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在广东和西藏进行子囊菌资源调查,发现木霉属具有绿色子囊孢子的两个新种,命名为波密木霉和绿领木霉。波密木霉的子座小型,橙褐色至黄绿色,垫状,分生孢子梗为trichoderma型。绿领木霉的子座微小,垫状至陀螺形,淡黄色至淡绿色,其孔口处明显色暗,皮层表面带绿色。基于RPB2和TEF1基因的系统发育分析表明,两个新种作为散在的末端分枝夹杂在具有绿色子囊孢子的已命名分支之间。  相似文献   

朱兆香  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2015,34(5):966-977
报道了采自我国安徽省金寨县天堂寨的木霉属 Trichoderma 两个新种。新种天堂寨木霉T. tiantangzhaiense位于Hypocreanum分支,子座黄褐色至淡褐色,平垫状至盘状,子囊孢子相对较小;新种余氏木霉T. yui与沃格玛木霉T. voglmayrii亲缘关系较近,具有橙褐色至金棕色子座,褐色至红褐色孔口区和绿色分生孢子。本文提供了这两种木霉宏观和微观特征的详细描述及图示,并探讨了其分类地位。  相似文献   

曾昭清  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,(9):1048-1055
对采自我国不同地区的菌寄生属标本进行分类研究,发现了该属的3个新种。鹅膏菌寄生Hypomyces amaniticola生长于鹅膏属真菌的子实体上,子囊壳埋生或半埋生于菌丝层中,橘黄色至黄褐色,卵圆形至梨形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子长椭圆形至椭圆形,两端钝圆,无分隔,表面光滑。拟完整菌寄生H.completiopsis以牛肝菌为寄主,子囊壳橘黄色至黑褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子纺锤形至披针形,两端具细尖,表面具疣。云南菌寄生H.yunnanensis子囊壳半埋生或近表生,黄褐色至褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊孢子近纺锤形,两端具细尖,1个分隔,表面具疣。提供了新种的详细宏观和微观特征描述及图示。此外,发现该属的2个中国新记录种,即小孢菌寄生H.microspermus和盘菌菌寄生H.stephanomatis,对我国材料的形态特征与原始描述进行了比较。  相似文献   

杜爱玲 《生物学通报》2010,45(4):49-51,F0003
鸡爪菌是危害鸡腿菇的一种特有病害,对其危害和形态特征研究结果表明:该菌可使鸡腿菇菌料内菌丝断裂、发黄、消解,菌料松散,子实体畸形、萎缩直至腐烂、死亡。该菌由菌丝体和子座2部分所组成。菌丝无色、有结节、隔膜多、节间长短不一。子座发达,可反复形成分枝;未成熟子座呈灰绿色,表面菌丝顶端专化形成分生孢子梗和圆形分生孢子;成熟子座呈土灰色至黑褐色,表面形成大量梨形子囊壳。子囊圆柱状,内生8个椭圆形子囊孢子。  相似文献   

从贵州省赤水市桫椤自然保护区采集到虫草5种,其中新种3个:赤水虫草Cordyceps chishuiensis Liang & Liu, 桫椤虫草Cordyceps suoluoensis Liang & Liu和柄壳虫草Cordyceps stipillata Liang & Liu。赤水虫草和其近缘种的主要区别是子座直接从寄主的头部或腹部长出,单生,分枝,子囊壳广拟卵形,无喙。桫椤虫草的主要特征为子囊孢子具细丝状、柱状和囊状等多种形状,子囊孢子在子囊中呈绳状排列。柄壳虫草以子座柄分枝,子囊壳有柄和子囊孢子较粗(2祄)与其近缘种相区别。模式标本保存于贵州大学真菌资源研究室(LFRGU)  相似文献   

报道了蕉孢壳属真菌4个中国新记录种,即:马克欧文蕉孢壳菌Diatrype macowaniana、波纹蕉孢壳菌Diatrype undulata、俄勒冈蕉孢壳菌Diatrype oregonensis和刺蕉孢壳菌Diatrype spilomea。其中,马克欧文蕉孢壳菌和波纹蕉孢壳菌采自吉林省,前者的主要特征为子座扁球状,不规则,黑色至黑褐色,子囊孢子短棒状、无色透明;后者主要特征为子座大片垫状蔓延,呈波浪状轮廓,表面黑色,通常具明显边界,子囊孢子腊肠状、淡黄色;俄勒冈蕉孢壳菌D. oregonensis采自云南省,其主要特征为子座呈圆锥状肿块,圆形或多边形,表面黑色,子囊孢子腊肠状,透明至淡黄色;刺蕉孢壳菌D. spilomea采自海南省,其主要特征为子座从树皮中裂出,垫状,轮廓不规则,边缘陡,黑棕色至黑色,子囊孢子短棒状,透明无色。根据采集的材料对以上4种的宏观和微观特征进行了详细描述及图示。  相似文献   

