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The virA and virG gene products are required for the regulation of the vir regulon on the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. VirA is a membrane-associated protein which is homologous to the sensor molecules of other two-component regulatory systems. We overproduced truncated VirA proteins in Escherichia coli by deleting different lengths of the 5'-coding region of the virA gene and placing these genes under lacZ control. These proteins were purified from polyacrylamide gels and renatured. The renatured proteins became radiolabeled when they were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP but not with [gamma-32P]GTP or [alpha-32P]ATP, which suggests an ATP gamma-phosphate-specific autophosphorylation. The smallest VirA protein, which retained only the C-terminal half of the protein, gave the strongest autophosphorylation signal, which demonstrates that the C-terminal domain has the autophosphorylation site. The phosphorylated amino acid was identified as phosphohistidine, and a highly conserved histidine was found in all of the VirA homologs. When this histidine was changed to glutamine, which cannot be phosphorylated, the resulting VirA protein lost both its ability to autophosphorylate and its biological function as a vir gene regulator. Results of this study indicate that VirA autophosphorylation is required for the induction of the vir regulon and subsequent tumor induction on plants by A. tumefaciens.  相似文献   

The VirA-VirG two-component system regulates the 30-gene vir regulon in response to host-released chemical signals. VirA is a homodimeric membrane-spanning histidine protein kinase. Here, we show that mutations in two essential VirA residues, His-474 and Gly-657, can be complemented by the formation of mixed heterodimers, indicating that each subunit of a VirA dimer transphosphorylates the opposite subunit. VirA contains a receiver domain that inhibits kinase activity. We use the forced heterodimer system to show that the two receiver domains of a VirA dimer act independently and that each inhibits the phosphoacceptor subdomain of the opposite subunit. We also demonstrate that merodiploid strains co-expressing constitutive VirA mutants and wild-type VirA show levels of vir gene expression far lower than haploid strains expressing just the constitutive alleles. The fact that wild-type VirA can actively block vir gene expression in the absence of phenolic signals suggests that it might have a phospho-VirG phosphatase activity. The receiver domain of VirA is essential for this activity, whereas residues H474 and G657 of the kinase domain are not required. Merodiploid strains co-expressing a constitutive VirA allele and an allele that is kinase inactive but proficient in the inhibitory activity show strongly inducible vir gene expression, indicating that the inhibitory activity is modulated by environmental signals.  相似文献   

Monosaccharides available in the extracellular milieu of Agrobacterium tumefaciens can be transported into the cytoplasm, or via the periplasmic sugar binding protein, ChvE, play a critical role in controlling virulence gene expression. The ChvE-MmsAB ABC transporter is involved in the utilization of a wide range of monosaccharide substrates but redundant transporters are likely given the ability of a chvE-mmsAB deletion strain to grow, albeit more slowly, in the presence of particular monosaccharides. In this study, a putative ABC transporter encoded by the gxySBA operon is identified and shown to be involved in the utilization of glucose, xylose, fucose, and arabinose, which are also substrates for the ChvE-MmsAB ABC transporter. Significantly, GxySBA is also shown to be the first characterized glucosamine ABC transporter. The divergently transcribed gene gxyR encodes a repressor of the gxySBA operon, the function of which can be relieved by a subset of the transported sugars, including glucose, xylose, and glucosamine, and this substrate-induced expression can be repressed by glycerol. Furthermore, deletion of the transporter can increase the sensitivity of the virulence gene expression system to certain sugars that regulate it. Collectively, the results reveal a remarkably diverse set of substrates for the GxySBA transporter and its contribution to the repression of sugar sensitivity by the virulence-controlling system, thereby facilitating the capacity of the bacterium to distinguish between the soil and plant environments.  相似文献   

