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Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA have yielded widely differing relationships among members of the arthropod lineage Arachnida, depending on the nucleotide coding schemes and models of evolution used. We enhanced taxonomic coverage within the Arachnida greatly by sequencing seven new arachnid mitochondrial genomes from five orders. We then used all 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes from these genomes to evaluate patterns of nucleotide and amino acid biases. Our data show that two of the six orders of arachnids (spiders and scorpions) have experienced shifts in both nucleotide and amino acid usage in all their protein-coding genes, and that these biases mislead phylogeny reconstruction. These biases are most striking for the hydrophobic amino acids isoleucine and valine, which appear to have evolved asymmetrical exchanges in response to shifts in nucleotide composition. To improve phylogenetic accuracy based on amino acid differences, we tested two recoding methods: (1) removing all isoleucine and valine sites and (2) recoding amino acids based on their physiochemical properties. We find that these methods yield phylogenetic trees that are consistent in their support of ancient intraordinal divergences within the major arachnid lineages. Further refinement of amino acid recoding methods may help us better delineate interordinal relationships among these diverse organisms.  相似文献   

Several different groups of birds have been proposed as being the oldest or earliest diverging extant lineage within the avian phylogenetic tree, particularly ratites (Struthioniformes), waterfowl (Anseriformes), and shorebirds (Charadriiformes). Difficulty in resolving this issue stems from several factors, including the relatively rapid radiation of primary (ordinal) bird lineages and the lack of characters from an extant outgroup for birds that is closely related to them by measure of time. To help resolve this question, we have sequenced entire mitochondrial genomes for five birds (a rhea, a duck, a falcon, and two perching birds), one crocodilian, and one turtle. Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of these new sequences together with published sequences (18 taxa total) yield the same optimal tree topology, in which a perching bird (Passeriformes) is sister to all the other bird taxa. A basal position for waterfowl among the bird study taxa is rejected by maximum likelihood analyses. However, neither the conventional view, in which ratites (including rhea) are basal to other birds, nor tree topologies with falcon or chicken basal among birds could be rejected in the same manner. In likelihood analyses of a subset of seven birds, alligator, and turtle (9 taxa total), we find that increasing the number of parameters in the model shifts the optimal topology from one with a perching bird basal among birds to the conventional view with ratites diverging basally; moreover, likelihood scores for the two trees are not significantly different. Thus, although our largest set of taxa and characters supports a tree with perching birds diverging basally among birds, the position of this earliest divergence among birds appears unstable. Our analyses indicate a sister relationship between a waterfowl/chicken clade and ratites, relative to perching birds and falcon. We find support for a sister relationship between turtles and a bird/crocodilian clade, and for rejecting both the Haemothermia hypothesis (birds and mammals as sister taxa) and the placement of turtles as basal within the phylogenetic tree for amniote animals.  相似文献   

