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Synchronous mitotic divisions produce multi-nucleate cells of Sorastrum. Perinuclear envelopes of endoplasmic reticulum and a virtually intact nuclear envelope enclose mitotic nuclei. Cytoplasmic cleavage, which shirts before the last round of Synchronous mitoses, gives rise to uninucleate fragments which differentiate to form zoospores. These zoospores are released into a spherical vesicle, presumably derived from the inner layer of the parental cell wall, in which they swarm actively before aggregating as a spherical colony. The roughly conical shaped zoospores apparently adhere laterally before withdrawing their flagella and extending horns and a stipe, which, following wall deposition, interconnects the cells at the center of the colony. The probable role of the microtubules, which underlie the plasmalemma of aggregating cells, in determining the shape of both the cells and the colony itself is discussed.  相似文献   

The processes of mitosis and cytokinesis in the multinucleate green alga Acrosiphonia have been examined in the light and electron microscopes. The course of events in division includes thickening of the chloroplast and migration of numerous nuclei and other cytoplasmic incusions to form a band in which mitosis occurs, while other nuclei in the same cell but not in the band do not divide. Centrioles and microtubules are associated with migrated and dividing nuclei but not with nonmigrated, nondividing nuclei. Cytokinesis is accomplished in the region of the band, by means of an annular furrow which is preceded by a hoop of microtubules. No other microtubules are associated with the furrow. Characteristics of nuclear and cell division in Acrosiphonia are compared with those of other multinucleate cells and with those of other green algae.  相似文献   

Mitosis, cytokinesis, and cellular organization during interphase are described. Interphase cells possess a single microbody-like organdie which occurs between, and is appressed to, the chloroplast and nucleus. The microbody-like organelle divides during mitosis and. the division of the chloroplast. Anaphase is unusual in that chromosome-to-spindle pole distance remains constant even though the 2 groups of chromosomes become widely separated. When anaphase is half completed, a vacuole forms in the interzonal region and appears to be involved in further separation of the chromosomes. Vacuolar development is also involved with events of early interphase. The cytology of K. flaccidum is compared to those of Ulothrix fimbriata and Stigeoclonium helveticum. The comparison, does not support the present classification of the 3 species, and indicates the value of comparative fine structural studies in the classification of ulotrichalean algae.  相似文献   

Increase in the size of thalli of C. scutata was achieved by division and growth of the marginal cells. During mitosis, the nuclear envelope disintegrated and the daughter nuclei remained widely separated after telophase. The plane of cytokinesis in the marginal cells was either along a radius of the discoidal thalli or parallel to their circumference For radial divisions, this alga utilized a phragmoplast typical of higher plants, and a modified phragmoplast when dividing circumferentially. The phylogenetic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The chloroplasts of Vacuolaria virescens Cienkowsky are present in large numbers between the cell membrane and the layer of cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus; they are disc-shaped structures ca. 3–4 μM long by 2–3 μM wide. Chloroplast bands consist of 3 opposed thylakoids with adjacent bands frequently interconnected. External to the girdle band is a chloroplast envelope separated from the cytoplasm by endoplasmic reticulum; there is no immediately apparent continuity between this endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope. Small electron-dense spheres in the chloroplast stroma are thought to be lipid food reserve. Eyespots and pyrenoids are absent.  相似文献   

似金隐藻有丝分裂及胞质分裂的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
似金隐藻(Cryptomonas chrysoidea)是从青岛附近渤海湾海水中分离得到的一种单细胞藻类。对它的胞质分裂和有丝分裂进行的观察表明,它的胞质分裂在有丝分裂的中期开始,细胞前端沟口处先开始分裂,继而沿纵轴纵沟处形成一收缩沟完成的。似金隐藻的有丝分裂过程中没有染色体和着丝点形成;核膜进入中期时完全消失,纺锤体呈桶状,微管通过染色质团中的通道或直接与染色质团块相联;在后期和末期,两块分开的染色质团十分靠近相应的色素体内质网膜。本文对其分裂过程进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Details of mitosis in the chloromonadophycean alga Vacuolaria virescens Cienk. have been studied with the light microscope. The chromosomes are relatively large (up to μ in length at metaphase) and so mitotic stages are readily distinguishable. Chromosomes can be recognized in interphase nuclei as fine strands of chromatin. Contraction of these chromosomes marks the beginning of mitosis and continues progressively until the transition from metaphase to anaphase. Disintegration of nucleoli is complete by late prophase and nucleolar reformation begins in telophase. Some chromosomes exhibit less densely stained regions; centromeres are also present as indicated by their differential staining and by the behavior of chromosomes at metaphase and anaphase. At anaphase progeny chromosomes move apart parallel to the division axis of the nucleus. As anaphase progresses the chromosomes fuse at the polar surface of the progeny chromosome groups. This process continues in telophase and the chromosome groups become more spherical. By the end of telophase nucleolar reformation has begun and the chromosomes have relaxed to their interphase condition.  相似文献   

