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Bloom's syndrome lymphocytes, which are characterized by a high incidence of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE: 80.6 per cell), were treated with mitomycin C (MMC) and the effect of the chemical on SCE frequency compared with that in normal cells. Raising the concentration of MMC from 1 X 10(-9) to 1 X 10(-7) g/ml led to about 10-fold increase (61.7 SCE per cell) in the SCE frequency over the base line in normal lymphocytes (6.4 SCE per cell), though chromosome aberrations remained at a relatively low frequency. MMC caused about a two-fold rise in SCE in cells of Bloom's syndrome (128.8 SCE at 10(-9) g/ml; 139.3 SCE at 10(-8) g/ml). The frequency of chromosome aberrations in Bloom's syndrome cells at concentrations of MMC of 1 X 10(-9) and 1 X 10(-8) g/ml was 0.350 and 0.825 per cell, respectively, and low when compared to the increased number of SCE. The increased frequency of SCE in normal and Bloom's syndrome cells is in contrast to the reported findings with cells from Fanconi's anemia and xeroderma pigmentosum. The distribution of SCE in MMC-treated normal cell correlates with that of spontaneous SCE in cells of Bloom's syndrome.  相似文献   

Bone-marrow cells from a patient with Bloom's syndrome cultured for 48 h in the presence of BudR exhibited a striking increase in the number of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in comparison to that in the marrow cells of a patient with treated polycythemia vera (PV). Thus, it appears that an increased incidence of SCE in Bloom's syndrome occurs in various differentiated types of cells, not just blood lymphocytes, and constitutes the syndrome's most characteristic cytogenetic feature. In contrast, the incidence of SCE was not increased in marrow cells and lymphocytes of the particular PV patient studied here, whose cells did exhibit increased numbers of chromatid and chromosome gaps and breaks, presumably as result of the patient's earlier treatment. An increased frequency of SCE was demonstrated in Bloom's syndrome lymphocytes using both a technique based on BudR incorporation and one based on labeling with tritated deoxycytidine. This observation constitutes evidence against the increase of SCE being due to an unusual reaction to BudR. By conventional cytogenetic techniques, chromosome instability, including chromatid and chromosome breaks, but no homologous chromatid interchanges were also recognized in Bloom's syndrome bone-marrow cells incubated in vitro (without BudR) for either 1.k or 16 h. This observation points to the existence of chromosome instability in vivo.  相似文献   

The condensin complex is a key determinant of mitotic chromosome architecture. In addition, condensin promotes resolution of sister chromatids during anaphase, a function that is conserved from prokaryotes to human. Anaphase bridges observed in cells lacking condensin are reminiscent of chromosome segregation failure after inactivation of topoisomerase II (topo II), the enzyme that removes catenanes persisting between sister chromatids following DNA replication. Circumstantial evidence has linked condensin to sister chromatid decatenation but, because of the difficulty of observing chromosome catenation, this link has remained indirect. Alternative models for how condensin facilitates chromosome resolution have been put forward. Here, we follow the catenation status of circular minichromosomes of three sizes during the Saccharomyeces cerevisiae cell cycle. Catenanes are produced during DNA replication and are for the most part swiftly resolved during and following S-phase, aided by sister chromatid separation. Complete resolution, however, requires the condensin complex, a dependency that becomes more pronounced with increasing chromosome size. Our results provide evidence that condensin prevents deleterious anaphase bridges during chromosome segregation by promoting sister chromatid decatenation.  相似文献   

D E Comings 《Humangenetik》1975,28(3):191-196
It is suggested that the somatic recombination observed in Bloom's syndrome and cells treated with mitomycin C may be the result of selection for recombination events that can occur only between homologous segments of DNA, rather than a result of somatic pairing in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) has been studied in the fibroblasts of five Bloom's syndrome patients, one heterozygote, and two normal individuals. The high frequency of SCE already known in the lymphocytes of Bloom's syndrome was also found in the fibroblasts of all five patients. However, populations with low and high frequency of SCE were not found. In addition, chromosome aberrations appeared with a lower frequency.The cell cycle duration in the Bloom's fibroblasts appeared to be similar to that in the normal cell line, and the difference in the growth pattern appeared to be due to the variation in the mitotic index. The cell cycle lasted about 24 h in at least four of the Bloom's lines studied during the present experiments.  相似文献   

