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Eukaryotic replication begins at origins and on the lagging strand with RNA-primed DNA synthesis of a few nucleotides by polymerase alpha, which lacks proofreading activity. A polymerase switch then allows chain elongation by proofreading-proficient pol delta and pol epsilon. Pol delta and pol epsilon are essential, but their roles in replication are not yet completely defined . Here, we investigate their roles by using yeast pol alpha with a Leu868Met substitution . L868M pol alpha copies DNA in vitro with normal activity and processivity but with reduced fidelity. In vivo, the pol1-L868M allele confers a mutator phenotype. This mutator phenotype is strongly increased upon inactivation of the 3' exonuclease of pol delta but not that of pol epsilon. Several nonexclusive explanations are considered, including the hypothesis that the 3' exonuclease of pol delta proofreads errors generated by pol alpha during initiation of Okazaki fragments. Given that eukaryotes encode specialized, proofreading-deficient polymerases with even lower fidelity than pol alpha, such intermolecular proofreading could be relevant to several DNA transactions that control genome stability.  相似文献   

In fulfilling its biosynthetic roles in nuclear replication and in several types of repair, DNA polymerase δ (pol δ) is assisted by replication protein A (RPA), the single-stranded DNA-binding protein complex, and by the processivity clamp proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Here we report the effects of these accessory proteins on the fidelity of DNA synthesis in vitro by yeast pol δ. We show that when RPA and PCNA are included in reactions containing pol δ, rates for single base errors are similar to those generated by pol δ alone, indicating that pol δ itself is by far the prime determinant of fidelity for single base errors. However, the rate of deleting multiple nucleotides between directly repeated sequences is reduced by ~10-fold in the presence of either RPA or PCNA, and by ≥90-fold when both proteins are present. We suggest that PCNA and RPA suppress large deletion errors by preventing the primer terminus at a repeat from fraying and/or from relocating and annealing to a downstream repeat. Strong suppression of deletions by PCNA and RPA suggests that they may contribute to the high replication fidelity needed to stably maintain eukaryotic genomes that contain abundant repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

The precise machineries required for two aspects of eukaryotic DNA replication, Okazaki fragment processing (OFP) and telomere maintenance, are poorly understood. In this work, we present evidence that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 helicase plays a wider role in DNA replication than previously appreciated and that it likely functions in conjunction with Dna2 helicase/nuclease as a component of the OFP machinery. In addition, we show that Dna2, which is known to associate with telomeres in a cell-cycle-specific manner, may be a new component of the telomere replication apparatus. Specifically, we show that deletion of PIF1 suppresses the lethality of a DNA2-null mutant. The pif1delta dna2delta strain remains methylmethane sulfonate sensitive and temperature sensitive; however, these phenotypes can be suppressed by further deletion of a subunit of pol delta, POL32. Deletion of PIF1 also suppresses the cold-sensitive lethality and hydroxyurea sensitivity of the pol32delta strain. Dna2 is thought to function by cleaving long flaps that arise during OFP due to excessive strand displacement by pol delta and/or by an as yet unidentified helicase. Thus, suppression of dna2delta can be rationalized if deletion of POL32 and/or PIF1 results in a reduction in long flaps that require Dna2 for processing. We further show that deletion of DNA2 suppresses the long-telomere phenotype and the high rate of formation of gross chromosomal rearrangements in pif1Delta mutants, suggesting a role for Dna2 in telomere elongation in the absence of Pif1.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) isolated from Schizosaccharomyces pombe (sp) consists of at least four subunits, Pol3, Cdc1, Cdc27, and Cdm1. We have reconstituted the four-subunit complex by simultaneously expressing these polypeptides in baculovirus-infected insect cells. The properties of the purified cloned spPol delta were identical to the native spPol delta isolated from S. pombe cells. In addition, we also isolated a three-subunit complex containing Pol3, Cdc1, and Cdm1. Both three- and four-subunit complexes required replication factor C and proliferating cell nuclear antigen for DNA replication. However, in the presence of low levels of polymerase complexes, the three-subunit complex was less efficient than the four-subunit complex in supporting DNA replication. The inefficient synthesis of DNA by the three-subunit complex can be remedied by the addition of Cdc27, the subunit missing in the three-subunit complex. Gel filtration analysis demonstrated that the three-subunit complex is a monomer of the heterotrimer (Pol3, Cdc1, and Cdm1) and that the four-subunit complex is a dimer of the heterotetramer (Pol3, Cdc1, Cdc27, and Cdm1), similar to the structure of native spPol delta. We have further shown that Cdc1 and Cdc27 interact to form a heterodimeric complex. Gel filtration studies indicate that the structure of this complex is dimeric. These observations suggest that the Cdc27 subunit may play an important role contributing to the dimerization of Pol delta.  相似文献   

