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We present an analysis of interactions among neurons in stimulus-driven networks that is designed to control for effects from unmeasured neurons. This work builds on previous connectivity analyses that assumed connectivity strength to be constant with respect to the stimulus. Since unmeasured neuron activity can modulate with the stimulus, the effective strength of common input connections from such hidden neurons can also modulate with the stimulus. By explicitly accounting for the resulting stimulus-dependence of effective interactions among measured neurons, we are able to remove ambiguity in the classification of causal interactions that resulted from classification errors in the previous analyses. In this way, we can more reliably distinguish causal connections among measured neurons from common input connections that arise from hidden network nodes. The approach is derived in a general mathematical framework that can be applied to other types of networks. We illustrate the effects of stimulus-dependent connectivity estimates with simulations of neurons responding to a visual stimulus. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation grants DMS-0415409 and DMS-0748417.  相似文献   

Jackson A  Gee VJ  Baker SN  Lemon RN 《Neuron》2003,38(1):115-125
Synchronous firing of motor cortex cells exhibiting postspike facilitation (PSF) or suppression (PSS) of hand muscle EMG was examined to investigate the relationship between synchrony and output connectivity. Recordings were made in macaque monkeys performing a precision grip task. Synchronization was assessed with cross-correlation histograms of the activity from 144 pairs of simultaneously recorded neurons, while spike-triggered averages of EMG defined the muscle field for each cell. Cell pairs with similar muscle fields showed greater synchronization than pairs with nonoverlapping fields. Furthermore, cells with opposing effects in the same muscles exhibited negative synchronization. We conclude that synchrony in motor cortex engages networks of neurons directly controlling the same muscle set, while inhibitory connections exist between neuronal populations with opposing output effects.  相似文献   

Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) with asymmetric learning windows is commonly found in the brain and useful for a variety of spike-based computations such as input filtering and associative memory. A natural consequence of STDP is establishment of causality in the sense that a neuron learns to fire with a lag after specific presynaptic neurons have fired. The effect of STDP on synchrony is elusive because spike synchrony implies unitary spike events of different neurons rather than a causal delayed relationship between neurons. We explore how synchrony can be facilitated by STDP in oscillator networks with a pacemaker. We show that STDP with asymmetric learning windows leads to self-organization of feedforward networks starting from the pacemaker. As a result, STDP drastically facilitates frequency synchrony. Even though differences in spike times are lessened as a result of synaptic plasticity, the finite time lag remains so that perfect spike synchrony is not realized. In contrast to traditional mechanisms of large-scale synchrony based on mutual interaction of coupled neurons, the route to synchrony discovered here is enslavement of downstream neurons by upstream ones. Facilitation of such feedforward synchrony does not occur for STDP with symmetric learning windows. Action Editor: Wulfram Gerstner  相似文献   

Delay-related sustained activity in the prefrontal cortex of primates, a neurological analogue of working memory, has been proposed to arise from synaptic interactions in local cortical circuits. The implication is that memories are coded by spatially localized foci of sustained activity. We investigate the mechanisms by which sustained foci are initiated, maintained, and extinguished by excitation in networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons coupled with biophysical spatially structured synaptic connections. For networks with a balance between excitation and inhibition, a localized transient stimulus robustly initiates a localized focus of activity. The activity is then maintained by recurrent excitatory AMPA-like synapses. We find that to maintain the focus, the firing must be asynchronous. Consequently, inducing transient synchrony through an excitatory stimulus extinguishes the sustained activity. Such a monosynaptic excitatory turn-off mechanism is compatible with the working memory being wiped clean by an efferent copy of the motor command. The activity that codes working memories may be structured so that the motor command is both the read-out and a direct clearing signal. We show examples of data that is compatible with our theory.  相似文献   