The DNA lesions responsible for the formation of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) have been the object of research for a long time. SCEs can be visualized by growing cells for either two rounds of replication in the presence of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) or for one round with BrdU and the next without. If BrdU is added after cells were treated with a DNA-damaging agent, the effect on SCEs can only be analyzed in the second post-treatment mitosis. If one wishes to analyze the first post-treatment mitosis, cells unifilarily labeled with BrdU must be treated. Due to the highly reactive bromine atom, BrdU interacts with such agents like ionizing and UV radiation enhancing the frequency of SCEs. However, its precise role in this process was difficult to assess for a long time, because no alternative technique existed that allowed differential staining of chromatids. We have recently developed a method to differentially label sister chromatids with biotin-16-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate (biotin-dUTP) circumventing the disadvantage of BrdU. This technique was applied to study the SCEs induced by ionizing and UV radiation as well as by mitomycin C, DNaseI and AluI. This article is a review of the results and conclusions of our previous studies.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of incubation temperature on the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) has been studied in blood cultures from three Bloom's syndrome (BS) patients, three controls, and three BS heterozygotes. All cell types show slight increases of SCE at 39°C while at 35°C and 32°C, SCE is reduced considerably in BS and slightly increased in normal cells. Prolonging lymphocyte culture to 140 h and adding BUdR for the last two S periods causes a similar decrease in the percentage of SCE in normal and BS cells but, while the latter show a further reduction if they are incubated at 32°C during BUdR labelling, the normal cells show an increase. Therefore, BS and control lymphocytes respond similarly to changes in incubation time and differently to changes in incubation temperature. The possibility that the discrepant behaviour of the BS and control cultures may be due to different growth kinetics of their B and T lymphocytes has been discussed but considered unlikely. Since low temperature lengthens the cell cycle, it has been suggested that our findings and those published by others on co-cultivation experiments (except those of Tice et al. 1978) can be explained by assuming that slow growth reduces SCE in BS cells. This, and unpublished observations (Giannelli et al. 1981), suggest that some imbalance in the factors responsible for DNA replication may exist in BS and possibly account for the high level of SCE.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of co-cultivation of Bloom's syndrome fibroblasts with Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) on the incidence of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was studied. The results show that suppression of the frequency of SCEs in Bloom's syndrome cells occurs only if cell to cell contact is present with CHO cells, without any effect on the SCE frequency in the latter.It is suggested that possible genetic heterogeneity between different Bloom's syndrome patients can be studied using the method of co-cultivation.  相似文献   

We conducted the recombination and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) assays with five chemicals (hydroxyurea (HU), resveratrol, 4-hydroxy-trans-stilbene, 3-hydroxy-trans-stilbene, and mitomycin C) in Chinese hamster cell line SPD8/V79 to confirm directly that SCE is a result of homologous recombination (HR). SPD8 has a partial duplication in exon 7 of the endogenous hprt gene and can revert to wild type by homologous recombination. All chemicals were positive in both assays except for 3-hydroxy-trans-stilbene, which was negative in both. HU, resveratrol, and 4-hydroxy-trans-stilbene were scavengers of the tyrosyl free radical of the R2 subunit of mammalian ribonucleotide reductase. Tyrosyl free radical scavengers disturb normal DNA replication, causing replication fork arrest. Mitomycin C is a DNA cross-linking agent that also causes replication fork arrest. The present study suggests that replication fork arrest, which is similar to the early phases of HR, leads to a high frequency of recombination, resulting in SCEs. The findings show that SCE may be mediated by HR.  相似文献   

