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Tandem affinity purification and identification of protein complex components   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
As with the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the completion of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome sequence has opened new opportunities to investigate the functional organization of a eukaryotic cell. These include analysis of gene expression patterns, comprehensive gene knockout and synthetic lethal screens, global protein localization analysis, and direct protein interaction mapping. We describe here the tandem affinity purification or TAP approach combined with DALPC mass spectrometry to identify components of protein complexes as we have applied it to S. pombe. This approach can theoretically be applied to the entire proteome as has been done in S. cerevisiae to gain insight into functional protein assemblies and to elucidate functions of uncharacterized proteins.  相似文献   

Tandem affinity purification (TAP) is a generic two-step affinity purification protocol for isolation of TAP-tagged proteins together with associated proteins. We used bacterial artificial chromosome to heterologously express TAP-tagged murine Sgo1 protein in human HeLa cells. This allowed us to test the functionality of the Sgo1-TAP protein by RNA interference-mediated depletion of the endogenous human Sgo1. Here, we present an optimized protocol for purification of TAP-tagged Sgo1 protein as well as KIAA1387 from HeLa cells with detailed instructions. The purification protocol can be completed in 1 day and it should be applicable to other proteins.  相似文献   

Yang X  Doherty GP  Lewis PJ 《Plasmid》2008,59(1):54-62
Tandem affinity purification has become a valuable tool for the isolation of protein complexes. Here we describe the construction and use of a series of plasmid vectors for Gram positive bacteria. The vectors utilize the SPA tag as well as variants containing a 3C rather than the TEV protease site as 3C protease has been shown to work efficiently at the low temperatures (4 degrees C) used to isolate protein complexes. In addition, a further vector incorporates a GST moiety in place of the 3xFLAG of the SPA tag which provides an additional tagging option for situations where SPA binding may be inefficient. The vectors are all compatible with previously constructed fluorescent protein fusion vectors enabling construction of a suite of affinity and fluorescently tagged genes using a single PCR product.  相似文献   

Protein ubiquitylation is a central regulatory mechanism that controls numerous processes in plants, including hormone signaling, developmental progression, responses to biotic and abiotic challenges, protein trafficking and chromatin structure. Despite data implicating thousands of plant proteins as targets, so far only a few have been conclusively shown to be ubiquitylated in planta . Here we describe a method to isolate ubiquitin–protein conjugates from Arabidopsis that exploits a stable transgenic line expressing a synthetic poly- UBQ gene encoding ubiquitin (Ub) monomers N-terminally tagged with hexahistidine. Following sequential enrichment by Ub-affinity and nickel chelate-affinity chromatography, the ubiquitylated proteins were trypsinized, separated by two-dimensional liquid chromatography, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Our list of 54 non-redundant targets, expressed by as many as 90 possible isoforms, included those predicted by genetic studies to be ubiquitylated in plants (EIN3 and JAZ6) or shown to be ubiquitylated in other eukaryotes (ribosomal subunits, elongation factor 1α, histone H1, HSP70 and CDC48), as well as candidates whose control by the Ub/26S proteasome system is not yet appreciated. Ub attachment site(s) were resolved for a subset of these proteins, but surprisingly little sequence consensus was detected, implying that specific residues surrounding the modified lysine are not important determinants for ubiquitylation. We also identified six of the seven available lysine residues on Ub itself as Ub attachment sites, together with evidence for a branched mixed-linkage chain, suggesting that the topologies of Ub chains can be highly complex in plants. Taken together, our method provides a widely applicable strategy to define ubiquitylation in any tissue of intact plants exposed to a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

Kyriakakis P  Tipping M  Abed L  Veraksa A 《Fly》2008,2(4):229-235
Tandem affinity purification (TAP) has been widely used for the analysis of protein complexes. We investigated the parameters of the recently developed TAP method (GS-TAP) and its application in Drosophila. This new tag combination includes two Protein G modules and a streptavidin binding peptide (SBP), separated by one or two TEV protease cleavage sites. We made pMK33-based GS-TAP vectors to allow for generation of stable cell lines using hygromycin selection and inducible expression from a metallothionein promoter, as well as pUAST-based vectors that can be used for inducible expression in flies. Rescue experiments in flies demonstrated that the GS-TAP tag preserves the function of the tagged protein. We have done parallel purifications of proteins tagged with the new GS-TAP tag or with the conventional TAP tag (containing the Protein A and calmodulin binding peptide domains) at the amino terminus, using both cultured cells and embryos. A major difference between the two tags was in the levels of contaminating proteins, which were significantly lower in the GS-TAP purifications. The GS-TAP procedure also resulted in higher yield of the bait protein. Overall, GS-TAP is an improved method of protein complex purification because it provides a superior signal-to-noise ratio of the bait protein relative to contaminants in purified material.  相似文献   