During development, biological neural networks produce more synapses and neurons than needed. Many of these synapses and neurons are later removed in a process known as neural pruning. Why networks should initially be over-populated, and the processes that determine which synapses and neurons are ultimately pruned, remains unclear. We study the mechanisms and significance of neural pruning in model neural networks. In a deep Boltzmann machine model of sensory encoding, we find that (1) synaptic pruning is necessary to learn efficient network architectures that retain computationally-relevant connections, (2) pruning by synaptic weight alone does not optimize network size and (3) pruning based on a locally-available measure of importance based on Fisher information allows the network to identify structurally important vs. unimportant connections and neurons. This locally-available measure of importance has a biological interpretation in terms of the correlations between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons, and implies an efficient activity-driven pruning rule. Overall, we show how local activity-dependent synaptic pruning can solve the global problem of optimizing a network architecture. We relate these findings to biology as follows: (I) Synaptic over-production is necessary for activity-dependent connectivity optimization. (II) In networks that have more neurons than needed, cells compete for activity, and only the most important and selective neurons are retained. (III) Cells may also be pruned due to a loss of synapses on their axons. This occurs when the information they convey is not relevant to the target population.  相似文献   

Multiple unit activity in deep layers of the frontal and motor cortices was recorded by chronically implanted semimicroelectrodes in waking cats with different levels of food motivation. From four to seven neuronal spike trains were selected from the recorded multiunit activity. Interactions between neighbouring neurons in the motor and frontal areas of the neocortex (within the local neuronal networks) and between the neurons of these areas (distributed neuronal networks) were estimated by means of statistical crosscorrelation analysis of spike trains within the range of delays from 0 to 100 ms. Neurons in the local networks were divided in two subgroups: the neurons with higher spike amplitudes with the dominance of divergent connections and neurons with lower spike amplitudes with the dominance of convergent connections. Strong monosynaptic connections (discharges with a delay of less than 2 ms) between the neurons with high- and low-amplitude spikes formed the background of the local networks. Connections between low-amplitude neurons in the frontal cortex and high-amplitude neurons in the motor cortex dominated in the distributed networks. A 24-hour food deprivation predominantly altered the late interneuronal crosscorrelations with time delays within the range of 2-100 ms in both local and distributed networks.  相似文献   

The ability of spiking neurons to synchronize their activity in a network depends on the response behavior of these neurons as quantified by the phase response curve (PRC) and on coupling properties. The PRC characterizes the effects of transient inputs on spike timing and can be measured experimentally. Here we use the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (aEIF) neuron model to determine how subthreshold and spike-triggered slow adaptation currents shape the PRC. Based on that, we predict how synchrony and phase locked states of coupled neurons change in presence of synaptic delays and unequal coupling strengths. We find that increased subthreshold adaptation currents cause a transition of the PRC from only phase advances to phase advances and delays in response to excitatory perturbations. Increased spike-triggered adaptation currents on the other hand predominantly skew the PRC to the right. Both adaptation induced changes of the PRC are modulated by spike frequency, being more prominent at lower frequencies. Applying phase reduction theory, we show that subthreshold adaptation stabilizes synchrony for pairs of coupled excitatory neurons, while spike-triggered adaptation causes locking with a small phase difference, as long as synaptic heterogeneities are negligible. For inhibitory pairs synchrony is stable and robust against conduction delays, and adaptation can mediate bistability of in-phase and anti-phase locking. We further demonstrate that stable synchrony and bistable in/anti-phase locking of pairs carry over to synchronization and clustering of larger networks. The effects of adaptation in aEIF neurons on PRCs and network dynamics qualitatively reflect those of biophysical adaptation currents in detailed Hodgkin-Huxley-based neurons, which underscores the utility of the aEIF model for investigating the dynamical behavior of networks. Our results suggest neuronal spike frequency adaptation as a mechanism synchronizing low frequency oscillations in local excitatory networks, but indicate that inhibition rather than excitation generates coherent rhythms at higher frequencies.  相似文献   

Biological networks, such as cellular metabolic pathways or networks of corticocortical connections in the brain, are intricately organized, yet remarkably robust toward structural damage. Whereas many studies have investigated specific aspects of robustness, such as molecular mechanisms of repair, this article focuses more generally on how local structural features in networks may give rise to their global stability. In many networks the failure of single connections may be more likely than the extinction of entire nodes, yet no analysis of edge importance (edge vulnerability) has been provided so far for biological networks. We tested several measures for identifying vulnerable edges and compared their prediction performance in biological and artificial networks. Among the tested measures, edge frequency in all shortest paths of a network yielded a particularly high correlation with vulnerability and identified intercluster connections in biological but not in random and scale-free benchmark networks. We discuss different local and global network patterns and the edge vulnerability resulting from them.  相似文献   

