of T. pityocampa in the core of its distribution, as well as at its northern limits. The most specific climatic parameters of importance, however, and the connections between climate, physiology and insect demographics in the core area were clearly different from northern areas.

1 Larvae of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) develop throughout the winter, although their feeding activity and survival can be impaired by adverse climatic factors. The present study investigated the survival at low temperature of larvae originating from a population with range expansion in an alpine valley in Northern Italy.
2 The supercooling point of individually analysed larvae averaged at −7 °C. This value insufficiently described the cold hardiness of the larvae; 39% of the tested larvae were alive when returned to room temperature immediately after freezing. When larval colonies inside their nest were exposed to −17 °C for 1 h after gradual temperature decrease, survival was 70.4%.
3 Rearing of larvae in the laboratory at different day/night temperatures indicated an effect of cumulative chill injury on larvae. A logistic regression explained the relationship between negative thermal sum (h°C below 0 °C) received in the laboratory experiment and larval survival. A similar relationship was demonstrated between negative thermal sum and survival of larval colonies in the field.
4 In the laboratory experiment, some tested larvae were able to survive for up to 8 weeks without feeding depending on rearing temperature. As expected, feeding occurred only when larvae were reared at temperatures of 9 °C day/0 °C night.
5 We classify the larvae of T. pityocampa as being moderate freezing tolerant. The winter behaviour allows this species to track climate warming by a rapid expansion into those areas that become compatible with the insect's development.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes of adaptive divergence, which may ultimately lead to speciation, is a major question in evolutionary biology. Allochronic differentiation refers to a particular situation where gene flow is primarily impeded by temporal isolation between early and late reproducers. This process has been suggested to occur in a large array of organisms, even though it is still overlooked in the literature. We here focused on a well‐documented case of incipient allochronic speciation in the winter pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa. This species typically reproduces in summer and larval development occurs throughout autumn and winter. A unique, phenologically shifted population (SP) was discovered in 1997 in Portugal. It was proved to be strongly differentiated from the sympatric “winter population” (WP), but its evolutionary history could only now be explored. We took advantage of the recent assembly of a draft genome and of the development of pan‐genomic RAD‐seq markers to decipher the demographic history of the differentiating populations and develop genome scans of adaptive differentiation. We showed that the SP diverged relatively recently, that is, few hundred years ago, and went through two successive bottlenecks followed by population size expansions, while the sympatric WP is currently experiencing a population decline. We identified outlier SNPs that were mapped onto the genome, but none were associated with the phenological shift or with subsequent adaptations. The strong genetic drift that occurred along the SP lineage certainly challenged our capacity to reveal functionally important loci.  相似文献   

1 The pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa is expanding its geographical range in Europe, as a consequence of enhanced winter survival under a warmer climate. A combination of daytime nest temperatures and night air temperatures determines the number of hours larvae are able to feed (hours above realized feeding threshold, RFT). 2 We tested the RFT‐based model for survival across multiple areas of the insect’s range in the Italian Alps over a 2‐year period. In a series of translocation experiments using natural temperature gradients as spatial analogues for global warming, we transferred colonies of T. pityocampa larvae to sites within zones of historical distribution, recent distribution, and outside the present range. The sites included traditional (Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris) as well as novel (Pinus mugo, Pinus uncinata, Pinus cembra) hosts. 3 Survival during precold (August to November), cold (December to February) and postcold (March to May) periods were analysed against climatic variables (temperature and rainfall) and predictors developed by the model. 4 Host species did not significantly affect final survival, with the exception of slower larval development, and resulting lower cold tolerance, on P. cembra than on P. mugo at the same site. 5 Across all the sites and hosts, final survival of colonies depended on the number of feeding hours during the cold period (RFT), which explained 82% of the variance in a regression model. We recommend using RFT, or its surrogate daily mean minimum temperature when nest temperature is not available, in predictive models of range expansion of T. pityocampa under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

A plausible case of allochronic differentiation, where barrier to gene flow is primarily attributable to a phenological shift, was recently discovered in Portugal for the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Previous results suggested that the observed 'summer population' (SP) originated from the sympatric winter population (WP). Our objectives were to finely analyse these patterns and test their stability in time, through field monitoring and genetic analyses of larvae and adults across different years. Reproductive activity never overlapped between SP and WP. Microsatellites showed a clear differentiation of the SP, consistent with a strong reduction in gene flow owing to the phenological shift. Assignment tests suggested that some individuals shift from the SP to the WP phenology, causing some hybridization. We discuss these patterns and their maintenance over time. This could be a first stage of allochronic speciation, and SP should be considered as a distinct phenological race.  相似文献   

