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The lethal Coronaviruses (CoVs), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and most recently Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, (MERS-CoV) are serious human health hazard. A successful viral infection requires fusion between virus and host cells carried out by the surface spike glycoprotein or S protein of CoV. Current models propose that the S2 subunit of S protein assembled into a hexameric helical bundle exposing hydrophobic fusogenic peptides or fusion peptides (FPs) for membrane insertion. The N-terminus of S2 subunit of SARS-CoV reported to be active in cell fusion whereby FPs have been identified. Atomic-resolution structure of FPs derived either in model membranes or in membrane mimic environment would glean insights toward viral cell fusion mechanism. Here, we have solved 3D structure, dynamics and micelle localization of a 64-residue long fusion peptide or LFP in DPC detergent micelles by NMR methods. Micelle bound structure of LFP is elucidated by the presence of discretely folded helical and intervening loops. The C-terminus region, residues F42-Y62, displays a long hydrophobic helix, whereas the N-terminus is defined by a short amphipathic helix, residues R4-Q12. The intervening residues of LFP assume stretches of loops and helical turns. The N-terminal helix is sustained by close aromatic and aliphatic sidechain packing interactions at the non-polar face. 15N{1H}NOE studies indicated dynamical motion, at ps-ns timescale, of the helices of LFP in DPC micelles. PRE NMR showed that insertion of several regions of LFP into DPC micelle core. Together, the current study provides insights toward fusion mechanism of SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion and fission underlie two limiting steps of enveloped virus replication cycle: access to the interior of the host-cell (entry) and dissemination of viral progeny after replication (budding), respectively. These dynamic processes proceed mediated by specialized proteins that disrupt and bend the lipid bilayer organization transiently and locally. We introduced Wimley-White membrane-water partitioning free energies of the amino acids as an algorithm for predicting functional domains that may transmit protein conformational energy into membranes. It was found that many viral products possess unusually extended, aromatic-rich pre-transmembrane stretches predicted to stably reside at the membrane interface. Here, we review structure-function studies, as well as data reported on the interaction of representative peptides with model membranes, all of which sustain a functional role for these domains in viral fusion and fission. Since pre-transmembrane sequences also constitute antigenic determinants in a membrane-bound state, we also describe some recent results on their recognition and blocking at membrane interface by neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Tamm LK  Han X  Li Y  Lai AL 《Biopolymers》2002,66(4):249-260
Membrane fusion peptides are highly conserved hydrophobic domains of fusion proteins that insert into membranes during membrane fusion. Recent success with solving the structures of the influenza hemagglutinin fusion peptide and some critical mutants of this peptide in membrane environments at high resolution has led to a new understanding of the mechanism of membrane fusion. This review highlights the structures that have been solved and summarizes recent thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies on the interactions of this interesting class of peptides with lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

Cells expressing the E1 and E2 envelope proteins of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) were fused to voltage-clamped planar lipid bilayer membranes at low pH. Formation and evolution of fusion pores were electrically monitored by capacitance measurements, and membrane continuity was tracked by video fluorescence microscopy by including rhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine in the bilayer. Fusion occurred without leakage for a negative potential applied to the trans side of the planar membrane. When a positive potential was applied, leakage was severe, obscuring the observation of any fusion. E1-mediated cell-cell fusion occurred without leakage for negative intracellular potentials but with substantial leakage for zero membrane potential. Thus, negative membrane potentials are generally required for nonleaky fusion. With planar bilayers as the target, the first fusion pore that formed almost always enlarged; pore flickering was a rare event. Similar to other target membranes, fusion required cholesterol and sphingolipids in the planar membrane. Sphingosine did not support fusion, but both ceramide, with even a minimal acyl chain (C(2)-ceramide), and lysosphingomyelin (lyso-SM) promoted fusion with the same kinetics. Thus, unrelated modifications to different parts of sphingosine yielded sphingolipids that supported fusion to the same degree. Fusion studies of pyrene-labeled SFV with cholesterol-containing liposomes showed that C(2)-ceramide supported fusion while lyso-SM did not, apparently due to its positive curvature effects. A model is proposed in which the hydroxyls of C-1 and C-3 as well as N of C-2 of the sphingosine backbone must orient so as to form multiple hydrogen bonds to amino acids of SFV E1 for fusion to proceed.  相似文献   

