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We have studied the effects of curare on responses resulting from iontophoretic application of several putative neurotransmitters onto Aplysia neurons. These neurons have specific receptors for acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine, octopamine, phenylethanolamine, histamine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), aspartic acid, and glutamic acid. Each of these substances may on different specific neurons elicit at least three types of response, caused by a fast depolarizing Na+, a fast hyperpolarizing Cl?, or a slow hyperpolarizing K+ conductance increase. All responses resulting from either Na+ or Cl? conductance increases, irrespective of which putative transmitter activated the response, were sensitive to curare. Most were totally blocked by ≤ 10?4 M curare. GABA responses were less sensitive and were often only depressed by 10?3 M curare. K+ conductance responses, irrespective of the transmitter, were not curare sensitive. These results are consistent with a model of receptor organization in which one neurotransmitter receptor may be associated with any of at least three ionophores, mediating conductance increase responses to Na+, Cl?, and K+, respectively. In Aplysia nervous tissue, curare appears not to be a specific antagonist for the nicotinic ACh receptor, but rather to be a specific blocking agent for a class of receptor-activated Na+ and Cl? responses.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of curare on responses resulting from iontophoretic application of several putative neurotransmitters onto Aplysia neurons. These neurons have specific receptors for acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine, octopamine, phenylethanolamine, histamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), aspartic acid, and glutamic acid. Each of these substances may on different specific neurons elicit at least three types of response, caused by a fast depolarizing Na+, a fast hyperpolarizing Cl-, or a slow hyperpolarizing K+ conductance increase. All responses resulting from either Na+ or Cl- conductance increases, irrespective of which putative transmitter activated the response, were sensitive to curare. Most were totally blocked by less than or equal to 10-4 M curare. GABA responses were less sensitive and were often only depressed by 10-3 M curare. K+ conductance responses, irrespective of the transmitter, were not curare sensitive. These results are consistent with a model of receptor organization in which one neurotransmitter receptor may be associated with any of at least three ionophores, mediating conductance increase responses to Na+, Cl-, and K+, respectively. In Aplysia nervous tissue, curare appears not to be a specific antagonist for the nicotinic ACh receptor, but rather to be a specific blocking agent for a class of receptor-activated Na+ and Cl- responses.  相似文献   

Pedal peptide (Pep) is a modulatory neuropeptide that is predominantly synthesized in a group of neurons on the dorsal surfaces of the pedal ganglia of Aplysia. Following the determination that Pep is the major peptide selectively present in these neurons in situ, primary cell culture of single Pep-neurons was used to study the release of this neuropeptide. Individual Pep-neurons were grown in culture where they extended many branched neurites with large varicosities. Immunocytology revealed that these newly grown varicosities were intensely Pep immunoreactive. Cultured Pep-neurons, grown in a medium containing radiolabeled methionine, synthesized labeled Pep and transported it into their regenerated neurites. Finally, these neurons released radiolabeled Pep in a calcium- and stimulation-dependent fashion. These results, taken together with previous findings, strongly support the proposition that Pep is a transmitter in Aplysia.  相似文献   

M Segal 《Life sciences》1974,14(7):1345-1351
In halothane anesthetized rats, neurons of the medial and lateral septal nuclei were tested with iontophoretically applied putative neurotransmitters. GABA, norepinephrine, serotonin, and acelycholine in roughly this order of potency were inhibitory with respect to spontaneous and evoked activity of both medial and lateral septal nuclei cells. No specific effects of any of the compounds were observed on septal unit responses to fornix or fimbria stimulation.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA), but not several other putative neurotransmitters, stimulate cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) production in slices of Aplysia gill. Furthermore, 5-HT but not DA increases cAMP in slices of the heart of Aplysia. Several lines of evidence indicate that the receptors are distinct entities; however, no drugs were found to block one receptor without affecting the other.  相似文献   

Hemolymph of adultAplysia californica significantly affects neurite outgrowth of identified neurons of the land snailHelix pomatia. The metacerebral giant cell (MGC) and the motoneuron C3 from the cerebral ganglion and the neuron B2 from the buccal ganglion ofH. pomatia were isolated by enzymatic and mechanical dissociation and plated onto poly-l-lysine-coated dishes either containing culture medium conditioned byHelix ganglia, or pre-treated withAplysia hemolymph. To determine the extent of neuronal growth we measured the neurite elongation and the neuritic field of cultured neurons at different time points.Aplysia hemolymph enhances the extent and rate of linear outgrowth and the branching domain ofHelix neurons. With the hemolymph treatment the MGC neuron more consistently forms specific chemical synapses with its follower cell B2, and these connections are more effective than those established in the presence of the conditioned medium.  相似文献   

