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The objective of this study was to examine the relative contributions of copula duration and sperm transfer to the inhibition of sexual receptivity of female Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata, Diptera: Tephritidae). Females choosing to remate had significantly fewer sperm in their spermathecae than females who chose not to remate. Duration of a female's first copulation did not affect her subsequent receptivity. Furthermore, on the first day following copulation significantly more females whose first mate was sterile and from a laboratory strain (sterile males transfer fewer sperm than wild males) chose to copulate than did females whose mate was fertile and recently derived from wild stock. Finally, we offer a synthesis of the available information on remating in this species, and suggest that while females are facultatively polyandrous, copula duration, sperm transfer and male accessory gland secretions act in succession to inhibit female receptivity.  相似文献   

The mating of the Neotropical lycosid Schizocosa malitiosa is long and complex, involving intense genital stimulation and copulatory courtship. This suggests functions other than just insemination. Previous data indicated that mated females of this species are less sexually receptive than virgins. We hypothesise that copulatory characteristics presented by males during prolonged copulations could be responsible for subsequent female sexual reluctance, and may be selected by cryptic female choice. Our objective was to examine the influence of copulatory behaviour on subsequent female sexual receptivity in S. malitiosa, isolating it from the effects of sperm transfer per se. For this purpose, we obtained males without sperm in their copulatory organs (palpal bulbs), and prevented them from charging their palps by sealing their genital pores immediately after their last moult (treated males). Virgin females were separated into three groups: (i) females exposed once to normal males, (ii) females exposed twice to normal males, and (iii) females exposed first to treated and second to normal males. The results showed that, 3 d after their first mating, females first mated with untreated males were frequently refractory to remating, whereas all those first mated with treated males were receptive. Copulations performed by treated males showed some differences from those performed by normal males, but maintained the basic behavioural pattern with abundant sexual stimulation. The presence of sperm fluids in the female receptacles appears to be the most likely factor generating female remating reluctance. Males may manipulate female responses using receptivity inhibiting substances in their sperm, like those described for insects. Females would first ensure sperm supply, becoming more choosy afterwards. All females, whether mated once or twice, generated similar numbers of progeny, indicating no relationship between number of matings and number of spiderlings.  相似文献   

Raspberry ketone (RK) dietary supplements accelerate the emergence of sexual behaviour in developing Queensland fruit fly (Q‐fly) males and show promise as a pre‐release supplement for use in sterile insect technique (SIT) programs. However, the value of RK supplements in SIT programs would be greatly reduced if RK‐treated males are ineffective at inducing sexual inhibition in mated females. To test the effectiveness of matings by RK‐treated males, we here investigate the remating propensity of females mated by RK‐treated (1.25% or 5% RK in food) and RK‐untreated (control) males. Tested males received RK supplements mixed in sugar and yeast hydrolysate for 2 days after emerging and then received only sugar. To test for male age‐dependent effects, virgin females were mated to treated and untreated males that were 6, 8, 10, 20 or 30 days old. To test for persistence of sexual inhibition, mated females were tested for remating propensity at 1, 7 or 15 days after their first mating. RK‐treated males did not differ from control males in copula duration, and females mated by RK‐treated males did not differ from those mated by control males in remating propensity, second copula latency or second copula duration. RK‐treated Q‐fly males not only mate at younger ages but also their matings are as effective as those of untreated controls at inducing sexual inhibition in mates.  相似文献   

Mate choice for novel partners should evolve when remating with males of varying genetic quality provides females with fitness‐enhancing benefits. We investigated sequential mate choice for same or novel mating partners in females of the cellar spider Pholcus phalangioides (Pholcidae) to understand what drives female remating in this system. Pholcus phalangioides females are moderately polyandrous and show reluctance to remating, but double‐mated females benefit from a higher oviposition probability compared to single‐mated females. We exposed mated females to either their former (same male) or a novel mating partner and assessed mating success together with courtship and copulatory behaviours in both sexes. We found clear evidence for mate discrimination: females experienced three‐fold higher remating probabilities with novel males, being more often aggressive towards former males and accepting novel males faster in the second than in the first mating trial. The preference for novel males suggests that remating is driven by benefits derived from multiple partners. The low remating rates and the strong last male sperm precedence in this system suggest that mating with novel partners that represent alternative genotypes may be a means for selecting against a former mate of lower quality.  相似文献   

