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Determination of a Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve for Winter Wheat Crops   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A set of N-fertilization field experiments was used to determinethe 'critical nitrogen concentration', i.e, the minimal concentrationof total N in shoots that produced the maximum aerial dry matter,at a given time and field situation. A unique 'critical nitrogendilution curve' was obtained by plotting these concentrationsNct (% DM) vs. accumulated shoot biomass DM (t ha-1). It couldbe described by the equation: Nct = 5·35DM-0·442 when shoot biomass was between 1·55 and 12 t ha-1. Anexcellent fit was obtained between model and data (r2 = 0·98,15 d.f.). A very close relationship was found using reducedN instead of total N, because the nitrate concentrations inshoots corresponding to critical points were small. The criticalcurve was rather close to those reported by Greenwood et al.(1990) for C3 plants. However, this equation did not apply whenshoot biomass was less than 1·55 t ha-1. In this case,the critical N concentration was independent of shoot biomass:the constant critical value Nct = 4·4% is suggested forreduced-N. The model was validated in all the experimental situations,in spite of large differences in growth rate, cultivar, soiland climatic conditions; shoot biomass varying from 0·2to 14 t ha-1. Plant N concentration was found to vary by a factor of fourat a given shoot biomass level. In the heavily fertilized treatments,shoot N concentration could be 60% higher than the criticalconcentration. Most (on average 80%) of the extra N accumulatedwas in the form of reduced N. The proportion of nitrate to totalN in shoot mainly depended on the crop stage of development.It was independent of the nitrogen nutrition level.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, arable crops, plant N concentration, aerial biomass, critical nitrogen, dilution curve, fertilization, reduced N, nitrate  相似文献   

There is still disagreement about whether crop growth rate orsoil nitrate concentration control nitrogen absorption by cropsunder field conditions. The influence of these factors on thecontrol of N uptake rate was examined in the absence of waterstress, using data on dry matter production, above-ground nitrogenaccumulation and soil nitrate concentration from several N-fertilizerexperiments on winter wheat, winter oilseed rape and maize.The results confirmed that crops can accumulate nitrogen farin excess of the ‘critical dilution curve’, whichdefines the minimum amount of nitrogen needed for maximal growthrate: the N concentration in plants could exceed the criticalN concentration by 70 to 80% for the three species studied.The nitrate uptake rate index (NUI) was calculated as the ratioof actual and critical N uptake rates, at intervals of 1 week.NUI varied with nitrate concentration in the 0–30 cm soillayer according to a Michaelis–Menten equation (with oneor two components). This response was compared with the kineticsof saturation of the nitrate uptake systems: the high affinitytransport system (HATS) and the low affinity transport system(LATS). As a result, it is proposed that there is a criticalN dilution curve delimiting two domains of N use by plants.This is linked to the two nitrate transport systems, with HATSworking at low nitrate concentrations, below the critical dilutioncurve, and LATS at high nitrate concentrations, above the curve.NUI provides another method for calculating the actual nitrateuptake rate, which depends on the maximal crop growth rate (withoutN deficiency) and on the external nitrate concentration. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Nitrate, uptake rate, growth rate, wheat, maize, oilseed rape, soil N availability  相似文献   

The effects of withdrawing nitrogen (N) from the nutrient solutionof adult tomato plants growing in rockwool in a greenhouse wereinvestigated over a 6 week period during fruit production. Thetreatment reduced total plant growth after a lag period of about2 weeks. The commercial fruit yield after 6 weeks of N deprivationwas 7.7 kg m-2compared to 9.3 kg m-2in control plants. Duringthe experiment, growth of the -N plants was fuelled by N reservescontained in both the substrate (rockwool) and in plant organs.The nitrogen budget calculated for -N plants showed that onlya small amount of organic-N was readily available for internalcycling from organs such as stems. It served mainly to feedgrowing fruits which were the main sinks in the plant. The studyalso established that stores of nitrate-N were fully depletedbut it took 45 d for the -N plants to metabolize completelytheir nitrate reserves. This indicates that internal nitrateis not a readily-accessible store of labile N. An estimationof the critical N concentration (%Nc) in the aerial dry matterwas made from the data. Thus, for a crop yielding about 9.9tons DM ha-1, %Ncwas close to 2.5%. This result is discussedin light of existing models that describe the ontogenic declinein %Ncin dry biomass of C3plants. The study indicates that thecurrent regime of N fertilization practised in soilless culturesnot only leads to ineffective nitrogen use but also to largelosses of N to the environment; N concentrations should be decreasedin feeding recipes. The use of N-free nutrient solutions priorto the termination of plant culture may also be a means of limitingthe loss of eutrophying elements, such as nitrate, to the environment.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, organ dry biomass, critical nitrogen concentration, compartment, rockwool, nitrate interruption, distribution, reserves  相似文献   

