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RAPD技术及其在动物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张丕燕  谢庄 《生物工程进展》2000,20(4):52-54,51
RAPD技术是在PCR基础上发展起来的一种DNA多态性检测技术,已广泛应用于基因组研究的种个领域。本文概述了RAPD反应的原理、特点,总结了其在遗传多样性检测、亲缘关系鉴定、遗传连锁分析和数量性状的辅助标记选择等方面的应用,并肯定了RAPD在动物遗传户种领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

RAPD分子标记及其在作物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
RAPD分子标记是一种新型的分了遗传标记,其原理是采用10个碱基的随机引物,以基因组DNA为模板进行PCR随机扩增。其优越性在于其方法简单;分析中的花费少,用时短;分析所需的DNA用量也不多等。本文着重介绍以电泳技术和PCR扩增技术为核心的分子标记以及在农作物遗传育种中的应用。  相似文献   

RAPD技术在植物遗传育种上的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RAPD技术以其快速、简便、高效等优点,已广泛应用于多个学科、领域。本文综述了RAPD技术在植物遗传育种上的应用,如遗传多样性研究、分子标记辅助育种、品种(杂种)真实性鉴定、基因定位、构建遗传图谱等。  相似文献   

RAPD技术在植物遗传育种研究中的应用进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
RAPD技术是一种随机扩增多态性DNA的方法,操作简单、快捷且经济,可从分子水平提供直接的遗传证据。RAPD技术在植物遗传育种中的应用如下:1)遗传图谱的构建;2)分子标记辅助选择育种;3)外源染色体片段的鉴定和标记;4)遗传关系与遗传多样性的研究;5)体细胞杂种的鉴定。  相似文献   

PAPD技术及其在动物遗传多样性分析中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
RAPD技术是在PCR基础之上发展而来的1种DNA多态性检测工具,具有方便、快捷、经济等特点。本文概述了RAPD的反应原理及特点,总结了RAPD在动物遗传多样性检测、群体遗传结构和亲缘关系分析中的应用,并肯定了RAPD在动物遗传多样性分析中的应用前景。  相似文献   

RAPD技术在生物遗传多样性研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
遗传多样性的检测可在不同水平上进行 ,最初人们对遗传多样性的检测是从形态学开始的 ,进入 2 0世纪80年代 ,分子生物学与分子克隆技术的发展带来了一系列检测遗传多样性更为直接的方法。目前 DNA水平的分析方法已成为最有效的遗传分析方法 ,原则上可以做到对任何基因组中任何片段进行分析。本文对 RAPD技术及其在生物遗传多样性研究中的应用作一综述。1  RAPD技术随机扩增多态 DNA标记 (Random amplified poly-morphic DNA,RAPD)技术是 Williams和 Welsh等于1990年同时建立的一项 DNA多态性检测新技术 ,是一项建立在 PCR基础…  相似文献   

RAPD技术及其在动物遗传多样性分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RAPD技术是在PCR基础之上发展而来的1种DNA多态性检测工具,具有方便、快捷、经济等特点.本文概述了RAPD的反应原理及特点,总结了RAPD在动物遗传多样性检测、群体遗传结构和亲缘关系分析中的应用,并肯定了RAPD在动物遗传多样性分析中的应用前景.  相似文献   

分子标记的种类及其在作物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子标记技术近年来发展很快,目前,常用的分子标记主要可以分为基于杂交的分子标记、基于PCR的分子标记、基于限制性酶切和PCR结合的分子标记以及新一代分子标记.本文对这几类分子标记中常用类型的基本原理进行介绍,并从分子标记在作物种质遗传多样性、基因定位和基因克隆以及分子标记辅助选择育种和分子设计育种中应用进行了阐述.  相似文献   

RAPD技术在果树遗传育种研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
潘新法 《生物学杂志》2002,18(2):26-27,30
介绍了RAPD技术在果树品种鉴定和分类、系谱分析、构建遗传图谱、杂种鉴定与突变体检测等遗传育种研究领域中的应用,并对该技术在使用中存在的问题及应用前景进行探讨。  相似文献   

