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Metal-fluoride complexes have been used to induce E2P-like states with the aim of studying the events that occur during E2P hydrolysis in P-type ATPases. In the present work, we compared the E2P-like state induced by a beryllium fluoride complex (BeFx) with the actual E2P state formed through backdoor phosphorylation of the Na,K-ATPase. Formation of E2P and E2P-like states were investigated employing the styryl dye RH421. We found that BeFx is the only fluorinated phosphate analog that, like Pi, increases the RH421 fluorescence. The observed rate constant, kobs, for the formation of E2P decreases with [Pi] whereas that of E2BeFx increases with [BeFx]. This might wrongly be taken as evidence of a mechanism where the binding of BeFx induces a conformational transition. Here, we rather propose that, like for Pi, binding of BeFx follows a conformational-selection mechanism, i.e. it binds to the E2 conformer forming a complex that is much more stable than E2P, as seen from its impaired capacity to return to E1 upon addition of Na+. Although E2P and E2BeFx are able to form states with 2 occluded Rb+, both enzyme complexes differ in that the affinity for the binding and occlusion of the second Rb+ is much lower in E2BeFx than in E2P. The higher rates of Rb+ occlusion and deocclusion observed for E2BeFx, as compared to those observed for other E2P-like transition and product states suggest a more open access to the cation transport sites, supporting the idea that E2BeFx mimics the E2P ground state.  相似文献   

This work presents a detailed kinetic study that shows the coupling between the E2→E1 transition and Rb+ deocclusion stimulated by Na+ in pig-kidney purified Na,K-ATPase. Using rapid mixing techniques, we measured in parallel experiments the decrease in concentration of occluded Rb+ and the increase in eosin fluorescence (the formation of E1) as a function of time. The E2→E1 transition and Rb+ deocclusion are described by the sum of two exponential functions with equal amplitudes, whose rate coefficients decreased with increasing [Rb+]. The rate coefficient values of the E2→E1 transition were very similar to those of Rb+-deocclusion, indicating that both processes are simultaneous. Our results suggest that, when ATP is absent, the mechanism of Na+-stimulated Rb+ deocclusion would require the release of at least one Rb+ ion through the extracellular access prior to the E2→E1 transition. Using vanadate to stabilize E2, we measured occluded Rb+ in equilibrium conditions. Results show that, while Mg2 + decreases the affinity for Rb+, addition of vanadate offsets this effect, increasing the affinity for Rb+. In transient experiments, we investigated the exchange of Rb+ between the E2-vanadate complex and the medium. Results show that, in the absence of ATP, vanadate prevents the E2→E1 transition caused by Na+ without significantly affecting the rate of Rb+ deocclusion. On the other hand, we found the first evidence of a very low rate of Rb+ occlusion in the enzyme–vanadate complex, suggesting that this complex would require a change to an open conformation in order to bind and occlude Rb+.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase belongs to the P-type ATPase family of primary active cation pumps. Metal fluorides like magnesium-, beryllium-, and aluminum fluoride act as phosphate analogues and inhibit P-type ATPases by interacting with the phosphorylation site, stabilizing conformations that are analogous to specific phosphoenzyme intermediates. Cardiotonic steroids like ouabain used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and arrhythmias specifically inhibit the Na,K-ATPase, and the detailed structure of the highly conserved binding site has recently been described by the crystal structure of the shark Na,K-ATPase in a state analogous to E2·2K(+)·P(i) with ouabain bound with apparently low affinity (1). In the present work inhibition, and subsequent reactivation by high Na(+), after treatment of shark Na,K-ATPase with various metal fluorides are characterized. Half-maximal inhibition of Na,K-ATPase activity by metal fluorides is in the micromolar range. The binding of cardiotonic steroids to the metal fluoride-stabilized enzyme forms was investigated using the fluorescent ouabain derivative 9-anthroyl ouabain and compared with binding to phosphorylated enzyme. The fastest binding was to the Be-fluoride stabilized enzyme suggesting a preformed ouabain binding cavity, in accord with results for Ca-ATPase where Be-fluoride stabilizes the E2-P ground state with an open luminal ion access pathway, which in Na,K-ATPase could be a passage for ouabain. The Be-fluoride stabilized enzyme conformation closely resembles the E2-P ground state according to proteinase K cleavage. Ouabain, but not its aglycone ouabagenin, prevented reactivation of this metal fluoride form by high Na(+) demonstrating the pivotal role of the sugar moiety in closing the extracellular cation pathway.  相似文献   