The wild-type (wt) N-terminal 23-residue fusion peptide (FP) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) fusion protein gp41 and its V2E mutant have been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles as membrane mimics. A number of NMR techniques have been used. Pulsed field-gradient diffusion measurements in DPC and in 4:1 DPC/sodium dodecylsulfate mixed micelles showed that there is no major difference between the partition coefficients of the fusogenic wt peptide and the V2E mutant in these micelles, indicating that there is no correlation between the activity of the fusion peptides and their membrane affinities. The nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) patterns and the chemical shift index for these two peptides indicated that both FP are in an α helical conformation between the Ile4 to Leu12 or to Ala15 region. Simulated annealing showed that the helical region extends from Ile4 to Met19. The two FPs share similar conformational characteristics, indicating that the conformation of the FP is not an important factor determining its activity. The spin-label studies, utilizing spin labels 5- and 16-doxystearic acids in the DPC micelles, provided clear indication that the wt FP inserts its N-terminus into the micelles while the V2E mutant does not insert into the micelles. The conclusion from the spin-label results is corroborated by deuterium amide proton exchange experiments. The correlation between the oblique insertion of the FP and its fusogenic activity is in excellent agreement with results from our molecular dynamics simulation and from other previous studies.  相似文献   

The wild-type (wt) N-terminal 23-residue fusion peptide (FP) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) fusion protein gp41 and its V2E mutant have been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles as membrane mimics. A number of NMR techniques have been used. Pulsed field-gradient diffusion measurements in DPC and in 4:1 DPC/sodium dodecylsulfate mixed micelles showed that there is no major difference between the partition coefficients of the fusogenic wt peptide and the V2E mutant in these micelles, indicating that there is no correlation between the activity of the fusion peptides and their membrane affinities. The nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) patterns and the chemical shift index for these two peptides indicated that both FP are in an alpha helical conformation between the Ile4 to Leu12 or to Ala15 region. Simulated annealing showed that the helical region extends from Ile4 to Met19. The two FPs share similar conformational characteristics, indicating that the conformation of the FP is not an important factor determining its activity. The spin-label studies, utilizing spin labels 5- and 16-doxystearic acids in the DPC micelles, provided clear indication that the wt FP inserts its N-terminus into the micelles while the V2E mutant does not insert into the micelles. The conclusion from the spin-label results is corroborated by deuterium amide proton exchange experiments. The correlation between the oblique insertion of the FP and its fusogenic activity is in excellent agreement with results from our molecular dynamics simulation and from other previous studies.  相似文献   

Quantification of membrane partition potential of drug compounds is of great pharmaceutical interest. Here, a novel approach combining liquid-state NMR diffusion measurements and fast-tumbling lipid/detergent bicelles is used to measure accurately the partition coefficient K(p) of amantadine in phospholipid bilayers. Amantadine is found to have a strong membrane partition potential, with K(p) of 27.6 in DMPC and 37.8 in POPC lipids. Electrostatic interaction also plays a major role in the drug's affinity towards biological membrane as introduction of negatively charged POPG dramatically increases its K(p). Saturation transfer difference experiments in small bicelles indicate that amantadine localizes near the negatively charged phosphate group and the hydrocarbon chain of bilayer lipid. The approach undertaken in this study is generally applicable for characterizing interactions between small molecules and phospholipid membranes.  相似文献   

