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The majority of the viral hepatitis cases is caused by five hepatitis viruses (A,B,C,D,E). In 1997, TT virus was discovered. It was supposed that a number of the unknown hepatitis cases was caused by the TT virus. The aim of this study was to characterize TT viruses carried by healthy individuals and patients suffering from hepatitis of unknown origin in Hungary. TTV DNA was detected by seminested PCR with the commonly used N22 primers. Twenty of the 108 sera (18.5%) taken from healthy persons and 115 of the 228 sera (50.4%) of patients with hepatitis of unknown origin were found to be positive. The nucleotide sequences of 26 clones derived from 17 hepatitis patients and 15 clones from nine healthy persons were determined and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. Genotype 2 (group 1) was found to be the most frequent, but other group 1 genotypes (1, 6) and genotypes 8 and 17 of group 2 were also detected. Mixed TTV infections were found in eight cases (two healthy persons and six hepatitis patients). Variants belonging to the same group were carried in seven cases, and the presence of group 1 (genotype 2) and group 2 (genotype 8) TTV sequences were found in one single hepatitis patient.  相似文献   

HGV/GBV-C is a mainly parenterally transmitted Flavivirus that causes a persistent infection. So far no disease has been associated with HGV/GBV-C infection, but its beneficial role in co-infection with the human immunodeficiency virus has been shown in many recent studies. The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of ongoing HGV/GBV-C infections among a sociologically unique group of the Hungarian population, who are at great risk for parenterally transmitted diseases. Viral RNA was detected in 75 serum samples by an RT-PCR method specific for the NS5 region. Nine (12%) samples were positive for HGV/GBV-C RNA. All nine PCR products were sequenced and a phylogenetic analysis was performed to identify the genotypes and subtypes of the detected viruses. All nine isolates proved to be genotype 2, eight of them were classified as subtype 2a, and one as subtype 2b.  相似文献   

We studied the mutation patterns of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and GB virus C/hepatitis G virus (HGV). Although the mutation patterns of the two viruses were similar to each other, they were quite different from that of HIV. In particular, the similarity of the patterns between HCV or HGV and human nuclear pseudogenes was statistically significant whereas there was no similarity between HIV and human nuclear pseudogenes. This finding suggests that the mutation patterns of HCV and HGV are similar to the patterns of spontaneous substitution mutations of human genes, implying that nucleotide analogues which are effective against HCV and HGV may have a side effect on the normal cells of humans.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in GB virus C/hepatitis G virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Analysis of 33 GB virus C/hepatitis G virus (GBV-C/HGV) full or nearly full genome sequences revealed several putative inter- and intrasubtype recombinants. The breakpoints of the recombinant regions were mapped using a maximum-likelihood method, and the statistical significance for each region was tested using Monte Carlo simulation. The results were highly significant and provided evidence for the existence of complex mosaic genomes showing as many as nine recombination events, with breakpoints in the 5' UTR and in all of the coding regions except the short NS4b gene. Recombination was confirmed by separate phylogenetic analysis of the various recombinant regions and by Sawyer's runs test. Taken together, these findings demonstrate for the first time that recombination is common in natural populations of GBV-C and that it takes place both within and between subtypes. The wide-ranging implications of such nonclonal history for reconstructing the spread and timescale of GBV-C evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in a blood donor population of Central Brazil aiming to investigate the prevalence of GB virus C (GBV-C)/hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection and also to analyze the virus genotypes distribution. A total of 241 voluntary blood donors were interviewed at the State Blood Bank in Goiania, State of Goiás, Brazil. Blood samples were collected and serum samples tested for GBV-C/HGV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Genotypes were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Seventeen samples were GBV-C/HGV RNA-positive, resulting in a prevalence of 7.1% (95% CI: 4.2-11.1). A significant trend of GBV-C/HGV RNA positivity in relation to age was observed, with the highest prevalence in donors between 29-39 years old. Ten infected individuals were characterized by reporting parenteral (30%), sexual (18%), both (6%) and intrafamiliar (6%) transmission. However, 7 (40%) GBV-C/HGV RNA-positive donors did not mention any potential transmission route. RFLP analysis revealed the presence of genotypes 1 and 2 of GBV-C/HGV; more precisely, 10 (58.9%) samples were found belonging to the 2b subtype, 4 (23.5%) to the 2a subtype, and 3 (17.6%) to genotype 1. The present data indicate an intermediate endemicity of GBV-C/HGV infection among this blood donor population, and a predominant circulation of genotype 2 (subtype 2b) in Central Brazil.  相似文献   

