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宝兴泛树蛙不同地理居群的染色体多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李树深  费梁 《动物学报》1996,42(4):414-420
本文分析了比较了宝兴泛树蛙四个地理居群的核型,C-带和Ag-NORs,结果表明它们有相同的2n=26,NF=52,和相同的核型模式:5+8。但是,它们彼此之间在SM数目和顺序,次缢痕或随体的位置以及银染的位置,C-带类型都有所不同。  相似文献   

饶定齐  杨大同 《四川动物》1996,15(3):105-110
本文报道了云南8种树桂的染色体组型,并对目前所已知的树蛙种类的染色体组型进行了比较。锯腿小树蛙Philautuscavirostris(Guenther)的2n=26,5对大染色体和8对小染色体,9M+4SM,NF=52,No.7长臂近着丝粒处和No.8短臂端部备有一个次缢痕;白颊小树蛙Phi.palpebralisSmith的2n=26,5对人染色体和8对小染色体,8M+5SM,NF=52,No.6短臂近着丝粒处有一个次缢痕。白颌大树蛙Rha.maximusGuenther的2n=26,5对大染色体和8对小染色体,9M+4SM,NF=52;棕褶树蛙Rha.feaeBoulenger的2n=26,5对大染色体和8对小染色体,9M+4SM,NF=52;黑蹼树蛙Rha.reinwardtii(Boie)的2n=26,5对大染色体和8对小染色体,9M+4SM,NF=52,Mo.1短臂近着丝粒处有一个次缢痕;红蹼树蛙Rha.rhodopusLiuetHu的2n=26,5对大染色体,1对中染色体和7对小染色体,9M+4SM,NF=52;斑腿泛树蛙Polypedatesmegacephalus的2n=26,5对大染色体  相似文献   

温州不同区域泽蛙染色体组型比较研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
钱晓薇 《四川动物》1999,18(3):111-114
本文报道温州四个不同区域泽蛙( Ranalimnocharis Boie) 的染色体组型。结果表明四处泽蛙均为2n=26 (5 +8) , NF=52 。温州市区、乐清、洞头泽蛙在6p 上有一对次缢痕, 文成泽蛙在7p 上有一对次缢痕。洞头、文成泽蛙nos-4、9、11 为SM 染色体, 其余均为M 染色体; 温州泽蛙nos-3、4、8 为SM, 其余均为M 染色体;乐清泽蛙nos-4、9 为SM 染色体, 其余均为M 染色体。通过温州不同区域以及国内外其它地区泽蛙染色体组型的比较, 结果差异明显, 显示泽蛙核型的多样性。  相似文献   

观察和比较了四川峨眉山、洪雅瓦屋山、昭觉与湖北利川等四地区原鉴定为杜氏泛树蛙Polypedatesdugritei的核型。结果表明,事实上显示了两种极易区别的核型。昭觉和利川两地者一致相同属于同一种,它不但区别于杜氏泛树蛙,也区别于同属的任何一种。基于核型的显著差异,它应是一个新的超种Superspecie。作者将其命名为昭觉泛树蛙Polype-dateszhaojuensis,并指定1993年7月2日采于四川昭觉七里坝的6883 ̄#雄性成体为模式标本。  相似文献   

用骨髓细胞制片法对桓仁林蛙(Rana huanrenesis)和桓仁产东北林蛙(R.dybowskii)的染色体组型进行了报道,两种林蛙的染色体数均为2n=24,都可配成12对,按照相对长度可分为3组,A组包括第1~5对,为大型染色体(相对长度〉9.0);B组是第6对,为中型染色体(相对长度在7.0~9.0之间);C组包括第7~12对,这一组为小型染色体(相对长度〈7.0)。在两种林蛙的染色体组型中未发现有异型性染色体。桓仁林蛙的第1、3、4、5对为中部着丝点染色体,第9对为端部着丝点染色体,其余各对为亚中部着丝点染色体。东北林蛙的第1、2、3、4、5、6、8对为中部着丝点染色体,第9对为端部着丝点染色体,其余各对为业中部着丝点染色体。两种林蛙的第11对染色体长臂有明显的次缢痕。  相似文献   

