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Histamine, bradykinin, and angiotensin II stimulate release of catecholamines from adrenal medulla. Here we show, using bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in culture, that these agonists as well as carbachol (with hexamethonium) stimulate production of inositol phosphates. The histamine response was mepyramine sensitive, implicating an H1 receptor, whereas bradykinin had a lower EC50 than Met-Lys-bradykinin, and [Des-Arg9]-bradykinin was relatively inactive, implicating a BK-2 receptor. Total inositol phosphates formed in the presence of lithium were measured, with histamine giving the largest response. The relative contribution of chromaffin cells and nonchromaffin cells in the responses was assessed. In each case chromaffin cells were found to be responding to the agonists; in the case of histamine the response was solely on chromaffin cells. When the inositol phosphates accumulating over 2 or 5 min, with no lithium present, were separated on Dowex anion-exchange columns, bradykinin gave the greatest stimulation in the inositol trisphosphate fraction, whereas histamine gave a larger inositol monophosphate accumulation. On resolution of the isomers of stimulated inositol trisphosphate after 2 min of stimulation, the principal isomer present was inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate in each case. Two hypotheses for the differential responses to histamine and bradykinin are discussed.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells can be stimulated with nicotine, which mimics the cholinergic stimulus from the splanchnic nerve. Histamine also stimulates catecholamine release in a time- and dose-dependent manner. We have previously shown that nicotine stimulates incorporation of 32Pi into the vesicle-associated phosphoprotein synapsin II. We report here that histamine, too, stimulates an increase in 32Pi incorporation into synapsin II, which is blocked by the H1-histamine receptor-specific antagonist pyrilamine. The time course of histamine-stimulated synapsin II phosphorylation closely paralleled that of histamine-stimulated catecholamine release. Interestingly, histamine and nicotine produced an additive increase in both catecholamine release and synapsin II phosphorylation, suggesting that these two secretogogues stimulate the phenomena via independent mechanisms. When we investigated the dependence of these two agonists on extracellular calcium, we found that nicotine-stimulated release and synapsin II phosphorylation were reduced to basal levels at low calcium concentrations. However, the histamine-stimulated effects remained significantly elevated. This suggests that calcium arising from two separate pools can stimulate catecholamine release and synapsin II phosphorylation in bovine chromaffin cells. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that synapsin II phosphorylation is a component of the secretory response from these cells.  相似文献   

The effect of angiotensin II on the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration was measured in single mouse neuroblastoma N1E-115 cells loaded with fura-2. Angiotensin II induced a transient concentration-dependent increase in Ca2+ and also increased the production of inositol polyphosphates. The Ca2+ increase did not require extracellular Ca2+ and was unaffected by pretreatment with pertussis toxin. These data suggest that angiotensin II increased Ca2+ by an inositol trisphosphate-mediated release of intracellular Ca2+ following activation of phospholipase C via a pertussis toxin-insensitive guanine nucleotide binding protein. Similar results were obtained with bradykinin. The angiotensin II- or bradykinin-induced increase in Ca2+ occurred after a concentration-dependent latent period. Low concentrations of agonist elicited a small increase in Ca2+ following a variable lag that sometimes exceeded 1 min, whereas at maximally effective angiotensin II concentrations a larger, more rapid increase in Ca2+ occurred without a measurable delay. In some cells, oscillatory increases in Ca2+ were induced by angiotensin II and bradykinin. Possible mechanisms to explain the concentration dependency of the latent period and the oscillatory nature of the increases of Ca2+ are discussed. These results indicate that the mouse neuroblastoma N1E-115 cell represents a useful model for studying the signal response transduction mechanisms regulating the effects of angiotensin II in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) treatment of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells results in a sustained elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in these cells. Because the continued elevation of [Ca2+]i was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ concentration, it can be assumed that the PGE2-induced [Ca2+]i increase is due, at least in part, to an opening of membrane Ca2+ channels. In this study, we used electrophysiological methods to examine the mechanism of the PGE2-induced [Ca2+]i increase directly. Puff application of PGE2 to the external medium resulted in a prolonged depolarization in about half of the chromaffin cells examined. In whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings, an increase in inward current was observed over a 6-7 min period following bath application of PGE2 (greater than or equal to 10 microM), even in the absence of external Na+. This inward current was abolished when the recordings were made with the cells in a Ca2(+)-free medium, but it was not inhibited by Mn2+, a blocker of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. In cell-attached patch-clamp configuration, PGE2 produced an increase in the opening frequency of inward currents. The reversal potential of the PGE2-induced currents was about +40 mV, which is close to the reversal potential of the Ca2+ channel. The opening frequency was not affected by membrane potential changes. In inside-out patch-clamp configuration, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (2 microM) added to the cytoplasmic side activated the Ca2(+)-channel currents, but PGE2 was ineffective when applied to the cytoplasmic side. These results suggest that PGE2 activates voltage-independent Ca2+ channels in chromaffin cells through a diffusible second messenger, possibly inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.  相似文献   

