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Opa1 catalyzes fusion of inner mitochondrial membranes and formation of the cristae. OPA1 mutations in humans lead to autosomal dominant optic atrophy. OPA1 knockout mice lose viability around embryonic day 9 from unknown reasons, indicating that OPA1 is essential for embryonic development. Zebrafish are an attractive model for studying vertebrate development and have been used for many years to describe developmental events that are difficult or impractical to view in mammalian models. In this study, Opa1 was successfully depleted in zebrafish embryos using antisense morpholinos, which resulted in disrupted mitochondrial morphology. Phenotypically, these embryos exhibited abnormal blood circulation and heart defects, as well as small eyes and small pectoral fin buds. Additionally, startle response was reduced and locomotor activity was impaired. Furthermore, Opa1 depletion caused bioenergetic defects, without impairing mitochondrial efficiency. In response to mitochondrial dysfunction, a transient upregulation of the master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, pgc1a, was observed. These results not only reveal a new Opa1-associated phenotype in a vertebrate model system, but also further elucidates the absolute requirement of Opa1 for successful vertebrate development.  相似文献   

The mouse genome consists of six functional actin genes of which the expression patterns are temporally and spatially regulated during development and in the adult organism. Deletion of beta-actin in mouse is lethal during embryonic development, although there is compensatory expression of other actin isoforms. This suggests different isoform specific functions and, more in particular, an important function for beta-actin during early mammalian development. We here report a role for beta-actin during neural crest ontogeny. Although beta-actin null neural crest cells show expression of neural crest markers, less cells delaminate and their migration arrests shortly after. These phenotypes were associated with elevated apoptosis levels in neural crest cells, whereas proliferation levels were unchanged. Specifically the pre-migratory neural crest cells displayed higher levels of apoptosis, suggesting increased apoptosis in the neural tube accounts for the decreased amount of migrating neural crest cells seen in the beta-actin null embryos. These cells additionally displayed a lack of membrane bound N-cadherin and dramatic decrease in cadherin-11 expression which was more pronounced in the pre-migratory neural crest population, potentially indicating linkage between the cadherin-11 expression and apoptosis. By inhibiting ROCK ex vivo, the knockout neural crest cells regained migratory capacity and cadherin-11 expression was upregulated. We conclude that the presence of beta-actin is vital for survival, specifically of pre-migratory neural crest cells, their proper emigration from the neural tube and their subsequent migration. Furthermore, the absence of beta-actin affects cadherin-11 and N-cadherin function, which could partly be alleviated by ROCK inhibition, situating the Rho-ROCK signaling in a feedback loop with cadherin-11.  相似文献   

The attachment organelle of Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a polar, tapered cell extension containing an intracytoplasmic, electron-dense core. This terminal structure is the leading end in gliding motility, and its duplication is thought to precede cell division, raising the possibility that mutations affecting cytadherence also confer a defect in motility or cell development. Mycoplasma surface protein P30 is associated with the attachment organelle, and P30 mutants II-3 and II-7 do not cytadhere. In this study, the recombinant wild-type but not the mutant II-3 p30 allele restored cytadherence when transformed into P30 mutants by recombinant transposon delivery. The mutations associated with loss of P30 in mutant II-3 and reacquisition of P30 in cytadhering revertants thereof were identified by nucleotide sequencing of the p30 gene. Morphological abnormalities that included ovoid or multilobed cells having a poorly defined tip structure were associated with loss of P30. Digital image analysis confirmed quantitatively the morphological differences noted visually. Transformation of the P30 mutants with the wild-type p30 allele restored a normal morphology, as determined both visually and by digital image analysis, suggesting that P30 plays a role in mycoplasma cell development. Finally, the P30 mutants localized the adhesin protein P1 to the terminal organelle, indicating that P30 is not involved in P1 trafficking but may be required for its receptor-binding function.  相似文献   