Seven antagonists of putative neurotransmitters were applied to bulbar respiratory neurons and, for comparison, also to unspecific cells. The antagonists exerted distinct effects when released alone, permitting to draw conclusions about receptor properties of the various cell types. With strychnine, specific antagonist of glycine, excitation prevailed in EI, I and E neurons. With bicuculline, specific antagonist of GABA, excitation preponderated in EI and E cells. About half of the unspecific neurons were activated and the remainder were unresponsive. GDEE (glutamatediethylester), antagonist of glutamate, excited part of the IE neurons and inhibited part of the E units, while the remainder of both types as well as 2 EI cells tested were not affected. With flupentixol, antagonist of dopamine, excitation prevailed in I neurons. About half of the IE and E units remained unaffected, while in the remainder E cells inhibition preponderated over excitation. With yohimbine, an alpha-adrenoceptor blocker, inhibition prevailed in E units. The two EI as well as the majority of the I neurons remained unaffected, with two cells of the latter type being activated. Propranolol, a beta-adrenoceptor blocker, inhibited about half of the E neurons, while the remainder as well as most IE and the 2 EI cells tested were not affected. Cyproheptadine, an antagonist of 5-HT, excited most E neurons. As concerns NE-receptors, those of the alpha-type might be involved in activation of part of the E cells only, whereas all other NE effects (inhibition or activation) are mediated by CNS-specific receptors different from the alpha- and beta-type. 5-HT effects apparently are mediated by two different receptor types.  相似文献   

Microelectrophoretically applied morphine depressed spontaneously discharging cortical neurones of rats and blocked excitation induced by electrophoretic administrations of either acetylcholine or l-glutamate. This depressant effect and both the anti-acetylcholine and the anti-glutamate effect were naloxone antagonizable and therefore regarded as specific morphine actions. The excitatory effects of morphine were not affected by naloxone application and were classified as non-specific.In chronically morphinized rats the depressant effect of morphine on spontaneous discharge activity and also its blocking action upon acetylcholine and l-glutamate-induced excitation were almost completely abolished. The predominant response in such pre-treated animals was non-specific excitation. Acetylcholine and l-glutamate were found to be more effective in tolerant rats (supersensitivity).  相似文献   

1. GABA receptors in Achatina identifiable giant neurones were classified into the muscimol I, muscimol II and baclofen types. Muscimol I and II type GABA receptors were sensitive to GABA and muscimol but insensitive to baclofen, whereas baclofen type receptors were sensitive to GABA and baclofen but insensitive to muscimol. Muscimol I and baclofen types were associated with the inhibition caused by GABA, while muscimol II type with the GABA excitation.2. GABA, muscimol and TACA produced a transient outward current (Iout) with an increase in membrane conductance (g) of an Achatina neurone, TAN, having the muscimol I type GABA receptors. Their relative potency values (RPV) at GABA ed50 (approximately 10−4 M) were: GABA: muscimol: TACA = 1:0.6:0.3. The GABA effects were potentiated by pentobarbitone, antagonized competitively by pitrazepin and non-competitively by picrotoxin and diazepam, and unaffected by bicuculline. The ionic mechanism of effects of GABA and its two analogues was the increase in membrane Cl conductance (gCl).3. GABA and (±)-baclofen produced a slow Iout with a g increase of another Achatina neurone, RPeNLN, having the baclofen type GABA receptors. The two compounds were almost equipotent (ed50: approximately 3 × 10−4 M). The ionic mechanism of their effects was the increase in gk. The two compounds hardly affected the voltage-gated and slowly inactivating calcium current. Iout produced by GABA and (±)-baclofen were reduced by TEA, but unaffected by 4-AP, bicuculline, pitrazepin and picrotoxin.4. β-hydroxy-l-glutamic acid (l-BHGA) showed the marked effects on the Achatina giant neurones; the two neurones were excited by the compound, whereas the three inhibited. D-BHGA, l-Glu, d-Glu and NMDA were less effective than l-BHGA or almost ineffective. Erythro-l-BHGA was more or less effective than threo-l-BHGA according to the neurones tested.5. α-Kainic acid and domoic acid excited the two neurones, which were excited by l-BHGA. l-Quisqualic acid showed the similar effects to l-BHGA, which were mostly much stronger than l-BHGA. Erythro-l-tricholomic acid and dl-ibotenic acid showed the effects similar to l-BHGA selectively on some neurones.6. It was pointed out that the pharmacological features of GABA on the Achatina neurones are simpler than those of l-BHGA, due to the simpler structure of the former compound having less binding sites than the latter.  相似文献   

