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Describe the clinical and therapeutic aspects of penile cancer in Senegal.

Patients and methods

We conducted a retrospective study that looked at records of patients followed for penile cancer in the urology service of the Aristide Le Dantec hospital between January 2000 and December 2011.


Eight patients of mean age of 51.5, with extremes of 27 and 77 have been identified. They were all circumcised in childhood. Clinical examination had highlighted ulcerated and burgeoning tumor affecting glans and a part of the penis in five cases; in two cases, it concerned the entire penis, while one case was limited to the glans. Patients were thus classified according cT3 (three cases) and cT1 (one case). The histological type of the tumour was, in all patients, squamous cell carcinoma. There was no secondary location in the thoracic-flow-pelvic scanner. Therapeutically, a partial penectomy was conducted in five cases, a total penectomy with ganglionic flushing in one case. Two patients refused surgical treatment. There was no recurrence in five patients who underwent a partial amputation of the penis. Overall survival was therefore of 83.3 for surgical patients.


cancer of the penis is rare in Senegal. The support is delicate because of late diagnosis associated with advanced lesions, hence the importance of awareness of the population.  相似文献   



To stick out the anatomoclinic aspects and to evaluate the therapeutic results of a series of some pelvic trauma complications is followed at the Urology-Andrology ward in the teaching hospital of Conakry.

Material and method

It’s about a retrospective examined joining together 52 cases of some pelvic trauma complications in a period of five years.


The pelvic trauma complications were representing 3% of whole the hospitalisations during the period of study. The mean age of our patients was 33 years with extremes of 10 and 63 years. The traumas were due to accidents on the public road in 54.9% of cases. In terms of clinics, the symptomatology was essentially constituted by the acute retention of urines with 80.7% of cases and the hemorrhage (hematury and uretrorragy). The main trauma was a back urethral lesion with 82.7% of cases. All the patients profited a surgical treatment. The therapeutics has been judged after an average relapse of 52 months in terms of urinary and sexual complications. Thus, in terms of urinary complications results have been judged good in 59.6% of cases, less in 17.3% and bad in 23.7% of cases. In terms of sexual, we remarked 53.8% of good result, 25% of medium results and 21.2% (N = 11) of bad results.


Management of urinary complication after pelvic trauma is controversy. Thus, we insist on more necessary collaboration between urologist and orthopedist because the stabilisation of the pelvic trauma is very interesting to the management.  相似文献   

In the Japanese Archipelago, Upper Palaeolithic Accessories, Pigment and Portable Art are discovered, but very few. We introduce the Palaeolithic Art in Japan including new discoveries. The majority of accessories is discovered in Hokkaido, for example the sites of Yunosato 4, Pirika 1, Kashiwadai1 and Obarubetsu 2, but very few in Honshu, the largest island of Japan: Togeyamabokujo 1 in Iwate and Fujiishi in Shizuoka. A lot of pigments are discovered in Hokkaido like Kawanishi C, Kashiwadai 1, Marukoyama and Kiusu 5, without those of Deguchi-Kanezuka in Chiba in Honshu. Kashiwadai 1 in Hokkaido and Kamihikikiri in Chiba are the sites with portable art. In Ehime in Shikoku, one of four large islands of Japan, engraved pebbles called “Kamikuroiwa Venus”, of the Incipient Jomon followed after the Upper Palaeolithic period, before about 14,500 years, are researched again recently. The Palaeolithic art in Japan has a strong relation with Northeast Asia's art, because the lithic materials of Palaeolithic accessories in Hokkaido came from the Continent, and the engraved pebbles have some characters common with Siberian figurines, but also there are accessories and pigment of which the stones are native of the region from the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic period.  相似文献   

Collective burials were the main and most widespread funerary practice at the end of the Neolithic, beginning of the Bronze Age in the south of France. Megalithic monuments required a huge investment of time and labor. According to ethnographic studies, these monumental tombs are generally built and managed collectively. One can therefore wonder who was buried inside these structures because several archaeological studies indicate that access to these tombs can sometimes be restricted to certain members of the population. Indeed, ethnography highlights that access to certain tombs can be structured by variables such as kinship, social status, etc. While previous studies have mainly focused on the architecture and function of these monuments, this article focuses on the process of deposition of human remains and the characterization of the population buried inside these monuments. Since 2012, a project has been undertaken on the dolmens of the south of France in order to discuss funerary practices and to compare them with data from other archaeosciences to rediscuss the funerary traditions in place at the end of the Neolithic, the beginning of the Bronze Age.  相似文献   



To study the diagnostic and therapeutic features of testicular torsion in our daily practice, and to compare our results with that of the existing literature.