Selection pressures influencing the way in which males stimulate females during copulation are not well understood. In mammals, copulatory stimulation can influence female remating behaviour, both via neuroendocrine mechanisms mediating control of sexual behaviour, and potentially also via effects of minor injury to the female genital tract. Male adaptations to increase copulatory stimulation may therefore function to reduce sperm competition risk by reducing the probability that females will remate. This hypothesis was tested using data for primates to explore relationships between male penile anatomy and the duration of female sexual receptivity. It was predicted that penile spines or relatively large bacula might function to increase copulatory stimulation and hence to reduce the duration of female sexual receptivity. Results of the comparative analyses presented show that, after control for phylogenetic effects, relatively high penile spinosity of male primates is associated with a relatively short duration of female sexual receptivity within the ovarian cycle, although no evidence was found for a similar relationship between baculum length and duration of female sexual receptivity. The findings presented suggest a new potential function for mammalian penile spines in the context of sexual selection, and add to growing evidence that sperm competition and associated sexual conflict are important selection pressures in the evolution of animal genitalia.  相似文献   

Females of many species mate with multiple males (polyandry), resulting in male–male competition extending to post‐copulation (sperm competition). Males adapt to such post‐copulatory sexual selection by altering features of their ejaculate that increase its competitiveness and/or by decreasing the risk of sperm competition through female manipulation or interference with rival male behaviour. At ejaculation, males of many species deposit copulatory plugs, which are commonly interpreted as a male adaptation to post‐copulatory competition and are thought to reduce or delay female remating. Here, we used a vertebrate model species, the house mouse, to study the consequences of copulatory plugs for post‐copulatory competition. We experimentally manipulated plugs after a female's first mating and investigated the consequences for rival male behaviour and paternity outcome. We found that even intact copulatory plugs were ineffective at preventing female remating, but that plugs influenced the rival male copulatory behaviour. Rivals facing intact copulatory plugs performed more but shorter copulations and ejaculated later than when the plug had been fully or partially removed. This suggests that the copulatory plug represents a considerable physical barrier to rival males. The paternity share of first males increased with a longer delay between the first and second males' ejaculations, indicative of fitness consequences of copulatory plugs. However, when males provided little copulatory stimulation, the incidence of pregnancy failure increased, representing a potential benefit of intense and repeated copulation besides plug removal. We discuss the potential mechanisms of how plugs influence sperm competition outcome and consequences for male copulatory behaviour.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of male insects commonly hinges both on their ability to secure copulations with many mates and also on their ability to inseminate and inhibit subsequent sexual receptivity of their mates to rival males. We here present the first investigation of sperm storage in Queensland fruit flies (Tephritidae: Bactrocera tryoni; a.k.a. 'Q-flies') and address the question of whether remating inhibition in females is directly influenced by or correlated with number of sperm stored from their first mates. We used irradiation to disrupt spermatogenesis and thereby experimentally reduce the number of sperm stored by some male's mates while leaving other aspects of male sexual performance (mating probability, latency until copulating, copula duration) unaffected. Females that mated with irradiated rather than normal males were less likely to store any sperm at all (50% vs. 89%) and, if some sperm were stored, the number was greatly reduced (median 11 vs. 120). Despite the considerable differences in sperm storage, females mated by normal males and irradiated males were similarly likely to remate at the next opportunity, indicating (1) number of sperm stored does not directly drive female remating inhibition and (2) factors actually responsible for remating inhibition are similarly expressed in normal and irradiated males. While overall levels of remating were similar for mates of normal and irradiated males, factors responsible for female remating inhibition were positively associated with presence and number of sperm stored by mates of normal but not irradiated males. We suggest seminal fluids as the most likely factor responsible for remating inhibition in female Q-flies, as these are likely to be transported in proportion to number of sperm in normal males, be uninfluenced by irradiation, and be transported without systematic relation to sperm number in irradiated males.  相似文献   

