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我国鼎湖山小皮伞属的分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了广东鼎湖山小皮伞属(Marasmius Fr.)的34个种,其中新种4个,国内新记录20个。新种为拟花味小皮伞(M·pseudo-euosmus Zheng et Bi sp nov.),近刚毛小皮伞(M. subsetiger Bi et Zheng sp. Nov.),脐状小皮伞(M.Umbilieatus Bi et Zheng sp.nov.)及 近血红小皮伞(M. subaimaru Bi sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

锥盖伞属Conocybe和小鳞伞属Pholiotina界限不明确,在分类上存在混乱。本研究基于中国材料,明确该2属分类学特征,并探索属下等级划分:确认我国锥盖伞属37种,其中白色组sect. Candidae 3种;赭小皮伞组sect. Ochromarasmius 1种;具毛组sect. Pilosellae 10种,含3个中国新记录种,即毛柄锥盖伞Conocybe velutipes、条斑锥盖伞C. moseri和双孢锥盖伞C. bisporigera;锥盖伞组sect. Conocybe 17种,含2个中国新记录种,即刺毛锥盖伞C. echinata、短柄锥盖伞C. brachypodii;混杂组sect. Mixtae 6种。小鳞伞属18种,其中疣孢组sect. Verrucisporae 2种,其中糙孢小鳞伞Pholiotina dasypus为中国新记录;过渡组sect. Intermediae 2种;小鳞伞组sect. Pholiotina 6种;被外菌幕组sect. Vestitae 3种,齿缘小鳞伞Ph. serrata (T. Bau&J. Liu) T. ...  相似文献   

广东、海南两省小皮伞属的种类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道广东省和海南省的小皮伞属Marasmius Fr,的种类46种,其中有1个新种和12个国内新记录种。新种为海南小皮伞Marasmius hainanensis T.H.Li sp nov.。文中列有上述种类的分种检索表和新种的中文和拉丁文描述。  相似文献   

我国鼎湖山微皮伞属的分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据Singer的分类系统就广东鼎湖山自然保护区内所采集到的12种微皮伞Marasmiellus种类作了分类上的研究。这12个种中除白皮微皮伞外其他均为新种或新纪录。新种是近叶生微皮伞Marasmiellus subepiphyllus Bi et G.Y.Zheng sp.nov.及白柄微皮伞Marasmiellus albiceps Bi sp. nov.。  相似文献   

邓春英  李泰辉 《菌物学报》2008,27(5):768-770
<正>最近作者在检查中国科学院昆明植物研究所隐花植物标本馆(HKAS)小皮伞属Marasmius Fr.的标本时,发现了二份具大型子实体的标本,经鉴定它们与采自美国的黑顶小皮伞M.nigrodiscus(Peck)Halling等模式标本(HKAS 39834)在宏观和微观特征上一致,为中国的新记录种。颜色对照采用Kornerup & Wanscher(1978)的颜色手册描述。现描述如下:  相似文献   

[目的]筛选出对烟草黄瓜花叶病毒病有良好抑制作用的多糖并探索其对烟叶防御酶活性的影响.[方法]采用半叶法,测定了安络小皮伞多糖等21种真菌多糖在枯斑三生烟上对CMV的钝化、预防及治疗效果,并测定了抗病毒多糖处理后普通烟NC-89体内防御酶的变化.[结果]安络小皮伞多糖对CMV具有较好的钝化及预防效果,其200倍液与等量供试病毒液混合30 min后接种,钝化效果为83.41%;喷施安络小皮伞多糖200倍液24 h后接毒处理,预防效果可高达93.15%.安络小皮伞多糖对CMV防治机理的研究表明,多糖处理后烟草相关防御酶POD、PAL和PPO活性增强,其中喷施安络小皮伞多糖24 h后接毒处理的酶活增加最为显著,该处理烟苗的POD、PAL和PPO的酶活峰值分别可增加至对照的2.74、3.45和2.82倍.[结论]安络小皮伞多糖通过增强烟草体内防御酶活性而提高烟草对烟草黄瓜花叶病毒病的抗性.  相似文献   

章卫民  李泰辉 《菌物系统》2001,20(4):454-456
本文报道了海南省裸伞属(Gymnopilus Karsten)的1个新种和3个中国新记录种。该新种为海南裸伞(Gymnopilus hainanensis T.H.Li et W.M.Zhang)。新记录种为栎裸伞(Gymnopilus dryophilus Murrill),厄尔裸伞(G.earlei Murrill)和细鳞裸伞(G.parvisquamulosus Hesler),所有标本保藏于广东省微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMIGD)内。  相似文献   

本文报道广东省和海南省的微皮伞属Marasmiellus Murr.的种类33种,其中有一个新种和8个国内新记录种。新种是近变白微皮伞Marasmiellus subdealbatus T.H.Li sp.nov.。文中列有上述种类的分种检索表和新种的中文和拉丁文描述。  相似文献   