At low nitrogen (N) supply, it is well known that rye has ahigher biomass production than wheat. This study investigateswhether these species differences can be explained by differencesin dry matter and nitrogen partitioning, specific leaf area,specific root length and net assimilation rate, which determineboth N acquisition and carbon assimilation during vegetativegrowth. Winter rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) and triticale (X Triticosecale) were grown in solution cultureat relative addition rates (RN) of nitrate-N supply rangingfrom 0.03–0.18 d-1and at non-limiting N supply under controlledconditions. The relative growth rate (RW) was closely equalto RNin the range 0.03–0.15 d-1. The maximalRW at non-limitingnitrate nutrition was approx. 0.18 d-1. The biomass allocationto the roots showed a considerable plasticity but did not differbetween species. There were no interspecific differences ineither net assimilation rate or specific leaf area. Higher accumulationof N in the plant, despite the same relative growth rate atnon-limiting N supplies, suggests that rye has a greater abilityto accumulate reserves of nitrogen. Rye had a higher specificroot length over a wide range of sub-optimal N rates than wheat,especially at extreme N deficiency (RN=0.03–0.06 d-1).Triticale had a similar specific root length as that of wheatbut had the ability to accumulate N to the same amount as ryeunder conditions of free N access. It is concluded that thebetter adaptation of rye to low N availability compared to wheatis related to higher specific root length in rye. Additionally,the greater ability to accumulate nitrogen under conditionsof free N access for rye and triticale compared to wheat maybe useful for subsequent N utilization during plant growth.In general, species differences are explained by growth componentsresponsible for nitrogen acquisition rather than carbon assimilation.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Growth analysis, nitrogen, nitrogen productivity, partitioning, specific root length, Secale cereale L.,Triticum aestivum L., X Triticosecale, winter rye, winter wheat, winter triticale.  相似文献   

Nitrate assimilation was examined in two cultivars (Banner Winterand Herz Freya) of Vicia faba L. supplied with a range of nitrateconcentrations. The distribution between root and shoot wasassessed. The cultivars showed responses to increased applied nitrateconcentration. Total plant dry weight and carbon content remainedconstant while shoot: root dry weight ratio, total plant nitrogen,total plant leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) all increased.The proportion of total plant nitrate and nitrate reductase(NR) activity found in the shoot of both cultivars increasedwith applied nitrate concentrations as did NO3: Kjeldahl-Nratios of xylem sap. The cultivars differed in that a greaterproportion of total plant NR activity occurred in the shootof cv. Herz Freya at all applied nitrate concentrations, andits xylem sap NO3: Kjeldahl-N ratio and SLA were consistentlygreater. It is concluded that the distribution of nitrate assimilationbetween root and shoot of V. faba varies both with cultivarand with external nitrate concentration. Vicia faba L., field bean, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase, xylem sap analysis  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants were grown from seedin perlite, inoculated with effective rhizobia and exposed tothe same ‘concentration x days’ of 15N-labellednitrate in four contrasting patterns of doses. Acetylene reductionwas measured at intervals using an open, continuous-flow sytem.Mean dry weight per nodule and rates of acetylene reductionfell rapidly (2–3 d) during periods of exposure to highnitrate concentrations (> 7 mM N) and rose again, equallyrapidly, when nitrate was withdrawn or substantially reduced.The fall in mean dry weight per nodule (50–66 per cent)was almost certainly too large to be accounted for by loss ofsoluble or storage carbohydrate only. No new nodules were formedduring periods of high nitrate availability. When nitrate wassupplied continuously at a moderate concentration (5.7 mM N)nodule numbers stabilised although existing nodules increasedin dry weight by almost four-fold over the 30 d measurementperiod. Treatment had no effect on the percentage nitrogen in planttissues although there were large differences in the proportionsderived from nitrate and N2-fixation. Plants exposed continuouslyor frequently to small doses of nitrate took up more nitrate,and hence relied less heavily on N2-fixation, than those exposedto larger doses less often. Increased reliance on nitrate broughtwith it increased total dry weight and shoot: root ratios. Possiblemechanisms involved in bringing about these differences in nitrogennutrition and growth are discussed. White clover, Trifolium repens, nitrate, N2-fixation, nodule, acetylene reduction, 15N  相似文献   

