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【背景】菌核病是北细辛根部主要病害之一,木霉菌作为目前应用最广泛的生物防治真菌,利用木霉菌防治北细辛菌核病是目前研究的热点。【目的】通过稀释分离法对健康北细辛植株根际土壤进行菌株分离,以期筛选出有效拮抗北细辛菌核病的生防木霉菌。【方法】以北细辛菌核病菌为靶标菌,采用平板对峙培养、挥发性与非挥发性物质抑菌的方法对分离得到的木霉菌进行筛选,采用生长速率法对筛选出的木霉菌的发酵液进行抑菌效果测定,并采用硫代巴比妥酸法测定筛选出的木霉对北细辛菌核病菌的丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)含量、紫外吸收法测定过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)活性、氮蓝四唑法测定超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)活性、愈创木酚法测定过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)活性的影响。【结果】从土壤中分离出木霉菌共14株,通过形态学和ITS-RPB2双基因联合构建系统发育树,鉴定其为哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)、钩状木霉(Trichoderma hamatum)、拟康氏木霉(Trichoderma koningiopsis)、深绿木霉(Tr...  相似文献   

【背景】由病原菌Sclerotium denigrans侵染引起的平贝母菌核病是其主要的鳞茎病害之一,给平贝母种植产业带来了巨大的损失。【目的】筛选出对平贝母菌核病具有拮抗效果的木霉菌株。【方法】以平贝母菌核病作为靶标菌,采用平板对峙试验、平板对扣法、圆盘滤膜法与发酵液抑菌试验筛选对平贝母菌核病具有拮抗效果的木霉菌株。采用顶空固相微萃取的方法检测拮抗效果较好的木霉菌挥发性成分;二硝基水杨酸(dinitrosalicylic acid, DNS)比色法测定木霉菌的β-1,3葡聚糖酶的活性;室内防效试验验证其对平贝母菌核病的防治效果。【结果】平板对峙试验发现木霉菌F1、F2和D6对平贝母菌核病菌的生长具有较强的抑制作用,其抑菌率分别为91.06%、87.00%和86.12%;平板对扣法发现木霉菌E17和A26对菌核病菌的抑制效果最为明显,抑菌率分别为74.96%和75.86%;圆盘滤膜法发现菌核病菌在F2、C6、D3、F4、A26、B30、D4和D6的琼脂培养基上均不生长,抑菌率达100%;发酵液抑菌试验表明木霉菌D3抑制效果最强,可完全抑制菌核病菌的生长,抑菌率为100%;对A26、D4、E8、E17和D3这5株木霉进行GC/MS挥发性产物分析,在E17发现了具有抗真菌活性的6-戊基-2H-吡喃-2-酮等活性物质;DNS比色法发现β-1,3葡聚糖酶活性最高的木霉菌为F1;室内防效试验测定发现D3能明显抑制平贝母鳞茎菌核病的病变,对平贝母菌核病具有潜在的生防活性。【结论】木霉菌D3在防治平贝母菌核病中是极具开发价值的菌种。  相似文献   

木霉菌生态学及其在生防中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文就木霉菌生物学和生态学的研究进展作一评述,简要概述了木霉菌在土壤、植物地上部分和植物病害综合防治方面的应用,提出了今后该领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

生防木霉菌产几丁质酶特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过采取还原糖法对生防木霉菌真菌2号和真菌4号菌株在不同发酵时间产几丁质酶活性进行测定,并对几丁质酶特性进行初步研究.试验结果表明,同一菌株在不同发酵时间几丁质酶活性大小变化的趋势大致相同,真菌4号在培养145 h几丁质酶活性达到最大,真菌2号在培养170 h几丁质酶活性达到最大.在相同发酵时间,真菌4号菌株的几丁质酶活性比真菌2号菌株的几丁质酶活性要高.  相似文献   

采用离体叶片接种法,对43份马铃薯种质资源进行晚疫病抗性鉴定、比较和评价。以接种5 d后的感病品种‘Désirée’和抗病品种‘加湘1号’叶片症状为对照,鉴定出5份表现为高抗的种质资源,其中包含3个Solanum phurejia和2个S. tuberosum ssp. andigena材料。另外,还鉴定出14份中抗材料(No. 7~20)。结果表明,野生种和安第斯山栽培亚种马铃薯资源的抗性材料较为丰富,可作为晚疫病抗病育种的亲本。  相似文献   

