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The secretin family is a pleotropic group of brain-gut peptides with affinity for class 2 G-protein coupled receptors (secretin family GPCRs) proposed to have emerged early in the metazoan radiation via gene or genome duplications. In human, 10 members exist and sequence and functional homologues and ligand-receptor pairs have been characterised in representatives of most vertebrate classes. Secretin-like family GPCR homologues have also been isolated in non-vertebrate genomes however their corresponding ligands have not been convincingly identified and their evolution remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

Evolution of sensory structures in basal metazoa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cnidaria have traditionally been viewed as the most basal animalswith complex, organ-like multicellular structures dedicatedto sensory perception. However, sponges also have a surprisingrange of the genes required for sensory and neural functionsin Bilateria. Here, we: (1) discuss "sense organ" regulatorygenes, including; sine oculis, Brain 3, and eyes absent, thatare expressed in cnidarian sense organs; (2) assess the sensoryfeatures of the planula, polyp, and medusa life-history stagesof Cnidaria; and (3) discuss physiological and molecular datathat suggest sensory and "neural" processes in sponges. We thendevelop arguments explaining the shared aspects of developmentalregulation across sense organs and between sense organs andother structures. We focus on explanations involving divergentevolution from a common ancestral condition. In Bilateria, distinctsense-organ types share components of developmental-gene regulation.These regulators are also present in basal metazoans, suggestingevolution of multiple bilaterian organs from fewer antecedentsensory structures in a metazoan ancestor. More broadly, wehypothesize that developmental genetic similarities betweensense organs and appendages may reflect descent from closelyassociated structures, or a composite organ, in the common ancestorof Cnidaria and Bilateria, and we argue that such similaritiesbetween bilaterian sense organs and kidneys may derive froma multifunctional aggregations of choanocyte-like cells in ametazoan ancestor. We hope these speculative arguments presentedhere will stimulate further discussion of these and relatedquestions.  相似文献   

Sialidases are glycohydrolytic enzymes present from virus to mammals that remove sialic acid from oligosaccharide chains. Four different sialidase forms are known in vertebrates: the lysosomal NEU1, the cytosolic NEU2 and the membrane-associated NEU3 and NEU4. These enzymes modulate the cell sialic acid content and are involved in several cellular processes and pathological conditions. Molecular defects in NEU1 are responsible for sialidosis, an inherited disease characterized by lysosomal storage disorder and neurodegeneration. The studies on the biology of sialic acids and sialyltransferases, the anabolic counterparts of sialidases, have revealed a complex picture with more than 50 sialic acid variants selectively present in the different branches of the tree of life. The gain/loss of specific sialoconjugates have been proposed as key events in the evolution of deuterostomes and Homo sapiens, as well as in the host-pathogen interactions. To date, less attention has been paid to the evolution of sialidases. Thus we have conducted a survey on the state of the sialidase family in metazoan. Using an in silico approach, we identified and characterized sialidase orthologs from 21 different organisms distributed among the evolutionary tree: Metazoa relative (Monosiga brevicollis), early Deuterostomia, precursor of Chordata and Vertebrata (teleost fishes, amphibians, reptiles, avians and early and recent mammals). We were able to reconstruct the evolution of the sialidase protein family from the ancestral sialidase NEU1 and identify a new form of the enzyme, NEU5, representing an intermediate step in the evolution leading to the modern NEU3, NEU4 and NEU2. Our study provides new insights on the mechanisms that shaped the substrate specificity and other peculiar properties of the modern mammalian sialidases. Moreover, we further confirm findings on the catalytic residues and identified enzyme loop portions that behave as rapidly diverging regions and may be involved in the evolution of specific properties of sialidases.  相似文献   

Bussink AP  Speijer D  Aerts JM  Boot RG 《Genetics》2007,177(2):959-970
Family 18 of glycosyl hydrolases encompasses chitinases and so-called chi-lectins lacking enzymatic activity due to amino acid substitutions in their active site. Both types of proteins widely occur in mammals although these organisms lack endogenous chitin. Their physiological function(s) as well as evolutionary relationships are still largely enigmatic. An overview of all family members is presented and their relationships are described. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that both active chitinases (chitotriosidase and AMCase) result from an early gene duplication event. Further duplication events, followed by mutations leading to loss of chitinase activity, allowed evolution of the chi-lectins. The homologous genes encoding chitinase(-like) proteins are clustered in two distinct loci that display a high degree of synteny among mammals. Despite the shared chromosomal location and high homology, individual genes have evolved independently. Orthologs are more closely related than paralogues, and calculated substitution rate ratios indicate that protein-coding sequences underwent purifying selection. Substantial gene specialization has occurred in time, allowing for tissue-specific expression of pH optimized chitinases and chi-lectins. Finally, several family 18 chitinase-like proteins are present only in certain lineages of mammals, exemplifying recent evolutionary events in the chitinase protein family.  相似文献   