RAPD技术在我国鱼类研究中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
论述了RAPD技术的原理,RAPD技术在我国鱼类遗传进化、遗传多样性、分类、种群亲缘关系、种质鉴定、育种和杂种优势利用等研究方面的应用及其取得的效果。  相似文献   

RAPD技术在植物遗传育种上的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
RAPD技术以其快速、简便、高效等优点,已广泛应用于多个学科、领域。本文综述了RAPD技术在植物遗传育种上的应用,如遗传多样性研究、分子标记辅助育种、品种(杂种)真实性鉴定、基因定位、构建遗传图谱等。  相似文献   

以随机扩增多态DNA(RandomAmplifiedPolymorphicDNA,RAPD)标记方法对航天搭载得到的矮化早熟高粱突变体进行遗传特性分析,利用适合玉米的引物对高粱进行引物筛选,从31种随机引物中共扩增出4条多态性片段,反映出突变体的遗传差异性。  相似文献   

广东省平胸龟遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于栖息地的破坏和人为的滥杀滥捕,平胸龟野外资源数量急剧下降,现已处于濒危状态。将13条可重复的、扩增图谱清晰的RAPD引物用于广东省内20个平胸龟个体的遗传多样性分析。扩增所得的条带显示,多态性位点含量为60.71%,Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.1196,Shannon’s多样性信息指数为0.1966,表明平胸龟遗传多样性仍较丰富。同时,计算20个个体间遗传距离为0.0507-0.2925,并采用UPGAM方法绘制聚类分析树状图,20个个体聚类较分散,主要聚为1个大群体,表明广东省内的野生平胸龟并没有形成明显的种群的分化。了解平胸龟的遗传现状、种群结构,可为该物种的种质资源保护、野生资源恢复与利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在现代化畜禽养殖业中,杂种优势的利用扮演着十分重要的角色。"显性学说""超显性学说"以及"上位性假说"是经典的数量遗传学对杂种优势解释的3种学说。随着遗传学研究和扩展,研究者们发现杂种优势是来自父、母本基因组等位基因之间的相互作用,改变了有关基因的调控网络,才提高了杂交后代的生产繁殖性能。在动物的杂交育种中,一般采用大量品系、品种进行多次试验,进而筛选出所需的优势性状个体,所以适合推广的杂交优势组合难以获得,所以对杂交育种中的不同组合的杂交优势进行准确预测变得格外的重要。  相似文献   

An integrated genetic linkage map for E. nitens was constructed in an outbred three-generation pedigree. Analysis of 210 RFLP, 125 RAPD and 4 isozyme loci resulted in 330 markers linked in 12 linkage groups covering 1462 cM (n=11 in eucalypts). The 12th linkage group is comprised of only 5 markers and will probably coalesce with another linkage group when further linked loci are located. Co-dominant RFLP loci segregating in both parents were used to integrate linkages identified in the male and female parents. Differences in recombination frequencies in the two parents were observed for a number of pairs of loci, and duplication of sequences was identified both within and between linkage groups. The markers were distributed randomly across the genome except for the RFLPs in linkage group 10 and for some loci showing segregation distortion, which were clustered into three regions of the map. The use of a large number of co-dominant RFLP loci in this map enables it to be used in other pedigrees of E. nitens and forms a basis for the detection and location of QTL in E. nitens and other eucalypt species.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage maps have been increasingly developed for a wide variety of plants, using segregating populations such as F2s or backcrosses between inbred lines. These pedigrees are rarely available in outbred species like forest trees which have long generation times. Thus genetic mapping studies have to use peculiar pedigrees and markers in appropriate configurations. We constructed single-tree genetic linkage maps of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) and Japanese larch [Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr.] using segregation data from 112 progeny individuals of an hybrid family. A total of 266 markers (114 AFLP, 149 RAPD and 3 ISSR loci) showing a testcross configuration, i.e.heterozygous in one parent and null in the other parent, were grouped at LOD 4.0, θ=0.3. The maternal parent map (L. decidua)consisted of 117 markers partitioned within 17 linkage groups (1152 cM) and the paternal parent map (L. kaempferi) had 125 markers assembled into 21 linkage groups (1206 cM). The map distance covered by markers was determined by adding a 34.7-cM independence distance at the end of each group and unlinked marker. It reached 2537 cM and 2997 cM respectively for European larch and Japanese larch, and represented respectively a 79.6% and 80.8% coverage of the overall genome. A few 3:1 segregating markers were used to identify homologous linkage groups between the European larch and the Japanese larch genetic maps. The PCR-based molecular markers allowed the construction of genetic maps, thus ensuring a good coverage of the larch genome for further QTL detection and mapping studies. Received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 29 March 1999  相似文献   

