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In mammalian cloning, evidence suggests that genomic reprogramming factors are located in the nucleus rather than the cytoplasm of oocytes or zygotes. However, little is known about the mechanisms of reprogramming, and new methods using nuclear factors have not succeeded in producing cloned mice from differentiated somatic cell nuclei. We aimed to determine whether there are functional reprogramming factors present in the cytoplasm of germinal vesicle stage (GV) oocytes. We found that the GV oocyte cytoplasm could remodel somatic cell nuclei, completely demethylate histone H3 at lysine 9 and partially deacetylate histone H3 at lysines 9 and 14. Moreover, cytoplasmic lysates of GV oocytes promoted somatic cell reprogramming and cloned embryo development, when assessed by measuring histone H3-K9 hypomethylation, Oct4 and Cdx2 expression in blastocysts, and the production of cloned offspring. Thus, genomic reprogramming factors are present in the cytoplasm of the GV oocyte and could facilitate cloning technology. This finding is also useful for research on the mechanisms involved in histone deacetylation and demethylation, even though histone methylation is thought to be epigenetically stable.  相似文献   

The presence of lamin proteins in mouse spermatogenic cells has been examined by using an anti-lamin AC and an anti-lamin B antisera which recognize somatic lamins A and C, and somatic lamin B, respectively. Anti-lamin B binds to the nuclear periphery of all cell types examined, including Sertoli cells, primitive type A spermatogonia, preleptotene, leptotene, zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids. In sperm nuclei, the antigenic determinants are localized to a narrow domain of the nucleus. However, after removing the perinuclear theca, anti-lamin B localizes to the entire nuclear periphery in a punctate pattern, suggesting that it is binding to determinants previously covered by the theca constituents. On immunoblots anti-lamin B reacts with a ~ 68 kD polypeptide in all germ cells and, to a lesser extent, with four additional polypeptides present only in meiotic and post-meiotic nuclear matrices. Anti-lamin AC also reacts with the perinuclear region of the somatic cells in the testes, in particular, those of the interstitium and also the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous epithelium. In contrast to anti-lamin B, anti-lamin AC does not bind to the germ cells at any stage of spermatogenesis. In addition, nuclear matrix proteins from isolated spermatogenic cells do not bind anti-lamin AC on immunoblots, suggesting the lack of reactivity is not due to the masking of any antigenic sites. These data demonstrate that germ cells contain lamin B throughout spermatogenesis, even during meiosis and spermiogenesis when the nuclear periphery lacks a distinct fibrous lamina. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the presence of lamin A/C in porcine nuclear transfer embryos and to determine whether lamin A/C can serve as a potential marker for nuclear reprogramming. First, lamin A/C was studied in oocytes and embryos produced by fertilization or parthenogenetic oocyte activation. We found that lamin A/C was present in the nuclear lamina of oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage while it was absent in mature oocytes. Lamin A/C was detected throughout preimplantation development in both in vivo-derived and parthenogenetic embryos. Incubation of the activated oocytes in the presence of alpha-amanitin (an inhibitor of RNA polymerase II), or cycloheximide (a protein synthesis inhibitor) did not perturb lamin A/C assembly, indicating that the assembly resulted from solubilized lamins dispersed in the cytoplasm. In nuclear transfer embryos, the lamin A/C signal that had previously been identified in fibroblast nuclei disappeared soon after fusion. It became detectable again after the formation of the pronucleus-like structure, and all nuclear transfer embryos displayed lamin A/C staining during early development. Olfactory bulb progenitor cells lacked lamin A/C; however, when such cells were fused with enucleated oocytes, the newly formed nuclear envelopes stained positive for lamin A/C. These findings suggest that recipient oocytes remodel the donor nuclei using type A lamins dispersed in the ooplasm. The results also indicate that lamin A/C is present in the nuclear envelope of pig oocytes and early embryos and unlike in some other species, its presence after nuclear transfer is not an indicator of erroneous reprogramming.  相似文献   

