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The expression within Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 of three mutant pilin genes from P. aeruginosa PAK was studied to determine their effects on pilin stability, translocation into the membrane, leader peptide removal, and methylation of the mature N-terminal phenylalanine. The results revealed that a deletion of 4 or 8 amino acids within the immediate N-terminus of pilin had deleterious effects upon leader peptide cleavage. In addition, while the 4-amino-acid deletion did not affect pilin partitioning into the membrane, the 8-amino-acid deletion decreased the amount of pilin found within the membrane fraction. Of considerable interest was the finding that the mutation within the mature pilin of the glutamate at position 5 to a lysine did not prevent leader peptide removal but did inhibit the methylation of the N-terminal phenylalanine.  相似文献   

P-pili on uropathogenic bacteria are 68-A-diameter rods typically 1 microm in length. These structures project from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, and contain on their distal tip a thin fibrillum, 25 A in diameter and 150 A long, displaying an adhesin protein responsible for the binding of the bacterium to the surface of epithelial cells lining the urinary tract. Operationally, it is possible to identify three morphologically distinct states of the 68-A-diameter P-pili rods, based on the degree of curvature each can adopt. These states are designated "straight," "curved," and "highly curved." The rods can also be unwound to form thin "threads" that are very similar to the tip fibrillae. Electron microscope data are used to distinguish among these four morphological states and to define limits on the shapes of the pilus proteins. The mechanical properties of the PapA polymers are assessed, and implications of rod polymorphism for pilus function are discussed. A wide variety of data are considered in light of the possibility that all pilins are similar in molecular architecture, with specific differences designed to optimize their specialized functions in the pilus assembly.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa K/2PfS, when transformed with an expression plasmid harboring the pilin gene (pilE1) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae MS11, was able to express and assemble gonococcal pilin monomers into surface-associated pili, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and immunoelectron microscopy. Concomitant with the expression of gonococcal pili in P. aeruginosa was the virtual loss of production of P. aeruginosa K/2PfS pili normally associated with the host cell.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation by Gfp-tagged Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 wild type, flagella and type IV pili mutants in flow chambers irrigated with citrate minimal medium was characterized by the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy and comstat image analysis. Flagella and type IV pili were not necessary for P. aeruginosa initial attachment or biofilm formation, but the cell appendages had roles in biofilm development, as wild type, flagella and type IV pili mutants formed biofilms with different structures. Dynamics and selection during biofilm formation were investigated by tagging the wild type and flagella/type IV mutants with Yfp and Cfp and performing time-lapse confocal laser scanning microscopy in mixed colour biofilms. The initial microcolony formation occurred by clonal growth, after which wild-type P. aeruginosa bacteria spread over the substratum by means of twitching motility. The wild-type biofilms were dynamic compositions with extensive motility, competition and selection occurring during development. Bacterial migration prevented the formation of larger microcolonial structures in the wild-type biofilms. The results are discussed in relation to the current model for P. aeruginosa biofilm development.  相似文献   

Biochemical studies on pili isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains PAO and PAK bear polar pili which are flexible filaments having a diameter of 6 nm and an average length of 2500 nm. Both types of pili are retractile and promote infection by a number of bacteriophages. The present communication describes the partial biochemical characterization of PAO pili isolated from a multipiliated nonretractile mutant of PAO. The observed properties are compared to those of PAK pili which were characterized previously. PAO pili were found to contain a single polypeptide subunit of 18 700 daltons. This is similar to PAK pili which contain a single polypeptide of 18 100 daltons. The amino acid composition of PAO pilin was also similar to that of PAK pilin. Neither protein contained phosphate or carbohydrate residues and both were found to contain N-methylphenylalanine at the amino terminus. Sequencing of 20 amino acid residues at the amino terminal end of PAO pilin revealed the sequence to be identical with that of PAK pilin, while tryptic peptide analyses of PAO and PAK pilin indicated that the two proteins probably contain a number of homologous regions within the polypeptide. It was concluded that PAO and PAK pili were closely related structures.  相似文献   

A function of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO polar pili: twitching motility   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Twitching motility is a mode of flagella-independent surface translocation exhibited by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria on solid media. All species exhibiting it carry thin pili, usually polar. This work shows that only PAO and K strains of P. aeruginosa with retractile (PSA) pili were able to move in this way, those with no pili or non-retractile pili remaining stationary. Specific agents such as anti-pilus serum, which prevents otherwise functional pili from retracting, also prevented twitching motility.  相似文献   