Environmental microbes have the potential to be involved in nearly all behavioural processes. For example, mating systems where males use intromittent organs to transfer sperm to females represent a means by which environmental microbes collected by males can breach entry into females' body cavities during mating. However, the degree to which the acquisition of environmental microbes onto important sex structures alters courtship behaviours remains unknown. Here, we collected bacteria from the copulatory organs of Agelenopsis pennsylvanica funnel‐weaving spiders in situ to test whether exposure to bacteria on copulatory organs can alter hosts' courtship behaviour, reproductive success and survival. We used a standardized assay to repeatedly measure each spider's aggressiveness, a behavioural component of both male courtship and female sexual receptivity. Then, we experimentally altered the bacteria present on male and female spiders' copulatory organs with an application of either (a) a mixture of bacteria collected from conspecifics to increase bacterial presence, (b) an antibiotic to reduce bacterial presence or (c) a procedural control. Each spider was paired with a size‐matched spider of the opposite sex whose copulatory organs were unaltered, and we measured the latency until the onset and the duration of courtship. Spiders were then isolated, and we measured each individual's time until death and female fecundity over the next 40 days. We found that female exposure to bacteria had multiple effects on mating dynamics. Males took over four times longer to begin courting females that had been exposed to bacteria compared to unexposed and antibiotic‐treated females. Only when courting these bacteria‐exposed females, males began courtship sooner when females were more aggressive. Lastly, females whose mate had been exposed to bacteria experienced reduced survival. These data suggest that bacteria present on animals' copulatory organs can alter courtship behaviours, female survivorship, and may potentially play a role in mating dynamics.  相似文献   

Sexes' roles in post‐copulatory processes have important effects on individual fitness and are promising to study in species showing complex mating behaviours. In the spider Schizocosa malitiosa, males perform two different copulatory patterns, pattern 1 includes 80% of total pedipalp insertions and pattern 2 includes 20%. Both patterns produce similar number of offspring, but pattern 1 induces higher female reluctance to remating than pattern 2. We hypothesised that the complex copulatory patterns are linked to post‐copulatory sexual selection, affecting males' sperm transfer and the resulting sperm storage by females. First, we examined amounts of sperm in males and live females from uninterrupted (pattern 1 + 2) and interrupted matings (pattern 1, pattern 2). Second, in order to disentangle male and female actions, we induced males to mate with dead females and examined amounts of sperm. Males transfer in total 71% of the sperm available in their pedipalps, being higher but not significant in pattern 1 than in pattern 2. Females drastically reduced the amount of sperm stored in their spermathecae and such control is stronger in pattern 1 compared to pattern 2 matings. We propose that cryptic female control is a main factor driving males to strengthen sperm transfer. Active female reduction in ejaculate most probably diminished her reluctance to remate.  相似文献   

The relatively small number of ova produced by a female can be fertilized by a single ejaculate in most species. Why females of many species mate with multiple males is therefore enigmatic, especially given that costs associated with remating have been well documented. Recently, it has been argued that females may remate at a maladaptive rate as an outcome of sexually antagonistic coevolution: the evolutionary tug-of-war between manipulation by one sex and resistance to being manipulated by the other sex. We tested this hypothesis experimentally for the evolution of the female remating interval in a naturally promiscuous species, Drosophila melanogaster. In two replicate populations, sexual selection was removed through enforced monogamous mating with random mate assignment, or retained in polyandrous controls. Monogamy constrains the reproductive success of mates to be identical, thereby converting prior conflicts between mates into opportunities for mutualism. Under these experimental conditions, the sexually antagonistic coevolution hypothesis generates explicit predictions regarding the direction of evolutionary change in female remating behaviour. These predictions are contingent upon the mechanism of male manipulation, which may be mediated biochemically by seminal fluids or behaviourally by courtship. Levels of divergence in female remating interval across lines, and in male ejaculatory and courtship effects on female remating, were quantified after 84 generations of selection. Data refute the hypothesis that the evolutionary change in female remating behaviour was due to sexually antagonistic coevolution of courtship signal and receiver traits. The data were, however, consistent with a hypothesis of sexual conflict mediated through ejaculate manipulation. Monogamy-line males evolved ejaculates that were less effective in inducing female non-receptivity and monogamy-line females evolved to remate less frequently, symptomatic of lowered resistance to ejaculate manipulation. The consistency of the results with alternative hypotheses to explain female promiscuity are discussed.  相似文献   