Three cats were subjected to appetitive instrumental conditioning to light by the method of the "active choice" of the reinforcement quality. The short-delayed conditioned bar-pressings were reinforced by bread-meat mixture and the delayed response by meat. The animals differed in behavior strategy: two animals preferred bar-pressing with long delay (the so-called "self-control" group) and one animal preferred bar-pressing with short delay (the so-called "impulsive" group). The multiunit activity of the basolateral amygdala and nucleus lateralis of the hypothalamus was recorded through chronically implanted nichrome wire semimicroelecrodes. The interactions between the neighboring neurons in the lateral hypothalamus and basolateral amygdala (within the local neuronal network) and between the neurons of the basolateral amygdala and lateral hypothalamus (distributed neuronal networks in the direction amygdala--hypothalamus and vice versa) were evaluated by means of statistical crosscorrelation analysis of spike trains. The crosscorrelational interneuronal connections in the delay range of 0-100 ms were examined. It was shown that the number of crosscorrelations between the discharges on neurons both in the local networks of basolateral amygdala and distributed networks was significantly higher in "impulsive" cats. In both groups of animals, the percentage of crosscorrelations between neighbouring neurons in the local networks of the lateral hypothalamus was similar. We suggest that the local networks of the basolateral amygdala and amygdalar-hypothalamic distributed neuronal networks are involved in the system of brain structures which determine the individual features of animal behavior.  相似文献   

The connectome, or the entire connectivity of a neural system represented by a network, ranges across various scales from synaptic connections between individual neurons to fibre tract connections between brain regions. Although the modularity they commonly show has been extensively studied, it is unclear whether the connection specificity of such networks can already be fully explained by the modularity alone. To answer this question, we study two networks, the neuronal network of Caenorhabditis elegans and the fibre tract network of human brains obtained through diffusion spectrum imaging. We compare them to their respective benchmark networks with varying modularities, which are generated by link swapping to have desired modularity values. We find several network properties that are specific to the neural networks and cannot be fully explained by the modularity alone. First, the clustering coefficient and the characteristic path length of both C. elegans and human connectomes are higher than those of the benchmark networks with similar modularity. High clustering coefficient indicates efficient local information distribution, and high characteristic path length suggests reduced global integration. Second, the total wiring length is smaller than for the alternative configurations with similar modularity. This is due to lower dispersion of connections, which means each neuron in the C. elegans connectome or each region of interest in the human connectome reaches fewer ganglia or cortical areas, respectively. Third, both neural networks show lower algorithmic entropy compared with the alternative arrangements. This implies that fewer genes are needed to encode for the organization of neural systems. While the first two findings show that the neural topologies are efficient in information processing, this suggests that they are also efficient from a developmental point of view. Together, these results show that neural systems are organized in such a way as to yield efficient features beyond those given by their modularity alone.  相似文献   