Some details of interphase cell structure are given. At prophase the nuclear envelope breaks down and the nucleolus disperses; very small doubled chromosomes generally form a precisely aligned, metaphase plate with normal spindle microtubules present; 2 plates of chromatids separate during anaphase, the spindle becoming invaded, by (mucilage) vesicles. Telophase nuclei arc initially very hard to discern, until they increase in volume. Microtubules collect at each pole, becoming increasingly focused on one small region containing fine granular malarial, the microtubule center (MC). The septum, an annular ingrowth, begins forming at prophase and partitions the cell by telophase. At no stage were microtubules involved in this initial cross-wall formation. At telophase the spindle collapses and as the nuclei move back to the septum, increasing numbers of microtubules appear near this cross wall, all transversely aligned. An annular split deepens down the middle of the wall material in the septum, and the daughter cells begin to expand, stretching the new wall; the microtubules appearing near the septum now are transformed steadily into typical hooplike wall, microtubules, but strictly confined to the expanding wall (there are none near interphase cell walls). Meanwhile, the MC, has moved, to the side of the cell and begins migrating along one of the grooves in the chloroplast; a large number of parallel microtubules extends back to the nucleus, which becomes increasingly deformed as it begins to extend a long thin protrusion along these, microtubules. The MC keeps moving along the cell until it lodges in the cleavage developing in the chloroplast. Some microtubules extend still further up the cell, others appear in the chloroplast cleavage, but most en-sheathe the nucleus which by now is moving along the cell as a cylindrical structure tightly fitting in the chloroplast groove. The nuclear membrane is then drawn up into the deepening chloroplast constriction, and when the chloroplast is finally cut in 2, the nucleus lakes up its interphase position between the 2 halves. While all this is occurring, the whole cytoplasm is expanding into the new semicell being created by growth of the wall originally derived from the septum. Thus the interphase cell symmetry is reestablished after mitosis. These results are discussed in terms of more general phenomena of cell division and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Scaly green monads are often placed in a separate class, Prasinophyceae, and have been considered to be among the most, primitive of green algae. Platymonas possesses rhizoplasts which resemble sarcomeric structures. At prophase, extranuclear spindle micro-tubules emanate from a granular region which appears to arise through dissolution or dispersion of the rhizoplasts. It is probable that the rhizoplasts are largely consumed during the formation of the spindle and only small fragments are left at metaphase. The rhizoplasts can be seen again at telophase but are short at this stage. The basal bodies are not at the spindle poles but remain at their interphase position. The interzonal spindle collapses early at telophase, and shortly thereafter cleavage microtubules appear. These microtubules extend from the region of the basal bodies to the posterior of the cell. The events of cell division are compared with these events in other green algae and in Ochromonas. The functional and phylogenetic significance of the observations is discussed.  相似文献   