Signaling from arrested replication forks plays a role in maintaining genome stability. We have investigated this process in xeroderma pigmentosum variant cells that carry a mutation in the POLH gene and lack functional DNA polymerase eta (poleta). Poleta is required for error-free bypass of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers; in the absence of poleta in XPV cells, DNA replication is arrested at sites of UV-induced DNA damage, and mutagenic bypass of lesions is ultimately carried out by other, error-prone, DNA polymerases. The present study investigates whether poleta expression influences the activation of a number of UV-induced DNA damage responses. In a stably transfected XPV cell line (TR30-9) in which active poleta can be induced by addition of tetracycline, expression of poleta determines the extent of DNA double-strand break formation following UV-irradiation. UV-induced phosphorylation of replication protein A (RPA), a key DNA-binding protein involved in DNA replication, repair and recombination, is increased in cells lacking poleta compared to when poleta is expressed in the same cell line. To identify the protein kinase responsible for increased UV-induced hyperphosphorylation of the p34 subunit of RPA, we have used NU7441, a specific small molecule inhibitor of DNA-PK. DNA-PK is necessary for RPA p34 hyperphosphorylation, but DNA-PK-mediated phosphorylation is not required for recruitment of RPA p34 into nuclear foci in response to UV-irradiation. The results demonstrate that activation of a UV-induced DNA damage response pathway, involving phosphorylation of RPA p34 by DNA-PK, is enhanced in cells lacking poleta.  相似文献   

The effect of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) on DNA synthesis by T7 DNA polymerase and E. coli DNA polymerase I (large fragment) using native or aminofluorene-modified M13 templates was evaluated by in vitro DNA synthesis assays and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. The two polymerase enzymes displayed differential responses to the addition of SSB. T7 DNA polymerase, a enzyme required for the replication of the T7 chromosome, was stimulated by the addition of SSB whether native or modified templates were used. On the other hand, E. coli DNA polymerase I was slightly stimulated by the addition of SSB to the native template but substantially inhibited on modified templates. This result suggests that DNA polymerase I may be able to synthesize past an aminofluorene adduct but that the presence of SSB inhibited this trans-lesion synthesis. Polyacrylamide gels of the products of DNA synthesis by polymerase I supported this inference since SSB caused a substantial increase in the accumulation of shorter DNA chains induced by blockage at the aminofluorene adduct sites.  相似文献   

Disruption of the dystroglycan gene in humans and mice leads to muscular dystrophies and nervous system defects including malformation of the brain and defective synaptic transmission. To identify proteins that interact with dystroglycan in the brain we have used immunoaffinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) and found that the GTPase dynamin 1 is a novel dystroglycan-associated protein. The beta-dystroglycan-dynamin 1 complex also included alpha-dystroglycan and Grb2. Overlay assays indicated that dynamin interacts directly with dystroglycan, and immunodepletion showed that only a pool of dynamin is associated with dystroglycan. Dystroglycan was associated and colocalized immunohistochemically with dynamin 1 in the central nervous system in the outer plexiform layer of retina where photoreceptor terminals are found. Endocytosis in neurons is both constitutive, as in non-neural cells, and regulated by neural activity. To assess the function of dystroglycan in the former, we have assayed transferrin uptake in fibroblastic cells differentiated from embryonic stem cells null for both dystroglycan alleles. In wild-type cells, dystroglycan formed a complex with dynamin and codistributed with cortactin at membrane ruffles, which are organelles implicated in endocytosis. Dystroglycan-null cells had a significantly greater transferrin uptake, a process well known to require dynamin. Expression of dystroglycan in null cells by infection with an adenovirus containing dystroglycan reduced transferrin uptake to levels seen in wild-type embryonic stem cells. These data suggest that dystroglycan regulates endocytosis possibly as a result of its interaction with dynamin.  相似文献   

