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H Tang  S Billings  X Wang  L Sharp    D F Blair 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(12):3496-3503
The FliN protein of Escherichia coli is essential for the assembly and function of flagella. Here, we report the effects of regulated underexpression and overexpression of FliN in a fliN null strain. Cells that lack the FliN protein do not make flagella. When FliN is underexpressed, cells produce relatively few flagella and those made are defective, rotating at subnormal, rapidly varying speeds. These results are similar to what was seen previously when the flagellar protein FliM was underexpressed and unlike what was seen when the motility proteins MotA and MotB were underexpressed. Overexpression of FliN impairs motility and flagellation, as has been reported previously for FliM, but when FliN and FliM are co-overexpressed, motility is much less impaired. This and additional evidence presented indicate that FliM and FliN are associated in the flagellar motor, in a structure distinct from the MotA/MotB torque generators. A recent study showed that FliN might be involved in the export of flagellar components during assembly (A. P. Vogler, M. Homma, V. M. Irikura, and R. M. Macnab, J. Bacteriol. 173:3564-3572, 1991). We show here that approximately 50 amino acid residues from the amino terminus of FliN are dispensable for function and that the remaining, essential part of FliN has sequence similarity to a part of Spa33, a protein that functions in transmembrane export in Shigella flexneri. Thus, FliN might function primarily in flagellar export, rather than in torque generation, as has sometimes been supposed.  相似文献   

FliN is a major constituent of the C ring in the flagellar basal body of many bacteria. It is present in >100 copies per flagellum and together with FliM and FliG forms the switch complex that functions in flagellar assembly, rotation, and clockwise-counterclockwise switching. FliN is essential for flagellar assembly and switching, but its precise functions are unknown. The C-terminal part of the protein is best conserved and most important for function; a crystal structure of this C-terminal domain of FliN from Thermotoga maritima revealed a saddle-shaped dimer formed mainly from beta strands (P. N. Brown, M. A. A. Mathews, L. A. Joss, C. P. Hill, and D. F. Blair, J. Bacteriol. 187:2890-2902, 2005). Equilibrium sedimentation studies showed that FliN can form stable tetramers and that a FliM1FliN4 complex is also stable. Here, we have examined the organization of FliN subunits by using targeted cross-linking. Cys residues were introduced at various positions in FliN, singly or in pairs, and disulfide cross-linking was induced by oxidation. Efficient cross-linking was observed for certain positions near the ends of the dimer and for some positions in the structurally uncharacterized N-terminal domain. Certain combinations of two Cys replacements gave a high yield of cross-linked tetramer. The results support a model in which FliN is organized in doughnut-shaped tetramers, stabilized in part by contacts involving the N-terminal domain. Electron microscopic reconstructions show a bulge at the bottom of the C-ring whose size and shape are a close match for the hypothesized FliN tetramer.  相似文献   