The single-gene mutation afila in pea (Pisum sativum L.) resultsin the replacement of proximal leaflets with branched tendrils,thereby reducing leaf area. This study investigated whethertheafila line could adjust biomass partitioning when exposedto varying nutrient regimes, to compensate for reduced leafarea, compared with wild-type plants. Wild-type and afila near-isogeniclines were grown in solution culture with nitrate-N added toinitially N-starved seedlings at relative addition rates (RN)of 0.06, 0.12, 0.15 and 0.50 d-1. The relative growth rate (RW)of the whole plants closely matched RNat 0.06 and 0.12 d-1,but higher RNresulted in a slightly higher growth rate. At agiven RN, the wild-type line had lower plant nitrogen statusthan the afila line. RWof the roots of the afila line was lessthan RWof the roots of the wild-type at the three higher ratesof N supply despite a greater accumulation of N in the rootsof the afila plants. Consequently, plant nitrogen productivity(growth rate per unit nitrogen) was lower for afila. Dry matterallocation was strongly influenced by nitrogen status, but nodifferences in shoot–root dry matter allocation were foundbetween wild-type and afila with the same plant N status. Theseresults imply that decreased leaf area as a result of the single-genemutation afila affects dry matter allocation, but only accordingto its effect on the nitrogen status. Copyright 2000 Annalsof Botany Company Pisum sativum, pea, nitrogen limitation, growth, shoot–root allocation, relative growth rate, nitrogen productivity, isolines  相似文献   

Macduff, J. H., Hopper, M. J. and Wild, A. 1987. The effectof root temperature on growth and uptake of ammonium and nitrateby Brassica napus L. CV. Bien venu in flowing solution culture.II. Uptake from solutions containing NH4NO3.—J. exp. Bot.38: 53–66 The effects of root temperature on uptake and assimilation ofNH4+ and NO3 by oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. CV. Bienvenu) were examined. Plants were grown for 49 d in flowing nutrientsolution at pH 6?0 with root temperature decrementally reducedfrom 20?C to 5?C; and then exposed to different root temperatures(3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17 or 25?C) held constant for 14 d. Theair temperature was 20/15?C day/night and nitrogen was suppliedautomatically to maintain 10 mmol m–3 NH4NO3 in solution.Total uptake of nitrogen over 14 d increased threefold between3–13?C but was constant above 13?C. Net uptake of NH4+exceeded that of NO3 at all temperatures except 17?C,and represented 47–65% of the total uptake of nitrogen.Unit absorption rates of NH4+ and of 1?5–2?7 for NO3suggested that NO3 absorption was more sensitive thanNH4+ absorption to temperature. Rates of absorption were relativelystable at 3?C and 5?C compared with those at 17?C and 25?C whichincreased sharply after 10 d. Tissue concentration of N in theshoot, expressed on a fresh weight basis, was independent ofroot temperature throughout, but doubled between 3–25?Cwhen expressed on a dry weight basis. The apparent proportionof net uptake of NO3 that was assimilated was inverselyrelated to root temperature. The results are used to examinethe relation between unit absorption rate adn shoot:root ratioin the context of short and long term responses to change ofroot temperature Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, nitrogen uptake  相似文献   

The significance of nickel (Ni), which is essential for ureaseactivity, for growth and nitrogen (N) metabolism ofBrassicanapusgrown in nutrient solution with either NH4NO3or urea assole N source was investigated. Although Ni contents were below25 µg kg-1d. wt, growth of plants relying on NH4NO3wasnot affected by the Ni status. However, supplementing the growthmedium with 0.04 µMNi enhanced dry matter production ofurea-grown plants significantly. Urease activity was significantlyreduced in leaves and roots of plants grown without supplementaryNi irrespective of N source. Plants grown with urea withoutadditional Ni accumulated large amounts of urea and had loweramino acid contents indicating impaired usage of the N supplied,while those grown with NH4NO3under Ni-deprived conditions accumulatedendogenous urea in their older leaves. It is suggested thatNi may not be strictly essential for plants receiving mineralN, or that the critical level is well below 25 µg kg-1d.wt. These results confirm that Ni is required for urease activityand thus for growth of plants on urea-based media, as well asfor recycling endogenous urea.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany. Brassica napusvar.annua, amino acids, N nutrition, nickel, spring rape, urea, urease activity.  相似文献   

