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Three physiological inhibitors of blood coagulation - alpha-2-macroglobulin, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and C-1-inhibitor of complement - are dealt with in a brief survey. The point is that these are proteins of the organism with a defence character which are also able to inhibit an extraordinarily broad spectrum of proteases. Some recent findings about their molecular structure, manner of response, and inhibitory spectrum are represented. Comparisons are made to corresponding proteins in mammals, in alpha-2-macroglobulin and even in lower vertebrates. Moreover, the inherited deficiency of these three inhibitors are represented with respect to human diseases and changes of their blood level in the course of various diseases are referred to.  相似文献   

针对模拟大脑节律现象的Wilson-Cowan双节点耦合振子模型,选取满足该模型产生极限环振荡条件的参数,采用连续灰度阶图像块作为输入,兴奋性亚群节点响应作为图像增强的输出,做出刺激响应曲线,发现该曲线与图像处理领域中用于图像增强的Gamma校正曲线相似,说明Wilson-Cowan双节点耦合振子模型可以作为一种新的图像增强方法,同时也为基于Gamma校正曲线的图像增强提供了一种神经机制。将新方法与Retinex算法做对比,表现出了更好的图像增强性能。  相似文献   

Summary Sphaeridia are minute skeletal appendages of the echinoid test which are considered to be sense organs, organs of equilibrium, according to their shape. The sphaeridium forms a functional unit with the tubercle to which it adheres. The tubercle is encircled by a basiepithelial nerve ring of the epidermis. A circle of regularly arranged myocytes stretches from the tubercle to the sphaeridium. The muscles are distant from each other. The myofibrillar processes enter the pore space of the sphaeridial skeleton to which they are anchored by tendons; tendons are absent in the tubercle region. The cell bodies of the myocytes lie opposite to the nerve ring outside the skeleton. In this region the muscle cells and the nerve ring are in contact with each other, their basal laminae fuse. Tensions of the various myocytes are dependent on the position of the top-heavy sphaeridium. The nerve ring contains neurones which are provided with a cilium which lies close to the contact region with the myocytes. This arrangement leads to the assumption that the nerve cells in question have a proprioceptor function. Unique filter cells are present in the pore spaces of the sphaeridium and the tubercle. They possibly detoxicate the extracellular fluid that surrounds the myocytes. Phagocytes loaded with spacious phagosomes are crowded in the adjacent pore spaces. They are possibly extruded via the epidermis. Filter cells and phagocytes have obviously to do with the metabolism within the sphaeridium-tubercle-system.  相似文献   

Male tree cricket (Orthoptera : Oecanthidae) calling songs are used by females to locate conspecific mates. Changes in these songs are crucial to speciation. Since certain features of cricket sounds are correlated with the structures of the stridulatory organs, changes in stridulatory organs must be correlated with changes in songs. Surprisingly, there is no established hypothesis to explain the mechanism of morphological change associated with changes in songs. Some alternative possibilities are explored, with reference to incidental effects. Available evidence suggests that stridulatory organs are genetically stable and that changes in these organs occur in steps rather than gradually.  相似文献   

This report represents a continuation of our laboratory's effort to understand the major phenomena associated with P-M dysgenesis-mediated transformation in Drosophila. A group of stable transformants are characterized with respect to rosy gene expression. Stable, true-breeding, line-specific variants in gene expression are described. These are shown to be associated with single transposons present in each line, and the lines are free of functional P elements. The effects on expression are cis-acting, and there are no identifiable rosy DNA sequence lesions associated with these transposons. Evidence is presented that demonstrates that two features of the transformation experimental system are responsible for such variation. The first relates to the fact that the transposons insert at numerous genomic sites. Both heterochromatic and euchromatic position effects are characterized. The second relates to the fact that transformation involves dysgenic mobilization of a P-element transposon. This process is mutagenic, and such a mutation is characterized.  相似文献   