In mouse embryos, acquisition of the nuclear lamin polypeptides A/C varies according to developmental stage and tissue type. In order to determine the precise time points and cell types in which lamin A/C are first observed, we have used two monoclonal antibodies in immunofluorescence studies of different tissues of developing mouse embryos and of young mice. One antibody (mAB346) is specific for lamins A and C, while the other (PKB8) detects lamins A, B and C. Dividing uterine development into three phases--germ layer formation, organogenesis and tissue differentiation--our results show that lamin A/C expression in the embryo proper is not observed until the third phase of development. Lamin A/C first appears at embryonic day 12 in muscle cells of the trunk, head and the appendages. Three days later it is also seen in cells of the epidermis where its appearance coincides with the time of stratification. In the simple epithelial of lung, liver, kidney and intestine, as well as in heart and brain, lamins A/C do not appear until well after birth. Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells express lamin B but not lamin A/C. Lamin A/C expression is noted in some EC cells after they are induced to differentiate and in several differentiated teratocarcinoma cell lines. Our results suggest that commitment of a cell to a particular pathway of differentiation (assayed by cell-type-specific expression of intermediate filament proteins) usually occurs prior to the time that lamin A/C can be detected. Thus lamin A/C expression may serve as a limit on the plasticity of cells for further developmental events.  相似文献   

Germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes matured in vitro are an alternative source for cytoplasmic recipients of nuclear transfer (NT). However, the developmental potential of oocytes matured in vitro is limited. In this study, we developed a protein-free maturation medium for mouse GV oocytes. Following parthenogenetic activation, the oocytes matured in the protein-free medium develop to blastocyst stage with a high efficiency, even up to the rate obtained from in vivo MII-oocytes (90.6% vs. 92.8%). Using the oocytes matured in the protein-free medium as the recipient, NT embryos develop to the blastocyst stage (17.6%). To further improve the developmental potential of NT embryos, we performed serial NT and compared the effect of three different activated cytoplasm samples derived from in vitro matured oocytes as the second recipient, that is, the effect of in vitro fertilized (IVF) zygote, the preactivated cytoplast and the IVF cytoplast, on the development of NT embryos. We found that when the pronucleus of NT zygote was transferred into the cytoplasm of the IVF zygote, the blastocyst formation increased to 39.4%. This is the first report to demonstrate the IVF zygote from oocytes matured in protein-free medium can be used successfully as the recipient for serial NT to enhance the developmental potential of mouse NT embryos from oocytes matured in the protein-free medium.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that the transition from an incompetent to a competent meiotic state during the course of oogenesis in the mouse involved a G2/M-like cell cycle transition (Wickramasinghe et al, 1991. Dev. Biol. 143, 162). The present studies tested the hypothesis that centrosome phosphorylation, an event normally induced by MPF, is required for this developmental transition and the expression of meiotic competence in cultured growing mouse oocytes. Multiple fluorescence labeling techniques were used to evaluate centrosome number, phosphorylation status, and microtubule nucleating capacity in competent and incompetent oocytes. Experimental conditions were established for reversibly altering the phosphorylation status of the centrosomes and the effects of these treatments on meiotic resumption were examined. Phosphorylated centrosomes nucleating short microtubules were observed in competent oocytes, whereas nonphosphorylated centrosomes and interphase microtubule arrays were found in incompetent oocytes. Upon recovery from nocodazole-induced microtubule depolymerization, short microtubules formed from centrosomes in competent oocytes, whereas long microtubules reappear in the cytoplasm of incompetent oocytes. Perturbation of the phosphorylation state of oocytes with activators of protein kinase A or protein kinase C resulted in the formation of long interphase microtubules in competent oocytes while centrosome phosphorylation was maintained. Treatment of competent oocytes with the phosphorylation inhibitor 6-dimethylaminopurine also led to formation of long microtubules, although under these conditions centrosomes were dephosphorylated. When competent oocytes were treated simultaneously with puromycin and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutyl methylxanthine (IBMX) for 6 hr, centrosomes became dephosphorylated; centrosomes were rephosphorylated when competent oocytes were further cultured in IBMX without puromycin. Conditions that induced centrosome dephosphorylation in competent oocytes resulted in the loss of the ability to express meiotic competence in culture, whereas maintenance of centrosome phosphorylation in these oocytes was correlated with the ability to resume meiosis. These results suggest that the G2/M transition that occurs when mouse oocytes progress from an incompetent to a competent state in vivo involves the phosphorylation of centrosomes and that the maintenance of centrosome phosphorylation is required for the in vitro expression of meiotic competence.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the in vitro developmental potential of reconstituted mouse embryos produced from the cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos or oocytes and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos by electrofusion. The cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos and oocytes were obtained by manual bisection with a fine glass needle under a dissecting microscope. The fusion rates of the reconstituted embryos produced from the cytoplast of oocytes and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos (O-SB2: 38.1 and 41.5%) were significantly lower than those produced from the cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos (P-SB2: 91.2 and 97.6%; P<0.001). Reconstituted embryos were encapsulated in alginate gel and were cultured for 96 hours. Similarly, the cleavage and development rates to the blastocyst stage of O-SB2 (56.3, 61.2 and 2.0, 3.1%, respectively) were significantly lower than those of the P-SB2 (91.0, 91.2 and 18.6, 20.7%; respectively, P<0.05). The cleavage and development rates to the blastocyst stage (61.2 and 2.0%) of reconstituted embryos produced from single blastomeres of late 2-cell stage embryos and oocyte cytoplast improved after activation by ethanol treatment (76.1 and 21.7%). However, the use of single blastomeres of early 2-cell stage embryos as nuclear donors did not enhance the cleavage and development rates of the reconstituted embryos to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