Hippocampal neurons in dissociated cell culture are one of the most extensively used model systems in the field of molecular and cellular neurobiology. Only limited data are however available on the normal time frame of synaptogenesis, synapse number and ultrastructure of excitatory synapses during early development in culture. Therefore, we analyzed the synaptic ultrastructure and morphology and the localization of presynaptic (Bassoon) and postsynaptic (ProSAP1/Shank2) marker proteins in cultures established from rat embryos at embryonic day 19, after 3, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days in culture. First excitatory synapses were identified at day 7 with a clearly defined postsynaptic density and presynaptically localized synaptic vesicles. Mature synapses on dendritic spines were seen from day 10 onward, and the number of synapses steeply increased in the third week. Fenestrated or multiple synapses were found after 14 or 21 days, respectively. So-called dense-core vesicles, responsible for the transport of proteins to the active zone of the presynaptic specialization, were seen on cultivation day 3 and 7 and could be detected in axons and especially in the presynaptic subcompartments. The expression and localization of the presynaptic protein Bassoon and of the postsynaptic molecule ProSAP1/Shank2 was found to correlate nicely with the ultrastructural results. This regular pattern of development and maturation of excitatory synapses in hippocampal culture starting from day 7 in culture should ease the comparison of synapse number and morphology of synaptic contacts in this widely used model system.  相似文献   

Each eye of Aplysia contains a circadian clock that produces a robust rhythm of optic nerve impulse activity. To isolate the pacemaker neurons and photoreceptors of the eye and determine their participation in the circadian clock and its generation of rhythmic autoactivity, the retina was dissociated and its cells were placed in primary cell culture. The isolated neurons and photoreceptors survived and vigorously extended neurites tipped with growth cones. Many of the photoreceptors previously described from histological sections of the intact retina were identified in culture, including the large R-type photoreceptor, which gave robust photoresponses, and the smaller tufted, whorled, and flared photoreceptors. The pacemaker neurons responsible for the rhythmic impulse activity generated by the eye were identified by their distinctive monopolar morphology and recordings were made of their activity. Isolated pacemaker neurons produced spontaneous action potentials in darkness, and pacemaker neurons attached to fragments of retina or in an isolated cluster interacted to produce robust spontaneous activity. This study establishes that isolated retinal pacemaker neurons retain their innate autoactivity and ability to produce action potentials in culture and that clusters of coupled pacemaker neurons are capable of generating robust autoactivity comparable to pacemaker neuron rhythmic activity recorded in the intact retina, which was previously shown to correspond to 1:1 with the optic nerve compound action potential activity. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in spike frequency, membrane potential and input resistance of somata freshly isolated from neurons in the metathoracic ganglia of adult locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) during bath and ionophoretic application of putative amino acid transmitters and analogues were studied using intracellular techniques. gamma-Aminobutyrate, glycine, taurine, cysteine and DL-ibotenate hyperpolarized the isolated soma, the response to kainic acid was depolarizing whereas L-glutamate and L-aspartate evoked a variety of potential changes. All of these compounds reduced the input resistance of the isolated soma. Ionophoretic studies showed that the receptors for L-glutamate and gamma-aminobutyrate are diffusely distributed over the somal surface.  相似文献   