The Bloom's syndrome gene product interacts with topoisomerase III   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bloom's syndrome is a rare genetic disorder associated with loss of genomic integrity and a large increase in the incidence of many types of cancer at an early age. The Bloom's syndrome gene product, BLM, belongs to the RecQ family of DNA helicases, which also includes the human Werner's and Rothmund-Thomson syndrome gene products and the Sgs1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This family shows strong evolutionary conservation of protein structure and function. Previous studies have shown that Sgs1p interacts both physically and genetically with topoisomerase III. Here, we have investigated whether this interaction has been conserved in human cells. We show that BLM and hTOPO IIIalpha, one of two human topoisomerase III homologues, co-localize in the nucleus of human cells and can be co-immunoprecipitated from human cell extracts. Moreover, the purified BLM and hTOPO IIIalpha proteins are able to bind specifically to each other in vitro, indicating that the interaction is direct. We have mapped two independent domains on BLM that are important for mediating the interaction with hTOPO IIIalpha. Furthermore, through characterizing a genetic interaction between BLM and TOP3 in S. cerevisiae, we have identified a functional role for the hTOPO IIIalpha interaction domains in BLM.  相似文献   

The frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) were examined in phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated blood lymphocytes of a normal individual, a Bloom's syndrome heterozygote (bl/+), and two Bloom's syndrome homozygotes (bl/bl). To determine the baseline SCE frequencies, lymphocytes were cultured with various concentrations of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) for two cell cycles. The incidence of SCEs per two cell cycles inbl/bl lymphocytes levelled off at BrdUrd concentrations below 10 g/ml while that in normal andbl/+ lymphocytes stayed constant below 7.5 g/ml. The baseline SCE frequency in bl/bl cells was ten times higher than that in normal andbl/+ cells. At BrdUrd concentrations above 15 g/ml, SCEs inbl/bl cells were induced more frequently than in normal andbl/+ cells. These results indicate that at low concentrations BrdUrd has a minimal effect on the induction of SCEs in all individuals, while at higher concentrations the BrdUrd incorporated inbl/bl cells has a larger effect than that in normal andbl/+ cells. To elucidate the effect of BrdUrd incorporated into the daughter and parental DNA strands on SCE induction, SCEs occurring during each cell cycle were examined separately in three-way or two-way differentially stained, third-cycle metaphases. The incidence of SCEs detected in each cell cycle at 5 g/ml BrdUrd was constant in all individuals and the rates of SCEs in each cell cycle inbl/bl cells were remarkably higher than those observed in normal andbl/+ cells. These findings strongly indicate that most of the abnormally increased SCEs in thebl/bl cells used in our study occurred independently of any effect of BrdUrd incorporated into both the daughter and parental DNA strands. In addition, an abnormal response ofbl/bl cells to BrdUrd was not found for cell cycle progression or chromosomal aberration induction. Thus, the bl/bl cells did not exhibit an abnormal hypersensitivity to BrdUrd. From these results, it seems quite probable that the abnormally increased SCEs in thebl/bl lymphocytes used here were spontaneous.  相似文献   

Seven lymphoblastoid cell lines were established through transformation by Epstein-Barr virus of peripheral blood lymphocytes from two patients with Bloom's syndrome (BS), the parents of a patient, and normal controls. High baseline levels of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in peripheral blood lymphocytes of BS were reduced to about 10% of their initial value in BS lymphoblastoid cell lines, and the elevation of SCE frequencies induced by ethylmethanesulfonate was the same as in controls.  相似文献   

