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The effect of caffeine on UV-irradiated Chinese hamster cells in vitro was studied on the cellular and molecular levels. Caffeine (1 mM) was shown to decrease the colony-forming ability and the frequencies of spontaneous and UV-induced mutations in Chinese hamster cells. The effect of caffeine in reducing the frequency of UV-induced mutations was demonstrated only if caffeine was present in the culture medium during the first post-irradiation cell division. Using alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation, both parental and newly synthesized DNA in UV-irradiated and unirradiated cells were studied in the presence and absence of caffeine. Caffeine affected the sedimentation profile of DNA synthesized in UV-irradiated cells but not in unirradiated cells. Caffeine had no apparent effect on the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into DNA of control or UV-irradiated cells, nor on the small amount of excision of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers. These results may be interpreted by a hypothesis that caffeine inhibits a certain S-phase specific, post-replication, dark-repair mechanism. The hamster and perhaps other rodent cells exposed to low doses of UV are capable of DNA replication, by-passing the non-excised pyrimidine dimers. This postulated repair process probably involves de novo DNA synthesis to seal the gaps in the nascent strand. This repair may be also responsible for the enzymatic production of mutations.  相似文献   

[3H]phenoxybenzamine of high specific activity (5.3 Ci/mmol) was synthesized and its binding to isolated, viable rat liver cells was studied. Phentolamine suppressible binding of [3H]phenoxybenzamine was irreversible and saturable (EC50: 10 nM, bmax: 200 fmol/mg wet cell weight). Competition-inhibition studies showed structural and stereoselectivity compatible with α-receptors. The IC50 of unlabelled phenoxybenzamine to reduce specific binding (9 nM) or to block adrenaline-induced phosphorylase activation in the same cells (2 nM) was similar, whereas the IC50 of agonists to suppress binding was higher than their EC50's for phosphorylase activation. The results represent the first example of labelling α-adrenoceptors in intact liver cells. The sites labelled by [3H]phenoxybenzamine mediate the block of phosphorylase activation by α-adrenoceptor antagonists. However, the relationship of these sites to receptors that mediate responses to physiological, low concentrations of catecholamines remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The role of nutrient broth supplementation in UV mutagenesis of E. coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Postirradiation expression of UV-induced reversion is examined to understand the different yields of E. coli revertants on agar media unsupplemented, supplemented with a small amount of the required amino acid, or supplemented with nutrient broth. Protein synthesis is determined in irradiated cells incubating on these three media by observing the incorporation of [3H]proline. Nutrient broth supplementation is known to yield a large number of suppresor-containing revertants which does not develop with supplementation of a small amount of the required amino acid. However, the rates of protein synthesis in cells on these two media are found to be similar. Consequently the rate of protein synthesis per se does not seem responsible for enhance expression of suppressor-containing revertants. An empirical model is proposed to realte nutrient broth enhancement to mutation frequency decline and finalization of GC to AT transitions.  相似文献   

Closed circular mitochondrial DNA in mammalian cells was degradated to the open circular form by exposure of the cells to the carcinogens N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO). MNNG caused more strand scission of mitochondrial DNA than 4NQO at the same concentration. The action of the carcinogens on mitochondrial DNA did not parallel that with nuclear DNA which was damaged by 4NQO more markedly than by MNNG. Mitochondrial DNA damaged by carcinogens was not repaired during 4-20 h of post-treatment incubation of the cells. Incorporation of labeled thymidine into the closed circular mitochondrial DNA, decreased by the treatment of cells with carcinogens, recovered during post-treatment incubation.  相似文献   

The induction of “petite” mutants by guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) is inhibited in several conditions. Anaerobiosis inhibited the induction either with or without cell multiplication. Both nalidixic acid (NA) and cycloheximide (CH) inhibited the induction of mutants. On the other hand, chloramphenicol (CAP) produced a dual effect: at low concentration it stimulated, at high concentration it inhibited, the induction. The effect of these different inhibitors on the transformation of + mother cells into by GuHCl is discussed.  相似文献   

Both methylene dimethanesulphonate (MDMS) and methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) cause the template activity of Yoshida cell DNA to decrease in a dose-dependent manner. The MDMS-resistant subline of Yoshida tumour is less sensitive in terms of DNA template activity than the MDMS-sensitive subline towards both agents. Although the difference in sensitivity is not reflected in the survival data after each agent, it does suggest that the DNA from each cell line differs in its capacity to function as an efficient template.  相似文献   

Summary Ultraviolet light (UV) induced mutations in the glnU and glnV utRNA genes in Escherichia coli are thought to be targeted by UV photoproducts. In a previous study with a uracil-DNA glycosylase deficient strain, UV-induced glnU oand glnV otRNA suppressor mutations became resistant to photoreactivation (PR) following thermal treatment. It was proposed that deamination of cytosine in the cytosine-containing cyclobutyl dimers at the sites of these suppressor mutations produced uracil residues in sequence upon PR. In the absence of glycosylase, the C U conversion yielded the requisite G:C A:T transitions. In the present study, this thermal resistance of UV-mutagenesis to PR is characterized. It is dependent on the initial UV-fluence and temperature of holding but not on the UmuC+ gene product. The data obtained yield an estimate of an activation energy of 17±3 kcal/mol for the deamination of cytosines contained in dimers. This compares to 29 kcal/mol for unaffected cytosines in DNA. In addition, an estimate of the probability of cyclobutyl dimer formation at the target sites for glnU oand glnV osuppressor mutations indicate that these lesions can not entirely account for the mutation frequencies recovered in the absence of PR. This is interpreted as an indication that, in addition to thyminecytosine cyclobutyl dimers, other UV-induced lesions, possibly Thy(6-4)Cyt photoproducts, may also target glnU oand glnV osuppressor mutations.  相似文献   

