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Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 is a bioluminescent bioreporter synthesizing light in the presence of naphthalene or salicylate. Upon immobilization, HK44 is useful as an in situ or on-line biosensor of bioavailable naphthalene and salicylate in waste streams or contaminated fields. The bioreporting efficacy of alginate/SrCl2-immobilized HK44 was investigated in simulated groundwater with different pH regimes. When induced with complex (salicylate plus auxiliary energy supplements) and simple (salicylate as the sole energy supplement) inducer solutions, the specific light response was steadier at pH 6 than at pH 7 in a 35-day study. There was no bioluminescence response from cells incubated in groundwater samples with pH below 6. The rate of the luminescence reaction was stable at pH 6 irrespective of the type of inducer solution, indicating the robust physiological status of the bioreporter bacteria. In addition, the quantity of light synthesized was at least one order of magnitude higher with complex inducer solution than with simple inducer solution. The numbers of viable and cultivable cells remained constant in groundwater at pH 6 and 7 (approx. 107 g−1 beads). The numbers decreased by four orders of magnitude (107 to 103) to zero in groundwaters with pH below 6. This study suggested that HK44 is useful for long-term biosensor applications in moderately acidic to neutral groundwater conditions. Received: 6 August 1996 / Received revision: 12 December 1996 / Accepted: 4 January 1997  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens strain HK44 (DSM 6700) is a genetically engineered lux-based bioluminescent bioreporter. Here we report the draft genome sequence of strain HK44. Annotation of ~6.1 Mb of sequence indicates that 30% of the traits are unique and distributed over five genomic islands, a prophage, and two plasmids.  相似文献   

Seven hypotheses on relationships between the structure of naphthalene analogs and bioluminescence response of bioreporter Pseudomonas fluorescens were formulated using GUHA (General Unary Hypotheses Automaton) on a training set of 37 compounds. Prediction of bioluminescence response of 12 new naphthalene analogs was successful in 69 % cases and resulted in rejection of single hypothesis. The results demonstrate applicability of GUHA in structure-activity research, especially for qualitative data.  相似文献   

The type II quinohemoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase of Pseudomonas putida is a periplasmic enzyme that oxidizes substrate alcohols to the aldehyde and transfers electrons first to pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) and then to an internal heme group. The 1.9 A resolution crystal structure reveals that the enzyme contains a large N-terminal eight-stranded beta propeller domain (approximately 60 kDa) similar to methanol dehydrogenase and a small C-terminal c-type cytochrome domain (approximately 10 kDa) similar to the cytochrome subunit of p-cresol methylhydoxylase. The PQQ is bound near the axis of the propeller domain about 14 A from the heme. A molecule of acetone, the product of the oxidation of isopropanol present during crystallization, appears to be bound in the active site cavity.  相似文献   

Pseudomonasfluorescens HK44 is a lux-based bioluminescent bioreporter capable of selective luminescence in the presence of naphthalene and/or salicylic acid intermediate of its metabolism. We attempted to induce bioluminescence (BL) in this strain with 72 compounds, viz. substituted naphthalenes, naphthalene-like compounds (e.g., quinoline), substituted salicylic acids, salicylic acid-like compounds (e.g., 2-anthranilic acid), oligocyclic aromates, and intermediates of naphthalene metabolism to better discriminate response specificity. From them, 42 induced BL significantly lower as compared to naphthalene, three (viz. isoquinoline, o-cresol, and salicylamide) induced BL significantly greater than naphthalene, and 27 yielded no bioluminescent response whatsoever. Strain HK44 is therefore not prone to extensive false-positive signaling and can serve as a fairly specific indicator organism for naphthalene bioavailability. At elevated concentrations, 41 compounds inhibited BL. Thus, the inclusion of constitutive bioreporter controls as indicators of sample toxicity is vital to successful biosensing application.  相似文献   

A cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) camera was used to follow the kinetics of induction of lux gene-dependent bioluminescence in Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 held either in aqueous suspensions minus sand, saturated or unsaturated translucent sand (0.348 and 0.07 cm(3) H(2)O/cm(3) of sand, respectively), and at cell densities ranging between 1 x 10(6) and 8.5 x 10(8) cells/ml. Before O(2) availability became a limiting factor, the rate of light emission (L) increased with the square of time (t) and linearly with increasing cell density (c). A nonlinear model was developed that contains a "rate of increase in light emission" constant, B', which is determined directly from the slope of a plot of radical L/c against t. The model predicted the behavior of lux induction in HK44 under a variety of conditions. Similar B' values were determined [49.0-57.6 x 10(-10) light units/(cell min(2))] for cell suspensions held in aqueous medium minus sand, in saturated or unsaturated 40/50 grade sand (0.36 mm grain diameter) and in two other textural classes of translucent sand. Although both the growth phase, and the presence of glucose during lux induction affected the first detectable time (FDT) of bioluminescence by HK44 in sand, the kinetics of induction of light emission were similar among treatments (stationary phase cells plus glucose, B'=61.6+/-3.2, log phase cells plus glucose, B'=63.2+/-7.2). The potential exists to use a combination of a CCD camera system, an inducible lux gene containing bioluminescent bacterium, and a light transmission chamber to nonintrusively visualize and quantify in real time the interactions between bacterial growth and unsaturated flow of water and solutes in porous media.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida HK5 produces three different quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenases: ADH-I, ADH-IIB and ADH-IIG. Gene organization of qedA , the gene for ADH-I, and other 10 genes in the cluster was related to the genome sequences of five other Pseudomonas strains. Insertion mutations in either qedA , exaE or agmR eliminated ADH-I activity, although the mutants were still able to grow on ethanol but more slowly than the wild-type strain. Mutant analysis demonstrated the requirement of agmR and exaE in ADH-I expression, and the tentative involvement of agmR , but not exaE , in the induction of ADH-IIB and ADH-IIG activities.  相似文献   

A biosensor system based on the difference in the oxygen uptake response of two microbial electrodes was developed to monitor trimethylamine (TMA). The first electrode, constructed using Pseudomonas aminovorans grown on TMA, was sensitive to TMA, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), dimethylamine (DMA) and monomethylamine (MMA). The second electrode responding to TMAO, DMA and MMA was prepared using Ps. aminovorans grown on TMAO. The difference in oxygen uptake was linearly related to the TMA concentration in the range of 5-26 microM. The minimum detectable level was 2.6 microM and the relative standard deviation was determined to be 14% for 16 repeated analyses. When operated and stored at 30 degrees C, the response of the system was stable for only 2 days. However, when the biosensor system was operated at 30 degrees C but stored overnight at 4 degrees C, the system was stable up to 20 days. The biosensor system was applicable for the determination of TMA in fish tissue extracts and the results compared well with those determined by HPLC.  相似文献   

We fused the Pseudomonas aeruginosa recA promoter to a promoterless Vibrio fisherilux operon. This recAlux fusion (pMOE15) was introduced into wild-type P. aeruginosa strain FRD1 and recA expression was monitored by measuring 490-nm light production. The RM4440 strain responded to increasing doses of ultraviolet radiation by an increase in its bioluminescence. RM4440 has the potential to be useful as a biosensor for the presence of DNA-damaging agents in the environment. Received: 18 February 1998 / Received revision: 18 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 June 1998  相似文献   

Genetically constructed microbial biosensors for measuring organic pollutants are mostly applied in aqueous samples. Unfortunately, the detection limit of most biosensors is insufficient to detect pollutants at low but environmentally relevant concentrations. However, organic pollutants with low levels of water solubility often have significant gas-water partitioning coefficients, which in principle makes it possible to measure such compounds in the gas rather than the aqueous phase. Here we describe the first use of a microbial biosensor for measuring organic pollutants directly in the gas phase. For this purpose, we reconstructed a bioluminescent Pseudomonas putida naphthalene biosensor strain to carry the NAH7 plasmid and a chromosomally inserted gene fusion between the sal promoter and the luxAB genes. Specific calibration studies were performed with suspended and filter-immobilized biosensor cells, in aqueous solution and in the gas phase. Gas phase measurements with filter-immobilized biosensor cells in closed flasks, with a naphthalene-contaminated aqueous phase, showed that the biosensor cells can measure naphthalene effectively. The biosensor cells on the filter responded with increasing light output proportional to the naphthalene concentration added to the water phase, even though only a small proportion of the naphthalene was present in the gas phase. In fact, the biosensor cells could concentrate a larger proportion of naphthalene through the gas phase than in the aqueous suspension, probably due to faster transport of naphthalene to the cells in the gas phase. This led to a 10-fold lower detectable aqueous naphthalene concentration (50 nM instead of 0.5 micro M). Thus, the use of bacterial biosensors for measuring organic pollutants in the gas phase is a valid method for increasing the sensitivity of these valuable biological devices.  相似文献   