Torque generated by the flagellar motor of Escherichia coli.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of the bacterium Escherichia coli were tethered and spun in a high-frequency rotating electric field at a series of discrete field strengths. This was done first at low field strengths, then at field strengths generating speeds high enough to disrupt motor function, and finally at low field strengths. Comparison of the initial and final speed versus applied-torque plots yielded relative motor torque. For backward rotation, motor torque rose steeply at speeds close to zero, peaking, on average, at about 2.2 times the stall torque. For forward rotation, motor torque remained approximately constant up to speeds of about 60% of the zero-torque speed. Then the torque dropped linearly with speed, crossed zero, and reached a minimum, on average, at about -1.7 times the stall torque. The zero-torque speed increased with temperature (about 90 Hz at 11 degrees C, 140 Hz at 16 degrees C, and 290 Hz at 23 degrees C), while other parameters remained approximately constant. Sometimes the motor slipped at either extreme (delivered constant torque over a range of speeds), but eventually it broke. Similar results were obtained whether motors broke catastrophically (suddenly and completely) or progressively or were de-energized by brief treatment with an uncoupler. These results are consistent with a tightly coupled ratchet mechanism, provided that elastic deformation of force-generating elements is limited by a stop and that mechanical components yield at high applied torques.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium FliG and FliM are two of three proteins known to be necessary for flagellar morphogenesis as well as energization and switching of flagellar rotation. We have determined FliG and FliM levels in cellular fractions and in extended flagellar basal bodies, using antibodies raised against the purified proteins. Both proteins were found predominantly in the detergent-solubilized particulate fraction containing flagellar structures. Basal flagellar fragments could be separated from partially constructed basal bodies by gel filtration chromatography. FliG and FliM were present in an approximately equimolar ration in all gel-filtered fractions. FliG and FliM copy numbers, estimated relative to that of the hook protein from the early fractions containing long, basal, flagellar fragments, were (means +/- standard errors) 41 +/- 10 and 37 +/- 13 per flagellum, respectively. Extended structures were present in the earliest identifiable basal bodies. Immunoelectron microscopy and immunoblot gel analysis suggested that the FliG and, to a less certain degree, the FliM contents of these structures were the same as those for the complete basal bodies. These facts are consistent with the postulate that FliG and FliM affect flagellar morphogenesis as part of the extended basal structure, formation of which is necessary for assembly of more-distal components of the flagellum. The determined stoichiometries will provide important constraints to modelling energization and switching of flagellar rotation.  相似文献   

The FliM protein of Escherichia coli is essential for the assembly and function of flagella. Here, we report the effects of controlled low-level expression of FliM in a fliM null strain. Disruption of the fliM gene abolishes flagellation. Underexpression of FliM causes cells to produce comparatively few flagella, and most flagella built are defective, producing subnormal average torque and fluctuating rapidly in speed. The results imply that in a normal flagellar motor, multiple molecules of FliM are present and can function independently to some degree. The speed fluctuations indicate that stable operation requires most, possibly all, of the normal complement of FliM. Thus, the FliM subunits are not as fully independent as the motility proteins MotA and MotB characterized in earlier work, suggesting that FliM occupies a location in the motor distinct from the MotA/MotB torque generators. Several mutations in fliM previously reported to cause flagellar paralysis in Salmonella typhimurium (H. Sockett, S. Yamaguchi, M. Kihara, V.M. Irikura, and R. M. Macnab, J. Bacteriol. 174:793-806, 1992) were made and characterized in E. coli. These mutations did not cause flagellar paralysis in E. coli; their phenotypes were more complex and suggest that FliM is not directly involved in torque generation.  相似文献   

The switch complex at the base of the bacterial flagellum is essential for flagellar assembly, rotation, and switching. In Escherichia coli and Salmonella, the complex contains about 26 copies of FliG, 34 copies of FliM, and more then 100 copies of FliN, together forming the basal body C ring. FliG is involved most directly in motor rotation and is located in the upper (membrane-proximal) part of the C ring. A crystal structure of the middle and C-terminal parts of FliG shows two globular domains connected by an alpha-helix and a short extended segment. The middle domain of FliG has a conserved surface patch formed by the residues EHPQ(125-128) and R(160) (the EHPQR motif), and the C-terminal domain has a conserved surface hydrophobic patch. To examine the functional importance of these and other surface features of FliG, we made mutations in residues distributed over the protein surface and measured the effects on flagellar assembly and function. Mutations preventing flagellar assembly occurred mainly in the vicinity of the EHPQR motif and the hydrophobic patch. Mutations causing aberrant clockwise or counterclockwise motor bias occurred in these same regions and in the waist between the upper and lower parts of the C-terminal domain. Pull-down assays with glutathione S-transferase-FliM showed that FliG interacts with FliM through both the EHPQR motif and the hydrophobic patch. We propose a model for the organization of FliG and FliM subunits that accounts for the FliG-FliM interactions identified here and for the different copy numbers of FliG and FliM in the flagellum.  相似文献   

