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Solution culture experiments with fodder rape (Brassica napuscv. Emerald) show that reduced root temperatures appear to havelittle effect on phosphate inflow over a wide range of P concentration.At a cool root temperature (10 ?C) plant growth rate was reducedbut this was compensated for by a low root: shoot ratio, sothat inflow remained relatively steady. An increased inflowper unit length of root was only achieved at an elevated roottemperature of 35 ?C. The minimum phosphate concentration towhich plants could lower the culture solution (Cmln) rangedfrom 0.15 to 2.5 mmol m–3 according to whether roots wereat a low (5 ?C) or high (35 ?C) temperature respectively. Thetotal phosphorus concentration in tissues was affected by rootzone temperature and at low root temperatures this could bea growth limiting factor. The organic (assimilated) fractionof P in shoot tissues was smaller in low temperature plants.These showed visual symptoms of apparent P deficiency. Levelsof inorganic P in roots may also be a factor in feedback ofcontrol of inflow. Key words: Temperature, Roots, Phosphate, Rape (Brassica napus)  相似文献   

The effect of root temperature and form of inorganic nitrogensupply on in vitro nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was studiedin oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. bien venu). Plants weregrown initially in flowing nutrient solution containing 10 µMNH4NO3 and then supplied with either nitrate or ammonium for15 d at root temperatures of 3, 7, 11 or 17 °C. Shoot temperatureregime was similar for all plants; 20/15 °C, day/night.Root NRA was highest when roots were grown at 3 and 7 °C.In laminae and petioles NRA was highest when roots were 11 or17 °C. The plants supplied with ammonium had much lowerlevels of NRA in roots after 5 d than the plants supplied onlywith nitrate. NRA in the laminae of plants supplied with ammoniumwas low relative to that in plants supplied with nitrate onlywhen root temperature was 11 or 17 °C. Values of the apparent activation energy (Ea) of NR, calculatedfrom the Arrhenius equation, in laminae and petioles were differentfrom roots suggesting difference in enzyme conformation. Evidencethat the temperature at which roots were growing affected Eawas equivocal. Oilseed rape, Brassica napus L., activation energy, ammonium, Arrhenius equation, nitrate, root temperature, nitrate reductase  相似文献   

The reproductive development of oilseed rape (Brassica napusL. cv. Bienvenu) was studied using light and scanning electronmicroscopy. By using the two techniques on comparable samples,internal events such as microspore development were relatedto the morphology of the developing floral parts, and this inturn was linked to the growth stage of the plant. Reproductive development, oilseed rape, Brassica napus, growth stage  相似文献   

Internodal segments from 6-weeks-old rape plants (Brassica napus L. cv. Zephyr) were induced to differentiate in vitro producing shoots or shoots and roots on synthetic nutrient medium under controlled conditions. Benzyladenine (BA) alone (5 × 10?6 M) induced multiple shoot formation on all stem explants. Roots were induced on shoots when recultured on nutrient medium supplemented with auxins such as naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA) or indoleacetic acid (1AA) or when planted in vermiculite. Complete plant formation was obtained when NAA (2 × 1?6, 5 × 10?6 and 10?5 M) was employed in conjunction with BA at 5 × 10?6M. At higher concentrations (10?5M) NAA retards the shoot development while 1AA suppresses it totally. Lower levels of auxins along with the cytokinin did not retard or inhibit shoot differentiation.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape plants (Brassica napus L. cv. Bien venu) were grownin flowing nutrient solution and acclimatized over 49 d to lowroot temperature (5 ?C) prior to treatment at root temperaturesof 3, 7, 11 or 17?C for 14 d, with common air temperature of20/15?C day/night and solution pH 6.0. The effects of root temperatureon growth, uptake and assimilation of N were compared with Nsupplied either as or at 10 mmol m–3. Plant fresh weight, dry weight and leafarea increased with root temperature. Q10 values for specificgrowth rates between 7?C and 17?C were 1.10 and 1.33, respectively,under and nutrition. Fresh weight and leaf area were favoured by nutrition, particularly at 11 ?C and 17 ?C. At each temperaturethe net uptake of over 14 d was similar to that of , increasing 4-fold between 3?C and 17 ?C. Unit absorption rates of increased over the first 3 or 4 d, to an extent that increased with roottemperature. Thereafter, near constant values were maintainedat 3, 7 and 11 ?C. Unit absorption rates of at 3 ?C and 7 ?C did not increase over the first 3 or 4 d. Plantsat 17?C responded differently from those at other temperatures,with steep increases in unit absorption rates of and after day 8. The tendency for plants to adjust unit absorption rates of N over 14 d to become independentof root temperature was limited to the range 7–11 ?C.Q10 values between 7 ?C and 17 ?C for unit absorption rateswere 1.7—1.8 and 1.4—1.5, respectively, for and . Plants at 7, 11 and 17?C absorbed more than was subsequently assimilated, but at 3 ?C the absorption of was insufficient to meet the assimilatory demand. The results are discussed comparativelyfor and and in terms of the factors that determine unit absorption rates of N inresponse to a change in root temperature. Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, nitrate, ammonium, ion uptake rate  相似文献   