Both chaotic and periodic activities are observed in networks of the central nervous systems. We choose the locust olfactory system as a good case study to analyze the relationships between networks' structure and the types of dynamics involved in coding mechanisms. In our modeling approach, we first build a fully connected recurrent network of synchronously updated McCulloch and Pitts neurons (MC-P type). In order to measure the use of the temporal dimension in the complex spatio-temporal patterns produced by the networks, we have defined an index the Normalized Euclidian Distance NED. We find that for appropriate parameters of input and connectivity, when adding some strong connections to the initial random synaptic matrices, it was easy to get the emergence of both robust oscillations and distributed synchrony in the spatiotemporal patterns. Then, in order to validate the MC-P model as a tool for analysis for network properties, we examine the dynamic behavior of networks of continuous time model neuron (Izhikevitch Integrate and Fire model -IFI-), implementing the same network characteristics. In both models, similarly to biological PN, the activity of excitatory neurons are phase-locked to different cycles of oscillations which remind the ones of the local field potential (LFP), and nevertheless exhibit dynamic behavior complex enough to be the basis of spatio-temporal codes.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal pattern formation in neuronal networks depends on the interplay between cellular and network synchronization properties. The neuronal phase response curve (PRC) is an experimentally obtainable measure that characterizes the cellular response to small perturbations, and can serve as an indicator of cellular propensity for synchronization. Two broad classes of PRCs have been identified for neurons: Type I, in which small excitatory perturbations induce only advances in firing, and Type II, in which small excitatory perturbations can induce both advances and delays in firing. Interestingly, neuronal PRCs are usually attenuated with increased spiking frequency, and Type II PRCs typically exhibit a greater attenuation of the phase delay region than of the phase advance region. We found that this phenomenon arises from an interplay between the time constants of active ionic currents and the interspike interval. As a result, excitatory networks consisting of neurons with Type I PRCs responded very differently to frequency modulation compared to excitatory networks composed of neurons with Type II PRCs. Specifically, increased frequency induced a sharp decrease in synchrony of networks of Type II neurons, while frequency increases only minimally affected synchrony in networks of Type I neurons. These results are demonstrated in networks in which both types of neurons were modeled generically with the Morris-Lecar model, as well as in networks consisting of Hodgkin-Huxley-based model cortical pyramidal cells in which simulated effects of acetylcholine changed PRC type. These results are robust to different network structures, synaptic strengths and modes of driving neuronal activity, and they indicate that Type I and Type II excitatory networks may display two distinct modes of processing information.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of correlated firings were studied in small groups of neurons simultaneously recorded in the frontal cortex of a behaving dog. To identify the character of relations between the patterns of interneuronal connections in local ensembles and event-related potentials (ERP), the following procedure was applied. At the first step, single trials of behavioral task were classified by clustering temporal distribution of correlated firings in pairs of units. Then the surface ERP were averaged separately for each cluster and parameters of the ERP components were compared between the clusters. The analysis revealed 3 of 7 recording sites, where significant differences were observed between the ERP sampled from the clusters with different structures of the local interneuronal connections. The results suggest that temporal modulation of interactions between neurons in local ensembles reflects a large-scale reorganization of cortical networks.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity in biological neural networks shows patterns of dynamic synchronization. We propose that these patterns support the formation␣of a small-world structure—network connectivity␣optimal for distributed information processing. We␣present numerical simulations with connected Hindmarsh–Rose neurons in which, starting from random connection distributions, small-world networks evolve as a result of applying an adaptive rewiring rule. The rule connects pairs of neurons that tend fire in synchrony, and disconnects ones that fail to synchronize. Repeated application of the rule leads to small-world structures. This mechanism is robustly observed for bursting and irregular firing regimes.  相似文献   

Recordings from area V4 of monkeys have revealed that when the focus of attention is on a visual stimulus within the receptive field of a cortical neuron, two distinct changes can occur: The firing rate of the neuron can change and there can be an increase in the coherence between spikes and the local field potential (LFP) in the gamma-frequency range (30-50 Hz). The hypothesis explored here is that these observed effects of attention could be a consequence of changes in the synchrony of local interneuron networks. We performed computer simulations of a Hodgkin-Huxley type neuron driven by a constant depolarizing current, I, representing visual stimulation and a modulatory inhibitory input representing the effects of attention via local interneuron networks. We observed that the neuron's firing rate and the coherence of its output spike train with the synaptic inputs was modulated by the degree of synchrony of the inhibitory inputs. When inhibitory synchrony increased, the coherence of spiking model neurons with the synaptic input increased, but the firing rate either increased or remained the same. The mean number of synchronous inhibitory inputs was a key determinant of the shape of the firing rate versus current (f-I) curves. For a large number of inhibitory inputs (approximately 50), the f-I curve saturated for large I and an increase in input synchrony resulted in a shift of sensitivity-the model neuron responded to weaker inputs I. For a small number (approximately 10), the f-I curves were non-saturating and an increase in input synchrony led to an increase in the gain of the response-the firing rate in response to the same input was multiplied by an approximately constant factor. The firing rate modulation with inhibitory synchrony was highest when the input network oscillated in the gamma frequency range. Thus, the observed changes in firing rate and coherence of neurons in the visual cortex could be controlled by top-down inputs that regulated the coherence in the activity of a local inhibitory network discharging at gamma frequencies.  相似文献   

