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The Cleavage stimulation Factor (CstF) complex is composed of three subunits and is essential for pre-mRNA 3'-end processing. CstF recognizes U and G/U-rich cis-acting RNA sequence elements and helps stabilize the Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) at the polyadenylation site as required for productive RNA cleavage. Here, we describe the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of Drosophila CstF-50 subunit. It forms a compact homodimer that exposes two geometrically opposite, identical, and conserved surfaces that may serve as binding platform. Together with previous data on the structure of CstF-77, homodimerization of CstF-50 N-terminal domain supports the model in which the functional state of CstF is a heterohexamer.  相似文献   

Urea carboxylase (UC) is conserved in many bacteria, algae, and fungi and catalyzes the conversion of urea to allophanate, an essential step in the utilization of urea as a nitrogen source in these organisms. UC belongs to the biotin-dependent carboxylase superfamily and shares the biotin carboxylase (BC) and biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) domains with these other enzymes, but its carboxyltransferase (CT) domain is distinct. Currently, there is no information on the molecular basis of catalysis by UC. We report here the crystal structure of the Kluyveromyces lactis UC and biochemical studies to assess the structural information. Structural and sequence analyses indicate the CT domain of UC belongs to a large family of proteins with diverse functions, including the Bacillus subtilis KipA-KipI complex, which has important functions in sporulation regulation. A structure of the KipA-KipI complex is not currently available, and our structure provides a framework to understand the function of this complex. Most interestingly, in the structure the CT domain interacts with the BCCP domain, with biotin and a urea molecule bound at its active site. This structural information and our follow-up biochemical experiments provided molecular insights into the UC carboxyltransfer reaction. Several structural elements important for the UC carboxyltransfer reaction are found in other biotin-dependent carboxylases and might be conserved within this family, and our data could shed light on the mechanism of catalysis of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Endive (Cichorium endivia L.) is a leafy vegetable in the Asteraceae family. Sesquiterpene lactones (STLs) in endive leaves bring a bitter taste that varies between varieties. Despite their importance in breeding varieties with unique flavours, sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis pathways in endive are poorly understood. We assembled a chromosome-scale endive genome of 641 Mb with a contig N50 of 5.16 Mb and annotated 46,711 protein-coding genes. Several gene families, especially terpene synthases (TPS) genes, expanded significantly in the C. endivia genome. STLs biosynthesis-related genes and TPS genes in more bitter varieties have shown a higher level of expression, which could be attributed to genomic variations. Our results penetrate the origin and diversity of bitter taste and facilitate the molecular breeding of endive varieties with unique bitter tastes. The high-quality endive assembly would provide a reference genome for studying the evolution and diversity of Asteraceae.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bovine glutamate dehydrogenase (boGDH) is a homohexameric, mitochondrial enzyme that reversibly catalyzes the oxidative deamination of L-glutamate to 2-oxoglutarate using either NADP(H) or NAD(H) with comparable efficacy. GDH represents a key enzymatic link between catabolic and biosynthetic pathways, and is therefore ubiquitous in both higher and lower organisms. Only mammalian GDH exhibits strong negative cooperativity with respect to the coenzyme, however, and is regulated by a large number of allosteric effectors. RESULTS: The atomic structure of boGDH in complex with NADH, glutamate, and the allosteric inhibitor GTP has been determined to 2.8 A resolution. The major difference between the bacterial and bovine GDH structures is the presence of an additional 'antenna' in boGDH that protrudes from each trimer, twisting counterclockwise along the threefold axis. NADH and glutamate are clearly observed in the active site, but the contacts differ slightly from those observed in Clostridium symbiosum GDH. A second, inhibitory NADH molecule lies buried in the core of the hexamer. Finally, two GTP molecules bind near the hinge region connecting the NAD(+)- and glutamate-binding domains. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that the antenna serves as an intersubunit communication conduit during negative cooperativity and allosteric regulation. GTP and NADH inhibit GDH by keeping the catalytic cleft in a closed conformation. In contrast, ADP probably binds to the back of the NAD(+)-binding domain and activates the enzyme by keeping the catalytic cleft open. Extensive contacts between antennae within the crystal lattice may represent hexamer interactions in solution and, perhaps, with other enzymes within the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana BON1 gene product is a member of the evolutionary conserved eukaryotic calcium‐dependent membrane‐binding protein family. The copine protein is composed of two C2 domains (C2A and C2B) followed by a vWA domain. The BON1 protein is localized on the plasma membrane, and is known to suppress the expression of immune receptor genes and to positively regulate stomatal closure. The first structure of this protein family has been determined to 2.5‐Å resolution and shows the structural features of the three conserved domains C2A, C2B and vWA. The structure reveals the third Ca2+‐binding region in C2A domain is longer than classical C2 domains and a novel Ca2+ binding site in the vWA domain. The structure of BON1 bound to Mn2+ is also presented. The binding of the C2 domains to phospholipid (PSF) has been modeled and provides an insight into the lipid‐binding mechanism of the copine proteins. Furthermore, the selectivity of the separate C2A and C2B domains and intact BON1 to bind to different phospholipids has been investigated, and we demonstrated that BON1 could mediate aggregation of liposomes in response to Ca2+. These studies have formed the basis of further investigations into the important role that the copine proteins play in vivo.  相似文献   