Glioma cells in culture express platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) A- and B-chains and secrete PDGF-like activity that is mainly PDGF-AA. In this work, we show that the PDGF alpha- and beta-receptors are independently expressed in human malignant glioma cells. We also define three different receptor phenotypes that are related to the morphology of glioma cells: cells with only alpha-receptors, only beta-receptors, or with both types of receptors. By the help of Northern blot analyses, 125I-PDGF-binding experiments, and immunoprecipitations the receptors are shown to be structurally normal PDGF receptors, except for minor variations in size that probably are due to differences in glycosylation. PDGF-BB induces DNA synthesis in cells of all three receptor phenotypes, whereas PDGF-AA or PDGF-AB has this effect only on cells with alpha- or with alpha- and beta-receptors. 125I-PDGF-AB binds with high affinity and down-regulates beta-receptors only in cells where alpha-receptors are present in addition to beta-receptors. Thus, the different functional capacities of PDGF isoforms on glioma cells fit with their known receptor-binding specificities and are compatible with the hypothesis that the isoforms act by inducing dimeric receptor complexes. When data on PDGF A- and B-chains, as well as alpha- and beta-receptor expression are compiled and the pattern of receptor binding specificity is taken into account, the majority of glioma cell lines are found to have a phenotype that makes autocrine stimulation possible.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are one of the most important classes of targets for small molecule drug discovery, but many current GPCRs of interest are proving intractable to small molecule discovery and may be better approached with bio-therapeutics. GPCRs are implicated in a wide variety of diseases where antibody therapeutics are currently used. These include inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn disease, as well as metabolic disease and cancer. Raising antibodies to GPCRs has been difficult due to problems in obtaining suitable antigen because GPCRs are often expressed at low levels in cells and are very unstable when purified. A number of new developments in over-expressing receptors, as well as formulating stable pure protein, are contributing to the growing interest in targeting GPCRs with antibodies. This review discusses the opportunities for targeting GPCRs with antibodies using these approaches and describes the therapeutic antibodies that are currently in clinical development.  相似文献   

The rapid Golgi method, combined with current optical and electronmicroscopical techniques, was used in three central gangliogliomas and in one dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum to study the morphology of ganglionic cells. Gangliogliomas were composed of bipolar, fusiform and radiate cells with dense core and clear vesicles in the perikaryon and cellular processes, the number of each cellular type varying from one case to another. These features, together with the fact that isodendritic neurons are considered to be phylogenetically old neurons, suggest that these tumours are composed of "primitive" neurons that are not homogeneous with regard to their morphology. In contrast, ganglionic cells in dysplastic gangliocytoma are huge cells with long, stereotyped neurites that establish unique asymmetric contacts with neighbouring perikarya and neurites by means of claw-shaped processes covered with synaptic buttons. These morphological characteristics are different from those of any other neuron of the CNS.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the gross morphology of mustelid and viverrid postcanine dentitions corresponds with differences in diet. For each species, the predominant foods ingested are used to form predictions of dental form and measurements of the carnassial and molar teeth determine the extent of shearing and crushing surfaces on the postcanine teeth. Principal components analysis distinguishes species according to morphological differences in the dentition and these differences are compared with predictions of dental form based on diet. Dietarily specialized species are more likely to be correspondingly specialized in the dentition and species with varied food sources are more likely to possess dental characteristics that are generalized in function. Consumers of foods with high fracture resistance, such as vertebrate tissue and hard-surfaced invertebrates, possess specialized shearing or crushing postcanine teeth. On the other hand, species that consume foods of lesser fracture resistance, such as fruit and soft invertebrates, differ greatly in dental form and are more generalized in dental function. A few species possess postcanine dentitions that do not correspond with diet; the absence of dental-dietary correlation in these species suggests that other factors, such as phylogeny, are important in determining dental form.  相似文献   

