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Expressions for the joint genotypic probabilities of two related individuals are used in many population and quantitative genetic analyses. These expressions, resting on a set of 15 probabilities of patterns of identity by descent among the four alleles at a locus carried by the relatives, are generally well known. There has been recent interest in special cases where the two individuals are both related and inbred, although there have been differences among published results. Here, we return to the original 15-probability treatment and show appropriate reductions for relatives when they are drawn from a population that itself is inbred or when the relatives have parents who are related. These results have application in affected-relative tests for linkage, and in methods for interpreting forensic genetic profiles.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that dizygotic twin pairs share two HLA haplotypes more often than ordinary siblings and thus might be genetically more alike. We tested this hypothesis in dizygotic twin pairs from the Danish Twin Registry. A total of 114 (60 female and 54 male) same-sexed healthy twin pairs aged 18-45 years participated. Dizygosity was established by means of DNA sequencing of nine polymorphic markers. HLA-A, B and Cw specificities were typed with serology, and if data were inconclusive, with DNA typing. If twin partners had the same HLA-types, they were assumed to share two haplotypes. If they had 1 HLA A, B and C antigen group in common they were assumed to share one haplotype and if they had no HLA types in common they were assumed to share zero haplotypes. Since HLA-types from parents were unavailable we could not test for identity-by-descent and thus had a risk of overestimating the number of twins sharing two haplotypes. A Chi-square test was used to compare observed numbers in each haplotype sharing group with the expected numbers. Twenty-nine (expected 28.5) twin pairs had two HLA-types in common, 52 (expected 57) had one HLA-type in common and 33 (expected 28.5) had zero HLA-types in common, p = 0.56. Our data show that DZ twins are not more similar than sibs from different pregnancies in general.  相似文献   

Another case of split-foot mutation in two sibs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Jacobsen syndrome is a rare disorder, caused by segmental monosomy for the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 11 with variable phenotypic expressivity. We report on the first male (6 years old) and female (3 years old) sibs with clinical and cytogenetics characterization of Jacobsen syndrome. Their karyotypes showed deletion 11q23.3-qter. Patients presented with growth and psychomotor retardation, facial dysmorphism, eye anomalies, and congenital heart disease (variable degrees of septal defect). Family history revealed a clinically similar brother, who died at 2 months old from cardiac anomalies in the form of single ventricle without being subjected to further investigations. Chromosomal analysis of the parents was normal. Karyotyping for the 2 patients and their parents was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis (FISH) using whole chromosome painting probes for 11 (WCP 11). Relevant investigations for both sibs showed mild thrombocytopenia with normal platelets morphology and striking periventricular demyelination on neuroimaging. Inguinal small testicles as well as focal epileptiform dysfunction were recorded in the male patient only. Abdominal ultrasound, hearing test, and DEXA scan were normal in both patients. Due to of the presence of apparently 3 affected offspring and normal parental karyotypes, an inherited predisposition was highly suspected. The large size of the distal deleted 11q segment in our patients support the recent hypothesis, that Jacobsen syndrome is a chromosomal deletion syndrome with genetic predisposition, due to expansion of p(CCG)n trinucleotide in the folate-sensitive fragile site FRA11B, at breakpoint 11q23.3. In conclusion, identification and further delineation of more similar patients will contribute to understanding the genetic basis of the 11q phenotype.  相似文献   

A genome scan of the hoarding phenotype (a component of obsessive-compulsive disorder) was conducted on 77 sib pairs collected by the Tourette Syndrome Association International Consortium for Genetics (TSAICG). All sib pairs were concordant for a diagnosis of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). However, the analyses reported here were conducted for hoarding as both a dichotomous trait and a quantitative trait. Not all sib pairs in the sample were concordant for hoarding. Standard linkage analyses were performed using GENEHUNTER and Haseman-Elston methods. In addition, novel analyses with a recursive-partitioning technique were employed. Significant allele sharing was observed for both the dichotomous and the quantitative hoarding phenotypes for markers at 4q34-35 (P=.0007), by use of GENEHUNTER, and at 5q35.2-35.3 (P=.000002) and 17q25 (P=.00002), by use of the revisited Haseman-Elston method. The 4q site is in proximity to D4S1625, which was identified by the TSAICG as a region linked to the GTS phenotype. The recursive-partitioning technique examined multiple markers simultaneously. Results suggest joint effects of specific loci on 5q and 4q, with an overall P value of.000003. Although P values were not adjusted for multiple comparison, nearly all were much smaller than the customary significance level of.0001 for genomewide scans.  相似文献   

