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The objective of this study was to investigate the preservation of spermatozoa in a simple medium without freezing and to examine the effects of the preserved sperm on fertilization and development after injection into mature mouse oocytes. Mouse spermatozoa were collected from two caudae epididymides of mature B6D2F1 males and stored under various conditions: 1) in KSOMaa medium (potassium simplex optimized medium with amino acids) supplemented with 0, 1, or 4 mg/ml BSA and held at room temperature (RT, 27 degrees C); 2) in KSOMaa medium containing 4 mg/ml BSA (KSOM-BSA) and held at 4 degrees C, RT, or 37 degrees C (CO2 incubator); 3) in KSOM-BSA with osmolarity ranging from 271 to 2000 mOsmol, adjusted by addition of NaCl and held at 4 degrees C; and 4) a two-step preservation system consisting of storage in 800 mOsmol KSOM-BSA for 1 wk at RT followed by storage at -20 degrees C. Preservation of mouse spermatozoa at 4 degrees C in a medium with high osmolarity (700-1000 mOsmol) resulted in the highest frequency of live births after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) into mature oocytes. The optimal conditions for preservation of mouse spermatozoa were 800 mOsmol KSOM containing 4 mg/ml BSA and a holding temperature of 4 degrees C. More than 40% of oocytes injected with sperm heads stored under these conditions for 2 mo developed to the morula/blastocyst stage in vitro and 39% of the embryos developed to term after transfer to recipient mice. Our results also indicate that mouse spermatozoa can be stored in 800 mOsmol KSOM-BSA medium at RT for 1 wk and then at -20 degrees C for up to 3 mo and retain their competence for ICSI. These new preservation methods permit extended conservation of viable spermatozoa that are capable of supporting normal embryonic development and the live birth of healthy offspring after ICSI.  相似文献   

Head plasma membranes were isolated from the sperm-rich fraction of boar semen and from sperm-rich semen that had been subjected to three commercial preservation processes: Ex tended for fresh insemination (extended), prepared for freezing but not frozen (cooled), and stored frozen for 3-5 weeks (frozen-thawed). Fluorescence polarization was used to determine fluidity of the membranes of all samples for 160 min at 25°C and also for membranes from the sperm-rich and extended semen during cooling and reheating (25 to 5 to 40°C, 0.4°C/min). Head plasma membranes from extended semen were initially more fluid than from other sources (P < 0.05). Fluidity of head membranes from all sources decreased at 25°C, but the rate of decrease was significantly lower for membranes from cooled and lower again for membranes from frozen-thawed semen. Cooling to 5°C reduced the rate of fluidity change for plasma membranes from the spernvrich fraction, while heating over 30°C caused a signifi cantly greater decrease. The presence of Ca++ (10 mM) lowered the fluidity of the head plasma membranes from sperm-rich and extended semen over time at 25°C but did not affect the membranes from the cooled or frozen-thawed semen. The change in head plasma membrane fluidity at 25°C may reflect the dynamic nature of spermatozoa membranes prior to fertilization. Extenders, preservation processes and temperature changes have a strong influence on head plasma membrane fluidity and therefore the molecular organization of this membrane.  相似文献   

The widespread production of mice with transgenes, disrupted genes and mutant genes, has strained the resources available for maintaining these mouse lines as live populations, and dependable methods for gamete and embryo preservation in these lines are needed. Here we report the results of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with spermatozoa freeze-dried or frozen without a cryoprotectant after storage for periods up to 1.5 years. Freeze-dried samples were stored at 4 degrees C. Samples frozen without cryoprotection were maintained at -196 degrees C. After storage, spermatozoa were injected into the oocytes by ICSI. Zygotic chromosomes and fetal development at Day 15 of gestation were examined after 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 mo of sperm storage. When fresh spermatozoa were used for ICSI, 96% of resultant zygotes contained normal chromosomes, and 58% of two-cell embryos transferred developed to normal viable fetuses. Similar results were obtained when spermatozoa were frozen without cryoprotection and then used for ICSI (87% and 45%, respectively; P > 0.05) and after 12 mo of sperm storage (mean of six endpoints examined: 87% and 52%, respectively; P > 0.05). Freeze-drying decreased the proportion of zygotes with normal karyoplates (75% vs. 96%; P < 0.001) and the proportion of embryos that developed into fetuses (35% vs. 58%; P < 0.001), but similar to freezing, there was no further deterioration during 12 mo of storage (mean of six endpoints examined: 68% and 34%, respectively; P > 0.05). Live offspring were obtained from both freeze-dried and frozen spermatozoa after storage for 1.5 yr. The results indicate that 1) the freeze-drying procedure itself causes some abnormalities in spermatozoa but freezing without cryoprotection does not and 2) long-term storage of both frozen and freeze-dried spermatozoa is not deleterious to their genetic integrity. Freezing without cryoprotection is highly successful, simple, and efficient but, like all routine sperm storage methods, requires liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is also required for freeze-drying, but sperm can then be stored at 4 degrees C and shipped at ambient temperatures. Both preservation methods are successful, but rapid freezing without cryoprotection is the preferred method for preservation of spermatozoa from mouse strains carrying unique genes and mutations.  相似文献   

Mink parvoviruses and interferons: in vitro studies.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Although interferons can inhibit the replication of a number of viruses, little is known about their ability to inhibit parvovirus replication. Therefore, in vitro experiments were done to determine if Aleutian disease virus and mink enteritis virus, two autonomously replicating mink parvoviruses, induced interferon, were sensitive to the effects of interferon, or inhibited the production of interferon. The results indicated that these parvoviruses neither induced nor were sensitive to the effects of interferon. Furthermore, preexisting parvovirus infections did not inhibit poly(I).poly(C)-induced interferon production. This independence from the interferon system may, therefore, be a general property of the autonomously replicating parvoviruses.  相似文献   