The FliG protein is a central component of the bacterial flagellar motor. It is one of the first proteins added during assembly of the flagellar basal body, and there are 26 copies per motor. FliG interacts directly with the Mot protein complex of the stator to generate torque, and it is a crucial player in switching the direction of flagellar rotation from clockwise (CW) to counterclockwise and vice versa. A primarily helical linker joins the N-terminal assembly domain of FliG, which is firmly attached to the FliF protein of the MS ring of the basal body, to the motility domain that interacts with MotA/MotB. We report here the results of a mutagenic analysis focused on what has been called the hinge region of the linker. Residue substitutions in this region generate a diversity of phenotypes, including motors that are strongly CW biased, infrequent switchers, rapid switchers, and transiently or permanently paused. Isolation of these mutants was facilitated by a "sensitizing" mutation (E232G) outside of the hinge region that was accidentally introduced during cloning of the chromosomal fliG gene into our vector plasmid. This mutation partially interferes with flagellar assembly and accentuates the defects associated with mutations that by themselves have little phenotypic consequence. The effects of these mutations are analyzed in the context of a conformational-coupling model for motor switching and with respect to the structure of the C-terminal 70% of FliG from Thermotoga maritima.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in rotation rate of the flagellar motor of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The purpose of this work was to study the changes in rotation rate of the bacterial motor and to try to discriminate between various sources of these changes with the aim of understanding the mechanism of force generation better. To this end Escherichia coli cells were tethered and videotaped with brief stroboscopic light flashes. The records were scanned by means of a computerized motion analysis system, yielding cell size, radius of rotation, and accumulated angle of rotation as functions of time for each cell selected. In conformity with previous studies, fluctuations in the rotation rate of the flagellar motor were invariably found. Employing an exclusively counterclockwise rotating mutant ("gutted" RP1091 strain) and using power spectral density, autocorrelation and residual mean square angle analysis, we found that a simple superposition of rotational diffusion on a steady rotary motion is insufficient to describe the observed rotation. We observed two additional rotational components, one fluctuating (0.04-0.6 s) and one oscillating (0.8-7 s). However, the effective rotational diffusion coefficient obtained after taking these two components into account generally exceeded that calculated from external friction by two orders of magnitude. This is consistent with a model incorporating association and dissociation of force-generating units.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motor is a highly ordered and complex supramolecular structure that powers rotation of flagella and serves as a type III export apparatus for flagellar assembly. Motor biogenesis represents a formidable example of self-assembly, but little is known about early steps of the motor structure formation. Here we used a combination of fluorescence microscopy techniques to dissect the order of the motor assembly in Escherichia coli cells, to map in vivo the underlying protein interactions and to investigate dynamics of protein exchange in the assembled motor structure. Our data suggest that motor self-assembly is initiated by oligomerization of the membrane export apparatus protein FlhA, which is followed by the recruitment of the MS ring component FliF and by the ordered association of other motor proteins. The assembly process combines the hierarchy with cooperativity, whereby the association of each subsequent motor structure stabilizes the growing assembly. Our results provide a novel and so far the most complete view of the early steps in flagellar motor assembly and improve understanding of the motor structure and regulation.  相似文献   

Chen X  Berg HC 《Biophysical journal》2000,78(2):1036-1041
The output of a rotary motor is characterized by its torque and speed. We measured the torque-speed relationship of the flagellar rotary motor of Escherichia coli by a new method. Small latex spheres were attached to flagellar stubs on cells fixed to the surface of a glass slide. The angular speeds of the spheres were monitored in a weak optical trap by back-focal-plane interferometry in solutions containing different concentrations of the viscous agent Ficoll. Plots of relative torque (viscosity x speed) versus speed were obtained over a wide dynamic range (up to speeds of approximately 300 Hz) at three different temperatures, 22.7, 17.7, and 15.8 degrees C. Results obtained earlier by electrorotation (, Biophys. J. 65:2201-2216) were confirmed. The motor operates in two dynamic regimes. At 23 degrees C, the torque is approximately constant up to a knee speed of nearly 200 Hz, and then it falls rapidly with speed to a zero-torque speed of approximately 350 Hz. In the low-speed regime, torque is insensitive to changes in temperature. In the high-speed regime, it decreases markedly at lower temperature. These results are consistent with models in which torque is generated by a powerstroke mechanism (, Biophys. J. 76:580-587).  相似文献   

