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Larvae of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, contain two morphologically distinct fat bodies. Tan-colored, highly tracheated fat body located posteriorly in the abdomen was the predominant fat body tissue during the early larval instars. White, sheet fat body located more anteriorly became the predominant type during the fifth (last) larval instar and eventually occupied most of the space of the hemocoel. Ultrastructural morphology of tan fat body showed the tissue to be composed of cells containing numerous, large, spherical mitochondria, with only few lipid, glycogen, or protein storage structures. In contrast, white fat body was composed of cells that in later larval stages had organelles typical of storage functions. Both fat bodies produced storage proteins during the late fifth instar, whereas only white fat body accumulated the storage proteins. Tan fat body dispersed and apparently autolyzed in pharate pupae, whereas the white fat body metamorphosed and persisted into the adult stage. These observations indicate that fat body of the Indianmeal moth is functionally and morphologically differentiated along the anterior-posterior axis into two regional subgroups of cells.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of ovaries and the organization of germ cells within them were visualized during the larval stages of the moth, Plodia interpunctella. The germ cells were observed by utilizing confocal microscopy coupled with immuno-fluorescent staining for the alpha-crystallin protein 25 (alphaCP25). The alphaCP25 was previously shown to be specific to germ cells of pupae and adults, and this study shows that alphaCP25 is present in larval germ cells as well. A cluster of 28 germ cells that stain for alphaCP25 was found in the gonads of newly hatched first instar larvae. The founding germ cells became segregated into four clusters, most likely by somatic cell intrusion, around the beginning of the second instar. Division of the primary germ cells began by the end of the second instar and the formation of all cystoblasts appeared to be completed within the four ovarioles by the end of the third instar. Within the ovarioles of third instar larvae, the germ cells were organized with a distal cap of seven germ cells which was segregated from the majority of the germ cells. The main body of germ cells was arranged around a central germ cell-free core as a spiral. Divisions of the cystoblasts to form cystocyte clusters were nearly completed during the fourth (last) larval instar. These features suggest that the strategy to produce follicles in moths is fundamentally different from the fruitfly, Drosophila. It appears that during the initial stages of ovary development in P. interpunctella, the primary germ cells undergo stage-complete divisions that are completed prior to the onset of the next set of divisions, which results in a complete complement of follicles available by the time of adult eclosion, while in Drosophila the primary germ cell divisions are initiated in the adult stage, and follicles are produced individually as resources are available.  相似文献   

Genetic changes in insects that result in insecticide resistance can also affect their fitness. Here, we report measurements of development time and survival of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), to compare the relative fitness of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-susceptible and -resistant colonies. Measurements of larval development time and survival indicated that a fitness cost was associated with resistance to Bt in some Bt-resistant colonies but not others. Comparisons of geographically different populations revealed inherent differences in development time and survival. In most cases, Bt-resistant moths suffered no disadvantage when feeding on a Bt-treated diet. In many cases, the development of Bt-resistant moths on Bt-treated diet was slower than the unselected moths on untreated diet, but it is unclear whether these differences would affect the successful mating of susceptible and resistant moths.  相似文献   

Plodia interpunctella (Hübner 1813) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a cosmopolitan species known to infest a wide range of dried plant materials, including legumes and cereals. In this study, enzyme activity and expression of alpha-amylase gene in larval P. interpunctella grown on four different nutrition regimes was studied. The different nutrition regimes caused differential change in expression of alpha-amylase gene. Compared with the control (artificial diet), the walnut regime caused a 10.8% increase in expression of the alpha-amylase gene, whereas 79.3, 52.5, and 7.5% decreases were observed in the larvae grown on dates, raisins and oleaster respectively. The results also showed that glucose repression varied among larvae feeding on different food diets. The results revealed that expression of the alpha-amylase coding gene was significantly reduced in the larvae grown on date and raisin containing high amounts of glucose. A biochemical assay indicated overlapping of alpha-amylase activity and expression. Complexity in expression of amylase genes suggests the existence of a negative feedback mechanism in the insect larvae. Different parameters can affect gene expression and activation, which may explain the results presented here.  相似文献   

The Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), is a serious and widespread pest of stored food commodities worldwide. Studies on the population genetics and breeding structure of P. interpunctella are lacking. Understanding the breeding structure of this pest has implications for its management. Fifteen microsatellite loci were isolated, cloned and characterized using an enrichment method. Forty individuals from six subpopulations were tested for polymorphism. Nine loci were found to be polymorphic. The number of alleles varied from three to six per locus.  相似文献   