Calculations based on the known dimensions of bull spermatozoa show that the scattered light intensity is strongly dependent upon the relative orientation of the particle to the incident beam. The magnitude of this effect of apparently much greater than for other systems where motility has been investigated by dynamic light scattering. The calculations show that the scattering source can be approximated by a small spinning mirror, and consequently the greatest light intensity at the detector results from cells swimming in a direction perpendicular to the scattering vector. The calculations are in substantial agreement with photographic observations, as well as direct measurements of the scattered intensity. Previous treatments of dynamic light scattering from swimming bull spermatozoa based on point scattering models are shown to be incorrect.  相似文献   

Fertility of bull spermatozoa cryopreserved in large volume by directional freezing technique, thawed, repackaged in straws and refrozen over liquid nitrogen vapor (double freezing, DF) was compared to conventional single freezing in straws (CF). Semen was collected from 6 bulls, 4 of which were selected for the field trial. Each semen collection was split into two parts, one frozen by CF and the other by DF. In vitro semen evaluations included motility (fresh, upon thawing and after 3 h incubation at 37 °C), viability and acrosome integrity. A total of 3610 cows and heifers were randomly inseminated by either CF or DF at about equal numbers. In vitro sperm analysis indicated no difference between CF and directional freezing in large volume and both were superior to DF (P < 0.001). Between-bull variations in fresh semen and in their reaction to CF or DF were apparent. Logistic regression analysis revealed that freezing method, bull, parity and inseminating technician, all had significant effect on pregnancy outcome (P ≤ 0.001 for all). Conception rate (CR) was 32.98% for CF and 28.05% for DF. Only in one bull conception rate by CF was significantly superior to DF (P < 0.05). When divided into heifers, primi- and pluriparous cows, only the difference in CR between the pluriparous cows was significant (P = 0.005). In conclusion, acceptable CR can be achieved by DF technique. These can be improved by selecting suitable bulls. The DF technique can be utilized in storage, sperm sexing and genome resource banking.  相似文献   

Ram spermatozoa are sensitive to extreme changes in temperature during the freeze-thaw process. The degree of damage depends on a combined effect of various factors including initial freezing temperature. The present study was conducted to observe the effect of initial freezing temperature on post-thawing motility of ram spermatozoa of native and crossbred rams maintained in a semi-arid tropical environment. Good quality semen obtained from native Malpura and crossbred Bharat Merino rams were pooled within breed and diluted at a rate of 1000 million spermatozoa per milliliter in TEST—yolk–glycerol extender. Diluted semen samples were loaded in 0.25 ml straws and cooled to −25, −75 or −125 °C freezing temperature at the rate of −25 °C/min under controlled conditions before plunging into liquid nitrogen for storage. The thawing of straws was performed at 50 °C in a water bath for 10 s and motility characteristics of the frozen-thawed spermatozoa were assessed by a computer-assisted spermatozoa analysis technique. Initial freezing temperature significantly affected the post-thawing motility of sperm in both the breeds. The post-thawing % motility and rapid motile spermatozoa were significantly higher at initial freezing temperature of −125 °C and lower at −25 or −75 °C. The percentage medium motile sperm were similar at all three initial freezing temperatures. The percentage of slow motile and linearity of sperm varied (P<0.01) between the different freezing temperatures. The curvilinear velocity, average path velocity and straight line velocity of spermatozoa were higher (P<0.01) at −125 °C than −25 or −75 °C. Although the lateral head displacement of spermatozoa did not vary significantly between the different initial freezing temperatures, the stroke frequency was significantly lower at −25 °C than −75 or −125 °C. Except for % linearity, the average path velocity and straight line velocity, other spermatozoa characteristics were not significantly different between breeds. The interaction between freezing temperature and breed was significant only for the % motility and linearity of the spermatozoa. The study indicates that initial freezing temperature has a significant effect on spermatozoa motility and velocity following post-thawing. The best motile spermatozoa following thawing were achieved at −125 °C freezing temperature.  相似文献   

Liquid storage of miniature boar semen.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of liquid storage at 15 degrees C on the fertilizing ability of miniature pig semen were investigated. Characterization of ejaculated semen from 3 miniature boars was carried out. Semen volume and pH were similar among these boars. In one of the boars, sperm motility was slightly low, and sperm concentration and total number of sperm were significantly lower than in the others (P < 0.01). Seminal plasma of the semen was substituted with various extenders (Kiev, Androhep, BTS and Modena) by centrifugation and semen was stored for 7 days at 15 degrees C. Sperm motility was estimated daily at 37 degrees C. For complete substitution of seminal plasma, Modena was significantly more efficient than the other extenders (P < 0.001) in retaining sperm motility. Semen from each of the 3 miniature boars that had been stored for 5 to 7 days at 15 degrees C in Modena was used for artificial insemination of 15 miniature sows. The farrowing rates were 100, 100 and 60%, and litter sizes were 6.4 +/- 1.5, 5.8 +/- 0.8 and 5.0 +/- 1.0 for each boar semen, respectively. The boar that sired the smallest farrowing rate was the same one that showed lower seminal quality with respect to sperm motility, sperm concentration and total number of sperm. These results suggest that miniature boar semen can be stored for at least 5 days at 15 degrees C by the substitution of seminal plasma with Modena extender.  相似文献   

Preservation of primate spermatozoa by freezing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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