Many methods are available and widely used to determine specific proteins that bind to a particular RNA of interest. However, approaches to identify unknown substrate RNAs to which an RNA-binding protein binds and potentially regulates are not as common. In this article we describe a technique termed isolation of specific nucleic acids associated with proteins (SNAAP) that allows the identification of mRNAs associated with a protein. Methods are detailed for expressing and purifying fusion proteins that are used to isolate substrate mRNPs employing differential display technology. Lastly, experiments are described to confirm that the RNAs identified are indeed bonafide substrates for an RNA-binding protein. As the number of known RNA-binding proteins increases, of which many are involved in genetic disorders, it is essential that methodologies exist to identify RNA-protein interactions to better understand the manifestation of disease.  相似文献   

We describe a one-step affinity method for purifying ribosomes from the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Extracts from yeast strains expressing only C-terminally tagged Rpl25 protein or overexpressing this protein in the presence of endogenous Rpl25p were used as the starling materials. The purification was specific for tagged 60S subunits, and resulted in the copurification of 80S subunits and polysomes, as well as ribosome-associated proteins and mRNAs. Two of these associated proteins, Mpt4p and Asc1p, were nearly stoichiometrically bound to the ribosome. In addition, the degree of mRNA association with the purified ribosomes was found to reflect the mRNA's translational status within the cell. The one-step purification of ribosome and its associated components from a crude extract should provide an important tool for future structural and biochemical studies of the ribosome, as well as for expression profiling of translated mRNAs.  相似文献   

S F Parmley  G P Smith 《Gene》1988,73(2):305-318
Foreign DNA fragments can be inserted into a minor coat protein gene of filamentous phage, creating a fusion protein that is incorporated into the virion; we call these particles "fusion phage". The foreign amino acids are displayed on the surface, allowing fusion phage bearing antigenic determinants from a target gene to be purified in infectious form by affinity to antibody directed against the gene product. Here we introduce fusion-phage vectors that accept foreign DNA inserts with little effect on phage function; and describe affinity purification of virions bearing a target determinant from a 10(8)-fold excess of phage not bearing the determinant, using minute amounts of antibody. These "antibody-selectable" vectors are a promising alternative to conventional expression systems for using antibodies to clone genes, though the ability to isolate rare clones from actual libraries remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Leishmanial excreted factors (EFs): purification by affinity chromatography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leishmania species grown in culture excrete a polyanionic, carbohydrate-rich factor (EF) which binds to antibodies produced in rabbits against the parent Leishmania species. EF, previously purified by physical and chemical methods, was purified by affinity chromatography on a Ricinus lectin column. The purified samples were characterised and analysed. The results show a notable proportion of galactose in EF and clarify the reasons for its polyanionic properties. Heterogenicity of EF is demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   

Identification of components present in biological complexes requires their purification to near homogeneity. Methods of purification vary from protein to protein, making it impossible to design a general purification strategy valid for all cases. We have developed the tandem affinity purification (TAP) method as a tool that allows rapid purification under native conditions of complexes, even when expressed at their natural level. Prior knowledge of complex composition or function is not required. The TAP method requires fusion of the TAP tag, either N- or C-terminally, to the target protein of interest. Starting from a relatively small number of cells, active macromolecular complexes can be isolated and used for multiple applications. Variations of the method to specifically purify complexes containing two given components or to subtract undesired complexes can easily be implemented. The TAP method was initially developed in yeast but can be successfully adapted to various organisms. Its simplicity, high yield, and wide applicability make the TAP method a very useful procedure for protein purification and proteome exploration.  相似文献   

de Marco A 《Nature protocols》2006,1(3):1538-1543
The present purification protocol applies to target proteins that are fused to a double tag, such as NusA-His6, through a linker that includes a protease-recognition sequence. It involves two steps of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC). NusA stabilizes the passenger protein during translation, whereas the His-tag enables affinity purification of the fusion. The eluate resulting from the first IMAC is buffer-exchanged to remove the imidazole and to achieve optimal conditions for the enzymatic cleavage performed by a His-tagged recombinant protease. The digested sample is loaded directly for a second IMAC step and the target protein is selectively recovered in the flow-through. The resin binds residual non-digested fusion protein, double-tagged moiety, protease and any contaminant that bound the affinity resin and was eluted from the first IMAC. The purity of the target protein usually makes a further purification step unnecessary for most of the lab applications. It takes less than 5 hours to purify the protein from a 5 g pellet.  相似文献   