A composite genetic melon map was generated based on two recombinant inbred line (RI) populations. By analyzing the segregation of 346 AFLPs, 113 IMAs and phenotypic characters on a RI population of 163 individuals derived from the cross Védrantais x PI 161375, a first map was constructed. About 20% of the molecular markers were skewed, and the residual heterozygosity was estimated at 4.43% which was not significantly different from the theoretical value of 4.2%. The genome distribution of molecular markers among the 12 linkage groups was not different from a random distribution with the exception of linkage group XII which was found significantly less populated. The genome distributions of IMAs and AFLPs were complementary. AFLPs were found mainly in the middle of each linkage group and sometimes clustered, whereas IMAs were found mainly at the end. A total of 318 molecular markers, mainly AFLP and IMA markers, were mapped on 63 RIs of the second population, Védrantais x PI 414723. Comparison of the maps enables one to conclude that AFLPs and IMAs of like molecular size, amplified with the same primer combination, correspond to the same genetic locus. Both maps were joined through 116 common markers comprising 106 comigrating AFLPs/IMAs, plus five SSRs and five phenotypic markers. The integrated melon map contained 668 loci issuing from the segregation of 1,093 molecular markers in the two RI populations. The composite map spanned 1,654 cM on 12 linkage groups which is the haploid number of chromosomes in melon. Thirty two known-function probes, i.e. known-function genes (9) and morphological traits (23), were included in this map. In addition, the composite map was anchored to previously published maps through SSRs, RFLPs and phenotypic characters.  相似文献   

Summary Two sibs with high serum IR-GH dwarfism, born to first-cousin parents are described. Genetic analysis based upon 25 reported informative kindreds indicates that the condition has an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. Population evaluation and epidemiology of the affected subjects suggest that mutation rates of the gene determining the disease in non-Jewish populations could be as rare as 3.2×10-5. However, its prevalence must be exceptionally high among endogamous Oriental Jewish groups derived from a common gene pool in historical times.  相似文献   

Sibling species pairs of sweat bees (Halictus confusus andH. tumulorum) and pine sawflies (Neodiprion pratti andN. maurus) were surveyed for genetic variability using enzyme electrophoresis. Levels of heterozygosity were found to be within the ranges earlier recorded for Hymenoptera. Expected heterozygosities were not significantly higher in the sawflies than in the sweat bees. Estimates of genetic identity between the sibling species were not lower than those generally found for diplodiploid insect species: no evidence was found for an increased rate of evolution in these haplodiploids. Genetic identity data among populations ofH. confusus and betweenHalictus species were within the range expected for conspecific populations and sibling species, respectively. InNeodiprion all genetic distances were low but the two populations ofN. pratti had similar genetic distances as each did toN. maurus, indicating the necessity for further systematic studies of the genus. The research reported here was supported by NSERC operating grants to the junior author. Collections of samples were made through NSERC funding previously available to Drs. R. E. Owen and G. Knerer, L. R. was supported by an Internationaliserringsstipendium from the University of Copenhagen, and L. P. by an NSERC University Research Fellowship.  相似文献   

Two sibs with duplication of 4q31-->qter due to 3:1 meiotic disjunction and mild phenotype: Clinical and cytogenetic findings in two sibs with partial duplication of 4q31.3-->qter and 21q11.2-->pter are reported. These patients are rare cases of reoccurrence of those partial trisomies due to 3:1 segregation of a maternal balanced translocation. A review of the literature reporting cases of trisomy of the 4q31-->qter segment is also made; previously reported cases mostly in addition have deletions of other chromosomes resulting from adjacent segregation of balanced translocation. The findings of our study confirm the high risk for offspring with unbalanced rearrangements in women with reciprocal translocation involving acrocentric and short chromosome segments. The study also points out that duplication of 4q31-->qter may go along with only mild phenotypic findings if there is no significant additional aneuploidy of the other chromosome involved in the rearrangement.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2022,46(1):34-38
The primary lymphoma of prostate is rare, representing 0.2–0.8% of extranodal lymphomas and 0.1% of all prostate neoplasias.  相似文献   

Selection of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from elite hybrids is a key method in maize breeding especially in developing countries. The RILs are normally derived by repeated self-pollination and selection. In this study, we first investigated the accuracy of different models in predicting the performance of F1 hybrids between RILs derived from two elite maize inbred lines Zong3 and 87-1, and then compared these models through simulation using a wider range of genetic models. Results indicated that appropriate prediction models depended on genetic architecture, e.g., combined model using breeding value and genome-wide prediction (BV+GWP) has the highest prediction accuracy for high V D/V A ratio (>0.5) traits. Theoretical studies demonstrated that different components of genetic variance were captured by different prediction models, which in turn explained the accuracy of these models in predicting the F1 hybrid performance. Based on genome-wide prediction model (GWP), 114 untested F1 hybrids possibly having higher grain yield than the original F1 hybrid Yuyu22 (the single cross between Zong3 and 87-1) have been identified and recommended for further field test.  相似文献   