Macduff, J. H., Hopper, M. J. and Wild, A. 1987. The effectof root temperature on growth and uptake of ammonium and nitrateby Brassica napus L. in flowing solution culture. I. Growth.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 42–52 Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Bien venu) was grown for49 d in flowing nutrient solution at pH 6?0 with root temperaturedecrementally reduced from 20?C to 5?C; and then exposed todifferent root temperatures (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,17 or 25?C)held constant for 14 d. The air temperature was 20/15?C day/nightand nitrogen was supplied automatically to maintain 10 mmolm–3 NH4NO3 in solution. Total dry matter production wasexponential with time and similar at all root temperatures givinga specific growth rate of 0?0784 g g–1 d–1. Partitioningof dry matter was influenced by root temperature; shoot: rootratios increased during treatment at 17?C and 25?C but decreasedafter 5 d at 3?C and 5?C. The ratio of shoot specific growthrate: root specific growth rate increased with the ratio ofwater soluble carbohydrates (shoot: root). Concentrations ofwater soluble carbohydrates in shoot and root were inverselyrelated to root temperature; at 3, 5 and 7?C they increasedin stem + petioles throughout treatment, coinciding with a decreasein the weight of tissue water per unit dry matter. These resultssuggest that the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates at lowtemperature is the result of metabolic imbalance and of osmoticadjustment to water stress. Key words: Brassica napus, oilseed rape, root temperature, specific growth rate  相似文献   

We examined changes in dry weight and leaf area within Dactylisglomerata L. plants using allometric analysis to determine whetherobserved patterns were truly affected by [CO2] and N supplyor merely reflect ontogenetic drift. Plants were grown hydroponicallyat four concentrations of in controlled environment cabinets at ambient (360 µll–1) or elevated (680 µl l–1) atmospheric[CO2]. Both CO2and N enrichment stimulated net dry matter production.Allometric analyses revealed that [CO2] did not affect partitioningof dry matter between shoot and root at high N supply. However,at low N supply there was a transient increase in dry matterpartitioning into the shoot at elevated compared to ambient[CO2] during early stages of growth, which is inconsistent withpredictions based on optimal partitioning theory. In contrast,dry matter partitioning was affected by N supply throughoutontogeny, such that at low N supply dry matter was preferentiallyallocated to roots, which is in agreement with optimal partitioningtheory. Independent of N supply, atmospheric CO2enrichment resultedin a reduction in leaf area ratio (LAR), solely due to a decreasein specific leaf area (SLA), when plants of the same age werecompared. However, [CO2] did not affect allometric coefficientsrelating dry weight and leaf area, and effects of elevated [CO2]on LAR and SLA were the result of an early, transient stimulationof whole plant and leaf dry weight, compared to leaf area production.We conclude that elevated [CO2], in contrast to N supply, changesallocation patterns only transiently during early stages ofgrowth, if at all. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Allometric growth, carbon dioxide enrichment, Cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata L., dry weight partitioning, leaf area ratio, nitrogen supply, shoot:root ratio, specific leaf area  相似文献   

Growth and N-accumulation rates in leaves, stolons and rootsof individual white clover plants were studied in three experimentsusing two methods. In a growth chamber experiment, the relativedifferences between tissues were found to be almost constantfor a wide range of clover plant sizes. The stolon dry matter(DM) production was 56% and the root DM production 40% of theDM production in leaves. The N yield of stolons was 30% whileN yield in roots was 34% of N yield in leaves. The effect ofN application on these relations was investigated in a glasshouseexperiment. Application of N reduced the root:shoot N ratiofrom 0.50 to 0.28, whereas the stolon+root:leaf N ratio (i.e.for abovevs.below cutting-height tissues) was only reduced from0.97 to 0.80. In a field trial with two contrasting N regimes,growth and N accumulation were measured on individual cloverplants. Dinitrogen fixation was estimated by15N isotope dilutionbased on analysis of leaves-only or by including stolons. Usingleaves-only did not affect the calculation of percentage ofclover N derived from N2fixation (% Ndfa) since the15N enrichmentwas found to be uniform in all parts of the clover. A correctionfactor of 1.7 to account for N in below cutting-height tissueis suggested when N2fixation in white clover is estimated byharvesting the leaves only.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Leaves; N accumulation; N2fixation; 15N isotope dilution; pastures; roots; root/shoot ratio; stolons; Trifolium repensL.; white clover  相似文献   