Forskolin, 1 microM, increased acetylcholine (ACh)-stimulated 45Ca uptake by chromaffin cells. The stimulatory effects of forskolin decreased with increasing concentration of ACh. The attenuation of the effect of forskolin on 45Ca uptake as a function of ACh concentration correlated well with changes in the forskolin effect on ACh-evoked catecholamine (CA) release. Forskolin increased excess KCl- and veratrine-evoked CA release and 45Ca uptake. Forskolin by itself stimulated 45Ca efflux and enhanced ACh-, excess KCl-, and veratrine-stimulated 45Ca efflux. High doses of forskolin inhibited both ACh-evoked 45Ca uptake and CA release. The inhibitory action of forskolin was specific to receptor-mediated response because excess KCl- and veratrine-stimulated 45Ca uptake and CA release were not inhibited. Forskolin, 0.3-30 microM, dose-dependently increased caffeine-stimulated CA release and 45Ca efflux in the absence of Ca2+ in the medium, and the effects were mimicked by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. These results suggest that cyclic AMP increases stimulation-induced CA release by enhancing calcium uptake across the plasma membrane and/or altering calcium flux in an intracellular calcium store.  相似文献   

Abstract: The relative contributions of Ca2+ influx and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization were examined for angiotensin II-stimulated [3H]phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate binding, which reflects the level of activated protein kinase C in bovine chromaffin cells. Angiotensin II receptors activate phospholipase C in chromaffin cells, leading to a shortlived mobilization of intracellular Ca2+. Angiotensin II-stimulated [3H]phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate binding was largely blocked in Ca2+-free buffer and by pretreatment with the Ca2+-channel blocker ω-conotoxin GVIA. The [3H]phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate binding response to [Sar1]angiotensin II also appeared to be voltage sensitive, as no additivity was observed with the response to the depolarizing agent 4-aminopyridine (3 m M ). Threshold sensitivities of the extra-and intracellular Ca2+-mobilizing pathways to angiotensin II were similar, and all examined effects of angiotensin II in these cells were apparently mediated by losartan-sensitive (AT1-Iike) receptors. The dependence of angiotensin II-stimulated [3H]phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate binding on extracellular Ca2+ entry, in contrast to stimulation by other phospholipase C-linked receptor agonists (bradykinin and methacholine), suggests that angiotensin II preferentially stimulates protein kinase C translocation to the plasma membrane, rather than to internal membranes, in bovine adrenal medullary cells.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-induced Ca2+ release was studied using streptolysin O-permeabilized bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. The IP3-induced Ca2+ release was followed by Ca2+ reuptake into intracellular compartments. The IP3-induced Ca2+ release diminished after sequential applications of the same amount of IP3. Addition of 20 microM GTP fully restored the sensitivity to IP3. Guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S) could not replace GTP but prevented the action of GTP. The effects of GTP and GTP gamma S were reversible. Neither GTP nor GTP gamma S induced release of Ca2+ in the absence of IP3. The amount of Ca2+ whose release was induced by IP3 depended on the free Ca2+ concentration of the medium. At 0.3 microM free Ca2+, a half-maximal Ca2+ no Ca2+ release was observed with 0.1 microM IP3; at this Ca2+ concentration, higher concentrations of IP3 (0.25 microM) were required to evoke Ca2+ release. At 8 microM free Ca2+, even 0.25 microM IP3 failed to induce release of Ca2+ from the store. The IP3-induced Ca2+ release at constant low (0.2 microM) free Ca2+ concentrations correlated directly with the amount of stored Ca2+. depending on the filling state of the intracellular compartment, 1 mol of IP3 induced release of between 5 and 30 mol of Ca2+.  相似文献   

