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Since plants can be transformed genetically to produce functional antibodies, an immunological approach may be developed for controlling their arthropod pests. Specific antibodies would protect plants from arthropods if they could gain access to the pest antigen in sufficient amounts such that the normal function of the antigen is disrupted. In order to study the fate of ingested antibodies in the body of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), we fed the larvae on serum-containing diet. When larvae were fed on the serum-containing diet for various lengths of time between 12 and 96 h, no significant differences were noted in the immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration in their body. Immediately after the larvae stopped feeding, the concentrations of the IgG in their midgut was about one half that of the diet itself, but it decreased significantly after 6 h and again after 18 h (about 3 and 10 fold, respectively). Immediately after the larvae stopped feeding, the concentration of the IgG in their hemolymph was about 1/500 that in the diet. The concentration of IgG in the hemolymph of ECB larvae was influenced directly by the titer of antibodies in their diet. During the first 6 h after the larvae stop feeding the concentration of IgG in their hemolymph did not decrease significantly; however, it did so after 18 h (about 6 fold). The possibility that specific antibodies will gain access to antigens in the ECB body is discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of mating for the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) moth depend in part on variation in sex‐pheromone blend. The ratio of (E)‐11‐ and (Z)‐11‐tetradecenyl acetate (E11‐ and Z11‐14:OAc) in the pheromone blend that females produce and males respond to differs between strains of O. nubilalis. Populations also vary in female oviposition preference for and larval performance on maize (C4) and nonmaize (C3) host plants. The relative contributions of sexual and ecological trait variation to the genetic structure of O. nubilalis remains unknown. Host‐plant use (13C/14C ratios) and genetic differentiation were estimated among sympatric E and Z pheromone strain O. nubilalis males collected in sex‐pheromone baited traps at 12 locations in Pennsylvania and New York between 2007 and 2010. Among genotypes at 65 single nucleotide polymorphism marker loci, variance at a position in the pheromone gland fatty acyl‐reductase (pgfar) gene at the locus responsible for determining female pheromone ratio (Pher) explained 64% of the total genetic differentiation between males attracted to different pheromones (male response, Resp), providing evidence of sexual inter‐selection at these unlinked loci. Principal coordinate, Bayesian clustering, and distance‐based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) demonstrate that host plant history or geography does not significantly contribute to population variation or differentiation among males. In contrast, these analyses indicate that pheromone response and pgfar‐defined strain contribute significantly to population genetic differentiation. This study suggests that behavioural divergence probably plays a larger role in driving genetic variation compared to host plant‐defined ecological adaptation.  相似文献   

Peritrophic membrane (PM) secretion and formation occur primarily in the anterior region of the mesenteron in the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) as determined by light and electron microscopy. Nascent PM first became visible as fibrous linear chitin-containing structures stained with gold-labeled wheat germ agglutinin between and at the tips of the microvilli. No formed PM was visible at the foregut-midgut junction, but a thin single PM appeared first in the lumen between the stomodeal valves and the midgut epithelium. Just posterior to the stomodeal valves, multiple PMs were observed that became progressively thicker and more numerous in the mid and posterior regions of the mesenteron. The PM consists of an orthogonal chitin meshwork with openings slightly larger than the diameters of the microvilli. As it delaminates from the microvilli, the meshwork becomes embedded in proteinaceous matrix that greatly reduces the pore size of the PM.  相似文献   

A number of plants produce significant amounts of phytoecdysteroids that can disrupt the hormonal levels of insects feeding upon them. Insects equipped with taste receptors sensitive to phytoecdysteroids are able to avoid such plants. How common is this strategy? By recording from the lateral and medial sensilla styloconica in two polyphagous species (Ostrinia nubilalis and Spodoptera littoralis) and in a monophagous species (Bombyx mori), we tested whether the receptors could detect three commonly occurring phytoecdysteroids 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), ponasterone A (ponA) and ecdysone (E). In B. mori, 20E and ponA elicited dose-dependent responses with a threshold of 1 &mgr;M only in the medial sensilla. In O. nubilalis, 20E, E and ponA elicited responses at threshold of 1 &mgr;M in both sensilla. In S. littoralis, 20E elicited responses with a threshold of 10 &mgr;M in both sensilla. By means of behavioural choice tests, we show that 20E is an effective feeding deterrent for O. nubilalis and S. littoralis first instar larvae. This suggests that the perception of phytoecdysteroids is more common among phytophagous lepidoptera than previously thought, although their toxicity or antifeedancy varies between species.  相似文献   