Carob seedlings were grown hydroponically for 9 weeks under360 and 800 µl l-1CO2. One of two nitrogen sources, nitrateor ammonium, was added to the nutrient medium at concentrationsof 3 mol m-3. Root systems of the developing plants suppliedwith nitrate compared to those supplied with ammonium were characterizedby:(a)more biomass on the lower part of the root;(b)fewer lateralroots of first and second order;(c)longer roots;(d)higher specificroot length;(e)a smaller root diameter. The morphology of theroot systems of nitrate-fed plants changed in the presence ofelevated carbon dioxide concentrations, resembling, more closely,that of ammonium-fed plants. Total leaf area was higher in ammonium-than in nitrate-fed plants. Nitrate-fed plants had greater totalleaf area in the presence of high carbon dioxide than in normalCO2, due to an increase in epidermal cell size that led to developmentof larger leaflets with lower stomatal frequency. The observedchanges in the morphology of roots and shoots agreed with theresults observed for total biomass production. Nitrate-fed plantsincreased their biomass production by 100% in the presence ofelevated CO2compared to 15% in ammonium-fed plants, indicatingthat the response of carob to high CO2concentrations is verydependent on the nitrogen source. Under elevated CO2, nitrate-grownplants had a larger content of sucrose in both roots and shoots,while no significant difference was observed in the contentof sucrose in ammonium-grown plants, whether in ambient or enrichedcarbon dioxide. Hence, the differences in soluble carbohydratecontents can, at least partly, account for differences in rootand shoot morphology.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Ceratonia siliquaL.; carob; ammonium; carbohydrate; carbon dioxide; nitrate; morphology; sucrose  相似文献   

The effects of NO-3 and NH+4 nutrition on hydroponically grownwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) were assessedfrom measurements of growth, gas exchange and xylem sap nitrogencontents. Biomass accumulation and shoot moisture contents ofwheat and maize were lower with NH+4 than with NO-3 nutrition.The shoot:root ratios of wheat plants were increased with NH+4compared to NO-3 nutrition, while those of maize were unaffectedby the nitrogen source. Differences between NO-3 and NH+4-fedplant biomasses were apparent soon after introduction of thenitrogen into the root medium of both wheat and maize, and thesedifferences were compounded during growth. Photosynthetic rates of 4 mM N-fed wheat were unaffected bythe form of nitrogen supplied whereas those of 12 mM NH+4-fedwheat plants were reduced to 85% of those 12 mM NO-3-fed wheatplants. In maize supplied with 4 and 12 mM NH+4 the photosyntheticrates were 87 and 82% respectively of those of NO-3-fed plants.Reduced photosynthetic rates of NH+4 compared to NO-3-fed wheatand maize plants may thus partially explain reduced biomassaccumulation in plants supplied with NH+4 compared to NO-3 nutrition.Differences in the partitioning of biomass between the shootsand roots of NO-3-and NH+4-fed plants may also, however, arisefrom xylem translocation of carbon from the root to the shootin the form of amino compounds. The organic nitrogen contentof xylem sap was found to be considerably higher in NH+4- thanin NO-3-fed plants. This may result in depletion of root carbohydrateresources through translocation of amino compounds to the shootin NH+4-fed wheat plants. The concentration of carbon associatedwith organic nitrogen in the xylem sap of maize was considerablyhigher than that in wheat. This may indicate that the shootand root components of maize share a common carbon pool andthus differences induced by different forms of inorganic nitrogenare manifested as altered overall growth rather than changesin the shoot:root ratios.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Triticum aestivum, wheat, Zea mays, maize, nitrogen, growth, photosynthesis, amino acids, xylem  相似文献   

