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Polycomb proteins are required for maintenance of silent chromatin states via histone H3 Lys27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) in animals, but homologs are not found in plant genomes. Using a DamID-chip method, we found that the Arabidopsis thaliana chromodomain-containing protein LHP1 colocalizes with H3K27me3 genome-wide. The LHP1 chromodomain also binds H3K27me3 with high affinity, suggesting that LHP1 has functions similar to those of Polycomb.  相似文献   

Two key components of mammalian heterochromatin that play a structural role in higher order chromatin organization are the heterochromatin protein 1alpha (HP1alpha) and the linker histone H1. Here, we show that these proteins interact in vivo and in vitro through their hinge and C-terminal domains, respectively. The phosphorylation of H1 by CDK2, which is required for efficient cell cycle progression, disrupts this interaction. We propose that phosphorylation of H1 provides a signal for the disassembly of higher order chromatin structures during interphase, independent of histone H3-lysine 9 (H3-K9) methylation, by reducing the affinity of HP1alpha for heterochromatin.  相似文献   

We have examined HP1beta-chromatin interactions in different molecular contexts in vitro and in vivo. Employing purified components we show that HP1beta exhibits selective, stoichiometric, and salt-resistant binding to recombinant histone H3, associating primarily with the helical "histone fold" domain. Furthermore, using "bulk" nucleosomes released by MNase digestion, S-phase extracts, and fragments of peripheral heterochromatin, we demonstrate that HP1beta associates more tightly with destabilized or disrupted nucleosomes (H3/H4 subcomplexes) than with intact particles. Western blotting and mass spectrometry data indicate that HP1beta-selected H3/H4 particles and subparticles possess a complex pattern of posttranslational modifications but are not particularly enriched in me3K9-H3. Consistent with these results, mapping of HP1beta and me3K9-H3 sites in vivo reveals overlapping, yet spatially distinct patterns, while transient transfection assays with synchronized cells show that stable incorporation of HP1beta-gfp into heterochromatin requires passage through the S-phase. The data amassed challenge the dogma that me3K9H3 is necessary and sufficient for HP1 binding and unveil a new mode of HP1-chromatin interactions.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are the two most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system. These two diseases share a common feature in that a normally soluble peptide (amyloid-beta) or protein (alpha-synuclein) aggregates into an ordered fibrillar structure. As well as structural similarities observed between fibrillar aggregates related to these diseases, common pathological processes of increased oxidative injury, excitotoxicity and altered cell cycle are also evident. It was the aim of this study to identify novel interacting proteins to the amyloid-like motif and therefore identify common potential pathways between neurodegenerative diseases that share biophysical properties common to classical amyloid fibrils. Optimal ageing of recombinant proteins to form amyloid-like fibrils was determined by electron microscopy, Congo red birefringement and photo-induced cross-linking. Using pull-down assays the strongest detected interacting protein to the amyloid-like motifs of amyloid-beta, alpha-synuclein and lysozyme was identified as histone H1. The interaction with the amyloid-like motif was confirmed by techniques including surface plasmon resonance and immunohistochemistry. Histone H1 is known to be an integral part of chromatin within the nucleus, with a primary role of binding DNA that enters and exits from the nucleosome, and facilitating the shift in equilibrium of chromatin towards a more condensed form. However, phosphorylated histone H1 is predominantly present in the cytoplasm and as yet the functional significance of this translocation is unknown. This study also found that histone H1 is localised within the cytoplasm of neurons and astrocytes from areas affected by disease as well as amyloid plaques, supporting the hypothesis that histone H1 favoured binding to an ordered fibrillar motif. We conclude that the binding of histone H1 to a general amyloid-like motif indicates that histone H1 may play an important common role in diseases associated with amyloid-like fibrils.  相似文献   

The cell-cycle effects of mTORC1 are not fully understood. We provide evidence that mTOR-raptor phosphorylates SGK1 to modulate p27 function. Cellular mTOR activation, by refeeding of amino acid-deprived cells or by TSC2 shRNA, activated SGK1 and p27 phosphorylation at T157, and both were inhibited by short-term rapamycin treatment and by SGK1 shRNA. mTOR overexpression activated both Akt and SGK1, causing TGF-beta resistance through impaired nuclear import and cytoplasmic accumulation of p27. Rapamycin or raptor shRNA impaired mTOR-driven p70 and SGK1 activation, but not that of Akt, and decreased cytoplasmic p27. mTOR/raptor/SGK1 complexes were detected in cells. mTOR phosphorylated SGK1, but not SGK1-S422A, in vitro. SGK1 phosphorylated p27 in vitro. These data implicate SGK1 as an mTORC1 (mTOR-raptor) substrate. mTOR may promote G1 progression in part through SGK1 activation and deregulate the cell cycle in cancers through both Akt- and SGK-mediated p27 T157 phosphorylation and cytoplasmic p27 mislocalization.  相似文献   

The ING (inhibitor of growth) protein family includes a group of homologous nuclear proteins that share a highly conserved plant homeodomain (PHD) finger domain at their carboxyl termini. Members of this family are found in multiprotein complexes that posttranslationally modify histones, suggesting that these proteins serve a general role in permitting various enzymatic activities to interact with nucleosomes. There are three members of the ING family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Yng1p, Yng2p, and Pho23p. Yng1p is a component of the NuA3 histone acetyltransferase complex and is required for the interaction of NuA3 with chromatin. To gain insight into the function of the ING proteins, we made use of a genetic strategy to identify genes required for the binding of Yng1p to histones. Using the toxicity of YNG1 overexpression as a tool, we showed that Yng1p interacts with the amino-terminal tail of histone H3 and that this interaction can be disrupted by loss of lysine 4 methylation within this tail. Additionally, we mapped the region of Yng1p required for overexpression of toxicity to the PHD finger, showed that this region capable of binding lysine 4-methylated histone H3 in vitro, and demonstrated that mutations of the PHD finger that abolish binding in vitro are no longer toxic in vivo. These results identify a novel function for the Yng1p PHD finger in promoting stabilization of the NuA3 complex at chromatin through recognition of histone H3 lysine 4 methylation.  相似文献   