A molecular study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Hepatitis C virus genotypes in HCV infected population of Balochistan. Forty HCV seropositive samples belonging to seven different locations of Balochistan were collected from different health care centres. Qualitative analysis of these samples using PCR resulted in 28 positive samples. The PCR positive samples were subjected to genotyping using the method described by Ohno et al (J Clin Microbiol 35:201–202, 1997) with minor modifications. Genotyping of 28 samples revealed three different genotypes including 3a, 3b and 1a. The most prevalent genotype was 3a with rate of 50% followed by genotype 3b and 1a, respectively. Nine samples remained untyped, suggesting the need of further investigation of genotypes in this region. It has been proposed that sequencing of these samples may be helpful to unreveal these genotypes and further epidemiology of HCV genotypes. Further more, extensive and large scale studies are needed to understand the epidemiology of HCV genotypes, as no such study has been carried in this province.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the prevalence of GB virus C (GBV-C)/hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in dialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients in Central Brazil and also to analyze the virus genotypes distribution, a total of 123 patients including 98 on hemodialysis, 13 on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment, and 12 who received kidney transplantation were interviewed in one unit of dialysis treatment in Goiania city. Blood samples were collected and serum samples tested for GBV-C/HGV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Genotypes were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Eighteen samples were GBV-C/HGV RNA-positive, resulting in an overall prevalence of 14.6% (95% CI: 9.2-21.7). A high positivity for GBV-C/HGV RNA was observed in patients who had received kidney transplant (16.7%), followed by those on hemodialysis (15.3%), and peritoneal dialysis (7.7%). RFLP analysis revealed the presence of genotypes 1, 2, and 3 of GBV-C/HGV; more precisely, 9 (50%) samples were found belonging to the 2b subtype, 4 (22%) to the 2a subtype, 3 (17%) to genotype 1, and 2 (11%) to genotype 3. The present data indicate an intermediate prevalence of GBV-C/HGV infection among dialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients in Central Brazil. Genotype 2 (subtype 2b) seems to be the most prevalent GBV-C/HGV genotype in our region.  相似文献   

The significance of co-infections with novel hepatitis viruses Hepatitis G (GBV-C, HGV) and TT virus (TTV) in chronic hepatitis C is not clear. We determined the prevalence of HGV RNA and TTV DNA in chronic hepatitis C patients and in asymptomatic hepatitis C virus (HCV) carriers, and assessed the influence of these agents on the course of HCV infection. Seventy-seven patients with chronic hepatitis C--50 of them treated with interferon (IFN)--and 33 HCV carriers with normal alanine aminotransferase have been investigated. Previous HBV infection was detected by testing serum HBsAg and aHBc. HGV RNA and TTV DNA were detected by PCR. In the healthy population, the prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.3%, HGV RNA 8.0% and TTV DNA 18.5%. In chronic hepatitis C HGV RNA occurred in 9.09% and TTV DNA in 40.25% of cases. In IFN-treated patients with sustained remission, the frequency of TTV was 20% vs. 45.7% found in non-responders. Among asymptomatic HCV-carriers, the prevalence of HGV RNA was 9.09% and TTV DNA 75.7%. Neither HGV RNA nor TTV DNA had apparent effect on the HCV infection. TTV was detected with the lowest frequency in persons with sustained remission due to IFN, suggesting antiviral effect of IFN on TTV.  相似文献   

应用市售丙型肝炎PCR检测试剂盒,对1994 1996年用不同病毒灭活工艺生产的人凝血因子类制品、人静注丙球和人血白蛋白进行HCV RNA检测。结果表明,检测六种血液制品共21批,1批阳性,占48%。  相似文献   

GB virus C (GBV-C) is a common virus that does not appear to cause disease. GBV-C persists in up to 50% of exposed individuals, and virus replication appears to be in lymphocytes including CD4+ T cells. GBV-C infection is common among HIV-positive people, and several studies have found that HIV-positive individuals co-infected with GBV-C survive for statistically significantly longer periods of time than people without GBV-C. In vitro studies suggest that GBV-C inhibits HIV replication and alters cytokine, chemokine and chemokine receptor expression. Thus, GBV-C may be a major factor influencing the natural history of HIV disease.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epidemiology of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Europe is changing very rapidly since the main source of contamination was blood transfusion and the use of surrogate markers allowed to diminish dramatically the number of patients contaminated through HCV post transfusion hepatitis. The recent descrition of several genotypes with different distributions over Europe and different pathogenicity will allow to explain various evolutive aspects of disease. At present, groups at risk are drug addicts (70%), hemophiliacs (contaminated with blood products before 1985), hemodialysis patients (20%) and patients with cirrhosis with or without hepatocellular carcinoma. The detection of HCV markers prior to blood transfusion allowed to detect asymptomatic carrirers of HCV, some of them with latent chronic hepatitis which can be predictedby the detection of HCV RNA in the serum. Vertical and sexual transmision are rare but possible event observed with certainty in patients co-infected with HIV and controversial in other situations.  相似文献   