In this work, we examined occlusion of 22Na+ and 86Rb+ in membranous and detergent-solubilized Na,K-ATPase from outer renal medulla. Optimum conditions for occlusion of 22Na+ were provided by formation of the phosphorylated complex from the beta,gamma-bidentate complex of chromium (III) with ATP (CrATP). Release of occluded cations occurred at equally slow rates in soluble and membrane-bound Na,K-ATPase. Values of 22Na+ occlusion as high as 11 nmol/mg of protein were measured, corresponding to 1.8-2.7 mol of Na+/mol of phosphorylated Na,K-ATPase as determined by 32P incorporation from [gamma-32P]CrATP. Maximum capacity for phosphorylation from [gamma-32P]CrATP was 6 nmol/mg of protein and equal to capacities for binding of [48V]vanadate and [3H]ouabain. The stoichiometry for occlusion of Rb+ was close to 2 Rb+ ions/phosphorylation site. In an analytical ultracentrifuge, the soluble Na+- or Rb+-occluded complexes showed sedimentation velocities (S20,w = 6.8-7.4) consistent with monomeric alpha beta-units. The data show that soluble monomeric alpha beta-units of Na,K-ATPase can occlude Rb+ or Na+ with the same stoichiometry as the membrane-bound enzyme. The structural basis for occlusion of cations in Na,K-ATPase is suggested to be the formation of a cavity inside a monomeric alpha beta-unit constituting the minimum protein unit required for active Na,K-transport.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase from rectal glands of Squalus acanthias has been subjected to proteolysis with trypsin. The E1- and E2-forms of the enzyme can be distinguished from the inactivation patterns at low trypsin concentrations, as previously seen with kidney enzyme. Extensive degradation by trypsin in the presence of 5 mM Rb+ yields membrane fragments with a 19 kDa peptide as the major proteolytic fragment of the alpha-subunit. The sequence of the N-terminal 40 residues of this peptide is almost identical to that of a similar proteolytic fragment isolated by Capasso et al. (Capasso, J.M., Hoving, S., Tal, D.M., Goldshleger, R. and Karlish, S.J.D. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 1150-1158) using kidney Na,K-ATPase. Rb+ occlusion can be fully retained under these circumstances, supporting the findings with kidney enzyme that only minor parts of the alpha-subunit are required to form a functional occlusion-site.  相似文献   

A conformational transition between E2 and E1 forms of Na, K-ATPase induced by different nucleotides has been studied under steady state conditions using the enzyme labelled with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein. In the presence of K+ the plot of fluorescence as a function of [ATP], [ADP] or [CTP] (in a range of 5 microM-12 mM) is a biphasic one. A similar dependence for AMP, ITP, GTP and UTP demonstrates a hyperbolic behaviour. The data suggest that the shift in the equilibrium between E2 and E1 forms of Na,K-ATPase towards the E1 conformation is induced by ATP binding both with high and low affinity sites. Two structural features of ATP are apparently important for its interaction with more than one type of ATP binding sites or for providing for E2-E1 transition induced by this interaction: (i) beta-phosphate group in the terminal part of the molecule, (ii) unprotonated N1 and/or NH2-group in the 6th position of the purine base.  相似文献   

Oligomycin occludes Na+ in an E1-form of the Na,K-ATPase. The rate constants for the release of Na+ from the E1-form and for the transition to the E2-form are about 0.5 s-1. The effect of oligomycin is not seen using other cations which also have a Na+-like effect on the enzyme conformation. The inhibitory effect of oligomycin on the ADP-ATP dependent Na:Na exchange but not on the accompanying ADP-ATP exchange can be explained from a decrease in the rate of release of Na+ from an E1 approximately phosphoform with Na+ occluded, E'1 approximately P (Na3), i.e. with Na+ in the membrane phase, to an E"1 approximately PNa3 form with Na+ not occluded. E"1 approximately PNa3 is at a step before formation of E2-P, and disappears at a high rate when ADP reacts with E"1 approximately P (Na3).  相似文献   