Although mass trapping cannot be a definitive control measure, it is one of the few ones available to contain the destruction of millions of cubic metres of conifer forests perpetrated every year worldwide by bark beetles. However, using bark beetle aggregation pheromones during both monitoring and control programs may negatively affect other saproxylic insects. The aim of this study was to describe the response of both Ips sexdentatus and its saproxylic beetle associates, especially predators, to traps baited with a commercial blend of I. sexdentatus aggregation pheromone. Furthermore, the usefulness of adding pine volatiles, such as (?)‐α‐pinene and ethanol, to the pheromone was discussed. The commercial blend proved to be attractive to I. sexdentatus adults, both when used alone and together with pine volatiles. Pheromone attractiveness, however, was lessened by the addition of the volatiles. The pheromone blend proved to be attractive to Thanasimus formicarius, as well as to other predator species. Overall, although during our study, traps baited only with (?)‐α‐pinene and ethanol attracted some predator specimens, I. sexdentatus pheromone traps were more attractive. Our study confirms that calendar differences in flight activity between the bark beetle and its predators are substantial; therefore, they should be taken into account when planning control measures. According to our data, the commercial blend of I. sexdentatus pheromone seems to be the most effective, among the baits used, in catching I. sexdentatus adults, while reducing the impact on T. formicarius.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Sexual pheromone traps are commonly used to monitor populations of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, assuming that trapped males are representative of the breeding population. 2 For seven Italian populations, mitochondrial haplotypes (COI and COII) of adult males caught in traps were compared with those of larvae obtained from egg batches laid in the same year, to test whether the males trapped were representative of the local populations. 3 The distribution of haplotype frequencies revealed substantial homogeneity between adult males and larvae samples from the same population, except for Aosta Ruines Verrès, a population recently expanding in the south‐western Alps. In this case, the results suggested that trapped males were recruited over a wider area than local moths because haplotype diversity was higher than that of larvae. 4 A further analysis of this population using nuclear markers (AFLP) confirmed that adults, collected in pheromone traps, were genetically different from the larvae emerging in the same stand. 5 In conclusion, the assumption that trapped males are representative of breeding populations was confirmed for core populations, but has not been verified for the recently established population of Aosta Ruines Verrès. This should encourage discussion with respect to the reliability of pheromone traps in monitoring programmes of the pest, especially at the range's edge.  相似文献   

1. Some lepidopteran species have larvae that live gregariously, especially in early instars. Colony‐living species may benefit from improved protection from predators, thermoregulation, and feeding facilitation, for example. 2. While many studies have compared solitary and gregarious life styles, few data exist as to the relationship between size of the larval colony and larval performance in gregarious species. The present study was aimed at understanding the importance of colony size for growth and survival of the northern pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pinivora) larvae. 3. Field studies, comparing three different sizes of colonies of T. pinivora larvae, showed that individuals in larger colonies had a higher survival rate compared with those living in smaller colonies and also a faster growth rate. 4. The higher survival rate of large colonies was attributed to improved protection from predacious arthropods. 5. In early spring, the young larvae bask in the sun to increase their body temperature. In field experiments the thermal gain was higher in large colonies, and individuals in such colonies also grew faster. As growth rate was not affected by colony size when the ability to bask was experimentally removed in a laboratory experiment, the higher growth rate of the larger colonies was probably due to improved thermoregulation rather than feeding facilitation. 6. The size of larval colonies of gregarious insects depends on natural mortality events as well as on female oviposition strategy. Our results show that decreasing colony size can lead to a reduction in growth rate and survival. It is therefore important to understand whether or not small colonies will benefit equally from the gregarious behaviour.  相似文献   

1. Coniferous trees deploy a combination of constitutive (pre‐existing) and induced (post‐invasion), structural and biochemical defences against invaders. Induced responses can also alter host suitability for other organisms sharing the same host, which may result in indirect, plant‐mediated interactions between different species of attacking organisms. 2. Current range and host expansion of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins; MPB) from lodgepole pine‐dominated forests to the jack pine‐dominated boreal forests provides a unique opportunity to investigate whether the colonisation of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) by MPB will be affected by induced responses of jack pine to a native herbaceous insect species: the jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus pinus Freeman; JPBW). 3. We simulated MPB attacks with one of its fungal associates, Grosmannia clavigera Robinson‐Jeffrey & Davidson, and tested induction of either herbivory by JPBW or inoculation with the fungus followed by a challenge treatment with the other organism on jack pine seedlings and measured and compared monoterpene responses in needles. 4. There was clear evidence of an increase in jack pine resistance to G. clavigera with previous herbivory, indicated by smaller lesions in response to fungal inoculations. In contrast, although needle monoterpenes greatly increased after G. clavigera inoculation and continued to increase during the herbivory challenge, JPBW growth was not affected, but JPBW increased the feeding rate to possibly compensate for altered host quality. 5. Jack pine responses varied greatly and depended on whether seedlings were treated with single or multiple organisms, and their order of damage.  相似文献   

