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Both human and rat erythrocytes respond to low doses (10(-11)--10(-9) M) of L-isoproterenol and L-epinephrine with an increased degree of hypotonic hemolysis and a decreased rate of filtration through standardized paper filters. The receptors in both cell types have many of the characteristics of beta-receptors for catecholamines. However, hormone-receptor interaction in the human cell does not lead to an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP concentration, but in the rat cell, hormone-receptor interaction does lead to a significant increase in cyclic AMP content. Thus, catecholamine-beta-receptor interaction, at least in the human red cell, leads to a change in red cell properties which are not mediated by adenylate cyclase activation. Likewise, prostaglandin E2, at 10(-12)--10(-10) M, causes are increased degree of hypotonic hemolysis and a decreased rate of filtration through standardized paper filters, but it also does not increase the cycliC AMP content of the human erythrocyte but does increase that of the rat erythrocyte. Nevertheless, exogenous cyclic AMP, when added at a concentration of 10(-8) M to washed human erythrocytes, increases the degree of hypotonic hemolysis. Conversely, prostaglandin E1, at 10(-12)--10(-10) M, causes a decreased degree of hypotonic hemolysis and an increased rate of filtration through a standard filter. Both prostaglandin E2 and the catecholamines decrease the size of a rapidly exchangeable calcium pool, and prostaglandin E1 increases it.  相似文献   

The results reported here show some characteristics of adenylate cyclase (EC derived from homogenates of rat spleen, and describe the in vitro stimulation of this enzyme by prostaglandins, nucleotides, and F under conditions where cyclic nucleotide degradative pathways are effectively inhibited.Particulate fractions from rat spleen homogenates contain high adenylate cyclase activities, and the highest specific activity is recovered in a particulate fraction prepared by low speed (1200 × g) centrifugation. Activity found in all particulate fractions is stimulated by fluoride, prostaglandins E1 and E2, catecholamines, and purine nucleotides. No stimulation is caused by prostaglandins F and F. Stimulation by prostaglandin E1 or E2 is augmented by GTP and other purine nucleotides, and stimulation by the combination of GTP and prostaglandin E1 is equal to that caused by optimal fluoride concentrations. Stimulation c caused by L-isoproterenol is additive to that caused by GTP but is not increased by GTP.  相似文献   

The metabolic effects of human placental lactogen (HPL) on rat and human white fat were tested in vitro. When tested against rat tissue, HPL resembled insulin in stimulating uptake of glucose and incorporation of [14C] glucose into CO2, triglyceride and glycogen, but differed from insulin in stimulating glycerol release and in failing to stimulate the incorporation of [14C] The stimulation of [14C] glucose incorporation and the inhibition of glycerol release by insulin were antagonized by HPL. The effects of HPL on human white fat resembled those on rat white fat,except that glycerol release was not stimulated in human tissue. The possible role of HPL in causing the diabetogenic stress of pregnancy is discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

S K Batta  L Martini 《Prostaglandins》1975,10(6):1075-1086
PGF2alpha and PGE2 have been instilled in small amounts (5mug) into the uterine horns of pregnant rats at different intervals following mating. Unilateral as well as bilateral injections have been used. Three parameters have been taken into consideration at laparotomy performed on the 13th day of pregnancy: a) the number of implantation sites; b) the number of viable fetuses; and c) the number of corpora lutea present on the ovarian surface. Both PGs proved able to inhibit implantation, to affect the development of embryos and to exert some luteolytic activity when given between D-1 and D-6 of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Most of the experiments have verified the cytoprotective effect of prostaglandins on the gastric mucosa and only few observations are known to deal with "cytoprotection" exerted on the duodenal or intestinal mucosa. Duodenal ulcers were produced by cysteamine (CEA). The treatment with different prostaglandins (PGI2, PGF2 alpha, PGE2) was carried out every six hours during the 48-hour experimental period. The obtained results indicate that neither prostacyclin nor prostaglandin-F2 alpha has any significant effect on CEA-induced duodenal ulceration, while prostaglandin-E2 exerts a slight anti-ulcerogenic effect. It is possible that cytoprotection is not the result of the same process in the duodenal and gastric mucosa: alternatively, three prostaglandins are not involved in the pathomechanism of CEA-induced duodenal ulceration.  相似文献   

