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The human parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni has a complex life cycle that includes the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata as intermediate host. Within each stage, the parasite synthesizes a wide array of glycoconjugates, exhibiting, in part, unique carbohydrate structures. In addition, the parasite expresses definitive host-like sugar epitopes, such as Lewis X determinants, supporting the concept of carbohydrate-mediated molecular mimicry as an invasion and survival strategy. In the present study, we investigated whether common carbohydrate determinants occur also at the level of the intermediate host. To this end, a structural characterization of hemolymph glycoprotein-N-glycans of B. glabrata was performed. N-glycans were released from tryptic glycopeptides and labeled with 2-aminopyridine. Sugar chains serologically cross-reacting with S. mansoni glycoconjugates were isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography using a polyclonal antiserum directed against schistosomal egg antigens and fractionated by Aleuria aurantia lectin affinity chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Obtained glycans were analyzed by different mass spectrometric techniques as well as by monosaccharide constituent and linkage analysis. The results revealed a highly heterogeneous oligosaccharide pattern. Cross-reacting species represented about 5% of the total glycans and exhibited a terminal Fuc(alpha1-3)GalNAc unit, a (1-2)-linked xylosyl residue, or both types of structural motifs. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the presence of common carbohydrate epitopes also at the level of S. mansoni and its intermediate host.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage is a highly specialized smooth connective tissue whose proper functioning depends on the maintenance of an extracellular matrix consisting of an integrated assembly of collagens, glycoproteins, proteoglycans (PG), and glycosaminoglycans. Isomeric chondroitin sulfate glycoforms differing in position and degree of sulfation and uronic acid epimerization play specific and distinct functional roles during development and disease onset. This work introduces a novel glycosaminoglycan extraction method for the quantification of mixtures of chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharides from intact cartilage tissue for mass spectral analysis. Glycosaminoglycans were extracted from intact cartilage samples using a combination of ethanol precipitation and enzymatic release followed by reversed-phase and strong anion exchange solid-phase extraction steps. Extracted chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans were partially depolymerized using chondroitinases, labeled with 2-anthranilic acid-d(4) (2-AA) and subjected to size exclusion chromatography with online electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection in the negative ion mode. The method presented herein enabled simultaneous determination of sulfate position and uronic acid epimerization in juvenile bovine and adult human cartilage samples. The method was applied to a series of 13 adult human cartilage explants. Standard deviation of the mean for the measurements was 1.6 on average. Coefficients of variation were approximately 4% for all compositions of 40% or greater. These results show that the new method has sufficient accuracy to allow determination of topographical distribution of glycoforms in connective tissue.  相似文献   

Dimeric galectin-1 (dGal-1) is a homodimeric lectin with multiple proposed functions. Although dGal-1 binds to diverse glycans, it is unclear whether dGal-1 preferentially binds to specific subsets of glycans on cell surfaces to transmit signals. To explore this question, we selectively inhibited major glycan biosynthetic pathways in human HL60, Molt-4, and Jurkat cells. Inhibition of N-glycan processing blocked surface binding of dGal-1 and prevented dGal-1-induced Ca(2+) mobilization and phosphatidylserine exposure. By contrast, inhibition of O-glycan or glycosphingolipid biosynthesis did not affect dGal-1 binding or dGal-1-induced Ca(2+) mobilization and phosphatidylserine exposure. These results demonstrate that dGal-1 preferentially binds to and signals through glycoproteins containing complex-type N-glycans in at least some leukocyte subsets.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that introduction of human N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT)-III gene into tobacco plants leads to highly efficient synthesis of bisected N-glycans. Enzymatically released N-glycans from leaf glycoproteins of wild-type and transgenic GnT-III plants were profiled by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) in native form. After labeling with 2-aminobenzamide, profiling was performed using normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, and glycans were structurally characterized by MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS and reverse-phase nano-liquid chromatography-MS/MS. These analyses revealed that most of the complex-type N-glycans in the plants expressing GnT-III were bisected and carried at least two terminal N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues in contrast to wild-type plants, where a considerable proportion of N-glycans did not contain GlcNAc residues at the nonreducing end. Moreover, we have shown that the majority of N-glycans of an antibody produced in a plant expressing GnT-III is also bisected. This might improve the efficacy of therapeutic antibodies produced in this type of transgenic plant.  相似文献   