Sperm competition has been a major selective force acting on male and female behaviour. Theory predicts that when sperm compete numerically, selection will favour males that vary the number of sperm they transfer with sperm competition risk. This often leads to increased copula duration when sperm competition risk is high, the selective advantage of which is increased paternity. We investigated the copulatory behaviour of the common dung fly Sepsis cynipsea in relation to male and female size, female mating status, age, and presence or absence of dung. This fly is unusual in that males mate-guard before copula while females use the sperm of previous males for their current clutch. Body size had no effect on copula duration, but duration of first copulations depended on female age, with older females having longer copulations. For females that copulated twice, there was an interaction between female age and mating status influencing copula duration: old females had longer copulations than young females, but second copulas were longer for young females. Residual testis size of nonvirgin males was smaller than for virgins, and testis shrinkage was significantly associated with copula duration, which indicates that males transfer more ejaculate with longer copulations. We therefore conclude that copulation duration and ejaculate transfer vary in accordance with sperm competition theory.  相似文献   

In polyandrous species, male reproductive success will at least partly be determined by males' success in sperm competition. To understand the potential for post‐mating sexual selection, it is therefore important to assess the extent of female remating. In the lekking moth Achroia grisella, male mating success is strongly determined by female choice based on the attractiveness of male ultrasonic songs. Although observations have indicated that some females will remate, only little is known about the level of sperm competition. In many species, females are more likely to remate if their first mating involved an already mated male than if the first male was virgin. Potentially, this is because mated males are less well able to provide an adequate sperm supply, nutrients, or substances inhibiting female remating. This phenomenon will effectively reduce the strength of pre‐copulatory sexual selection because attractive males with high mating success will be more susceptible to sperm competition. We therefore performed an experiment designed both to provide a more precise estimate of female remating probability and simultaneously to test the hypothesis that female remating is influenced by male mating history. Overall, approximately one of five females remated with a second male. Yet, although females mated to non‐virgin males were somewhat more prone to remate, the effect of male mating history was not significant. The results revealed, however, that heavier females were more likely to remate. Furthermore, we found that females' second copulations were longer, suggesting that, in accordance with theory, males may invest more sperm in situations with an elevated risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Nephilid spiders are known for gigantic females and tiny males. Such extreme sexual dimorphism and male-biased sex ratios result in fierce male–male competition for mates. Intense sperm competition may be responsible for behaviors such as mate guarding, mate binding, opportunistic mating, genital mutilation, mating plugs and male castration (eunuchs). We studied the mating biology of two phylogenetically, behaviorally and morphologically distinct south-east Asian nephilid spider species ( Herennia multipuncta, Nephila pilipes ) in nature and in the laboratory. Specifically, we established the frequencies and effectiveness of plugging (a plug is part of the male copulatory organ), and tested for male and female copulatory organ reuse. Both in nature and in the laboratory, plug frequencies were higher in H. multipuncta (75–80% females plugged) compared with N. pilipes (45–47.4%), but the differences were not significant. Plugs were single and effective (no remating) in H. multipuncta but multiple and ineffective (remating possible) in N. pilipes . In Herennia , the males plugged when the female was aggressive and in Nephila plugging was more likely when mating with previously mated and larger females. Further differences in sexual biology are complete palpal removal and higher sexual aggressiveness in Herennia (sexual cannibalism recorded for the first time), and mate binding in Nephila . Thus, we propose the following evolutionary hypothesis: nephilid plugging was ancestrally successful and enabled males to monopolize females, but plugging became ineffective in the phylogenetically derived Nephila . If the evolution of nephilid sexual mechanisms is driven by sexual conflict, then the male mechanism to monopolize females prevailed in a part of the phylogeny, but the female resistance to evade monopolization ultimately won the arms race.  相似文献   