2-Hydroxy-6-ketonona-2,4-diene-1,9-dioic acid 5,6-hydrolase (MhpC) is a 62 kDa homodimeric enzyme of the phenylpropionate degradation pathway of Escherichia coli. The 2.1 A resolution X-ray structure of the native enzyme determined from orthorhombic crystals confirms that it is a member of the alpha/beta hydrolase fold family, comprising eight beta-strands interconnected by loops and helices. The 2.8 A resolution structure of the enzyme co-crystallised with the non-hydrolysable substrate analogue 2,6-diketo-nona-1,9-dioic acid (DKNDA) confirms the location of the active site in a buried channel including Ser110, His263 and Asp235, postulated contributors to a serine protease-like catalytic triad in homologous enzymes. It appears that the ligand binds in two separate orientations. In the first, the C6 keto group of the inhibitor forms a hemi-ketal adduct with the Ser110 side-chain, the C9 carboxylate group interacts, via the intermediacy of a water molecule, with Arg188 at one end of the active site, while the C1 carboxylate group of the inhibitor comes close to His114 at the other end. In the second orientation, the C1 carboxylate group binds at the Arg188 end of the active site and the C9 carboxylate group at the His114 end. These arrangements implicated His114 or His263 as plausible contributors to catalysis of the initial enol/keto tautomerisation of the substrate but lack of conservation of His114 amongst related enzymes and mutagenesis results suggest that His263 is the residue involved. Variability in the quality of the electron density for the inhibitor amongst the eight molecules of the crystal asymmetric unit appears to correlate with alternative positions for the side-chain of His114. This might arise from half-site occupation of the dimeric enzyme and reflect the apparent dissociation of approximately 50% of the keto intermediate from the enzyme during the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

The oyster Ostrea denselamellosa is a live-bearing species with a sharp decline in the natural population. Despite recent breakthroughs in long-read sequencing, high quality genomic data are very limited in O. denselamellosa. Here, we carried out the first whole genome sequencing at the chromosome-level in O. denselamellosa. Our studies yielded a 636 Mb assembly with scaffold N50 around 71.80 Mb. 608.3 Mb (95.6% of the assembly) were anchored to 10 chromosomes. A total of 26,412 protein-coding genes were predicted, of which 22,636 (85.7%) were functionally annotated. By comparative genomics, we found that long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) and short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) made up a larger proportion in O. denselamellosa genome than in other oysters'. Moreover, gene family analysis showed some initial insight into its evolution. This high-quality genome of O. denselamellosa provides a valuable genomic resource for studies of evolution, adaption and conservation in oysters.  相似文献   

MgtE is a Mg2+ channel conserved in organisms ranging from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, including humans, and plays an important role in Mg2+ homeostasis. The previously determined MgtE structures in the Mg2+-bound, closed-state, and structure-based functional analyses of MgtE revealed that the binding of Mg2+ ions to the MgtE cytoplasmic domain induces channel inactivation to maintain Mg2+ homeostasis. There are no structures of the transmembrane (TM) domain for MgtE in Mg2+-free conditions, and the pore-opening mechanism has thus remained unclear.Here, we determined the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the MgtE-Fab complex in the absence of Mg2+ ions. The Mg2+-free MgtE TM domain structure and its comparison with the Mg2+-bound, closed-state structure, together with functional analyses, showed the Mg2+-dependent pore opening of MgtE on the cytoplasmic side and revealed the kink motions of the TM2 and TM5 helices at the glycine residues, which are important for channel activity. Overall, our work provides structure-based mechanistic insights into the channel gating of MgtE.