The 3' to 5' exonuclease of calf thymus DNA polymerase delta has properties expected of a proofreading nuclease. It digests either single-stranded DNA or the single-stranded nucleotides of a mismatched primer on a DNA template by a nonprocessive mechanism. The distribution of oligonucleotide products suggests that a significant portion of the enzyme dissociates after the removal of one nucleotide. This mechanism is expected if the substrate in vivo is an incorrect nucleotide added by the polymerase. Digestion of single-stranded DNA does not proceed to completion, producing final products six to seven nucleotides long. Digestion of a long mismatched terminus accelerates when the mismatched region is reduced to less than six nucleotides. At the point of complementation, the digestion rate is greatly reduced. These results suggest that short mismatched regions are a preferred substrate. The use of a mismatched primer-template analogue, lacking the template single strand, greatly lowers digestion efficiency at the single-stranded 3'-terminus, suggesting that the template strand is important for substrate recognition. When oligonucleotides were examined for effectiveness as exonuclease inhibitors, (dG)8 was found to be the most potent inhibitor of single-stranded DNA digestion. (dG)8 was less effective at inhibiting digestion of mismatched primer termini, again suggesting that this DNA is a preferred substrate. Overall, these results indicate that the exonuclease of DNA polymerase delta efficiently removes short mismatched DNA, a structure formed from misincorporation during DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Zhang Q  Chen H  Li X  Mai W  Chen K  Zhang S  Lee EY  Lee MY  Zhou Y 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27092
Mammalian DNA polymerase δ (pol δ), a four-subunit enzyme, plays a crucial and versatile role in DNA replication and various DNA repair processes. Its function as a chromosomal DNA polymerase is dependent on the association with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) which functions as a molecular sliding clamp. All four of the pol δ subunits (p125, p50, p68, and p12) have been reported to bind to PCNA. However, the identity of the subunit of pol δ that directly interacts with PCNA and is therefore primarily responsible for the processivity of the enzyme still remains controversial. Previous model for the network of protein-protein interactions of the pol δ-PCNA complex showed that pol δ might be able to interact with a single molecule of PCNA homotrimer through its three subunits, p125, p68, and p12 in which the p50 was not included in. Here, we have confirmed that the small subunit p50 of human pol δ truthfully interacts with PCNA by the use of far-Western analysis, quantitative ELISA assay, and subcellular co-localization. P50 is required for mediation of the interaction between pol δ subassemblies and PCNA homotrimer. Thus, pol δ interacts with PCNA via its four subunits.  相似文献   

Rat potassium channel tetramerisation domain-containing 10 (KCTD10) gene was cloned and identified as a novel member of polymerase delta-interacting protein 1 (PDIP1) gene family. Rat KCTD10 is highly expressed in lung and moderately expressed in heart and testis. KCTD10 shares significant similarity in amino acid sequence to PDIP1 and can interact with the small subunit of DNA polymerase delta and PCNA as PDIP1 does. Like PDIP1, the expression of KCTD10 gene can be induced by TNF-alpha in NIH3T3 cells.  相似文献   

The keratinous capsules surrounding rat sperm mitochondria were isolated 24 days after intratesticular injections of [75Se] selenite or [35S] cysteine. Dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified, doubly labeled mitochondrial capsules revealed only a single 75Se-labeled component, whose molecular weight was 17,000, in agreement with previously reported observations obtained with cruder sperm fractions. Most of the 35S label and the major zone of stained protein on the gels coincided with the position of 75Se, suggesting that selenium is associated with a cysteine-rich structural protein. The level of selenium in rat sperm, 195 ± 3.2 ng/108 sperm (approximately 30 ppm), determined by hydride generation and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, is consistent with a structural function for this trace element in the sperm.  相似文献   

In most cells, 100-1000 Okazaki fragments are produced for each replicative DNA polymerase present in the cell. For fast-growing cells, this necessitates rapid recycling of DNA polymerase on the lagging strand. Bacteria produce long Okazaki fragments (1-2 kb) and utilize a highly processive DNA polymerase III (pol III), which is held to DNA by a circular sliding clamp. In contrast, Okazaki fragments in eukaryotes are quite short, 100-250 bp, and thus the eukaryotic lagging strand polymerase does not require a high degree of processivity. The lagging strand polymerase in eukaryotes, polymerase delta (pol delta), functions with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamp. In this report, Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol delta is examined on model substrates to gain insight into the mechanism of lagging strand replication in eukaryotes. Surprisingly, we find pol delta is highly processive with PCNA, over at least 5 kb, on Replication Protein A (RPA)-coated primed single strand DNA. The high processivity of pol delta observed in this report contrasts with its role in synthesis of short lagging strand fragments, which require it to rapidly dissociate from DNA at the end of each Okazaki fragment. We find that this dilemma is solved by a "collision release" process in which pol delta ejects from PCNA upon extending a DNA template to completion and running into the downstream duplex. The released pol delta transfers to a new primed site, provided the new site contains a PCNA clamp. Additional results indicate that the collision release mechanism is intrinsic to the pol3/pol31 subunits of the pol delta heterotrimer.  相似文献   