We describe a fluorimetric method for measuring the level of H2O2 in individual mouse oocytes and early embryos. Levels of H2O2 are low but detectable in unfertilized oocytes recovered freshly from the female reproductive tract. The levels in early cleaving embryos (1-cell to 8-cell stages) immediately after recovery from the female tract seem to be slightly higher the later the stage examined. However, when embryos are cultured in vitro from the 1-cell or early 2-cell stage, H2O2 levels rise when the embryos reach the mid-2-cell stage and remain elevated until they enter the early 4-cell stage. No equivalent elevation of H2O2 is seen during the transition from 1-cell to 2-cell or from 4-cell to 8-cell stages. Embryos that are able to develop successfully in vitro, as well as those that show a developmental block at the 2-cell stage on culture in vitro, both show this rise in H2O2 levels after in vitro culture. The relationship between the rise in H2O2 and the '2-cell block' to development is discussed.  相似文献   

NuMA expression and function in mouse oocytes and early embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA), originally described as a nuclear protein, is an essential component in the formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles. In this study, we analyze the expression pattern and function of NuMA in mouse oocytes and early embryos. In germinal vesicle-stage occytes, NuMA was detected both at the centrosome and in the nucleus. However, after nuclear maturation and extrusion of the first polar body, NuMA was concentrated at the broad meiotic spindle poles and at cytasters (centers of cytoplasmic microtubule asters) of mature metaphase II oocytes. Cold-induced depolymerization of microtubules appeared to disassociate NuMA foci from the cytoplasmic cytasters. During fertilization, NuMA was relocated into the reformed male and female pronuclei. Microinjection of anti-NuMA antibody into 1 of 2 cells of 2-cell-stage embryos inhibited normal cell division. These results suggest that NuMA might play an important role in cell division during early embryonic mitosis.  相似文献   

We have constructed a series of mutations in the human A lamin cDNA to identify and alter the nuclear localization signal using an in vivo functional assay system. The nuclear localization signal in the lamin proteins has both structural and functional similarities with that of the SV40 large T-antigen. Mutations within this functional domain result in the assembly of cytoplasmic tubular structures, and the behavior of these mutants suggests a post-translational dimerization of the lamin proteins prior to their transport into the nucleus. In the course of this work other regions of the carboxy terminus of the A/C lamin proteins have been implicated in the proper assembly and structure of the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Binding of lamin B receptor (LBR) to chromatin was studied by means of an in vitro assay system involving recombinant fragments of human LBR and Xenopus sperm chromatin. Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-fused proteins including LBR fragments containing the N-terminal region (residues 1-53) and arginine-serine repeat-containing region (residues 54-89) bound to chromatin. The binding of GST-fusion proteins incorporating the N-terminal and arginine-serine repeat-containing regions to chromatin was suppressed by mild trypsinization of the chromatin and by pretreatment with a DNA solution. A new cell-free system for analyzing the cell cycle-dependent binding of a protein to chromatin was developed from recombinant proteins, a Xenopus egg cytosol fraction and sperm chromatin. The system was applied to analyse the binding of LBR to chromatin. It was shown that the binding of LBR fragments to chromatin was stimulated by phosphorylation in the arginine-serine repeat-containing region by a protein kinase(s) in a synthetic phase egg cytosol. However, the binding of LBR fragments was suppressed by phosphorylation at different residues in the same region by a kinase(s) in a mitotic phase cytosol. These results suggested that the cell cycle-dependent binding of LBR to chromatin is regulated by phosphorylation in the arginine-serine repeat-containing region by multiple kinases.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Chiu PH  Yip KY  Chan SY 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20507
SUN2 is an inner nuclear membrane protein with a conserved Sad1/UNC-84 homology SUN-domain at the C-terminus. Intriguingly, SUN2 has also been reported to interact with Rab5, which localizes in early endosomes. To clarify the dual subcellular localization of SUN2, we investigated its localization in lamin A/C deficient cells rescued with lamin A or lamin C isoform, and in HeLa cells transfected with Rab5 or its mutants. We found that expression of lamin A but not lamin C partly restored the nuclear envelope localization of SUN2. SUN2 was redistributed to endosomes upon overexpression of Rab5, but remained on the nuclear envelope when the SUN domain was deleted. To explore the physiological function of SUN2 in vesicle trafficking and endocytosis, we demonstrated the colocalization of endogenous SUN2 and Rab5. Moreover, overexpression of SUN2 stimulated the uptake of transferrin while suppression of SUN2 expression attenuated the process. These findings support a role of SUN2 in endocytosis.  相似文献   