Addition of lithium fluoride to a suspension of Na,K-ATPase undergoing turnover produced a slow (minutes) complete loss of ouabain-sensitive ATPase activity. Persistence of the effect in the presence of deferoxamine showed that fluoride inhibits independent of aluminum. The time course of onset of inhibition was adequately fit by a function corresponding to a monophasic transformation with a pseudo first-order rate constant (k(obs)). This constant varied hyperbolically with [Mg2+] (half-maximal effect at 9 mM Mg2+), whereas it increased with no sign of approaching saturation as the square of [F-], implying that inhibition requires binding of two fluorides/ATPase. The value of k(obs) was found to be increased by greater than 10-fold in the presence of potassium ([K+]1/2 = 0.6 mM) or ouabain. Sodium, ATP, and ADP, which favor the E1 form of the enzyme, had a protective effect. These results implicate the potassium-occluded MgE2(K2) complex as the main fluoride-susceptible form. Protection by Pi and orthovanadate suggests that fluoride exerts its effect at the phosphorylation site. Inhibition was reversible, although slowly, with t1/2 = 7 h at 37 degrees C. Sodium greatly accelerated reversal (t1/2 = 3 min with 150 mM Na+ present), and potassium antagonized this acceleration. The value of k(obs) for reactivation increased steeply with [Na+], with the sodium dependence being about the same at pH 8.0 as at pH 7.4. All of these effects have parallels to effects of fluoride on the sarcoplasmic reticulum CaATPase (Murphy, A. J., and Coll, R. J. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 5229-5235).  相似文献   

Novel crystalline sheets of Na,K-ATPase induced by phospholipase A2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Treatment of purified preparations of Na,K-ATPase by phospholipase A2 has led to the formation of two-dimensional crystals of the protein. Control tests with another phospholipase and two detergents have shown that crystallization occurs as the result of hydrolysis and/or solubilization of the phospholipids in the enzyme vesicles. Experimentation with various buffer systems has indicated that reduction in the amount of phospholipids alone is sufficient for inducing the formation of crystalline sheets. Inclusion of crystal inducing ions in the buffer facilitates the crystallization process, resulting in more extensive arrays. The new crystalline sheets are exclusively dimeric with average unit cell dimensions: a = 15.8 +/- 0.4 nm, b = 4.9 +/- 0.2 nm, and gamma = 64 +/- 3 degrees. Examination of the micrographs shows that the initial intermolecular interaction leading to the formation of sheets is between the alpha subunits. Results from this study suggest that removal and/or modification of phospholipids by phospholipases could prove successful in crystallizing those membrane proteins in which excess lipid is the main barrier to the formation of two-dimensional arrays.  相似文献   

Removal of bound magnesium from the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane opens up a Na+ and Li+ selective electrophoretic uniport pathway whereas simultaneous depletion of intramitochondrial magnesium induces an electrogenic K+ flux as well. In order to clarify the nature of these cation movements we tested the effect of ruthenium red, a potent and specific inhibitor of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter on different Na+ and K+ uniport-associated phenomena. Ruthenium red efficiently inhibited mitochondrial swelling and depolarization induced by either EDTA in a NaCl-based medium (Na+ uniport) or by EDTA plus A23187 in a KCl-based medium (K+ uniport). For both cation uniports half-maximal inhibition was attained at a ruthenium red concentration as low as 40 nM. Complete inhibition was found above 200 nM. Neither the Na+/H+ nor the K+/H+ exchange was affected by ruthenium red. In light of these observations the possibility is raised that the electrogenic Na+ and K+ fluxes provoked by magnesium reduction or depletion may be mediated through the Ca2+ uniporter. It is suggested that intactness of the mitochondrial magnesium pools is necessary for maintaining the Ca2+ selectivity of the Ca2+ uniporter, and alterations of the membrane-associated magnesium content would make this transport route available also for monovalent cations.  相似文献   

Preincubation of rat brain homogenates with acetylcholine (ACh) in concentrations of 10(-3)-10(-5) M for 60 minutes produces an essential increment (15-30%) in activity of microsomal Na, K-ATPase. Analogous effect was exerted by the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor eserine (10(-5)-10(-6) M). Acetylcholine has no effect in the presence of actinomycin D. Dialysis of microsomes isolated from the homogenate incubated with ACh leads to a decrease in the enzyme activity and release to the dialysate of low-molecular factor activating Na, K-ATPase of intact microsomes. The latter fact evidences the ACh-induced synthesis of activating factor and inhibition of Na, K-ATPase synthesis. After the animals are administered eserine (0.2-0.4 mg/kg), isolated microsomes show a reduced level of Na, K-ATPase (by 10-15%). Dialysis of microsomes leads to an appreciable elevation (by approximately 40%) of the enzyme activity and release into the dialysate of the inhibitory factor. The differences in the effects of eserine in vivo and in vitro suggest that during the impairment of brain integrity certain effects are excluded from the processes of the control over Na, K-ATPase activity. One of these may involve the impairment of intercellular interactions, for example, the disappearance of the effect on cholinoceptive cells of internuncial neurons that release inhibitory neurotransmitters (catecholamines).  相似文献   