孙必兴  王松 《植物研究》1990,10(4):13-20
在禾本科植物编志工作中,我们先后订正了一些族、属和种的分类学问题,发现了不少新植物和一些在我国境内首次记录的种。本文只报道云南虉草族的各分类群,包括茅香属1种,黄花茅属4种1变种,其中1个是新种,1个是新变种,1种是中国新记录,虉草属3种及1变种,其中2种是中国新记录。  相似文献   

Guidelines for the management of patients with cardiovascular disease are designed to assist cardiologists and other physicians in their practice. Surveys are conducted to assess whether guidelines are followed in practice. The results of surveys on acute coronary syndromes, coronary revascularisation, secondary prevention, valvular heart disease and heart failure are presented. Comparing surveys conducted between 1995 and 2002, a gradual improvement in use of secondary preventive therapy is observed. Nevertheless, important deviations from established guidelines are noted, with a significant variation among different hospitals in the Netherlands and in other European countries. Measures for further improvement of clinical practice include more rapid treatment of patients with evolving myocardial infarction, more frequent use of clopidogrel and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers in patients with acute coronary syndromes, more frequent use of β-blockers in patients with heart failure and more intense measures to encourage patients to stop smoking. Targets for the proportion of patients who might receive specific therapies are presented.  相似文献   

We report evidence that individual-level variation in people's physiological and attentional responses to aversive and appetitive stimuli are correlated with broad political orientations. Specifically, we find that greater orientation to aversive stimuli tends to be associated with right-of-centre and greater orientation to appetitive (pleasing) stimuli with left-of-centre political inclinations. These findings are consistent with recent evidence that political views are connected to physiological predispositions but are unique in incorporating findings on variation in directed attention that make it possible to understand additional aspects of the link between the physiological and the political.  相似文献   

This paper deals with chromosomal numbers and morphology of 10 species of Aconitum in China. According to the basic number of the genus (x=8), these species can be referred to diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid. Correlation is found between chromosomal numbers, sizes and structures. The perennial species with a rhizome are mostly diploid, with chromosomes larger than those in the biennial species with a tuber, and their chromosome pairs 3-7 are mostly subterminal ones, whereas most biennial species are polyploid, and their chromosome pairs 3-7 are almost submetacentric. The evolutionary trends of chromosome from diploid to polyploid, large to small, st to sm are considered possible. The data are agreed with the idea that rhizomal species are more primitive than tuberous ones. The existence of two types of karyotypes in these 10 species is a further support of taxonomic division of two subgenera, subgen. Paraconitum and subgen. Aconitum. In addition, some species are taxonomically discussed.  相似文献   

Peter W. Schiller 《Life sciences》2010,86(15-16):598-603
Strategies for the design of bi- or multifunctional drugs are reviewed. A distinction is made between bifunctional drugs interacting in a monovalent fashion with two targets and ligands containing two distinct pharmacophores binding in a bivalent mode to the two binding sites in a receptor heterodimer. Arguments are presented to indicate that some of the so-called “bivalent” ligands reported in the literature are unlikely to simultaneously interact with two binding sites. Aspects related to the development of bi- or multifunctional drugs are illustrated with examples from the field of opioid analgesics. The drug-like properties of the tetrapeptide Dmt1[DALDA] with triple action as a µ opioid agonist, norepinephrine uptake inhibitor and releaser of endogenous opioid peptides to produce potent spinal analgesia are reviewed. Rationales for the development of opioid peptides with mixed agonist/antagonist profiles as analgesics with reduced side effects are presented. Progress in the development of mixed µ opioid agonist/δ opioid antagonists with low propensity to produce tolerance and physical dependence is reviewed. Efforts to develop bifunctional peptides containing a µ opioid agonist and a cholecystokinin antagonist or an NK1 receptor antagonist as analgesics expected to produce less tolerance and dependence are also reviewed. A strategy to improve the drug-like properties of bifunctional opioid peptide analgesics is presented.  相似文献   