The synthesis and intracellular distribution of actin were studied in isolated dictyate and metaphase II mouse oocytes by (1) sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of newly synthetized oocyte protein and (2) cytochemical F-actin labeling by fluorescent phalloidin. Unpermeabilized, fully grown oocytes bound phalloidin intensely at the level of the zona pellucida (ZP), such ZP-associated actin representing a significant portion of total actin found in these cells. In contrast, phalloidin binding to ZP was very low in growing oocytes and was undetectable in ovulated, metaphase II eggs. When ZP-associated actin of fully grown oocytes was removed by prolongedly exposing oocytes to α-chymotrypsin, the amount of newly synthesized actin displayed by cumulus-enclosed oocytes was reduced to a level comparable to that shown by oocytes isolated from granulosa cells. We demonstrate that ZP-associated actin belongs to granulosa cell processes that remain within the ZP as a consequence of oocyte isolation procedures. We conclude that actin synthesis of mouse oocytes is not regulated by granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The lamins are the major components of the nuclear matrix and are known as lamins A, B, and C with Mr 72,000, 68,000, and 62,000 when analysed by SDS PAGE. These three polypeptides are very similar, as determined by polypeptide mapping and immunological reactivity. Lamins A and C are so homologous that a precursor-product relationship has been proposed. Using an antiserum against nuclear matrix proteins that specifically immunoprecipitates the three lamins, we examined their synthesis in the rabbit reticulocytes lysate. Four bands of Mr 62,000, 68,000, 70,000, and 74,000 were specifically immunoprecipitated when polysomes or polyadenylated RNA were translated in vitro. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the 68,000- and the 62,000-mol-wt proteins were identified as lamins B and C, respectively, and the 74,000-mol-wt polypeptide had properties of a precursor of lamin A. The mRNAs of lamin C and of the putative precursor of lamin A were completely separated by gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, and their respective sizes were determined. These results suggest that lamin A is not a precursor of lamin C.  相似文献   

L Pikó 《Cell》1977,12(3):697-707
The expression of murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-related antigens in oocytes and early embryos of Swiss mice was studied by the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method using an antiserum to the major core protein, p30, of AKR MuLV. This procedure resulted in an intense staining, at antibody dilutions up to 1:500, of the germinal vesicles of oocytes and the interphase nuclei of early embryos. Nuclear staining was restricted to a specific period of oocyte growth and embryo development. It developed gradually in oocytes having reached one third to one half the full-grown size and persisted until meiotic maturation. In early embryos, nuclear staining was present from the one-cell stage to the morula, but disappeared during transition from morula to blastocyst and was not seen in expanded blastocysts. Nuclear staining was abolished by absorption of the anti-p30 serum with detergent-disrupted virions of Gross(A), AKR, Kirsten and Moloney MuLV, and Kirsten MSV(MuLV), but not with the Friend and Rauscher strains of MuLV, the xenotropic BALB:virus 2, a mouse tropic and an amphotropic clone of wild mouse MuLV, or with FeLV and RSV. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that the nuclear antigen (termed germinal vesicle antigen) reacting with the anti-p30 serum is the product of a cellular gene having a normal function in early embryonic development, and that sequences related to this gene are incorporated into the genome of AKR-type MuLV.  相似文献   