Enzymatically inactive, delipidated Na,K-ATPase from dogfish rectal glands was titrated with dioleoylphosphatidylcholine and with dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine. The process of relipidation has the following characteristic properties. Enzymatic activities reappear independently of each other: first the phosphatase, then the ATPase. The properties of the phosphatase regenerated depend on the ratio of lipid/protein used; the ATPase seems to be independent of this ratio. The simplest model that is consistent with the above results and with the shapes of the titration curves, has the following requirements. Firstly, the enzyme is composed of two subunits that, as far as lipid binding is concerned, are identical and independent of each other. Secondly, lipid adds onto the enzyme as preformed clumps of 25 molecules of phosphatidylcholine or 18 molecules of phosphatidylethanolamine. Thirdly, each subunit binds two clumps of lipid, and binding shows positive cooperativity. Fourthly, when either subunit becomes saturated with lipid, the enzyme exhibits one form of phosphatase. Fifthly, when both subunits are saturated with lipid, the enzyme exhibits a second form of phosphatase and ATPase. The data and their analysis according to this model lead to the suggestion that Na,K-ATPase is a functional dimer, the interaction between subunits being influenced by the Na+ and K+ concentrations in the medium: K+ favouring the functional independence of the subunits and Na+ favouring their functional interaction.  相似文献   

The Rb/E2F pathway plays a critical role in the control ofcellular proliferation. Here, we report that E2F1, E2F2, and E2F3 make major individual contributions toward the in vivo phenotypic consequences of Rb deficiency. In the developing lens of Rb(-/-) embryos, loss of E2F1, E2F2, or E2F3 reduces the unscheduled proliferation of fiber cells, with the loss of E2F3 having the most pronounced effect. In Rb-deficient retinas, all three E2Fs contribute equally to the ectopic proliferation of postmitotic neuronal cells. In contrast, E2F1 is unique in mediating apoptosis in both Rb(-/-) lenses and retinas. In the central nervous system, loss of E2F1 or E2F3 can almost completely eliminate the ectopic DNA replication and apoptosis observed in Rb(-/-) embryos, and loss of E2F2 partially reduces the unscheduled DNA replication and has no effect on apoptosis. These results provide clear evidence for functional specificity among E2Fs in the control of Rb-dependent proliferation and apoptosis in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

Summary Na, K-ATPase function was studied in order to evaluate the mechanism of increased colonic Na+ transport during early postnatal development. The maximum Na+-pumping activity that was represented by the equivalent short-circuit current after addition of nystatin (I sc N ) did not change during postnatal life or after adrenalectomy performed in 16-day-old rats.I sc N was entirely inhibited by ouabain; the inhibitory constant was 0.1mm in 10-day-old (young) and 0.4mm in 90-day-old (adult) rats. The affinity of the Na, K pump for Na+ was higher in young (11mm) than in adult animals (19mm). The Na, K-ATPase activity (measured after unmasking of latent activity by treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate) increased during development and was also not influenced by adrenalectomy of 16-day-old rats. The inhibitory constant for ouabain (K I ) was not changed during development (0.1–0.3mm). Specific [3H]ouabain binding to isolated colonocytes increased during development (19 and 82 pmol/mg protein), the dissociation constant (K D ) was 8 and 21 m in young and adult rats, respectively. The Na+ turnover rate per single Na, K pump, which was calculated fromI sc N and estimated density of binding sites per cm2 of tissue was 500 in adult and 6400 Na+/min·site in young rats. These data indicate that the very high Na+ transport during early postnatal life reflects an elevated turnover rate and increased affinity for Na+ of a single isoform of the Na, K pump. The development of Na+ extrusion across the basolateral membrane is not directly regulated by corticosteroids.  相似文献   

It has been found that Na, K-ATP-ase activity in microsomal fraction obtained from the medullar layer of kidneys of stress-sensitive hypertensive rats (SSHR) which were subjected to stress effects is lower by 20-40% than that in the Wistar rats. In hypertensive animals the stress (30-min immobilization) has led to a considerable increase in blood tension. Values I50 for ouabain and dependence of activity on the ratio of Na and K ions in the medium are similar in animals of both lines subjected to the stress. There are also no considerable differences in the protein composition of microsomal fraction from kidneys of rats of both lines. The effects which increase permeability of vesicules (channel-forming agent alamecytin, lubrol WX, freezing-thawing) activate Na,K-ATP-ase in the preparation from the kidneys of rats of the both lines. Under maximum activation there is a removal of differences in activity of the enzyme obtained from the tissues of the SSHR and Wistar animals after the stress action. Blood serum of SSHR rats after the stress inhibits purified Na,K-ATP-ase to the greater extent than the Wistar rat blood serum after the same effect. It is supposed that differences in Na,K-ATP-ase activity in microsomal fraction from the kidneys of rats of the above lines are stipulated by the differences in the "latent" ATP-ase activity.  相似文献   