Summary Despite extensive efforts to develop suitable media for rearing the intramolluscan stages of schistosomes, successful in vitro culture of these parasites remains elusive. Recent31P NMR studies demonstrated that the levels of free phospholipids, particularly phosphatidylcholine, in the digestive gland of the snail,Biomphalaria glabrata, were dramatically reduced when the host was infected withSchistosoma mansoni. It was speculated that absorption of host phosphatides may be an important source of membrane phospholipid precursors and fatty acids for developing sporocysts and cercariae. During the present investigations,B. glabrata was maintained on a high fat diet of egg yolk, and the lipid composition of control uninfected and infected snails examined by31P and13C NMR. In addition, the levels of host hemolymph metabolites, including glucose and urea, considered as indicators of parasite nutrient uptake, were monitored. The lipid level of snails fed egg yolk was greatly increased, and hosts developed patent infections in approximately half the time of infected snails maintained on lettuce. The composition of the free phospholipids accumulated in the tissues ofB. glabrata fed egg yolk were the same as those previously reported in the cercarial stage ofS. mansoni. Moreover, the fatty acids ofS. mansoni and those reported here in the neutral lipids and free phosphatides in the host tissues were similar. Uninfected snails maintained on lettuce had higher hemolymph levels of glucose than those reared on egg yolk, and infected hosts on egg yolk had significantly lower levels of hemolymph urea. β-hydroxybutyrate was the principal hemolymph metabolite in snails fed egg yolk, but was not detected in snails maintained on lettuce. The level of β-hydroxybutyrate in the hemolymph of snails on egg yolk was significantly reduced by infection. The results indicated that the pattern of host hemolymph nutrient utilization by larval schistosomes may be markedly altered by host diet, and it was concluded that host lipids may directly and indirectly be important nutrients for developing schistosomes. Future studies on in vitro culture of the intramolluscan stages of schistosomes should emphasize the potential role of lipids and attempt to define the nutritive value of those medium components that presently supply lipids in culture media, most notably serum.  相似文献   

Glycomics is a developing field that provides structural information on complex populations of glycans isolated from tissues, cells and organs. Strategies employing matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) are central to glycomic analysis. Current MALDI-based glycomic strategies are capable of efficiently analyzing glycoprotein and glycosphingolipid glycomes but little attention has been paid to devising glycomic methodologies suited to the analysis of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) polysaccharides which pose special problems for MALDI analysis because of their high level of sulfation and large size. In this paper, we describe MALDI strategies that have been optimized for the analysis of highly sulfated GAG-derived oligosaccharides. A crystalline matrix norharmane, as well as an ionic liquid 1-methylimidazolium alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate (ImCHCA), have been used for the analysis of heparin di-, tetra-, hexa- and decasaccharides carrying from 2 to 13 sulfate groups. Information about the maximum number of sulfate groups is obtained using the ionic liquid whereas MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS experiments using norharmane allowed the determination of the nature of the glycosidic backbone, and more precise information about the presence and the position in the sequence of N-acetylated residues.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) is expressed on epithelia, blood vessel endothelia, and leukocytes. A variety of physiological functions have been assigned to CEACAM1. It is involved in the formation of glands and blood vessels, in immune reactions, and in the regulation of tumor growth. As a homophilic and heterophilic adhesion receptor, it signals through different cellular pathways. The existence of special oligosaccharide structures such as Lewis x or sialyl-Lewis x glycans within this highly glycosylated protein has been postulated, but chemical proof is missing so far. Because such structures are known to be essential for different cell-cell recognition and adhesion processes, characterizing the CEACAM1 glycan structure is of pivotal importance in revealing the biological function of CEACAM1. We examine the terminal glycosylation pattern of CEACAM1 from human granulocytes, focusing on Lewis x epitopes. Lewis x-specific antibodies react with immunoaffinity-purified native CEACAM1. Antibody binding was completely abolished by treatment with fucosidase III, confirming a terminal alpha(1-3,4) fucose linkage to the N-acetylglucosamine of lactosamine residues, a key feature of Lewis epitopes. To verify these data, MALDI-TOF MS analysis after stepwise exoglycosidase digestion of the CEACAM1 N-glycan mixture was performed. A complex mixture of CEACAM1-bound oligosaccharides could be characterized with an unusually high amount of fucose. The sequential digestions clearly identified several different Lewis x glycan epitopes, which may modulate the cell adhesive functions of CEACAM1.  相似文献   