已知丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)可通过其蛋白酶NS3/4A切割线粒体抗病毒信号蛋白(mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein,MAVS)来逃逸天然免疫识别,但尚不清楚其切割动力学及切割在抑制干扰素中的作用。本研究旨在细胞模型中探讨HCV感染过程中病毒复制建立及病毒NS3/4A切割MAVS的动态过程,探究NS3/4A切割MAVS对病毒逃逸宿主天然免疫建立感染的贡献。首先构建基于绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)的MAVS切割报告系统(GFP-NLS-MAVS-TM462),用 HCV Jc1-Gluc 感染Huh7.5/GFP-NLS-MAVS-TM462细胞。结果显示,病毒复制早期MAVS切割效率较低;NS3/4A高效切割MAVS发生于HCV复制晚期,且其切割效率与NS3蛋白水平相关。利用带有GFP ypet的HCV报告病毒Jc1-378-1感染Huh7.5/RFP-NLS-MAVS-TM462细胞,在单细胞水平观察HCV感染阳性细胞中MAVS被切割情况,发现HCV复制细胞中仅部分细胞MAVS被切割。进一步研究发现,不同基因型NS3/4A切割MAVS的效率仅与NS3表达水平相关。以上结果提示,HCV蛋白酶NS3/4A切割MAVS依赖NS3/4A蛋白在病毒复制过程中的累积,对在病毒复制早期逃逸宿主天然免疫建立感染可能无显著贡献。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in nonhuman primates. Serum samples from Europe, Thailand and Vietnam were analyzed. Sera obtained from 262 apes and 454 monkeys were tested for HBV infection serologically and for HBV DNA using nested PCR (nPCR). A total number of 198 ape sera and all but one (Cercopithecus aethiops) of the 4543 monkey sera had no serological signs of HBV infection. Among the 64 of 262 (24.4%) seropositive ape sera, we found, as in humans, different stages of HBV infection: very early HBV infection, active infection with high level of infectivity, virus carriers with low infectivity, and passed HBV infection. In the cases with passed infection, 47.8% harbored HBV DNA in the presence of protective antibodies to the HBV surface antigen (HBsAb). This indicates HBV persistence in apes despite immune control. In contrast to apes, in monkeys HBV infection is a very rare event.  相似文献   

GB virus B (GBV-B) is closely related to hepatitis C virus (HCV) and causes acute hepatitis in tamarins (Saguinus species), making it an attractive surrogate virus for in vivo testing of anti-HCV inhibitors in a small monkey model. It has been reported that the nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) serine protease of GBV-B shares similar substrate specificity with its counterpart in HCV. Authentic proteolytic processing of the HCV polyprotein junctions (NS4A/4B, NS4B/5A, and NS5A/5B) can be accomplished by the GBV-B NS3 protease in an HCV NS4A cofactor-independent fashion. We further characterized the protease activity of a full-length GBV-B NS3 protein and its cofactor requirement using in vitro-translated GBV-B substrates. Cleavages at the NS4A/4B and NS5A/5B junctions were readily detectable only in the presence of a cofactor peptide derived from the central region of GBV-B NS4A. Interestingly, the GBV-B substrates could also be cleaved by the HCV NS3 protease in an HCV NS4A cofactor-dependent manner, supporting the notion that HCV and GBV-B share similar NS3 protease specificity while retaining a virus-specific cofactor requirement. This finding of a strict virus-specific cofactor requirement is consistent with the lack of sequence homology in the NS4A cofactor regions of HCV and GBV-B. The minimum cofactor region that supported GBV-B protease activity was mapped to a central region of GBV-B NS4A (between amino acids Phe22 and Val36) which overlapped with the cofactor region of HCV. Alanine substitution analysis demonstrated that two amino acids, Val27 and Trp31, were essential for the cofactor activity, a finding reminiscent of the two critical residues in the HCV NS4A cofactor, Ile25 and Ile29. A model for the GBV-B NS3 protease domain and NS4A cofactor complex revealed that GBV-B might have developed a similar structural strategy in the activation and regulation of its NS3 protease activity. Finally, a chimeric HCV/GBV-B bifunctional NS3, consisting of an N-terminal HCV protease domain and a C-terminal GBV-B RNA helicase domain, was engineered. Both enzymatic activities were retained by the chimeric protein, which could lead to the development of a chimeric GBV-B virus that depends on HCV protease function.  相似文献   

用BamHI和HindII将丙肝病毒C+E1DNA片段从其克隆载体pGEM3zf-HCV/C+E1上切下,经Taq酶补齐3’末端后插入到载体pSVL-T中,构建成丙肝病毒C+E1真核表达载体pSVL-HCV/C+E1。本实验中重组效率达64.7%(11/17),正向插入为50%(2/4)。  相似文献   

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