几种鲤鱼染色体核仁组织者的银染观察   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对鲤属(Cyprinus)春鲤C.longipectoralis杞麓鲤C.carpio chilia、以及鲤鱼C.carpio四种品系的核型与核仁组织者(NORs)进行了银染观察,结果表明: 1.几种鲤鱼的染色体数均为2n=100,核型组成均包括中着丝点(A组)、亚中着丝点(B组)和端着丝点或近端着丝点(C组)染色体,但构成比例彼此稍有差异。春鲤及杞麓鲤核型为22m 30sm 48st.t(昝瑞光,1980);鲤鱼四种品系:荷包鲤、玻璃鲤、兴国红鲤及青鲤的核型为28m 22sm 50st.t,在C组第3对上有一对具随体的染色体,四种品系鲤鱼随体的形态,大小各不相同。 2.几种鲤鱼均有一对同源染色体带有NORS,且均出现在St染色体的短臂上。 3.几种鲤鱼的NORs均呈现显著的多态性。此外还观察到Ag-NORs的联合现象。  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠的染色体组型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达乌尔黄鼠(Citellus dauricus)是分布于我国北方、蒙古和苏联等区域的一种中型啮齿动物。其染色体组型在国内文献中尚未见有报道,在国外文献中亦未见有详细报道。为此我们采用骨髓细胞染色体直接制片方法,并参考达乌尔黄鼠染色体的C分带和G分带(将另文报道,对其核型进行了分析研究,现报道如下。  相似文献   

采用常规骨髓细胞制片法,对黑龙江省产黑龙江草蜥和白条草蜥的染色体组型进行分析.结果表明,两种草蜥二倍体染色体的数目均是38,由18对常染色体和1对性染色体组成.常染色体中17对为端部着丝点染色体,1对为点状染色体;性染色体为ZW 型,从核型特征看来,二者都为蜥蜴目较原始的类型.  相似文献   

4种栽培藠头的染色体组型比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同地区的4种栽培蕌头(Allium chinensis G.Don)的染色体组型,结果表明:兰蕌的染色体组型为2n=4x=32=24m+8sm(SAT);桃源蕌2n=4x=32=28m(SAT)+4sm;利川蕌2n=4x=32=24m(SAT)+4sm+4st;丝蕌2n=3x=24=21m+3sm。通过分析比较4种蕌头的染色体组型,对蕌头的品种分类问题及蕌头常开花而不易结子的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王蕊芳  马昆 《动物学研究》1990,11(4):349-354
以Sunmer法和界面铺张——硝酸银技术,对尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia nilotica)染色体C带,Ag染带及减数分裂前期精母细胞联会复合体(SC)进行了显微和亚显微结构观察。尼罗罗非鱼的2n=44,核型可分为三个组:第一组为4对亚中着丝粒染色体;第二组为17对亚端着丝粒染色体;第三组为具1对端着丝粒的特大染色体。结构异染色质主要分布于着丝粒附近,其中Nos.6、8、15亚中着丝粒染色体短臂全部深染。带有银染核仁组织者(Ag-NORs)染色体的数目为2-6条,NORs均位于6、8、15亚中着丝粒染色体短臂。银染色可清楚地显示尼罗罗非鱼的联会复合体(SC)结构和减数分裂行为。SC组型与有丝分裂染色体的组型有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

对牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana,Shaw)的染色体组型进行了研究。观察骨髓的C-中期细胞,结果证明牛蛙的体细胞染色体数目2n=26,其中有5对大型染色体和8对小型染色体,可以分成A、B、C3个组,雌性和雄性个体间没有发现异型性染色体。上述结果与前人的研究结果基本一致。但是作者发现牛蛙骨髓细胞的第7、8、10、12号染色体上均有次缢痕。牛蛙的核型为2n:26=22m+4sm。  相似文献   

Karyotypes in 16 representative taxa of the Ophrys genus are compared, based on Feulgen-stained somatic metaphase chromosomes. The karyotypes of O. omegaifera subsp. israelitica, O. ulupinara, O. lycia, O. argolica subsp. lucis, O. argolica subsp. lesbis, O. climacis and O. reinholdii subsp. reinholdii are described for the first time. Karyological analyses indicate relationships among the species with respect to their asymmetry indices. All Ophrys taxa studied were diploid with 2n = 2x = 36 chromosomes. One B chromosome has been detected among the chromosomes of O. argolica subsp. lucis. All karyotypes are symmetrical, consisting of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. The longest chromosomes of all the investigated specimens contain a secondary constriction. It is determined that there is a correlation between the total number of chromosomes having secondary constrictions and the evolutionary development order of the taxa. Based on nuclear DNA content, analysis was carried out by flow cytometer using propodium iodide as fluorochrome, 2C nuclear DNA content of 16 Ophrys species varying between 20.80 pg (O. argolica subsp. lucis) and 23.11 pg (O. omegaifera subsp. israelitica). Karyotype asymmetry relationships are discussed according to the bidimensional scatter plots of A1–A2, CVCL–CVCI, CVCL–MCA and CVCI–MCA.  相似文献   