At the ultrastructural level, cell division in Ochromonas danica exhibits several unusual features. During interphase, the basal bodies of the 2 flagella replicate and the chloroplast divides by constriction between its 2 lobes. The rhizoplast, which is a fibrous striated root attached to the basal body of the long flagellum, extends under the Golgi body to the surface of the nucleus in interphase cells. During proprophase, the Golgi body replicates, apparently by division, and a daughter rhizoplast, appears. During prophase, the 2 pairs of flagellar basal bodies, each with their accompanying rhizoplast and Golgi body, begin to separate. Three or 4 flagella are already present at this stage. At the same time, there is a proliferation of microtubules outside the nuclear envelope. Gaps then appear in the nuclear envelope, admitting the microtubules into the nucleus, where they form a spindle. A unique feature of mitosis in O. danica is that the 2 rhizoplasts form the poles of the spindle, spindle microtubules inserting directly onto the rhizoplasts. Some of the spindle microtubules extend from pole to pole; others appear to attach to the chromosomes. Kinetochores, however, are not present. The nuclear envelope breaks down, except, in the regions adjacent, to the chloroplasts; chloroplast ER remains intact throughout mitosis. At late anaphase the chromosomes come to lie against part of the chloroplast ER. This segment of the chloroplast ER appears to be incorporated as part of the reforming nuclear envelope, thus reestablishing the characteristic nuclear envelope—chloroplast ER association of the interphase cell.  相似文献   

An ultrastructure study of mitosis and cytokinesis in the sessile sporangium of Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Mart, was made to clarify the phylogenetic position of the alga. Mitosis was closed and centric at late anphase with cytokinesis involving the production of cleavage membranes by dictyasames between the numerous, well-separated daughter nuclei. Neither phycoplast nor phragmoplast microtubules were observed during cytokinesis. The lack of phycoplast microtubules and the presence of multilayered structures in flagellated cells suggest Trentepohlia is phylogenetically related to those green algae thought to have given rise to the land plants. The primitive type of mitosis and the lack of microbodies suggest that the ancestors of Trentepohlia may have branched off from this line relatively early.  相似文献   

Previously unknown aspects in the life cycle of the freshwater flagellate Gonyostomum semen (Ehrenb.) (Raphidophyceae) are described here. This species forms intense blooms in many northern temperate lakes, and has increased in abundance and frequency in northern Europe during the past decades. The proposed life cycle is based on observations of life cycle stages and transitions in cultures. Viable stages of the life cycle were individually isolated and monitored by time‐lapse photography. The most common processes undertaken by the isolated cells were: division, fusion followed by division, asexual cyst formation, and sexual cyst formation. Motile cells divided by two different processes. One lasted between 6 and 24 h and formed two cells with vegetative cell size and with or without the same shape. The second division process lasted between 10 and 20 min and formed two identical cells, half the size of the mother cell. Planozygotes formed by the fusion of hologametes subsequently underwent division into two cells. Asexual cyst‐like stages were spherical, devoid of a thick wall and red spot, and germinated in 24–48 h. Heterogamete pairs were isogamous, and formed an angle of 0–90° between each other. Planozygote and sexual cyst formation were identified within strains established from one vegetative cell. The identity of these strains, which was studied by an amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis, was correlated with the viability of the planozygote. Resting cyst germination was described using cysts collected in the field. The size and morphology of these cysts were comparable with those formed sexually in culture. The excystment rate was higher at 24°C than at 19 or 16°C, although the cell liberated during germination (germling) was only viable at 16°C. The placement of G. semen within the Raphidophyceae family was confirmed by sequence analysis of a segment of the 18S ribosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Unialgal, nonaxenic cultures of Vacuolaria virestcens Cienkowsky were grown in soil-water medium, in simple salt solutions with added peat and soil extract, and in synthetic medium. Doubling times in different media were determined: maximum growth rate (doubling time = 46.0 hr) was obtained in continuous light (210 ft-c) at 24 ± I C. Gonyostomum semen (Ehrenberg) Diesing was isolated from a natural population and grown in soil-water medium and a synthetic medium. Other techniques that have been used for culturing chloromonadophycean algae are reviewed.  相似文献   