When females mate multiply (polyandry) both pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection can occur. Sperm competition theory predicts there should be a trade‐off between investment in attracting mates and investment in ejaculate quality. In contrast, the phenotype‐linked fertility hypothesis predicts a positive relationship should exist between investment in attracting mates and investment in ejaculate quality. Given the need to understand how pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection interacts, we investigated the relationship between secondary sexual traits and ejaculate quality using the European house cricket, Acheta domesticus. Although we found no direct relationship between cricket secondary sexual signals and ejaculate quality, variation in ejaculate quality was dependent on male body weight and mating latency: the lightest males produced twice as many sperm as the heaviest males but took longer to mate with females. Our findings are consistent with current theoretical models of sperm competition. Given light males may have lower mating success than heavy males because females take longer to mate with them in no‐choice tests, light males may be exhibiting an alternative reproductive tactic by providing females with more living sperm. Together, our findings suggest that the fitness of heavy males may depend on pre‐copulatory sexual selection, while the fitness of light males may depend on post‐copulatory fertilization success.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is currently used to control Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae). However, mass‐rearing can alter the quality of released males. If males that are mass‐reared have behaviours different from those of their wild counterparts, then this may diminish the effectiveness of SIT. Questions remain as to whether wild females may be able to detect the male condition before, during and/or after copulation with a mass‐reared male. In the present study, copula duration, female remating, female fecundity and fertility of both mass‐reared and wild A. ludens are evaluated. Marked differences are found between mass‐reared and wild females. Specifically, mating latency is longer and copula duration is shorter for wild females compared with mass‐reared females. Importantly, there are no significant differences in mating latency, copula duration or remating probability between wild females paired with either mass‐reared or wild males. All mass‐reared females remate, whereas only approximately half of the wild females remate after first mating with either a wild or mass‐reared male. Fecundity of wild females mated to either wild or mass‐reared males is approximately one‐third lower than that of mass‐reared females, confirming that mass‐reared females may have been selected for high fecundity and are adapted to laboratory conditions. Fertility of females that mate with a wild male for only 10 min is not significantly different from that achieved via a full‐length copulation. By contrast, females mating with mass‐reared males need copulation durations of at least 40 min to achieve fertility comparable with that achieved via a full‐length copulation. The findings of the present study have important implications for A. ludens controlled through SIT and broaden our understanding on the copulatory and post‐copulatory behaviours between wild females and mass‐reared males.  相似文献   

In most species, both sexes may mate with more than one partner during their life. In terrestrial isopods (woodlice) female remating can occur within a reproductive season (immediate remating) or after a period of sexual rest and sperm storage, that is in a subsequent reproductive season (delayed remating). The pattern of sperm precedence is unknown in both cases. These two female remating patterns may shape male-male competition in different ways. To elucidate both patterns of female remating and sperm precedence, we used an albinism mutation in Armadillidium vulgare to track paternity in laboratory experiments. Males had low remating success after immediate remating attempts, mainly because of the female's refractory behaviour. However, refractory behaviour seemed to be lost after female sexual rest: delayed remating attempts were as successful as first mating attempts with virgin females. In both immediate and delayed remating, competing males had similar fertilization success, but varied in sperm precedence. We hypothesize that males might induce the refractory mating behaviour in females to ensure their paternity. This could be a strategy that evolved in woodlice after the loss of precopulatory mate guarding during adaptation to the terrestrial environment. We discuss the consequences of these findings for woodlice optimal mating strategies. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Control over copulation duration is a potentially importantgenerator of sexual conflict that has received little empiricalattention. The copulatory behavior of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchusmaculatus may reflect a sexual conflict over copulation duration.Males have spines on their intromittent organs that puncturethe female reproductive tract, and females kick their matesduring copulation. If females are prevented from kicking, copulationslast longer and the injuries females sustain are more severe.Males supposedly use the spines as anchors to prolong copulationduration, and females kick to terminate copulations. We manipulatedcopulation duration experimentally and quantified its effectson male and female fitness components to test whether or notthere is a conflict over copulation duration in C. maculatus.Females did not suffer from long copulations but instead experiencedincreased lifetime fecundity. Ejaculate size increased withcopulation duration, and females apparently derive materialbenefits from the ejaculates. Males that mated first and hadlong copulations were relatively unsuccessful when competingwith sperm from other males. However, there was a trend forfemale remating propensity to decrease with long copulationdurations, and first males may therefore also benefit from longcopulations. The copulation duration of the second male to matedid not have a significant effect on sperm precedence. We concludethat even though it seems likely that the male spines have evolvedto act as an anchor during copulation, there seems to be littleconflict over copulation duration per se in C. maculatus.  相似文献   