Nosema pyrausta is an obligate pathogen causing reduced fecundity and longevity of Ostrinia nubilalis. This study was conducted to determine the combined effects of N. pyrausta infection and temperature on O. nubilalis egg production and hatch. N. pyrausta-infected and noninfected O. nubilalis were maintained in two different temperature regimes. The first regime allowed females to oviposit under optimum conditions (27 degrees C, 65% RH, 16:8 (L:D)), while females in the second regime were held initially under the same humidity and light conditions, but a constant temperature of 16 degrees C for 1 week after which they were transferred to optimum ovipositional conditions. Studies were performed initially with O. nubilalis populations and later with individual mating pairs. In studies with O. nubilalis populations, the mean number of eggs laid per female under optimum conditions was 660, while N. pyrausta-infected females held initially at 16 degrees C laid 116 eggs per female. In studies with individual mating pairs, N. pyrausta infection reduced egg production per female 53 and 11% in the 16 and 27 degrees C temperature regimes, respectively, compared to noninfected females under optimum conditions. Exposure to 16 degrees C temperatures early in the ovipositional period had a more profound impact on reducing egg production in N. pyrausta-infected than noninfected O. nubilalis.  相似文献   

Primary roots of Zea mays cv. Yellow Dent growing in an electric field curve towards the anode. Roots treated with EDTA and growing in electric field do not curve. When root cap mucilage is applied asymmetrically to tips of vertically-oriented roots, the roots curve toward the mucilage. Roots treated with EDTA curve toward the side receiving mucilage and toward blocks containing 10 mM CaCl2, but not toward "empty" agar blocks or the cut surfaces of severed root tips. These results suggest that 1) free calcium (Ca) is necessary for root electrotropism, 2) mucilage contains effector(s) that induce gravitropiclike curvature, and 3) mucilage can replace gravitropic effectors chelated by EDTA. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the downward movement of gravitropic effectors to the lower sides of tips of horizontally-oriented roots occurs at least partially in the apoplast.  相似文献   

Genomic formulae, fertility, chromosome pairing, and the cryptic intergenomic pairing (induced by using diluted colchicine solution) were analysed in the tri-hybrid (MDP), obtained by crossing DP40 (2n=40, which was inferred in previous studies to have originated from the fusion of an unreduced gamete of Zea diploperennis with a normal gamete of Z. perennis) with the maize inbred line Zm40 (2n=40). MDP (2n=40) showed a higher fertility (90% of the seeds are viable) than Zm40 (60%) and DP40 (80%). A regular migration of 20 chromosomes to each pole occurred in 92% of the cells in anaphase I, while bridges were observed in the other 8% of the cells. When Zm40 was used as female of the crossing (Zm40 x DP40), ears were similar to corn. Conversely, ears resembled those of the wild species when cytoplasm was donoured by Zd. Then, it can be stated the existence of cytoplasmic influence on MDP ear type. MDP had almost no I or III, with an average of 0.04I + 10.90II + 0.01III + 4.50IV. The most frequent meiotic configuration was 10II + 5IV (43.93% of the cells). On average, 33.81 chiasmata/cell were observed (17.34, 0.05 and 16.42 average numbers of chiasmata/cell in bivalents, trivalents and tetravalents, respectively). It can be inferred that the 5IV were the product of homoeologous chromosome pairing of A genomes from the three species. On the other hand, the 10II configuration suggests separate pairing of the 5 homologous B chromosomes from maize and the 5 homoeologous B chromosomes from Zp and Zd.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1983, immature embryos from 101 selfed inbred lines and germplasm stocks of Zea mays L. were examined for their ability to produce callus cultures capable of plant regeneration (regenerable cultures) using a medium with which some limited success had previously been obtained. Forty-nine of the genotypes (49%) produced callus which visually appeared similar to callus previously cultured and shown to be capable of plant regeneration. After five months, 38 of these genotypes were alive in culture and plants were subsequently regenerated from 35 (92%) of them. No correlation was observed between plant regeneration and callus growth rate, the vivipary mutation (genes vp1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9), or published vigor ratings based on K+ uptake by roots. When F1 hybrid embryos were cultured, 97% of the hybrids having at least one regenerable parent also produced callus capable of plant regeneration. No regenerable cultures were obtained from any hybrid lacking a parent capable of producing a regenerable callus culture.In the summer of 1984, immature embryos from 218 additional inbred lines and germplasm stocks were plated and examined for their ability to produce regenerable callus cultures on media containing altered micronutrient concentrations, 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid (dicamba), glucose, and elevated levels of vitamin-free casamino acids and thiamine. Of these genotypes 199 (91%) produced callus that was regenerable in appearance. In the 1984 study, plant regeneration was noted in many commercially important inbreds, including B73, Mo17, B84, A632, A634, Ms71, W117, H993H95 and Cm105. Thus tissue-culture techniques are now available to obtain callus cultures capable of plant regeneration from immature embryos of most maize genotypes.Abbreviations trade names 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - dicamba 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid  相似文献   