Mitosis in Mantoniella squamata (Manton and Parke) Desikachary, a small scale-covered green monad, is presented. Organelle replication precedes nuclear division and begins with the replication of the chloroplast. As the chloroplasts separate, the Golgi and flagellar apparatuses divide. The discoid microbody enlarges and becomes ‘V'-shaped, with the arms extending toward depressions in the pyrenoid stalks of the chloroplasts. At prophase, microtubules produced by an amorphous microtubule organizing center enter the nucleus via polar fenestre. The nuclear membrane remains intact. As the chloroplasts migrate further apart, the spindle pole-to-pole distance increases. By metaphase, daughter-cell lobes are discernible as a cleavage furrow, which appears as early as prophase, and begins to incise the cell. A single Golgi apparatus is situated near the spindle pole; the flagellar apparatus lies adjacent to the pole. The cleavage furrow continues to constrict the cell, resulting in a narrowing isthmus containing the elongate microbody, nucleus and a rootlet system connecting the basal bodies of the daughter flagella. At telophase, no extra-nuclear microtubular systems other than the previously observed rootlet are present and the nuclei remain separated from each other. In cells undergoing multiple divisions to produce more than two daughter cells, the orientation of organelles changes somewhat, with the basal bodies and the Golgi apparatus separating daughter nuclei prior to the onset of cytokinesis. The mechanics of mitosis in Mantoniella are compared with other green monads and the evolutionary implications discussed.  相似文献   

Intracellular bacteria occur in ca. 5–10% of Gonyostomum semen Diesing cells. Bacteria are rod-shaped and are present in localized regions of the cytoplasm. This is the first report of intracellular bacteria in the Chloromonadophyceae.  相似文献   

Gametophyte germlings from unialgal cultures of Membranoptera platyphylla were examined with the electron microscope. The events of mitosis were observed in dividing cells near the thallus apex. In prophase the nucleus is spindle-shaped and surrounded by microtubules and a layer of endoplasmic reticulum. A unique organelle, the polar ring, is present at each pole; its junction is not clear. At metaphase the nuclear envelope is intact except for fenestrations at the poles. Spindle microtubules are attached to distinct kinetochores on the chromosomes and continuous pole-to-pole microtubules are present. The nucleolus has dispersed but, its granular components are still evident in the nucleoplasm. As the chromosomes separate, the nucleus elongates and finally constricts in the middle to produce 2 daughter nuclei.  相似文献   

Mitosis and cytokinesis in vegetative cells of the sarcinoid green alga Chlorokybus atmophyticus Geitler were examined with rapid freeze fixation, freeze substitution, and transmission electron microscopy. The taxonomic placement of C. atmophyticus in the class Charophyceae sensu Stewart and Mattox is corroborated by some mitotic and cytokinetic features including development of a microtubular sheath around the prophase nucleus, the almost constant chromosome to pole distance during anaphase, telophase nuclei widely separated by a persistent interzonal spindle, and centripetal plasma membrane invagination. Features, previously unknown in the Charophyceae, include the specific position of the peroxisome lying between the nucleus and adjacent cell wall during interphase and mitosis, the extensive array of microtubules radiating from the centrioles located at the presumptive poles at prophase, involvement of coated vesicles in the furrowing process, and occurrence of transversely aligned cleavage microtubules. Placement of Chlorokybus in the order Klebsormidiales is proposed.  相似文献   

Asteromonas gracilis Artari remains motile throughout cell division. Basal bodies separate and replicate at prophase. They are located lateral to the poles of the closed metaphase spindle. Kinetochores appear at late metaphase. Chromosomes move to the poles and extensions of the nuclear envelope develop into the pyrenoid at anaphase. The interzonal spindle disintegrates at telophase and a diffuse phycoplast is present. Cytokinesis proceeds rapidly from the anterior region of the cell. Newly formed daughter cells have four narrow-banded rootlets and both distal and proximal fibers connect the basal bodies. Features of cell division in Asteromonas are compared to those in other algae, particularly Dunaliella and Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

The results of previous research and a present survey of some of the cytological characteristics of 18 additional genera and 34 additional species are presented and discussed from the viewpoint of phylogenetic and taxonomic significance. A preliminary attempt is made to place these, algae, in 4 orders on the basis of comparative cytology, and in particular on the basis of variation in mitosis and cytokinesis and the distribution of plasmodesmata. Consideration is given to the evolution of the phragmoplast and to the hypothesis that the Chaetophorales are related to the ancestry of land plants.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis essentially similar to that of vascular plants occurs in Ulothrix, an unbranched filamentous green alga. Plasmodesmata, similar to those of vascular plants, but different from those of many other algae, are also present. Cell plate formation and plasmodesmata also occur in Stigeoclonium, a branched green alga.  相似文献   

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