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In Utricularia, the flower spur is a nectary and in this organ, nectar is produced and stored. This study aimed to examine the structure of the nectary trichomes in four Utricularia species (Utricularia vulgaris L., U. australis R.Br., U. bremii Heer and U. foliosa L.) from the generic section Utricularia. We have investigated whether species with different spur morphology had similar spur anatomy and nectary trichome structure. In Utricularia flowers, nectar is produced by spur capitate trichomes (sessile or stalked). Our results showed that regardless of the various spur morphology, trichomes have similar architecture and ultrastructure. Head cells of these trichomes are transfer cells with an eccrine nectar secretion. Examined species differed in the micromorphology of papillae in spurs. The fly Eristalis tenax was found to be a pollinator of U. vulgaris. Small Halictidae bees seem to be pollinators of U. foliosa.  相似文献   

There is an enormous diversity in the structure of the flower palate of the carnivorous rootless genus Utricularia. This study aims to examine the structure of the palates in Utricularia bremii Heer and U. minor L of the Utricularia sect. Utricularia, which have a glandular palate type. In both species, the palate has only one type of glandular trichomes. Because of the occurrence of cell wall ingrowths in its glandular cells, any exudation may be transported via eccrinous secretion. It was proposed that the palate trichomes of the examined species act as scent glands and that the palate may play a role as an unguentarium. Both U. bremii and U. minor are of an open flower type. Thus, U. bremii and U. minor flowers can be penetrated by small, weak insects, which then easily have access to their generative structure. Small Hymenoptera (member of families Mymaridae and Braconidae) were observed as flower visitors of the male-sterile species Utricularia bremii.  相似文献   

Exclusivity of pollinators, temporal partitioning of shared pollinators and divergence in pollen placement on the shared pollinators’ bodies are mechanisms that prevent interspecific pollen flow and minimize competitive interactions in synchronopatric plant species. We investigated the floral biology, flower visitors, pollinator effectiveness and seasonal flower availability of two syntopic legume species of the genus Vigna, V. longifolia and V. luteola, in ‘restinga’ vegetation of an island in southern Brazil. Our goal was to identify the strategies that might mitigate negative consequences of their synchronous flowering. Vigna longifolia and V. luteola were self-compatible, but depended on pollinators to set seeds. Only medium to large bees were able to trigger the ‘brush type’ pollination mechanism. Vigna longifolia, with its asymmetrical corolla and hugging mechanism, showed a more restrictive pollination system, with precise sites of pollen deposition/removal on the bee’s body, compared to V. luteola, with its zygomorphic corolla and cymbiform keel. There was a daily temporal substitution in flower visitation by the main pollinators. Vigna longifolia and V. luteola had overlapping flowering phenology but the densities of their flowers fluctuated, resulting in a seasonal partitioning of flower visitation. The differences in corolla symmetry and mainly the temporal partitioning among pollinators throughout the day and the flowering season proved to be important factors in maintaining the synchronopatry of V. longifolia and V. luteola.  相似文献   

Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is the predominant aphid in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) production systems in Brazil. This pest species directly damages the plants and is also responsible for spreading viruses. Further, C. fragaefolii often renders strawberry cultivation unviable, because of its high reproductive rate, as well as the large number of individuals generated through parthenogenesis. The present study aimed to (1) evaluate the feeding behavior of C. fragaefolii in four strawberry cultivars (Albion, Aromas, Camarosa, and San Andreas) and (2) identify the resistance factors associated with the number and type of trichomes in the cultivars, and also its effect on the feeding behavior of C. fragaefolii, using the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. The results revealed an intrinsic relationship between the number of trichomes on the cultivar and feeding behavior of C. fragaefolii. A higher number of trichomes, both tector and glandular, was observed in Albion compared to that of other cultivars, resulting in a longer no probing (Np) period per insect, and a longer Np phase. A relatively short phloem phase and ingestion time of the phloem sieve elements were also observed in Albion. These results suggest that the trichomes act as a physical barrier creating difficulties for C. fragaefolii to feed, thereby altering its feeding behavior in the four cultivars studied.  相似文献   