Functional genomics and proteomics studies of the developmental glycobiology of zebrafish are greatly hampered by the current lack of knowledge on its glycosylation profile. To furnish the requisite structural basis for a more insightful functional delineation and genetic manipulation, we have initiated a survey mapping of the possible expression of stage-specific glycoconjugates in zebrafish. High-sensitivity mass spectrometry (MS) analysis in conjunction with the usual array of enzymatic and chemical derivatization was employed as the principal method for rapid differential mapping of the glycolipids and sequentially liberated N- and O-glycans from the total extracts. We demonstrated that all developmental stages of the zebrafish under investigation, from fertilized eggs to hatched embryos, synthesize oligomannosyl types of N-glycans, as well as complex types with additionally beta4-galactosylated, Neu5Ac/Neu5Gc monosialylated Lewis x termini. A combination of collision-induced dissociation (CID)-MS/MS and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses led to the identification of an abundant and unusual mucin-type O-glycosylation, based on a novel sequence Fucalpha1-3GalNAcbeta1-4(Neu5Ac/Neu5Gcalpha2-3)Galbeta1-3GalNAc. This core structure may be further oligosialylated, but exclusively in the earlier development stages. Similarly, MS and MS/MS analyses of the extracted glycolipid fraction revealed the presence of a heterogeneous family of oligosialylated lactosylceramide compounds. In contrast to the O-glycans, these glycolipids only appear in the later development stages, suggesting a complex pattern of regulation for sialyltransferase activities during zebrafish embryogenesis.  相似文献   

糖组学是继基因组学、蛋白质组学之后,又一门新兴的学科,其主要是研究糖分子的结构与功能.糖是一类比核酸、蛋白质更加独特的生物分子,它们不仅是生物体储存能量和释放能量的主要物质,更是生物体内的信息传递分子,并且在生理和病理过程中扮演着重要的角色,如细胞间的识别作用、炎症以及自身免疫疾病等.在结构上,糖类物质更为复杂,具有宏观不均一性(蛋白质上有多个糖基化位点)和微观不均一性(同一结合位点上可以连接不同的多糖),所以糖链的结构解析一直是糖组学研究的难题.相较于传统的分析方法,质谱法具有高灵敏度、高精度、高通量等优势,被认为是在糖链结构解析过程中重要的分析方法.本文综述了质谱、多级质谱、液相色谱-质谱、毛细管电泳-质谱等方法在糖组学中糖链结构解析的研究进展.  相似文献   

A mammalian N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferase I (GnT I)-independent fucosylation pathway is revealed by the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and negative-ion nano-electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry of N-linked glycans from natively folded recombinant glycoproteins, expressed in both human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293S and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) Lec3.2.8.1 cells deficient in GnT I activity. The biosynthesis of core fucosylated Man5GlcNAc2 glycans was enhanced in CHO Lec3.2.8.1 cells by the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, N-butyldeoxynojirimycin (NB-DNJ), leading to the increase in core fucosylated Man5GlcNAc2 glycans and the biosynthesis of a novel core fucosylated monoglucosylated oligomannose glycan, Glc1Man7GlcNAc2Fuc. Furthermore, no fucosylated Man9GlcNAc2 glycans were detected following inhibition of alpha-mannosidase I with kifunensine. Thus, core fucosylation is prevented by the presence of terminal alpha1-2 mannoses on the 6-antennae but not the 3-antennae of the trimannosyl core. Fucosylated Man5GlcNAc2 glycans were also detected on recombinant glycoprotein from HEK 293T cells following inhibition of Golgi alpha-mannosidase II with swainsonine. The paucity of fucosylated oligomannose glycans in wild-type mammalian cells is suggested to be due to kinetic properties of the pathway rather than the absence of the appropriate catalytic activity. The presence of the GnT I-independent fucosylation pathway is an important consideration when engineering mammalian glycosylation.  相似文献   

A software tool, Sweet Substitute, is described, which assists tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)-based glycosylation characterization from within a tryptic digest. The algorithm creates a virtual nanoelectrospray-quadrupole time-of-flight style-MS/MS spectrum of any user-defined N-linked glycan structure. An empirical peak height modeling routine is implemented in the program. By comparing the theoretical MS/MS data with the deconvoluted and deisotoped experimental MS/MS data, the user is able to quickly assess whether a proposed candidate oligosaccharide structure is a plausible one.  相似文献   