【背景】粮食在生长和收储期极易受到病原真菌或产毒真菌的污染,造成严重的损失。众多实践证明木霉属(Trichoderma)可以有效防治植物病原真菌。【目的】鉴定和筛选能有效抑制粮食常见危害真菌的木霉生防菌株,开发生防菌剂,保障粮食生产安全。【方法】从粮食上分离筛选出35株木霉,通过多基因系统发育分析和形态学观察方法进行菌种鉴定,利用平板对峙试验筛选出对粮食常见危害真菌有抑制作用的菌株。【结果】35株木霉分属于8个种,分别为非洲哈茨木霉(Trichodermaafroharzianum)、类棘孢木霉(Trichodermaasperelloides)、 Trichoderma amoenum、近深绿木霉(Trichoderma paratroviride)、Trichoderma obovatum、长枝木霉(Trichoderma longibrachiatum)、东方木霉(Trichodermaorientale)和深绿木霉(Trichodermaatroviride)。对峙试验结果表明,这8种木霉对于粮食上分离到的10种危害真菌均具有较好的抑制效果。非洲哈茨木霉(T.afroharzi...  相似文献   

生防木霉菌原生质体的制备及再生研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ACCC 30150是由本实验室筛选的一株对黄瓜枯萎病、青椒疫病等多种土传病害具有较好防治效果的生防木霉菌.为了建立该生防木霉菌的CaCl2/PEG转化体系,对其原生质体制备及再生条件进行了摸索.结果表明,以0.6 M NaCl作为渗透压稳定剂,用PDA平板上培养36 h的微小菌丝接种液体菌丝培养基,菌龄16 h,用20 mg/ml的纤维素酶和蜗牛酶以1:1的比例混合,按照菌丝重量(g):酶液体积(ml)=1:20的比例,36℃酶解2 h原生质体产量最高.同时,酶解2 h,以CMR1为再生培养基原生质体的再生率最高.  相似文献   

程智慧  邢宇俊 《西北植物学报》2005,25(12):2402-2407
以3个马铃薯品种叶片外植体的愈伤组织为材料、马铃薯晚疫病病菌培养粗毒素为筛选压力进行马铃薯抗晚疫病细胞变异无性系筛选。结果表明,不同品种的叶片、愈伤组织对毒素有不同的忍耐力。“费乌瑞它”最大忍耐的粗毒素浓度为40%,“东农303”、“早大白”则为50%。马铃薯晚疫病病原菌粗毒素对愈伤组织的诱导、生长、不定芽的分化及再生苗生根有显著的抑制作用,而且浓度越大,抑制作用越强。筛选结果抗性鉴定表明,经过粗毒素筛选的细胞无性系及其再生植株对高浓度粗毒素的抗性能力显著高于对照。  相似文献   

通过采取还原糖法对生防木霉菌真菌2号和真菌4号菌株在不同发酵时间产β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性进行测定,对其产β-1,3-葡聚糖酶特性进行初步研究。结果表明,同一菌株在不同发酵时间β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性大小变化的趋势大致相同,并均在培养72 h时β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性达到最大,在相同发酵时间,真菌2号菌株比真菌4号菌株的β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性要高。  相似文献   

木霉菌与种子生物处理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从木霉菌的生防特性出发,论述了木霉菌在种子生物处理方面的应用潜力和研究进展,并对今后工业化生产的若干途径进行了比较。  相似文献   

Fungicide application is an effective management option to control late blight of potato (caused by Phytophthora infestans). Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of recently introduced and previously used fungicides on late blight management and potato yields in the western plains of Nepal in 2015 and 2016 crop seasons. Fungicides and a non-treated control (NTC) were replicated three times in a randomized block design planted with late blight susceptible cultivar Cardinal. Chlorothalonil, copper oxychloride, dimethomorph, fenamidone + mancozeb, mancozeb and metalaxyl were sprayed in 2015. In 2016, carbendazim was used instead of chlorothalonil. The area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was consistently reduced in years by dimethomorph (90% and 65% in 2015 and 2016, respectively), fenamidone + mancozeb (68% and 62%) and mancozeb (40% and 47%) compared with the NTC. Similarly, tuber yield was increased with the application of dimethomorph (266% and 146% in 2015 and 2016, respectively), fenamidone + mancozeb (211% and 155%) and mancozeb (136% and 116%) compared with the NTC. Chlorothalonil reduced AUDPC by 43% and increased tuber yield by 170% in 2015. Other fungicides either had inconsistent results or did not reduce late blight severity and consequent effects on potato yield. The overall benefit–cost ratio was highest for dimethomorph in both years. These results show efficacy of dimethomorph, fenamidone + mancozeb and mancozeb in reducing late blight severity and increasing potato tuber yield in the plains of Nepal.  相似文献   


