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鸡肉肌苷酸和肌内脂肪等肉品风味性状遗传参数的估计   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
陈继兰  文杰  赵桂苹  郑麦青  杨宁 《遗传》2005,27(6):898-902
对鸡肉肌苷酸(Inosine-5¢-Monophosphate,IMP)和肌内脂肪(Intramuscular fat,IMF)等重要肉品风味性状的遗传参数进行了估计,旨在从遗传理论上为确定鸡肉风味品质性状的选育方法提供依据。采用MTDFREML方法对1069只90日龄北京油鸡公鸡的相关性状的遗传力和遗传相关进行了估计,结果表明,胸肌IMP和IMF含量属中等偏低遗传力性状(h2=0.23,0.10),腹脂重(AFW)、胸肌重(BMY)、胸肌率(BMR)、腿肌重(LMY)、体重(BW)、鸡冠重(CW)和鸡冠率(CWP)的遗传力较高(h2=0.56~0.79),腹脂率(AFP)、腿肌率(LMR)、睾丸重(TW)和睾丸率(TWP)等性状的遗传力分别为0.24、0.32、0.39和0.35。IMP与胸肌率、腿肌率和尾脂厚呈较低度的表型正相关,与其他性状无明显表型相关;IMF与体重、腹脂率、尾脂厚和脂带宽呈一定程度的表型正相关(rP=0.11~0.33)。IMP与体重和鸡冠率呈中等以上程度的遗传负相关(rA=-0.38,-0.62),与胸肌率呈较高水平的遗传正相关(rA=0.57);IMF与体重和腹脂重则呈高度遗传正相关(rA=0.7 5,0.66),与腹脂率和鸡冠率呈中等水平遗传正相关(rA=0.32,0.40);IMP与IMF之间呈中低水平的遗传正相关(rA =0.27)。据此推断,可以利用家系法对IMP和IMF含量进行选择提高。  相似文献   

内蒙古绒山羊是经过长期自然选择和人工选育后形成的优良家畜品种,是目前世界一流的绒肉兼用山羊。多性状动物模型被认为可以显著提高畜禽遗传评估的准确性,实现性状间的间接选择。本文基于内蒙古绒山羊个体的系谱、基因型、环境以及早期生长性状的表型记录,建立多性状动物模型,利用ABLUP、GBLUP、ssGBLUP三种方法进行早期生长性状(初生重、断乳重、断乳前平均日增重、周岁重)遗传参数及基因组育种值的估计,进一步利用五倍交叉验证方法评价基因组育种值估计准确性和可靠性。结果显示,3种方法估计的初生重遗传力为0.13~0.15,断乳重遗传力为0.13~0.20,日增重遗传力为0.11~0.14,周岁重遗传力为0.09~0.14,均属于中等偏低遗传力;断乳重和日增重、日增重和周岁重之间存在强的正遗传相关,相关系数分别为0.77~0.79和0.56~0.67,表型相关发现同样的规律;ABLUP、GBLUP和ssGBLUP法估计的初生重育种值准确性分别为0.5047、0.6694、0.7156,断乳重分别为0.6207、0.6456、0.7254;日增重分别为0.6110、0.6855、0.7357,周岁...  相似文献   

本研究应用女母回归法、公畜内女母回归法、半同胞相关法和单元内半同胞相关法对内蒙古阿尔巴斯白绒山羊的产绒量、绒厚、毛长、体重、绒伸直长度和细度等六个性状的遗传参数进行了估测。结果表明:(1)绒量遗传力介于0.26~0.45之间;绒厚遗传力介于0.33~0.56之间;毛长遗传力介于0.23~0.32之间;体重的遗传力介于0.1 6~0.36之间;绒伸直长度遗传力为0.24;绒细度的遗传力为0.14。(2)产绒量与绒厚、绒厚与毛长、长度与绒厚、长度与毛长的遗传相关分别介于0.33~0.79、0.51~0.69 、0.38~0.60、0.74~0.90之间,存在较强的正向遗传相关;绒量与毛长、绒量与体重、绒厚与体重、细度与绒厚、细度与绒量、细度与体重的遗传相关分别为0.11~0.38、0 .06~0.17、0.15~0.36、0.02~0.11、0.24~0.35、0.13~0.32之间,存在较弱的正向遗传相关;毛长与体重、长度与绒量、长度与体重、长度与细度、细度与毛长之间的遗传相关介于-0.14~-0.28、-0.09~-0.20、-0.18~-0.23、-0.27~-0.31、-0 .17~-0.28之间,存在中等偏弱的负向遗传相关。(3)绒量、绒厚、毛长、体重的重复率分别为0.42、0.27、0.59、0.18。  相似文献   