张冰  邱礽  阚云超 《昆虫学报》2021,64(3):302-308
【目的】探究组蛋白H3Ser10磷酸化(H3Ser10ph)在家蚕Bombyx mori精母细胞减数分裂中的功能。【方法】解剖并分离家蚕4龄幼虫至蛹期精巢组织,通过丙烯酰胺凝胶包埋制备处于减数分裂不同时期的精巢组织玻片,以免疫荧光标记检测H3Ser10ph抗体在精母细胞减数分裂不同时期的定位特点。【结果】在家蚕有核精子精母细胞减数分裂过程中,组蛋白H3Ser10的磷酸化发生在粗线期染色体的特定位置,双线期H3Ser10ph信号逐渐减弱,至终变期时在染色体上完全检测不到磷酸化信号。随着细胞周期的进行,磷酸化信号又开始逐渐增强,减数第一次分裂中期时达到最高水平。当细胞进入减数第二次分裂前中期时,染色体臂上的H3Ser10ph信号消失,在靠近纺锤体微管的分裂面处有弥散的H3Ser10ph抗体的信号,减数第二次分裂末期,仅剩余非常微弱的H3Ser10ph信号残留于染色体的特定位置。在无核精子精母细胞减数分裂过程中,在中期I至末期I一直在染色体上有较均一的3Ser10ph信号,后期I时纺锤丝微管与赤道面平行。【结论】组蛋白H3Ser10磷酸化与家蚕有核精子和无核精子精母细胞减数分裂中染色质的动态变化相关。  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) protein ICP27, an important regulator for viral gene expression, directly recognizes and exports viral RNA through an N-terminal RGG box RNA binding motif, which is necessary and sufficient for RNA binding. An ICP27 N-terminal peptide, including the RGG box RNA binding motif, was expressed and its binding specificity was analyzed using EMSA and SELEX. DNA oligonucleotides corresponding to HSV-1 glycoprotein C (gC) mRNA, identified in a yeast three-hybrid analysis, were screened for binding to the ICP27 N-terminal peptide in EMSA experiments. The ICP27 N-terminus was able to bind most gC substrates. Notably, the ICP27 RGG box was unable to bind G-quartet structures recognized by the RGG domains of other proteins. SELEX analysis identified GC-rich RNA sequences as a common feature of recognition. NMR analysis of SELEX and gC sequences revealed that sequences able to bind to ICP27 did not form secondary structures and conversely, sequences that were not able to bind to ICP27 gave spectra consistent with base-pairing. Therefore, the ICP27 RGG box is unique in its recognition of nucleic acid sequences compared to other RGG box proteins; it prefers flexible, GC-rich substrates that do not form stable secondary structures.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin,HP1 and methylation at lysine 9 of histone H3 in animals   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We show that methylated lysine 9 of histone H3 (Me9H3) is a marker of heterochromatin in divergent animal species. It localises to both constitutive and facultative heterochromatin and replicates late in S-phase of the cell cycle. Significantly, Me9H3 is enriched in the inactive mammalian X chromosome (Xi) in female cells, as well as in the XY body during meiosis in the male, and forms a G-band pattern along the arms of the autosomes. Me9H3 is a constituent of imprinted chromosomes that are repressed. The paternal and maternal pronuclei in one-cell mouse embryos show a striking non-equivalence in Me9H3: the paternal pronucleus contains no immunocytologically detectable Me9H3. The levels of Me9H3 on the parental chromosomes only become equivalent after the two-cell stage. Finally, we provide evidence that Me9H3 is neither necessary nor sufficient for localisation of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) to chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

In mammals, the linker histone H1, involved in DNA packaging into chromatin, is represented by a family of variants. H1 tails undergo post-translational modifications (PTMs) that can be detected by mass spectrometry. We developed antibodies to analyze several of these as yet unexplored PTMs including the combination of H1.4 K26 acetylation or trimethylation and S27 phosphorylation. H1.2-T165 phosphorylation was detected at S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle and was dispensable for chromatin binding and cell proliferation; while the H1.4-K26 residue was essential for proper cell cycle progression. We conclude that histone H1 PTMs are dynamic over the cell cycle and that the recognition of modified lysines may be affected by phosphorylation of adjacent residues.  相似文献   

Using circular dichroism to probe the extent of DNA condensation in chromatin, we have demonstrated that a major nucleolar protein, nucleolin can decondense chromatin. By means of various binding assays we show that nucleolin has a strong affinity for histone H1 and that the phosphorylated N-terminal domain, rich in lengthy stretches of acidic amino acids, is responsible for this ionic interaction. Additional experiments clearly demonstrate that nucleolin is unable to act as a nucleosome core assembly or disassembly factor and hence has little affinity for the core histone octamer. We propose that this nucleolar protein induces chromatin decondensation by binding to histone H1, and that nucleolin can therefore be regarded as a protein of the high-mobility-group type.  相似文献   

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