An immunoaffinity chromatographic procedure with monoclonal antibodies (MA) has been developed for purification of the uncultivable, bacterium-like organism associated with greening disease of citrus. The greening organism (GO) was partially purified from leaf midribs of infected periwinkle plants by differential centrifugation. The GO present in such preparations was retained on an affinity matrix consisting of CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B on which GO-specific MA had been covalently linked. The unbound plant material was washed from the matrix, and the GOs were eluted with 0.1M glycine (pH 11.5). Purified GOs were compared with organisms observed in the initial plant preparation by both immunofluorescence and electron microscopic techniques. The morphology and serological characteristics of the GO were retained following purification procedures.  相似文献   

Replication Protein A is a single-stranded (ss) DNA-binding protein that is highly conserved in eukaryotes and plays essential roles in many aspects of nucleic acid metabolism, including replication, recombination, DNA repair and telomere maintenance. It is a heterotrimeric complex consisting of three subunits: RPA1, RPA2 and RPA3. It possesses four DNA-binding domains (DBD), DBD-A, DBD-B and DBD-C in RPA1 and DBD-D in RPA2, and it binds ssDNA via a multistep pathway. Unlike the RPA1 and RPA2 subunits, no ssDNA-RPA3 interaction has as yet been observed although RPA3 contains a structural motif found in the other DBDs. We show here using 4-thiothymine residues as photoaffinity probe that RPA3 interacts directly with ssDNA on the 3′-side on a 31 nt ssDNA.The replication protein A (RPA) is a single-stranded (ss) DNA-binding protein that is highly conserved in eukaryotes (1–3). RPA is one of the key players in various essential processes of DNA metabolism including replication, recombination, DNA repair and telomere maintenance (1,2,4–9). The functions of this protein are based on its DNA-binding activity and specific protein–protein interactions. Its ssDNA binding properties depend on DNA length and nucleotide sequence (6,10–13). RPA is a heterotrimeric protein, composed of 70-, 32- and 14-kDa subunits, commonly referred to as RPA1, RPA2 and RPA3, respectively. There are four DNA-binding domains (DBD) located in RPA1 (DBD A, DBD B, DBD C and DBD F), one located in RPA2 (DBD D) and one belongs to RPA3 (DBD E). RPA interacts with ssDNA via four DBD: DBD A, DBD B, DBD C and DBD D (14).It is now accepted (11) that RPA binds to ssDNA in a sequential pathway with a defined polarity (15–17). RPA binds ssDNA with three different binding modes. First, binding initially involves an unstable recognition site of 8–10 nt with the high-affinity DBD A and DBD B domains on the 5′-side of the occluded ssDNA; it is designated ‘compact conformation’ or 8–10 nt binding mode. Second, this step is followed by the weaker binding of DBD C, on the 3′-side, leading to an intermediate or ‘elongated contracted’ (13–22 nt) binding mode (18–19). Finally binding of DBD D on the 3′-side forms a stable ‘elongated extended’ complex characterized by a 30 nt long occluded binding site (30 nt binding mode). Although RPA3 contains an Oligonucleotide-Binding (OB)-fold motif found in the other DBDs, there is presently no biochemical evidence that this subunit directly contacts DNA. Thus positioning of the RPA3 subunit relative to the other domains is still speculative (11,20). It has been clearly demonstrated that RPA3 is crucial for RPA function (1,2): RPA3 is involved in heterotrimer formation and is responsible for the polarity of binding to DNA (11,21,22). The scope of the data indicates that either RPA3 participates only in protein–protein interactions or that putative interaction of RPA3 with ssDNA is unstable and too transient to be detected by standard biochemical experiments. This latter possibility is likely if such interaction is provided by the 3′-side of the ssDNA, since it has been suggested that this region might be transiently accessible to the RPA DBD domains (23,24).In the past few years, thionucleobases have been extensively used as intrinsic photolabels to probe the structure in solution of folded molecules and to identify transient contacts within nucleic acids and/or between nucleic acids and proteins, in nucleoprotein assemblies (25). Thio residues such as 4-thiothymine and 6-thioguanine absorb light at wavelengths longer than 320 nm, and thus can be selectively photo-activated. Owing to the high photo-reactivity of their triplet state, they exhibit high photo-cross-linking ability towards nucleic acid bases as well as towards amino acid residues. Here we used a combination of approaches including gel retardation assays, chemical cross-linking and cross-linking with photoreactive ssDNA probes containing 4-thiothymine, introduced at a defined site in the sequence of the ssDNA, to study interactions present in human RPA (hRPA): ssDNA complexes. These studies coupled with the identification of cross-linked targets using specific antibodies revealed that in the elongated extended hRPA:ssDNA complex RPA3 closely contacts the 3′-end positioned nucleotide and yields a covalent adduct with zero-length photolabel.  相似文献   

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