Torque and rotation rate of the bacterial flagellar motor.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper describes an analysis of microscopic models for the coupling between ion flow and rotation of bacterial flagella. In model I it is assumed that intersecting half-channels exist on the rotor and the stator and that the driving ion is constrained to move together with the intersection site. Model II is based on the assumption that ion flow drives a cycle of conformational transitions in a channel-like stator subunit that are coupled to the motion of the rotor. Analysis of both mechanisms yields closed expressions relating the torque M generated by the flagellar motor to the rotation rate v. Model I (and also, under certain assumptions, model II) accounts for the experimentally observed linear relationship between M and v. The theoretical equations lead to predictions on the relationship between rotation rate and driving force which can be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

M Russel  P Model    A Holmgren 《Journal of bacteriology》1990,172(4):1923-1929
We have shown previously that Escherichia coli cells constructed to lack both thioredoxin and glutaredoxin are not viable unless they also acquire an additional mutation, which we called X. Here we show that X is a cysA mutation. Our data suggest that the inviability of a trxA grx double mutant is due to the accumulation of 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS), an intermediate in the sulfate assimilation pathway. The presence of excess cystine at a concentration sufficient to repress the sulfate assimilation pathway obviates the need for an X mutation and prevents the lethality of a novel cys+ trxA grx double mutant designated strain A522. Mutations in genes required for PAPS synthesis (cysA or cysC) protect cells from the otherwise lethal effect of elimination of both thioredoxin and glutaredoxin even in the absence of excess cystine. Both thioredoxin and glutaredoxin have been shown to be hydrogen donors for PAPS reductase (cysH) in vitro (M. L.-S. Tsang, J. Bacteriol. 146:1059-1066, 1981), and one or the other of these compounds is presumably essential in vivo for growth on minimal medium containing sulfate as the sulfur source. The cells which lack both thioredoxin and glutaredoxin require cystine or glutathione for growth on minimal medium but maintain an active ribonucleotide reduction system. Thus, E. coli must contain a third hydrogen donor active with ribonucleotide reductase.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the rotary motor that drives bacterial flagella, using the electrochemical gradient of protons across the cytoplasmic membrane. The model unifies several concepts present in previous models. Torque is generated by proton-conducting particles around the perimeter of the rotor at the base of the flagellum. Protons in channels formed by these particles interact electrostatically with tilted lines of charges on the rotor, providing "loose coupling" between proton flux and rotation of the flagellum. Computer simulations of the model correctly predict the experimentally observed dynamic properties of the motor. Unlike previous models, the motor presented here may rotate either way for a given direction of the protonmotive force. The direction of rotation only depends on the level of occupancy of the proton channels. This suggests a novel and simple mechanism for the switching between clockwise and counterclockwise rotation that is the basis of bacterial chemotaxis.  相似文献   

Cells that overexpress MotA (encoded on a plasmid derived from pBR322) grow slowly because of proton leakage. We have traced this defect to the coexpression of a fusion protein consisting of 60 amino acids from the N terminus of MotB and 50 amino acids specified by pBR322. Mutations within the N terminus, known to abolish function when present in full-length MotB, reversed the growth defect. Growth also was normal when MotA was coexpressed with wild-type MotB or with a series of MotB N-terminal fragments.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has shown that glucocorticoids can inhibit apoptosis in rat hepatoma cells; however, the mechanisms are incompletely understood. To address this issue we sought to determine if glucocorticoid inhibition is effective when death is induced by stimuli that more selectively activate either the intrinsic (UV-C) or extrinsic (FasL) apoptotic pathways. Using flow cytometric analysis, we show that pretreatment of HTC cells with dexamethasone (Dex) inhibits UV-C- but not FasL-induced apoptosis. This inhibition requires Dex pretreatment and can be abrogated by the glucocorticoid antagonist RU486 indicating glucocorticoid receptor-mediated action. Dex increases anti-apoptotic Bcl-x(L) at both mRNA and protein levels. The Bcl-x(L) protein level remains elevated even after apoptosis induction with either UV-C or FasL although only UV-C-induced cell death is inhibited. Repression of Bcl-x(L) protein with siRNA abrogates the anti-apoptotic effect of glucocorticoids. Together these data provide direct evidence that Bcl-x(L) mediates glucocorticoid inhibition of UV-C induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