炭角菌目中小修氏菌属的子座与肉座菌类相似,肉质、垫状至半球形、柠檬黄色;子囊最初含4个具单隔膜的子囊孢子,成熟过程中在分隔处断裂,最终形成8个表面光滑、褐色、角状至方形的子囊孢子。文中提供了该种的宏观和微观特征描述及图示,我国吉林的报道使其分布范围扩展至北亚。  相似文献   

虫草属一新种   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
子座大多单生,偶有双生,不分枝,可从寄主任何部位发出;柄园柱状,长0.5-5cm,粗1—1.5mm,淡黄色;头部近球形,直径2mm,暗红褐色。子囊壳埋生,长细颈瓶状,300-400×90-140μm,薄壁。子囊140-220×5-5.7μm,顶部增厚4-6μm,内含4个子囊孢子,子囊孢子在子囊内扭结成麻花状。次生孢子3.5-4×1-1.5μm。  相似文献   

报道了采自云南省的炭角菌属一新种。该种的主要特点是子座半球形,子座中部与基质间有窄的连接,子囊孢子具斜至螺旋形芽缝。文中对该种进行了详细的形态描述,并提供了显微结构图及其与相近种的讨论。  相似文献   

从武夷山和张家界自然保护区发现三虫草新种,武夷山虫草Cordyceps wuyishanensis, 张家界虫草Cordyceps zhangjiajiensis 和拟茂兰虫草Cordyceps maolanoides.武夷山虫草和其近缘种的主要区别是,可孕部分柱状、非多年生、子囊孢子不断裂和间细胞长达6~10μm.张家界虫草与其近缘种相比较的鉴别特征为非木质化的较小子座、子囊壳表生和具有较长的(15~23μm)次生子囊孢子.拟茂兰虫草和近缘种茂兰虫草C.maolanoides的形态特征相近,其主要差别是前者的子座和子囊壳都小得多.报道了玫烟色拟青霉Paecilomyces fumosoroseus与蜣螂虫草Cordyceps geotrupis 有密切关系.研究标本保存于贵州大学真菌资源研究室(LFRGU).  相似文献   

Collections of Trichoderma producing hyaline ascospores from central China were examined. Four new species, Trichoderma asterineum, T. henanense, T. odoratum and T. pseudobritdaniae, were discovered, described and illustrated. Their phylogenetic positions were explored based on sequence analyses of the combined RNA polymerase II subunit b (rpb2) and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1) genes. As a sister of T. leguminosarum, T. asterineum can be easily recognised by its pale yellow stromata, ochre to brown ostiolar dots surrounded by stellate cracks, green conidia and slow growth. Trichoderma henanense is distinctive in pulvinate or discoid, dirty yellow to brownish yellow stromata, brown to dark brown ostiolar dots, small monomorphic ascospores in relatively short asci and white colonies with dense aerial hyphae in cultures. Trichoderma odoratum forms an independent lineage as a sister of T. henanense and is characterised by yellow to greyish yellow, pulvinate stromata with dark brown or reddish brown projecting ostiolar dots, slow growth, trichoderma- to verticillium-like conidiophores, hyaline conidia and producing a mushroom-like odour in culture. Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae is closely associated with but easily separated from T. britdaniae in pulvinate, brownish yellow or greyish yellow stromata with dark brown or grey black ostiolar dots, relatively large perithecia, monomorphic ascospores, somewhat low growth rate, trichoderma- to verticillium-like conidiophores and hyaline conidia. Morphological distinctions and sequence divergences between the new species and their close relatives are discussed.  相似文献   