In this study, differences between two strains of inbred mice in aspects of neutrophil function, namely Rac1 expression, chemotaxis, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase activity and formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), were determined. Neutrophils from CBA/CaH mice exhibited weaker Rac1 expression and a slower chemotactic gradient than BALB/c mice. Furthermore, PMA‐ or fMLP‐stimulated neutrophils from CBA/CaH mice generated much less superoxide and NETs than similarly stimulated neutrophils from BALB/c mice. These findings suggest that neutrophils from BALB/c mice are functionally more efficient than those from CBA/CaH mice.  相似文献   

We describe here the identification of defined mutations in both alleles of the fibrillin gene (FBN1) in a compound-heterozygote Marfan syndrome (MFS) child who had a very severe form of MFS resulting in death from cardiac failure at the age of 4 mo. The nonconsanguineous parents were both affected with MFS. The father's heterozygous point mutation has earlier been reported to result in W217G substitution, the mother was here shown to carry a heterozygous point mutation resulting in G2627R substitution, and the child had inherited both these mutations. The mutant FBN1 alleles were demonstrated to be transcribed with equal efficiency compared with the normal alleles, but metabolic labeling of fibroblast cultures from the child and both parents showed reduced biosynthesis and secretion of profibrillin. Also, the respective amounts of fibrillin in cell-culture media and extracellular-matrix extracts were markedly diminished, particularly in the cell cultures from father and child. In addition, immunofluorescence analysis of the cell cultures of all three family members revealed a drastically reduced amount of microfibrils, and virtually no visible fibrils could be seen in the case of the compound-heterozygote child. These findings demonstrate incomplete dominance of fibrillin mutations and underline the fatal consequences of the complete absence of normal fibrillin molecules in the microfibrils.  相似文献   

Summary Comparison of two inbred chicken lines (Fx > 99.9%) revealed significant differences in shape of the red blood cells (RBC). The length-width index was lower for both sexes in IC-line (1.46) when compared to CB-line chickens (1.88). Phenotypic expression of this character in F1 hybrids and both backcross groups corresponded to the common manifestations of the metric parameters. The index in F1 hybrid chickens deviated from intermediate values with the dominant tendency to oval RBC. An analysis of the segregating first backcross generation chickens did not show any association between RBC shape and the genotype in the blood group systems B, C, I, and D and the IgG allotypes. The differences in RBC shape were probably not associated with the survival of RBC in the blood circulation.  相似文献   

QTL mapping of stay-green in two sorghum recombinant inbred populations   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The stay-green trait is a reported component of tolerance to terminal drought stress in sorghum. To map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for stay-green, two sorghum recombinant inbred populations (RIPs) of 226 F(3:5) lines each were developed from crosses (1) IS9830 x E36-1 and (2) N13 x E36-1. The common parental line, E36-1 of Ethiopian origin, was the stay-green trait source. The genetic map of RIP 1 had a total length of 1,291 cM, with 128 markers (AFLPs, RFLPs, SSRs and RAPDs) distributed over ten linkage groups. The map of RIP 2 spanned 1,438 cM and contained 146 markers in 12 linkage groups. The two RIPs were evaluated during post-rainy seasons at Patancheru, India, in 1999/2000 (RIP 2) and 2000/2001 (RIP 1). The measures of stay-green mapped were the green leaf area percentages at 15, 30 and 45 days after flowering (% GL15, % GL30 and % GL45, respectively). Estimated repeatabilities for % GL15, % GL30 and % GL45 amounted to 0.89, 0.81 and 0.78 in RIP 1, and 0.91, 0.88 and 0.85 in RIP 2, respectively. The number of QTLs for the three traits detected by composite interval mapping ranged from 5 to 8, explaining 31% to 42% of the genetic variance. In both RIPs, both parent lines contributed stay-green alleles. Across the three measures of the stay-green trait, three QTLs on linkage groups A, E and G were common to both RIPs, with the stay-green alleles originating from E36-1. These QTLs were therefore consistent across the tested genetic backgrounds and years. After QTL validation across sites and verification of the general benefit of the stay-green trait for grain yield performance and stability in the target areas, the corresponding chromosomal regions could be candidates for marker-assisted transfer of stay-green into elite materials.  相似文献   

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