Macduff, J. H., Hopper, M. J. and Wild, A. 1987. The effectof root temperature on growth and uptake of ammonium and nitrateby Brassica napus L. in flowing solution culture. I. Growth.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 42–52 Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Bien venu) was grown for49 d in flowing nutrient solution at pH 6?0 with root temperaturedecrementally reduced from 20?C to 5?C; and then exposed todifferent root temperatures (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,17 or 25?C)held constant for 14 d. The air temperature was 20/15?C day/nightand nitrogen was supplied automatically to maintain 10 mmolm–3 NH4NO3 in solution. Total dry matter production wasexponential with time and similar at all root temperatures givinga specific growth rate of 0?0784 g g–1 d–1. Partitioningof dry matter was influenced by root temperature; shoot: rootratios increased during treatment at 17?C and 25?C but decreasedafter 5 d at 3?C and 5?C. The ratio of shoot specific growthrate: root specific growth rate increased with the ratio ofwater soluble carbohydrates (shoot: root). Concentrations ofwater soluble carbohydrates in shoot and root were inverselyrelated to root temperature; at 3, 5 and 7?C they increasedin stem + petioles throughout treatment, coinciding with a decreasein the weight of tissue water per unit dry matter. These resultssuggest that the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates at lowtemperature is the result of metabolic imbalance and of osmoticadjustment to water stress. Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, specific growth rate  相似文献   

Hormones and Pod Development in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The endogenous levels of several plant growth substances (indole acetic acid, IAA; abscisic acid, ABA; zeatin, Z; zeatin riboside, [9R]Z; isopentenyladenine, iP; and isopentenyladenosine, [9R]iP were measured during pod development of field grown oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L. var oleifera cv Bienvenu) with high performance liquid chromatography and immunoenzymic (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA) techniques. Results show that pod development is characterized by high levels of Z and [9R]Z in 3 day old fruits and of IAA on the fourth day. During pod maturation, initially a significant increase of IAA and cytokinins was observed, followed by a progressive rise of ABA levels and a concomitant decline of IAA and cytokinin (except iP) levels. The relationship between hormone levels and development, especially pod number, seed number per pod, and seed weight determination, will be discussed.  相似文献   

Nodulation of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) by Rhizobia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nodules were induced on the non-legume oilseed rape, followingenzyme treatment of seedling roots and inoculation with Rhizobiumlegnminosarum, Bradyrhizobtum 32H1 or a mixture of R. lott withBradyrhizobium 32H1 in the presence of PEG. A Nod– strainof R leguminosarum also induced nodules, but a Nod– strainfailed to elicit this response Nodules induced on oilseed rapewere morphologically similar, when examined by light microscopyand cryo-scanning electron microscopy, to those induced on rootsof white clover by R trifolu. Transmission electron microscopyshowed rhizobia within cells of the nodules These observationsare discussed with respect to the extension of Rhizobium symbiosisto non-legumes. Key words: Brassica napus, Bradyrhizobium, Rhizobium, non-legumes, nodulation, transmission electron microscopy, cryo-scanning electron microscopy, acetylene reduction, cell wall degrading enzymes  相似文献   

侧根是植物吸收利用土壤养分的重要器官,其生长发育受内部遗传因子和外部环境矿质养分的影响.通过琼脂分层培养发现:局部供应NO-3可以诱导水稻( Oryza sativa L.)主根或不定根上侧根的生长.为研究旱种条件下NO-3对水稻侧根发育及其N吸收的影响,设置了3个蛭石培养实验:分根处理、全株缺N、全株供N处理.分根处理(一半根系供应3 mmol/L KNO3,另一半根系供应3 mmol/L KCl)结果表明:局部供应NO-3 能够促进水稻侧根生长.而在全株处理下,N饥饿诱导了侧根的伸长.水稻根系对NO-3的这两种反应都存在着显著的基因型差异.同时对地上部N浓度、可溶性总糖含量及N含量分析表明,这些生理指标在分根处理与全株加N处理中的差异均不显著,表明分根处理也能基本满足植株正常生长对N的需求.在分根处理中,水稻的N含量与分根处理中供N一侧的平均侧根长度存在显著正相关,这表明在养分不均一的介质中,侧根长度对水稻N素吸收具有十分重要的作用.而在N素充足的条件下,两者之间的相关性并不显著,这暗示在养分充足的环境下,侧根长度可能并不是决定根系吸收N素的主要因素.  相似文献   