Recent advances in molecular phylogenetics are continuously changing our perception of decapod phylogeny. Although the two suborders Dendrobranchiata and Pleocyemata within the Decapoda are widely accepted, this taxonomic view is now challenged when using mitochondrial protein‐coding genes to investigate the decapod phylogeny, especially for the basal pleocyematan groups. Here, we enhanced taxonomic coverage by sequencing the genomes of two basal decapod taxa Alpheus distinguendus and Panulirus ornatus, representing two infraorders, Caridea and Achelata, respectively. Based on these two and other available mitochondrial genomes, we evaluated the usefulness of protein‐coding genes in resolving deep phylogenetic relationships of the Decapoda using maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. The mt genomic results revealed a novel gene order because of the reverse transposition of trnE (transfer, trn for Glutamate) and a pseudogene‐like trnS (AGN) [trn for Serine (S1, AGN)] in the mitochondrial genome of A. distinguendus, and a duplicate of 89 bp sequences in the putative noncoding region of P. ornatus. Our phylogenetic inferences suggest monophyly of the Decapoda and its two suborders, and that several lineages within the Reptantia are consistently recovered with high nodal supports. Our findings suggest that the best mitochondrial genome phylogeny can be found on the premise that systematic errors should be minimized as much as possible. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 471–481.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the evolutionary dynamics and phylogenetic implications of gene order rearrangements in five newly sequenced mitochondrial (mt) genomes and four published mt genomes of isopod crustaceans. The sequence coverage is nearly complete for four of the five newly sequenced species, with only the control region and some tRNA genes missing, while in Janira maculosa only two thirds of the genome could be determined. Mitochondrial gene order in isopods seems to be more plastic than that in other crustacean lineages, making all nine known mt gene orders different. Especially the asellote Janira is characterized by many autapomorphies. The following inferred ancestral isopod mt gene order exists slightly modified in modern isopods: nad1, tnrL1, rrnS, control region, trnS1, cob, trnT, nad5, trnF. We consider the inferred gene translocation events leading to gene rearrangements as valuable characters in phylogenetic analyses. In this first study covering major isopod lineages, potential apomorphies were identified, e.g., a shared relative position of trnR in Valvifera. We also report one of the first findings of homoplasy in mitochondrial gene order, namely a shared relative position of trnV in unrelated isopod lineages. In addition to increased taxon sampling secondary structure, modification in tRNAs and GC-skew inversion may be potentially fruitful subjects for future mt genome studies in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of lichen-forming discomycetes and their relatives in the class Lecanoromycetes were examined by using nuclear large subunit and mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. Ninety-eight partial sequences of 53 ascomycetes were generated and aligned with the corresponding sequences retrieved from GenBank resulting in an alignment of 100 taxa that was analyzed using a Bayesian approach with Markov chain Monte Carlo (B/MCMC) methods. The analysis revealed the monophyly of the Lecanoromycetes with two major clades: one clade including the monophyletic orders Graphidales and Ostropales and the paraphyletic Gyalectales, the other clade including the monophyletic Lecanorales (incl. Caliciales, Peltigerales, and Teloschistales) and a clade containing the polyphyletic Agyriales, a yet undescribed order Umbilicariales (including Elixiaceae and Umbilicariaceae), and Pertusariales. The monophyly of the Pertusariales was not resolved. Testing of alternative hypotheses revealed that a placement of Chaetothyriomycetes and Eurotiomycetes within Lecanoromycetes and the monophyly of Agyriales s. lat. (incl. Elixiaceae and Schaereriaceae) and Ostropales s. lat. (incl. Graphidales) can be rejected, while monophyly of Gyalectales and the Pertusariales and placement of Umbilicariales on the Lecanorales branch cannot be rejected with the current data set.  相似文献   

Xiao-Guang Yang 《Biologia》2009,64(4):811-818
The phylogeny of Cetacea (whales, dolphins, porpoises) has long attracted the interests of biologists and has been investigated by many researchers based on different datasets. However, some phylogenetic relationships within Cetacea still remain controversial. In this study, Bayesian analyses were performed to infer the phylogeny of 25 representative species within Cetacea based on their mitochondrial genomes for the first time. The analyses recovered the clades resolved by the previous studies and strongly supported most of the current cetacean classifications, such as the monophyly of Odontoceti (toothed whales) and Mysticeti (baleen whales). The analyses provided a reliable and comprehensive phylogeny of Cetacea which can provide a foundation for further exploration of cetacean ecology, conservation and biology. The results also showed that: (i) the mitochondrial genomes were very informative for inferring phylogeny of Cetacea; and (ii) the Bayesian analyses outperformed other phylogenetic methods on inferring mitochondrial genome-based phylogeny of Cetacea.  相似文献   