The role of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3]-sensitive Ca2+ pools in secretion, induced by muscarinic agonists in porcine adrenal chromaffin cells, was studied. Activation of muscarinic receptors, as in other species, was found to increase inositol phosphate production including that of Ins(1,4,5)P3. Treatment of cells with thapsigargin, which is known to deplete Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive Ca2+ pools, eliminated the initial transient component of increases in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]in) induced by the muscarinic agonist, methacholine, in both the presence and the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Thapsigargin treatment also decreased methacholine-induced secretion by about 30% in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ and essentially eliminated secretion that occurred independently of extracellular Ca2+ (which was about 30% of the secretory response that occurred in the presence of extracellular Ca2+). Thapsigargin itself had no effect on inositol phosphate production. These results indicate that about 30% of muscarinic agonist-induced secretion is mediated by the release of Ca2+ from Ins(1,4,5)P3- and thapsigargin-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ pools. These results also suggest that Ca2+ influx activated by muscarinic agonists is not due to depletion of intracellular Ca2+ pools, as prior depletion of these pools had no effect on the portion of the methacholine-induced secretory response and [Ca2+]in signal that was dependent on extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

The ability of cholinergic agonists to activate phospholipase C in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was examined by assaying the production of inositol phosphates in cells prelabeled with [3H]inositol. We found that both nicotinic and muscarinic agonists increased the accumulation of [3H]inositol phosphates (mainly inositol monophosphate) and that the effects mediated by the two types of receptors were independent of each other. The production of inositol phosphates by nicotinic stimulation required extracellular Ca2+ and was maximal at 0.2 mM Ca2+. Increasing extracellular Ca2+ from 0.22 to 2.2 mM increased the sensitivity of inositol phosphates formation to stimulation by submaximal concentrations of 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenyl-piperazinium iodide (DMPP) but did not enhance the response to muscarine. Elevated K+ also stimulated Ca2+-dependent [3H]inositol phosphate production, presumably by a non-receptor-mediated mechanism. The Ca2+ channel antagonists D600 and nifedipine inhibited the effects of DMPP and elevated K+ to a greater extent than that of muscarine. Ca2+ (0.3-10 microM) directly stimulated the release of inositol phosphates from digitonin-permeabilized cells that had been prelabeled with [3H]inositol. Thus, cholinergic stimulation of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells results in the activation of phospholipase C by distinct muscarinic and nicotinic mechanisms. Nicotinic receptor stimulation and elevated K+ probably increased the accumulation of inositol phosphates through Ca2+ influx and a rise in cytosolic Ca2+. Because Ba2+ caused catecholamine secretion but did not enhance the formation of inositol phosphates, phospholipase C activation is not required for exocytosis. However, diglyceride and myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate produced during cholinergic stimulation of chromaffin cells may modulate secretion and other cellular processes by activating protein kinase C and/or releasing Ca2+ from intracellular stores.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger is an important element in the maintenance of calcium homeostasis in bovine chromaffin cells. The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger from other cell types has been extensively studied, but little is known about its regulation in the cell. We have investigated the role of reversible protein phosphorylation in the activity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger of these cells. Cells treated with 1 m M dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP), 1 µ M phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, 1 µ M okadaic acid, or 100 n M calyculin A showed lowered Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity and prolonged cytosolic Ca2+ transients caused by depolarization. A combination of 10 n M okadaic acid and 1 µ M dbcAMP synergistically inhibited Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity. Conversely, 50 µ M 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine, a protein kinase inhibitor, enhanced Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity. Moreover, we used cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and calcium phospholipid-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunits to phosphorylate isolated membrane vesicles and found that the Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity was inhibited by this treatment. These results indicate that reversible protein phosphorylation modulates the activity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and suggest that modulation of the exchanger may play a role in the regulation of secretion.  相似文献   