In the genus Genlisea as well as in its sister genus Utricularia, the palate probably plays a key role in providing the colour, mechanical and olfactory stimuli to attract insect pollinators and to guide them to the generative structures and the nectary spur. However, information about the micro-morphology of the palate of Genlisea is scarce. This study aims to examine the structure of the palate in Genlisea hispidula in detail as well as the palate from other five species from the subgenus Genlisea. In particular, its aim is to ascertain whether these palates function as an area for the osmophores in the flower or whether they produce nectar. We showed that the palate in all of the species that were examined was the glandular type and that it had capitate, glandular trichomes, which had a similar general architecture across the species that were examined. No nectar secretion was observed on the palates. The ultrastructure of the palate trichomes showed that the palate glandular trichomes most probably function as scent glands that produce an olfactory stimulus for flower pollinators.  相似文献   

Floral symmetry and pigmentation are features of flowers that are believed to be associated due to their shared influence on pollinator behaviour. However, the evolution of such associations has so far not been examined. We analysed variation in Rhododendron flowers, in a phylogenetic context, to test whether the evolution of floral symmetry types and pigment patterns are correlated. Variation in floral symmetry due to variation in corolla form, stamen flexion, stamen arrangement, pistil flexion, as well as corolla pigment patterns was documented in 98 species of Rhododendron. Phylogenetic relations among these species were estimated using maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods, building on a published molecular dataset of sequences of RNA Polymerase II subunit (RPB2-I). Evolution of the floral traits was studied using phylogenetic correlation tests and ancestral state reconstructions (maximum parsimony, MP and ML methods). Significant correlations were found between corolla pigment pattern and type of floral symmetry at the level of corolla form, stamen flexion or arrangement, and pistil flexion. As expected from their similar roles in enhancing attractability to pollinator, monosymmetric corollas and presence of pigment pattern are correlated; in addition, monosymmetry involving other whorls too shows such a relationship with pigment patterns, and with each other. Multiple evolutionary shifts were detected between monosymmetry and polysymmetry of floral traits in Rhododendron. The relationship between floral monosymmetry attributes and presence of corolla pigment patterns, and additionally, frequent evolutionary shifts in these traits suggest pollinator-mediated selective pressures in Rhododendron.  相似文献   

Numerous bladderwort (Utricularia) species are distributed worldwide, but their reproductive biology is rarely investigated. Bladderworts are known to depend on tiny organisms to meet a significant proportion of their energy requirement by trapping them in bladders. However, information on the extent of their reliance on insects for pollination success is limited. We examined the reproductive strategy of two Utricularia species viz. Utricularia praeterita and U. babui, endemic to Western Ghats, India. The main aspects of the investigation involved floral biology, breeding system, pollination mechanism, and reproductive success. Flowers of both the species are structured for outbreeding through entomophilous floral suites, herkogamy, protandrous dichogamy and sensitive lobes of the stigma. With nearly 65% natural fruit-set, both the species appeared to be sufficiently open-pollinated. However, pollinators failed to show in plants of U. praeterita while in U. babui there was an apparent mismatch between the extent of fruit-set and pollinator visits. The study demonstrated that in the absence/insufficient visits of pollinators, the two species resort to autonomous selfing. In U. babui, denser patches of plants appeared to be crucial for attracting the pollinators. Both species are self-compatible, and reproductive success is predominantly achieved by delayed autonomous selfing. The sensitive stigma in the species fails to prevent selfing due to diminished herkogamy during the late anthetic stages. It is inferred that in the pollinator-limited environment, delayed selfing contributes to absolute natural fecundity in U. praeterita, while it produces a mixed progeny in U. babui.  相似文献   