The family Bombycidae (sensu Minet, 1994) is a diverse group of species belonging to the superfamily Bombycoidea. It is an economically important group of moth species, containing well‐known silk‐producing insects, as well as many pests of agriculture and forestry. The morphology‐based hypothesis of Minet (1994) on the composition of Bombycidae is in conflict with subsequent phylogenetic hypotheses for the superfamily based on nuclear genes. In this paper, the complete mitochondrial genomes of nine species of Bombycidae are presented for the first time. Based on these genomes, four dataset partitions and three gblocks parameter settings, phylogenetic relationships among Bombycidae were reconstructed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. Bombycidae was confirmed as a polyphyletic group, with the traditional subfamilies Prismostictinae and Oberthueriinae forming a single well‐supported clade that is distant to Bombycinae. The phylogenetic relationships within Bombycoidea were supported as ((((Bombycinae, Sphingidae), Saturniidae), (Prismostictinae, Oberthueriinae)), Eupterotidae).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the salamander families have been difficult to resolve, largely because the window of time in which major lineages diverged was very short relative to the subsequently long evolutionary history of each family. We present seven new complete mitochondrial genomes representing five salamander families that have no or few mitogenome records in GenBank in order to assess the phylogenetic relationships of all salamander families from a mitogenomic perspective. Phylogenetic analyses of two data sets—one combining the entire mitogenome sequence except for the D-loop, and the other combining the deduced amino acid sequences of all 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes—produce nearly identical well-resolved topologies. The monophyly of each family is supported, including the controversial Proteidae. The internally fertilizing salamanders are demonstrated to be a clade, concordant with recent results using nuclear genes. The internally fertilizing salamanders include two well-supported clades: one is composed of Ambystomatidae, Dicamptodontidae, and Salamandridae, the other Proteidae, Rhyacotritonidae, Amphiumidae, and Plethodontidae. In contrast to results from nuclear loci, our results support the conventional morphological hypothesis that Sirenidae is the sister-group to all other salamanders and they statistically reject the hypothesis from nuclear genes that the suborder Cryptobranchoidea (Cryptobranchidae + Hynobiidae) branched earlier than the Sirenidae. Using recently recommended fossil calibration points and a “soft bound” calibration strategy, we recalculated evolutionary timescales for tetrapods with an emphasis on living salamanders, under a Bayesian framework with and without a rate-autocorrelation assumption. Our dating results indicate: (i) the widely used rate-autocorrelation assumption in relaxed clock analyses is problematic and the accuracy of molecular dating for early lissamphibian evolution is questionable; (ii) the initial diversification of living amphibians occurred later than recent estimates would suggest, from the Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian (294 MYA); (iii) living salamanders originated during the Early Jurassic (183 MYA), and (iv) most salamander families had diverged from each other by Late Cretaceous. A likelihood-based ancestral area reconstruction analysis favors a distribution throughout Laurasia in the Early Jurassic for the common ancestor of all living salamanders.  相似文献   

Kumazawa Y 《Gene》2007,388(1-2):19-26
In placental mammals and birds, molecular data generally support a view that they diverged into their ordinal groups in good response to mid-Cretaceous continental fragmentations. However, such divergence patterns have rarely been studied for reptiles for which phylogenetic relationships among their major groups have not yet been established molecularly. Here, I determined complete or nearly complete mitochondrial DNA sequences from seven lizard families and reconstructed phylogenetic relationships between major lizard families. When snakes were included, maximum likelihood analysis did not support a morphological view of the snakes-varanoids affinity, although several other competing hypotheses on the position of snakes still cannot be discriminated presumably due to extremely long branches of the snake lineages. I also conducted clock-free Bayesian analyses to show that divergence times between major lizard families were centered in Triassic-Jurassic times. Thus, lizards include much deeper divergences than the mammals and birds and they appear to have already radiated into various families prior to the mid-Cretaceous major continental fragmentation.  相似文献   

Gene arrangement comparisons are a powerful tool for phylogenetic studies, especially those focused on ancient relationships. Recent reports using metazoan mitochondrial genomes address evolutionary relationships as well as rates and mechanisms of rearrangement. Mitochondrial systems serve as a model for larger-scale comparisons of whole organismal genomes and a stimulus for developing methods for reconstructing the patterns of rearrangement.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the phylogenetic relationship and deep-sea adaptation process of the deep-sea fish genus Coryphaenoides, the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial (mt) 12 S rRNA and COI gene sequences for seven Coryphaenoides species were analyzed. Our molecular phylogenetic tree shows a new arrangement of seven Coryphaenoides species, which form two distinct groups, abyssal and nonabyssal species, and differs from the results of previous taxonomic studies. Using the mutation rate of mitochondrial genes, the divergence time between abyssal and nonabyssal Coryphaenoides was found to be 3.2-7.6 million years ago. Our study suggests that hydraulic pressure plays an important role in the speciation process in the marine environment.  相似文献   