Cornelius F  Mahmmoud YA 《Biochemistry》2007,46(9):2371-2379
FXYD10 is a 74 amino acid small protein which regulates the activity of shark Na,K-ATPase. The lipid dependence of this regulatory interaction of FXYD10 with shark Na,K-ATPase was investigated using reconstitution into DOPC/cholesterol liposomes with or without the replacement of 20 mol % DOPC with anionic phospholipids. Specifically, the effects of the cytoplasmic domain of FXYD10, which contains the phosphorylation sites for protein kinases, on the kinetics of the Na,K-ATPase reaction were investigated by a comparison of the reconstituted native enzyme and the enzyme where 23 C-terminal amino acids of FXYD10 had been cleaved by mild, controlled trypsin treatment. Several kinetic properties of the Na,K-ATPase reaction cycle as well as the FXYD-regulation of Na,K-ATPase activity were found to be affected by acidic phospholipids like PI, PS, and PG. This takes into consideration the Na+ and K+ activation, the K+-deocclusion reaction, and the poise of the E1/E2 conformational equilibrium, whereas the ATP activation was unchanged. Anionic phospholipids increased the intermolecular cross-linking between the FXYD10 C-terminus (Cys74) and the Cys254 in the Na,K-ATPase A-domain. However, neither in the presence nor in the absence of anionic phospholipids did protein kinase phosphorylation of native FXYD10, which relieves the inhibition, affect such cross-linking. Together, this seems to indicate that phosphorylation involves only modest structural rearrangements between the cytoplasmic domain of FXYD10 and the Na,K-ATPase A-domain.  相似文献   

Secondary structural composition of the Na/K-ATPase E1 and E2 conformers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The existence of conformers of the sodium- and potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase has been known for some time, yet their structures remain poorly characterized. In this study, circular dichroism spectroscopy was utilized to assess the secondary structural composition of the enzyme, particularly with regard to the E1 and E2 states that are associated with the presence of Na+ and K+, respectively. Parallel experiments were performed in which highly purified Na/K-ATPase from guinea pig kidney outer medulla was incubated with various cations and then examined by CD. The spectra were corrected for optical effects which arise due to the particulate nature of the membrane-bound protein, and then fit to reference data derived from a set of proteins with known secondary structures. In the peptide backbone region of the spectrum (190-240 nm), significant differences between the E1 and E2 conformers were detected and quantified in terms of the proportions of secondary structures present. An extensive conformational change rather than a small local perturbation must be responsible for the differences observed.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry of pump-mediated Na/K exchange was studied in isolated epithelial sheets of frog skin. 42K influx across basolateral membranes was measured with tissues in a steady state and incubated in either beakers or in chambers. The short-circuit current provided estimates of Na+ influx at the apical membranes of the cells. 42K influx of tissues bathed in Cl- or SO4-Ringer solution averaged approximately 8 microA/cm2. Ouabain inhibited 94% of the 42K influx. Furosemide was without effect on pre-ouabain-treated tissues but inhibited a ouabain-induced and Cl--dependent component of 42K influx. After taking into account the contribution of the Na+ load to the pump by way of basolateral membrane recycling of Na+, the stoichiometry was found to increase from approximately 2 to 6 as the pump-mediated Na+ transport rate increased from 10 to 70 microA/cm2. Extrapolation of the data to low rates of Na+ transport (less than 10 microA/cm2) indicated that the stoichiometry would be in the vicinity of 3:2. As pump-mediated K+ influx saturates with increasing rates of Na+ transport, Na+ efflux cannot be obligatorily coupled to K+ influx at all rates of transepithelial Na+ transport. These results are similar to those of Mullins and Brinley (1969. Journal of General Physiology. 53:504-740) in studies of the squid axon.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of Na,K-ATPase has been analyzed with electron microscopy and image processing. The enzyme, purified from pig kidney outer medulla, was arranged in a new form of tetragonal two-dimensional membrane crystals after incubation with cobalt-tetrammine-ATP, a stable MgATP complex analogue. Each continuous protein domain, as delineated by negative stain, consists of two alpha beta-protomers related by a dyad axis. The two rod-like regions are connected by a bridge displaced about 20 A away from the center of the structure toward the lipid bilayer. The domain connecting the two promoters is more constricted and closer to the center of the structure in the Co(NH3)4ATP-induced crystals than in the vanadate-induced p21 crystals. These observations suggest that the difference between previously analyzed dimers of two-dimensional p21 crystals induced with vanadate/magnesium and dimers of p4 crystals induced with Co(NH3)4ATP reflects two different conformational states of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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