 依托FACE(Free-air CO2 enrichment)研究平台, 利用特制分根集气生长箱, 采用静态箱-GC(Gas chromatography)法, 连续两年研究 了大气CO2浓度升高和不同氮肥水平对冬小麦拔节期、孕穗抽穗期和灌浆末期的根系呼吸及生物量的影响。两季结果表明, CO2浓度升高和高氮 肥量均不同程度地增加了3个阶段的地上部和地下部的生物量, 这有利于增加根茬的还田量; CO2浓度升高对冬小麦不同生长阶段的根系呼吸影 响不同, 在拔节期影响较小;孕穗抽穗期显著增加了根系呼吸, 2004~2005季分别增加33.8%(148.1 mg N&;#8226;kg-1 干土, HN)和43.9%(88.9 mg N&;#8226;kg-1 干土, LN), 2005~2006季分别为23.8%(HN)和28.9%(LN); 而灌浆末期显著降低了根系呼吸, 2004~2005季分别降低31.4%(HN)和23.3% (LN), 2005~2006季分别为25.1%(HN)和18.5%(LN); 高施氮量比低施氮量促进了根系呼吸; 随着作物生长根系呼吸与地下生物量呈显著线性负相 关, 高CO2环境中的R2变小,表明随着作物生长发育高CO2浓度降低了作物根系呼吸与地下部生物量积累间的相关性.  相似文献   

Salinity Reduces Water Use and Nitrate-N-use Efficiency of Citrus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five-month-old Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)(CM) and Volkamer lemon (Citrus volkameriana Ten. and Pasq.)(VL) seedlings were grown in a glasshouse in 2·3-1 potsof Candler fine sand. Plants were irrigated with either non-saline(ECe = 0·23 dS m-1) or saline (6·13 dS m-1) waterusing 3:1 NaCl:CaCl2 solution over a 4-week period. A singleapplication of K15NO3 (19·64 atom % excess 15N) at 212mg N1-1, was substituted for a normal weekly fertilization after3 weeks and plants were harvested 7 d later. The transpirationrate, uptake of nitrogen, growth and nitrogen-use efficiency(NUE) on a dry weight basis (mg d. wt mg-1 N) of both specieswas reduced by salinity. Based on growth, water-use and chloride(Cl) accumulation in leaves, VL was more salt-sensitive thanCM, but 15N uptake was equally reduced by salinity in both species.Salinity reduced 15N uptake relatively more than shoot growthover the 7-d period, such that the 15NUE (mg d. wt µg-115N) of new shoot growth of both species increased. There wasno evidence of Cl antagonism of nitrate (NO3) uptake but totalplant 15NO3 uptake was positively correlated with whole planttranspiration in both species. Thus, it appears that reductionsin NO3 uptake are more strongly related to reduced water usethan to Cl antagonism from salt stress.Copyright 1993, 1999Academic Press Sodium, chloride, salinity, calcium, nitrate, 15NO3 uptake, nitrogen allocation, nitrogen-use efficiency, water use, Citrus reticulata, Citrus volkameriana  相似文献   

We investigated the response of spring wheat and oilseed rape to nitrogen (N) supply, focusing on the critical period for grain number definition and grain filling. Crops were grown in containers under a shelter and treated with five combinations of applied N. Wheat and oilseed rape produced comparable amounts of biomass and yield when corrected for the costs of biomass synthesis (SC). From the responses of biomass and yield to late N applications and the apparent contribution of mobilised biomass to yield, it seems that the yield of oilseed rape was more source-limited during grain filling than that of wheat, particularly at the medium and high N levels. Both species recovered equal amounts of N from the total available N in the soil and had similar N use efficiencies, expressed as yield per unit of N absorbed. However, oilseed rape had higher efficiency to convert absorbed N in biomass, but lower harvest index of N than wheat. Oilseed rape had similar or lower root biomass than wheat, depending on N level, but higher root length per unit soil volume and specific root length. The specific uptake rate of N per unit root dry weight during the critical period for grain number determination was higher in oilseed rape than in wheat. In wheat, N limitation affected growth through a similar or lower reduction in radiation use efficiency corrected for synthesis costs (RUESC) than in the cumulative amount of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPARc). In oilseed rape, lower growth due to N shortage was associated more with RUESC than IPARc, during flowering while during grain filling both components contributed similarly to decreased growth. RUESC and the concentration of N in leaves and inflorescence (LIN%) decreased from flowering to maturity and were curvilinearly related. Oilseed rape tended to have higher RUESC than wheat at high N supply during the critical period for grain number determination, and generally lower during grain filling. The reasons for these differences and possibilities to increase yield potential are discussed in terms of the photosynthetic efficiency of the different organs and changes in source–sink ratio during reproductive stages. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During vegetative growth in controlled environments, the patternof distribution of 14C-labelled assimilates to shoot and root,and to the meristems of the shoot, was measured in red and whiteclover plants either wholly dependent on N2 fixation in rootnodules or receiving abundant nitrate nitrogen but lacking nodules. In experiments where single leaves on the primary shoot wereexposed to 14CO2, nodulated plants of both clovers generallyexported more of their labelled assimilates to root (+nodules),than equivalent plants utilizing nitrate nitrogen, and thiswas offset by reduced export to branches (red clover) or stolons(white clover). The intensity of these effects varied with experiment.The export of labelled assimilate to growing leaves at the terminalmeristem of the donor shoot was not influenced by source ofnitrogen. Internode elongation in the donor shoot utilized nolabelled assimilate. Whole plants of white clover exposed to 14CO2 on seven occasionsover 32 days exhibited the same effect on export to root (+nodules),which increased slightly in intensity with increasing plantage. Nodulated plants had larger root: shoot ratios than theirequivalents utilizing nitrate nitrogen. Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense, red clover, white clover, nitrogen fixation, nitrate utilization, assimilate partitioning  相似文献   