Samuels GJ  Ismaiel A 《Mycologia》2011,103(3):616-630
Hypocrea peltata (Pezizomycotina, Hypocreales, Hypocreaceae) is a common, widespread essentially subtropical species, with an uncharacteristically large stroma and asci containing four large and four small bicellular ascospores. Its only anamorph consists of indehiscent aleuriospores; it does not form a Trichoderma anamorph, which is typical of most Trichoderma/Hypocrea species. Hypocrea peltata grows very well at 37 C. The large stromata and failure to form a Trichoderma anamorph could lead one to doubt its generic placement. However sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), 28S nuclear large subunit (LSU) of rDNA and RNA polymerase subunit II (rpb2) regions indicate that it represents a unique lineage within Trichoderma/Hypocrea. ITS and rbp2 sequences derived from cultures of H. peltata are identical to the "unidentified Hypocreaceae" reported in the literature as being isolated from lung of a patient with non-fatal pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   

During an investigation of Hypocrea/Trichoderma species inhabiting mushroom bedlogs, we found five strains of an undescribed species from a culture collection. These were analyzed using a combined approach, including morphology of holomorph, cultural studies, and phylogenetic analyses of the rRNA gene cluster of the internal transcribed spacer region, translation elongation factor 1-α, and RNA polymerase subunit II gene sequences. Distinctive morphological characters include stromata with green ascospores produced on potato dextrose agar medium, and Gliocladium-like to irregularly Verticillium-like conidiophores. In phylogenetic analyses, this species belongs to the Semiorbis clade, but its morphological characteristics do not match the other members of this clade. Based on morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses, we describe this as a new species, Trichoderma mienum, representing its Hypocrea teleomorph and Trichoderma anamorph.  相似文献   

Kretzschmaria varians, a species apparently related to K. micropus, is described as new. It is distinguished primarily by having asci with 2 to 8 ascospores with inconstant germination slit length and remains of synnemata on stromata and surrounding substrate. Xylaria coremiifera, described here as new, bears small fragile coremia on pulvinate stromata and the surrounding substrate. Asci often have fewer than 8 ascospores, most frequently 4. Xylaria umbonata, described here as new, produces perithecia around a central umbo that appears to be the remains of a synnema. Ascospores have long spiralling germination slits.  相似文献   

The effects of air humidity and temperature on the ascospore discharge of Graphostroma platystoma were experimentally investigated. The ascospores were not discharged from the stromata in air at 100% relative humidity (RH). However, they were discharged from the wetted stromata at 3°, 10°, and 24°C under 100% RH or nearly so. The amount of the discharged ascospore was large at 24°C, medium at 10°C, and small at 3°C. The ascospores in the rainwater that washed down the stromata were counted after rainfall in the field. The discharge was observed from September to the following May.  相似文献   

Jaklitsch WM  Voglmayr H 《Mycologia》2012,104(5):1213-1221
Two new species of Hypocrea are added here to the European funga. Hypocrea britdaniae, a fungus with unknown anamorph and large, conspicuous stromata resembling basidiomata of a corticiaceous fungus, is a sister species to the Longibrachiatum clade, while H. foliicola, a leaf-dwelling species that forms pulvinate stromata, is recognized as an additional member of the pachybasium core group. Hypocrea foliicola sporulates in culture in a reduced verticillium-like manner, while it produces a white, typical pachybasium-like anamorph in nature. Ecologically H. foliicola is remarkable in inhabiting leaves, a substrate rarely recorded for Hypocrea. All relevant morphological teleomorphic and anamorphic traits are given. The phylogenetic placement of the new species within Hypocrea/Trichoderma was determined with combined analyses of rpb2 and tef1 exon sequences.  相似文献   

拟青霉属的一个新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从湖南省桃江县采集的亚香棒虫草(Cordyceps hawkesii Gray)的新鲜子座、单子囊孢子及其寄主,一种蝙蝠蛾(Hepialus sp.)的僵死幼虫,培养获得拟青霉属的一个新种,命名为霍克斯拟青霉(Paecilomyces hawkesii Xiao,T.B.Li et Q.T.Chen,sp.nov.)。本文报道该菌的形态学特征及其与近缘种肉色拟青霉(P.carneus)的关系,并认为它可能是亚香棒虫草的无性阶段。  相似文献   

Poroleprieuria gen. nov. is described and illustrated to accommodate P. rogersii in the Xylariaceae, Xylariales. This ascomycete, known only from the type collection, is characterized by reniform, light brown, smooth ascospores with a germ pore; cylindrical, persistent asci lacking an apical apparatus, septate persistent paraphyses, and erumpent, erect, dark brown, fragile, subcylindrical stromata. The characteristics of this xylariaceous fungus were compared with those of some other ascomycetes having superficially similar cylindrical stromata or ascospores with germ pores.  相似文献   

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