The objective was to characterize vitellogenin expression in the ovary and hepatopancreas, and to describe the morphometry and ultrastructure of oocytes, in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum at various stages of ovarian development. Five ovarian stages were defined: (I) immature, (II) maturing, (III) mature, (IV) spawned, and (V) reorganized. Ovaries and hepatopancreas were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for vitellogenin expression. Vitellogenin expression in both ovary and hepatopancreas was predominantly widespread, beginning at Stage I, peaking at Stage III, and decreasing in Stages IV and V. Characterization of the ovary included measurement of the following germ cell types: oogonia (OG), and previtellogenic (PV), early vitellogenesis (EV), advanced vitellogenesis (AV), and mature (M) oocytes. Mean ± SD diameter of OG and EV oocytes in Stages I (14.2 ± 5.5 and 119.8 ± 15.7 μm) and II (17.9 ± 4.8 and 114.3 ± 34.6 μm), respectively, were significantly different from that in Stages IV (16.6 ± 4.7 and 107.0 ± 24.6 μm) and V (14.4 ± 4.1 and 101.0 ± 25.2 μm). Both scanning and transmission electron microscopy enabled identification of EV, AV and M oocytes based on the presence of a nucleus, and the organization and distribution of yolk in the cytoplasm. In summary, vitellogenesis occurred both in the hepatopancreas and ovary, with the ovary expressing vitellogenin starting as early as Stage I. This process promoted accumulation of yolk and growth of oocytes, thus favoring sexual maturation of females. This knowledge may be applied to improve production of farmed M. amazonicum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The duration of diapause in larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) was assessed at 20°C in LD 11:13. Mean times from hatch to pupation for diapausing larvae from different populations ranged from 88 to 236 days. Most non-diapausing larvae pupated within 70 days at this temperature. Transferring diapausing larvae to 25°C and LD 9:15, or to 20°C and LD 15:9, 70 days after hatch reduced the subsequent mean time to pupation by 18–82% and 9–63% respectively. Only two population samples terminated diapause faster under LD 15:9 at 20°C than under LD 9:15 at 25°C. The mortality of diapausing larvae caused by 6- or 10-week exposures at 5, 7.5 or 10°C was generally less than 25%. Hybrids produced from a reciprocal cross between a temperate and a tropical African stock survived well. For other stocks there was some correlation between survival and diapause intensity. The low temperature regime which resulted in the greatest shortening of pupation time after return to the conditions used to induce diapause, did not always coincide with the temperature permitting the best survival. Results, however, indicate that some individuals of all stocks but one from the tropics are likely to survive in the U.K.  相似文献   

We studied the alterations of dying oocytes in 1–28 days old rats using TUNEL method, immunolocalizations of active caspase 3, lamp1, localization of acid phosphatase, and DAPI staining. All procedures were performed in adjacent sections of each oocyte. In most dying oocytes exist simultaneously features of apoptosis as active caspase 3 and DNA breaks, and a large increase of lamp1 and acid phosphatase characteristic of autophagy. Large clumps of compact chromatin and membrane blebbing were absent. Electron microscope observations demonstrated the presence of small clear vesicles and autophagolysosomes. All these features indicate that a large number of oocytes are eliminated by a process sharing features of apoptosis and autophagy. In dying oocytes of new born rats the markers of apoptosis predominate over those of autophagy. However, fragmentation and apoptotic bodies were not found. These features suggest that in different cytophysiological conditions the processes of cell death may be differently modulated.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hubner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) measures night length and enters diapause as a last-instar larva. To examine the role of photophase on dark-time measurement, the main LD 7 : 17 h photoperiod is disrupted by various lengths of darkness at 25 °C. When the light phase is not disrupted, the incidence of diapause is 76%. As the dark pulse disrupting a 7-h photophase becomes longer, the incidence of diapause decreases. To detect the dynamic kinetics of the time-measuring process, the main scotophase of 17 h is scanned by a 2-h light pulse. When the dark pulse in a 7-h photophase is fixed at 1 h after dawn and its duration is varied systematically from 1 to 3 h, or when the end of the dark pulse is fixed at 1 h before dusk, diapause is prevented completely by a 2-h light pulse inserted in the middle of 17-h darkness. These results are compared with those of a single night interruption of a 17-h scotophase with a 2-h light pulse but with an intact 7-h photophase. The disruption of a 7-h photophase by a dark pulse shifts the descending and ascending slopes of the response curve to some extent toward dawn and dusk, respectively, indicating that the dark pulse tends to shorten the critical length of dark time for diapause induction. When the main photophase (7 h) is interrupted by a 1-h dark pulse at 3–4 h after dawn, the 2-h scanning light pulse in the main scotophase (17 h) appears to act effectively as a dusk signal in the early scotophase. However, those in the mid- and late scotophase do not define the critical night length from dusk as sharply as for the critical night length from a 2-h light pulse to dawn. The results indicate the importance of photophase in the dark-time measurement.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of resource limitation and the lethal and sublethal effects of a granulosis virus on a lepidopteran host, the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, were examined.
  • 2 The food quality was manipulated by the addition of an inert bulking agent (methyl cellulose) which caused the size, development rate and fecundity of the moths to be reduced.
  • 3 The resource quality had no effect on the mortality due to the virus. In contrast, sublethal effects of the virus on pupal weight were more apparent under conditions of resource limitation.
  • 4 Considerable variation between the sublethal effects after challenge with different doses of the virus was found. The balance between deleterious sublethal effects of the virus and the selection of more robust individuals by the bioassays is proposed as a mechanism to explain this variation.
  • 5 Implications for the dynamics of insect hosts and their pathogens are discussed.