Presence of heterodisperse nuclear RNA in a plant: Zea mays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Rengel, Z. and Kordan, H. A. 1987. Effects of growth regulators on light-dependent anthocyanin production in Zea mays seedlings.
The effects of ethylene, indolyl- and naphthylacetic acids, zeatin, benzyladenine, gib-berellic acid and triiodobenzoic acid on anthocyanin production in seedlings of Zea mays L. cv. Golden Bantam were investigated. Endogenously produced and exogen-ously supplied ethylene, as well as the other growth regulators tested markedly suppressed anthocyanin formation. Except for triiodobenzoic acid, the other growth regulators stimulated ethylene production, the amounts produced in the light being larger than those in the dark. Absorption of ethylene by permanganate as well as inhibition of ethylene production or action by Co2+ or Ag+ increased anthocyanin formation in maize seedlings above the level found in the control plants. The inhibiting effect of auxins and cytokinins on anthocyanin production was reversed by Co2+ or Ag+. In contrast, decreased anthocyanin formation caused by gibberellic acid or triiodobenzoic acid seemed unrelated to ethylene and could not be alleviated by Co2+ or Ag+.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic determination of larval diapause in Ostrinia nubilalis is shown to be strongly influenced by superimposed thermoperiods, here termed “thermophotoperiods.” Thermoperiodic cryophase temperatures (0–25°C) exert effects that are markedly different from responses evoked by thermophotoperiodic cryoscotophases of the same temperatures. The differences are attributed to the presence or absence of light (thermophotophase or thermophase). Perturbations of 12 h dark: 12 h light and 10 h dark: 14 h light photoperiods by low-temperature pulses of 4 h duration demonstrated that the biological clock reactions associated with both the scotophase and photophase are sensitive to temperature. Statistically significant thermoperiod-photoperiod interactions have been demonstrated.  相似文献   

We launched imbibed seeds of Zea mays into outer space aboard the space shuttle Columbia to determine the influence of microgravity on cellular differentiation in root caps. The influence of microgravity varied with different stages of cellular differentiation. Overall, microgravity tended to 1) increase relative volumes of hyaloplasm and lipid bodies, 2) decrease the relative volumes of plastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes, and the vacuome, and 3) exert no influence on the relative volume of nuclei in cells comprising the root cap. The reduced allocation of dictyosomal volume in peripheral cells of flight-grown seedlings correlated positively with their secretion of significantly less mucilage than peripheral cells of Earth-grown seedlings. These results indicate that 1) microgravity alters the patterns of cellular differentiation and structures of all cell types comprising the root cap, and 2) the influence of microgravity on cellular differentiation in root caps of Zea mays is organelle specific.  相似文献   

European corn borer (ECB; Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner)) larvae (third instar) fed 0.05% w/w wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) in their diet for 72 h showed very little increase in body weight, whereas weight of control larvae increased nearly fourfold. Light and transmission electron microscopy studies showed that the morphology of the peritrophic membrane (PM) changed within 24 h after ECB larvae fed on the WGA diet. Whereas the PM in the anterior region of the midgut was a thin membranous structure in control larvae, the WGA-fed larvae secreted a multiple-layered and unorganized PM that contained embedded food particles, bacteria, and pieces of disintegrated microvilli. Gold-labeled WGA was localized specifically in the PM and microvilli. The PM of WGA-fed larvae was inundated with dark-staining amorphous structures that, when incubated with anti-WGA, showed heavy WGA localization. The antibody label indicated that most of the ingested WGA was found in the PM, with lesser amounts on the microvillar surface and the least amount within the epithelium. After 72 h, the middle portion of the mesenteron revealed a thin, compact PM in the control larvae, whereas the PM of the WGA-fed larvae was multilayered and discontinuous, which allowed plant cell-wall fragments to penetrate into the microvilli of the epithelium. Scanning electron microscopy of PMs from fifth instar ECB larvae fed the WGA diet revealed a breakdown in the chitinous meshwork by 48 h after initiation of feeding. The endo-PM surface from control larvae was smooth and intact, whereas the PM of WGA-fed larvae showed disintegration of the meshwork and a reduced proteinaceous matrix. This allowed bacteria and food particles to penetrate through the PM into the ectoperitrophic space and directly contact the microvilli. Therefore, WGA, a protein inhibitor of larval growth, interferes with the formation and integrity of the PM, which exposes the brush border to ingested material. This, in turn, appears to stimulate secretion of additional PM layers, the concomitant disintegration of the microvilli, and cessation of feeding.  相似文献   