硝态氮(NO3^—)对水稻侧根生长及其氮吸收的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
侧根是植物吸收利用土壤养分的重要器官 ,其生长发育受内部遗传因子和外部环境矿质养分的影响。通过琼脂分层培养发现 :局部供应NO-3 可以诱导水稻 (OryzasativaL .)主根或不定根上侧根的生长。为研究旱种条件下NO-3 对水稻侧根发育及其N吸收的影响 ,设置了 3个蛭石培养实验 :分根处理、全株缺N、全株供N处理。分根处理 (一半根系供应 3mmol/LKNO3,另一半根系供应 3mmol/LKCl)结果表明 :局部供应NO-3 能够促进水稻侧根生长。而在全株处理下 ,N饥饿诱导了侧根的伸长。水稻根系对NO-3 的这两种反应都存在着显著的基因型差异。同时对地上部N浓度、可溶性总糖含量及N含量分析表明 ,这些生理指标在分根处理与全株加N处理中的差异均不显著 ,表明分根处理也能基本满足植株正常生长对N的需求。在分根处理中 ,水稻的N含量与分根处理中供N一侧的平均侧根长度存在显著正相关 ,这表明在养分不均一的介质中 ,侧根长度对水稻N素吸收具有十分重要的作用。而在N素充足的条件下 ,两者之间的相关性并不显著 ,这暗示在养分充足的环境下 ,侧根长度可能并不是决定根系吸收N素的主要因素  相似文献   

Macduff, J. H., Hopper, M. J. and Wild, A. 1987. The effectof root temperature on growth and uptake of ammonium and nitrateby Brassica napus L. CV. Bien venu in flowing solution culture.II. Uptake from solutions containing NH4NO3.—J. exp. Bot.38: 53–66 The effects of root temperature on uptake and assimilation ofNH4+ and NO3 by oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. CV. Bienvenu) were examined. Plants were grown for 49 d in flowing nutrientsolution at pH 6?0 with root temperature decrementally reducedfrom 20?C to 5?C; and then exposed to different root temperatures(3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17 or 25?C) held constant for 14 d. Theair temperature was 20/15?C day/night and nitrogen was suppliedautomatically to maintain 10 mmol m–3 NH4NO3 in solution.Total uptake of nitrogen over 14 d increased threefold between3–13?C but was constant above 13?C. Net uptake of NH4+exceeded that of NO3 at all temperatures except 17?C,and represented 47–65% of the total uptake of nitrogen.Unit absorption rates of NH4+ and of 1?5–2?7 for NO3suggested that NO3 absorption was more sensitive thanNH4+ absorption to temperature. Rates of absorption were relativelystable at 3?C and 5?C compared with those at 17?C and 25?C whichincreased sharply after 10 d. Tissue concentration of N in theshoot, expressed on a fresh weight basis, was independent ofroot temperature throughout, but doubled between 3–25?Cwhen expressed on a dry weight basis. The apparent proportionof net uptake of NO3 that was assimilated was inverselyrelated to root temperature. The results are used to examinethe relation between unit absorption rate adn shoot:root ratioin the context of short and long term responses to change ofroot temperature Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, nitrogen uptake  相似文献   