体重和体长作为鱼类的生长性状,是鱼类育种工作中最重要的生产性状之一,而在冷水鱼生产实践中通常利用叉长代替体长。文章采用不平衡巢式设计方法和定向人工授精技术建立了山女鳟(Oncorhynchus masoumasou)29个全同胞家系和14个半同胞家系,并测定全同胞家系和半同胞家系12月龄和24月龄的体重和叉长数据资料,进而利用方差分析法评估了作为引进种的山女鳟第六代群体体重和叉长的遗传力。结果表明:(1)山女鳟整个生长阶段叉长的变异系数明显低于体重变异系数,24月龄时的变异系数明显低于12月龄时的变异系数;(2)山女鳟在12月龄和24月龄雄鱼间和雄鱼内雌鱼间体重和叉长性状差异极显著(P<0.01);(3)山女鳟雌性亲本12月龄和24月龄体重和叉长的方差均大于雄性亲本的方差;(4)山女鳟12月龄体重的遗传力估计值为0.41~0.51,叉长的遗传力的估计值为0.46~0.54;24月龄时体重的遗传力估计值为0.55~0.60,叉长遗传力的估计值为0.53~0.59;(5)山女鳟体重和叉长性状属于中高遗传力,对山女鳟引进群体生长性状进行选择育种潜力巨大,预期能取得较好的遗传进展。研究结果为山女鳟选择育种相关工作提供了必要的参数依据。  相似文献   

姜运良  李宁等 《遗传学报》2002,29(5):413-416
生长速度是猪育种中选择的主要目标性状之一,鉴定影响生长速度的QTL或基因具有重要的实践意义和理论价值。对猪肌肉生长抑制素基因(myostatin,MSTN)5‘调控区T→A突变与生长性状的关系进行了分析。突变所产生的基因型的判定采用PCR-RFLP方法进行。猪生长性状的测定指标包括60日龄体重(body weight at 60d,BW60)、前期平均日增重(average daily gain of stage one,ADG1)、后期平均日增重(average daily gain of stage two,ADG2)和全期平均日增重(average daily gain of whole stage,ADG),所采用的记录数分别来自165.276,275和275头无亲缘关系个体。采用SAS软件包的GLM程序对MSTN基因型与猪生长性状的关系进行分析。结果表明,MSTN基因型对猪BW60(P=0.0522),突变等位基因的携带者(基因型为TA)具有较高的后期平均日增重。  相似文献   

用4种方法(Henderson方法Ⅰ、 MIVQUE、ML、REML)估计了两个“三黄”慢羽系的公鸡采精量和种蛋受精率的方差组分,并计算了它们与产蛋性状间的遗传相关。结果表明,采精量为中等到高遗传力性状(h2=0.29-0.3 9);受精率的遗传方差在品系之间存在着较大的差异,L系受精率性状的遗传力低,而Ⅰ系受精率为中等到高遗传力性状。采精量和受精率与开产日龄、 43周龄蛋重以及64周龄产蛋量间遗传相关不显著。此外,还对4种方差组分估计方法和两种数值转换方法的实际效果作了比较。  相似文献   

母猪生产力性状的遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对二花脸猪、大白猪及其杂交一代3个群体共1686窝的生产力性状资料进行了遗传分析。用公畜模型估计了初生窝重、初生仔猪平均重、20日龄窝重、20日龄仔猪平均重、45日龄窝重、45日龄仔猪平均重的表型参数和遗传参数。与大白猪相比,二花脸猪抚育能力较强,生长速度较慢。前4个性状受母体影响较大,后2个性状受母体影响较小。6个性状的遗传力分别为0.251、0.277、0.341、0.330、0.235、0.  相似文献   

