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在建立稳定的红藻氨酸(KA)诱发小鼠惊厥模型的基础上,用放射配体受体结合分析法,研究孕烯醇酮(Pe)及其拮抗剂孕烯醇酮硫酸盐(Pes)对小鼠下丘脑、大脑皮层、海马和小脑四个脑区γ-氨基丁酸A(GABAA)受体的调制作用.结果显示,Pe能增加某些脑区3H-GABA与GABAA受体的结合量,下丘脑、海马和小脑差异显著(P<0.05或P<0.001),而大脑皮层差异不显著(P>0.05).Pe对GABAA受体的调制作用能被印防己毒素(Pic)阻断,对KA的致惊效应具有抑制作用.Pes 能显著降低各脑区GABAA受体的结合量(P<0.01或P<0.001),对惊厥有促进作用.实验结果提示:孕烯醇酮具有明显的镇静和抗惊厥效应,并且可能是通过GABAA受体介导的.  相似文献   

实验用家兔共71只。乌拉坦浅麻醉,麻痹肌肉,颈_1或颈_2 横断脊髓,记录膈神经电活动。43例中,25例出现紧张性电活动,无一例自行恢复呼吸样节律放电。24例于脊髓蛛网膜下腔(i.s.s.)内给荷包牡丹碱(BCL,20μg/10μl—40μg/20μl i.s.s.),13例给印防已毒素(PIC,20μg/20μl,i.s.s.或3—5mg/kgbt i.v.),能诱发出长串的呼吸样放电(串长在0.25s以上)或短串的抽搐样放电(串长在0.1s 以下)。长串放电,按其募集与去募集特点,可分为三型: Ⅰ型,排放频率平均为23.5±2.3串/min(BCL),出现率为58.5%(BCL)或67.7%,(PIC);Ⅱ型,排放频率平均为33.8±4.7串/min(BCL),出现率为39.3%(BCL)或32.3%(PIC);Ⅱ型,排放频率平均为21.3±2.8串/min(BCL),出现率为2.2%(BCL)或3.3%(PIC)。放电持续时间平均为60.0±18.9min(BCL)或42.0±0.8min(PIG)。Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型放电均具呼吸样放电的特点,Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型的出现率共占长串放电的97.8%。本工作提示:脊髓內源性 GABA 系统对脊髓“呼吸”具有紧张性抑制作用。  相似文献   

家兔48只,用乌拉坦(1g/kg)静脉麻醉,三碘季铵酚制动,在人工呼吸下进行实验。静脉注射安定(0.5mg/kg)以及侧脑室注射氟安定(2mg溶于50μl人工脑脊液中)或γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)(300μg溶于50μl人工脑脊液中)都可降低心室内压峰值(PLVP),减少心力环面积(ACFL)和心室内压最大上升速率(dp/dt_(max))。安定和氟安定对PLVP、ACFL和dp/dt_(max)的抑制作用可被预先在侧脑室注射GABA受体拮抗剂印防己毒素(15μg溶于50μl人工脑脊液中)或双侧延髓腹外侧头端区(γVLM)微量注射GABA受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱(3μg溶于0.5μl生理盐水)所阻断。而在延髓网状巨细胞核中间部、网状小细胞核、孤束核或面神经核内注射同样剂量的荷包牡丹碱则不能阻断。 这些结果提示:延髓腹侧部GABA受体的激活可抑制心脏功能,安定对心脏功能的抑制作用可能通过激活延髓腹侧区GABA受体而实现。  相似文献   

