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洪泽湖蝗区东亚飞蝗发生动态的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
洪泽湖是我国四大淡水湖泊之一,也是黄淮平原上最大的自然蓄水库。解放前,由于湖水位不能控制,沿湖土地直接受湖水位升降的波及和湖水顶托的影响,不能常年耕种,滨湖滩地及内涝洼地均沦为季节性荒地,遍布荒滩草洼。因此,洪泽湖及其沿岸地区具备了飞蝗猖獗发生的生态地理条件而成为我国具有历史性的东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilesis  相似文献   

亚洲飞蝗在中国新疆维吾尔自治区的发生与防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范福来  王元信 《生态学报》1995,15(2):134-141
从亚洲飞蝗在新疆发生基地的生境特点;形成和消退过程,分析亚洲飞蝗灾害发生消退的原因。自然条件变化和人们经济活动常改变亚洲飞蝗发生基地的生态条件及环境,并诱发或抑制飞蝗灾害的发生。文章指出根治亚洲飞蝗灾害的有效途径是贯彻“改治并举、根除蝗”的方针;加强蝗情监测;适时防治以及通过水利建设和农田开垦,改变飞蝗发生基地和生态条件等。  相似文献   

Although the insecticidal effectiveness of a compound is dependent on many factors, such as Solubilities and detoxification, there appear to be distinct relationships between chemical structure and insecticidal activity. The insecticidal activity of paraoxon was significantly greater to the adult males of Locusta migratoria migratorioides than that of all other nitrophenyl-phosphorus compounds tested. This may be attributed to the direct action of the compound, involving no change from inactive to active form in vivo , and also to a better translocation of the compound from the point of application to the site of action. The toxicity of injected paraoxon was of the same order as that topically applied. Parathion, its isomers, and ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenyl phosphonothionate (EPN) were approximately equivalent, whereas malathion, although relatively low in toxicity, with an ED50, of 29 μg./insect, was still a reasonably effective insecticide. Methyl, ethyl and iso- propyl esters were effective in that order of toxicity. Substitution of other alkoxy or aryloxy groups resulted in loss of activity.  相似文献   

七星瓢虫成虫下唇须化学感受器的细微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Purified mitochondrial ribosomes (60S) have been isolated from locust flight muscle. Purification could be achieved after lysis of mitochondria in 0.055 M MgCl2. Mitochondrial 60S and cytoplasmic 80S ribosomes were investigated by electron microscopy in tissue sections, in sections of pellets of isolated ribosomes, and by negative staining of ribosomal suspensions. In negatively stained preparations, mitochondrial ribosomes show dimensions of ~270 x 210 x 215 Å; cytoplasmic ribosomes measure ~295 x 245 x 255 Å. From these values a volume ratio of mitochondrial to cytoplasmic ribosomes of 1: 1.5 was estimated. Despite their different sedimentation constants, mitochondrial ribosomes after negative staining show a morphology similar to that of cytoplasmic ribosomes. Both types of particles show bipartite profiles which are interpreted as "frontal views" and "lateral views." In contrast to measurements on negatively stained particles, the diameter of mitochondrial ribosomes in tissue sections is ~130 Å, while the diameter of cytoplasmic ribosomes is ~ 180–200 Å. These data suggest a volume ratio of mitochondrial to cytoplasmic ribosomes of 1:3. Subunits of mitochondrial ribosomes (40S and 25S) were obtained by incubation under dissociating conditions before fixation in glutaraldehyde. After negative staining, mitochondrial large (40S) subunits show rounded profiles with a shallow groove on a flattened side of the profile. Mitochondrial small subunits (25S) display elongated, triangular profiles.  相似文献   

七星瓢虫成虫下颚须上的化学感受器   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
七星瓢虫成虫下颚须端节的内侧是一个船背形隆起的平面, 其上着生栓锥形化学感受器约1, 500个, 其中一半左右是味觉感受器, 其余为嗅觉感受器.每一个味觉感受器小体内, 有感受细胞4—8个, 它们的树突远区通过感橛腔时, 或处于同一个感橛腔中, 或在2个感橛腔中, 或在3个感橛腔中.每一个嗅觉感受器小体内, 感受细胞的数目恒为3个, 有限大的感受器淋巴腔.感橛较薄, 终止于栓锥腔的基部.树突在栓锥腔内分枝.栓锥的顶部有许多半球状突起.下颚须内所具有的感受细胞比下唇须内所具有的超百倍之多, 由取食时下颚须的动作来判断, 它们的主要作用在于寻找和试探食物.  相似文献   

本文以精子发生中线粒体衍生体的演化为主要线索系统描述了短翅华癞蝗(Sinotme-thisbrachypterus)精子尾部演化过程,并参照Szollosi(1975)的文章将整个过程分为10个阶段。与飞蝗(Locustamigratoria)精子发生中尾部演化过程(Szollosi,1975)相比较,两者间1至6期及9期精细胞尾部结构惊人地相似,而7、8两期精细胞尾部线粒体衍生体周围微管排列及分布有所差异,第10期即精子的中心粒侧体及线粒体衍生体超微结构有明显不同。  相似文献   

蝗虫微孢子虫对东亚飞蝗的实验感染   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王丽英  严毓骅 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):121-123
蝗虫微孢子虫(Nosema locustae Canning)系Canning(1953,1962)从非洲飞蝗(Locustamigratoria migratorioides)体内分离并命名。Henry(1971、1973)用双带蚱蜢(Melanoplus bivittatus)做替代寄主增殖孢子,用来防治草原蝗虫取得显著成效,后来发展成为第一个商品化的微孢子杀虫剂。 1985年我们从美国John.S.Evans博士处得到蝗虫微孢子虫浓缩液,并成功地在东亚飞蝗体内增殖,从而获得大量孢子。本文报道经东亚飞蝗体内增殖后的孢子超微形态结构、发育过程及孢子产生等方面的观察结果。  相似文献   

接着东亚飞蝗消化系统和生殖系统之后,现在把循环系统的解剖和组织构造整理出来以供参考,由于排泄器官相当分散,与循环系统又有一定的连系,所以也附带在本文中叙述。 前人对于昆虫的循环系统研究工作可以参考的有 Albrecht(1953)所著飞蝗解剖一书;Snodgrass(1903)作过 Dissosteria carolina 的内部解剖;Hodge(1936、1939、1940)对  相似文献   

中国东亚飞蝗新蝗区——海南热带稀树草原蝗区的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁岩钦 《生态学报》1995,15(1):12-22
本文通过东亚飞蝗在海南岛近6年来的田间发生动态,参考本岛近500年来该种害虫的发生为害资料,结合本岛飞蝗发生地近百年来的生态地区的演变特征分析,提出了海南东亚飞蝗蝗区是“热带稀树草原蝗区”。该蝗区系由于本岛多年来不合理的伐林造田,使大面积的原始林林破坏,生态环境亚化,气候干旱,而演变为次生的热带稀树草原生境而成。这与由大沙河三角洲而成的大陆温带蝗区,在形成原因、结构特征与控制对策等方面完全不同,因  相似文献   

论无心菜属的地理分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全世界无心菜属植物有306种,隶属10亚属24组,主要分布于欧、亚、美三洲和北非,基本上是北温带分布属。文章分析了亚属的系统位置及其分布式样。地中海区到西亚亚区和中亚亚区的西北部是其分布区中心,也可能是它的起源地,中国横断山脉到青藏高原是其次生分布中心。起源时间至少应该追溯到白垩纪中期。最后,讨论了它的散布途径和现代分布式样的形成及其原因。  相似文献   

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