为了研究母体遗传效应对青海细毛羊生长性状、产毛性状的影响, 文章采用平均信息最大约束似然法应用不同混合动物模型估计青海细毛羊生产性状的遗传参数, 并采用似然比检验对不同模型进行比较分析。各模型中均包括固定效应、个体直接加性遗传效应、残差效应; 随机效应为:个体永久环境效应、母体遗传效应、母体永久环境效应。不同模型对随机效应作了不同考虑:模型1不考虑个体永久环境效应、母体遗传效应、母体永久环境效应; 模型2考虑母体永久环境效应; 模型3考虑母体遗传效应; 模型4考虑母体遗传效应和母体永久环境效应; 模型5考虑个体永久环境效应和母体遗传效应; 模型6考虑个体永久环境效应、母体遗传效应、母体永久环境效应。各模型估计的初生重遗传力为:0.1896~0.3781; 断奶重遗传力为:0.2537~0.2890; 周岁重遗传力范围:0.2244~0.3225; 成年羊体重遗传力范围:0.2205~0.3983; 产毛量遗传力为:0.1218~0.1490; 羊毛细度遗传力为:0.0983~0.4802; 羊毛长度遗传力为:0.1170~0.1311。与模型1相比, 模型3对于初生重、断奶重差异显著(P<0.01), 对于周岁重、成年羊体重各模型与模型1的似然比检验差异不显著(P>0.05); 与模型6相比, 模型4、5对于羊毛细度差异显著(P<0.01), 模型4对羊毛长度差异显著(P<0.05), 对于产毛量各模型与模型6似然比检验差异不显著(P>0.05)。生长性状中初生重、断奶重受母体遗传效应影响显著, 周岁重、成年羊体重受母体遗传效应影响不显著; 产毛性状中羊毛细度、长度受母体遗传效应影响显著, 产毛量受母体遗传效应影响较弱。  相似文献   

母体遗传效应对青海细毛羊生产性能遗传参数估计的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wang PY  Guanque ZX  Qi QQ  De M  Zhang WG  Li JQ 《遗传》2012,34(5):584-590
为了研究母体遗传效应对青海细毛羊生长性状、产毛性状的影响,文章采用平均信息最大约束似然法应用不同混合动物模型估计青海细毛羊生产性状的遗传参数,并采用似然比检验对不同模型进行比较分析。各模型中均包括固定效应、个体直接加性遗传效应、残差效应;随机效应为:个体永久环境效应、母体遗传效应、母体永久环境效应。不同模型对随机效应作了不同考虑:模型1不考虑个体永久环境效应、母体遗传效应、母体永久环境效应;模型2考虑母体永久环境效应;模型3考虑母体遗传效应;模型4考虑母体遗传效应和母体永久环境效应;模型5考虑个体永久环境效应和母体遗传效应;模型6考虑个体永久环境效应、母体遗传效应、母体永久环境效应。各模型估计的初生重遗传力为:0.1896~0.3781;断奶重遗传力为:0.2537~0.2890;周岁重遗传力范围:0.2244~0.3225;成年羊体重遗传力范围:0.2205~0.3983;产毛量遗传力为:0.1218~0.1490;羊毛细度遗传力为:0.0983~0.4802;羊毛长度遗传力为:0.1170~0.1311。与模型1相比,模型3对于初生重、断奶重差异显著(P<0.01),对于周岁重、成年羊体重各模型与模型1的似然比检验差异不显著(P>0.05);与模型6相比,模型4、5对于羊毛细度差异显著(P<0.01),模型4对羊毛长度差异显著(P<0.05),对于产毛量各模型与模型6似然比检验差异不显著(P>0.05)。生长性状中初生重、断奶重受母体遗传效应影响显著,周岁重、成年羊体重受母体遗传效应影响不显著;产毛性状中羊毛细度、长度受母体遗传效应影响显著,产毛量受母体遗传效应影响较弱。  相似文献   