The VirA/VirG two-component regulatory system of Agrobacterium tumefaciens regulates expression of the virulence (vir) genes that control the infection process leading to crown gall tumor disease on susceptible plants. VirA, a membrane-bound homodimer, initiates vir gene induction by communicating the presence of molecular signals found at the site of a plant wound through phosphorylation of VirG. Inducing signals include phenols, monosaccharides, and acidic pH. While sugars are not essential for gene induction, their presence greatly increases vir gene expression when levels of the essential phenolic signal are low. Reception of the sugar signal depends on a direct interaction between ChvE, a sugar-binding protein, and VirA. Here we show that the sugar signal received in the periplasmic region of one subunit within a VirA heterodimer can enhance the kinase function of the second subunit. However, sugar enhancement of vir gene expression was vector dependent. virA alleles expressed from pSa-derived vectors inhibited signal transduction by endogenous VirA. Inhibition was conditional, depending on the induction medium and the virA allele tested. Moreover, constitutive expression of virG overcame the inhibitory effect of some but not all virA alleles, suggesting that there may be more than one inhibitory mechanism.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes tumors on plants only at temperatures below 32 degrees C, and virulence gene expression is specifically inhibited at temperatures above 32 degrees C. We show here that this effect persists even when the virA and virG loci are expressed under the control of a lac promoter whose activity is temperature independent. This finding suggests that one or more steps in the signal transduction process mediated by the VirA and VirG proteins are temperature sensitive. Both the autophosphorylation of VirA and the subsequent transfer of phosphate to VirG are shown to be sensitive to high temperatures (> 32 degrees C), and this correlates with the reduced vir gene expression observed at these temperatures. At temperatures of 32 degrees C and higher, the VirA molecule undergoes a reversible inactivation while the VirG molecule is not affected. vir gene induction is temperature sensitive in an acetosyringone-independent virA mutant background but not in a virG constitutive mutant which is virA and acetosyringone independent. These observations all support the notion that the VirA protein is responsible for the thermosensitivity of vir gene expression. However, an Agrobacterium strain containing a constitutive virG locus still cannot cause tumors on Kalanchoe plants at 32 degrees C. This strain induces normal-size tumors at temperatures up to 30 degrees C, whereas the wild-type Agrobacterium strain produces almost no tumors at 30 degrees C. These results suggest that at temperatures above 32 degrees C, the plant becomes more resistant to infection by A. tumefaciens and/or functions of some other vir gene products are lost in spite of their normal levels of expression.  相似文献   

The induction of vir gene expression in different types of Agrobacterium strains shows different pH sensitivity profiles. The pH sensitivity pattern demonstrated by octopine Ti strains was similar to that of a supervirulent leucinopine Ti strain, whereas this was different from that shown by nopaline Ti strains and agropine Ri strains. Data are given which indicate that these differences are due to different properties of the virA genes of these wild types. An exceptional case was formed by strains with the limited-host-range plasmid pTiAG57 which showed AS-dependent vir induction only if reduced inoculum sizes were used and the temperature was 28°C or below.  相似文献   

Plasmid RP4 was used to mobilize the agrocin 84-encoding plasmid, pAg396, from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain 396 to A. tumefaciens C58 and C58CI as well as Rhizobium meliloti. It was transferred to, but not stably maintained in, R. leguminosarum. It could not be transferred to R. lupini, R. japonicum or R. trifolii. Plasmid pAg396 did not segregate in R. meliloti and produced levels of agrocin comparable to the parental strain A. tumefaciens 396. The potential of agrocin producing R. meliloti in biological control of crown gall is being investigated.  相似文献   

Some or possibly all Ti plasmids of Agrobacterium tumefaciens encode a bicistronic operon designated virH, which encodes two proteins, VirH1 and VirH2, that resemble a family of cytochrome P450-type monooxygenases. Expression of this operon is induced by a family of phenolic compounds that induce all other operons within the vir regulon. We hypothesized that either or both of these proteins might metabolize some or all of these phenolic compounds. We therefore tested induction of a vir promoter by a variety of phenolic compounds in isogenic strains that express or lack virH1 and virH2. Although some compounds were equally effective inducers regardless of the virH status, other compounds induced vir expression far more effectively in the virH mutant than in the virH-proficient host. For all tested compounds, VirH2 appeared to be solely responsible for this effect. One such compound, ferulic acid, was chosen for biochemical analysis. Ferulic acid was degraded by a VirH-proficient host but not by a VirH mutant. The wild-type strain released large amounts of a more hydrophilic compound into the cell supernatant. This compound was tested by mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and UV spectroscopy and found to consist of caffeic acid. This indicates that wild-type strains convert virtually all added ferulic acid to caffeic acid, and that VirH2 is essential for this O-demethylation reaction. Ferulic acid was far more toxic than caffeic acid to the wild-type strain, although the wild-type strain was more resistant to ferulic acid than was the virH mutant. Caffeic acid was slowly removed from the broth, suggesting further metabolic reactions.  相似文献   