Phytophthora infestans is one of the most destructive pathogens of potato and causal agents of notorious disease late blight. Different chemicals are used to control the pathogen of late blight but the most commonly used is metalaxyl; its extensive use of has caused decreased sensitivity in the P. infestans population. The metalaxyl sensitivity of the Pakistani population of P. infestans is investigated in the present study. For this purpose, 178 isolates of P. infestans were obtained from the lesions of diseased potato leaves and stems, and samples were collected from the different potato-growing areas of Pakistan, where late blight is a problem. Sensitivity of the isolates of P. infestans was investigated by metalaxyl sensitivity test and with the help of test isolates were divided into three categories, i.e. sensitive, intermediate and resistant, based on their Co-efficient of mycelial growth inhibition (CMGI) values. During the study, highest percentage (50.17%) of resistant isolates was observed in the population of Punjab (zone 2), whereas the lower percentage (33.33%) was observed in the population of Swat valley (zone 6b). In the present study, it was discovered that P. infestans late blight-causing fungus has adopted more resistance against metalaxyl because of its wide use.  相似文献   

中国部分地区马铃薯寄主上致病疫霉SSR基因型分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用两对SSR引物对两个基因座Pi4B和Pi4G进行了PCR扩增,测定了中国部分地区66个致病疫霉Phyophthora infestans(马铃薯晚疫病菌)菌株和2个参考菌株的SSR基因型,并对菌株的基因型进行了鉴定和命名.在被测定的66个致病疫霉菌株中,共产生了7种SSR基因型D-03,D-05,D-06,G-02,H-01,F-01和F-06,其中F-06为本研究新命名的基因型.F-01基因型菌株53个,占总菌株数目的80.3%,该基因型为中国致病疫霉的优势基因型.在对两个基因座Pi4B和Pi4G产生的等位基因统计分析发现基因座Pi4B产生的多样性比Pi4G高.对SSR数据揭示的河北、黑龙江和云南3个不同省份致病疫霉遗传多样性的比较发现,河北省和黑龙江省致病疫霉遗传多样性几乎相同,然而与云南省致病疫霉有较大的遗传差异.此外,发现致病疫霉SSR基因型与其对甲霜灵抗性无相关性.  相似文献   

Cultural control measures against tomato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) were evaluated in six field experiments over 3 years in Uganda. Each experiment included sanitation (removal of diseased plant tissues), fungicide (mancozeb) application, and an untreated control, as standard treatments. Late blight incidence and severity were greatly reduced by sanitation, without reducing the number of healthy leaves; however, tomato growth and production were adversely affected. Fungicide treated plants retained the highest numbers of flowers and attached fruits and gave the highest yields. Three cultural practices were evaluated in repeated experiments for their effectiveness in alleviating the adverse effects of sanitation. Tomatoes grown within plastic shelters early in the production cycle were taller, and had more healthy leaves than those grown late. The numbers of diseased leaves and disease severity were equally low in sanitation alone and plastic shelter/with sanitation treatments. Flower and fruit production were significantly higher when tomatoes were grown under early shelters with sanitation than with sanitation alone. Planting density was increased without significant effects on late blight and tomato growth and production. Intercropping tomato with soybean (Glycine max) or sesame (Sesamum indicum), with sanitation, limited late blight development, but taller intercrops suppressed tomato growth and production. Integrated treatments (combining plastic shelters, a sesame intercrop and high tomato planting density) were evaluated, with and without sanitation, against the fungicide mancozeb. The mean numbers of healthy leaves in the integrated treatments were not significantly less than with fungicide treatment. Late blight incidence and severity were higher in the integrated plots without than with sanitation. The numbers of flowers and attached fruits were not significantly less in integrated treatments than in fungicide treated plots, but tomato yield was highest with fungicide treatment.  相似文献   