生长速度是猪育种中选择的主要目标性状之一,鉴定影响生长速度的QTL或基因具有重要的实践意义和理论价值.对猪肌肉生长抑制素基因(myostatin,MSTN)5′调控区TA突变与生长性状的关系进行了分析.突变所产生的基因型的判定采用PCR-RFLP方法进行.猪生长性状的测定指标包括60日龄体重(body weight at 60d,BW60)、前期平均日增重(average daily gain of stage one,ADG1)、后期平均日增重(average daily gain of stage two,ADG2)和全期平均日增重(average daily gain of whole stage,ADG),所采用的记录数分别来自165,276,275和275头无亲缘关系个体.采用SAS软件包的GLM程序对MSTN基因型与猪生长性状的关系进行分析.结果表明,MSTN基因型对猪BW60,ADG1和ADG2的效应不显著(P>0.1),对ADG2的效应在剔除基因型与品种的互作效应以后几乎达到显著水平(P=0.0522),突变等位基因的携带者(基因型为TA)具有较高的后期平均日增重.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for cold carcase weight (CCW), carcase conformation (CON), carcase fat class (FAT), age at slaughter (AGE) and average daily carcase gain (ADCG) in 14 common UK breeds of cattle. These included crossbred animals but purebred datasets were also analysed for the most populous sire-breeds. Heritability estimates for beef breeds that were significant ranged from 0.24 to 0.44, 0.12 to 0.35, 0.12 to 0.36, 0.15 to 0.38 and 0.26 to 0.43 for CCW, CON, FAT, AGE and ADCG, respectively. For Holstein-Friesian, a dairy breed, heritability estimates were consistently lower than most beef breeds with estimates of 0.12, 0.13, 0.13, 0.06 and 0.15 for CCW, CON, FAT, AGE and ADCG, respectively. In all breed groups, genetic correlations were positive between CCW, CON and ADCG. In general, genetic correlations were moderate between CCW and CON (0.13 to 0.77), moderate to strong between CCW and ADCG (0.57 to 0.98) and weak or moderate between CON and ADCG (0.12 to 0.82). Genetic correlations for FAT with CCW (−  0.20 to −  0.42) and CON (−  0.16 to −  0.52) tended to be negative in the beef breed but were positive in the dairy breed, although not significant between CCW and FAT. For most beef breeds genetic correlations between AGE and carcase traits were not significant with the exceptions of AGE and CCW for Simmental (−  0.15) and Salers (−  0.24), AGE and CON for Limousin (0.15) and Simmental (0.14) and AGE and FAT from three sire-breeds (−  0.17 to −  0.35). However, the correlation between AGE and ADCG was negative and moderate to strong in magnitude (−  0.23 to −  0.67) in all beef breeds as expected since faster-growing animals reach slaughter age earlier. For Holstein-Friesian, all genetic correlations with AGE were negative and moderate to strong. Genetic correlations indicate that selection for increased carcase weight should simultaneously increase growth rate and improve conformation in all breeds and reduce carcase fatness in the majority of beef breeds. The results indicate that there is genetic variation in all five traits suitable for undertaking genetic improvement of carcase traits and age at slaughter; however, there are apparent breed differences. The use of abattoir-derived phenotypes for undertaking genetic improvement is an example where the supply chain can work together to share information to enable the cattle industry to move forward.  相似文献   