为阐明Heregulin-α(HRG-α)及其受体对乳腺发育、泌乳及退化的调控作用及其机制,本实验采用激光扫描共聚焦显微技术,组织培养,毛细管电泳,Western Blot,ELISA等方法对小鼠乳腺发育、泌乳及退化阶段HRG-α及其受体ErbB2和ErbB3的表达、定位及其对乳腺形态发育、β-酪蛋白表达和分泌、Rab3A蛋白表达、HRG-α信号转导途径信号分子的磷酸化状态的影响进行了系统研究.结果表明,HRG-α及其受体ErbB2,ErbB3在妊娠期15d乳腺中表达到达高峰,退化期9d时又出现另一小高峰;HRG-α及其受体ErbB2,ErbB3主要在乳腺脂肪细胞、导管上皮细胞以及围绕导管的基膜中检测到,在青春期、妊娠期和退化期呈特异性表达;ErbB2和ErbB3的表达变化趋势与HRG-α的表达变化趋势相似,呈显著线性正相关.妊娠期,HRG-α能够促进STAT5,p42/p44,p38和PKC的磷酸化以及Rab3A蛋白表达,刺激乳腺上皮细胞的增殖和分化,增加并维持β-酪蛋白的表达和分泌;泌乳期,HRG-α能够促进STAT5,p38的磷酸化并抑制PKC磷酸化和Rab3A蛋白表达,维持泌乳期乳腺形态,促进乳蛋白的分泌而使乳腺上皮细胞内β-酪蛋白的表达量相对减少;退化期,HRG-α能够促进STAT3磷酸化和Rab3A蛋白表达并抑制PKC的磷酸化,启动乳腺上皮细胞退化,抑制β-酪蛋白的分泌导致乳腺上皮细胞内β-酪蛋白表达量相对增加。  相似文献   

Dai SS  Xiong RP  Yang N  Li W  Zhu PF  Zhou YG 《生理学报》2008,60(2):254-258
本文旨在探索腺苷A2A受体在颅脑创伤、皮肤创伤及放射损伤复合创伤中的作用差异.分别观察和检测野生型小鼠、A2A受体基因敲除小鼠以及给予A2A受体激动剂CGS21680治疗的小鼠在皮肤创伤、放射损伤复合创伤后的伤口愈合时间以及颅脑创伤后的神经功能缺损情况、伤侧皮层脑含水量、脑脊液中谷氨酸浓度.结果表明,CGS21680促进外周组织伤口愈合,却加重颅脑创伤模型的神经功能损害,这与其促进谷氨酸释放有关.相反,A2A受体基因敲除显著延迟小鼠皮肤创伤及放射损伤复合创伤模型的伤口愈合,而在颅脑创伤模型中通过抑制谷氨酸释放产生保护效应.本研究初步证实,A2A受体激活促进谷氨酸大量释放可能是其在中枢损伤与外周损伤产生作用差异的机理之一,这为将来临床应用A2A受体激动剂减轻外周损伤,而用A2A受体拈抗剂减轻颅脑损伤提供了一定的实验依据.  相似文献   