章卫民  李泰辉 《菌物学报》2001,20(4):454-456
本文报道了海南省裸伞属(Gymnopilus Karsten)的1个新种和3个中国新记录种。该新种为海南裸伞(Gymnopilus hainanensis T. H. Li et W. M. Zhang)。新记录种为栎裸伞(Gymnopilus dryophilus Murrill),厄尔裸伞(G. earlei Murrill)和细鳞裸伞(G. parvisquamulosus Hesler)。所有标本保藏于广东省微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMIGD)内。  相似文献   

在吉林省大型真菌资源调查时发现4个中国新记录伞菌,即双孢粪锈伞Bolbitius bisporus E.F.Malysheva、逆型裸脚伞Gymnopus contrarius (Peck) Halling、大囊小皮伞Marasmius macrocystidiosus KiyashkoE.F. Malysheva和喀拉拉假脐菇Tubaria keralensis K.P.D. LathaManim.。基于形态学观察和分子生物学方法确认了以上4个物种的分类学特征,提供了详细的形态学描述并绘制了线条图。  相似文献   

中国木兰属部分种的核型分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对我国木兰属(Magnolia)12个种的核型进行了分析,x=19,厚朴、凹叶厚朴、红花山玉兰、山玉兰、天目木兰、夜合为二倍体,2n=2x=38;紫玉兰、玉兰、玉堂春为四倍体,2n=4x=76;乐东木兰、荷花玉兰、狭叶荷花玉兰为六倍体,2n=6x=114,该属具有属内多倍体(次生多倍化)。核型分析结果表明:木兰属种间核型差异较小,大部分为中部着丝粒染色体(m),少数为具近中部着丝粒染色体(sm),二倍体种中只有一对具近端部着丝粒染色体(st),其核型均为2B型。  相似文献   

In this ninth and final part of a revision of the ocypodid genus Macrophthalmus Latreille (Crustacea: Brachyura), eight species are considered— M. leptophthalmus (H. M. Edw.), M. boteltobagoe (Sakai), M. philippinensis SereGne, M. consobrinus Nobili, M. gastrodes Kemp, M. franchettii Maccagno, M. gallardoi SereGne and M. vietnamensis SereGne—and the status of a species previously considered valid, M. holthuisi SereGne, is reconsidered. Only M. leptophthalmus, M. boteltobagoe and M. philippinensis are considered valid. Macrophthalmus , as here revised, contains 38 living and three extinct species, whilst 33 species have been reduced to synonyms. These various species are summarily listed and a key to the living species is provided.  相似文献   

Maranta subgen. Maranta includes species related to M. arundinacea L. It is characterized by aerial shoots with a strong monopodial tendency, absence of root tubers, simple inflorescences or few-branched, often diffuse synflorescences, florescences with few, herbaceous spathes, and comparatively large, distinctly pedicellate flowers. There are occasional exceptions to all these characters. Most species are partial selfers, only two or three being allogamous. Sixteen species are recognized, eight of which are new: M. linearis, M. sobolifera, M. lindmanii, M. zingiberina, M. incrassata, M. rupicola, M. amazonica , and M. tuberculata. The new species are described, and all species are defined and discussed, data being given about distribution and habitat. Growth habit and rhizome structure are essential taxonomic characters, but leaf shape and indument distribution are more useful characters for routine identification. Of the species referred to subgen. Automaranta by Schumann in Das Pflanzenreich, three are excluded: M. cordata, M. pohliana , and M. foliosa.  相似文献   

Twenty-six species of silica-scaled chrysophytes representing the genera Chrysosphaerella (1 species), Mallomonas (19 species) and Synura (6 species) are reported based on transmission electron microscopy from the springtime flora of the slightly acidic bog-lake Baláta-tó, a Nature Reserve, situated in Southwest Hungary. Ten of them ( Mallomonas alata, M. clavus, M. insignis, M. mangofera, M. oviformis, M. papillosa, M. pillula, M. scalaris, M. transsylvanica and Synura multidentata ) are new records for Hungary. Furthermore, two species, M. pillula and M. scalaris are for the first time found in the Carpathian Basin and M. alata f. hualvensis is a new record for the flora of Europe. Dispersal problems are discussed.  相似文献   