The assembly of neuronal circuits during development requires the precise navigation of axons, which is controlled by attractive and repulsive guidance cues. In the developing spinal cord, ephrinB3 functions as a short-range repulsive cue that prevents EphA4 receptor-expressing corticospinal tract and spinal interneuron axons from crossing the midline, ensuring proper formation of locomotor circuits. Here we report that the small GTPase RhoA, a key regulator of cytoskeletal dynamics, is also required for ephrinB3/EphA4-dependent locomotor circuit formation. Deletion of RhoA from neural progenitor cells results in mice that exhibit a rabbit-like hopping gait, which phenocopies mice lacking ephrinB3 or EphA4. Consistent with this locomotor defect, we found that corticospinal tract axons and spinal interneuron projections from RhoA-deficient mice aberrantly cross the spinal cord midline. Furthermore, we determined that loss of RhoA blocks ephrinB3-induced growth cone collapse of cortical axons and disrupts ephrinB3 expression at the spinal cord midline. Collectively, our results demonstrate that RhoA is essential for the ephrinB3/EphA4-dependent assembly of cortical and spinal motor circuits that control normal locomotor behavior.  相似文献   

COPII-coated vesicles mediate the transport of newly synthesized proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi. SEC24 is the COPII component primarily responsible for recruitment of protein cargoes into nascent vesicles. There are four Sec24 paralogs in mammals, with mice deficient in SEC24A, -B, and -D exhibiting a wide range of phenotypes. We now report the characterization of mice with deficiency in the fourth Sec24 paralog, SEC24C. Although mice haploinsufficient for Sec24c exhibit no apparent abnormalities, homozygous deficiency results in embryonic lethality at approximately embryonic day 7. Tissue-specific deletion of Sec24c in hepatocytes, pancreatic cells, smooth muscle cells, and intestinal epithelial cells results in phenotypically normal mice. Thus, SEC24C is required in early mammalian development but is dispensable in a number of tissues, likely as a result of compensation by other Sec24 paralogs. The embryonic lethality resulting from loss of SEC24C occurs considerably later than the lethality previously observed in SEC24D deficiency; it is clearly distinct from the restricted neural tube phenotype of Sec24b null embryos and the mild hypocholesterolemic phenotype of adult Sec24a null mice. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the four Sec24 paralogs have developed unique functions over the course of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Mammalian phosphatases of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily have emerged as important regulators of physiology and disease. Many of these enzymes are stable homodimers; however, the role of their dimerization is largely unknown. Here, we explore the function of the obligatory homodimerization of chronophin, a mammalian HAD phosphatase known to dephosphorylate pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) and serine/threonine-phosphorylated proteins. The exchange of two residues in the murine chronophin homodimerization interface (chronophinA194K,A195K) yields a constitutive monomer both in vitro and in cells. The catalytic activity of monomeric chronophin toward PLP is strongly impaired. X-ray crystallographic studies of chronophinA194K,A195K revealed that dimer formation is essential for an intermolecular arginine-arginine-tryptophan stacking interaction that positions a critical histidine residue in the substrate specificity loop of chronophin for PLP coordination. Analysis of all available crystal structures of HAD hydrolases that are grouped together with chronophin in the C2a-type structural subfamily uncovered a highly conserved mode of dimerization that results in intermolecular contacts involving the substrate specificity loop. Our results explain how the dimerization of HAD hydrolases contributes to their catalytic efficiency and substrate specificity.  相似文献   



During fertilization, pronuclear envelope breakdown (PNEB) is followed by the mingling of male and female genomes. Dynamic chromatin and protein rearrangements require posttranslational modification (PTM) for the postfertilization development.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity (PARylation) by either PJ-34 or 5-AIQ resulted in developmental arrest of fertilized embryos at the PNEB. PARylation inhibition affects spindle bundle formation and phosphorylation of Erk molecules of metaphase II (MII) unfertilized oocytes. We found a frequent appearance of multiple pronuclei (PN) in the PARylation-inhibited embryos, suggesting defective polymerization of tubulins. Attenuated phosphorylation of lamin A/C by PARylation was detected in the PARylation-inhibited embryos at PNEB. This was associated with sustained localization of heterodomain protein 1 (HP1) at the PN of the one-cell embryos arrested by PARylation inhibition.