J Gray  J Wang    S B Gelvin 《Journal of bacteriology》1992,174(4):1086-1098
vir regulon expression in Agrobacterium tumefaciens involves both chromosome- and Ti-plasmid-encoded gene products. We have isolated and characterized a new chromosomal gene that when mutated results in a 2- to 10-fold reduction in the induced expression of vir genes by acetosyringone. This reduced expression occurs in AB minimal medium (pH 5.5) containing either sucrose or glucose and containing phosphate at high or low concentrations. The locus was cloned and used to complement A. tumefaciens strains harboring Tn5 insertions in the gene. Sequence analysis of this locus revealed an open reading frame with strong homology to the miaA locus of Escherichia coli and the mod5 locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These genes encode tRNA: isopentenyltransferase enzymes responsible for the specific modification of the A-37 residue in UNN codon tRNA species. The function of the homologous gene in A. tumefaciens was proven by genetic complementation of E. coli miaA mutant strains. tRNA undermodification in A. tumefaciens miaA mutant strains may reduce vir gene expression by causing a reduced translation efficiency. A slight reduction in the virulence of these mutant Agrobacterium strains on red potato plants, but not on tobacco, tomato, kalanchoe, or sunflower plants, was observed.  相似文献   

A simple system is described for detection of the transfer ofT-DNA from Agrobacterium cells to suspension-cultured tobaccoBY-2 cells. A modified reporter gene for rß-glucuronidase(GUS) that contained an intron sequence was introduced intothe T-DNA region such that the GUS protein could be synthesizedin plant cells only after transfer of the T-DNA to plant nuclei.When BY-2 cells were co-cultured with Agrobacterium cells thatcontained the modified reporter gene, transient synthesis ofGUS protein was observed between 36 and 48 h after the onsetof co-culture. The level of GUS activity reached a plateau withinas little as 48 h. This temporal profile of GUS activation suggeststhat the transient activity might have been due to expressionof the GUS gene in the T-DNA that had been transferred to theplant nuclei but had not yet been integrated into the plantchromosomes. Levels of transient GUS activity were also examinedwith various vir mutants of Agrobacterium and in a mutant withan altered chromosomal acvB gene, the gene for a protein thathas been postulated to function outside bacterial cells. Duringco-culture with virB, virD2, virD4 and acvB mutants, GUS activityremained at background levels, and the GUS activity in the caseof the virE2 mutant was thirty-fold lower than with the wildtype. On the basis of these results, we discuss the roles ofthese genes during infection by Agrobacterium of plant cells. 4Present address: Biochemistry Laboratory, Kanebo Ltd., 5-3-28Kotobuki-cho, Odawara, Kanagawa, 250 Japan  相似文献   