中国迷蚜蝇属Milesia厘订(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国原记载分布有14种迷蚜蝇。本文通过对我国迷蚜蝇馆藏标本的收集、整理、鉴定,发现有6个新异名:瑞丽迷蚜蝇M.ruiliana Yang et Cheng和清华迷蚜蝇M.tachina Yang et Cheng为黄带迷蚜蝇M.cretosa Hippa的异名,茂兰迷蚜蝇M.tachina Yang et Cheng为锈色迷蚜蝇Mferruginosa的异名,黑色迷蚜蝇M.atricorporis Yang et Cheng为黑色迷蚜蝇M.quantula Hippa的异名,拟蜂迷蚜蝇M.vesparia Shiraki和隆顶迷蚜蝇M.turgidiverticis Yang et Cheng为隆顶迷蚜蝇M.verticalis Brunetti的异名。并首次报道杂色迷蚜蝇M.variegata Brunetti在中国有分布。到目前为止,我国实际有分布的迷蚜蝇共13种(其中,棕缘迷蚜蝇M.fuscicosta (Bigot)分布在我国南海,未见标本)。本文提供了每种的腹部特征图,并列出所有中国种类的分类检索表,同时附有地理分布图。中国迷蚜蝇种类如下:闽小迷蚜蝇M.apsycta Seguy、玉带迷蚜蝇M.balteata Kertesz、黄带迷蚜蝇M.cretosa Hippa、锈色迷蚜蝇M.ferruginosa Brunetti、裂翅迷蚜蝇M.fissipennis Speiser、非凡迷蚜蝇M.insignis Hippa、马氏迷蚜蝇M.maai Hippa、桔斑迷蚜蝇M.variegata Brunetti、寡斑迷蚜蝇M.paucipunctata Yang et Cheng、黑色迷蚜蝇M.quantula Hippa、中华迷蚜蝇M.sinensis Curran、隆顶迷蚜蝇M.verticalis Brunetti和棕缘迷蚜蝇M.fuscicosta Bigot。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Neotropical species of Metopia Meigen are revised, and a total of fifteen species recorded from the region. Five species are described as new; M.aurigans sp.n., M.pulverulenta sp.n., M.hispidimana sp.n., M.flava sp.n., and M.cubitosetigera sp.n. Three species are recorded for the first time from the Neotropical region; M.inermis Allen, 1926, M.krombeini Sabrosky, 1953, and M.sinipalpis Allen, 1926. Four new synonyms are proposed; M.tessellata Allen, 1926, syn.n. of M.perpendicularis Wulp, 1890, M.macrocera Dodge, 1968, syn.n. of M.brasiliana (Townsend, 1929), M.astuta Dodge, 1968, syn.n. of M.brasiliana (Town-send, 1929), and M.lucipeda Reinhard, 1961, syn.n. of M.campestris (Fallen, 1810). Males of M.polita (Townsend, 1935) and M.juquiana (Townsend, 1934) are recorded for the first time. A key to all American species of Metopia is provided, and the phylogenetic affinities of the Neotropical species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological studies were carried out on 19 endangered populations of Meconopsis horridula, M. paniculata, M. simplicfolia, M. sinuata and M. villosa from the Sikkim Himalayas. The populations of M. horridula, M. paniculata and M. sinuata inhabit open alpine slopes, those of M. simplicfolia are restricted to alpine meadows, while those of M. villosa are confined to the interiors of temperate forests and along forest fringes. The habitats of these species remain snow-hound from October to February. Analyses suggest that all the species except M. horridula , have a broad area of distribution, but narrow habitats and niches. All five species are confined to moist, clayey to silty soils with acidic pH, high concentrations of organic matter, nitrate, phosphate, potassium and calcium. M. paniculata is a 'generalist', whereas all other species investigated are 'specialists'.  相似文献   

Abstract  Species of the Australian genus Myrabolia are reviewed. Lectotypes are designated for Silvanus brevicornis Erichson, Myrabolia haroldiana Reitter, M. lindensis Blackburn and M. longicornis Blackburn. The following new species are described and illustrated: M. australis, M. blackburni , M. elongata , M. kioloa , M. lawrencei , M. micra , M. pelion and M. tasmanica. Ocholissa leai Grouvelle, originally described in Colydiidae, is here transferred to Myrabolia as M. leai (Grouvelle) comb. n. The nomenclatural history, a diagnosis and distribution data are provided for each species. A key to the species of the genus is presented.  相似文献   

中国小舟蛾属分类研究 (鳞翅目:舟蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武春生  方承莱 《昆虫学报》2003,46(2):222-227
系统整理了小舟蛾属Micromelalopha Nagano, 1916的全部中国种类共10种,包括2新种异小舟蛾M. variata Wu et Fang 和细小舟蛾M.ralla Wu et Fang; 并将M.flavomaculata Tshistjakov 作为邻小舟蛾M.vicina Kiriakoff的亚种,赭小舟蛾秦岭亚种M.aemorrhoidalis cinereibasis Kiriakoff作为指名亚种M.Haemorrhoidalis haemorrhoidalis Kiriakoff的异名处理。文中提供了分种检索表、新种形态描述和外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

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