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为理解荷花Nelumbo nucifera花器官转录组表达情况,分别选取不同花型的代表品种‘洪湖红莲’Nelumbo nucifera ‘Honghu Honglian’(单瓣)、‘唐招提寺莲’N. nucifera ‘Tangzhaotisi Lian’(重瓣)和‘千瓣莲’N. nucifera ‘Qianban Lian’(千瓣及全重瓣)的花蕾为材料分离mRNA,利用SMART技术合成双链cDNA,经限制性内切酶SfiI酶切后回收去掉接头和500 bp以下片段的cDNA。将cDNA与pUC19载体连接,构建荷花花蕾cDNA文库。经检测,该文库容量为1.12 × 106 pfu·mL-1,插入片段大小集中在500~2000 bp,重组率为95%。该文库的成功构建为荷花花蕾期转录组数据的开发及其花器官发育相关基因的功能研究奠定了分子基础。  相似文献   

被子植物在黑暗中萌发生长不能合成叶绿素和建成光合系统,但是将莲(Nelumbo nucifera Geartn.)胚芽置于黑暗中萌发生长时,却可以清楚地观察到它的光合系统进行发育;首先,在原位低温荧光光谱上,LHCⅡ的荧光发射逐步红移变成典型的PSⅡ荧光发射,同时随着萌蝗延长,PSⅠ的荧光发射也从无到有,逐渐增强;其次,对暗萌发10d莲苗的叶绿体进行部分变性凝胶电泳分析也得到了PSⅠ的叶绿素蛋白复合物条带。通过Western blots的蛋白免疫检测,在暗萌发莲苗中也证实了LHCⅠ组分中有Lhca1的存在;最后,对暗萌发莲苗叶绿体的PSⅡ和PSⅠ电子传递活性测量结果表明,在暗中发育形成的PSⅡ和PSⅠ核心都是有光化学活性的。章讨论了莲胚芽暗萌发过程中进行光合系统发育的原因。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) has been cultivated as an ornamental and food plant in Japan for more than 1000 years. As large areas are required for its cultivation (approximately 2 m2 per plant), physiological research, such as into the effect of environmental factors on dormancy, has not been well studied until recently. In this paper, seedlings were used to examine environmental factors affecting dormancy induction. METHODS: In a first experiment, seeds were sown from 6 April to 6 October at 2-month intervals, and cultivated for 2 months in an unheated greenhouse. In a second experiment, seeds were prepared for germination on 16 November and 16 May and the seedlings were grown at 25 or 30 degrees C under natural daylength in phytotron growth rooms. After 1 month, the seedlings were cultivated at 20, 25 or 30 degrees C for a further month. The number of leaves and rhizome branches on the main stem were counted, and growth of rhizomes on the main stem was calculated using a rhizome enlargement index (= maximum internode diameter/internode length) after 2 months of culture in both experiments. KEY RESULTS: Rhizomes elongated without enlargement when the seeds were sown in April and June. Sowing the seeds in August and October resulted in rhizome enlargement from the tenth and fifth internodes, respectively. Rhizomes enlarged in the November-sowing but elongated in the May-sowing irrespective of temperature treatments under natural daylength in the phytotron rooms. The seedlings cultivated from May at 25-30 degrees C for 2 months had more leaves, and more rhizome branches and nodes than those cultivated from November. CONCLUSIONS: Short days led to induced dormancy in lotus.  相似文献   

It is well known that no chlorophyll synthesis and photosystem biogenesis have been detected in dark-grown angiosperm seedlings. However, in this report, we showed that both PSⅡ and PSⅠ could be formed in dark-grown lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) seedlings. Lots of evidence were given: First, during the dark-grown period, the single fluorescence emission peak at 679 nm in lotus embryo red-shifted and transformed into the normal PSⅡ fluorescence emission; Simultaneously, PSⅠ fluorescence emission at 730 nm appeared and increased obviously; Second, with partial denaturing SDS-PAGE method, PSⅠ chlorophyll-protein complex could be clearly separated from 10 days dark-grown lotus seedlings; Third, the existence of Lhca1 was also proved by Western blots. Moreover, measurements of electron transfer rate demonstrated that both PSⅡand PSⅠ core in dark-grown lotus seedlings were photochemically active.  相似文献   