Isolation of plasma membranes from neurons grown in primary culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plasma membranes from chick embryo neuronal primary cultures were isolated after subjecting 5-day-old cells, previously surface labeled with either lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination or galactose oxidase/NaB3H4, to a freeze-thaw cycle. The cellular material adhering to the culture substratum was washed, and the "wash" fractions were pooled and centrifuged at 37,000g. The resulting pellet was resuspended in 3 ml of buffer, layered on 33 ml of 33% sucrose, and centrifuged at 105,000g. Radioactivity was recovered at the top of the gradient. Sedimentation of these fractions and biochemical studies revealed that the pellet was 20- and 12-fold enriched in (Na+,K+)-adenosinetriphosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase, respectively. The preparation was devoid of inner mitochondrial (succinate dehydrogenase), outer mitochondrial (monoamine oxidase), endoplasmic reticulum (glucose-6-phosphatase), outer mitochondrial (monoamine oxidase), endoplasmic reticulum (glucose-6-phosphatase), and Golgi (UDP galactose:N-acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase) enzymatic markers. Ultrastructural studies showed that the membrane preparation was homogeneous and lacked mitochondria endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate showed the presence of 11 protein components with molecular masses ranging from 120 to 300 kDa. This method for the isolation of plasma membranes probably depends on the capacity of the cellular material to adhere to the culture substratum and to entrap intracellular organelles during the freeze-thaw cycle. The membrane preparation seems suitable for studying the function of high-molecular-weight protein components of neuronal plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The colocalisation of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) with markers of putative intrinsic primary afferent neurons was determined in whole-mount preparations of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the rat ileum. In the myenteric plexus, prepared for the simultaneous localisation of ChAT and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), all nerve cells were immunoreactive (IR) for ChAT or NOS, but seldom for both; only 1.6 +/- 1.8% of ChAT-IR neurons displayed NOS-IR and, conversely, 2.8 +/- 3.3% of NOS-IR neurons were ChAT-IR. In preparations double labelled for NOS-IR and the general nerve cell marker, neuron-specific enolase, 24% of all nerve cells were immunoreactive for NOS, indicating that about 75% of all nerve cells have ChAT-IR. All putative intrinsic primary afferent neurons in the myenteric plexus, identified by immunoreactivity for the neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor and the neurokinin 3 (NK3) receptor, were ChAT-IR. Conversely, of the ChAT-IR nerve cells, about 45% were putative intrinsic primary afferent neurons (this represents 34% of all nerve cells). The cell bodies of putative intrinsic primary afferent neurons had Dogiel type II morphology and were also immunoreactive for calbindin. All, or nearly all, nerve cells in the submucosal plexus were immunoreactive for ChAT. About 46% of all submucosal nerve cells were immunoreactive for both neuropeptide Y (NPY) and calbindin; 91.8 +/- 10.5% of NPY/calbindin cells were also ChAT-IR and 99.1 +/- 0.7% were NK3 receptor-IR. Of the nerve cells with immunoreactivity for ChAT, 44.3 +/- 3.8% were NPY-IR, indicating that about 55% of submucosal nerve cells had ChAT but not NPY-IR. Only small proportions of the ChAT-IR, non-NPY, nerve cells had NK3 receptor or calbindin-IR. It is concluded that about 45% of submucosal nerve cells are ChAT/calbindin/NPY/VIP/NK3 receptor-IR and are likely to be secretomotor neurons. Most of the remaining submucosal nerve cells are immunoreactive for ChAT, but their functions were not deduced. They may include the cell bodies of intrinsic primary afferent neurons.  相似文献   

Elasmobranch fishes localize weak electric sources at field intensities of <5 ηV cm−1, but the response dynamics of electrosensory primary afferent neurons to near threshold stimuli in situ are not well characterized. Electrosensory primary afferents in the round stingray, Urolophus halleri, have a relatively high discharge rate, a regular discharge pattern and entrain to 1-Hz sinusoidal peak electric field gradients of ≤20 ηV cm−1. Peak neural discharge for units increases as a non-linear function of stimulus intensity, and unit sensitivity (gain) decreases as stimulus intensity increases. Average peak rate-intensity encoding is commonly lost when peak spike rate approximately doubles that of resting, and for many units occurs at intensities <1 μV cm−1. Best neural sensitivity for nearly all units is at 1–2 Hz with a low-frequency slope of 8 dB/decade and a high-frequency slope of −23 dB/decade. The response characteristics of stingray electrosensory primary afferents indicate sensory adaptations for detection of extremely weak phasic fields near 1–2 Hz. We argue that these properties reflect evolutionary adaptations in elasmobranch fishes to enhance detection of prey, communication and social interactions, and possibly electric-mediated geomagnetic orientation. Accepted: 20 June 1997  相似文献   

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