Macduff, J. H., Hopper, M. J., Wild, A. and Trim, F. E. 1987.Comparison of the effects of root temperature on nitrate andammonium nutrition of oilseed rape (Brassica napusL.) in flowingsolution culture. II. Cation-anion balance.—J. exp. Bot.38: 1589-1602. The effects of root temperature and form of N nutrition (NH4or NOJ) on the mineral composition of the plant, the balanceof inorganic cation-anion uptake and on the apparent net effluxof H +/OHions from the roots were studied with 49-d-oldoilseed rape (Brassica napusL. cv. Bien venu) in flowing solutionculture. Plants were pre-treated for 14 d at a root temperatureof 5 °C prior to constant root temperatures of 3, 7, 11or 17°C for 14 d, with a common shoot temperature of 20/15°Cday/night. Nitrogen was supplied as NH+44 or NO3 at 10mmol m3. Values of Q10 (7-17°C) for mean unit absorptionrates of all the major nutrient ions (K+ , Mg++ , NH+4, SO4,H2PO4, NO3), except Ca++, were > 2.0 over the first 5 d oftreatment but thereafter were < 1.5; the apparent effectof temperature on uptake rates diminished with time. Under NH+4nutrition, inorganic cation uptake (Mg+ + + K++Ca+ + +NH+4)exceeded inorganic anion uptake (SO44+ H2PO4) over 14d at all temperatures, with the proportion of cation uptakeas NH4 remaining constant (0.67-0-68) irrespective of root temperature.The net efflux of H + from the roots approximately balancedNH+4 uptake (1:1) over 14 d at each temperature and also balancedthe difference between the total uptake of inorganic cationsand inorganic anions. Under NO3 nutrition, the sum of the netefflux of OH and the change in the carboxylate contents of plantsover 14 d approximately balanced the sum of NO3 and SO4reduced in the plant. The majority of the negative charge associatedwith the reduction of NO3 and SO4 was apparently effluxedas OH, but this fraction was lower at low root temperatures.The results are discussed in terms of mechanisms that have beenproposed to regulate the internal pH of plants. Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, cation-anion balance, H+/OH efflux.  相似文献   

The structure of the microbial rhizoplane community of the important crop plant oilseed rape was studied by using a culture-dependent as well as a culture-independent approach based on 16S rDNA amplification. After isolation of the microbial community from the rhizoplane of oilseed rape (Brassica napus cv. Westar), the collected suspension was divided into two parts. One part was used for cultivation of bacteria onto three different growth media to establish a culture collection. From the other part of the rhizoplane suspension, genomic DNA was isolated and purified. Thereafter, 16S rDNA was amplified by PCR and cloned to obtain a library of 16S rDNA genes representative for the bacterial communities of this habitat. Phylogenetic 16S rDNA sequence analysis of 103 clones of this library revealed considerable differences from the corresponding nucleotide sequences of 111 cultured bacteria. Whereas the 16S rDNA clone library was dominated by a-Proteobacteria and bacteria of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB) phylum (51% and 30%, respectively), less than 17% of the cultured bacteria belonged to these two groups. More than 64% of the cultivated isolates were allocated to the b- and g-subclasses of the Proteobacteria, which were present in the clone library at about 14%. Most of the clones of the a-Proteobacteria of the library showed highest similarity to Bradyrhizobium sp. No such bacteria were found in the culture collection. Similarly, the second dominant group of the clone library comprising members of the CFB phylum was represented in the culture collection by a single isolate. The phylogenetic analysis of isolates of the culture collection clearly emphasized the need to use different growth media for recovery of rhizoplane bacteria. Whereas most of the a-Proteobacteria were recovered on complex medium, most of the b-Proteobacteria were isolated onto minimal media. Our results demonstrate that the combined approach pursued in this paper is necessary to explore the biodiversity of bacterial rhizoplane communities.  相似文献   

The anchorage mechanics of mature winter-sown oilseed rape (‘Envol’)were investigated by combining a morphological and mechanicalstudy of the root system with anchorage tests on real and modelplants. Oilseed rape plants were anchored by a rigid tap root;the few laterals all emerged below the centre of rotation ofthe root system (approx. 30 mm below the soil surface). Whenplants were pulled over, the tap root bent and the top 30 mmmoved in the soil towards the direction of pull, creating acrevice on the opposite side. The maximum anchorage moment was2.9 ± 0.36 N m. Two main components of anchorage wereidentified: the bending resistance of the tap root and the resistanceof the soil on the near side to compression. The relative importanceof these components was determined by measuring both the bendingresistance of the tap root, and the resistance of metal tubesof varying diameter, inserted to various depths in the soil,to being pulled over. These tests showed that the tap root bendingmoment at failure could account for around 40% of anchoragemoment, while soil resistance could account for around 60%.The model tests on the tubes also help to shed light on theway in which the dimensions of tap roots will influence theiranchorage capability. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Anchorage, lodging, root bending resistance, mechanical properties, oilseed rape, Brassica napus L  相似文献   

