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Throughout the living world, genetic recombination and nucleotide substitution are the primary processes that create the genetic variation upon which natural selection acts. Just as analyses of substitution patterns can reveal a great deal about evolution, so too can analyses of recombination. Evidence of genetic recombination within the genomes of apparently asexual species can equate with evidence of cryptic sexuality. In sexually reproducing species, nonrandom patterns of sequence exchange can provide direct evidence of population subdivisions that prevent certain individuals from mating. Although an interesting topic in its own right, an important reason for analysing recombination is to account for its potentially disruptive influences on various phylogenetic-based molecular evolution analyses. Specifically, the evolutionary histories of recombinant sequences cannot be accurately described by standard bifurcating phylogenetic trees. Taking recombination into account can therefore be pivotal to the success of selection, molecular clock and various other analyses that require adequate modelling of shared ancestry and draw increased power from accurately inferred phylogenetic trees. Here, we review various computational approaches to studying recombination and provide guidelines both on how to gain insights into this important evolutionary process and on how it can be properly accounted for during molecular evolution studies.  相似文献   



Genetic recombination can produce heterogeneous phylogenetic histories within a set of homologous genes. These recombination events can be obscured by subsequent residue substitutions, which consequently complicate their detection. While there are many algorithms for the identification of recombination events, little is known about the effects of subsequent substitutions on the accuracy of available recombination-detection approaches.  相似文献   

Although the human genome has been nearly completely sequenced, the functions and the roles of the vast majority of the genes, and the influences of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes are not entirely known. A modified mutation detection method was developed for large-scale cloning of the possible SNPs between tumor and normal cells for facilitating the identification of genetic factors that associated with cancer formation and progression. The method involves hybridization of restriction enzyme-cut chromosomal DNA, cleavage and modification of the sites of differences by enzymes, and differential cloning of sequence variations with a designed vector. Experimental validations of the presence and location of sequence variations in the isolated clones by PCR and DNA sequencing support the capability of this method in identifying sequence differences between tumor cells and normal cells.  相似文献   

Anisimova M  Nielsen R  Yang Z 《Genetics》2003,164(3):1229-1236
Maximum-likelihood methods based on models of codon substitution accounting for heterogeneous selective pressures across sites have proved to be powerful in detecting positive selection in protein-coding DNA sequences. Those methods are phylogeny based and do not account for the effects of recombination. When recombination occurs, such as in population data, no unique tree topology can describe the evolutionary history of the whole sequence. This violation of assumptions raises serious concerns about the likelihood method for detecting positive selection. Here we use computer simulation to evaluate the reliability of the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) for positive selection in the presence of recombination. We examine three tests based on different models of variable selective pressures among sites. Sequences are simulated using a coalescent model with recombination and analyzed using codon-based likelihood models ignoring recombination. We find that the LRT is robust to low levels of recombination (with fewer than three recombination events in the history of a sample of 10 sequences). However, at higher levels of recombination, the type I error rate can be as high as 90%, especially when the null model in the LRT is unrealistic, and the test often mistakes recombination as evidence for positive selection. The test that compares the more realistic models M7 (beta) against M8 (beta and omega) is more robust to recombination, where the null model M7 allows the positive selection pressure to vary between 0 and 1 (and so does not account for positive selection), and the alternative model M8 allows an additional discrete class with omega = d(N)/d(S) that could be estimated to be >1 (and thus accounts for positive selection). Identification of sites under positive selection by the empirical Bayes method appears to be less affected than the LRT by recombination.  相似文献   

McVean G  Awadalla P  Fearnhead P 《Genetics》2002,160(3):1231-1241
Determining the amount of recombination in the genealogical history of a sample of genes is important to both evolutionary biology and medical population genetics. However, recurrent mutation can produce patterns of genetic diversity similar to those generated by recombination and can bias estimates of the population recombination rate. Hudson 2001 has suggested an approximate-likelihood method based on coalescent theory to estimate the population recombination rate, 4N(e)r, under an infinite-sites model of sequence evolution. Here we extend the method to the estimation of the recombination rate in genomes, such as those of many viruses and bacteria, where the rate of recurrent mutation is high. In addition, we develop a powerful permutation-based method for detecting recombination that is both more powerful than other permutation-based methods and robust to misspecification of the model of sequence evolution. We apply the method to sequence data from viruses, bacteria, and human mitochondrial DNA. The extremely high level of recombination detected in both HIV1 and HIV2 sequences demonstrates that recombination cannot be ignored in the analysis of viral population genetic data.  相似文献   