In the plant Ustilago maydis causes: 1. A lowering of free radical concentrations in tissues of nodal roots and in internodial tissues close to the fungus. 2. Conversely, in tissues of the primary root, of aerial roots, of leaves and nodes 1–5, 13, 15 and 16 it causes a rise of free radicals concentration. Ustilago maydis has a similar effect upon free radicals concentration in maize leaves as Erysiphe graminis in barley leaves.  相似文献   

Summary Endoproteinase(s) was isolated from a freeze-dried powder of larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis using reverse micellar solutions. The inhibition of proteinase was studied in reverse micelles with commercial Bowman-Birk soybean trypsin inhibitor and three trypsin inhibitors recently isolated from ripe cruciferous seeds.  相似文献   

A successful method for the preparation of plant malate dehydrogenase (MDH) was developed. Three isoenzymes were isolated and crystallized from maize seed. Purification of these proteins involved a course of acetone fractionation, batch and column adsorption on hydroxylapatites, gel permeation chromatography, and ionexchange on DEAE-cellulose columns. In addition, final separation of one of the component isoenzymes was accomplished by continuous flow elution electrophoresis on acrylamide gels. By these techniques it was possible to prepare 5–10 mg of each isoenzyme at one time. Two of the proteins (designated M1-MDH and M2-MDH) are very similar with respect to their charge properties and association with mitochondrial fractions. The other isoenzyme (S-MDH) is associated with the supernatant or cytosol fraction. Antibodies prepared against one of the mitochondrial forms (M1-MDH) cross-reacts with the other form from the mitochondria (M2-MDH) and shows a reaction of identity on agar double diffusion tests. The antibodies against the mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase show no cross-reactivity with the supernatant protein. This preparation of malate dehydrogenase isoenzymes represents the first procedure for obtaining these proteins in a homogenous state from a plant, source, and it is the first purification and separation of multiple mitochondrial isoenzymes as separate entities.  相似文献   

In this study, four blockers of anion transporters (ATs) belonging to four different classes of organic acids, including DIDS (4, 4'‐diisothiocyanatostilbene‐2, 2'‐ disulfonic acid; a stilbene disulfonic acid), NPPB [(5‐nitro‐2‐(3‐phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid; an anthranilic acid)], 9‐AC (anthracene‐9‐carboxylic acid; an aromatic carboxylic acid), and IAA‐94 (indanyloxy acetic acid; an indanyloxy alkanoic acid), were tested for their toxicity against the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis. All the AT blockers inhibited the growth of larvae, increased the developmental time, and decreased survival compared to controls, when second‐instar ECB larvae were fed for seven days on treated diet. In general, DIDS and NPPB were the most active compounds, with the rank order of activity being DIDS>NPPB>IAA‐94>9‐AC. All the AT blockers decreased the midgut alkalinity in fifth‐instar larvae when fed for 3 h on treated diet. Effective concentrations required for 50% decrease in midgut alkalinity (EC50) ranged between 29.1 and 41.2 ppm and the rank order of activity was NPPB>DIDS>IAA‐94>9‐AC. Similarly, all the tested AT blockers inhibited 36Cl? uptake from the midgut lumen in fifth‐instar larvae when fed for 3 h on treated diet. Concentrations required for 50% inhibition of 36Cl? uptake (IC50) ranged between 7.4 and 11.0 ppm and the rank order of activity was DIDS>NPPB>9‐AC >IAA‐94. Modest to highly strong positive correlations observed among growth, midgut alkalinity, and midgut Cl? ion transport in AT blocker–fed larvae suggested that these effects are causally related to each other. Finally, AT blockers have the potential to become good candidates for development of insecticides with a unique mode of action. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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