烯醇酶(enolase)是糖酵解途径中的一个重要酶类,它能够催化磷酸甘油酸酯(2-PGA)生成磷酸烯醇丙酮酸酯(PEP).我们通过RACE-PCR方法从油菜(Brassica napus L.)中克隆到了编码烯醇酶的全长基因.序列分析表明该基因全长cDNA为1 624bp,拥有一个由444个氨基酸组成的开放读码框,所编码的蛋白质分子量为47.38 kD,等电点为5.78.比较发现,油菜烯醇酶与已分离出的其他烯醇酶氨基酸序列有较高的同源性.Southern杂交结果显示烯醇酶以低拷贝形式在油菜基因组中存在.RT-PCR和Northern分析表明烯醇酶基因在100 mmol/L盐浓度胁迫条件下表达量上升,而在低温诱导时表达量下降.该研究表明所克隆基因是植物烯醇酶基因家族的新成员.  相似文献   

烯醇酶(enolase)是糖酵解途径中的一个重要酶类,它能够催化磷酸甘油酸酯(2-PGA)生成磷酸烯醇丙酮酸酯(PEP)。我们通过RACE-PCR方法从油菜(Brassica napus L. )中克隆到了编码烯醇酶的全长基因。序列分析表明该基因全长cDNA为1624bp,拥有一个由444个氨基酸组成的开放读码框,所编码的蛋白质分子量为47.38kD,等电点为5.78。比较发现,油菜烯醇酶与已分离出的其他烯醇酶氨基酸序列有较高的同源性。Southern杂交结果显示烯醇酶以低拷贝形式在油菜基因组中存在。RT-PCR和Northern分析表明烯醇酶基因在100mmol/L盐浓度胁迫条件下表达量上升,而在低温诱导时表达量下降。该研究表明所克隆基因是植物烯醇酶基因家族的新成员。  相似文献   

Partial root drying (PRD) has been shown to stimulate stomatal-closure response and improve water-use efficiency and thus biomass production and grain yield under water deficiency. While most studies focus on above-ground responses to PRD, we examined how root responses contributed to effects of partial root drying. In particular, in two experiments with oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) we investigated whether roots were able to forage for patchily distributed water, and how this affected plant growth compared with uniform watering and alternate watering (in which different parts of the roots receive water alternately). The first pot experiment was carried out in the greenhouse and the second outside under a rain-shelter in which also the watering amount was varied. The results indicate that B. napus roots were able to forage for fixed water patches by selective root placement. In the first experiment with small plants, root foraging was equally effective as enhanced water-use efficiency under alternate watering. Both treatments resulted in about 10% higher shoot biomass compared with uniform watering. Alternate watering generally outperformed uniform watering in the second experiment, but the success depended on the time of harvest and the water supply level. Measurements indicated that only the alternate watering regime effectively reduced stomatal conductance, but lead to a higher shoot biomass only under more severe (50%) rather than under milder water deficiency (70% of a well watered control). Water deficiency strongly reduced leaf initiation rates and leaf sizes in B. napus, but for a given level of water supply the supply pattern (uniform control, fixed patchy or alternate watering) hardly influenced these growth parameters. Although also in the second experiment, the plants selectively placed their roots in the wet parts of the pot, root foraging was not as effective as in the first experiment. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed as well as their implications for the application of PRD effects for crop growth.  相似文献   

Both in vivo and in vitro techniques have been used to followthe development of individual pods on the terminal inflorescenceof undefoliated and defoliated plants of oil-seed rape (Brassicanapus cv. Maris Haplona). For any pod, a rapid increase in podlength occurred between 2 d and 8 d after flower opening andthis preceded by approximately 2 d the increase in pod width,the rate of which was less than that for length. An increasein the diameter of individual seeds coincided with the increasein pod width. Regional increases in the length and width ofpods were associated with the presence of developing seeds inthese regions. Key words: Brassica napus L., Development, In vivo, Pod and seed, Stress  相似文献   

Three-week acclimation of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napusL. var. oleifera L.) plants in the cold (2 °C) resultedin a modified pattern of leaf cell enlargement, indicated bythe increased thickness of young leaf blades and modified dimensionsof mesophyll cells, as compared with non-acclimated tissuesgrown at 20/15 °C (day/night). The thickness of leaf cellwalls also increased markedly during cold acclimation but itdecreased in response to a transient freezing event (5 °Cfor 18 h followed by 6 or 24 h at 2 °C, in the dark). Cellwalls of the upper (adaxial) epidermis were most affected. Theirultrastructure was modified by cold and freezing treatmentsin different ways, as revealed by electron microscopy. Possiblereasons for the cold- and freezing-induced modifications inthe leaf and cell wall morphology and their role in plant acclimationto low temperature conditions are discussed. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company Acclimation, Brassica napus var. oleifera, cell wall ultrastructure, cold, freezing, leaf structure, winter oilseed rape.  相似文献   

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