为了阐明羊族物种之间的系统发生关系并解决岩羊属中矮岩羊物种的有效性问题,本文测定了来自金沙江河谷地区栖息于林线以上岩羊和林线以下矮岩羊共226 份粪便DNA 样品的线粒体Cyt b 基因全序列(1 140 bp)和核基因ZFY 部分序列(612 bp),结合从GenBank 中检索到的羊族物种同源DNA 序列进行比较,利用最大简约法和最大似然法构建分子系统发育树,根据获得的拓扑结构初步探讨它们的系统进化关系。结果表明,绵羊属的绵羊与山羊属、塔尔羊属、岩羊属各物种亲缘关系最远,喜马拉雅塔尔羊和岩羊属、山羊属的亲缘关系最近。在进化树的岩羊属这一分支中,金沙江河谷地带岩羊和矮岩羊与内蒙古、青海、四川其它地理种群的岩羊聚为一支,同时分布在这一区域的部分岩羊和矮岩羊在Cyt b 基因和ZFY 基因单倍型上存在共享现象。历史上的气候事件可能造成金沙江河谷地带岩羊和矮岩羊种群之间相互迁移,偏雄性扩散促进了各地理种群之间的基因交流。因此不支持矮岩羊为独立的物种,建议将金沙江河谷地带的岩羊和矮岩羊都划分到岩羊四川亚种(Pseudois nayaur szechuanensis)。由于它们的形态和生态上存在一定的分化,建议将林线以下矮岩羊作为一个独立的管理单元进行保护与管理。  相似文献   

Veneridae is one of the most diverse families of bivalve molluscs. However, their phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies have been debated for years. To explore phylogenetic relationships of Veneridae, we sequenced 13 complete mitochondrial genome sequences from eight subfamilies and compared with available complete mitochondrial genome of other Veneridae taxa (18 previously reported sequences). Phylogenetic analyses using probabilistic methods recovered two highly supported clades. In addition, the protein‐coding gene order revealed a highly conserved pattern among the same subclade lineages. According to our molecular analyses, Tapetinae should be recognized as a valid subfamily, but the genera formed para‐polyphyletic clades. Chioninae was recovered not monophyletic that differs from a previously molecular phylogeny. Furthermore, the reconstructed chronogram calibrated with fossils recovered the Veneridae have originated during the early Permian (about 290 million years ago). Noticeably, programmed frameshift was found in the nad4 gene of Leukoma jedoensis, Anomalodiscus squamosus and Antigona lamellaris and cob gene of L. jedoensis. This is the first time that the presence of the programmed frameshift has been found in the protein‐coding genes of Heterodonta species. Our results improved the phylogenetic resolution within Veneridae, and a more taxonomic sampling analysis of the subfamily Chioninae is supposed to construct.  相似文献   

Domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) fulfill various roles ranging from food and entertainment to religion and ornamentation. To survey its genetic diversity and trace the history of domestication, we investigated a total of 4938 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments including 2843 previously published and 2095 de novo units from 2044 domestic chickens and 51 red junglefowl (Gallus gallus). To obtain the highest possible level of molecular resolution, 50 representative samples were further selected for total mtDNA genome sequencing. A fine-gained mtDNA phylogeny was investigated by defining haplogroups A–I and W–Z. Common haplogroups A–G were shared by domestic chickens and red junglefowl. Rare haplogroups H–I and W–Z were specific to domestic chickens and red junglefowl, respectively. We re-evaluated the global mtDNA profiles of chickens. The geographic distribution for each of major haplogroups was examined. Our results revealed new complexities of history in chicken domestication because in the phylogeny lineages from the red junglefowl were mingled with those of the domestic chickens. Several local domestication events in South Asia, Southwest China and Southeast Asia were identified. The assessment of chicken mtDNA data also facilitated our understanding about the Austronesian settlement in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Australidelphia is the cohort, originally named by Szalay, of all Australian marsupials and the South American Dromiciops. A lot of mitochondria and nuclear genome studies support the hypothesis of a monophyly of Australidelphia, but some familial relationships in Australidelphia are still unclear. In particular, the familial relationships among the order Diprotodontia (koala, wombat, kangaroos and possums) are ambiguous. These Diprotodontian families are largely grouped into two suborders, Vombatiformes, which contains Phascolarctidae (koala) and Vombatidae (wombat), and Phalangerida, which contains Macropodidae, Potoroidae, Phalangeridae, Petauridae, Pseudocheiridae, Acrobatidae, Tarsipedidae and Burramyidae. Morphological evidence and some molecular analyses strongly support monophyly of the two families in Vombatiformes. The monophyly of Phalangerida as well as the phylogenetic relationships of families in Phalangerida remains uncertain, however, despite searches for morphological synapomorphy and mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses. Moreover, phylogenetic relationships among possum families (Phalangeridae, Petauridae, Pseudocheiridae, Acrobatidae, Tarsipedidae and Burramyidae) as well as a sister group of Macropodoidea (Macropodidae and Potoroidae) remain unclear. To evaluate familial relationships among Dromiciops and Australian marsupials as well as the familial relationships in Diprotodontia, we determined the complete mitochondrial sequence of six Diprotodontian species. We used Maximum Likelihood analyses with concatenated amino acid and codon sequences of 12 mitochondrial protein genomes. Our analysis of mitochondria amino acid sequence supports monophyly of Australian marsupials+Dromiciops and monophyly of Phalangerida. The close relatedness between Macropodidae and Phalangeridae is also weakly supported by our analysis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences can be used to estimate phylogenetic relationships among animal taxa and for molecular phylogenetic evolution analysis. With the development of sequencing technology, more and more mitochondrial sequences have been made available in public databases, including whole mitochondrial DNA sequences. These data have been used for phylogenetic analysis of animal species, and for studies of evolutionary processes. We made phylogenetic analyses of 19 species of Cervidae, with Bos taurus as the outgroup. We used neighbor joining, maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian inference methods on whole mitochondrial genome sequences. The consensus phylogenetic trees supported monophyly of the family Cervidae; it was divided into two subfamilies, Plesiometacarpalia and Telemetacarpalia, and four tribes, Cervinae, Muntiacinae, Hydropotinae, and Odocoileinae. The divergence times in these families were estimated by phylogenetic analysis using the Bayesian method with a relaxed molecular clock method; the results were consistent with those of previous studies. We concluded that the evolutionary structure of the family Cervidae can be reconstructed by phylogenetic analysis based on whole mitochondrial genomes; this method could be used broadly in phylogenetic evolutionary analysis of animal taxa.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome is a powerful molecule marker to provide information for phylogenetic relationships and revealing molecular evolution in ichthyological studies. Sebastiscus species, a marine rockfish, are of essential economic value. However, the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of Sebastidae have been controversial so far. Here, the mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of three species, S. tertius, S. albofasciatus, and S. marmoratus, were systemically investigated. The lengths of the mitogenomes’ sequences of S. tertius, S. albofasciatus, and S. marmoratus were 16910, 17056, and 17580 bp, respectively. It contained 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and one identical control region (D-loop) among the three species. The genetic distance and Ka/Ks ratio analyses indicated 13 PCGs were suffering purifying selection and the selection pressures were different from certain deep-sea fishes, which were most likely due to the difference in their living environment. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML). Most interestingly, the results indicated that Sebastidae and Scorpaenidae were grouped into a separate branch, so the taxonomic status of Sebastidae should be classified into subfamily Sebastinae. Our results may lead to a taxonomic revision of Scorpaenoidei.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome was determined for three species of discoglossid frogs (Amphibia:Anura:Discoglossidae), representing three of the four recognized genera: Alytes obstetricans, Bombina orientalis, and Discoglossus galganoi. The organization and size of these newly determined mt genomes are similar to those previously reported for other vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses (maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, minimum evolution, and maximum parsimony) of mt protein-coding genes at the amino acid level were performed in combination with already published mt genome sequence data of three species of Neobatrachia, one of Pipoidea, and four of Caudata. Phylogenetic analyses based on the deduced amino acid sequences of all mt protein-coding genes arrived at the same topology. The monophyly of Discoglossidae is strongly supported. Within the Discoglossidae, Alytes is consistently recovered as sister group of Discoglossus, to the exclusion of Bombina. The three species representing Neobatrachia exhibited extremely long branches irrespective of the phylogenetic inference method used, and hence their relative position with respect to Discoglossidae and Xenopus may be artefactual due to a severe long branch attraction effect. To further investigate the phylogenetic intrarelationships of discoglossids, nucleotide sequences of four nuclear protein-coding genes (CXCR4, RAG1, RAG2, and Rhodopsin) with sequences available for the three discoglossid genera and Xenopus were retrieved from GenBank, and together with a concatenated nucleotide sequence data set containing all mt protein-coding genes except ND6 were subjected to separate and combined phylogenetic analyses. In all cases, a sister group relationship between Alytes and Discoglossus was recovered with high statistical support.  相似文献   

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