In this study, computed tomography (CT) technology was used to measure body composition on live pigs for breeding purposes. Norwegian Landrace (L; n = 3835) and Duroc (D; n = 3139) boars, selection candidates to be elite boars in a breeding programme, were CT-scanned between August 2008 and August 2010 as part of an ongoing testing programme at Norsvin's boar test station. Genetic parameters in the growth rate of muscle (MG), carcass fat (FG), bone (BG) and non-carcass tissue (NCG), from birth to ~100 kg live weight, were calculated from CT data. Genetic correlations between growth of different body tissues scanned using CT, lean meat percentage (LMP) calculated from CT and more traditional production traits such as the average daily gain (ADG) from birth to 25 kg (ADG1), the ADG from 25 kg to 100 kg (ADG2) and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) from 25 kg to 100 kg were also estimated from data on the same boars. Genetic parameters were estimated based on multi-trait animal models using the average information-restricted maximum likelihood (AI-REML) methodology. The heritability estimates (s.e. = 0.04 to 0.05) for the various traits for Landrace and Duroc were as follows: MG (0.19 and 0.43), FG (0.53 and 0.59), BG (0.37 and 0.58), NCG (0.38 and 0.50), LMP (0.50 and 0.57), ADG1 (0.25 and 0.48), ADG2 (0.41 and 0.42) and FCR (0.29 and 0.42). Genetic correlations for MG with LMP were 0.55 and 0.68, and genetic correlations between MG and ADG2 were -0.06 and 0.07 for Landrace and Duroc, respectively. LMP and ADG2 were clearly unfavourably genetically correlated (L: -0.75 and D: -0.54). These results showed the difficulty in jointly improving LMP and ADG2. ADG2 was unfavourably correlated with FG (L: 0.84 and D: 0.72), thus indicating to a large extent that selection for increased growth implies selection for fatness under an ad libitum feeding regime. Selection for MG is not expected to increase ADG2, but will yield faster growth of the desired tissues and a better carcass quality. Hence, we consider MG to be a better biological trait in selection for improved productivity and carcass quality. CT is a powerful instrument in conjunction with breeding, as it combines the high accuracy of CT data with measurements taken from the selection candidates. CT also allows the selection of new traits such as real body composition, and in particular, the actual MG on living animals.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters pertaining to the same chemical characteristics of three porcine tissues, that is backfat (BF), perirenal fat (PF) and longissimus muscle (LM), were estimated in centrally tested Large White and Landrace pigs. Animals were fed ad libitum. They were slaughtered at an average BW of 99.6 kg, and samples of BF (both inner and outer layers) and LM were removed at the 13th to 14th rib level of the carcass on the day after slaughter. The data set included 2483 animals recorded for average daily gain (ADG; 35 to 100 kg), estimated carcass lean percentage (LEAN) and lean tissue growth rate (LTGR). Among these animals, around 950 pigs were recorded for lipid content (L%) and water content (W%) of BF and LM and for fatty acid composition (FAC) of BF, whereas FAC of LM was measured on 297 pigs and L%, W%, and FAC of PF on around 210 pigs. Heritabilities (h2) and genetic correlations (ra) were estimated using REML-animal model methodology. Estimates of h2 for L%, W% and FAC of BF, PF and LM were of moderate-to-high magnitude: for example 0.47 ± 0.09 for L% of LM, 0.59 ± 0.11 for W% of BF, 0.45 ± 0.08 for the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids (P/S) of BF, 0.61 ± 0.15 and 0.29 ± 0.10 for the coefficient of unsaturation of lipids (UNSAT, average number of double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids) of PF and LM, respectively. Genetic correlations of L% with P/S or UNSAT were strongly negative (from -0.4 to -0.9) in BF and LM, but not in PF. The 'between-tissue' genetic correlations for homologous compositional traits were far from being unity (e.g. ra = 0.57 ± 0.05 'between' BF and PF for UNSAT). Genetic relationships between ADG and tissue compositional traits were globally weak. By contrast, genetic correlations were moderate-to-high between carcass leanness and tissue compositional traits, especially those of fat depots: for example -0.66 ± 0.14 between LEAN and L% of BF, 0.50 ± 0.07 between LEAN and UNSAT of PF, -0.44 ± 0.08 between LEAN and L% of LM, and 0.27 ± 0.03 between LEAN and UNSAT of LM. On the basis of the parameter estimates found here, breeding for higher LTGR is expected to increase the ratio of water to lipids and the unsaturation degree of lipids in subcutaneous BF and, to a lesser extent, in PF. Tissue composition and FAC of LM would be less affected.  相似文献   

A synergistic effect in the somatotropic axis (GH1-GHR-IGF1) was observed in 736 young Nelore (Bos indicus) bulls under ad libitum grass feeding conditions on irrigated pasture in central Brazil. Stepwise substitution of shorter alleles of the promoter region of the growth hormone gene (GH1) and the P1 promoter of the GH1 receptor gene (GHR) with longer alleles was associated with significantly increased body weight gain (W550, weight at age 550 days; ADG, average daily gain) and fat accrual (FAT, rib eye fat thickness). A threshold effect on ADG was associated with allele size variation at the GH1. A best fit model indicated a 3- to 6-fold effect of GH1 variation on ADG, when compared to the variation at the GHR and a known microsatellite at the somatomedin gene (IGF1, insulin-like growth factor 1). A threshold effect on FAT was associated with substitution of the short GHR allele by the longer GHR alleles; the effect of the GHR variation on FAT was 10-fold that of the variation at the GH1 and IGF1 loci. Among the 10 GH1-GHR-IGF1 multi-genotypes identified, the predominant genotype was homozygous for the large GH1 promoter (long/long, G2/G2 or domestic type), short GHR promoter (short/short or wild type), and short IGF1 microsatellite (short/short or wild type). This predominant multi-genotype suggests that selection pressure in the Nelore breed has been directed towards high ADG and W550, and low FAT. Our results mirror previous findings in the oMtla-oGH transgenic mouse model, in which the level of somatotropic gene expression acts through a threshold mechanism, and low expression results in adipogenesis, while high expression increases body growth.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,92(2-3):170-177
Genetic parameters were estimated for birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), yearling weight (YW), average daily gain from birth to weaning (ADG1) and average daily gain from weaning to yearling (ADG2) in Moghani sheep. Maximum number of data was 4237 at birth, but only 1389 records at yearling were investigated. The data was collected from 1995 to 2007 at the Breeding Station of Moghani sheep in Jafarabad, Moghan, Iran. (Co)Variance components and genetic parameters were estimated with different models which including direct effects, with and without maternal additive genetic effects as well as maternal permanent environmental effects using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method. The most appropriate model for each trait was determined based on likelihood ratio tests and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC). Maternal effects were important only for pre-weaning traits. Direct heritability estimates for BW, ADG1, WW, ADG2 and YW were 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.09 and 0.17, respectively. Fractions of variance due to maternal permanent environmental effects on phenotypic variance were 0.08 for ADG1. Maternal heritability estimates for BW and WW were 0.18 and 0.06, respectively. Multivariate analysis was performed using the most appropriate models obtained in univariate analysis. Direct genetic correlations among studied traits were positive and ranged from 0.37 for BW–ADG2 to 0.85 for ADG1–YW. Maternal genetic correlation estimate between BW and WW was 0.33. Phenotypic and environmental correlation estimates were generally lower than those of genetic correlation. Low direct heritability estimates imply that mass selection for these traits results in slow genetic gain.  相似文献   