Nonhost resistance (NHR) is a robust plant immune response against non-adapted pathogens. A number of nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins that recognize non-adapted pathogens have been identified, although the underlying molecular mechanisms driving robustness of NHR are still unknown. Here, we screened 57 effectors of the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in nonhost pepper (Capsicum annuum) to identify avirulence effector candidates. Selected effectors were tested against 436 genome-wide cloned pepper NLRs, and we identified multiple functional NLRs that recognize P. infestans effectors and confer disease resistance in the Nicotiana benthamiana as a surrogate system. The identified NLRs were homologous to known NLRs derived from wild potatoes that recognize P. infestans effectors such as Avr2, Avrblb1, Avrblb2, and Avrvnt1. The identified CaRpi-blb2 is a homologue of Rpi-blb2, recognizes Avrblb2 family effectors, exhibits feature of lineage-specifically evolved gene in microsynteny and phylogenetic analyses, and requires pepper-specific NRC (NLR required for cell death)-type helper NLR for proper function. Moreover, CaRpi-blb2–mediated hypersensitive response and blight resistance were more tolerant to suppression by the PITG_15 278 than those mediated by Rpi-blb2. Combined results indicate that pepper has stacked multiple NLRs recognizing effectors of non-adapted P. infestans, and these NLRs could be more tolerant to pathogen-mediated immune suppression than NLRs derived from the host plants. Our study suggests that NLRs derived from nonhost plants have potential as untapped resources to develop crops with durable resistance against fast-evolving pathogens by stacking the network of nonhost NLRs into susceptible host plants.  相似文献   

由致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans引起的晚疫病是马铃薯生产上最严重的病害之一,认识其群体结构特征,可为晚疫病防控策略的制定以及抗病品种的合理布局提供指导。对2009年采自宁夏一个种植有93个品种(品系)的马铃薯种质资源圃的致病疫霉进行了交配型、致病型和线粒体DNA单倍型分析,结果表明,116个致病疫霉菌株中存在A1、A2和自育型3种交配型,发生频率分别为24.1%、57.8%和18.1%,A2交配型为优势类型;对其中43个菌株的致病型进行测试,检测到两种致病类型:和3.4.10,发生频率分别为95.3%和4.7%,可克服所有11个抗病基因的1.类型占绝对优势;对62个菌株的线粒体DNA单倍型进行分析,检测到Ia和IIa两种类型,发生频率分别为74.2%和25.8%。综合表型和基因型数据分析发现,该马铃薯种质资源圃中致病疫霉群体致病型单一,但致病型毒力因子高度复合;线粒体DNA分析表明,该马铃薯种质资源圃引入了遗传背景较为复杂的致病疫霉"新"群体。  相似文献   

贵州地区木霉菌分离鉴定及对辣椒疫霉的拮抗作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【背景】辣椒疫霉是一种毁灭性的土传病害,当前主要使用化学合成杀菌剂防治,但容易导致环境污染和食品安全等问题。【目的】筛选可拮抗辣椒疫霉的候选菌株,探究分离菌株拮抗辣椒疫霉的生理生化作用机制。【方法】综合应用形态学、核糖体RNA (rRNA)基因非转录区ITS序列相似性方法鉴定分离菌株,通过对峙实验筛选抑菌效果较高的拮抗菌株,基于比色法测定分离菌株发酵液粗提物对辣椒疫霉菌丝脂质过氧化、纤维素酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶(β-GC)和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性的影响。【结果】从腐木和土壤样品中分离得到11株木霉,分属于绿色木霉(Trichodermavirens)、哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)、钩状木霉(Trichoderma hamatum)和棘孢木霉(Trichoderma asperellum) 4个种。11株木霉对辣椒疫霉均有一定的抑制作用,抑制率达到90%以上的菌株包括:绿色木霉Tv-1(92.68%)、Tv-2 (95.12%),哈茨木霉Thz-2 (92.68%),钩状木霉Tha-1 (90.24%)。以4株高效木霉的发酵液粗提物处理辣椒疫霉菌丝5 d后,因脂质过氧化产生的丙二醛含量显著增加,分别达到1.20、1.48、2.69和3.16 nmol/g,显著高于对照处理的0.77 nmol/g;与对照组相比,β-GC、PG酶活性显著下降,分别降低了12.28%-64.91%、7.2%-15.5%;同时纤维素酶活性呈上升趋势,最显著组为2.647 U/mL,相对于对照组增加了0.831U/mL。【结论】分离得到4株明显抑制辣椒疫霉菌生长的高效木霉菌,主要通过破坏细胞壁结构、降低致病因子酶活力和增强脂质过氧化等方式起拮抗作用,可为辣椒疫病的生物防治提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

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