MgtE is a magnesium-selective ion channel whose gating is regulated by cytoplasmic magnesium concentration; this cryo-EM study reveals how MgtE undergoes magnesium-dependent structural changes to open the pore on the cytoplasmic side.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa comprises many important cultivated vegetables and oil crops. However, Chiifu v3.0, the current B. rapa reference genome, still contains hundreds of gaps. Here, we presented a near-complete genome assembly of B. rapa Chiifu v4.0, which was 424.59 Mb with only two gaps, using Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) ultralong-read sequencing and Hi-C technologies. The new assembly contains 12 contigs, with a contig N50 of 38.26 Mb. Eight of the ten chromosomes were entirely reconstructed in a single contig from telomere to telomere. We found that the centromeres were mainly invaded by ALE and CRM long terminal repeats (LTRs). Moreover, there is a high divergence of centromere length and sequence among B. rapa genomes. We further found that centromeres are enriched for Copia invaded at 0.14 MYA on average, while pericentromeres are enriched for Gypsy LTRs invaded at 0.51 MYA on average. These results indicated the different invasion mechanisms of LTRs between the two structures. In addition, a novel repetitive sequence PCR630 was identified in the pericentromeres of B. rapa. Overall, the near-complete genome assembly, B. rapa Chiifu v4.0, offers valuable tools for genomic and genetic studies of Brassica species and provides new insights into the evolution of centromeres.  相似文献   

Activins and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) elicit diverse biological responses by signaling through two pairs of structurally related type I and type II receptors. Here we report the crystal structure of BMP7 in complex with the extracellular domain (ECD) of the activin type II receptor. Our structure produces a compelling four-receptor model, revealing that the types I and II receptor ECDs make no direct contacts. Nevertheless, we find that truncated receptors lacking their cytoplasmic domain retain the ability to cooperatively assemble in the cell membrane. Also, the affinity of BMP7 for its low-affinity type I receptor ECD increases 5-fold in the presence of its type II receptor ECD. Taken together, our results provide a view of the ligand-mediated cooperative assembly of BMP and activin receptors that does not rely on receptor-receptor contacts.  相似文献   

Human thioredoxin reductase (hTrxR) is a homodimeric flavoprotein crucially involved in the regulation of cellular redox reactions, growth and differentiation. The enzyme contains a selenocysteine residue at its C-terminal active site that is essential for catalysis. This redox center is located on a flexible arm, solvent-exposed and reactive towards electrophilic inhibitors, thus representing a target for antitumor drug development. During catalysis reducing equivalents are transferred from the cofactor NADPH to FAD, then to the N-terminal active site cysteine residues and from there to the flexible C-terminal part of the other subunit to be finally delivered to a variety of second substrates at the molecule's surface. Here we report the first crystal structure of hTrxR1 (Sec-->Cys) in complex with FAD and NADP(+) at a resolution of 2.8 A. From the crystals three different conformations of the carboxy-terminal arm could be deduced. The predicted movement of the arm is facilitated by the concerted action of the three side-chain residues of N418, N419 and W407, which act as a guiding bar for the C-terminal sliding process. As supported by previous kinetic data, the three visualized conformations might reflect different stages in enzymatic catalysis. Comparison with other disulfide reductases including human glutathione reductase revealed specific inhibitor binding sites in the intersubunit cavity of hTrxR that can be exploited for structure-based inhibitor development.  相似文献   