Exposure of chromaffin cells to digitonin causes the loss of many cytosolic proteins. Here we report that scinderin (a Ca(2+)-dependent actin-filament-severing protein), but not gelsolin, is among the proteins that leak out from digitonin-permeabilized cells. Chromaffin cells that were exposed to increasing concentrations (15-40 microM) of digitonin for 5 min released scinderin into the medium. One-minute treatment with 20 microM digitonin was enough to detect scinderin in the medium, and scinderin leakage levelled off after 10 min of permeabilization. Elevation of free Ca2+ concentration in the permeabilizing medium produced a dose-dependent retention of scinderin. Results were confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy of digitonin-permeabilized cells. Subcellular fractionation of permeabilized cells showed that scinderin leakage was mainly from the cytoplasm (80%); the remaining scinderin (20%) was from the microsomal fraction. Other Ca(2+)-binding proteins released by digitonin and also retained by Ca2+ were calmodulin, protein kinase C, and calcineurins A and B. Scinderin leakage was parallel to the loss of the chromaffin cell secretory response. Permeabilization in the presence of increasing free Ca2+ concentrations produced a concomitant enhancement in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release. The experiments suggest that: (1) scinderin is an intracellular target for Ca2+, (2) permeabilization of chromaffin cells with digitonin in the presence of micromolar Ca2+ concentrations retained Ca(2+)-binding proteins including scinderin, and (3) the retention of these proteins may be related to the increase in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release observed in permeabilized chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of [Sar1]angiotensin II [S1-AII; a degradation-resistant analogue of angiotensin II (AII) on the release of [Met5]enkephalin (ME) and proenkephalin A (proENK) gene expression. Short-term (15-min to 1-h) stimulation of bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin (BAMC) cells with S1-AII at concentrations from 0.1 to 100 nM had no significant effect on secretion of ME, whereas high concentrations of S1-AII (3 to 100 microM) produced a concentration-dependent increase in the concentration of ME in the incubation media. In contrast, long-term (3- to 24-h) stimulation with low concentrations (0.1 nM-1 microM) of S1-AII increased the secretion of ME in a concentration-dependent manner (EC50 = 1 nM). The intracellular level of ME was not changed by long-term treatment with S1-AII (100 nM). In addition to increased ME secretion, long-term (24-h) stimulation with S1-AII increased the expression of proENK mRNA in a concentration-dependent manner (EC50 = 4 nM). Losartan (2-n-butyl-4 chloro-5-hydroxymethyl-1-[(2'-(1 H-tetrazol-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl)- methyl]imidazole potassium salt, a type 1 AII receptor antagonist) inhibited these effects, whereas PD123319 (50 microM, a type 2 AII receptor antagonist) was inactive. Our results suggest that AII in BAMC cells exerts a major effect on the long-term regulation of expression of proENK mRNA and secretion of ME. These effects appear to be mediated by type 1-like AII receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and intracellular nonmitochondrial Ca2+ pool in the regulation of cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) during catecholamine secretion was investigated. Catecholamine secretion and [Ca2+]i were simultaneously monitored in a single chromaffin cell. After high-K+ stimulation, control cells and cells in which the Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity was inhibited showed similar rates of [Ca2+]i elevation. However, the recovery of [Ca2+]i to resting levels was slower in the inhibited cells. Inhibition of the exchanger increased the total catecholamine secretion by prolonging the secretion. Inhibition of the Ca2+ pump of the intracellular Ca2+ pool with thapsigargin caused a significant delay in the recovery of [Ca2+]i and greatly enhanced the secretory events. These data suggest that both the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and the thapsigargin-sensitive Ca2+ pool are important in the regulation of [Ca2+]i and, by modulating the time course of secretion, are important in determining the extent of secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of angiotensin II on catecholamine release from bovine adrenal medulla has been investigated. In retrogradely perfused, isolated bovine adrenal glands, angiotensin II increased basal efflux of catecholamines, but the presence of angiotensin II did not increase the release of catecholamines evoked either by bolus injections of the secretagogue carbachol or by depolarization with a perfusing solution containing a raised concentration of K+. In chromaffin cells maintained in primary tissue culture, angiotensin II increased 3H release from cells preloaded with [3H]-noradrenaline but did not enhance the release evoked by carbachol or by depolarization with K+. The increase in 3H release evoked by angiotensin II from chromaffin cells in tissue culture was inhibited by its analogue antagonist Sar1,Ala8-angiotensin II (saralasin) and was entirely dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the experimental medium. These findings suggest that, in the chromaffin cells of the bovine adrenal medulla, angiotensin II acts on specific receptors to cause a calcium-dependent catecholamine release but triggers no additional response that acts synergistically with depolarizing or nicotinic stimuli to augment catecholamine release.  相似文献   