The method for purification of biomolecules by a combination of affinity interactions and membrane filtration for separation of unwanted material has been found to be of interest for large-scale work. This study examines the suitability of silica nanoparticles as carriers in the process. Alcohol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenases were chosen as target molecules to be purified. The binding capacity was found to be comparative to what is obtained for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) packing material. Both binding and desorption of the enzymes were found to be effective. The limiting factor of the process was the filtration flow rate.  相似文献   

Antibodies to DNA define an important autospecificity that arises in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). To elucidate the molecular features that may explain the pathogenesis of SLE, a heterologous system for expression of cloned V genes is often desirable. Here, a single-chain Fv coding domain was constructed by using the heavy- and light-chain V genes of a high-affinity site-directed mutant of the murine anti-dsDNA autoantibody, 3H9. This scFv was joined in frame to the c-jun leucine zipper for dimerization, and to two affinity tags, domain B of the staphylococcal protein A and a pentahistidine peptide, for purification. Dimerization of the scFv was determined by size-exclusion chromatography. The yields of the scFv following affinity purification on IgG agarose or Ni-NTA agarose were compared, and the activities of the resulting protein fractions were determined. A two-step purification of periplasmic extracts on Ni-NTA agarose and IgG agarose, followed by elution with 3.5 M MgCl(2), yielded scFv with the highest specific activity. The final purified material bound DNA by ELISA, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and immunofluorescence of fixed Hep-2 cells. Antibodies purified in this fashion should have applications in structure/function studies in which it is essential to generate highly purified antigen-combining sites.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to prepare supermacroporous pseudospecific cryogel which can be used for the purification of plasmid DNA (pDNA) from bacterial lysate. N-methacryloyl-(l)-histidine methyl ester (MAH) was chosen as the pseudospecific ligand and/or comonomer. Poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate-N-methacryloyl-(l)-histidine methyl ester) [PHEMAH] cryogel was produced by free radical polymerization initiated by N,N,N',N'-tetramethylene diamine (TEMED) and ammonium persulfate (APS) pair in an ice bath. Compared with the PHEMA cryogel (50 μg/g polymer), the pDNA adsorption capacity of the PHEMAH cryogel (13,350 μg/g polymer) was improved significantly due to the MAH incorporation into the polymeric matrix. The amount of pDNA bound onto the PHEMAH cryogel disks first increased and then reached a saturation value (i.e., 13,350μg/g) at around 300 μg/ml pDNA concentration. pDNA adsorption amount decreased from 1137 μg/g to 160 μg/g with the increasing NaCl concentration. The maximum pDNA adsorption was achieved at 25 °C. The overall recovery of pDNA was calculated as 90%. The PHEMAH cryogel could be used 3 times without decreasing the pDNA adsorption capacity significantly. The results indicate that the PHEMAH cryogel disks promise high selectivity for pDNA.  相似文献   

The preparation of quantities of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase sufficient for detailed structural and enzymatic characterizations has been difficult due to the very low tissue content of the enzyme and its lability in late stages of purification. To date, the only purification of this enzyme to apparent homogeneity has involved a procedure requiring 6 column chromatographic steps. Described here is the preparation of an affinity matrix which consists of ADP-ribose polymers bound to dihydroxyboronyl sepharose. An application is described for the purification of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase from calf thymus in which a single rapid affinity step was used to replace 3 column chromatographic steps yielding enzyme of greater than 90% purity with a 3 fold increase in yield. This matrix should also prove useful for other studies of ADP-ribose polymer metabolism and related clinical conditions.  相似文献   

De novo fatty acid synthesis in plants occurs primarily in the plastids and is catalysed by a type-II fatty acid synthase (FAS) in which separate enzymes catalyse sequential reactions. Genes encoding all of the plant FAS components have been identified, following enzyme purification or by homology to Escherichia coli genes, and the structure of a number of the individual proteins determined. There are several lines of biochemical evidence indicating that FAS enzymes form a multi-protein complex and both in vitro and in vivo strategies can be used to investigate the association and interactions between them. To investigate protein interactions in vivo, tandem affinity purification-tagged FAS components are being used to purify complexes from both Arabidopsis thaliana and Synechocystis PCC6803. Here, the development of the tandem affinity purification method, its modification, and its use in plants is described and the experimental results achieved so far are reported.  相似文献   

ceRNAs: miRNA target mimic mimics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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