Subjects who slept for 4 h from 0000, and for a second 4 h variously distributed over the day, have provided values for rectal temperature and for urinary excretion of water, potassium, sodium, chloride, phosphate, creatinine, calcium and urate in the sleeping subject at all hours of the 24. These are compared with similar values in the wakeful subject. Temperature was lower during sleep at all hours except 1000 and 1200, and the difference was maximal shortly before 0000. At all hours potassium excretion was lower and phosphate excretion higher during sleep. Cosinor analysis of the different variables in the sleeping subject is compared with that in subjects following nycthemeral habits, and the interaction between endogenous rhythms and external influences such as sleep is discussed. The phasing of the temperature and urinary rhythms was essentially normal by the end of the observations. By contrast in a subject who slept at irregular hours mimicking the habits of an air pilot a free-running rhythm unrelated to the habits of sleep emerged. When he was finally living again on normal time his temperature and urinary acrophases had moved to the middle of the night. Phosphate excretion was largely exogenous, falling consistently when subjects rose after 8 h, but not after 4 h of sleep.  相似文献   

Both hypochlorite and ionizing radiation induce oxidation processes of biomolecules. The effects are dependent to a large degree on the dose of the oxidizing agent. Previously we observed that split doses of gamma radiation caused lower hemolysis than the same but single doses. The critical factors influencing the occurrence of this effect were: the value of the first dose and the time between the doses. In this work we examined the effect of gamma radiation (40-400 Gy) on hemolysis of human erythrocytes induced by hypochlorite. Erythrocytes in PBS, hematocrit 2 %, were irradiated with doses of 40, 200 or 400 Gy. The dose-rate was 23.8 Gy/min. Cell suspensions were stirred during irradiation. After irradiation the erythrocytes were incubated for 1, 3 or 4 hours at room temperature and then hypochlorite was added to a 250 microM concentration. Control samples were erythrocytes treated only with NaOCl. The level of hemolysis was determined after NaOCl addition. Hemolysis of erythrocytes preirradiated with the dose of 400 Gy was lower than hemolysis of erythrocytes treated only with NaOCl. The effect was dependent on the time between the end of irradiation and the addition of NaOCl. In contrast, slightly higher hemolysis was observed for erythrocytes preirradiated with lower (40 or 200 Gy) doses of radiation. The observed effect is similar to that obtained for radiation-induced hemolysis. It suggests that ionizing radiation may induce structural and/or functional changes in erythrocytes, which make the cell more resistant to further oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Human semen contains high amounts of different prostaglandins of which the quantitatively dominating compounds are 19-hydroxy PGE and 19-hydroxy PGF. The effect of PGE and PGF on the contractility of the human uterus is well known whereas the corresponding 19-hydroxy derivatives have not previously been examined in detail. In the present investigation 19-hydroxy PGE1 was shown to dose-dependently decrease the frequency and the amplitude of the contractions in human myometrial tissue in vitro. The effect of seminal 19-hydroxy prostaglandins may thus be of importance for sperm transport through the female genital tract.  相似文献   

The effect of ultrasound (frequency 0.88 MHz, intensity from 0.05 to 1 W/cm2) on alterations in antigenic activity has been investigated in vitro using ABO antigens of human erythrocytes. The existence of threshold doses of ultrasound influence has been found. These doses are shown to be independent of ultrasound intensity. The dependence of the effect on erythrocyte concentration has been established. Individual and group differences in the antigenic resistance to ultrasonic exposure in donors of groups A and B have been revealed. A drop in antigenic activity equal to 97% has been obtained.  相似文献   

Extremely small concentrations (1 ng/kg/min) of prostaglandins E1, A1, and A2 elevated arterial blood pressure in the rat when infused into the carotid artery. Similar infusions into the femoral vein failed to demonstrate a pressor response. Higher concentrations of the same prostaglandins infused into the femoral vein resulted in a significant depression of blood pressure.  相似文献   

2-Deoxyglucose uptake (3 min) and 3-O-methylglucose transport (2 s) was measured in rat adipocytes preincubated with 5 microM epinephrine plus adenosine deaminase as described by Green (Green, A. (1983) FEBS Lett. 152, 261-264). 2-Deoxyglucose uptake was about 95% depressed in insulin-treated, but not in 'basal', cells preincubated with epinephrine plus adenosine deaminase for 60 min in broad agreement with Green's report. However, this depression was caused by a decrease in sugar phosphorylation rather than transport. In similarly incubated cells, transport of 3-O-methylglucose, a sugar analogue not phosphorylated in the adipocytes, was not affected by catecholamine plus adenosine deaminase. However, a decrease in transport of about 60% was observed both in the absence and the presence of insulin when the albumin concentration was high enough and the cell concentration low enough to prevent accumulation of free fatty acids in the medium. In addition, the insulin sensitivity with regard to hexose transport was markedly reduced. Transport was approximately doubled in cells incubated with 5 microM epinephrine in the absence of adenosine deaminase. Thus, epinephrine at a high concentration stimulates hexose transport in the absence of adenosine deaminase (presence of adenosine) whereas it inhibits both basal and insulin-stimulated transport in the presence of adenosine deaminase (absence of adenosine).  相似文献   

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