褪黑素对大鼠空间学习记忆的影响及其机制研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
Feng Y  Zhang LX  Chao DM 《生理学报》2002,54(1):65-70
本研究运用Morris水迷宫和电生理学方法 ,以逃避潜伏期、穿环系数和海马CA1区突触长时程增强(long termpotentiation ,LTP)为指标 ,研究褪黑素对大鼠空间学习记忆能力的影响。实验结果显示 :( 1)在Morris水迷宫 6d训练中 ,对照组大鼠后 4d平均逃避潜伏期为 18 4 4± 2 7s,褪黑素组为 3 0 0 2± 3 6s,两者有显著差异 (P <0 0 1) ;训练 6d后 ,褪黑素组穿环系数为 2 5 68± 2 3 2 % ,明显小于对照组的 4 3 3 3± 2 85 % (P <0 0 1)。( 2 )采用微量注射法给予海马CA1区褪黑素 ,强直后 60min ,fEPSP斜率为基准值的 114 2 8± 1 80 % ,显著低于对照组的 169 71±6 4 8% (P <0 0 1)。( 3 )预先给予东莨菪碱 ,不影响褪黑素对海马CA1区LTP的抑制 ,强直后 60minfEPSP斜率为基准值的 113 70± 5 5 5 %。( 4 )提前给予荷包牡丹碱后给予褪黑素 ,强直后 60minfEPSP斜率为基准值的 162 2 9±10 5 2 % ,明显大于褪黑素组 (P <0 0 1) ,而与对照组无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。上述结果表明 ,褪黑素对大鼠的空间学习记忆能力及海马CA1区LTP均有明显的抑制作用 ,两者相关 ;东莨菪碱不能阻断褪黑素对海马CA1区LTP的抑制作用 ,而荷包牡丹碱可以阻断褪黑素对LTP的抑制 ,提示褪黑素的作用可能不是由胆碱能系统所介  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that GABA(B) receptors play more than a classical inhibitory role and can function as an important synaptic maturation signal early in life. In a previous study, we reported that GABA(B) receptor activation triggers secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and promotes the functional maturation of GABAergic synapses in the developing rat hippocampus. To identify the signalling pathway linking GABA(B) receptor activation to BDNF secretion in these cells, we have now used the phosphorylated form of the cAMP response element-binding protein as a biological sensor for endogenous BDNF release. In the present study, we show that GABA(B) receptor-induced secretion of BDNF relies on the activation of phospholipase C, followed by the formation of diacylglycerol, activation of protein kinase C, and the opening of L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels. We further show that once released by GABA(B) receptor activation, BDNF increases the membrane expression of β(2/3) -containing GABA(A) receptors in neuronal cultures. These results reveal a novel function of GABA(B) receptors in regulating the expression of GABA(A) receptor through BDNF-tropomyosin-related kinase B receptor dependent signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Taurine, glycine, glutamate, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were all present in concentrations of greater than 1% of the total free amino acid content in the brain, thoracic, and abdominal ganglia of Leucophaea maderae. Hemolymph, subesophageal ganglia, and hindgut had substantial amounts of glutamate and glycine, but less than 0.3% taurine or GABA. Taurine, 3-aminopropanesulfonic acid (3-APS), cysteine-sulfinic acid (CSA), and GABA each had myotropic activity on the isolated cockroach hindgut, with 3-APS having the most consistent effect (ED50 = 0.63 mM), while taurine and CSA activities were similar to that of GABA on the hindgut. Both taurine and 3-APS had anti-arrhythmic effects on semi-isolated heart preparations of L. maderae, while GABA was inhibitory and induced arrhythmia. Bicuculline was antagonistic to the effects of GABA, taurine, and 3-APS on the hindgut, and induced arrhythmia in heart preparations; this arrhythmia was reversible by taurine, but not by GABA or 3-APS.  相似文献   

The anti-tumour drug methotrexate (MTX) induces intestinal mucosa injury resulting in malabsorption and diarrhoea. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether exogenous melatonin could protect the gut from MTX-induced damage in rats. A single dose of MTX (20 mg kg(-1), i.p.) was followed by i.p. saline or melatonin injections (10 mg kg(-1), MTX + Mel) for the next 5 days. On the fifth day, intestinal transit was assessed using charcoal propagation. Rats were decapitated and small intestinal segments were fixed for light (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations. Other intestinal segments were stored to measure glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and ATPase activity. MTX led to loss of more than 10% of the initial body weight (p < 0.01). Conversely, weight loss was markedly less in the melatonin-treated MTX group (p < 0.05). Bowel motility was increased in MTX-treated rats, while the transit index in the MTX-Mel group was not different from the control group. MTX caused decreases in GSH levels and ATPase activity, with increases in MDA levels and MPO activity. These changes were reversed in MTX-Mel-treated rats (p < 0.05-p < 0.001). LM and SEM in the MTX group revealed desquamation of surface epithelium and glandular degeneration, while the epithelium was slightly damaged in the MTX-Mel group. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that melatonin is capable of reversing MTX-induced intestinal dysfunctions, indicating that it may be beneficial in ameliorating the symptoms of chemotherapy-induced enteritis.  相似文献   

褪黑激素的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
宋萍  赵志奇 《生命科学》2000,12(4):157-161
褪黑激素是一种在多个物种的多个组织中广泛存在并具有重要生理作用的激素。本文拟就褪黑激素在体内的分布,褪黑激素受体的分子结构、药理学特性、生物功能及调控模式作一简述。  相似文献   