Human lysosomal beta-hexosaminidases are dimeric enzymes composed of alpha and beta-chains, encoded by the genes HEXA and HEXB. They occur in three isoforms, the homodimeric hexosaminidases B (betabeta) and S (alphaalpha), and the heterodimeric hexosaminidase A (alphabeta), where dimerization is required for catalytic activity. Allelic variations in the HEXA and HEXB genes cause the fatal inborn errors of metabolism Tay-Sachs disease and Sandhoff disease, respectively. Here, we present the crystal structure of a complex of human beta-hexosaminidase B with a transition state analogue inhibitor at 2.3A resolution (pdb 1o7a). On the basis of this structure and previous studies on related enzymes, a retaining double-displacement mechanism for glycosyl hydrolysis by beta-hexosaminidase B is proposed. In the dimer structure, which is derived from an analysis of crystal packing, most of the mutations causing late-onset Sandhoff disease reside near the dimer interface and are proposed to interfere with correct dimer formation. The structure reported here is a valid template also for the dimeric structures of beta-hexosaminidase A and S.  相似文献   

The human nuclear pregnane X receptor (PXR) responds to a wide variety of xenobiotic and endobiotic compounds, including pregnanes, progesterones, corticosterones, lithocholic acids, and 17beta-estradiol. In response to these ligands, the receptor controls the expression of genes central to the metabolism and excretion of potentially harmful chemicals from both exogenous and endogenous sources. Although the structural basis of PXR's interaction with small and large xenobiotics has been examined, the detailed nature of its binding to endobiotics, including steroid-like ligands, remains unclear. We report the crystal structure of the human PXR ligand-binding domain (LBD) in complex with 17beta-estradiol, a representative steroid ligand, at 2.65 A resolution. Estradiol is found to occupy only one region of PXR's expansive ligand-binding pocket, leaving a notable 1000 A3 of space unoccupied, and to bridge between the key polar residues Ser-247 and Arg-410 in the PXR LBD. Positioning the steroid scaffold in this way allows it to make several direct contacts to alphaAF of the receptor's AF-2 region. The PXR-estradiol complex was compared with that of other nuclear receptors, including the estrogen receptor, in complexes with analogous ligands. It was found that PXR's placement of the steroid is remarkably distinct relative to other members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Using the PXR-estradiol complex as a guide, the binding of other steroid- and cholesterol-like molecules was then considered. The results provide detailed insights into the manner in which human PXR responds to a wide range of endobiotic compounds.  相似文献   

Hydrostatic pressure is a powerful tool for studying protein folding, and the dynamics and structure of folding intermediates. Recently, pressure techniques have opened two important fronts to aid our understanding of how polypeptides fold into highly structured conformations. The first advance is the stabilization of folding intermediates, making it possible to characterize their structures and dynamics by different methodologies. Kinetic studies under pressure constitute the second advance, promising detailed appraisal and understanding of protein folding landscapes. The combination of these two approaches enables dissection of the roles of packing and cavities in folding, and in assembly of multimolecular structures such as protein-DNA complexes and viruses. The study of aggregates and amyloids, derived from partially folded intermediates at the junction between productive and off-pathway folding, have also been studied, promising better understanding of diseases associated with protein misfolding.  相似文献   

Shahul HM  Sarma SP 《Biochemistry》2012,51(1):533-544
Protein-protein interactions are crucial for many biological functions. The redox interactome encompasses numerous weak transient interactions in which thioredoxin plays a central role. Proteomic studies have shown that thioredoxin binds to numerous proteins belonging to various cellular processes, including energy metabolism. Thioredoxin has cross talk with other redox mechanisms involving glutathionylation and has functional overlap with glutaredoxin in deglutathionylation reactions. In this study, we have explored the structural and biochemical interactions of thioredoxin with the glycolytic enzyme, triosephosphate isomerase. Nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift mapping methods and molecular dynamics-based docking have been applied in deriving a structural model of the thioredoxin-triosephosphate isomerase complex. The spatial proximity of active site cysteine residues of thioredoxin to reactive thiol groups on triosephosphate isomerase provides a direct link to the observed deglutathionylation of cysteine 217 in triosephosphate isomerase, thereby reversing the inhibitory effect of S-glutathionylation of triosephosphate isomerase.  相似文献   

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