Courtship feeding in insects is often strongly correlated with insemination duration and therefore provides a potential postcopulatory episode of sexual selection. We tested whether courtship feeding and other courtship traits in the black-horned tree cricket Oecanthus nigricornis showed sufficient consistency potentially to respond to sexual selection by testing whether they differed significantly among males. Duration of courtship feeding differed among males when measured repeatedly and this caused significant differences in the duration of spermatophore attachment, a trait that determines the maximum duration of insemination and thus has important fitness consequences in crickets. We also partitioned variance in courtship behaviour between the sexes to test whether differences in courtship behaviour were attributable primarily to males, females or both sexes. Duration of spermatophore attachment was controlled by females and therefore represents a mechanism of female mate choice. Significant variation in duration of spermatophore attachment was associated with differences between individuals of both sexes. Differences among males indicate that females agree in their preference of certain males whereas differences among females indicate that females differ in their receptivity to postcopulatory courtship and insemination. The fact that differences among males in duration of spermatophore attachment were due to significant differences solely in the period of courtship feeding indicates that postcopulatory female choice was mediated through courtship feeding. Whether males manipulate female choices by allocating more or fewer resources requires further testing, but we found that males court some females more vigorously than others after females dismount. The number of previous mates had opposite effects on the duration of courtship feeding for the sexes, decreasing it for males but increasing it for females, and we discuss the possible causes of these results.  相似文献   

Pre-release dietary treatment with methoprene, a juvenile hormone analogue, decreases the age at which male Queensland fruit flies mature and hence may decrease the post-release delay until released sterile flies participate in sterile insect technique (SIT) programmes. However, if matings of young methoprene-treated males are not effective at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates, then this treatment may not enhance SIT. The present study investigates efficacy of matings of methoprene-treated males at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates. Methoprene incorporated into a diet of sugar and yeast hydrolysate (w/w 3:1) for 48 hr after emergence resulted in significantly increased male mating propensity when flies were <10 days of age, but not when older, and longer copulations. Copula latency did not vary with methoprene treatment but did decrease with age. The matings of young methoprene-treated males were effective at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates, matching the efficacy of untreated mature males. Regardless of treatment, females had reduced tendency to remate if their first mate was 15 days of age than if their first mate was younger (6, 8 days) or older (20, 25, 30 days). Females mated by methoprene-treated males that did remate tended to remate later in the day than females mated by untreated males. Also, second copula durations of females first mated by a 6- to 10-day-old male were shorter if the male was methoprene treated. These patterns in remating females may indicate greater efficacy of the initial mating of methoprene-treated males. Overall, we find that the additional matings of young methoprene-treated male Queensland fruit flies are effective at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates. This finding supports the incorporation of methoprene into pre-release diet for SIT.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of age and adult nutritional status of Ceratitis capitata males on their ability to inhibit female remating. Their roles and that of copula duration on the amount of sperm transferred to female spermathecae were also analysed. After emergence, adults were kept in separate groups according to their diets (either high protein – 6.5 g of brewer’s yeast, or low protein – 3.5 g of brewer’s yeast) and their age at the time of use in experiments (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 days old). The results demonstrated that: (i) male age was not a factor that influenced remating when females mated with well‐nourished males; however, the youngest males (4 days old) in the low‐protein group were less efficient in preventing female remating; (ii) 12‐ and 16‐day‐old males fed on a high‐protein diet transferred and produced more sperm than males of other groups; (iii) there was no correlation between copula duration and the amount of sperm transferred to the female; the longest copula durations were observed among low‐protein‐diet/20‐day‐old males. These results suggest that age and nutrition influence the ability of the males to inhibit female remating. The sterile insect technique is most effective when females do not remate after coupling with sterile males, and therefore, the capacity to inhibit female remating is an important characteristic of males released in the field.  相似文献   

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