MFE-CP is a recombinant antibody-enzyme fusion protein used for antibody-mediated delivery of an enzyme to cancer deposits. After clearance from normal tissues, the tumor-targeted enzyme is used to activate a subsequently administered prodrug to give a potent cytotoxic in the tumor. MFE-CP localizes to cancer deposits in vivo, but we propose that its therapeutic potential could be improved by N-glycosylation, obtained by expression in Pichia pastoris. Glycosylation could enhance clearance from healthy tissue and result in better tumor:normal tissue ratios. To test this, glycosylated MFE-CP was expressed and purified from P. pastoris. The resultant MFE-CP fusion protein was enzymatically active and showed enhanced clearance from normal tissues in vivo. Furthermore, it showed effective tumor localization. This favorable glycosylation pattern was analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. High-resolution, high-detection sensitivity collision-induced dissociation experiments proved essential for this task. Results showed that of the three potential N-glycosylation sites only two were consistently occupied with oligomannose structures. Asn-442 appeared the most heterogeneously populated with oligomannose carbohydrates extending from 5 to 13 units in length. Asn-484 was found only in its nonglycosylated form. There was less heterogeneity at Asn-492, which was glycosylated with oligosaccharide structures ranging from 8 to 10 mannose units. Nonglycosylated forms of Asn-442 and Asn-492 were not observed.  相似文献   

糖组学研究技术及其进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多细胞生物机体内,蛋白质糖基化是一个重要后修饰事件 . 蛋白质的糖链不仅仅是区别细胞种类的标志,且与众多的生物现象有关,如细胞发育、分化、形态、肿瘤转移、微生物感染等 . 糖组学的内容主要涉及单个个体的全部糖蛋白结构分析,确定编码糖蛋白的基因和蛋白质糖基化的机制 . 综述了糖组学的分离和结构鉴定技术及其最新进展 .  相似文献   

We have previously described the construction of a P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1-mouse immunoglobulin Fc fusion protein, which when transiently coexpressed with the porcine alpha1,3 galactosyltransferase in COS cells becomes a very efficient adsorber of xenoreactive, anti-pig antibodies. To relate the adsorption capacity with the glycan expression of individual fusion proteins produced in different cell lines, stable CHO-K1, COS, and 293T cells producing this fusion protein have been engineered. On alpha1,3 galactosyltransferase coexpression, high-affinity adsorbers were produced by both COS and 293T cells, whereas an adsorber of lower affinity was derived from CHO-K1 cells. Stable coexpression of a core 2 beta1,6 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase in CHO-K1 cells led to increased alpha-Gal epitope density and improved anti-pig antibody adsorption efficacy. ESI-MS/MS of O-glycans released from PSGL-1/mIgG(2b) produced in an alpha1,3 galactosyl- and core 2 beta1,6 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase expressing CHO-K1 cell clone revealed a number of structures with carbohydrate sequences consistent with terminal Gal-Gal. In contrast, no O-glycan structures with terminal Gal-Gal were identified on the fusion protein when expressed alone or in combination with the alpha1,3 galactosyltransferase in CHO-K1 cells. In conclusion, the density of alpha-Gal epitopes on PSGL-1/mIgG(2b) was dependent on the expression of O-linked glycans with core 2 structures and lactosamine extensions. The structural complexity of the terminal Gal-Gal expressing O-glycans with both neutral as well as sialic acid-containing structures is likely to contribute to the high adsorption efficacy.  相似文献   

Glycopeptides, isolated from a trypsinolysate of functional unit (FU) RtH2-e of Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin subunit 2, were analysed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and MS/MS. From the molecular mass observed after deglycosylation, it was inferred that all glycopeptides shared the same peptide stretch 92-143 of FU RtH2-e with a glycosylation site at Asn-127. Besides the core structure Man(3)GlcNAc(2) for N-glycosylation, structures with a supplementary GlcNAc linked to either the Man(alpha1-3) or the Man(alpha1-6) arm and/or an additional tetrasaccharide unit connected to the other Man arm were observed, indicating the existence of microheterogeneity at the glycan level. The tetrasaccharide unit contains a central fucose moiety substituted with 3-O-methylgalactose and N-acetylgalactosamine, and linked to GlcNAc at the reducing end. This structure represents a novel N-glycan motif and is likely to be immunogenic. A second potential site for N-glycosylation in FU RtH2-e at Asn-17 was shown to be not glycosylated.  相似文献   