The fusion peptides of HIV and influenza virus are crucial for viral entry into a host cell. We report the membrane-perturbing and structural properties of fusion peptides from the HA fusion protein of influenza virus and the gp41 fusion protein of HIV. Our goals were to determine: 1), how fusion peptides alter structure within the bilayers of fusogenic and nonfusogenic lipid vesicles and 2), how fusion peptide structure is related to the ability to promote fusion. Fluorescent probes revealed that neither peptide had a significant effect on bilayer packing at the water-membrane interface, but both increased acyl chain order in both fusogenic and nonfusogenic vesicles. Both also reduced free volume within the bilayer as indicated by partitioning of a lipophilic fluorophore into membranes. These membrane ordering effects were smaller for the gp41 peptide than for the HA peptide at low peptide/lipid ratio, suggesting that the two peptides assume different structures on membranes. The influenza peptide was predominantly helical, and the gp41 peptide was predominantly antiparallel beta-sheet when membrane bound, however, the depths of penetration of Trps of both peptides into neutral membranes were similar and independent of membrane composition. We previously demonstrated: 1), the abilities of both peptides to promote fusion but not initial intermediate formation during PEG-mediated fusion and 2), the ability of hexadecane to compete with this effect of the fusion peptides. Taken together, our current and past results suggest a hypothesis for a common mechanism by which these two viral fusion peptides promote fusion.  相似文献   

Viral fusion proteins contain a highly hydrophobic segment, named the fusion peptide, which is thought to be responsible for the merging of the cellular and viral membranes. Paramyxoviruses are believed to contain a single fusion peptide at the N terminus of the F1 protein. However, here we identified an additional internal segment in the Sendai virus F1 protein (amino acids 214-226) highly homologous to the fusion peptides of HIV-1 and RSV. A synthetic peptide, which includes this region, was found to induce membrane fusion of large unilamellar vesicles, at concentrations where the known N-terminal fusion peptide is not effective. A scrambled peptide as well as several peptides from other regions of the F1 protein, which strongly bind to membranes, are not fusogenic. The functional and structural characterization of this active segment suggest that the F1 protein has an additional internal fusion peptide that could participate in the actual fusion event. The presence of homologous regions in other members of the same family suggests that the concerted action of two fusion peptides, one N-terminal and the other internal, is a general feature of paramyxoviruses.  相似文献   

Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we have developed a method of noninvasively determining the transmembrane sodium potential in erythrocytes by measuring intracellular and extracellular sodium concentrations. The experimental values correlated well with values obtained from standard flame photometric methods.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins represent up to 30% of the proteins in all organisms, they are involved in many biological processes and are the molecular targets for around 50% of validated drugs. Despite this, membrane proteins represent less than 1% of all high-resolution protein structures due to various challenges associated with applying the main biophysical techniques used for protein structure determination. Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of high-resolution structures of membrane proteins determined by NMR spectroscopy, especially for those with multiple transmembrane-spanning segments. This is a review of the structures of polytopic integral membrane proteins determined by NMR spectroscopy up to the end of the year 2010, which includes both β-barrel and α-helical proteins from a number of different organisms and with a range in types of function. It also considers the challenges associated with performing structural studies by NMR spectroscopy on membrane proteins and how some of these have been overcome, along with its exciting potential for contributing new knowledge about the molecular mechanisms of membrane proteins, their roles in human disease, and for assisting drug design.  相似文献   


Membrane proteins represent up to 30% of the proteins in all organisms, they are involved in many biological processes and are the molecular targets for around 50% of validated drugs. Despite this, membrane proteins represent less than 1% of all high-resolution protein structures due to various challenges associated with applying the main biophysical techniques used for protein structure determination. Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of high-resolution structures of membrane proteins determined by NMR spectroscopy, especially for those with multiple transmembrane-spanning segments. This is a review of the structures of polytopic integral membrane proteins determined by NMR spectroscopy up to the end of the year 2010, which includes both β-barrel and α-helical proteins from a number of different organisms and with a range in types of function. It also considers the challenges associated with performing structural studies by NMR spectroscopy on membrane proteins and how some of these have been overcome, along with its exciting potential for contributing new knowledge about the molecular mechanisms of membrane proteins, their roles in human disease, and for assisting drug design.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(5-8):156-178