桃遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采用RAPD技术,利用200个引物筛选的22个10碱基随机引物对桃182个变种,类型,品种进行DNA扩增。对扩增位点上的带型分析,观察到有的引的在某一位点上明显有带的分离,且S65,S459,S167,S60引物在这一位点可以包含一个类群或几个类群全部的供试品种,变种或类型,但各类群都没有各自独特的特征带。聚类图分析表明,来源无性系的品种遗传一致度最大达0.990;有的品种也表现出较大遗传一致度的为0.985;也有的品种的遗传一致度较低,范围在0.686-0.831之间。对桃的分类,以水蜜桃,寿星桃,垂枝桃作为类群划分较明晰,其它品种的类群划分则较困难,从而也说明了原产中国的桃种质资源的遗传多样性丰富。  相似文献   

To assess the relationships among 26 species in Roegneria C. Koch, 34 random decamer primers were screened for RAPD fragments. 28 primers produced polymorphic RAPD products. Data from 16 primers were used for RAPD assay. By NTSYS-pc program, Jaccard' s genetic similarity coefficients were generated and dendrogram was constructed using UPGMA. It is concluded as follows: (1) Distinct genetic differences and extensive genetic diversity were present among the species. (2) There were some genetic differences between StY and StYH genomes, and StY and StYH had a certain degree of differentiations respectively which were related to geographic regions, the farther the geographic distribution between species, the less the similarity to each other. (3) When different accessions in a species, such as species with similar morphological characters, homologous genomes and similar geographic distribution, were clustered together respectively, it suggusted that they had closer relationships. (4) The awnless species R. alashanica Keng and R. magnicaespes (D. F. Cui) L. B. Cai, in Roegneria, were separated from the other species analysed in this study, indicating that these two species had intensive genetic differences from the others. (5) R. caucasica C. Koch, a species from Western Asia, was quite different from the other species contained StY genomes in Roegneria from Eastern Asia and Central Asia. (6) The results were in consistance with that of the analysis of morphology and chromosome pairing in the taxonomic treatments for R. ciliaris (Trin) Nevski and R. japonensis (Honda) Keng, R. tenuispica J. L. Yang et Y. H. Zhou and R. pendulina Nevski, and R. tsukushiensis (Honda) Ohwi and R. kamoji Ohwi. The present study discussed the usefulness of RAPD markers in the systematic study of Roegneria.  相似文献   

甘蔗种质间亲缘关系及特异标记的RAPD分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
采用RAPD技术分析甘蔗种质问的亲缘关系及特异标记。筛选出25个扩增多态性较强的随机引物,构建了41份甘蔗种质的RAPD指纹图谱,并对RAPD数据进行UPGMA聚类分析。甘蔗栽培品种之间、栽培品种与近缘种之间以及近缘种相互间的遗传相似系数变异范围为0.56~0.92,表明所研究的甘蔗种质之间的亲缘关系较近。此外,发现某些甘蔗亲本种质具有特异RAPD标记带。  相似文献   

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