The secretin receptor is a member of a large family of G-protein-coupled receptors that recognize polypeptide hormone and/or neuropeptides. Charged, conserved residues might play a key role in their function, either by interacting with the ligand or by stabilizing the receptor structure. Of the four charged amino acids that are conserved in the whole secretin receptor family, D49 and R83 (in the N-terminal domain) were probably important for the secretin receptor structure: replacement of D49 by H or R and of R83 by D severely reduced both the maximal response to secretin and its potency. No functional secretin receptor could be detected after replacement of R83 by L. Mutation of D49 to E, A, or N had no effect or reduced 5-fold the potency of secretin. The highly conserved positive charges found at the extracellular ends of TM III (K194) and IV (R255) were important for the secretin receptor function, as K194 mutation to A or Q and R255 mutation to Q or D decreased the secretin's affinity 15- to 1000-fold, respectively. Six extracellular charged residues are conserved in closely related receptors but not in the whole family. K121 (TM I) and R277 (TM V) were not important for functional secretin receptor expression. D174 (TM II) was necessary to stabilize the active receptor structure: the D174N mutant receptors were unable to stimulate normally the adenylate cyclase in response to secretin, and functional D174A receptors could not be found. Mutation of R255, E259 (second extracellular loop), and E351 (third extracellular loop) to uncharged residues reduced only 10- to 100-fold the secretin potency without changing its efficacy: these residues either stabilized the active receptor conformation or formed hydrogen rather than ionic bonds with secretin. Mutation of K121 (TM I) to Q or L and of R277 (TM V) to E or Q did not affect the receptor functional properties.  相似文献   

The presence of Archaea is currently being explored in various environments, including extreme geographic positions and eukaryotic habitats. Methanogens are the dominating archaeal organisms found in most animals, from unicellular protozoa to humans. Many methanogens can contribute to the removal of hydrogen, thereby improving the efficiency of fermentation or the reductive capacity of energy-yielding reactions. They may also be involved in tissue damage in periodontal patients. Recent molecular studies demonstrated the presence of Archaea other than methanogens in some animals—but so far, not in humans. The roles of these microorganisms have not yet been established. In the present review, we present the state of the art regarding the archaeal microflora in animals.  相似文献   

Sergěj Hrabě 《Hydrobiologia》1983,102(3):171-173
The structure of the male ducts of numerous representatives of the family Lumbriculidae testifies against the assumption of Stephenson (1930) of an archaism of this family and against the classification of the Oligochaeta based on this fallacy in the papers of Yamaguchi (1953) and Brinkhurst (1971). The genus Dorydrilus Piguet is confirmed as a member of the family Lumbriculidae.  相似文献   

Human members of the eukaryotic protein kinase family   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Kostich M  English J  Madison V  Gheyas F  Wang L  Qiu P  Greene J  Laz TM 《Genome biology》2002,3(9):research0043.1-research004312

The structures of the termini and their flanking regions of two human KpnI family members were investigated. The two differed in length, but the starting sequence at one terminal (defined as the 5' terminal) was found to be common to both members. The Alu family sequence was found in the 5' flanking regions. The KpnI family sequence started several base-pairs downstream from the 3' end of the Alu family sequence. In both cases, the Alu family sequence was not flanked by the direct repeat sequence common to the Alu family. These two members showed no sequence homology in 3' terminal regions. Interestingly, the Alu family plus the KpnI family unit was found to be flanked by a direct repeat sequence of several base-pair length. Based on these findings, relationship between the Alu family and KpnI family is discussed.  相似文献   

Haferkamp I 《FEBS letters》2007,581(12):2375-2379
Sequencing of plant genomes allowed the identification of various members of the mitochondrial carrier family (MCF). In plants, these structurally related proteins are involved in the transport of solutes like nucleotides, phosphate, di- and tricarboxylates across the mitochondrial membrane and therefore exhibit physiological functions similar to known isoforms from animal or yeast mitochondria. Interestingly, various studies led to the recognition of MCF proteins which mediate the transport of different substrates like folates, S-adenosylmethionine, ADPglucose or ATP, ADP and AMP in plastids.  相似文献   

The homologous sequences of human or mouse SOX1, SOX4 and SOX11 , and one novel Sox gene (named Ccf-SoxN ) were identified in the genome of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus . Identification of these genes is a potential step in understanding development regulations including sex determination in channel catfish.  相似文献   

Role of p53 family members in apoptosis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Role of Bcl-2 family members in invertebrates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Proteins belonging to the Bcl-2 family function as regulators of 'life-or-death' decisions in response to various intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli. In mammals, cell death is controlled by pro- and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, which function upstream of the caspase cascade. Structural and functional homologues of the Bcl-2 family proteins also exist in lower eukaryotes, such as nematodes and flies. In nematodes, an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein, CED-9, functions as a potent cell death inhibitor, and a BH3-only protein, EGL-1, acts as an inhibitor of CED-9 to facilitate the spatio-temporal regulation of programmed cell death. On the other hand, the Drosophila genome encodes two Bcl-2 family proteins, Drob-1/Debcl/dBorg-1/dBok and Buffy/dBorg-2, both of which structurally belong to the pro-apoptotic group, despite abundant similarities in the cell death mechanisms between flies and vertebrates. Drob-1 acts as a pro-apoptotic factor in vitro and in vivo, and Buffy/dBorg-2 exhibits a weak anti-apoptotic function. The ancestral role of the Bcl-2 family protein may be pro-apoptotic, and the evolution of the functions of this family of proteins may be closely linked with the contribution of mitochondria to the cell death pathway.  相似文献   

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