Epsilon (epsilon) sequence is a bacterial enhancer of translation found in the bacteriophage T7 gene 10. It is believed that its enhancing effect of epsilon is due to a base-pairing with the nucleotides 458-467 from the helical domain 17 of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA. To prove this we have taken advantage of the difference of this domain in Agrobacterium tumefaciens and E. coli. To evaluate the significance of nucleotide complementarity for the enhancing activity of epsilon, a series of nucleotide sequences matching either E. coli or A. tumefaciens domain 17 are cloned in a binary expression vector in front of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene. The CAT assay shows that: (i) the epsilon in combination with an SD consensus sequence increases the yield of CAT in both microorganisms over that obtained with the SD alone; (ii) the epsilon sequence complementary to the A. tumefaciens domain 17 leads to a 2.71-fold increase in the yield of CAT in homologous cells but not in E. coli cells; (iii) the yield of CAT correlates with the free energy of base-pairing with the helical domain 17 in both microorganisms.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a Ti plasmid causes crown gall disease in dicot plants by transferring its T-DNA into plant chromosomes. Iron acquisition plays an important role for pathogenicity in animal pathogens and several phytopathogens and for growth in the rhizosphere and on plant surfaces. Under iron-limiting condition, bacteria produce various iron-chelating agents called siderophores. Agrobacterium strains have the diversity in producing siderophores and a certain strain produces a typical catechol-type siderophore, called agrobactin, although its biosynthesis genes have not been analyzed yet. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of a functional gene cluster involved in ferric iron uptake in A. tumefaciens strain MAFF301001. Four complete open reading frames (ORFs) were found in 5-kb region of a genomic library clone 1A3. We named these genes agb, after agrobactin. agbC, agbE, agbB and agbA genes were identified in this order, and narrow intergenic spaces suggested that these genes constitute an operon. Predicted agb gene products and their phylogenetic analysis showed sequence similarity with enzymes which are involved in ferric iron uptake in other bacteria. Southern hybridization analysis clearly indicated the location of agb genes on the linear chromosome in strain MAFF301001 but the complete lack in another A. tumefaciens strain C58. Mutation analysis of agbB revealed that it is essential for growth and production of catechol compounds in iron-limiting medium.  相似文献   

Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) belongs to the subgroup Ⅲ of geminiviruses with single strand DNA genome. Study demonstrated that the bidirectional promoter of CLCuV had activity in Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Townsend) Conn. This is the first report for the activity of the bidirectional promoter of geminivirus in A. tumefaciens . Results showed that the activity of the complementary sense promoter was stronger than that of virion sense promoter, and was detected 2-fold higher than that of CaMV 35S promoter in A. tumefaciens . Moreover, the promoter 5′ deletion analysis indicated that the mean GUS activity driven by a 287 nucleotides complementary sense promoter fragment (from -287 to the translation initiation site) is 4 times higher than that driven by the whole complementary sense promoter in A. tumefaciens . This result suggested that there might exist negative regulatory elements in this deleted fragment. The function of other cis- elements included in CLCuV complementary sense promoter was also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

棉花曲叶病毒启动子在根癌土壤杆菌中的表达活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuV)是一种单链DNA病毒,属于双生病毒亚组Ⅲ,检测了双生病毒双向启动子在根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium turnefaciens(Smith et Townsend) Conn()LBA4404中的活性,研究发现在根癌土壤杆菌中CLCuV双向启动子的互补链启动子活性高于病毒链启动子,其在土壤杆菌中驱动的GUS活性为CaMV 35S启动子驱动的GUS活性的2倍,同时,通过对一系列CLCuV双向启动子的互补链5′端缺失体在土壤杆菌中的活性分析表明-287bp上游可能存在一负调控元件,该元件的缺失可使启动子活性达全长启动子的4倍之多,还讨论了CLCuV互补链启动子所亿的其他顺式元件的功能。  相似文献   

The overproduction of polysaccharide alginate is responsible for the formation of mucus in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. Histidine kinase KinB of the KinB-AlgB two-component system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa acts as a negative regulator of alginate biosynthesis. The modular architecture of KinB is similar to other histidine kinases. However, its periplasmic signal sensor domain is unique and is found only in the Pseudomonas genus. Here, we present the first crystal structures of the KinB sensor domain. The domain is a dimer in solution, and in the crystal it shows an atypical dimer of a helix-swapped four-helix bundle. A positively charged cavity is formed on the dimer interface and involves several strictly conserved residues, including Arg-60. A phosphate anion is bound asymmetrically in one of the structures. In silico docking identified several monophosphorylated sugars, including β-d-fructose 6-phosphate and β-d-mannose 6-phosphate, a precursor and an intermediate of alginate synthesis, respectively, as potential KinB ligands. Ligand binding was confirmed experimentally. Conformational transition from a symmetric to an asymmetric structure and decreasing dimer stability caused by ligand binding may be a part of the signal transduction mechanism of the KinB-AlgB two-component system.  相似文献   

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