When alien pollinator species enter a native community of pollinators in which resource partitioning has been established, the pollination network between plants and pollinators may be modified through the interactions between the pollinators over the use of floral resources. We observed the floral-use patterns of native (Bombus hypocrita and B. deuteronymus) and alien (B. terrestris) bumblebee species in a coastal grassland in northern Japan. We analyzed the factors determining resource partitioning patterns. B. hypocrita tended to visit flowers with shallow or wide open corollas, such as Rosa rugosa, whereas B. deuteronymus visited flowers with complex or deeper corollas, such as Lathyrus japonicus. Given the wider floral preference of B. terrestris, floral use by the alien bumblebees consistently overlapped with that of native bumblebees. The visitation of B. terrestris to R. rugosa flowers was positively correlated with that of B. hypocrita. These bumblebee species frequently used similar floral resources, in part because of the large overlap in the seasonality of their foraging activity. The visitation frequency of B. deuteronymus to L. japonicus flowers was independent of the visitation frequency of other bumblebee species. The major visitation periods of the bumblebees to L. japonicus flowers reciprocally differed between B. deuteronymus and B. terrestris, suggesting phenological resource partitioning between these species. Our study suggests that phenological niche partitioning is more common in specialized flowers (L. japonicus) than in generalized flowers (R. rugosa).  相似文献   

The self-incompatible flowers of Linaria vulgaris have developed a range of mechanisms for attraction of insect visitors/pollinators and deterrence of ineffective pollinators and herbivores. These adaptive traits include the flower size and symmetry, the presence of a spur as a “secondary nectar presenter,” olfactory (secondary metabolites) and sensual (scent, flower color, nectar guide—contrasting palate) signals, and floral rewards, i.e. pollen and nectar. Histochemical tests revealed that the floral glandular trichomes produced essential oils and flavonoids, and pollen grains contained flavonoids, terpenoids, and steroids, which play a role of olfactory attractants/repellents. The nectary gland is disc-shaped and located at the base of the ovary. Nectar is secreted through numerous modified stomata. Nectar secretion began in the bud stage and lasted to the end of anthesis. The amount of produced nectar depended on the flower age and ranged from 0.21 to 3.95 mg/flower (mean?=?1.51 mg). The concentration of sugars in the nectar reached up to 57.0%. Both the nectar amount and sugar concentration demonstrated a significant year and population effect. Pollen production was variable between the years of the study. On average, a single flower of L. vulgaris produced 0.31 mg of pollen. The spectrum of insect visitors in the flowers of L. vulgaris differed significantly between populations. In the urban site, Bombus terrestris and Apis mellifera were the most common visitors, while a considerable number of visits of wasps and syrphid flies were noted in the rural site.  相似文献   

The physiological effects of sunflecks on understory plants are poorly understood. Kingdonia uniflora is an endemic and endangered species in China, with a patchy distribution over much of its range. Sunflecks are reportedly the likely dominant factor in determining its patchy distribution. We studied the photosynthesis of K. uniflora in the field to test whether understory sunflecks result in photoinhibition and, thereby, potentially influence its patchy distribution. K. uniflora exhibited the low dark respiration rates, low light compensation points, and low light saturation points characteristic of shade-tolerant plants, allowing maintenance during the long periods of low understory light. Moreover, K. uniflora was able to regulate light energy utilization by non-photochemical quenching in low light. Gas exchange parameters were measured in six treatments (sunfleck-enriched, sunfleck-enriched with added saturation light, sunfleck-enriched with filtered ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation , sunfleck-limited, sunfleck-limited with added saturation light, and sunfleck-limited with filtered UV-B). The sunfleck-enriched treatment caused photoinhibition in K. uniflora, in part due to a UV-B-induced decrease in Pn. In addition, the application of simulated sunflecks indicated that K. uniflora leaves do not need continuous light. The photosynthetic responses of K. uniflora to sunflecks indicate that the sunflecks are a limiting factor in the small-scale distribution of K. uniflora.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plants threaten biodiversity, ecosystems and service provision worldwide. They can have positive and negative direct and indirect effects on herbivorous insects, including those that provide pollination services. Here, we quantify how three highly invasive plant species (Heracleum mantegazzianum, Impatiens glandulifera and Fallopia japonica) influence the availability of floral resources and flower-visiting insect communities. We compared invaded with comparable uninvaded areas to assess floral resources and used pan-trapping to quantify insect communities. Only F. japonica influenced floral resource availability: sites invaded by this species had a higher flowering plant species richness and abundance of open floral units than uninvaded sites, probably due to its late flowering and the paucity of other flowering species at this time of year. Fallopia japonica was also associated with higher abundances of bumblebees, higher overall insect diversity and higher hoverfly diversity than uninvaded areas. Differences in pollinator communities were also associated with I. glandulifera and H. mantegazzianum, despite there being no detectable differences in floral resources at these sites. Specifically, there were more bumblebees and solitary bees in I. glandulifera sites, and a higher overall diversity of insects, particularly hoverflies. By contrast, H. mantegazzianum sites had a lower abundance of solitary bees and hoverflies. These findings confirm that invasive plant species have a range of species-specific effects on ecological communities. This supports the emerging view that control of invasive species, as required under international obligations, is not simple and that potential losses and gains for biodiversity must be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  相似文献   