对从国家种质资源圃中选取的40份花莲种质资源的19个形态性状进行了观察。结果发现花型、花瓣数、雌蕊是否瓣化、雌蕊瓣化程度和根茎颜色与花蕾形状呈显著正相关,其中花型、花瓣数和根茎颜色与花蕾形状呈极显著高度相关。通径分析表明现蕾期对花型有显著正向效应(0.552),其次是花瓣数(0.516)和根茎颜色(0.368)。与花型呈显著负相关的性状有花瓣长(-0.801)、现花期(-0.558)和叶宽(-0.451)。主成分分析显示前四个成分累计贡献率达65.68%。聚类分析将所有材料分为四组。  相似文献   

Flavonoids in nine tissues of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertner were identified and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and HPLC-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MSn). Thirty-eight flavonoids were identified; eleven C-glycosides and five O-glycosides were discovered for the first time in N. nucifera. Most importantly, the C-glycosyl apigenin or luteolin detected in lotus plumules proved valuable for deep elucidation of flavonoid composition in lotus tissues and for further utilization as functional tea and medicine materials. Lotus leaves possessed the significantly highest amount of flavonoids (2.06E3±0.08 mg 100 g−1 FW) and separating and purifying the bioactive compound, quercetin 3-O-glucuronide, from leaves showed great potential. In contrast, flavonoids in flower stalks, seed coats and kernels were extremely low. Simultaneously, the optimal picking time was confirmed by comparing the compound contents in five developmental phases. Finally, we proposed the putative flavonoid biosynthesis pathway in N. nucifera.  相似文献   

Sacred lotus, Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.), is a basal eudicot with agricultural and medicinal importance. The secretome and proteins in some other subcellular locations including endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondrion, chloroplast, and membrane of sacred lotus were predicted using a set of computational tools. The distribution of proteins in each subcellular location in sacred lotus was compared with proteins in five other plant species. Plant proteomes contained approximately 6–9 % of secreted proteins, 13–15 % membrane proteins, 12–20 % mitochondrial or chloroplast proteins, respectively. Plant secreted proteins consist of a large number of hydrolases and peroxidases which may contribute to cell wall formation, rhizome development and seed germination regulation. The information of secretome and other protein subcellular locations in sacred lotus and other species can be accessed at the PlantSecKB website (http://proteomics.ysu.edu/secretomes/plant.php).  相似文献   

藕莲是莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.ssp.nucifera)的3种类型之一,在我国作为水生蔬菜栽培的历史愈两千年。对国家种质资源圃中来自17个省和直辖市的68份藕莲资源的19个形态和农艺性状进行了观察,并对其遗传变异进行了分析。结果发现整藕重与主藕重、主藕长和第三节粗成极显著正相关。通径分析结果表明主藕重对整藕重的正向效应最高(0.982)。主成分分析结果显示前4个成分占总变异的77.33%。结果还显示对整藕重负效应最高的是主藕重/整藕重(-0.296)。聚类分析发现所有藕莲资源可分为5组。  相似文献   

藕莲是莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.ssp.nucifera)的3种类型之一,在我国作为水生蔬菜栽培的历史愈两千年。对国家种质资源圃中来自17个省和直辖市的68份藕莲资源的19个形态和农艺性状进行了观察,并对其遗传变异进行了分析。结果发现整藕重与主藕重、主藕长和第三节粗成极显著正相关。通径分析结果表明主藕重对整藕重的正向效应最高(0.982)。主成分分析结果显示前4个成分占总变异的77.33%。结果还显示对整藕重负效应最高的是主藕重/整藕重(-0.296)。聚类分析发现所有藕莲资源可分为5组。  相似文献   

试管藕诱导技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
莲藕 ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)在我国有着悠久的栽培历史 ,分布极为广泛 ,是一种重要的水生蔬菜和水生观赏植物 ,但其繁殖系数较低 ( 1∶ 1 0 ) ,远途运输费用高。为此 ,我们已进行了快繁技术研究 [1 ] ,但试管苗的成活率较低 ,因此我们开展了试管藕的诱导工作。试管藕作为一种休眠和繁殖器官 ,利于成活 ,便于运输。此外 ,还可以进行离体保存及其他的生理、生化方面的研究工作 ,为这些研究提供一个可操作的简单系统。1  材料与方法1 .1  材料取国家种质水生蔬菜资源圃试验田的鄂莲一号和鄂莲四号的茎尖。1 .2  方法将取回的鄂莲一号…  相似文献   