Solid-state NMR is unique for its ability to obtain three-dimensional structures and to measure atomic-resolution structural and dynamic information for membrane proteins in native lipid bilayers. An increasing number and complexity of integral membrane protein structures have been determined by solid-state NMR using two main methods. Oriented sample solid-state NMR uses macroscopically aligned lipid bilayers to obtain orientational restraints that define secondary structure and global fold of embedded peptides and proteins and their orientation and topology in lipid bilayers. Magic angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR uses unoriented rapidly spinning samples to obtain distance and torsion angle restraints that define tertiary structure and helix packing arrangements. Details of all current protein structures are described, highlighting developments in experimental strategy and other technological advancements. Some structures originate from combining solid- and solution-state NMR information and some have used solid-state NMR to refine X-ray crystal structures. Solid-state NMR has also validated the structures of proteins determined in different membrane mimetics by solution-state NMR and X-ray crystallography and is therefore complementary to other structural biology techniques. By continuing efforts in identifying membrane protein targets and developing expression, isotope labelling and sample preparation strategies, probe technology, NMR experiments, calculation and modelling methods and combination with other techniques, it should be feasible to determine the structures of many more membrane proteins of biological and biomedical importance using solid-state NMR. This will provide three-dimensional structures and atomic-resolution structural information for characterising ligand and drug interactions, dynamics and molecular mechanisms of membrane proteins under physiological lipid bilayer conditions.  相似文献   

Samuel O  Shai Y 《Biochemistry》2001,40(5):1340-1349
Paramyxoviruses penetrate into their host cells by fusing their membranes with the plasma membrane. The hydrophobic N terminus of their F1 protein, termed the 'fusion peptide', is thought to be responsible for this process. Recently, an additional internal fusion peptide, homologous in sequence to the N-terminal fusion peptide of HIV-1, was identified in the Sendai virus F1 protein. Here, we investigated whether the presence of an additional internal fusion peptide is a general feature of paramyxoviridae. To this end, we synthesized and structurally and functionally characterized three peptides: (i) MV-197, which corresponds to an internal segment of the F1 protein of the measles virus (amino acids 197-225), homologous in location but not in sequence to the internal fusion peptide of the Sendai virus, (ii) Mu-MV-197, a randomized version of MV-197, and (iii) the 33 amino acid N-terminal fusion peptide of the measles virus. Remarkably, only MV-197 was highly fusogenic toward large unilamellar vesicles composed of either zwitterionic (phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin/cholesterol, a composition similar to that of human cell membranes) or negatively charged phospholipids. Binding experiments, circular dichroism spectroscopy in phospholipid membranes, and homo energy-transfer studies with fluorescently labeled peptides revealed that MV-197 adopts a predominant alpha-helical structure and shares properties similar to those reported for known fusion peptides. These results suggest that the presence of two fusion peptides in the F1 protein is a general feature of paramyxoviruses.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion is a protein catalyzed biophysical reaction that involves the simultaneous intermixing of two phospholipid bilayers and of the aqueous compartments bound by their respective bilayers. In the case of enveloped virus fusogens, short hydrophobic or amphipathic fusion peptides that are components of the larger fusion complex are essential for the membrane merger event. The process of cell–cell membrane fusion and syncytium formation induced by the nonenveloped fusogenic orthoreoviruses is driven by the Fusion-Associated Small Transmembrane (FAST) proteins, which are similarly dependent on the action of fusion peptides. In this article, we describe some simple methods for the biophysical characterization of viral membrane fusion peptides. Liposomes serve as an ideal model system for characterizing peptide–membrane interactions because their size, shape and composition can be readily manipulated. We present details of fluorescence assays used to elucidate the kinetics of membrane fusion as well as complimentary assays used to characterize peptide-induced liposome binding and aggregation.  相似文献   