Studies of the floral biology of the buriti palm, Mauritia flexuosa, have presented conflicting results with respect to the mechanism of pollination, indicating either cantharophily or anemophily. To resolve this question, the floral biology of M. flexuosa was studied in a coastal restinga environment in northeastern Brazil. The reproductive system was studied experimentally, and floral visitors were collected by bagging inflorescences. In this environment, M. flexuosa, a dioecious species, has several gender-specific floral features that function to attract pollinators, especially beetles. The male flowers produce large amounts of pollen as a reward, and male and female inflorescences produce similar odors that attract pollinators to female flowers, which offer only a nectar secretion as a reward. When feeding on the female flowers, the visitors frequently come into contact with the stigmata. To increase the chances of pollination, the female flowers persist longer than the male ones, and the viability of the pollen grain is very high. A curculionid beetle species of the genus Grasidius was found to be an effective pollinator. We suspect that wind also contributes to the pollination of M. flexuosa in the study area, but in a relatively minor way.  相似文献   

Interactions between flowers and their visitors span the spectrum from mutualism to antagonism. The literature is rich in studies focusing on mutualism, but nectar robbery has mostly been investigated using phytocentric approaches focused on only a few plant species. To fill this gap, we studied the interactions between a nectar-robbing hermit hummingbird, Phaethornis ruber, and the array of flowers it visits. First, based on a literature review of the interactions involving  P. ruber, we characterized the association of floral larceny to floral phenotype. We then experimentally examined the effects of nectar robbing on nectar standing crop and number of visits of the pollinators to the flowers of Canna paniculata. Finally, we asked whether the incorporation of illegitimate interactions into the analysis affects plant–hummingbird network structure. We identified 97 plant species visited by P. ruber and found that P. ruber engaged in floral larceny in almost 30 % of these species. Nectar robbery was especially common in flowers with longer corolla. In terms of the effect on C. paniculata, the depletion of nectar due to robbery by P. ruber was associated with decreased visitation rates of legitimate pollinators. At the community level, the inclusion of the illegitimate visits of P. ruber resulted in modifications of how modules within the network were organized, notably giving rise to a new module consisting of P. ruber and mostly robbed flowers. However, although illegitimate visits constituted approximately 9 % of all interactions in the network, changes in nestedness, modularity, and network-level specialization were minor. Our results indicate that although a flower robber may have a strong effect on the pollination of a particular plant species, the inclusion of its illegitimate interactions has limited capacity to change overall network structure.  相似文献   