Our findings indicate that PARylation is required for pronuclear fusion during postfertilization processes. These data further suggest that PARylation regulates protein dynamics essential for the beginning of mouse zygotic development. PARylation and its involving signal-pathways may represent potential targets as contraceptives.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is thought to preferentially rely on fatty acid metabolism to both establish and maintain chronic infections. Its metabolic network, however, allows efficient co-catabolism of multiple carbon substrates. To gain insight into the importance of carbohydrate substrates for Mtb pathogenesis we evaluated the role of glucose phosphorylation, the first reaction in glycolysis. We discovered that Mtb expresses two functional glucokinases. Mtb required the polyphosphate glucokinase PPGK for normal growth on glucose, while its second glucokinase GLKA was dispensable. 13C-based metabolomic profiling revealed that both enzymes are capable of incorporating glucose into Mtb''s central carbon metabolism, with PPGK serving as dominant glucokinase in wild type (wt) Mtb. When both glucokinase genes, ppgK and glkA, were deleted from its genome, Mtb was unable to use external glucose as substrate for growth or metabolism. Characterization of the glucokinase mutants in mouse infections demonstrated that glucose phosphorylation is dispensable for establishing infection in mice. Surprisingly, however, the glucokinase double mutant failed to persist normally in lungs, which suggests that Mtb has access to glucose in vivo and relies on glucose phosphorylation to survive during chronic mouse infections.  相似文献   



During development, neuronal growth cones integrate diffusible and contact guidance cues that are conveyed to both actin and microtubule (MT) cytoskeletons and ensure axon outgrowth and pathfinding. Although several post-translational modifications of tubulin have been identified and despite their strong conservation among species, their physiological roles during development, especially in the nervous sytem, are still poorly understood.


Here, we have dissected the role of a post-translational modification of the last amino acid of the α-tubulin on axonal growth by analyzing the phenotype of precerebellar neurons in Tubulin tyrosin ligase knock-out mice (TTL −/−) through in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro analyses. TTL −/− neurons are devoid of tyrosinated tubulin. Their pathway shows defects in vivo, ex vivo, in hindbrains open-book preparations or in vitro, in a collagen matrix. Their axons still orient toward tropic cues, but they emit supernumerary branches and their growth cones are enlarged and exhibit an emission of mis-oriented filopodia. Further analysis of the TTL −/− growth cone intracellular organization also reveals that the respective localization of actin and MT filaments is disturbed, with a decrease in the distal accumulation of Myosin IIB, as well as a concomitant Rac1 over-activation in the hindbrain. Pharmacological inhibition of Rac1 over-activation in TTL −/− neurons can rescue Myosin IIB localization.


In the growth cone, we propose that tubulin tyrosination takes part in the relative arrangement of actin and MT cytoskeletons, in the regulation of small GTPases activity, and consequently, in the proper morphogenesis, organization and pathfinding of the growth cone during development.  相似文献   

Abnormal amplification of centrosomes could lead to improper chromosome segregation and aneuploidy and is implicated in cancer development. Here, we demonstrate that Axin, a scaffolding protein in Wnt signaling, is phosphorylated by PLK1 during mitosis. Phosphorylation of Axin Ser-157 by PLK1 abolished Axin association with γ-tubulin, while substitution of Ser-157 with alanine exhibited sustained interaction with γ-tubulin. In addition, overexpression of Axin-S157A significantly increased the number of cells with multi-centrosomes. These results suggest that the phosphorylation status of Axin, mediated by PLK1, dynamically regulates its association with γ-tubulin and centrosome formation and segregation.  相似文献   

Lysyl oxidases (LOXs) are a family of copper-dependent oxido-deaminases that can modify the side chain of lysyl residues in collagen and elastin, thereby leading to the spontaneous formation of non-reducible aldehyde-derived interpolypeptide chain cross-links. The consequences of LOX inhibition in producing lathyrism are well documented, but the consequences on collagen fibril formation are less clear. Here we used β-aminoproprionitrile (BAPN) to inhibit LOX in tendon-like constructs (prepared from human tenocytes), which are an experimental model of cell-mediated collagen fibril formation. The improvement in structure and strength seen with time in control constructs was absent in constructs treated with BAPN. As expected, BAPN inhibited the formation of aldimine-derived cross-links in collagen, and the constructs were mechanically weak. However, an unexpected finding was that BAPN treatment led to structurally abnormal collagen fibrils with irregular profiles and widely dispersed diameters. Of special interest, the abnormal fibril profiles resembled those seen in some Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome phenotypes. Importantly, the total collagen content developed normally, and there was no difference in COL1A1 gene expression. Collagen type V, decorin, fibromodulin, and tenascin-X proteins were unaffected by the cross-link inhibition, suggesting that LOX regulates fibrillogenesis independently of these molecules. Collectively, the data show the importance of LOX for the mechanical development of early collagenous tissues and that LOX is essential for correct collagen fibril shape formation.  相似文献   

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