Type 4 fimbriae (pili) are found in a wide variety of gram-negative bacteria and are composed of small structural subunits which share significant sequence homology among different species, especially at their amino-terminal ends. Previous studies demonstrating morphogenetic expression of Bacteroides nodosus fimbriae from cloned subunit genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa suggested that there is a common mechanism for type 4 fimbriae assembly and that the structural subunits are interchangeable (J. S. Mattick et al., J. Bacteriol. 169:33-41, 1987). Here we have examined the expression of Moraxella bovis fimbrial subunits in P. aeruginosa. M. bovis subunits were assembled into extracellular fimbriae in this host, in some cases as a homopolymer but in others as a mosaic with the indigenous subunit, indicating structural equivalence. This result contrasts with other studies in which recombinant P. aeruginosa expressing different subunits produced fimbriae composed almost exclusively of one subunit or the other (T. C. Elleman and J. E. Peterson, Mol. Microbiol. 1:377-380, 1987). Both observations can be explained by reversibility of subunit-subunit interactions at the site of assembly, with the forward equilibrium favoring chain extension between compatible subunits.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K (PAK) bears polar pili that promote infection by at least six bacteriophages. Moreover, a recently isolated mutant of strain K (PAK/2PfS) is many times more piliated than the wild-type strain and facilitates the preparation of large amounts of pure pili for biochemical studies. The present investigation was carried out to establish the structural relatedness of PAK and PAK/2PfS pili and to determine their biochemical composition. A purfication procedure is described for PAK and PAK/2PfS pili that yields about 8 mg of pure pili per 100 g (wet weight) of PAK/2PfS cells and 0.8 mg of pure pili per 100 g (wet weight) of PAK cells. PAK and PAK/2PfS pili were found to be free from phosphate, carbohydrate, and lipid and to contain a single polypeptide subunit of 17,800 daltons. Isopycnic centrifugation studies revealed that PAK and PAK(2PfS pili have the same buoyant density in sucrose (1.221) and CsC1 (1.295). Both types of pili banded at pH 3.9 when subjected to isoelectric focusing. Amino acid analyses showed that PAK and PAK/2PfS pili have identical amino acid compositions, whereas microimmunodiffusion studies revealed that the two types of pili are immunologically indistinguishable. It was concluded that PAK and PAK/2PfS pili are identical and that the mutation responsible for producing the multipiliated state in PAK/2PfS is probably located outside the structural gene for PAK pili.  相似文献   

Role of pili in the pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa burn infection   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The present study using three isogenic mutants (F+P-, F-P+, F-P-) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa indicates that the presence of pili enhances the virulence of the organisms in experimental P. aeruginosa burn infection of mice. The 50% lethal dose (LD50) value for burned mice inoculated with non-piliated (P-) mutant was at least ten times higher than those inoculated with piliated (P+) bacteria. Meanwhile the LD50 value for burned mice inoculated with non-flagellated (F-) mutant was at least 10(5) times higher than those inoculated with flagellated (F+) bacteria. At 24 hr after inoculation, the bacterial counts in burned skin of mice inoculated with P+ bacteria were ten times higher than those inoculated with P- bacteria; and at 48 hr the bacterial counts became a hundred times higher in the former mice than the latter. At 24 hr after inoculation, P+ bacteria were isolated from blood, liver (F+P+), lung (F+P+), and kidney, while P- bacteria were not present in these tissues. And at 48 hr after inoculation, P+ bacteria were isolated from all tissues, while P- bacteria were isolated from some sites only. These results suggested that pili and flagella each play an important role as virulence factors independently, and that pili-mediated enhancement of virulence of P. aeruginosa was attributed to pili-mediated enhanced colonization of the organisms at the burned skin surfaces.  相似文献   

Transductional analysis was applied to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutant PAO14 (hnc-1). This mutant can utilize L-histidinol as sole source of carbon and nitrogen and has a 60-fold increased histidinol dehydrogenase (HDH) content (Dhawale, Creaser & Loper, 1972). Transductional analysis was carried out using 18 histidine-requiring mutants to see where the hnc-1 locus maps in relation to the structural genes of histidine biosynthesis. The hnc-1 marker cotransduced with group IV genes at 97 to 100 % and not at all with group I, which is known to be the structural gene for HDH. The data obtained in the studies of Km (histidinol) and Km (NAD), and the effect of pH and temperature on the HDH activity from PAO1 and PAO14 are in full agreement with the genetic data that the hnc-1 mutation is not in the structural gene for HDH. It is suggested that hnc-1 may be a mutation in a regulatory gene affecting HDH synthesis in PAO14 and may map close to his-IV whose function in histidine biosynthesis is not known.  相似文献   