Patients and methods

A retrospective study was conducted from January 2002 to December 2009 on all patients who presented in emergency with suspicion of testicular torsion.


Testicular torsion was confirmed in 58 patients after scrotal exploration. The average age was 20 years (range, 1–44 years), and 48 patients (83%) were more than 15 years old. The average duration from time of onset of pain to arrival at the emergency department was 102 hours; 47 patients (81%) were received after the sixth hour and 19 (33%) were referred from peripheral health facilities. Torsion was supravaginal in 5 patients, all more than 15 years old; orchidectomy was performed in 30 patients (52%).


In our study, we have a high proportion of orchidectomy. To reduce this, it will be important to sensibilize population to go to the hospital when they have cases of testicular pain and edema.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to define the main characteristics of the burials and the evolution of funeral behaviours during the Neolithic times, between about 5500 and 2300/2200 B.C., in the present territory of Aquitaine. For the moment, no burial was found for early Neolithic. During the middle Neolithic, about 4500 B.C., appear the first megalithic graves, passage graves (Angoumoisin type) and barrow cists, as well as burial caves. Late Neolithic, between 3700 and 2300/2200 B.C. is the great period of megalithic graves. Single quadrangular dolmen (Caussenard type) were built in Dordogne and in the Entre-deux-Mers in Gironde, gallery graves, the “allées d’Aquitaine” as to the “allées girondines” extended in the centre of the Aquitaine country while in the western Pyrénées the single quadrangular dolmen increased. In return, caves and rock shelter were, it seems to me, less prized by the people during the end of Neolithic times to leave the dead.  相似文献   



Describe clinical and therapeutic aspects of andrologic emergencies in an urban area, received in a university teaching hospital in Cameroon.


We prospectively studied during 36 months all andrologic emergencies received at Laquintinie Hospital of Douala.


We had a total of 291 patients. The mean age was 42.50 years. Most of our patients?? age was between 0 and 45 years. The most frequent lesion was genito-urinary trauma (51.50%) and uro-genital infections (23.71%). Priapism and torsion of the spermatic cord were also frequent. We carried out 185 emergency surgical interventions. Exploration and suture of wounds of the external genitalia (38.91%) and the exploratory scrototomy (21.62%) were the main emergency procedures.


Genito-urinary trauma are the most encountered andrologic emergencies in an urban area of Cameroon. Priapism and torsion of the spermatic cord were not rare.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a synthetic panorama of the human occupations of northern Morocco, with an emphasis on the association of anthropological with cultural records, within the framework of the Middle Palaeolithic (MSA) and the Upper Palaeolithic. We also present the projects developed over the past 15 years and the most interesting results we have obtained. And we conclude bay providing some reflections on the cultural and historical evaluation of the archaeological records from the Tetouan region in the Middle and the Upper Palaeolithic phases.  相似文献   



To present the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic features of urological emergencies in Mauritania, West Africa.

Material and methods

The authors conducted a 5-year retrospective study that analyzed the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic features of all urological emergencies admitted to the urology department of Nouakchott Central Hospital.


There were 1,200 urological emergencies. The mean age of the patients was 58.8 years (range one month-94 years). These patients had an age ≥60 years in 50.7% of the cases The sex ratio (M: F) was 20: 32. The most frequent illnesses were urinary retention (53%) and genitourinary system infections, which represented 16.8% of the cases. The gangrenes of male external genitalia (Fournier’s gangrene) accounted for 4.3% of the cases and priapism 1.8%. In emergency, 300 surgical operations were performed. The most performed procedures were the installation of a suprapubic catheter (59.7%) and debridement of a gangrene of male external genitalia (16%).


The most frequent urological emergency in our country was acute urinary retention. Serious illnesses, like gangrene of male external genitalia (Fournier’s gangrene) and priapism, are not rare there.  相似文献   