The effects of fermenting, poorly arginine-utilizing Mycoplasma fermentans and arginine-utilizing Mycoplasma salivarium on the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in cultured human lymphocytes were examined. M. fermentans caused no apparent mitosis inhibition of lymphocytes and the increase in SCE frequency was dependent on the inoculum size of the mycoplasma. An evident increase in SCE frequency was observed in lymphocytes infected with smaller inoculum sizes of M. salivarium whereas there was mitosis inhibition of lymphocytes infected with larger inoculum sizes of the mycoplasma. In lymphocyte cultures infected with M. salivarium, the addition of arginine to the culture medium reduced mitosis inhibition but did not diminish the increase in SCE frequency, indicating that arginine depletion was not involved in causing the induction of SCEs in mycoplasma-infected lymphocytes. With regard to the genetic effectiveness of SCE, these results suggested that mycoplasmas are capable of inducing cytogenetic changes in infected host cells.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) and EM9 cells both display elevated frequencies of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) following growth for two rounds of DNA replication in bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-containing medium. To learn whether hyperresponsiveness to BrdU itself might play a role in causing the SCE elevation, the effects of BrdU on two other parameters, cellular proliferation and chromosome disruption, were examined, comparing the responses of BS and normal lymphoblastoid cells and of EM9 and CHO cells. BS and normal cells responded similarly with respect to growth for 4 days in BrdU-containing medium (0, 1, 3, and 5 g/ml). Chromosome aberrrations were increased only slightly in the BS and normal cells after 2 days in BrdU. CHO cells responded to growth in BrdU-containing medium like BS and normal cells; however, little growth of EM9 was detected at any of the BrdU concentrations employed. CHO and EM9 cells also exhibited strikingly different amounts of chromosome damage following growth in BrdU. After 2 days in 1, 3, and 5 g/ml BrdU 21%, 46%, and 50%, respectively, of the CHO cells had chromosome aberrations in contrast to 92%, 96%, and 98% of the EM9 cells. Most of the aberrations in the BrdU-treated CHO cells consisted of what appeared to be polycentric and ring chromosomes or chromosomes exhibiting telomere association. Acentric fragments were absent from most cells with polycentric and ring chromosomes, indicating either that the abnormal chromosomes were formed during an earlier cell cycle or that the abnormal chromosomes represent a form of association in which the telomeres are apposed so tightly that the juncture between chromosomes cannot be identified microscopically. EM9 cells treated with BrdU exhibited many chromatid and isochromatid gaps and breaks as well as numerous quadriradial, triradial, and complex interchange configurations. In addition, the types of aberrations present in CHO cells also were increased greatly in number. The different responses of BS and EM9 cells to growth in BrdU suggest that the molecular defects in the two cell types are different.  相似文献   

A A Zhloba  N V Luchnik 《Genetika》1983,19(12):1987-1990
A yield of single and twin sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in Chinese hamster cells incubated at different concentrations of 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) has been studied. The ratio of SCEs formed in the second and in the first cycle has been discovered to be dependent on the dose of BrdUrd; it is 1.5:1 for the high concentration of BrdUrd and 1:1 for the lowest one. The authors arrived at a conclusion that the observed level of SCEs--0.1 per chromosome per cycle for the lowest concentration is spontaneous.  相似文献   

Equal sister chromatid exchange (SCE) has been thought to be an important mechanism of double-strand break (DSB) repair in eukaryotes, but this has never been proven due to the difficulty of distinguishing SCE products from parental molecules. To evaluate the biological relevance of equal SCE in DSB repair and to understand the underlying molecular mechanism, we developed recombination substrates for the analysis of DSB repair by SCE in yeast. In these substrates, most breaks are limited to one chromatid, allowing the intact sister chromatid to serve as the repair template; both equal and unequal SCE can be detected. We show that equal SCE is a major mechanism of DSB repair, is Rad51 dependent, and is stimulated by Rad59 and Mre11. Our work provides a physical analysis of mitotically occurring SCE in vivo and opens new perspectives for the study and understanding of DSB repair in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The SGS1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a homologue of the Bloom's syndrome and Werner's syndrome genes. The sgs1 disruptants show hyperrecombination, higher sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate and hydroxyurea, and poor sporulation. In this study, we found that sister chromatid exchange was increased in sgs1 disruptants. We made mutated SGS1 genes coding a protein proved to lack DNA helicase activity (sgs1-hd), having equivalent missense mutations found in Bloom's syndrome patients (sgs1-BS1, sgs1-BS2). None of the mutated genes could suppress the higher sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate and hydroxyurea and the increased frequency of interchromosomal recombination and sister chromatid exchange of sgs1 disruptants. On the other hand, all of the mutant genes were able to complement the poor sporulation phenotype of sgs1 disruptants, although the values were not as high as that of wild-type SGS1.  相似文献   

The frequencies of baseline and mutagen-induced sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) were examined in human fetal lung fibroblasts (IMR-90, WI38) as a function of in vitro serial passage (in vitro aging). Although baseline SCE levels remained relatively constant throughout the in vitro lifespan of these cell cultures, a significant decline was observed at middle and late passage in the levels of SCE induced by mitomycin-C, ethyl methane-sulfonate and N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene. These findings indicate that cellular aging results in an altered response to certain types of induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

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