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The extent of rooting in cuttings of Phaseolus vulgaris L., and Vigna radiata Wilcz. was affected by 4-chlororesorcinol, a polyphenol oxidase inhibitor. More root primordia and more roots were formed after 4-chlororesorcinol treatment both with and without 10-5M Indole butyric acid. Promotion of rooting was observed also in cuttings of Elaeagnus pungens, Gypsophilia elegans and Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. The enhancement in bean and mung bean was accompanied by a concomitant wider spatial distribution of the primordia and the resulting adventitious roots. The formation of primordia in the treated cuttings was delayed by 12–24 hours, compared to untreated cuttings. The treatment was effective only when given during the first hours after the preparation of the cutting of bean and mung bean, suggesting involvement in the initiation stage. Hypocotyl extracts of mung bean cuttings, pretreated with 4-chlororesorcinol, exhibited reduced polyphenol oxidase activity. The inhibition was not reversed by washing of the treated extract in 50% acetone or by an overnight dialysis, suggesting tight or maybe even irreversible binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme.Abbreviations 4-CR 4-chlororesorcinol - IBA Indole butyric acid - PPO polyphenol oxidase  相似文献   

Removal of melanosomes from retinal pigment epithelium cells is accompanied by a sharp rise in the rate of VIS light-induced lipid peroxidation. The synthetic DOPA-melanin effectively suppresses the UV light-induced lipid peroxidation of cardiolipin not only through a passive decrease of irradiation (optical screening), but also by active chemical inhibition of the reaction. It is assumed that the observed active inhibition is due to the interaction between DOPA-melanin and the free radical products generated in cardiolipin upon UV illumination. It is concluded that the high photoresistance of melanin-containing cells of retinal pigment epithelium is due to the ability of melanosomes to exert strong inhibition of photo-induced lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases catalyze the cross-linking and amine incorporation of proteins, and are implicated in various biological phenomena. Previously, we found a high molecular mass transglutaminase-inhibitory substance produced by Streptomyces lavendulae Y-200 that appeared to be a melanin substance. Here, we report that synthetic tyrosine melanin inhibited various types of transglutaminases. Tyrosine melanin inhibited tissue-type transglutaminase in a competitive manner with a glutamine substrate, and also inhibited the cross-linking of casein catalyzed by a tissue-type transglutaminase. The melanized hemolymph of the silkworm and melanin solutions prepared from melanin precursors inhibited tissue-type transglutaminase. These results suggested that the melanin substances generally inhibit transglutaminases.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1986,10(4):301-306
Cerulenin [(2S) (3R)2,3-epoxy-4-oxo-7,10-dodecadienoylamide], a polyketide synthesis inhibitor, inhibited appressorial pigmentation ofColletotrichum lagenarium at concentrations higher than 10 μg/ml. The inhibitory concentrations of cerulenin inhibited neither spore germination nor appressorium formation but did inhibit penetration of nitrocellulose membranes by penetrating hyphae from appressoria. The colorless appressoria germinated laterally on nitrocellulose membranes and rarely penetrated them. In the presence of cerulenin, treatment with scytalone, a melanin precursor for this fungus, restored appressorial pigmentation and also penetration by appressoria of nitrocellulose membranes. In Czapek liquid medium, mutant 8015 which is defective in the enzyme involved in the conversion of scytalone to 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene in the melanin biosynthetic pathway produced scytalone after 9 days of incubation when hyphal growth reached the maximum level. Application of 10 μg/ml of cerulenin at 9 days of incubation inhibited further production of scytalone by mutant 8015. From these results, it is concluded that appressorial melanin ofC. lagenarium was synthesizedvia the polyketide pathway.  相似文献   

Natural and synthetic melanins catalyze the conversion of glycine to glyoxylate and formic acid in vitro. The conversion depends upon the concentration of melanin.  相似文献   

The synthesis of N-((N4-(benzoyl)cytosine-1-yl)acetyl)- N -(2-Boc-aminoethyl)glycine (CBz) and the incorporation of this monomer into PNA oligomers are described. A single CBzresidue within a 10mer homopyrimidine PNA is capable of switching the preferred binding mode from a parallel to an antiparallel orientation when targeting a deoxyribonucleotide sequence at neutral pH. The resulting complex has a thermal stability equal to that of the corresponding PNA-DNA duplex, indicative of a strong destabilization of Hoogsteen strand PNA binding due to steric interference by the benzoyl moieties. Accordingly, incorporation of the CBz residue into linked PNAs (bis-PNAs) results in greatly reduced thermal stability of the formed PNA:DNA complexes. Thus, incorporation of the CBz monomer could eliminate the stability bias of triplex-forming sequences in PNA used in hybridization arrays and combinatorial library formats. Furthermore, it is shown that the benzoyl moiety does not severely interfere with Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding, thereby presenting an interesting route for novel cytosine modifications.  相似文献   

It is known that casein kinase 2 possesses, besides the protein kinase, an RNA-binding activity. Using ligand blotting it has been demonstrated that the both activities are localized on the alpha- and alpha'-subunits of the enzyme. Casein kinase 2 is suppressed in vitro by polyuridylic acid. A part of the intracellular pool of casein kinase 2 is found in the informosomes. The informosomes and free proteins were separated by centrifugation in a sucrose density gradient, and each fraction was incubated with casein and [gamma-32P]ATP. The informosome-bound protein kinase is completely inhibited, while the free protein kinases heavily phosphorylate casein. It is concluded that the activity of casein kinase 2 can be regulated by the reversible formation of complexes with RNA.  相似文献   