The grasshopper Podisma tyatiensis, which is distributed only at the summit of Mount Tyatya on Kunashiri Island, the Kuril Islands, is closely related to Podisma sapporensis, which has a broad distribution range on the islands of northern Japan and the Russian Far East (Hokkaido, Sakhalin and Kunashiri). The present study examined the taxonomic status of P. tyatiensis by crossing P. tyatiensis males with P. sapporensis females from Sakhalin. More than 90% of eggs from intrapopulation crosses developed to at least the last embryonic stage, whereas only 64% of eggs from the interpopulation crosses developed into that embryonic stage. Cytogenetic observations of prediapause embryos showed that the interpopulation crosses always led to the production of unfertilized eggs, and that all of the developing embryos had the maternal genome only. A mixture of haploid and diploid cells of maternal origin was found in most of those embryos. This result shows that unfertilized eggs produced by P. sapporensis females from Sakhalin developed parthenogenetically to at least the embryonic stage before hatching. The present crossing experiments revealed a high level of incompatibility between the genomes of the Sakhalin population and the Tyatya population, and confirmed the full species status of P. tyatiensis.  相似文献   

秦岭蝮和六盘山蝮分类地位的初步探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王湘君  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2006,25(2):210-213
秦岭蝮(Gloydius qinlingensis)和六盘山蝮(G.liupanensis)的鼻间鳞形状和斑纹与高原蝮(G.strauchii)相似,鳞片变化范围也有很大重合,但它们的分类地位尚有争议.作者对六盘山蝮和秦岭蝮的鳞片(背鳞、腹鳞和尾下鳞)数据做了统计学分析,并和高原蝮的数据比较.运用75%法则,秦岭蝮和高原蝮之间背鳞和尾下鳞多数数据的差异系数大于1.28,而六盘山蝮和高原蝮之间小于1.28.作者初步认为秦岭蝮应该是高原蝮的一个亚种,而六盘山蝮是高原蝮的一个北方居群.  相似文献   

关于长尾姬鼠(Apodemus orestes)的分类地位,一直没有确定。有的认为它是中华姬鼠(A.draco)的一个亚种,而有的认为是一个独立的种。分别从成体长尾姬鼠、中华姬鼠和高山姬鼠(A.chevrieri)(对照)各5只的胡须、头部、背部、腹部、前肢取毛样,清洗和处理后,在倒置显微镜下观察,用目镜测微尺分别测量和计算出其5个部位毛发的毛髓质指数。结果表明:长尾姬鼠与中华姬鼠5个部位及混合毛发的毛髓质指数无显著差异;二者5个部位及混合毛发的毛髓质指数与高山姬鼠均有显著差异。不支持长尾姬鼠作为一个独立种的观点。  相似文献   

采用RAPD技术和杂交方法对东北大黑鳃金龟(Holotrichia diomphalia Bates1888)和华北大黑鳃金龟(H.oblita(Faldermann1935)的分类地位进行了研究。作者应用40条引物,采用UPDGA法对华北大黑的南京和文登种群。东北大黑的沈阳种群。以及其外群矮臀鳃金龟(H.ernesti Reitter)进行了RAPD分析。所建立的系统发育树显示,东北大黑具有与华北大黑两个地理种群相同的分类地位。同时,作者对两种金龟甲进行了正反交的杂交试验。试验共得到21头正交F1代成虫,3头反交F1代成虫,F1代生活正常,采用东北大黑与F1代回交的方法研究F1代的可育性,2001年6月10日的检查结果显示,四个处理均得到大量回交杂种一龄幼虫和少量二龄幼虫,F1代的雌雄虫均具有正常的生殖力。以上结果表明;两种金龟的次异名。为无效名。  相似文献   