The fusion peptide of HIV-1 gp41 is formed by the 16 N-terminal residues of the protein. This 16-amino acid peptide, in common with several other viral fusion peptides, caused a reduction in the bilayer to hexagonal phase transition temperature of dipalmitoleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (T(H)), suggesting its ability to promote negative curvature in membranes. Surprisingly, an elongated peptide corresponding to the 33 N-terminal amino acids raised T(H), although it was more potent than the 16-amino acid fusion peptide in inducing lipid mixing with large unilamellar liposomes of 1:1:1 dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine/dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/choleste rol. The 17-amino acid C-terminal fragment of the peptide can induce membrane fusion by itself, if it is anchored to a membrane by palmitoylation of the amino terminus, indicating that the additional 17 hydrophilic amino acids contribute to the fusogenic potency of the peptide. This is not solely a consequence of the palmitoylation, as a random peptide with the same amino acid composition with a palmitoyl anchor was less potent in promoting membrane fusion and palmitic acid itself had no fusogenic activity. The 16-amino acid N-terminal fusion peptide and the longer 33-amino acid peptide were labeled with NBD. Fluorescence binding studies indicate that both peptides bind to the membrane with similar affinities, indicating that the increased fusogenic activity of the longer peptide was not a consequence of a greater extent of membrane partitioning. We also determined the secondary structure of the peptides using FTIR spectroscopy. We find that the amino-terminal fusion peptide is inserted into the membrane as a beta-sheet and the 17 C-terminal amino acids lie on the surface of the membrane, adopting an alpha-helical conformation. It was further demonstrated with the use of rhodamine-labeled peptides that the 33-amino acid peptide self-associated in the membrane while the 16-amino acid N-terminal peptide did not. Thus, the 16-amino acid N-terminal fusion peptide of HIV inserts into the membrane and, like other viral fusion peptides, lowers T(H). In addition, the 17 consecutive amino acids enhance the fusogenic activity of the fusion peptide presumably by promoting its self-association.  相似文献   

The oblique insertion of type 1 viral fusion peptides into the cell membrane of the host cell has been shown previously to be an essential element of viral fusion. The actual physical explanation of the cause of the oblique insertion has been the subject of speculation. In this study the physical properties of the fusion peptide surface have been determined computationally and compared to the tilt angles determined both experimentally and by the use of molecular dynamics. It has been shown that the relationship between the distribution of lipophilic potential over the peptide surface and the peptide geometry control the tilt angle of the peptide in a biomimetic DMPC bilayer whereas the depth of penetration into the bilayer appears to be determined by the electrostatic potential and hydrogen bonding at the C-terminus.  相似文献   

Many membrane peptides and protein domains contain functionally important cationic Arg and Lys residues, whose insertion into the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer encounters significant energy barriers. To understand how these cationic molecules overcome the free energy barrier to insert into the lipid membrane, we have used solid-state NMR spectroscopy to determine the membrane-bound topology of these peptides. A versatile array of solid-state NMR experiments now readily yields the conformation, dynamics, orientation, depth of insertion, and site-specific protein-lipid interactions of these molecules. We summarize key findings of several Arg-rich membrane peptides, including β-sheet antimicrobial peptides, unstructured cell-penetrating peptides, and the voltage-sensing helix of voltage-gated potassium channels. Our results indicate the central role of guanidinium-phosphate and guanidinium-water interactions in dictating the structural topology of these cationic molecules in the lipid membrane, which in turn account for the mechanisms of this functionally diverse class of membrane peptides.  相似文献   

The previously identified membranotropic regions of the HCV E1 envelope glycoprotein, a class II membrane fusion protein, permitted us to identify different sequences which might be implicated in viral membrane fusion, membrane interaction and/or protein-protein binding. HCV E1 glycoprotein presents a membrano-active region immediately adjacent to the transmembrane segment, which could be involved in membrane destabilization similarly to the pre-transmembrane domains of class I fusion proteins. Consequently, we have carried out a study of the binding and interaction with the lipid bilayer of a peptide corresponding to segment 309-340, peptide E1PTM, as well as the structural changes which take place in both the peptide and the phospholipid molecules induced by the binding of the peptide to the membrane. Here we demonstrate that peptide E1(PTM) strongly partitions into phospholipid membranes, interacts with negatively-charged phospholipids and locates in a shallow position in the membrane. These data support its role in HCV-mediated membrane fusion and suggest that the mechanism of membrane fusion elicited by class I and II fusion proteins might be similar.  相似文献   

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