Low temperature (6 C) growth was examined in two cultivarsof Vicia faba L. supplied with 4 and 20 mol m–3 N as nitrateor urea. Both cultivars showed similar growth responses to increasedapplied-N concentration regardless of N-form. Total leaf areaincreased, as did root, stem and leaf dry weight, total carboncontent and total nitrogen content. In contrast to findingsat higher growth temperatures, 20 mol m–3 urea-N gavesubstantially greater growth (all parameters measured) than20 mol m–3 nitrate-N. The increased carbon content per plant associated with increasedapplied nitrate or urea concentration, or with urea in comparisonto nitrate, was due to a greater leaf area per plant for CO2uptake and not an increased CO2, uptake per unit area, carbon,chlorophyll or dry weight, all of which either remained constantor decreased. Nitrate reductase activity was substantial inplants given nitrate but negligible in plants given urea. Neitherfree nitrate nor free urea contributed greatly to nitrogen levelsin plant tissues. It is concluded that there is no evidence for a restrictionin nitrate reduction at 6 C, and it is likely that urea givesgreater growth than nitrate because of greater rates of uptake. Vicia faba, broad bean, low temperature growth, carbon assimilation, nitrogen assimilation  相似文献   

The Uptake of Gaseous Ammonia by the Leaves of Italian Ryegrass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lockyer, D. R. and Whitehead, D. C. 1986. The uptake of gaseousammonia by the leaves of Italian ryegrass.—J. exp. Bot.37: 919–927. Plants of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) grown insoil with two rates of added 15N-labelled nitrate were exposed,in chambers, for 40 d to NH3 in the air at concentrations of16, 118 and 520 µg m–3. At the highest concentrationof NH3, this source provided 47?3% of the total nitrogen inplants grown with the lower rate of nitrate addition (100mgN kg–1 dry soil) and 35?2% with the higher rate (200mgN kg–1 dry soil) At the intermediate concentration ofNH3, the contributions to total plant N were 19?6% and 10?8%,respectively, at low and high nitrate while, at the lowest concentrationof NH3, they were 5?1% and 32%. Most of the N derived from theNH3 remained in the leaves, but some was transported to theroots. The amount of N derived from the NH3 that was presentin the leaves was not reduced by washing the leaves in waterat pH 5?0 before harvesting, indicating that the N was assimilatedby the plant and not adsorbed superficially. Rates of uptakeof NH3 per unit leaf area ranged from 1?7 µg dm–2h–1 at a concentration of 16 µg m–3 to 29?0µg dm–2 h–1 at a concentration of 520 µgm–3 and with the lower rate of nitrate addition. Increasingthe supply of nitrate to the roots slightly reduced the rateof uptake of NH3 per unit leaf area. Uptake of N from the higherrate of nitrate was reduced at the highest concentration ofNH3 in the air. Key words: Ammonia, nitrogen, leaf sorption, Lolium multiflorum  相似文献   

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