Cytoplasm from muscle lineage blastomeres of an ascidian embryo can cause cells of a nonmuscle lineage to produce larval tail muscle acetylcholinesterase. Muscle cytoplasm was partitioned microsurgically into epidermal lineage blastomeres at the eight-cell stage. Posterior half-embryos (the two B3 cells) of Ascidia nigra were obtained first by separating the anterior and posterior blastomere pairs at the four-cell stage. At third cleavage, the two B3 cells divide into an ectodermal cell pair that gives rise solely to epidermal tissues, and a mesodermal-endodermal blastomere pair from which the tail muscle cells are derived. When the ectodermal and mesendodermal blastomere pairs were isolated from one another by microsurgery and reared as partial embryos, only cells originating from the mesendodermal blastomeres produced a histochemical acetylcholinesterase reaction. Immediately after cleavage of the isolated B3 cells into ectodermal and mesendodermal cell pairs, the cleavage furrows could be made to disappear by pressing firmly on the mesendodermal cells with a microneedle. Repeated up and down pressure with the microneedle at a new position across the mesendodermal cells caused furrows to reestablish in the new position, thereby incorporating mesodermal cytoplasm and increasing the size of the ectodermal cells. The cytoplasmically altered ectodermal blastomere pairs, which became detached from the mesendodermal cells by this microsurgical procedure, continued to divide and were reared to “larval” stages. One-third of these epidermal partial larvae produced patches of cells containing acetylcholinesterase. These results lend further support to the theory that choice of particular differentiation pathways (embryonic determination) in ascidian embryos is mediated by segregation of specific egg cytoplasmic determinants.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide microslab gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining was devised to visualize picogram to nanogram levels of proteins and was applied to the analysis of 1-20 mouse oocytes and embryos (approximately 16.5-330 ng of protein) during preimplantation development. Compared with values in embryos, more bands in the higher molecular weight range were found only for unfertilized oocytes in one-dimensional microelectrophoresis. A marked decrease in the number of protein spots occurred after fertilization in two-dimensional microelectrophoresis. Both findings indicate a decrease in maternal proteins caused by fertilization. Silver-staining densities were almost invariable for 8 major spots, but increased, decreased, or varied for 32 minor spots in developing embryos from the 1-cell to the morula stage, signifying spot-specific changes in the expression of zygotic proteins during development. The protein patterns in cumulus cells and blastocysts were different from those in oocytes and embryos. Even in a single 1-cell embryo, major spots and some minor spots were detectable by our two-dimensional microelectrophoretic technique, but many more minor spots were visualized in five 1-cell embryos, exemplifying the limit of our microelectrophoretic technique. As a preliminary result, a two-dimensional immunoblot pattern is shown for glucose transporter 1 expressed in morulae.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamina is a complex meshwork of nuclear lamin filaments that lies on the interface of the nuclear envelope and chromatin and is important for cell maintenance, nucleoskeleton support, chromatin remodeling, and protein recruitment to the inner nucleolus. Protein and mRNA patterns for the major nuclear lamins were investigated in bovine in vitro fertilized (IVF) and nuclear transfer embryos. Expression of lamins A/C and B were examined in IVF bovine germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes, metaphase II oocytes, zygotes, 2-cell, 8-cell, 16-32-cell embryos, morulae, and blastocysts (n = 10). Lamin A/C was detected in 9/10 immature oocytes, 10/10 zygotes, 8/10 2-cell embryos, 4/10 morulae, 10/10 blastocysts but absent during the maternal embryonic transition. Lamin B was ubiquitously expressed during IVF preimplantation development but was only detected in 4/10 GV oocytes. Messenger RNA expression confirms that the major lamins, A/C and B1 are expressed throughout preimplantation development and transcribed by the embryo proper. Lamin A/C and B expression were observed (15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 120 min) following somatic cell nuclear transfer using adult fibroblasts and at the 2-cell, 8-cell, 16-32-cell, morula and blastocyst stage (n = 5). Altered expression levels and localization of nuclear lamins A/C and B was determined in nuclear transfer embryos during the first 2 hr post fusion, coincidental with only partial nuclear envelope breakdown as well as during the initial cleavage divisions, but was restored by the morula stage. This mechanical and molecular disruption of the nuclear lamina provides key evidence for incomplete nuclear remodeling and reprogramming following somatic cell nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

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