Remminghorst U  Rehm BH 《FEBS letters》2006,580(16):3883-3888
Here the putative alginate biosynthesis gene alg44 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was functionally assigned. Non-polar isogenic alg44 deletion mutants of P. aeruginosa were generated and did neither produce alginate nor released free uronic acids. No evidence for alginate enrichment in the periplasm was obtained. Alginate production was restored by introducing only the gene alg44. PhoA fusion protein analyses suggested that Alg44 is a soluble protein localized in the periplasm. Hexahistidine-tagged Alg44 was detected by immunoblotting. The corresponding 42.6 kDa protein was purified and identified by MALDI/TOF-MS analysis. Alg44 might be directly involved in alginate polymerization presumably by exerting a regulatory function.  相似文献   

From Pseudomonas putida CFML 90-44 an isopyoverdin was isolated. Its structure could be elucidated by chemical degradation and spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain 44T1 on glucose, an n-alkane mixture or olive oil was characterized by the formation of intracellular lipid inclusions and extracellular accumulation of rhamnolipids. Maximum values of cellular lipid accumulation were obtained in olive-oil-grown cells and reached up to 38% w/w of its dry biomass. The principal fatty acids of cellular lipids drived from P. aeruginosa cultures varied with the carbon source employed. The major fatty acids detected were palmitic and trans-oleic acids. Arachidonic acid was only found in medium containing glucose or the n-alkane mixture. Offprint requests to: A. Manresa  相似文献   

The bioluminescence (BLM) and colony-forming units (CFU) of Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 were monitored during encapsulation into pre-polymerized Si(OMe)4. The non-induced BLM of free cells was increased in the presence of 0.5–2.5 % MeOH. After mixing silica sol with the cell suspension, both BLM and CFU dropped to 1–3 and 8–18 %, respectively; both remained lowered as long as the silica biofilm contained residual MeOH. The kinetics of MeOH being released from silica biofilms (a thickness of 2–6 mm) were first-order. The decrease of bacterial activity due to encapsulation was proportional to the biofilm thickness. MeOH evolving during encapsulation is probably the principal stress factor but not the only one.  相似文献   

An optical biosensor for urea measurements was developed. The operation of the sensor is based on the well-known urease enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea. The ammonium ions liberated in the reaction are detected with an ion selective optode membrane containing nonactin as ion selective ionophore and ETH 5294 chromoionophore in a thin (1 microm) plasticized poly(vinylchloride) film. The basic sensing element was home made of a microscope glass slide, a HeNe laser light source, photodiode light detector and light in coupling, de-coupling elements. The transducer membrane and the enzyme containing reaction layer were sandwich-cast with spin coating onto the surface of the sensing slide. The attenuation of the laser light propagating inside the glass wave-guide was used as signal for urea measurements. With this arrangement membranes provided good sensitivity (0.05 absorption unit when going from 0.1 to 1 mM urea) and short (16-20 s) response time. Taking advantage on the improved response time, flow injection urea measurements were made in the 0.01-2 mM concentration range. Thirty sample/hour analysis-rate, good peak-to-peak reproducibility (RSD=0.02) and recovery (95-104%) was achieved with buffer diluted urea solutions. Applications for the analysis of real samples are planned to do in the future.  相似文献   

A p-cresol (PCR)-degrading Pseudomonas sp. was isolated from creosote-contaminated soil and shown to degrade PCR by conversion to protocatechuate via p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (PBA) and p-hydroxybenzoate (PHB). Cells of the Pseudomonas sp. were immobilized in calcium alginate beads and in polyurethane foam. The relationship between the PCR concentration and the PCR transformation rate was investigated in batch and continuous culture bioreactors. The biodegradation kinetics of PBA and PHB also were investigated. In batch culture reactors, the maximum PCR degradation rate (Vmax) for the alginate-immobilized Pseudomonas sp. cells was 1.5 mg of PCR g of bead-1 h-1 while the saturation constant (Ks) was 0.22 mM. For PHB degradation, the Vmax was 0.62 mg of PHB g of bead-1 h-1 while the Ks was 0.31 mM. For polyurethane-immobilized Pseudomonas sp. cells, the Vmax of PCR degradation was 0.80 mg of PCR g of foam-1 h-1 while the Ks was 0.28 mM. For PHB degradation, the Vmax was 0.21 mg of PHB g of foam-1 h-1 and the Ks was 0.22 mM. In a continuous column alginate bead reactor, the Vmax for PCR transformation was 2.6 mg g of bead-1 h-1 while the Ks was 0.20 mM. The Vmax and Ks for PBA transformation in the presence of PCR were 0.93 mg g of bead-1 h-1 and 0.063 mM, respectively. When PHB alone was added to a reactor, the Vmax was 1.48 mg g of bead-1 h-1 and the Ks was 0.32 mM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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