The effects of ryanodine, a selective inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release mechanism, on caffeine-evoked changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and catecholamine secretion were investigated using cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Caffeine (5-40 mM) caused a concentration-dependent transient rise in [Ca2+]i and catecholamine secretion in Ca2+/Mg(2+)-free medium containing 0.2 mM EGTA. Ryanodine (5 x 10(-5) M) alone had no effect on either [Ca2+]i or catecholamine secretion. Although the application of ryanodine plus caffeine caused the same increase in both [Ca2+]i and catecholamine secretion as those induced by caffeine alone, ryanodine (4 x 10(-7) - 5 x 10(-5) M) irreversibly prevented the increase in both [Ca2+]i and catecholamine secretion resulting from subsequent caffeine application over a range of concentrations. The secretory response to caffeine was markedly enhanced by replacement of Na+ with sucrose in Ca2+/Mg(2+)-free medium, and this enhanced response was also blocked by ryanodine. Caffeine was found to decrease the susceptibility of the secretory apparatus to Ca2+ in digitonin-permeabilized cells. These results indicate that caffeine mobilizes Ca2+ from intracellular stores, the function of which is irreversibly blocked by ryanodine, resulting in the increase in catecholamine secretion in the bovine adrenal chromaffin cell.  相似文献   

The stimulation of cultured bovine chromaffin cells with histamine induced a continuous catecholamine secretion (EC50 = 3 x 10(-7) M) via the H1 receptor, in addition to an initial catecholamine burst due to a nonspecific stimulatory effect at higher doses (greater than or equal to 10(-4) M). The continuous secretion showed little desensitization and lasted for more than 1 h. In fura-2-loaded cells, the stimulation with histamine evoked a transient rise of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) which lasted only for a few minutes and was followed by a sustained [Ca2+]i rise which continued for more than 20 min. The addition of an activator for the L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel, i.e., Bay K 8644 (1 microM), facilitated the sustained [Ca2+]i rise, as well as the secretion, whereas the addition of relatively high concentrations of Ca(2+)-channel blockers (10 microM) suppressed the sustained [Ca2+]i rise and part of the secretion. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ completely abolished continuous secretion and sustained [Ca2+]i rise. When the external Ca2+ level was elevated, both sustained [Ca2+]i rise and continuous secretion were enhanced in a similar Ca(2+)-dependent manner, showing saturation with around 1-3 mM Ca2+. This Ca2+ dependence was clearly different from that observed with high K+ and nicotine, which is mediated by the L-type Ca2+ channel, in which the responses showed little or no saturation when the Ca2+ level was increased. The results indicate that stimulation with histamine induces a continuous secretion via the H1 receptor, in addition to a transient and nonspecific secretion at higher doses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The contribution of an omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega Cgtx)-sensitive Ca2+ influx pathway to the effects of angiotensin II (AII) receptor activation was examined in bovine adrenal medullary (BAM) cells. Pretreatment of BAM cells with 10(-6) M omega Cgtx blocked stimulation of exocytosis by the degradation-resistant analogue, sarcosine1-angiotensin II (S1-AII). In contrast, omega Cgtx had no effect on basal secretion, nor did it inhibit [3H]norepinephrine and [32P]ATP release in response to bradykinin, another phospholipase C-linked receptor agonist. Similarly, omega Cgtx pretreatment inhibited the stimulation of 45Ca2+ uptake by S1-AII, but did not affect the response to bradykinin. This selective inhibition did not appear to be due to blockade of AII receptors by omega Cgtx, as the accumulation of 3H-labeled inositol phosphates in response to S1-AII was not inhibited. The peak S1-AII-stimulated increase in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration (Cai) in fura 2-loaded BAM cells also was not significantly reduced by omega Cgtx (or by stimulating in nominally Ca(2+)-free buffer), indicating that this response is dependent on intracellular Ca2+ pools. However, a small omega Cgtx-sensitive Cai response was detected after depletion of intracellular Ca2+ pools with ionomycin. This study shows that AII receptors, but not bradykinin receptors, are linked to an omega Cgtx-sensitive Ca2+ influx pathway in BAM cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to clarify the effects of hypoxia on catecholamine release and its mechanism of action. For this purpose, using cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells, we examined the effects of hypoxia on high (55 mM) K(+)-induced increases in catecholamine release, in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), and in 45Ca2+ uptake. Experiments were carried out in media preequilibrated with a gas mixture of either 21% O2/79% N2 (control) or 100% N2 (hypoxia). High K(+)-induced catecholamine release was inhibited by hypoxia to approximately 40% of the control value, but on reoxygenation the release returned to control levels. Hypoxia had little effect on ATP concentrations in the cells. In the hypoxic medium, [Ca2+]i (measured using fura-2) gradually increased and reached a plateau of approximately 1.0 microM at 30 min, whereas the level was constant in the control medium (approximately 200 nM). High K(+)-induced increases in [Ca2+]i were inhibited by hypoxia to approximately 30% of the control value. In the cells permeabilized by digitonin, catecholamine release induced by Ca2+ was unaffected by hypoxia. Hypoxia had little effect on basal 45Ca2+ uptake into the cells, but high K(+)-induced 45Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by hypoxia. These results suggest that hypoxia inhibits high K(+)-induced catecholamine release and that this inhibition is mainly the result of the inhibition of high K(+)-induced increases in [Ca2+]i subsequent to the inhibition of Ca2+ influx through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

The cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]in) in single cat and bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was measured to determine whether or not there was any correlation between the [Ca2+]in and the catecholamine (CA) secretion caused by muscarinic receptor stimulation. In cat chromaffin cells, methacholine (MCh), a muscarinic agonist, raised [Ca2+]in by activating both Ca2+ influx and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization with an accompanying CA secretion. In bovine cells, MCh elevated [Ca2+]in by mobilizing intracellular Ca2+ but did not cause CA secretion. The MCh-induced rise in [Ca2+]in in cat cells was much higher than that in bovine cells, but when Ca2+ influx was blocked, the rise was reduced, with a concomitant loss of secretion, to a level comparable to that in bovine cells. Intracellular Ca2+ mobilization due to muscarinic stimulation substantially increased secretion from depolarized bovine and cat cells, where a [Ca2+]in elevated above basal values was maintained by a continuous Ca2+ influx. These results show that Ca2+ released from internal stores is not effective in triggering secretion unless Ca2+ continues to enter across the plasma membrane, a conclusion suggesting that secretion depends on [Ca2+]in in a particular region of the cell.  相似文献   

Abstract: Tyrosine hydroxylase (TOH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, is regulated by phosphorylation. Activation of histaminergic H1 receptors on cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells stimulated a rapid increase in TOH phosphorylation (within 5 s) that was sustained for at least 5 min. The initial increase in TOH phosphorylation (up to 1 min) was essentially unchanged by the removal of extracellular Ca2+. In contrast, the H1-mediated response was abolished by preloading the cells with BAPTA acetoxymethyl ester (50 µ M ) and significantly reduced by prior exposure to caffeine (10 m M for 10 min) to deplete intracellular Ca2+. Trypticphosphopeptide analysis by HPLC revealed that the H1 response in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+ resulted in a major increase in the phosphorylation of Ser19 with smaller increases in that of Ser40 and Ser31. In contrast, although a brief stimulation with nicotine (30 µ M for 60 s) also resulted in a major increase in Ser19 phosphorylation, this response was abolished in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. These data indicate that the mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ plays a crucial role in supporting H1-mediated TOH phosphorylation and may thus have a potentially important role in regulating catecholamine synthesis.  相似文献   

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