Subunits A and B of DNA gyrase were purified from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and its mutant, which was resistant to nalidixic acid. Inhibition tests of DNA gyrases reconstituted with a combination of subunits from the two strains showed that an alteration of subunit A but not subunit B caused bacteria to resist fluoroquinolones.  相似文献   

Expression of multiple types of N-methyl Phe pili in Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The nature of pili synthesized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa when plasmid-borne genes of homologous pilins from Bacteroides nodosus are Introduced as thermoregulated expression systems has been ascertained. Expression of B. nodosus pili inhibited the production of indigenous P. aeruginosa pili, and an organism harbouring pilin genes from two strains of B. nodosus produced two seroiogically distinct populations of pili on each cell. Simultaneous production of both Indigenous and foreign pili was achieved by partial induction of expression. Homogeneity in pilus structure suggests either that there is an exclusive specificity of Interaction between identical pilin subunits in pilus assembly, or that each pilus is produced from the translation products of a single messenger RNA molecule, with translation and pilus assembly closely coupled.  相似文献   

Expression of multiple types of N-methyl Phe pili in Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The nature of pili synthesized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa when plasmid-borne genes of homologous pilins from Bacteroides nodosus are introduced as thermoregulated expression systems has been ascertained. Expression of B. nodosus pili inhibited the production of indigenous P. aeruginosa pili, and an organism harbouring pilin genes from two strains of B. nodosus produced two serologically distinct populations of pili on each cell. Simultaneous production of both indigenous and foreign pili was achieved by partial induction of expression. Homogeneity in pilus structure suggests either that there is an exclusive specificity of interaction between identical pilin subunits in pilus assembly, or that each pilus is produced from the translation products of a single messenger RNA molecule, with translation and pilus assembly closely coupled.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces multifunctional, polar, filamentous appendages termed type IV pili. Type IV pili are involved in colonization during infection, twitching motility, biofilm formation, bacteriophage infection, and natural transformation. Electrostatic surface analysis of modeled pilus fibers generated from P. aeruginosa strain PAK, K122-4, and KB-7 pilin monomers suggested that a solvent-exposed band of positive charge may be a common feature of all type IV pili. Several functions of type IV pili, including natural transformation and biofilm formation, involve DNA. We investigated the ability of P. aeruginosa type IV pili to bind DNA. Purified PAK, K122-4, and KB-7 pili were observed to bind both bacterial plasmid and salmon sperm DNA in a concentration-dependent and saturable manner. PAK pili had the highest affinity for DNA, followed by K122-4 and KB-7 pili. DNA binding involved backbone interactions and preferential binding to pyrimidine residues even though there was no evidence of sequence-specific binding. Pilus-mediated DNA binding was a function of the intact pilus and thus required elements present in the quaternary structure. However, binding also involved the pilus tip as tip-specific, but not base-specific, antibodies inhibited DNA binding. The conservation of a Thr residue in all type IV pilin monomers examined to date, along with the electrostatic data, implies that DNA binding is a conserved function of type IV pili. Pilus-mediated DNA binding could be important for biofilm formation both in vivo during an infection and ex vivo on abiotic surfaces.  相似文献   

Using a rapid screening assay based on the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphorylcholine, we isolated several mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa deficient in the production of phospholipase C. One, designated strain A50N, was also markedly deficient in the synthesis of alkaline phosphatase and several unidentified extracellular proteins. Because strain A50N produces these proteins under conditions of derepression at levels equal to those produced by the parental strain PAO1 grown in medium containing excess phosphate, it appears to have a mutation in a genetic element involved in the derepression of phosphate-repressible proteins.  相似文献   

The gene for glycine betaine transmethylase (gbt) was identified in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain Fildes III by biochemical, physiological, and molecular approaches. Based on sequence analysis, the knockout gene corresponded to an open reading frame (ORF) named PA3082 in the genome of P. aeruginosa PAO1. The translated product of this ORF displayed similarity to transferases of different microorganisms. Mutation in gbt blocked the utilization of choline and glycine betaine as carbon and nitrogen sources.  相似文献   

A mutant sex factor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  

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