For a long time, the scientific community assumed that the Acheulean culture was expressed on the territory of the Armenian Plateau as well as in the neighboring regions of the Caucasus only by its late phase; therefore, it appeared in the second half of the Middle Pleistocene. In recent years, the Armenian-Russian mission has discovered and studied much older Acheulean industries sites, located in northern Armenia (the Lori intermountain Depression). These industries, represented by archaic type tools (large hand axes, picks, choppers, chisel-like tools, scrapers, points, etc.), are discovered in three deposits of origin of proluvial genesis. In the Karakhach site, this type of industry is deposited in the lower levels of volcanic tuff and below; the U/Pb study of this level of tuff proposes a series of dates, assigned to the time interval between 1.944 + 0.046 and 1.75 + 0.02 Ma. The paleomagnetic study demonstrated the inverse polarity on the tuff and the normal polarity of the underlying deposits; in correlation with other dating, this fact allows to attribute the Acheulean layers of the site of Karakhatch to the Lower Pleistocene, in particular to the Oldoway episode and to the Upper Matuyama time period. The estimated age and the techno-morphological characteristics of the tools indicate the Lower Acheulean period. The dating of the Muradovo site does not seem possible, however its very old industries and the archaeological layers, where they were discovered, find equivalents in the layered layer, surmounted by tuffs, of the Karakhatch site. The Kutran I site presented a paleosol sequence with similar Acheulean tools (hand axes, picks, choppers, etc.). Its oldest layer is older than 1.5 Ma, the upper layer is attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene; this fact means that it is possible to speak of the Lower Acheulean and of its transition to the Middle Acheulean period. The specific character and the age of the Lower Acheulean of Armenia admit that it could have formed independently of the Lower Acheulean of Africa, whose estimated age does not rise before 1.76 Ma. It should also be noted that on the neighboring territory of Georgia about the same time when appeared the Acheulean culture in Armenia, the Oldowan Dmanisi site already existed.  相似文献   

The site of Trou Al’Wesse has been interpreted as a site of possible contact between Mesolithic and Neolithic populations, given the discovery of Neolithic ceramics and Mesolithic tools in stratum 4. However, recent excavations have also revealed the presence of three Early Mesolithic facies overlain by a Neolithic layer, while a Late Mesolithic presence is suggested for a fourth facies at the base of the terrace slope. Lithic and faunal analyses, as well as spatial analysis of the stratigraphic position of material recovered, indicate a clear separation of Mesolithic and Neolithic occupations. We present a new interpretation of the sequence of Holocene human occupations at Trou Al’Wesse in light of these data, arguing that the site was regularly occupied during the Early Mesolithic, forming a palimpsest of these visits, followed by an occupational hiatus and then reoccupation during the Late Mesolithic. The Early Neolithic is a separate occupation clearly unrelated to the Early Mesolithic underlying it, but ongoing fieldwork may recover data concerning the Final Mesolithic and its relation to the Early Neolithic at the site.  相似文献   

J. Costentin 《PSN》2010,8(4):182-186
Caffeine, the main alkaloid in coffee, corresponds to the 1-3-7 trimethylxanthine. Its concentration is lower in tea and chocolate, where it is associated with theophylline, 1-3 dimethylxanthine, in tea and with theobromine, 3-7 dimethylxanthine, in chocolate. Paraxanthine, 1-7dimethylxanthine, for its part, is produced by the hepatic metabolism of caffeine operated by a cytochrome of 1A2 type. The effects of these methylxanthines on awaking, anxiety, neuroprotection in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, mood, schizophrenia and nociception are briefly considered. This review is concluded by indicating that these effects of methylxanthines may be modified by various associated substances, such as polyphenols displaying antioxydant properties.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage is a non innerved, nonvascularized and poorly cellularized connective tissue that is frequently damaged as a result of trauma or age-linked degenerative diseases. It hardly heals spontaneously and its alterations often lead to further extracellular matrix degradation and ultimately, to the loss of joint function. Past decades, many therapeutic approaches have been developed to improve the poor intrinsic self-repair properties of cartilage. Unfortunately, these techniques have not proved really satisfying. In this context, the regeneration of a functional cartilage through tissue engineering and regenerative medicine has recently been contemplated. In particular, the transplantation of autologous reparative cells using a synthetic biomaterial appears promising. We have thus developed and patented a biocompatible self-setting cellulose hydrogel that can be used as an injectable scaffold for cell-based regenerative medicine. Our studies associate this hydrogel with adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue, as a source of reparative cells for cartilage tissue engineering. In a first set of experiments, we have determined the optimal culture conditions required to induce the controlled chondrogenic commitment of stem cells (morphogens, hypoxia, three-dimensional environments…). The preclinical potential of hybrid constructs associating cells and hydrogel has then been assessed with success in animals (mouse, rabbit). Today, trauma and degenerative pathologies of joint tissues remain a major challenge for clinicians and cartilage engineers. Establishing the proof of concept of hydrogel-associated stem cells-based regenerative medicine could help us open new therapeutic windows in the treatment of joint disorders.  相似文献   

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