Tropical lotus (Nelumbo) is an important and unique ecological type of lotus germplasm. Understanding the genetic relationship and diversity of the tropical lotus is necessary for its sustainable conservation and utilization. Using 42 EST-SSR (expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats) and 30 SRAP (sequence-related amplified polymorphism) markers, we assessed the genetic diversity and inferred the ancestry of representative tropical lotus from Thailand and Vietnam. In total, 164 and 41 polymorphic bands were detected in 69 accessions by 36 EST-SSR and seven SRAP makers, respectively. Higher genetic diversity was revealed in Thai lotus than in Vietnamese lotus. A Neighbor-Joining tree of five main clusters was constructed using combined EST-SSR and SRAP markers. Cluster I included 17 accessions of Thai lotus; cluster II contained three Thai accessions and 11 accessions from southern Vietnam; and cluster III was constituted by 13 accessions of seed lotus. Consistent with the results from the Neighbor-Joining tree, the genetic structure analysis showed that the genetic background of most Thai and Vietnamese lotus was pure, as artificial breeding has been rare in both countries. Furthermore, these analyses indicate that Thai and Vietnamese lotus germplasms belong to two different gene pools or populations. Most lotus accessions are genetically related to geographical distribution patterns in Thailand or Vietnam. Our findings showed that the origin or genetic relationships of some unidentified lotus sources can be evaluated by comparing morphological characteristics and the data of molecular markers. In addition, these findings provide reliable information for the targeted conservation of tropical lotus and parent selection in breeding novel cultivars of lotus.  相似文献   

The granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) proteins were widely considered as one of the most important enzymes in plant amylose synthesis. However, understanding of the molecular basis of the GBSS protein in lotus remains fragmented. In this work, a lotus Wx gene, encoding a GBSS (GenBank accession no. EU938541), was isolated and characterized. This gene comprises 13 exons and 12 introns and covers 4152?bp (GenBank accession no. FJ602702). The exons of Wx gene have similar lengths, while the introns vary greatly. Phylogenetic tree indicated that the lotus GBSS protein belongs to a GBSS I subgroup. The expression of the Wx gene varies in different organs of the lotus during its development process and is also expressed differently in different cultivars. The Wx gene is expressed at a higher level in the rhizomes of cultivar Meirenhong than in those of cultivar Elian 4. This study elucidates more molecular information about the Wx gene in lotus and provides a theoretical foundation for the genes regulation and the modification of starch quality.  相似文献   

Genomic resources such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs), insertions and deletions (InDels) and SSRs (simple sequence repeats) are essential for crop improvement and better utilization in genetic breeding. However, the resources for the sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) are still limited. In the present study, to dissect large-scale genomic molecular marker resources for sacred lotus, we re-sequenced a Thailand sacred lotus cultivar ‘Chiang Mai wild lotus’ and compared with the reported lotus genome ‘Middle lake wild lotus’. A total of 3,180,059 SNPs, 328, 251 InDels and 14,191 SVs were found between the two genomes. The functional impact analyses of these SNPs indicated that they may be involved in metabolic processes, binding, catalytic activity, etc. Mining the genome sequences for SSRs showed that 191,657 SSRs were identified with a frequency of one SSR per 4.23 kb and 103,656 SSR primer pairs were designed. Furthermore, 14, 502 EST-SSRs were also indentified using the available RNA-seq data in the NCBI. A subset of 150 SSRs (genomic and EST-SSRs) was randomly selected for validation and genetic diversity analysis. The genotypes could be easily distinguished using these SSR markers and the ‘Chiang Mai wild lotus’ was obviously differentiated from the other Chinese accessions. This study provides considerable amounts of genomic resources and markers for the quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification and molecular selection of the species, which could have a potential role in various applications in sacred lotus breeding.  相似文献   

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