Methods have been adapted to measure the specific activity of UTP in cells in monolayer culture. In HeLa cells labelled with [3H]uridine and treated with aflatoxin B1 there was reduced radioactivity in crude acid extracts, but the toxin did not affect the radioactive incorporation into UTP. Using cells in which the UTP was pre-labelled, the subsequent addition of aflatoxin B1 inhibited UTP incorporation into RNA. Accordingly aflatoxin B1 did not inhibit the uptake of uridine or the latter's conversion to UTP but inhibited the incorporation of UTP into RNA.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA photolyase was expressed as C-terminal 6x histidine-fused protein. Purification of His-tagged E. coli DNA photolyase was developed using immobilized metal affinity chromatography with Chelating Sepharose Fast Flow. By one-step affinity chromatography, approximate 4.6 mg DNA photolyase was obtained from 400 ml E. coli culture. The purified His-tagged enzyme was combined with two chromophors, FADH and MTHF. Using the oligonucleotide containing cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer as substrate, both reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography were developed to measure the enzyme activity. The enzyme was found to be able to repair the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer with the turnover rate of 2.4 dimers/photolyase molecule/min.  相似文献   

Caffeine has been found to potentiate the lethal effects of sulphur mustard (SM) and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) in a line of Chinese hamster cells but not in a line of HeLa cells. The sensitization of SM-treated cells by caffeine was S phase specific, and persisted for up to 24 h after alkylation of asynchronous cell cultures. The sensitization of MNU-treated cells, however, was not S phase specific but persisted for up to 50 h after the initial alkylation. Possible explanations for this difference between these two types of alkylating agent were discussed. Previously, evidence was presented which suggested that the alkylation-induced delay in the time of the peak rate of DNA synthesis in Chinese hamster cells was associated with the operation of post-DNA replication repair mechanism in these cells. Caffeine has now been found to reverse this alkylation-induced delay of DNA synthesis in both SM- and MNU-alkylated Chinese hamster cells. It is therefore proposed that caffeine sensitizes alkylated cells by inhibition of a post-replication DNA repair mechanism. No support was obtained for the alternative possibility that caffeine inhibits alkylation-induced excision repair of damaged DNA. The role of DNA repair in the production of the lethal mutagenic and cytological effects of alkylating agents is discussed.  相似文献   

Rat marrow cells were preincubated for 45 hours with 5.5 × 10?4M sodium hexachloroiridate. This treatment abolished DNA synthesis whilst improving cell survival over that of controls. The synthesis of RNA, protein and glycoprotein continued and could be further increased by the addition of erythropoietin for up to 44 more hours. Heme synthesis also continued in the absence of DNA synthesis but could not be stimulated by erythropoietin.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine synthesis from radiolabelled glucose was monitored in cerebral cortex cells isolated from brains of suckling and adult rats. Acetylcholine synthesis was found much higher in suckling animals, both in the absence and presence of acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine hydrolase, EC inhibitor, paraoxon. Together with choline (20 μM), carnitine was found to stimulate acetylcholine synthesis in a synergistic way in cortex cells from adult rats (18%). Choline, however, was incapable of reversing an inhibitory effect exerted by carnitine on acetylcholine synthesis in cortex cells from suckling animals. Distribution of carnitine derivatives was found significantly different in the cells from young and old animals, the content of acetylcarnitine decreased with age with a corresponding increase of free carnitine. The observed differences in carnitine effect on acetylcholine synthesis suggested that high acetylcarnitine in cells capable of β-oxidation might be correlated with the lower level of acetylcholine synthesis.  相似文献   

Cells resistant to Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin were selected from cultures of highly sensitive Vero (African green monkey kidney) cells. Studies were done with the sensitive and resistant cells to determine the relationship between binding and biological activity. Binding studies using 125I-enterotoxin revealed the apparent existence of high and low affinity binding sites for the enterotoxin on both cell types. The binding site density on resistant cells was found to be 110 that of sensitive cells. It was found that, even with high doses of enterotoxin, only partial affect upon DNA synthesis, membrane permeability, and plating efficiency was noted in resistant cells. It is concluded that without specific binding there is little or no ability of the enterotoxin to effect biological activity in cells.  相似文献   

The influence of uvrB and umuC genes on the induction of lacI- mutants and nonsense mutants by ethylene oxide (EtO) in the lacI gene of E. coli was studied. The uvrB mutation was characterized by much higher mutation frequencies. In contrast the umuC mutation does not significantly affect the induction kinetics. Thus mutation by EtO is enhanced by the lack of excision repair but not influenced by error-prone repair.  相似文献   

Vinyl chloride monomer used in the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride is a chemical of increasing industrial importance but has recently been incriminated as a carcinogen, producing a mutagenic effect after being metabolized to active metabolites. The initial effect of vinyl chloride monomer and two of its presumed metabolites, chloracetaldehyde and chloroethylene oxide, on DNA synthesis was investigated in vivo in regenerating rat liver. The established control curve for the DNA synthesis rate after partial hepatectomy demonstrated two waves of synthetic activity at 21 and 30 h. Vinyl chloride, injected intravenously immediately on completion of the operation, depressed the first wave of DNA synthesis by 49.6%. The second peak of DNA synthetic activity was similar to that of the control. Chloracetaldehyde and chloroethylene oxide both produced similar effects on the first wave of DNA synthesis after partial hepatectomy, inhibiting the DNA synthesis rate by approx. 50%. After a regenerating period of 27 h, however, they produced very different effects, chloroethylene oxide raising the control DNA synthesis rate at 30 h by 49% while chloracetaldehyde tended to desynchronize the well-defined second peak of the control. The test compounds have been compared to literature reports of the inhibitory effects of various carcinogens on DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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