A mutation in H-NS results in non-flagellation of Escherichia coli due to a reduced expression of the flhDC master operon. We found that the hns-negative strain restored its flagellation in the presence of flhDC, although the resulting strain was still non-motile. Since the intracelluar levels of motor components MotA, MotB, and FliG in the Deltahns strain were unaltered, the non-motility indicates that H-NS affects flagellar function as well as biogenesis. We obtained an insertion in ycgR, a putative gene encoding a protein of 244 amino acid residues, which suppresses the motility defect of hns-deficient cells. The abnormally low swimming speed of hns mutant cells was fully restored by an insertion in ycgR, as assessed with computer-assisted motion analysis. A similar suppressor phenotype was observed with a multicopy expression of yhjH, a putative gene encoding a polypeptide of 256 amino acid residues. Since the flagella of most hns-deficient cells were not rotating, except a few with reduced speed, the suppression appears to increase the number of rotating flagella as observed with tethered bacteria. The ycgR and yhjH genes contain the consensus sequence found among the class III promoters of the flagellar regulon, and their expression monitored with a lacZ fusion requires FlhDC. These findings suggest that ycgR and yhjH, together with H-NS, are involved in the motor function and constitute new members of the flagellar regulon.  相似文献   

The flaAII.2, flaQ, and flaN genes of Salmonella typhimurium are important for assembly, rotation, and counterclockwise-clockwise switching of the flagellar motor. Paralyzed and nonchemotactic mutants were subjected to selection pressure for partial acquisition of motility and chemotaxis, and the suppressor mutations of the resulting pseudorevertants were mapped and isolated. Many of the intergenic suppressor mutations were in one of the other two genes. Others were in genes for cytoplasmic components of the chemotaxis system, notably cheY and cheZ; one of the mutations was found in the cheA gene and one in a motility gene, motB. Suppression among the three fla genes was allele specific, and many of the pseudorevertants were either cold sensitive or heat sensitive. We conclude that the FlaAII.2, FlaQ, and FlaN proteins form a complex which determines the rotational sense, either counterclockwise or clockwise, of the motor and also participates in the conversion of proton energy into mechanical work of rotation. This switch complex is probably mounted to the base of the flagellar basal body and, via binding of the CheY and CheZ proteins, receives sensory information and uses it to control flagellar operation.  相似文献   

FliN is a component of the flagellar switch complex in many bacterial species. The crystal structure is known for most of FliN, and a targeted cross-linking study (K. Paul and D. F. Blair, J. Bacteriol. 188:2502-2511, 2006) showed that it is organized in ring-shaped tetramers at the bottom of the basal body C ring. FliN is essential for flagellar assembly and direction switching, but its precise functions have not been defined. Here, we identify functionally important regions on FliN by systematic mutagenesis. Nonconservative mutations were made at positions sampling the surface of the protein, and the effects on flagellar assembly and function were measured. Flagellar assembly was disrupted by mutations in a conserved hydrophobic patch centered on the dimer twofold axis or by mutations on the surface that forms the dimer-dimer interface in the tetramer. The assembly defect in hydrophobic-patch mutants was partially rescued by overexpression of the flagellar export proteins FliH and FliI, and coprecipitation assays demonstrated a binding interaction between FliN and FliH that was weakened by mutations in the hydrophobic patch. Thus, FliN might contribute to export by providing binding sites for FliH or FliH-containing complexes. The region around the hydrophobic patch is also important for switching; certain mutations in or near the patch caused a smooth-swimming chemotaxis defect that in most cases could be partially rescued by overexpression of the clockwise-signaling protein CheY. The results indicate that FliN is more closely involved in switching than has been supposed, possibly contributing to the binding site for CheY on the switch.  相似文献   

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