4-Deoxypyridoxine (4-DPD) is a potent antagonist of Vitamin B6 coenzyme which inhibits IL-1, lymphocyte proliferation and has demonstrated that tollerance to skin grafts can be induced by administering splenic cells to pyridoxine-deficient mice. Chronic inflammation induced by dorsal injections of 200 l of a 140 saturated crystal solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) in mice treated or untreated with 4-DPD (400 g/dose), has been investigated. After 7 days all mice developed a subcutaneous granulomatous tissue indicative of a chronic inflammatory response, at the site of injection. KMnO4-treated mice injected intraperitoneally with 4-DPD (400 g/dose) on 5 consecutive days (the first at the same time of induction of the granuloma) show a significant decrease in size and weight of granuloma when compared to mice not treated with 4-DPD (Controls). In addition, in all mice treated with 4-DPD there was a strong inhibition of TNF in serum (P<0.01) and in supernatant fluids (P<0.05) from minced granuloma, while IL-6 was inhibited in the supernatant fluids (P<0.05) of minced granulomas but was not detected in the serum of treated and untreated mice. In this study we show for the first time the antiinflammatory effect of 4-DPD on chronic inflammation and the inhibitory effect of TNF and IL-6 generation in supernatant fluids from minced granulomas.  相似文献   

Inhibition of ovarian aromatase by prolactin in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian aromatase activity was inhibited by prolactin treatment in both cycling rats and immature gonadotropin-primed animals. Cycling rats were injected s.c. with prolactin (4 mg/kg BW) beginning on diestrus 1. Aromatase activity in the largest follicles on diestrus 2 and on proestrus was reduced relative to controls. None of the prolactin-treated animals had ovulated when examined on the expected estrus morning. In other experiments, the immature pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG)-primed rat was used as a model for the cycling rat. Microsomal aromatase activity but not the activity of the C17-21 lyase was reduced in ovaries of animals injected with prolactin [6 IU (200 micrograms)/rat] 48 h after PMSG administration and sacrificed 4 h later. Furthermore, aromatase activity was significantly increased when endogenous prolactin was inhibited by bromocryptine (CB-154). The effect of LH treatment, on the other hand, was to increase both aromatase and lyase activities. However, prolactin pretreatment did not consistently prevent the LH-induced increase in aromatase activity. The results suggest that inhibition of ovulation by prolactin is mediated, at least in part, by direct inhibition of aromatase activity.  相似文献   

1. The intraperitoneal injection of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (100mg/kg) caused a partial inhibition of protein synthesis in several organs of the rat, the maximum effect occurring after 2-3h. 2. In the liver the inhibition of protein synthesis was paralleled by a marked disaggregation of polyribosomes and an increase in ribosome monomers and ribosomal subunits. No significant breakdown of polyribosomes was found in adult rat brains although N-methyl-N-nitrosourea inhibited cerebral and hepatic protein synthesis to a similar extent. In weanling rats N-methyl-N-nitrosourea caused a shift in the cerebral polyribosome profile similar to but less marked than that in rat liver. 3. Reaction of polyribosomal RNA with N-[(14)C]methyl-N-nitrosourea in vitro did not lead to a disaggregation of polyribosomes although the amounts of 7-methylguanine produced were up to twenty times higher than those found after administration of sublethal doses in vivo. 4. It was concluded that changes in the polyribosome profile induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea may reflect the mechanism of inhibition of protein synthesis rather than being a direct consequence of the methylation of polyribosomal mRNA.  相似文献   

 Mesoderm induction requires interaction between cells of the animal and vegetal hemispheres of the embryo. Several molecules have been proposed as candidates for mesoderm-inducing signals, with activin a particularly strong candidate. However, it has not been possible to inhibit mesoderm formation in vivo by specifically blocking activin action. Follistatin is able to inhibit the action of activin but not that of the mature region of Vg1, a member of the transforming growth factor β family. Follistatin therefore provides a useful tool for distinguishing between signalling by these two factors. We have overexpressed Xenopus follistatin mRNA and analysed the expression of several mesodermal markers. Our results show an inhibition of mesodermal formation by follistatin in a concentration-dependent manner, showing the requirement of activin for mesodermal induction. Received: 22 August 1997 / Accepted: 16 January 1998  相似文献   

In vitro assembly of porcine brain microtubular protein to microtubules is affected by calf thymus DNA. Dependent on mass ratio of DNA/MTP microtubule formation is partly inhibited or blocked. Microtubules formed in presence of DNA are not to be distinguished from those assembled without DNA by electron microscopy. Addition of DNA to microtubules in assembly buffer causes their disassembly.  相似文献   

The strong paralytic and lethal action of the venom of the cobra Naja mossambica mossambica on locusts is mainly due to its cardiotoxic components. When cardiotoxin was applied to the locust extensor tibiae nerve-muscle preparation, it caused a gradual and irreversible decrease in the membrane resting potential of the muscle fibers. The time course of this potential drop was dose dependent. The electrical responses of the muscle fiber, caused by stimulation of the motor nerve, progressively decreased due to the depolarization of the membrane. The membrane-depolarizing action of cardiotoxin could be prevented by high calcium (10 mm) and by lanthanum (1 mm) in the bathing solution. In nerve-muscle preparations obtained from cardiotoxin-paralyzed locusts, normal resting and action potentials were recorded for at least 2 hr after cardiotoxin was injected into the animals.  相似文献   

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