A set of 10 polymorphic di‐ and trinucleotide microsatellite loci were developed for the forestry pest insect, masson pine moth, Dendrolimus punctatus Walker. The expected heterozygosity at these loci ranges from 0.285 to 0.859, and the observed allele numbers from five to 19. Cross species amplification of these loci in four other congeneric pine moth species indicates variable levels of loci conservation and thus cross‐applicability. Therefore, the microsatellite loci reported here should be useful for population genetic and other related studies in the masson pine moth and other closely related species.  相似文献   

The pine sawyer beetle Monochamus galloprovincialis, a secondary pest of pines in Europe and North Africa, has become important as it was identified as the vector in Europe of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD). An effective trapping system is needed, not only for monitoring the insect vector but also for direct control of its population. Trapping may also provide key information on the nematode load carried by the beetles, allowing early detection of infections, provided that captured beetles remain alive within the trap. Highly effective attractants have been developed in recent years that are commonly used in combination with diverse standard trap designs. In this study, several trap designs were developed and compared to commercial standard models in order to determine which designs maximized the number of attracted insects actually caught and the proportion of them remaining alive. In total, 12 trap designs were evaluated in five field experiments carried out in France, Spain and Portugal. Teflon coating applied to the whole trap and extended, ventilated collecting cups resulted in a significant improvement of trap performance. These modifications led to significant increases of pine sawyer catches, up to 275%, when applied to multiple‐funnel or black cross‐vane traps, compared to standard designs. Furthermore, a significant proportion of the captured beetles remained alive within the trap. These findings have been used to develop new commercial traps (Econex Multifunnel‐12® and Crosstrap®; Econex, Murcia, Spain) available to forest managers. A model for insect survival within the trap was also fitted. Elapsed time between consecutive samplings, mean relative humidity and maximum radiation were the three most significant variables. Thus, traps should provide a suitable sample of live insects if sun exposure of the trap is minimized and a reasonable sampling schedule is implemented.  相似文献   

Climatic anomalies may produce, or accelerate, geographic range expansions of species limited by temperature or other climatic variables. Most such expansions are only temporary, before the prevailing climatic conditions drive the founder populations extinct. In contrast, here, we report a recent rapid shift of the range limit during the record hot summer of 2003 in southern Europe that has the potential to be both permanent, and to have important implications on species range dynamics in general. The winter pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), an important pine defoliator whose larvae feed in colonies during the winter, is limited in its distribution by winter temperatures. In the last three decades, warmer winters have led to a gradual but substantial expansion of its range both latitudinally and altitudinally. In the summer of 2003, T. pityocampa underwent an extraordinary expansion to high elevation pine stands in the Italian Alps; its altitudinal range limit increased by one third of the total altitudinal expansion over the previous three decades. In an experiment, we found flight activity of newly emerged females to increase with temperature. By determining a threshold temperature for flight take‐offs under controlled conditions, we calculated that the nights above the threshold temperature were over five times more frequent, and considerably warmer, at the range limit in 2003 than in an average year. We therefore attribute the colonization of extreme, high‐elevation sites to increased nocturnal dispersal of females during the unusually warm night temperatures in June – August 2003. Importantly, the colonies established at extreme sites survived the winter and produced offspring in 2004, although the range did not expand further because of low night temperatures that year. We discuss several life‐history characteristics of T. pityocampa that maximize the likelihood of population persistence at the new range limit. As global warming continues and climatic anomalies are predicted to become more frequent, our results draw attention to the importance of extreme climatic events in the range formation of phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic structure of the eastern pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni was explored in this study by means of nested clade phylogeographic analyses of COI and COII sequences of mitochondrial DNA and Bayesian estimates of divergence times. Intraspecific relationships were inferred and hypotheses tested to understand historical spread patterns and spatial distribution of genetic variation. Analyses revealed that all T. wilkinsoni sequences were structured in three clades, which were associated with two major biogeographic events, the colonization of the island of Cyprus and the separation of southwestern and southeastern Anatolia during the Pleistocene. Genetic variation in populations of T. wilkinsoni was also investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms and four microsatellite loci. Contrasting nuclear with mitochondrial data revealed recurrent gene flow between Cyprus and the mainland, related to the long-distance male dispersal. In addition, a reduction in genetic variability was observed at both mitochondrial and nuclear markers at the expanding boundary of the range, consistent with a recent origin of these populations, founded by few individuals expanding from nearby localities. In contrast, several populations fixed for one single mitochondrial haplotype showed no reduction in nuclear variability, a pattern that can be explained by recurrent male gene flow or selective sweeps at the mitochondrial level. The use of both mitochondrial and nuclear markers was essential in understanding the spread patterns and the population genetic structure of T. wilkinsoni, and is recommended to study colonizing species characterized by sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

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