Positive Darwinian selection promotes fixations of advantageous mutations during gene evolution and is probably responsible for most adaptations. Detecting positive selection at the DNA sequence level is of substantial interest because such information provides significant insights into possible functional alterations during gene evolution as well as important nucleotide substitutions involved in adaptation. Efficient detection of positive selection, however, has been difficult because selection often operates on only a few sites in a short period of evolutionary time. A likelihood-based method with branch-site models was recently introduced to overcome such difficulties. Here I examine the accuracy of the method using computer simulation. I find that the method detects positive selection in 20%-70% of cases when the DNA sequences are generated by computer simulation under no positive selection. Although the frequency of such false detection varies depending on, among other things, the tree topology, branch length, and selection scheme, the branch-site likelihood method generally gives misleading results. Thus, detection of positive selection by this method alone is unreliable. This unreliability may have resulted from its over-sensitivity to violations of assumptions made in the method, such as certain distributions of selective strength among sites and equal transition/transversion ratios for synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions.  相似文献   

A novel exploratory method for visual recombination detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A versatile visual approach for detecting recombination and identifying recombination breakpoints within a sequence alignment is presented. The method is based on two novel diagrams - the highway plot and the occupancy plot - that graphically portray phylogenetic inhomogeneity along an alignment, and can be viewed as a synthesis of two widely used but unrelated methods: bootscanning and quartet-mapping. To illustrate the method, simulated data and HIV-1 and influenza A datasets are investigated.  相似文献   

Two techniques for obtaining information about population structure from nucleotide sequences in DNA are summarized. The first focuses on the selection or neutrality of enzyme polymorphisms, the second on the detection of recombination. Neither method requires phylogeny estimation.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for estimating the number of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions between homologous genes. In this method, a nucleotide site is classified as nondegenerate, twofold degenerate, or fourfold degenerate, depending on how often nucleotide substitutions will result in amino acid replacement; nucleotide changes are classified as either transitional or transversional, and changes between codons are assumed to occur with different probabilities, which are determined by their relative frequencies among more than 3,000 changes in mammalian genes. The method is applied to a large number of mammalian genes. The rate of nonsynonymous substitution is extremely variable among genes; it ranges from 0.004 X 10(-9) (histone H4) to 2.80 X 10(-9) (interferon gamma), with a mean of 0.88 X 10(-9) substitutions per nonsynonymous site per year. The rate of synonymous substitution is also variable among genes; the highest rate is three to four times higher than the lowest one, with a mean of 4.7 X 10(-9) substitutions per synonymous site per year. The rate of nucleotide substitution is lowest at nondegenerate sites (the average being 0.94 X 10(-9), intermediate at twofold degenerate sites (2.26 X 10(-9)). and highest at fourfold degenerate sites (4.2 X 10(-9)). The implication of our results for the mechanisms of DNA evolution and that of the relative likelihood of codon interchanges in parsimonious phylogenetic reconstruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A large amount of information is contained within the phylogentic relationships between species. In addition to their branching patterns it is also possible to examine other aspects of the biology of the species. The influence that deleterious selection might have is determined here. The likelihood of different phylogenies in the presence of selection is explored to determine the properties of such a likelihood surface. The calculation of likelihoods for a phylogeny in the presence and absence of selection, permits the application of a likelihood ratio test to search for selection. It is shown that even a single selected site can have a strong effect on the likelihood. The method is illustrated with an example fromDrosophila melanogaster and suggests that delerious selection may be acting on transposable elements.  相似文献   

Detecting selection in noncoding regions of nucleotide sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wong WS  Nielsen R 《Genetics》2004,167(2):949-958
We present a maximum-likelihood method for examining the selection pressure and detecting positive selection in noncoding regions using multiple aligned DNA sequences. The rate of substitution in noncoding regions relative to the rate of synonymous substitution in coding regions is modeled by a parameter zeta. When a site in a noncoding region is evolving neutrally zeta = 1, while zeta > 1 indicates the action of positive selection, and zeta < 1 suggests negative selection. Using a combined model for the evolution of noncoding and coding regions, we develop two likelihood-ratio tests for the detection of selection in noncoding regions. Data analysis of both simulated and real viral data is presented. Using the new method we show that positive selection in viruses is acting primarily in protein-coding regions and is rare or absent in noncoding regions.  相似文献   