Total non-acid glycosphingolipids were isolated from the plasma of a healthy red blood cell group O Le(a-b-) salivary ABH secretor individual. Glycolipids were fractionated by HPLC and combined into eight fractions based on chromatographic and immunoreactive properties. These glycolipid fractions were analysed by thin-layer chromatography and tested for Lewis activity with antibodies reactive to the type 1 precursor (Lec), H type 1 (Led), Lea and Leb epitopes. Fractions were structurally characterized by mass spectrometry (EI-MS and LSIMS) and proton NMR spectroscopy. Expected blood group glycolipids, such as H type 1, (Fuc1-2Gal1-3GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer) were immunochemically and structurally identified. Inconsistent with the red cell phenotype and for the first time, small quantities of Leb blood group glycolipids (Fuc1-2Gal1-3(Fuc1-4)GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer) were immunochemically and structurally identified in the plasma of a Lewis-negative individual. These findings confirm recent immunological evidence suggesting the production of small amounts of Lewis antigens by Lewis negative individuals. Abbreviations: HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography; TLC, (high performance) thin layer chromatography; EI-MS, electron impact ionisation mass spectrometry; LSIMS, liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The sugar types are abbreviated to Hex for hexose, HexNAc forN-acetylhexosamine and dHex for deoxyhexose (fucose). The ceramide types are abbreviated to d for dihydroxy and t for trihydroxy base, n for non-hydroxy and h for hydroxy fatty acids; LCB, long chain base.  相似文献   

The current interest in applying systems biology approaches to studying an organism's form or function promises to reveal further insights into the role of glycosylation in cells and whole organisms. This has prompted the development of a rapid, sensitive method of profiling the glycan component of both glycosphingolipids and glycoproteins from a single sample. Here we report a new mass spectrometric screening strategy for characterizing glycosphingolipid-derived oligosaccharides, which can be integrated into an existing highly sensitive glycoprotein glycomics strategy. Using ceramide glycanase to release the glycans from glycosphingolipids, this method provides a reliable profile of the glycosphingolipid-derived glycans present in a sample and has revealed new glycan structures. Glycoproteins are also efficiently recovered using this method, allowing the subsequent analysis of glycoprotein-derived glycans by mass spectrometry. The high sensitivity of this glycomic screening method allowed us to directly characterize the sialyl Le(x) epitope from mouse brain for the first time, where it was observed on an O-mannose structure. Thus, we present a mass spectrometric method that allows glycomic screening of N- and O-glycans as well as glycosphingolipid-derived glycans from a single tissue.  相似文献   

Sialyl Lewis antigens, sialyl Lewis a and sialyl Lewis x, are utilized as tumor markers, and their increase in cancer is associated with tumor progression by enhancement of cancer cell adhesion to endothelial E-selectin. However, regulation mechanisms are not fully understood. We previously demonstrated that NEU4 is the only sialidase efficiently acting on mucins and it is down-regulated in colon cancer. To elucidate the significance of NEU4 down-regulation, we investigated sialyl Lewis antigens as endogenous substrates for the sialidase. NEU4 was found to hydrolyze the antigens in vitro and decrease cell surface levels much more effectively than other sialidases. Western blot, thin layer chromatography, and metabolic inhibition studies of desialylation products revealed NEU4 to preferentially catalyze sialyl Lewis antigens expressed on O-glycans. Cell adhesion to and motility and growth on E-selectin were significantly reduced by NEU4. E-selectin stimulation of colon cancer cells enhanced cell motility through activation of the p38/Hsp27/actin reorganization pathway, whereas NEU4 attenuated the signaling. On immunocytochemical analysis, some NEU4 molecules were localized at cell surfaces. Under hypoxia conditions whereby the antigens were increased concomitantly with several sialyl- and fucosyltransferases, NEU4 expression was markedly decreased. These results suggest that NEU4 plays an important role in control of sialyl Lewis antigen expression and its impairment in colon cancer.  相似文献   

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