Estimated breeding values for average daily feed intake (AFI; kg/day), residual feed intake (RFI; kg/day) and average daily gain (ADG; kg/day) were generated using a mixed linear model incorporating genomic relationships for 698 Angus steers genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 assay. Association analyses of estimated breeding values (EBVs) were performed for 41,028 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and permutation analysis was used to empirically establish the genome-wide significance threshold (P < 0.05) for each trait. SNPs significantly associated with each trait were used in a forward selection algorithm to identify genomic regions putatively harbouring genes with effects on each trait. A total of 53, 66 and 68 SNPs explained 54.12% (24.10%), 62.69% (29.85%) and 55.13% (26.54%) of the additive genetic variation (when accounting for the genomic relationships) in steer breeding values for AFI, RFI and ADG, respectively, within this population. Evaluation by pathway analysis revealed that many of these SNPs are in genomic regions that harbour genes with metabolic functions. The presence of genetic correlations between traits resulted in 13.2% of SNPs selected for AFI and 4.5% of SNPs selected for RFI also being selected for ADG in the analysis of breeding values. While our study identifies panels of SNPs significant for efficiency traits in our population, validation of all SNPs in independent populations will be necessary before commercialization.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of post-weaning dietary protein supply and weaning age on the performance of pigs in the absence of in-feed antimicrobial growth promoters (AGP) when artificially challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), a pathogen associated with post-weaning colibacillosis (PWC). The experiment consisted of a complete 2 × 2 × 2 factorial combination of two weaning ages (4 v. 6 week), two levels of dietary protein (H, 230 g CP/kg v. L, 130 g CP/kg) and challenge with ETEC (+ v. -). An additional four treatments were added to test for the effects of protein source (DSMP, dried skimmed milk powder v. SOYA, soybean meal) and AGP inclusion (yes v. no) on challenged pigs of both weaning ages. At weaning (day 0), pigs were assigned to one of the experimental treatments for 2 weeks. On day 14 post-weaning, the same standard grower ration was fed to all animals until 10 weeks of age. On day 3 post weaning, challenged pigs were administered per os with 109 cfu ETEC. The ETEC challenge had a detrimental short-term effect on performance, decreasing average daily gain (ADG) (days 3 to 6; P = 0.014) in both 4- and 6-week weaned animals. Compared with their non-infected counterparts, challenged 4-week weaned pigs on the H diet demonstrated a larger decrease in ADG immediately post infection than those on the L diet, -42% and -25%, respectively (P = 0.088). This effect was smaller in the 6-week weaned pigs, -26% and -19% for the H and L diets, respectively. Pigs fed SOYA had lower (P < 0.001) daily intake and ADG (day 0 to 14) than those fed DSMP, with 6-week weaned pigs being affected to a greater extent than 4-week weaned pigs. In the absence of AGP, increasing weaning age and decreasing dietary protein level, especially in earlier weaned pigs, may help to minimise the effects of PWC on performance, particularly in sub-optimal environments.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of FecB genotypes on body weight, average daily gain (ADG), ewe's productivity efficiency (EPE) and litter size in FecB introgressed GarolexMalpura (GM) crossbred sheep. A total of 235 GM lambs were selected randomly and screened for FecB mutation using forced RFLP-PCR. The majority (69.8%) of GM individuals were carriers (BB and B+) for the FecB mutation and frequency of the FecB allele was about 0.40. The FecB genotypes were significantly (P<0.01) associated with the lamb's body weights from birth to 12 months of age. The generation wise (F(1), F(2) and F(3)), lamb's body weight did not differ significantly at birth, 6 and 12 months of the age, while it differed significantly (P<0.05) at 3 and 9 months of age. The ADG1 (0-3 months) was significantly associated (P<0.05), but not the ADG2 (3-6 months) and ADG3 (6-12 months) between genotypes. Type of birth and sex significantly (P<0.01) affected the body weight from birth to 12 months of age; and body weight of single born lambs was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of twins and triplets from birth to 12 months of age. Type of birth significantly (P<0.01) affected the ADG1, but had no significant effect on ADG2 and ADG3. Year of birth did not affect the birth and weaning weights, but it significantly affected (P<0.01) the body weight and ADG's after weaning ages. The EPE was affected significantly (P<0.01) by the FecB genotypes at birth, 3 and 12 months of age. The EPE of B+ and BB ewes were 7.86 kg (36.9%) and 2.32 kg (10.9%) higher as compared to ++ ewes at 12 months of age, respectively. The mean litter size of BB ewes (2.17+/-0.24) was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of B+ ewes (1.73+/-0.04) and ++ ewes (1.03+/-0.23). The present study indicated that the body weight and ADG of carrier lambs (BB and B+) was comparatively lower than that of non-carriers (++), while EPE of B+ ewes was comparatively higher than that of BB and ++ ewes. Further, it is interesting to note that heterozygous and homozygous state of individuals increased 0.70 and 1.14 extra lambs as compared to non-carriers (++), respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of body weight at 4 (W4 w), 8 (W8 w) and 22 (W22 w) weeks of age, days from 20 to 100 kg (DT), average backfat thickness at 100 kg (ABT), teat number (TEAT), number of good teats (GTEAT), total number of piglets born (TNB), born alive (NBA) and weaned (NW) per litter, and birth to weaning survival rate (SURV) were estimated in the Chinese × European Tiameslan composite line using restricted maximum likelihood methodology applied to a multiple trait animal model. Performance data from a total of 4 881 males and 4 799 females from 1 341 litters were analysed. Different models were fitted to the data in order to estimate the importance of maternal effects on production traits, as well as genetic correlations between male and female performance. The results showed the existence of significant maternal effects on W4w, W8w and ABT and of variance heterogeneity between sexes for W22w, DT, ABT and GTEAT. Genetic correlations between sexes were 0.79, 0.71 and 0.82, respectively, for W22w, DT and ABT and above 0.90 for the other traits. Heritability estimates were larger than (ABT and TEAT) or similar to (other traits) average literature values. Some genetic antagonism was evidenced between production traits, particularly W4w, W8w and ABT, and reproductive traits.  相似文献   