The neotropical plant genus Drymonia displays a remarkable variety of floral shapes and colors. One feature that is particularly important to coevolution with pollinators involves the variable shapes and widths of corolla tubes. To evaluate the evolutionary context for changes in corolla shape, we constructed a phylogeny of 50 of the 75 species of Drymonia using molecular markers from plastid (trnK-matK) and nuclear regions (ITS and ETS). Mapping tube shapes on the phylogeny supports open, bell-shaped (campanulate) corolla shape as the ancestral character state for Drymonia, with multiple independent origins of constriction in the corolla tube. Corollas with constrictions take one of three tube shapes: a constricted flower opening and throat with a large, expanded pouch on the lower surface (hypocyrtoid); a constricted flower opening and throat lacking an expanded pouch on the lower surface (urceolate); or a constricted opening and throat where the sides of the corolla appear laterally compressed. Fieldwork demonstrates euglossine bees (mostly Euglossa spp. and Epicharis spp.) visit campanulate corollas while hummingbirds visit corollas that are constricted. Results support eight independent origins of constricted corolla tubes from ancestors with campanulate corolla tubes: 3 hypocyrtoid clades, 3 laterally compressed clades, and 3 urceolate clades (one of which represents a shift from a hypocyrtoid ancestor). Constricted corollas are associated with shifts from the ancestral condition of poricidal anther dehiscence, which presents pollen to pollinators in multiple small doses, to the derived condition of longitudinal anther dehiscence, which presents all pollen to pollinators simultaneously. The association of hummingbird pollination with constricted corolla tubes suggests that narrowing evolved as a barrier mechanism that prohibits the visitation of flowers by bees.  相似文献   

Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) is a widely-distributed tree in seasonally dry tropical forests of South America that was classified previously as lacking nectaries. However, some studies have stated that its flowers produce nectar, while others analyzed the composition of unifloral honey produced from A. colubrina flowers, raising the question about nectar production in the species. We studied the pollination and reproductive biology of A. colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul in a natural population in the Caatinga, northeastern Brazil. Reproductive phenology, sexual system, floral biology, resource, and pollinators were investigated. We analyzed the breeding system through controlled pollinations for addressing its dependence on pollen vectors for reproduction. Anadenanthera colubrina flowered in the dry season, flower heads are heteromorphic, with staminate flowers at the base and perfect flowers at the apex of the inflorescence, characterizing andromonoecy. Anthesis is diurnal. We observed small drops of nectar at the apex of the petals of some flowers per inflorescence. Together with observations on flower visitor behavior and histochemical tests, we propose that A. colubrina produces floral nectar at the apex of the corolla, characterizing a substitutive nectary (sensu Vogel). This is the first record of substitutive nectary in the Mimosoideae and the first record of andromonoecy in the genus. Bees were the main pollinators (higher frequency), although other insects such as wasps, butterflies, and small beetles were also observed collecting nectar and/or pollen. The species is self-incompatible, thus depending on insect pollen vectors, mainly bees, for reproduction.  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Adenoa is endemic to Cuba. Its name alludes to the presence of minute glands on the petal margin, identified in the present study as lachrymiform colleters. Here we describe the morphological, anatomical, palynological, and chromosome features that characterize Adenoa cubensis. The indumentum of Adenoa consists only of stellate trichomes. Unlike many species of the new world genera Piriqueta and Turnera, Adenoa lacks glandular hairs and extrafloral nectaries. Adenoa, Piriqueta, and Turnera share the presence of standard, sessile, and lachrymiform colleters. The leaves of Adenoa have xeromorphic features, which include entire, revolute blade margins, an adaxial hypodermis, and stomata restricted to the abaxial surface. The chromosome number is 2n?=?14, which is probably the ancestral number of the family. Adenoa chromosomes are similar in size to those of Turnera, and are larger than those of Piriqueta. Using the available data, we discuss relationships among the new world genera of Turneraceae.  相似文献   