Rockhouses are semicircular recesses extending far back under cliff overhangs that are large enough to provide shelter for humans. The largest sandstone rockhouses in the eastern United States are at the heads of gorges, and they are in stream valleys cut during the Pleistocene; most are formed in Mississippian and Pennsylvanian-age rocks. Compared to the surrounding environment, the interior of rockhouses is shaded, is warmer during winter and cooler during summer, and has lower evaporation rates and higher humidities. Water enters rockhouses primarily by groundwater seepage and by dripping from the ceiling. Soil consists mostly of sand with low pH, but high levels of some nutrients are associated with saltpeter earth and with ecofactual and artifactual remains left by human occupants during prehistoric time. Most plant taxa in sandstone rockhouses in eastern United States are native C3 phanerophytes or hemicryptophytes, and similarities in species composition among rockhouses are low. Eleven plant taxa belonging to eight families of flowering plants and ferns are endemic or nearly endemic to sandstone rockhouses in eastern United States. Three endemics are restricted to the gorges of a single river, and only one taxon ranges far north of the Wisconsinan Glacial Boundary. The endemic ferns are Tertiary relicts derived from tropical taxa. The majority of endemic flowering plants are derived from temperate taxa that grow in habitats in the vicinity of rockhouses; their relative age ranges from Late Tertiary to the Recent. All the endemic taxa are perennial; two ferns occur as independent gametophytes. The endemic taxa of rockhouses are threatened primarily by disturbances associated with recreation.  相似文献   

In footprinting experiments, an increase in DNA cleavage with addition of ligand to a system may be due to a ligand-induced structural change. Ligand binding also enhances cleavage by displacing the cleavage agent from ligand-binding sites, thus increasing its concentration elsewhere. The theory and characteristics of this mass-action enhancement are given, and it is shown how it may be recognized. Results of DNase I footprinting of small oligomers, with actinomycin D as ligand, are analyzed to reveal which enhancements are due to mass action, and which can reasonably be ascribed to structural changes. Patterns in the footprinting plots from our experiments on actinomycin D binding to a 139-base-pair DNA fragment (with DNase I as a probe) are studied in the same way. The likely origins of these patterns are discussed, as are enhancements occurring with other probes commonly used in footprinting experiments.  相似文献   

The air-flow and its variations in sixteen insect suction traps of five different types have been measured, using regularity of air sample size as the criterion of efficiency. Traps with the air-filtering cone enclosed in a cylinder and using axial flow fans with single-phase capacitor-start-and-run or three-phase motors are most efficient and can have normal working limits of + 4 % of the mean air delivery.
However, for smaller traps which are to be used only close to the ground or in cover, the original type with exposed cone and shaded-pole motor is quite satisfactory provided certain precautions are taken. Normal working limits of 5 8 % are then obtained.
These errors are derived in detail and the expected errors in more extreme conditions and with other traps are indicated.  相似文献   

Infection of mice with live influenza A virus induces cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) as well as B cells capable of reacting with target cells infected with the appropriate virus subtypes. In Balb/c mice CTL reveal a broad cross-reactivity against all influenza A substrains known. In contrast B-cell responses are restricted to virus subtypes which are identical in regard to the hemagglutinin (HA) of the sensitizing virus. Reinfection with homologous live influenza virus within 6–7 months results in no or in a drastically diminished B-cell response as compared to a priming situation and fails to induce CTL. Inability to induce secondary immunity to homologous influenza virus was correlated with the presence of circulating antibodies specific for the sensitizing virus subtype. Cross-boosting with heterologous live influenza A virus induces homotypic and heterotypic CTL and B-cell immunity with characteristics of secondary responses. Preparations of inactivated intact influenza virus are unable to reactivate CTL memory in vivo but induce B-cell activity. B-cell responses stimulated by this procedure are restricted to the boosting virus. Attenuated viruses, which are produced by recombination of wild strains with cold-adapted strains, are also efficient in stimulating in vivo CTL memory if used for cross-boosting.  相似文献   

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