Five pigeons were trained to discriminate IM injections of oxazepam (4.0 mg/kg) from vehicle with responding maintained under a fixed-ratio 30 schedule of food delivery. Under test conditions, responding increased in a dose-dependent manner in all pigeons after the administration of other benzodiazepines including diazepam (0.01-1.0 mg/kg), temazepam (0.01-3.0 mg/kg), halazepam (0.1-56.0 mg/kg), and midazolam (0.1-1.0 mg/kg) as well as the barbiturate pentobarbital (2.0-8.0 mg/kg) and the non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic CL 218,872 (1.0-8.0 mg/kg). At the higher doses of each of these compounds, over 80% of responding occurred on the oxazepam-appropriate key. Cocaine (0.5-4.0 mg/kg), bupropion (3.0-56.0 mg/kg) and nortriptyline (3.0-56.0 mg/kg) failed to substitute for oxazepam even at doses that decreased rates of responding. The discriminative stimulus (DS) effects of the lowest doses of oxazepam and CL 218,872 that produced 100% drug-appropriate responding were blocked by the benzodiazepine antagonist Ro 15-1788. This antagonism was reversed by increasing the dose of the agonists. The DS effects of diazepam were antagonized partially by Ro 15-1788 (3 of 5 pigeons), and the antagonism was reversed by higher doses of diazepam in two of these pigeons. The DS effects of pentobarbital were antagonized by Ro 15-1788 in 2 of 5 pigeons, but the blockade was not reversed by higher pentobarbital doses.  相似文献   

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