Floral anatomy and development of Saxofridericia aculeata Körn was studied in a comparative approach to contribute to the understanding of the family. Flowers at different developmental stages were analysed with light and scanning electron microscopy, and the nature of the exudate secreted by the floral trichomes was investigated by histochemical tests. The anatomical characteristics observed in S. aculeata flowers were compared with those from other Rapateaceae species by a cluster analysis (UPGMA). The dendrogram generated reflects the groupings that emerged in phylogenetic molecular analyses, highlighting the usefulness of floral anatomy for taxonomy and for the understanding of infrafamilial relationships. The exudate secreted by the trichomes has a polysaccharidic composition. Such trichomes (colleters) occur in the sepals, petals, filaments and around the gynoecium; they are initiated at mid-stage of floral development and are an apomorphy of the family. The flowers are pentacyclic, presenting three initially free sepals, petals, stamens and carpels that mature in a centripetal order. The connate portion of the corolla, which is also adnate to the stamens, has a late development by zonal growth. Gynoecium formation is a combination of postgenital and congenital fusion processes. Data on floral organogenesis of Rapateaceae are first reported here and support the early diverging position of the family in Poales, close to Bromeliaceae.  相似文献   

Elucidating the factors determining the occurrence of florivorous organisms is an essential step for comprehending arthropod–plant interactions, especially when considering florivores that use flowers/inflorescences as microhabitats. In this study, we characterize the interaction between florivorous thrips (Thysanoptera) and Palicourea rigida (Rubiaceae), a distylous hummingbird-pollinated shrub. We investigated the relative role of different factors in determining thrips occurrence in the flower and inflorescence microhabitats. Furthermore, we experimentally examined the protective role of corolla influencing thrips exploration of floral buds. Frankliniella musaeperda (Thripidae) was the only species recorded on P. rigida, feeding on floral tissue, pollen and nectar. Thrips occurrence was not related to distyly, but rather to floral stage. Open flowers presented the highest abundance of thrips, followed by senescent flowers and then buds. The experimental opening of buds translated in increased thrips occurrence, indicating that F. musaeperda manage to explore the microhabitat offered by the floral chamber, as long as there is an opening in the corolla. In inflorescences, thrips abundance was negatively related to the number of ants visiting extrafloral nectaries. We found that the marked difference between floral morphs of distylous plants is not necessarily reflected in the abundance of florivores. Thrips seek for floral cavities, preferentially those with fresh tissue, which may confer nutrient-rich food and protection. Buds also provide this; however, the enclosed petals are an effective barrier against F. musaeperda entrance. At inflorescence scale, presence of mutualistic ants in high numbers can drive away these flower-feeding insects. Despite the abundance of thrips in the flowers, there was no evidence of any functional relationship, either of pollination for flowers or of breeding for insects. We demonstrate here that in the flower/inflorescence microhabitat, structural and biotic factors play a key role in the exploitation and occupation by insect florivores.  相似文献   

An arthropod deterrent attracts specialised bees to their host plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many bee species are adapted to just a few specific plants in order to collect pollen (oligolecty). To reproduce successfully, it is important for oligolectic bees to find and recognise the specific host flowers. In this study, we investigated the role of floral volatiles used by an oligolectic bee to recognise its host plants. We compared the attractiveness of natural and synthetic scent samples of host flowers to foraging-naïve and -experienced Hoplitis adunca (Megachilidae) bees that are specialised on Echium and Pontechium (Boraginaceae) plants. The investigations showed that naïve H. adunca females are attracted to 1,4-benzoquinone. During their lifetime, bees learn additional floral cues while foraging on host flowers. In contrast to naïve ones, experienced H. adunca females use, in addition to 1,4-benzoquinone, other compounds to recognise their host plants. 1,4-Benzoquinone is an uncommon floral compound only known from the host plants of H. adunca, and is therefore ideally suited to be used as a plant-specific recognition cue. Several arthropods use this compound to deter insect predators. Therefore, 1,4-benzoquinone as an attractant in Echium flowers may have evolved from a primary function as a defensive compound against insect herbivores.  相似文献   

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