分析了黑松、马尾松及其杂种的核型。其核型公式:黑松为K(2n)=24-20m(6_(SAT)))+4sm;杂种为K(2n)=24=23m+1sm;马尾松为K(2n)=24-24m(4_(SAT))。相对长度和臂比方差分析表明,两亲本和杂种差异显著。杂种在相对长度、全组染色体总长、最长与最短染色体比、臂比平均值以及染色体类型上均处于双亲之间。这些研究结果为进一步研究该天然杂种提供必要的细胞学资料。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the history of taxonomy, groos morphology, pollen morphology, distribution, system and taxonomic treatment of the genus Polygala L. from China. Three subgenera, 4 sections, 41 species and 8 varieties are recognized in this treatment, of which 2 sections are described as new. The system of Chinese species of Polygala L. is proposed as follow: Subgen. 1. Chamaebuxus (DC.)Duchartre (Typus: Polygala chamaebuxus L.) Sect. 1. Arillus S. K. Chen, sect. nov. (Typus: Polygala arillata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don). This section consists of about 20 species, distributed in the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa, with 7 species found in South China. Subgen. 2. Pseudosemeiocardium (Adema) J. Chetek et B. Krisa( Typus: Polygala furcata Royle). Sect. 1. Villososperma C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Typus: Polygala wattersii Hance ). There are 3 species in this section, distributed in S. China and N. Vietnam. Sect. 2. Saxicola S. K. Chen, sect.nov. (Typus: Polygala saxicola Dunn). This section consists of 8 species, among which P. tricornis Gagnep. and P. saxicola Dunn are distributed in both Vietnam and China, and the other 6 species are endemic to China. Sect. 3. Pseudosemeiocardium ( Typus: Polygala furcata Royle). This section consists of about 7 species, distributed in SW China, extending from Indo-China Peninsula, southward to Malay, the Philippines, Indonesia and New Guinea, westward to the southern slope of the Himalayas and N. India, northward to Japan. Subgen. 3. Polygala (Typus: Polygala vulgaris L. ). 400 species or more belong to this cosmopolitan subgenus. Most species are found in America and Africa, with 18 species discovered in China. Taxonomic evidence: The characters of flowers, fruits and seeds, the indumentum of seeds and presence or absence of caruncles are stable and also correlated with one another. There is a certain combination of the above-mentioned characters in a given group, which provide reliable evidence for the infrageneric division. A good example is the Polygala arillata group, grown under the tropical and subtropical forests, which has large, yellow flowers, with sepals fallen after blossom. The flower has carinas with a cristate appendix, which is of 2-9 long narrow pieces. The seeds are spherical, with a hooded caruncle. Its fruits are of annuloid stripes. (Fig. 1). The Polygala tenuifolia Willd. group, cosmopolitan in distribution, has a middle-sized, purple or yellow flower with persistent sepals. Cristate appendix of carina is usually fimbricate. The seed in the group is oblong or subovoid, with a trilobate caruncle. Carpels of the fruits of this group are without annuloid stripes(Fig. 3). The third group, Polygala saxicola group, is between the two as indicated above. The group has a small, yellow or occasionally purplecolored flower, with sepals fallen after blossom or sometimes with a persistent outer sepal. The cristate appendix of carina is lamellar or cucullate. The seed of the group is sometimes with pubescences and hooded caruncles sometimes with hirtoselike villoses and no caruncle (Fig. 2) pollen morphology and systematic treatments: The pollen morphology of the domestic Polygala seems to support division of Polygala L. into three groups as follows: A. Pollen grains subspheroidal, 10-19-colpate, colpi usually rather wide, relatively psilate in the polar area; B. Pollen grains reniform, 22-26-colpate, sculptural in the polar area; C. Pollen grains long-spheroidal or subspheroidal, 9- 23-colpate, with long and deep colpi, which usually extend to the relatively psilate polar area. The pollen morphology is naturally correlated with the morphology of flowers, fruits and seeds. Based on these, three subgenera and four sections no subdivision in Subgen. Polygala)are recognized.  相似文献   

Presented in this paper is a taxonomical note on the genus Vicia L. of China with 43 species, four varieties and six forms recognized. Four new species, one new variety and one new state are reported. They areV. multijuga Xia; V. ternata Xia; V. wushanica Xia; V. longidentata Xia; V. unijuga A. Br. var. trifoliolata Xia; V. chianshanensis (P. Y. Fu et Y. A. Chen) Xia.  相似文献   

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