Recent experimental studies on the primary visual cortex have revealed complicated nonclassical neuronal activities. Contextual modulation on orientation-contrast is one typical example of nonclassical neuronal behavior. This modulation by surrounding stimuli in a nonclassical receptive field is mainly thought to be mediated by short- and long-range horizontal connections within the primary visual cortex. Short-range connections are circularly symmetrical and relatively independent of orientation preferences, while long-range connections are patchy, asymmetrical, and orientation specific. Although this modulation can be explained by long-range specific connections qualitatively, recent studies suggest that long-range connections alone may be insufficient with respect to the balance between two types of connections. Here, in order to clarify the role of short-range connections in the process of contextual modulation, we propose a model of the primary visual cortex with isotropic short-range connections and a geometric orientation map. Computational simulations using the model have demonstrated that contextual modulation can be explained by short-range connections alone. This is due to the interaction between the spatial periodicity of orientation domains and the excitatory-inhibitory regions arising from the propagation of activities.Acknowledgement We gratefully acknowledge useful conversations with Hiromichi, Sato. The present work was partly supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (C) Advanced Brain Science Project from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture.  相似文献   

We study spike–burst neural activity and investigate its transitions to synchronized states under electrical coupling. Our reported results include the following: (1) Synchronization of spike–burst activity is a multi-time scale phenomenon and burst synchrony is easier to achieve than spike synchrony. (2) Synchrony of networks with time-delayed connections can be achieved at lower coupling strengths than within the same network with instantaneous couplings. (3) The introduction of parameter dispersion into the network destroys the existence of synchrony in the strict sense, but the network dynamics in major regimes of the parameter space can still be effectively captured by a mean field approach if the couplings are excitatory. Our results on synchronization of spiking networks are general of nature and will aid in the development of minimal models of neuronal populations. The latter are the building blocks of large scale brain networks relevant for cognitive processing.  相似文献   

Spike synchronization remains an important issue in neuroscience, and inhibitory networks are the best candidates to provide such synchrony. Increasing evidence indicates that in many brain area inhibitory interneurons of similar properties make reciprocal connections. We found that a hybrid, as well as model network, consisting of two reciprocally inhibitory spiking neurons may express a peak of synchronization in a narrow range of low spiking frequencies in addition to classically described plateau of synchrony at a wide range of high frequencies. Occurrence of the low frequency peak of synchrony requires a moderate-to-strong inhibitory coupling and relatively fast synapses. This novel possibility of synchronization in a narrow range of network parameters may have an important implication in discrimination and encoding of signals of precise intensity, as well as in altering network ability to process information.  相似文献   

A system's wiring constrains its dynamics, yet modelling of neural structures often overlooks the specific networks formed by their neurons. We developed an approach for constructing anatomically realistic networks and reconstructed the GABAergic microcircuit formed by the medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs) of the adult rat striatum. We grew dendrite and axon models for these neurons and extracted probabilities for the presence of these neurites as a function of distance from the soma. From these, we found the probabilities of intersection between the neurites of two neurons given their inter-somatic distance, and used these to construct three-dimensional striatal networks. The MSN dendrite models predicted that half of all dendritic spines are within 100μm of the soma. The constructed networks predict distributions of gap junctions between FSI dendrites, synaptic contacts between MSNs, and synaptic inputs from FSIs to MSNs that are consistent with current estimates. The models predict that to achieve this, FSIs should be at most 1% of the striatal population. They also show that the striatum is sparsely connected: FSI-MSN and MSN-MSN contacts respectively form 7% and 1.7% of all possible connections. The models predict two striking network properties: the dominant GABAergic input to a MSN arises from neurons with somas at the edge of its dendritic field; and FSIs are inter-connected on two different spatial scales: locally by gap junctions and distally by synapses. We show that both properties influence striatal dynamics: the most potent inhibition of a MSN arises from a region of striatum at the edge of its dendritic field; and the combination of local gap junction and distal synaptic networks between FSIs sets a robust input-output regime for the MSN population. Our models thus intimately link striatal micro-anatomy to its dynamics, providing a biologically grounded platform for further study.  相似文献   

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