Abstract.  The Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) may enter diapause in the last larval instar in response to the photoperiod during the preceding instars. An hourglass-type photoperiodic clock may measure night length for this purpose. The present study describes the resetting of the hourglass by light pulse(s) in the early scotophase and by scanning the subsequent clock phase by another light pulse (P). When the lights-off time of a first light pulse is fixed at 4 h after dusk under LD 4 : 20 h and LD 6 : 18 h photoperiods and its duration is increased from 1 to 3 h, the critical night length (CNL) from dawn is decreased, but that from dusk to P increases. A 3-h first light pulse efficiently resets the time measuring system. If this 3-h light pulse is split into two 1-h light pulses (L1 and L2) by 1 h of darkness, the dark-time measuring function appears to be impeded and CNL from P to dawn disappears, but that from L2 to P is expressed. This indicates that the receptivity to light pulses varies among individual insects.  相似文献   

Expression of hemolin, which generates an immune protein, was up-regulated in wandering fifth instar larval stage of Plodia interpunctella. The mRNA level peaked in the middle of the wandering stage. Major expression was in the epidermis, rather than in the fat body or gut. To test a possible ecdysteroid effect on hemolin induction we treated with RH-5992, an ecdysteroid agonist, and KK-42, which inhibits ecdysteroid biosynthesis in both feeding and wandering fifth instar larvae. When feeding larvae were treated with RH-5992 the hemolin mRNA level was increased. When wandering larvae were treated with KK-42 its level was reduced. In addition, when KK-42-treated larvae were subsequently treated with RH-5992 the hemolin mRNA level was recovered. These results strongly suggest that ecdysteroid up-regulates the expression of hemolin mRNA. Hormonal and bacterial effects on hemolin induction were further analyzed at the tissue level. Major induction of hemolin mRNA was detected following both RH-5992 treatment and bacterial injection in the epidermis of both feeding and wandering larvae. Minor induction of hemolin was detected in the fat body following a bacterial injection, but not RH-5992 treatment. We infer that in P. interpunctella larvae, the epidermis is the major tissue for hemolin induction in na?ve insects and in insects manipulated with bacterial and hormonal treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract.The photoperiodic response in Plodia interpunctella collected at Toyama (36.7°N) was of long-day type and highly sensitive to temperature. The critical photoperiod giving 50% diapause was between 14 and 16 h at 20°C, between 12 and 14 h at 25°C and between 6 and 8 h at 30°C. Effects of night interruption by a 2-h light pulse on the diapause response were examined at 25°C on different background photoperiods ranging from LD 12:12 h to LD 2:22 h. Percentage diapause was very low when the middle portion of dark period was interrupted, so that U- or V-shaped response curves were obtained with background scotophases longer than 12 h. In these curves, the descending slopes were less steep than the ascending slopes. The critical dark period measured from dusk to an interrupting light pulse was about 1.5 h longer than the critical dark period ( c . 10 h) in the normal photoperiodic response. The critical dark period from the interrupting light pulse to dawn, on the other hand, was not parallel to dawn but shorter than the normal critical period in LD 12:12 h and LD 10:14 h and longer than that in LD 7:17 h to LD 4:20 h, indicating that the priming effects of the light pulse might be under the influence of the photophase.  相似文献   

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