A model of the helical part of the human MT2 melatonin (hMT2) receptor, a member of the G protein-coupled receptors superfamily has been generated, based on the structure of bovine rhodopsin. Modeling has been combined with site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the role of the specific amino acid residues within the transmembrane domains (TM) numbers V, VI and VII of hMT2 receptor in the interaction with 2-iodomelatonin. Saturation binding assays with 2-iodomelatonin demonstrated that the substitution V204A (TMV) resulted in total loss of binding while the mutation V205A had no effect. The replacement of F209 with alanine led to a significant decrease in the Bmax value of receptor binding while mutations V205A and F209A also within TM V did not significantly change binding properties of the hMT2 receptor. In the case of TM VI, the substitution G271T caused substantial decrease in 2-iodomelatonin binding to the hMT2 receptor. The change L272A (TM VI) as well as mutation Y298A within TM VII completely abolished ligand binding to the receptor. These data suggest that several new amino acid residues within TM V, VI and VII are involved in ligand-MT2 receptor interaction.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes and synaptoneurosomes were prepared from the cerebral cortex of control rats and of rats treated with gabaculine, gamma-vinylGABA (GVG), hydrazine and isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH). An inverse relationship was observed between the GABA content of the synaptoneurosomes and the muscimol-stimulated chloride ion uptake by the organelles. The relationship held over an extensive range of experimental conditions including different drugs, different dosage levels of the same drug, different time intervals after administration of the same drug, and both single and multiple injections of drugs. The results indicated that the phenomenon was associated with the neurosome component of the preparation, and raised the possibility that GABA levels within the postsynaptic cell might regulate the functioning of the GABAA receptor complexSpecial issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts.  相似文献   

Spontaneous ovulatory activity (SOA) in spring has been used to study the out-of-season breeding ability of Merinos d'Arles (MA) ewes. Within this breed, an association was found between more intense seasonality and genotype -/- at a MnlI restriction site (allele - for its absence v. + for its presence) in Exon II of the MT1 receptor gene. This study was designed to ascertain whether this association results in a direct effect of the MT1 genotype on the expression of seasonality in MA ewes. In the first year of the study, genotyping of 314 MA ewes at locus MnlI was carried out and resulted in frequencies of 43.0%, 44.9% and 12.1% for genotypes +/+, +/- and -/-, respectively. The SOA of these ewes was determined in early April of two consecutive years by assaying plasma progesterone concentrations in two blood samples taken 9 days apart. Groups of 30 ewes of each homozygous genotype (+/+ and -/-) were identified from this population and their SOA was followed by taking blood samples at regular intervals between January and mid-April of the second and third year of the study. In the second year, groups of ewes were managed together on rangelands, whereas in the third year each group was split into two subgroups given differential feed levels. The results clearly showed that genotype had no significant effect on SOA during the 2- to 3-month period preceding the introduction of rams for spring mating. In the second year of the study, in which the experimental procedure allowed a fair comparison of the fertility of ewes in spring mating, fertility was similar for both genotypes. The reciprocity of the association was not demonstrated and the MnlI polymorphic site could not be used as a genetic marker of selection for out-of-season breeding ability, at least not in the MA breed. The percentage of cycling ewes significantly decreased between January and April, and older ewes (5 or 6 years old depending on the year of the study) were more cyclic than younger ones (2 and 3 years old, respectively). The differential feeding level of ewes from early February did not significantly affect their SOA during the time period studied in the third year of the study.  相似文献   

Crossbred ewes exposed to long days for 46 months prior to photoperiod reversal showed no alteration in the duration or amplitude of the circulating melatonin peak between 24 and 46 months of continuous long day exposure. By 3 months after photoreversal to short days, both the amplitude and duration of the peak had adapted to the new scotophase. In short day treated ewes, the melatonin peak was abolished by 46 but not 24 months of short day exposure, and was not fully restored in all ewes 3 months after photoreversal. Mean prolactin levels over 24 h remained high up to 46 months of long day treatment, and declined 3 months after short day exposure. Conversely, mean prolactin levels remained low up to 46 months of short day treatment, increasing 3 months after exposure to long days. Thus: (i) depletion of the melatonin-synthesizing capability of the ovine pineal gland by prolonged exposure to long nights is not completely reversed after 3 months of continuous long day exposure, and (ii) a nocturnal melatonin peak is not essential for maintenance of plasma prolactin levels under these conditions.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Lawrence Austin.  相似文献   

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