We propose a model for generating "artificial" nucleotide sequences and, by the method of mapping those sequences onto a "DNA-walk," we analyze the presence of correlation between nucleotides. Artificial sequences are constructed considering, basically, interactions between first neighbors and between more distant units. We show that long-range correlations may be favored by the occurrence of intrastrand interactions, which give a nonlinear characteristic to the sequence.  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridization, a cost-effective approach for targeting unique DNA, was used to identify a 41.7-kb Yersinia pestis-specific region. One primer pair designed from this region amplified PCR products from natural isolates of Y. pestis and produced no false positives for near neighbors, an important criterion for unambiguous bacterial identification.  相似文献   

The Cre recombinase mediates precise site-specific recombination between a pair of loxP sequences through an intermediate containing Holiday junction. The recombination junction in the loxP sequence is located within the asymmetric 8-nucleotide spacer region. To examine the role of each nucleotide sequence of the spacer region in the recombination process, we synthesized a complete set of 24 loxP spacer mutants with single-base substitutions and 30 loxP spacer mutants with double-base substitutions. Each synthesized loxP mutant was ligated at both ends of a linear DNA or to one end of a DNA-containing wild-type loxP at the other end and their recombination efficiencies were analyzed with an in vitro system. The sequence identity of the right two nucleotides and left four nucleotides in the central six bases of the spacer region was found to be essential for formation and resolution, respectively, of the intermediate product. Furthermore, even when homology was maintained, the recombination efficiencies were lower than that of wild-type loxP and varied among mutants. Based on this knowledge, we identified two loxP mutants with double-base substitutions, mutants 5171 and 2272, which recombine efficiently with an identical mutant but not with the other mutant or wild-type loxP.  相似文献   

RDP: detection of recombination amongst aligned sequences   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
SUMMARY: Recombination Detection Program (RDP) is a program that applies a pairwise scanning approach to the detection of recombination amongst a group of aligned DNA sequences. The software runs under Windows95 and combines highly automated screening of large numbers of sequences with a highly interactive interface for examining the results of the analyses.  相似文献   

Summary Sequences subject to recombination and gene conversion defy phylogenetic analysis by traditional methods since their evolutionary history cannot be adequately summarized by a tree. This study investigates ways to describe their evolutionary history and proposes a method giving a partial reconstruction of this history. Multigene families, viruses, and alleles from within populations experience recombinations/gene conversions, so the questions studied here are relevant for a large body of data and the suggested solutions should be very practical. The method employed was implemented in a program, RecPars, written in C and was used to analyze nine retroviruses.  相似文献   

A challenging task in computational biology is the reconstruction of genomic sequences of extinct ancestors, given the phylogenetic tree and the sequences at the leafs. This task is best solved by calculating the most likely estimate of the ancestral sequences, along with the most likely edge lengths. We deal with this problem and also the variant in which the phylogenetic tree in addition to the ancestral sequences need to be estimated. The latter problem is known to be NP-hard, while the computational complexity of the former is unknown. Currently, all algorithms for solving these problems are heuristics without performance guarantees. The biological importance of these problems calls for developing better algorithms with guarantees of finding either optimal or approximate solutions.We develop approximation, fix parameter tractable (FPT), and fast heuristic algorithms for two variants of the problem; when the phylogenetic tree is known and when it is unknown. The approximation algorithm guarantees a solution with a log-likelihood ratio of 2 relative to the optimal solution. The FPT has a running time which is polynomial in the length of the sequences and exponential in the number of taxa. This makes it useful for calculating the optimal solution for small trees. Moreover, we combine the approximation algorithm and the FPT into an algorithm with arbitrary good approximation guarantee (PTAS). We tested our algorithms on both synthetic and biological data. In particular, we used the FPT for computing the most likely ancestral mitochondrial genomes of hominidae (the great apes), thereby answering an interesting biological question. Moreover, we show how the approximation algorithms find good solutions for reconstructing the ancestral genomes for a set of lentiviruses (relatives of HIV). Supplementary material of this work is available at www.nada.kth.se/~isaac/publications/aml/aml.html.  相似文献   

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